May, Gregory v. Sheahan, Michael F. ( 2000 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 99-3140
    Gregory May,
    Michael F. Sheahan,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 99 C 0395--David H. Coar, Judge.
    Argued June 2, 2000--Decided September 8, 2000
    Before Flaum, Chief Judge, and Evans and Williams,
    Circuit Judges.
    Williams, Circuit Judge. Pretrial detainee
    Gregory May brought suit against Cook County
    Sheriff Michael Sheahan and unnamed Sheriff’s
    Department employees, alleging that the
    conditions of confinement faced by detainees
    taken to Cook County Hospital are
    unconstitutional in several respects, as well as
    illegal under the Americans with Disabilities Act
    (ADA). Sheahan moved to dismiss May’s suit in the
    district court on a variety of grounds, including
    qualified immunity. The district court concluded
    that Sheahan has qualified immunity from May’s
    ADA claim, but otherwise denied Sheahan’s motion
    to dismiss. Sheahan has filed this interlocutory
    appeal to challenge the district court’s
    rejection of his qualified immunity defense with
    respect to May’s surviving claims. We affirm.
    In early January 1999, Gregory May was arrested
    for possession of a controlled substance. Unable
    to post bond, May was held at Cook County Jail in
    the custody of Cook County Sheriff Michael
    Sheahan, who oversees the jail. Seven days later,
    May, who suffers from AIDS, was taken by
    ambulance to Cook County Hospital. At the
    hospital, May claims he was subject to various
    Sheriff’s Department policies that violated his
    One such policy allegedly requires hospital
    detainees to be shackled, hand and foot, to their
    beds despite the 24-hour presence of an armed
    guard. May claims that as a result of this policy
    he has been shackled to his bed 24 hours-a-day,
    which has caused him physical and emotional pain
    and has impeded his ability to assist in his own
    defense. Another policy supposedly provides that
    hospital detainees will not be taken to assigned
    court dates and will not be otherwise
    accommodated (by telephone or video conference,
    for example). Pursuant to this policy, May claims
    that he has been unable to present a motion to
    reduce his bond or attend any court appearances.
    Still other policies allegedly restrict or deny
    hospital detainees access to their lawyers,
    visitors, legal materials, telephones,
    typewriters or computers, books and magazines,
    and recreational activities. According to May,
    because of these policies he has been denied
    access to his attorney, has been unable to
    receive visitors, has been prevented from
    assisting in his own defense, and has had limited
    or no access to various ordinary amenities of
    confinement in Cook County Jail.
    Based on these allegations, May asserted four
    claims against Sheriff Sheahan: (1) that the
    different treatment afforded jail detainees and
    hospital detainees violates his constitutional
    right to equal protection; (2) that Sheahan’s
    restrictive hospital detainee policies violate
    his constitutional right of access to the courts;
    (3) that Sheahan’s policy of shackling all
    hospital detainees to their beds around the clock
    violates his constitutional right to freedom from
    bodily restraint; and (4) that Sheahan’s
    restrictive hospital detainee policies violate
    the ADA. Sheahan filed a motion to dismiss May’s
    complaint under Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6),
    arguing, among other things, that qualified
    immunity protected him from liability. The
    district court granted Sheahan’s motion with
    respect to May’s ADA claim against Sheahan in his
    individual capacity on qualified immunity
    grounds, but denied the motion in all other
    respects. Exercising his right to take an
    interlocutory appeal from an order rejecting a
    qualified immunity defense, see Mitchell v.
    472 U.S. 511
    , 524-30 (1985), Sheahan now
    appeals the district court’s qualified immunity
    rulings on May’s three constitutional claims.
    Before we come to the merits of Sheahan’s
    appeal, we must address a jurisdictional
    question. The order Sheahan appeals decided a
    motion to dismiss directed at May’s Amended
    Complaint. While this appeal was pending,
    however, May twice further amended his complaint,
    both times with the district court’s permission,
    so that his Third Amended Complaint now appears
    to be the operative complaint in the district
    court./1 If these subsequent amended complaints
    have, in fact, superseded May’s original Amended
    Complaint, the present appeal would be moot
    because there would no longer be a live dispute
