United States v. Ochoa, Pablo, Jr. ( 2000 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 00-1794
    United States of America,
    Pablo Ochoa, Jr.,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Indiana, Hammond Division.
    No. 99 CR 66--Rudy Lozano, Judge.
    Argued September 8, 2000--Decided October 12, 2000
    Before Flaum, Chief Judge, and Posner and Rovner,
    Circuit Judges.
    Flaum, Chief Judge. Pablo Ochoa, Jr., appeals
    his conviction for conspiracy to commit mail
    fraud in violation of 18 U.S.C. sec. 371. He
    challenges the government’s use of hearsay
    testimony at his trial and argues that venue was
    improper. For the reasons stated herein, we
    affirm the defendant’s conviction.
    I.   Background
    On February 23, 1995, defendant Pablo Ochoa,
    Jr., who lived in Chicago Heights, Illinois,
    purchased a 1995 Buick Roadmaster for $32,635.
    Because he traded in two cars on which he had a
    negative equity position, he paid approximately
    $7000 more than the Roadmaster was actually
    worth. To finance his purchase, he took out a car
    loan with monthly payments of $669 for five
    Shortly after purchasing the Roadmaster, Ochoa
    asked Dave McLaughlin, who lived in Ochoa’s home
    as a tenant, if he knew anyone who could make the
    car "disappear." McLaughlin called Gaylen
    Strange, his brother-in-law, who had previously
    been in the chop shop business, and asked if he
    knew of anyone who could dispose of a car.
    Strange contacted Mark Hinkle. Hinkle also had
    chop shop experience but was now an FBI
    informant. Ochoa never had any direct contact
    with either Hinkle or Strange. Hinkle contacted
    FBI Agent Bill Haman and relayed that Strange
    knew an owner who wanted to give up his car.
    Hinkle then arranged for Strange to deliver the
    Roadmaster to Agent Haman, who was posing as a
    chop shop operator.
    On April 1, 1995, Strange and McLaughlin
    delivered Ochoa’s car to Agent Haman in
    Schererville, Indiana. Strange gave Agent Haman
    keys to the car and the car itself at 11:07 a.m.
    These keys were copies of the originals, which
    had been made at Elmer & Sons, a locksmith near
    Ochoa’s home. Elmer & Sons sold a key with an
    embedded computer chip matching the Roadmaster’s
    prior to April 3. Agent Haman received the
    Roadmaster undamaged, without any evidence of
    forced entry. Strange told Agent Haman that the
    owner of the Roadmaster was giving up his car.
    Agent Haman instructed Strange to tell the owner
    to wait three days before reporting the car
    stolen and that the owner should claim the car
    was stolen from a mall or business area. Agent
    Haman also agreed to pay Strange for the car
    during the following week.
    Agent Haman and Strange met again on April 7 in
    Kentland, Indiana, where Agent Haman paid Strange
    $350. This amount indicates that Strange was
    serving as broker for the owner; had he actually
    stolen the car, Strange could have made $15,000
    from selling the parts. Strange told Agent Haman
    that the owner of the car planned to file a bogus
    insurance claim. Strange further said that the CD
    player in the Roadmaster had a remote control and
    offered to get the remote from the owner.
    On April 4, three days after the Roadmaster had
    been delivered to Agent Haman, Ochoa called the
    police and reported the car stolen from his
    garage. Ochoa informed the responding officer
    that he had last seen the car on April 3 at 10:00
    p.m. Ochoa also stated that the car was locked
    and he still had the keys to the car in his
    Ochoa filed an insurance claim and gave a
    statement to the adjuster on April 5. Ochoa told
    the adjuster that the last time he had seen the
    car was April 1 at 2:00 p.m. Ochoa also remarked
    that he was unsure whether he could afford the
    car. Ochoa was in the midst of some credit
    problems at the time and was making payments on
    an $89,000 revolving line of credit. The adjuster
    did not find that the claim was either wrongful
    or fraudulent and recommended payment. The
    insurance company determined that $25,550 was the
    actual value of the Roadmaster and mailed the
    bank holding Ochoa’s loan for the car a check for
    that amount.
    FBI Agent Theodore May   later interviewed Ochoa.
    Ochoa stated that he had   last seen the car the
    night of April 3 when he   parked it in his garage.
    Ochoa further told Agent   May that he bought the
    car for $25,000 and that   his monthly payments
    were $425.