    over whether Sheahan is entitled to qualified
    immunity based on the allegations in the Amended
    Complaint. Cf. Chan v. Wodnicki, 
    67 F.3d 137
    , 140
    (7th Cir. 1995) (fact that trial occurred
    rendered pre-trial appeal moot); 13A Charles Alan
    Wright et al., Federal Practice and Procedure
    sec. 3533.10, at 436 (2d ed. 1984). Thus, this
    appeal would have to be dismissed for lack of
    jurisdiction. See Arizonans for Official English
    v. Arizona, 
    520 U.S. 43
    , 67-74 (1997); Wright et
    al., supra, sec. 3533.10, at 436.
    Such a result, however, depends on whether
    May’s second and third amended complaints
    supersede his original Amended Complaint, a
    question that turns on the district court’s
    authority to accept the second and third amended
    complaints despite the pendency of this appeal.
    As a general matter, a notice of appeal "divests
    the district court of its control over those
    aspects of the case involved in the appeal."
    Griggs v. Provident Consumer Discount Co., 
    459 U.S. 56
    , 58 (1982). Under this rule, the district
    court retains jurisdiction to act only if the
    order being appealed or the proceeding before the
    district court is a discrete matter ancillary to
    the issues under consideration in the other
    court. Kusay v. United States, 
    62 F.3d 192
    , 193-
    94 (7th Cir. 1995).
    Applying this rule to interlocutory qualified
    immunity appeals under Mitchell v. Forsyth,
    supra, Apostol v. Gallion, 
    870 F.2d 1335
    , 1337-38
    (7th Cir. 1989), held that a notice of appeal
    presumptively deprives the district court of
    jurisdiction to proceed with a trial on the
    merits of the claims on appeal. The Apostol court
    concluded that whether a public official
    asserting immunity should face a trial "is
    precisely the aspect of the case involved in the
    appeal" because the ultimate question in a
    Forsyth appeal is whether a public official
    should have to undergo the burdens of 
    litigation. 870 F.2d at 1338
    (internal quotations omitted).
    In this appeal, we face the related but
    unresolved issue of whether a district court
    retains jurisdiction to allow proceedings short
    of trial to go forward during the pendency of a
    proper Forsyth appeal.
    To resolve this issue we must determine whether
    such proceedings are "aspects of the case
    involved in the appeal." In the years since
    Apostol, the Supreme Court has made clear that a
    Forsyth appeal implicates more than just a public
    official’s right to avoid a trial, it also
    protects a public official from burdensome
    pretrial proceedings, including, most notably,
    discovery. Behrens v. Pelletier, 
    516 U.S. 299
    305-08 (1996). Thus, there can be no doubt that
    a Forsyth appeal divests a district court of the
    authority to order discovery or conduct other
    burdensome pretrial proceedings.
    But what about a district court’s authority to
    accept an amended complaint? It might be argued
    that the filing of an amended complaint places
    little or no particular burden on a defendant
    public official and, thus, does not involve (and
    is ancillary to) whether the public official
    should have to undergo the burdens of litigation.
    Moreover, allowing a district court to accept an
    amended complaint during the pendency of a
    Forsyth appeal might better conserve judicial
    resources on appeal by short-circuiting (that is,
    making moot) any appeal involving a complaint on
    which the plaintiff no longer wishes to stand.
    Under such a rule, successive Forsyth appeals
    involving successive complaints would be less
    Ultimately, however, these arguments are not
    persuasive. To begin with, an order allowing the
    plaintiff to file an amended complaint that
    supersedes the complaint at issue in a pending
    Forsyth appeal plainly implicates "an aspect of
    the case involved in the appeal." The question a
    court of appeals must answer in a Forsyth appeal
    following the denial of a motion to dismiss is
    whether the defendant public official is entitled
    to qualified immunity (and can therefore avoid
    the burdens of further litigation) based on the
    allegations in the plaintiff’s complaint.
    Behrens, 516 U.S. at 306-09
    Forsyth, 472 U.S. at 526
    . Allowing a plaintiff to alter the
    allegations in his or her complaint would have an
    obvious effect on a pending Forsyth appeal. Thus,
    unlike certain other interlocutory appeals, a
    Forsyth appeal is not the sort of discrete and
    ancillary matter that can be decided in isolation
    from the remainder of the case against the public
    official in his or her individual capacity./2
    Stewart v. Donges, 
    915 F.2d 572
    , 576 (10th Cir.
    Moreover, allowing a plaintiff to file an
    amended complaint while a Forsyth appeal is
    pending does place a litigation burden on a
    defendant public official. In response to each
    amended complaint, the public official will
    likely want to file an answer and a motion to
    dismiss, and possibly appeal any unfavorable
    decision. Having to take these steps compromises
    a defendant public official’s right to avoid the
    burdens of litigation. Of course, depriving the
    district court of jurisdiction to accept an
    amended complaint during a Forsyth appeal will
    not forever prevent a plaintiff from amending his
    or her complaint, but it will give the court of
    appeals the opportunity to both pass on many of
    the allegations the plaintiff will likely end up
    relying on and offer guidance to the district
    court (and the parties) on the legal issues
    involved in the case. By doing so, the court of
    appeals can limit the burden on the defendant
    public official in responding to any post-appeal
    amended complaint, a result consistent with the
    purpose of a Forsyth appeal.
    Furthermore, the risk that judicial resources
    might be wasted by successive Forsyth appeals
    regarding complaints the plaintiff no longer
    wishes to stand on is mitigated by two facts.
    First, as the Supreme Court has recognized,
    successive Forsyth appeals are uncommon. 
    Behrens, 516 U.S. at 310
    . This makes sense since
    successive appeals on what will typically be
    similar, if not identical, issues only add to the
    litigation burdens faced by public officials. The
    incentive is for public officials to wait for a
    point in the case when they have a chance to
    dispose of all the claims against them without
    the risk that the plaintiff will subsequently
    file (and the district court will accept) a
    superseding amended complaint. Second, district
    judges are divested of jurisdiction over aspects
    of a case involved in a Forsyth appeal only if
    the appeal is colorable. 
    Apostol, 870 F.2d at 1339
    . If a district court certifies the appeal to
    be frivolous, it may proceed forward with the
    case despite the pendency of the appeal. Id.; see
    Behrens, 516 U.S. at 310
    -11 (approving this
    practice). Thus, district court proceedings need
    not be delayed by successive appeals that raise
    only issues previously decided.
    Finally, to the extent that the case law
    relating to a district court’s jurisdiction while
    a Forsyth appeal is pending tends to support any
    particular resolution of the precise issue
    presented by this case, it tends to support our
    resolution. For instance, in an Eleventh
    Amendment interlocutory appeal that relied on
    Apostol in determining whether the district court
    retained jurisdiction during the appeal, this
    court described Apostol’s holding broadly as
    requiring a stay of all proceedings to protect a
    defendant’s right to be free of litigation.
    Goshtasby v. Board of Trustees, 
    123 F.3d 427
    , 428
    (7th Cir. 1997). Likewise, the Tenth Circuit has
    concluded, albeit in dicta, that "an
    interlocutory appeal from an order refusing to
    dismiss on . . . qualified immunity grounds
    relates to the entire action and, therefore, it
    divests the district court of jurisdiction to
    proceed with any part of the action against an
    appealing defendant." 
    Stewart, 915 F.2d at 576
    In accordance with this authority, and for the
    compelling reasons detailed above, we conclude
    that a Forsyth appeal deprives a district court
    of jurisdiction to accept an amended complaint
    filed while the appeal is pending. Therefore, the
    amended complaints May filed while this appeal
    was pending are nullities and the complaint in
    effect when this appeal was filed, his original
    Amended Complaint, is the operative document.
    Accordingly, this appeal is not moot, and our
    jurisdiction is secure.
    Government officials performing discretionary
    functions are entitled to a qualified immunity
    that shields them from damages liability "insofar
    as their conduct does not violate clearly
    established statutory or constitutional rights."
    Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 
    457 U.S. 800
    , 818 (1982).
    Whether an official may be held personally liable
    for his or her unlawful actions, therefore, turns
    on "the objective legal reasonableness of the
    action, assessed in light of the legal rules that
    were clearly established at the time it was
    taken." Wilson v. Layne, 
    526 U.S. 603
    , 614 (1999)
    (internal quotations omitted). In order to be