    Ochoa and Strange were indicted for conspiracy
    to commit mail fraud on April 23, 1999. After his
    motion to dismiss the indictment for improper
    venue was denied, Ochoa pled not guilty. Strange
    originally pled not guilty, but later changed his
    plea and agreed to testify for the government
    against Ochoa.
    In the process of building the case, the FBI
    attempted to locate McLaughlin, who had moved out
    of Ochoa’s house. On July 8, Agent May went to
    the address where he believed McLaughlin lived
    and saw two men sitting on the porch. One man
    identified himself as Art Garza, the owner of the
    residence; unbeknownst to Agent May, the other
    man was McLaughlin. Garza stated that he knew
    McLaughlin and might see him in the next few
    days. Agent May told both Garza and the
    unidentified McLaughlin that McLaughlin could
    benefit by talking to the FBI and that he might
    not be charged.
    The next day McLaughlin called Agent May, and
    the two agreed to meet at a restaurant.
    McLaughlin stated that he was approached by
    Ochoa, who asked if he knew anyone who could make
    the Roadmaster disappear. Ochoa told McLaughlin
    that he was having severe financial problems and
    difficulty in paying the loan for the Roadmaster.
    McLaughlin explained that he then contacted
    Strange and asked if Strange could dispose of the
    car. McLaughlin further told Agent May that Ochoa
    had made copies of the keys to the Roadmaster in
    order to retain the original keys, which would
    support Ochoa’s claim that the car had been
    As trial approached, the FBI again attempted to
    locate McLaughlin to serve him with a subpoena to
    appear. Agents returned to Garza’s residence
    where McLaughlin was still receiving mail. Garza
    informed the FBI that McLaughlin had left with
    all his belongings and said that he was moving to
    Maryland. The FBI spent several days looking for
    McLaughlin and obtained a material witness arrest
    warrant for him. Agent May also contacted
    McLaughlin’s employer and learned that he stopped
    coming to work when the FBI began looking for
    him. However, McLaughlin was owed his last
    paycheck. After Agent May left, McLaughlin called
    his employer. When McLaughlin hung up, the person
    who received the call used "star 69" and
    discovered that McLaughlin made the phone call
    from Ochoa’s residence. Phone records revealed
    seven phone calls from Ochoa’s home to
    McLaughlin’s employer over the course of December
    16-17, 1999.
    Ochoa’s trial began on January 3, 2000. The
    prosecution relied on the testimony of Strange
    and Agent Haman, among others. The government
    also introduced the statements of McLaughlin
    through Agent May over the objection of Ochoa.
    The trial judge ruled that this hearsay evidence
    was admissible as statements against interest
    under Federal Rule of Evidence 804(b)(3), under
    the residual exception of Rule 807, and because
    Ochoa forfeited his objection due to his own
    wrongdoing, as provided in Rule 804(b)(6). Ochoa
    testified in his defense that McLaughlin used his
    knowledge of Ochoa’s home to break into the
    residence, take the Roadmaster’s keys, make
    copies, and then steal the Roadmaster. Ochoa also
    stated that he was not at home on December 16-17,
    1999, and so McLaughlin must have again broken
    into his home to make phone calls to McLaughlin’s
    employer. The jury found Ochoa guilty, and he was
    sentenced to ten months, five to be served in an
    institution and five of home confinement.
    After sentencing, Ochoa filed a notice of
    appeal and then a motion for release pending
    appeal. The trial court believed that its
    decision to admit the hearsay evidence was a
    close question, the resolution of which on appeal
    in Ochoa’s favor would likely result in reversal
    or a new trial. Thus, the court granted Ochoa’s
    motion. This appeal followed.
    II. Discussion
    A. Venue
    Ochoa argues that Indiana is an improper venue
    for his trial. He claims that all of the
    essential acts of the conspiracy took place in
    Illinois, and thus venue is proper only in
    Illinois. The standard of review for a claim of
    improper venue is whether the government proved
    by a preponderance of the evidence that the
    crimes occurred in the district charged, viewing
    the evidence in the light most favorable to the
    government. See United States v. Tingle, 
    183 F.3d 719
    , 726 (7th Cir. 1999); United States v.
    50 F.3d 464
    , 469 (7th Cir. 1997).
    Trials must be held in the state and district
    in which the offense was committed. See U.S.
    Const. art. III, sec. 2, cl. 3; Fed.R.Crim.P. 18.