    "clearly established," the contours of a right
    asserted must be sufficiently clear that a
    reasonable official would understand that what he
    or she is doing violates that right. Anderson v.
    483 U.S. 635
    , 640 (1987). However, a
    plaintiff need not show that the very action in
    question has previously been held unlawful. 
    Id. In applying
    this legal framework to review a
    qualified immunity claim, we ask two questions:
    (1) whether the plaintiff has asserted a
    violation of a constitutional right, and (2)
    whether the applicable constitutional standards
    were clearly established at the time in question.
    Levenstein v. Salafsky, 
    164 F.3d 345
    , 351 (7th
    Cir. 1998); Erwin v. Daley, 
    92 F.3d 521
    , 525 (7th
    Cir. 1996). In answering these questions,
    however, we do not abandon the ordinary standards
    of review. Therefore, since Sheahan’s qualified
    immunity claims arise from a motion to dismiss
    under Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6), we review the
    district court’s ruling de novo, accepting as
    true May’s factual allegations and drawing all
    reasonable inferences in his favor. 
    Levenstein, 164 F.3d at 347
    A.   Equal Protection Claim
    In support of his equal protection claim, May
    alleged that pursuant to the policies of Sheriff
    Sheahan and for no legitimate reason, pre-trial
    detainees housed in Cook County Jail are treated
    differently than those at Cook County Hospital.
    Specifically, according to May’s complaint,
    hospital detainees, unlike jail detainees, are
    not taken to court on assigned court dates and
    are shackled to their beds. Likewise, again
    according to May’s complaint, hospital detainees
    do not have the same access as jail detainees to
    lawyers, legal materials, reading materials,
    various prison programs, and visitors. In the
    prison context, the Equal Protection Clause of
    the Fourteenth Amendment requires inmates to be
    treated equally, unless unequal treatment bears
    a rational relation to a legitimate penal
    interest. Hudson v. Palmer, 
    468 U.S. 517
    , 523
    (1984) (citing Lee v. Washington, 
    390 U.S. 333
    (1968) (per curiam)); Williams v. Lane, 
    851 F.2d 867
    , 881 (7th Cir. 1988).
    Sheahan primarily argues that hospital detainees
    and jail detainees do not warrant equal treatment
    because they are not similarly situated and
    different treatment is rationally related to
    security concerns. It is not the case, however,
    that any difference in the nature of a detainee’s
    confinement justifies different treatment. See
    Williams, 851 F.2d at 881-82
    (affirming a
    decision finding an equal protection violation in
    the different treatment afforded two groups of
    prisoners). Sometimes detainees in different
    sorts of confinement are similarly situated for
    the purposes of the challenged policy. Therefore,
    as the district court recognized, the problem
    with Sheahan’s argument is that it can be
    accepted only after one assesses the strength and
    nature of Sheahan’s security concerns as well as
    the amount and kind of similarity in the
    situations of hospital detainees and jail
    detainees. At the motion to dismiss stage, it is
    premature to make such factual assessments. See
    Homeyer v. Stanley Tulchin Assocs., Inc., 
    91 F.3d 959
    , 962-63 (7th Cir. 1996). If at the summary
    judgment stage, the evidence indicates that
    hospital detainees and jail detainees are not
    similarly situated with respect to the purposes
    of the challenged policies and that Sheahan’s
    security or other concerns justify different
    treatment, then Sheahan will be entitled to a
    favorable ruling. But, at this stage, it is
    enough that May’s allegations are recognizable as
    and consistent with an equal protection claim.
    Sheahan further argues that, at the time in
    question, it was not clearly established that his
    treatment of hospital detainees would violate the
    equal protection clause. However, Williams v.
    Lane makes clear that differences in treatment
    among inmates in different confinement situations
    will support an equal protection 
    claim. 851 F.2d at 881
    . Sheahan complains that Williams involved
    prison inmates in segregation, not hospital
    detainees, but a perfect match with the facts of
    a prior case is not required to defeat a
    qualified immunity claim. 
    Wilson, 526 U.S. at 614-15
    Anderson, 483 U.S. at 640
    . It is enough
    that Williams establishes that inmates in
    different confinement situations are entitled to
    equal treatment absent a legitimate reason for
    different treatment. After Williams, the contours