    For crimes that occur in more than one state or
    district, venue is constitutionally and
    statutorily proper in any district in which part
    of the crime was committed. See 18 U.S.C. sec.
    3237(a); Tingle, 
    183 F.3d at 726
    . Thus, the
    traditional rule is that a conspiracy charge may
    be tried in any district in which an overt act of
    the conspiracy occurred. See United States v.
    67 F.3d 1312
    , 1318 (7th Cir. 1995);
    United States v. Molt, 
    772 F.2d 366
    , 369 (7th
    Cir. 1985) ("As long as one overt act in
    furtherance of the conspiracy is committed in a
    district, venue is proper there.").
    Ochoa argues that United States v. Cabrales,
    524 U.S. 1
     (1998) creates a distinction between
    essential and unessential acts, and that venue is
    proper only where the essential acts of a crime
    took place. Under his theory, all of the
    essential acts, such as the formation of the
    conspiracy and the mailing of the false claim,
    took place in Illinois and so venue is proper
    only there. Ochoa is incorrect. Cabrales stands
    for the proposition that venue is improper in a
    district if the only acts that occurred in that
    district do not provide evidence of the elements
    of the charged crime. 
    Id. at 6-7
    . In Cabrales,
    the government tried the defendant for a money
    laundering charge in the state where the funds
    were generated, even though the laundering itself
    occurred in a different state. The indictment on
    this charge did not involve a conspiracy or
    allege that the funds had been transported from
    one state to another. The definition of money
    laundering criminalizes only the financial
    transactions in which the money is laundered, and
    not the prior conduct which generated the money.
    For purposes of the laundering charge described
    in the indictment, the location of the illegal
    revenue generating activities was not just
    unessential, but wholly irrelevant. Thus,
    Cabrales does not involve any notion of
    unessential acts but rather clarifies which acts
    are part of the crime charged and which acts are
    not. Cabrales noted that the laundering count in
    that case did not charge a conspiracy that would
    link the defendant to the acts of others done in
    different states, 
    id. at 7
    , and distinguished a
    decision cited by the government on the grounds
    that the case involved a conspiracy charge, 
    id. at 8
    . The Supreme Court recently reaffirmed the
    settled proposition that for conspiracy charges
    "venue [is] proper against [the] defendant in
    [any] district where [a] co-conspirator carried
    out overt acts even though there was no evidence
    that the defendant had entered that district or
    that the conspiracy was formed there." United
    States v. Rodriguez-Moreno, 
    526 U.S. 275
    , 281-82
    In our case, the government’s evidence shows
    two overt acts tending to prove the elements of
    the crime with which Ochoa is charged, conspiracy
    to commit mail fraud, occurred in Indiana. First,
    Ochoa’s Roadmaster was delivered to Agent Haman
    in Indiana. Second, Strange returned to Indiana
    to collect his payment for brokering the car
    between its owner, Ochoa, and the supposed chop
    shop operator, Agent Haman. Thus, venue is proper
    in Indiana.
    B.   Hearsay
    Ochoa argues that McLaughlin’s statements could
    not constitutionally be admitted under any of the
    three Federal Rules of Evidence relied upon by
    the district court, 804(b)(3), 807, and
    804(b)(6). Ochoa claims that using this
    impermissible hearsay at his trial violated his
    rights under the Confrontation Clause of the
    Sixth Amendment. The government argues that the
    evidence was properly introduced, and even if it
    was not, the error is harmless. Where the
    defendant’s Sixth Amendment right to confront
    witnesses is directly implicated, our review is
    de novo. See United States v. Williamson, 
    202 F.3d 974
    , 978 (7th Cir. 2000).
    1.   Rule 804(b)(3).
    Examination of whether a co-conspirator’s or
    accomplice’s statements against penal interest
    are admissible against a defendant takes place in
    two parts, one statutory and the other
    constitutional. First, the testimony must be
    admissible under Rule 804(b)(3). The Federal
    Rules of Evidence do not exclude such statements
    if (1) the declarant is unavailable; (2) the
    statement is against the declarant’s penal
    interest; and (3) corroborating circumstances
    indicate the trustworthiness of the statement.
    See United States v. Shukri, 
    207 F.3d 412
    , 416
    (7th Cir. 2000); United States v. Robbins, 
    197 F.3d 829
    , 838 (7th Cir. 1999). In addition, where
    a party seeks to introduce a narrative, each
    portion must be examined, and only those
    individual statements that inculpate the
    declarant are admissible. See Williamson v.
    United States, 
    512 U.S. 594
    , 600-601 (1994);
    United States v. Nagib, 
    56 F.3d 798
    , 804 (7th
    Cir. 1995).
    Second, because a co-conspirator’s statements
    incriminating the defendant do not fall within a
    firmly rooted hearsay exception, the
    Confrontation Clause requires that such evidence
    contain "particularized guarantees of
    trustworthiness" such that cross-examination
    would be of marginal utility in determining the
    truthfulness of the statements. See Lilly v.
    527 U.S. 116
    , 134 & n.5, 136 (1999)
    (plurality opinion); Robbins, 
    197 F.3d at 839
    Such guarantees must be shown by the
    circumstances of the statements themselves and
    cannot be proven by other evidence produced at
    trial. See Lilly, 
    527 U.S. at 137-38
    ; United
    States v. Castelan, 
    219 F.3d 690
    , 695 (7th Cir.
    2000). A very strong presumption of unreliability
    attaches to statements of co-conspirators where
    the statements (1) are produced through
    government involvement; (2) describe past events;
    and (3) have not been subject to adversarial
    testing. See Lilly, 
    527 U.S. at 137
    ; Castelan,
    219 F.3d at 695
    Ochoa argues that the FBI’s losing track of
    McLaughlin’s whereabouts does not make him
    unavailable for purposes of introducing hearsay
    testimony. The government, which is the party
    seeking to introduce the hearsay statements,
    bears the burden of showing that the declarant
    was unavailable. See United States v. Reed, ___
    F.3d ___, 
    2000 WL 1277945
    , *2 (7th Cir. 2000).
    The prosecution met this burden. The FBI spent
    several days trying to locate McLaughlin. They
    spoke to his employer, his landlord, and other
    individuals, and obtained a material witness
    arrest warrant as well. These activities
    constitute a reasonable, good faith effort to
    uncover McLaughlin. The fact that after this kind
    of search the FBI was unable to find him
    demonstrates that McLaughlin was unavailable for
    purposes of the hearsay exceptions. 
    However, McLaughlin’s statements do not have
    particularized guarantees of trustworthiness as
    required by the Constitution, and therefore his
    statements should not have been admitted under
    Rule 804(b)(3)./1 The high presumption of
    unreliability applies because Agent May was
    involved in eliciting McLaughlin’s statements,
    McLaughlin described events of the conspiracy
    that occurred in the past, and the statements
    were not adversarially tested. The circumstances
    in which McLaughlin made the statements cannot
    overcome this presumption. When Agent May
    approached Garza and said that McLaughlin could
    benefit by talking to the FBI, McLaughlin was
    sitting on Garza’s porch and heard this
    proposition. Agent May informed McLaughlin that
    he could either be charged or cooperate and
    possibly not be charged when the two met.
    McLaughlin was also told that he was considered
    a lesser target of the investigation compared to
    Ochoa and Strange. Agent May’s presentation gave
    McLaughlin a strong incentive to curry favor with
    the FBI by falsely implicating his two co-
    conspirators so that he would not be charged. See
    197 F.3d at 840
    . Similarly, McLaughlin’s
    story spread the blame to the other participants
    in the conspiracy and particularly Ochoa, whom
    McLaughlin claims came up with the idea of
    engaging in insurance fraud. 
    Id. at 839-40
    . Agent
    May also informed McLaughlin of all the facts as
    May knew them before asking McLaughlin to tell
    his story. This gave McLaughlin an opportunity to
    prevaricate by confirming possibly false parts of
    Agent May’s story and then shaping his own
    statements into what May wanted to hear rather
    than what really happened. "One of the most
    effective ways to lie is to mix falsehood with
    truth, especially truth that seems particularly
    persuasive because of its self-inculpatory
    nature." Williamson, 
    512 U.S. at 599-600
    The government relies on Robbins in claiming
    that McLaughlin’s statements bear the requisite
    guarantees of trustworthiness. However, the
    declarant in Robbins made the hearsay statements
    to his fiancee, rather than an FBI agent as in
    the instant case. 
    197 F.3d at 840
    . As the above
    analysis shows, statements made by a co-
    conspirator to a law enforcement official are far
    less likely to be trustworthy, and thus Robbins
    is distinguishable. The government also argues
    that McLaughlin came to Agent May and was under
    no compulsion to make the statements in question.