    of the right May asserts were sufficiently clear
    that Sheahan should have understood that treating
    hospital detainees and jail detainees differently
    without a legitimate reason would be
    unconstitutional./3 Accordingly, the district
    court did not err in refusing to dismiss May’s
    equal protection claim.
    B.   Access to the Courts Claim
    In setting out his access to the courts claim,
    May alleged that Sheriff Sheahan’s restrictive
    hospital detainee policies preclude him from
    appearing in court, impede his access to his
    attorney, and prevent him from assisting in his
    own defense. Those seeking to vindicate their
    rights in court enjoy a constitutional right of
    access to the courts that prohibits state actors
    from impeding one’s efforts to pursue legal
    claims. Lewis v. Casey, 
    518 U.S. 343
    , 350-54
    (1996); Bounds v. Smith, 
    430 U.S. 817
    , 821-23
    (1977). To prove a violation of this right, a
    plaintiff must demonstrate that state action
    hindered his or her efforts to pursue a non-
    frivolous legal claim and that consequently the
    plaintiff suffered some actual concrete injury.
    Lewis, 518 U.S. at 350-54
    Sheahan defends against this claim primarily by
    arguing that May failed to allege an actual
    injury and thus cannot state a claim. Admittedly,
    May’s allegations in this regard are vague. But,
    his complaint can be read to allege that he has
    been detained longer than would otherwise be
    necessary if he could go to court. In relevant
    part, he alleged,
    Plaintiff will not be taken to any scheduled
    court appearances thereby delaying the final
    disposition of his case; causing him to remain in
    custody for a longer period of time; preventing
    him from requesting a lowering of his bond as a
    result of his serious illness; delaying all other
    motions which require his personal attendance;
    and impeding his access to his attorney.
    Under the generous standards applicable to a
    complaint reviewed on a motion to dismiss, this
    allegation is sufficient to state an access to
    the courts claim.
    Sheahan further contends that, at the time in
    question, it was not clearly established that his
    alleged policies could violate a detainee’s right
    of access to the courts. However, numerous
    precedents recognize a detainee’s right of access
    to the courts, both as a general matter and with
    respect to legal assistance and participation in
    one’s case. 
    Bounds, 430 U.S. at 821-25
    ; Procunier
    v. Martinez, 
    416 U.S. 396
    , 419 (1974) (limit on
    access to attorney), overruled in part on other
    grounds by Thornburgh v. Abbott, 
    490 U.S. 401
    413-14 (1989); Penny v. Shansky, 
    884 F.2d 329
    330 (7th Cir. 1989) (limit on ability to appear
    in court); Johnson ex rel. Johnson v. Brelje, 
    701 F.2d 1201
    , 1207-08 (7th Cir. 1983) (limit on
    access to attorney); Harris v. Pate, 
    440 F.2d 315
    , 316-17 (7th Cir. 1971) (interference with
    ability to prepare defense). A policy both
    preventing detainees from going to court and
    limiting drastically their access to attorneys
    has obvious problems under these precedents. As
    such, it was clearly established, at the time in
    question, that Sheahan’s alleged policies could
    violate a detainee’s right of access to the
    courts./4 Accordingly, the district court did
    not err in denying Sheahan’s motion to dismiss
    May’s access to the courts claim.
    C.   Substantive Due Process Claim
    In support of his freedom from bodily restraint
    claim, May alleged that pursuant to Sheriff
    Sheahan’s policy of shackling hospital detainees
    to their beds, he was shackled to his bed around
    the clock despite his weakened state and despite
    being watched by armed guards./5 The Due Process
    Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits the
    use of bodily restraints in a manner that serves
    to punish a pre-trial detainee. Youngberg v.
    457 U.S. 307
    , 316 (1982); Bell v. Wolfish,
    441 U.S. 520
    , 535-37 (1979); Murphy v. Walker, 
    51 F.3d 714
    , 717-18 (7th Cir. 1995). The use of
    bodily restraints constitutes punishment in the
    constitutional sense if their use is not
    rationally related to a legitimate non-punitive
    government purpose or they appear excessive in
    relation to the purpose they allegedly serve.
    Wolfish, 441 U.S. at 561
    Sheahan principally argues that his practice of
    shackling hospital detainees is rationally
    related to his legitimate security concerns.
    Certainly, shackling all hospital detainees
    reduces the risk of a breach of security and thus
    furthers a legitimate non-punitive government
    purpose. But, it is hard to see how shackling an
    AIDS patient to his or her bed around the clock,
    despite the continuous presence of a guard, is an
    appropriate policy for carrying out this purpose.
    Such a policy is plainly excessive in the absence
    of any indication that the detainee poses some
    sort of security risk. Cf. 
    Wolfish, 441 U.S. at 539
    n.20 ("[L]oading a detainee with chains and
    shackles and throwing him in a dungeon may ensure
    his presence at trial and preserve the security
    of the institution. But it would be difficult to
    conceive of a situation where conditions so
    harsh, employed to achieve objectives that could
    be accomplished in so many alternative and less
    harsh methods, would not support a conclusion
    that the purpose for which they were imposed was
    to punish."). Perhaps after some discovery
    Sheahan can produce evidence justifying both his
    shackling policy in general and his shackling of
    May in particular, but May’s allegations are more
    than adequate to survive a motion to dismiss.
    Sheahan also argues that, at the time in
    question, it was not clearly established that
    around the clock shackling of a hospital detainee
    would violate the Constitution. Sheahan’s
    argument, however, relies on characterizing the
    relevant constitutional right in a way that
    essentially demands precedent involving an almost
    identical factual scenario. Such particularity is
    not required. 
    Wilson, 526 U.S. at 614-15
    Anderson, 483 U.S. at 640
    . It is enough that
    precedent establishes that pretrial detainees may
    not be shackled without a good penological or
    medical reason. See 
    Murphy, 51 F.3d at 718
    Accordingly, the district court did not err in
    refusing to dismiss May’s freedom from bodily
    restraint claim.
    May’s complaint adequately states a claim for
    each of the constitutional violations he alleges
    and the contours of each of the constitutional
    rights he asserts was clearly established at the
    time in question. Therefore, Sheriff Sheahan is
    not entitled to qualified immunity on the
    constitutional claims May asserts. Accordingly,
    we Affirm the district court’s order denying
    Sheahan’s motion to dismiss with respect to these
    /1 May’s amended complaints have added new
    allegations and provided factual detail regarding
    his original allegations, in addition to
    identifying the unnamed defendants and joining
    additional plaintiffs.
    /2 The scope of the divestiture of jurisdiction
    effected by a Forsyth appeal is limited, however.
    The district court has authority to proceed
    forward with portions of the case not related to
    the claims on appeal, such as claims against
    other defendants or claims against the public
    official that cannot be (or simply are not)
    appealed. Still, a district court might find it
    best to stay an entire case pending the
    resolution of a Forsyth appeal. See, e.g.,
    Monfils v. Taylor, 
    165 F.3d 511
    , 518-19 (7th Cir.
    /3 In an effort to establish that legal uncertainty
    does exist, Sheahan cites Rivera v. Sheahan, No.
    97 C 2735, 
    1998 WL 531875
    , at *6 (N.D. Ill. Aug.
    14, 1998), which rejected one detainee’s somewhat
    similar equal protection claim. However, that
    decision was based on the sufficiency of the
    plaintiff’s allegations, not any ruling on the
    legality of Sheahan’s policies. Therefore, even
    if a single district court decision were
    sufficient to create legal uncertainty (and it is
    not, see generally Burgess v. Lowery, 
    201 F.3d 942
    , 944-46 (7th Cir. 2000)), the decision
    Sheahan relies on will not do.
    /4 In arguing for the opposite conclusion, Sheahan
    again cites Rivera v. Sheahan, which rejected a
    somewhat similar access to the courts claim. 
    1998 WL 531875
    , at *6. But, for the same reasons
    articulated in supra note 3, Rivera does not
    create any legal uncertainty with respect to the
    contours of the right of access to the courts May
    /5 As the district court recognized, May’s complaint
    also suggests a claim that Sheahan’s practice of
    shackling May to his bed amounted to deliberate
    indifference to a serious medical need (also a
    due process violation, see Zentmyer v. Kendall
    County, Ill., Nos. 99-1163, 99-1823, 
    2000 WL 760690
    , at *4 (7th Cir. June 13, 2000)), but May
    does not pursue this theory on appeal. May,
    however, does pursue on appeal allegations that
    the limitations Sheahan has placed on his phone,
    mail, and visitation rights violate due process,
    but these allegations are not in his complaint so
    we will not consider any claims that might be
    based on these allegations either.