    While voluntariness is a factor in determining
    whether statements against penal interest that
    incriminate other participants should be admitted
    into evidence, 
     voluntariness alone is not
    sufficient to overcome the very strong
    presumption of unreliability that attaches to
    McLaughlin’s statements in this case.
    2.   Rule 807.
    Rule 807 is a recodification of former Rules
    803(24) and 804(b)(5), and thus the same
    requirements for admitting evidence under these
    prior residual exceptions to the hearsay rule
    apply to 807. These requirements are (1)
    circumstantial guarantees of trustworthiness; (2)
    materiality; (3) probative value; (4) the
    interests of justice; and (5) notice. See United
    States v. Hall, 
    165 F.3d 1095
    , 1110 (7th Cir.
    1999). In addition, almost by definition, Rule
    807 is not a firmly rooted exception to the
    hearsay rule. See United States v. Wesela, 
    223 F.3d 656
    , 664 (7th Cir. 2000). Therefore, only
    hearsay testimony containing particularized
    guarantees of trustworthiness as shown by the
    circumstances in which the statements were made
    may constitutionally be admitted under this Rule.
    See Ohio v. Roberts, 
    448 U.S. 56
    , 66 (1980). But
    as the Rule 804(b)(3) analysis shows,
    McLaughlin’s statements do not contain such
    guarantees. Thus, admitting McLaughlin’s
    statements under Rule 807 violates the
    Confrontation Clause in the same way that their
    admission under Rule 804 (b)(3) does.
    3.   Rule 804(b)(6).
    The doctrine that a defendant may waive his or
    her constitutional right to confront witnesses by
    misconduct has been codified in Rule 804(b)(6).
    See United States v. Emery, 
    186 F.3d 921
    , 926
    (8th Cir. 1999). Statements that would otherwise
    be inadmissible hearsay may be introduced into
    evidence if "offered against a party that has
    engaged or acquiesced in wrongdoing that was
    intended to, and did, procure the unavailability
    of the declarant as a witness." Fed.R.Evid.
    804(b)(6). The government claims that this
    showing of procured unavailability must be made
    by a preponderance of the evidence, and Ochoa
    does not dispute that this is the correct
    Ochoa does argue that the evidence is
    insufficient to prove wrongdoing. We agree. The
    government’s only evidence on this issue is the
    seven phone calls made from Ochoa’s residence to
    McLaughlin’s employer on December 16 and 17,
    1999, at least one of which was made by
    McLaughlin. Ochoa claims he was not at his home
    on those days and that McLaughlin, his former
    longtime tenant who knew the layout of Ochoa’s
    residence, broke into his house and made the
    calls. Even if Ochoa permitted McLaughlin to make
    these calls, the evidence in this case is not
    sufficient for Ochoa to have forfeited his
    constitutional rights. Rule 804(b)(6) requires
    the conduct at issue to be wrongful, and
    permitting a witness at one’s upcoming trial to
    use a phone, without more, is not a culpable act.
    The government has not produced evidence that
    Ochoa knew McLaughlin was intending to flee, and
    thus has not proven that Ochoa knowingly aided
    McLaughlin in becoming unavailable. If Ochoa did
    not know that he was helping McLaughlin to
    procure McLaughlin’s unavailability, then Ochoa’s
    conduct could not have been wrongful as required
    by the Rule./3
    4.   Harmless error.
    The admission of McLaughlin’s hearsay statements
    was erroneous and violated Ochoa’s rights under
    the Confrontation Clause. However, constitutional
    error that is harmless will not cause an
    otherwise valid conviction to be set aside. See
    Delaware v. Van Arsdall, 
    475 U.S. 673
    , 684
    (1986); Castelan, 
    219 F.3d at 696
    . The test is
    whether the reviewing court can determine beyond
    a reasonable doubt that the error did not
    contribute to the verdict. See Neder v. United
    527 U.S. 1
    , 15-16 (1999). In analyzing
    whether an error is harmless, we look to factors
    such as (1) the importance of the witnesses’s
    testimony in the prosecution’s case; (2) whether
    the testimony was cumulative; (3) whether other
    evidence corroborated or contradicted the
    witness’s material testimony; and (4) the overall
    strength of the prosecution’s case. See Van
    475 U.S. at 684
    ; Castelan, 
    219 F.3d at 696
    The first and second factors weigh somewhat in
    favor of the government. McLaughlin’s statements
    establish that Ochoa approached him with a plan
    to commit insurance fraud, he and Ochoa asked a
    local locksmith to make a duplicate of the
    Roadmaster’s keys, and Ochoa had a financial
    incentive to file a fraudulent claim. Though not
    as direct as McLaughlin’s testimony, independent
    evidence supports the facts of each of these
    statements. Ochoa was unquestionably the owner of
    the Roadmaster, and Strange told Agent Haman that
    the car’s owner intended to file a bogus
    insurance claim. Agent Haman received a set of
    keys for the car that had been made at Elmer &
    Sons, and the locksmith’s records showed that a
    key encoded with the same computer chip as for
    Ochoa’s Roadmaster had been sold during the
    period preceding April 3, 1995. Ochoa admitted on
    cross-examination that the Roadmaster was worth
    less than the amount of the loan he took out to
    pay for it.