Document Info

Docket Number: 99-3140

Judges: Per Curiam

Filed Date: 9/8/2000

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/24/2015

Authorities (29)

Robert Stewart v. Donald Donges , 915 F.2d 572 ( 1990 )

Walter F. Kusay, Jr. v. United States , 62 F.3d 192 ( 1995 )

Joseph H. Levenstein v. Bernard Salafsky, Patricia A. Gill, ... , 164 F.3d 345 ( 1998 )

Ardeshir GOSHTASBY, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. BOARD OF ... , 123 F.3d 427 ( 1997 )

Cory D. Chan v. Edward S. Wodnicki , 67 F.3d 137 ( 1995 )

Patricia E. Homeyer v. Stanley Tulchin Associates, Inc. And ... , 91 F.3d 959 ( 1996 )

George E. Apostol v. Mark Gallion, John Auriemma v. Fred ... , 870 F.2d 1335 ( 1989 )

Jess Burgess and Marilyn Thompkins v. Louis Lowery , 201 F.3d 942 ( 2000 )

Robert Harris v. Frank J. Pate, Warden , 440 F.2d 315 ( 1971 )

Haywood Emmanuel Penny v. Ronald Shansky , 884 F.2d 329 ( 1989 )

Ann Erwin, Dwight Bleke, Richard Moeller v. Richard M. ... , 92 F.3d 521 ( 1996 )

Willie Williams, on Behalf of Himself and All Others ... , 851 F.2d 867 ( 1988 )

Richard Murphy v. Richard E. Walker , 51 F.3d 714 ( 1995 )

william-johnson-by-his-conservator-richard-johnson-on-his-own-behalf-and , 701 F.2d 1201 ( 1983 )

Bell v. Wolfish , 99 S. Ct. 1861 ( 1979 )

Procunier v. Martinez , 94 S. Ct. 1800 ( 1974 )

Youngberg v. Romeo Ex Rel. Romeo , 102 S. Ct. 2452 ( 1982 )

Harlow v. Fitzgerald , 102 S. Ct. 2727 ( 1982 )

Lee v. Washington , 88 S. Ct. 994 ( 1968 )

Griggs v. Provident Consumer Discount Co. , 103 S. Ct. 400 ( 1982 )

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