    The third and fourth factors more strongly
    support finding harmless error. The facts just
    recounted corroborate McLaughlin’s statements and
    add weight to the prosecution’s case. Ochoa’s
    motive is established because the Roadmaster was
    worth less than its loan. A set of duplicate keys
    for the Roadmaster was made during the time prior
    to April 3, 1995, so that Ochoa could retain the
    originals and the copies could be delivered to
    the chop shop. Ochoa retained the original set of
    keys to make his claim of theft more believable,
    while the copies permitted the Roadmaster to be
    delivered to the chop shop undamaged. Strange
    told Agent Haman that the owner of the Roadmaster
    intended to file a fraudulent insurance claim,
    and Ochoa was the car’s owner. The government
    presented additional evidence as well. Strange
    was paid only $350, indicating that he was
    brokering the car between Ochoa and a chop shop,
    since he could have sold the parts of a stolen
    Roadmaster for a much higher amount. Strange
    stated that he could get the car’s CD remote from
    the owner, strongly suggesting Ochoa’s
    involvement, since he was the owner of the car.
    Agent Haman told Strange to inform the owner that
    he should wait three days before calling in the
    claim, which is what Ochoa did.
    Ochoa’s explanations after the car was delivered
    to the FBI contain numerous prevarications, which
    are positive evidence of his guilt. See United
    States v. Jocic, 
    207 F.3d 889
    , 893 (7th Cir.
    2000); United States v. Zafiro, 
    945 F.2d 881
    , 888
    (7th Cir. 1991), aff’d on other grounds, 
    506 U.S. 534
     (1993). The Roadmaster was in possession of
    the FBI on the morning of April 1, 1995. Ochoa
    told the police officer who responded to his car
    theft report that the night of April 3 was the
    final time he saw the Roadmaster, which is
    impossible. In his conversation with the
    insurance adjuster, Ochoa stated that he saw the
    car for the last time during the afternoon of
    April 1, which is inconsistent with his statement
    to the police and is also a lie. Ochoa returned
    to his original false story when he spoke with
    the FBI, again claiming that he had last seen the
    Roadmaster on the night of April 3. These varying
    accounts show that Ochoa was attempting to cover
    up the fact that he waited a few days after the
    Roadmaster’s disappearance before reporting the
    car stolen, as requested by Agent Haman. Ochoa
    also told the FBI that he paid only $25,000 for
    the car and that his loan payments were $425 per
    month. In fact, he had paid over $32,000 and his
    payments were $669 a month. These statements
    indicate that Ochoa attempted to hide his motive
    for getting rid of the Roadmaster.
    In sum, the jury was presented with credible
    evidence that Ochoa had his car stolen so that he
    could file a false insurance claim, had a
    financial motive to do so, and falsely attempted
    to cover up both his act and motive. Given such
    circumstances, we find beyond a reasonable doubt
    that the jury would have convicted Ochoa without
    McLaughlin’s statements, and so the admission of
    the hearsay testimony was harmless error.
    III.   Conclusion
    The hearsay testimony of McLaughlin was
    improperly admitted because it did not possess
    particularized guarantees of trustworthiness and
    Ochoa was not proven to have engaged in
    wrongdoing in procuring the absence of
    McLaughlin. However, the government provided a
    substantial amount of evidence demonstrating
    Ochoa’s guilt besides these statements.
    Therefore, the judgment of the district court is
    /1 McLaughlin’s conversation with Agent May was also
    introduced as a whole, in possible violation of
    Williamson. However, Ochoa does not raise this
    argument and so we need not analyze whether
    certain portions of the narrative should have
    been excluded.
    /2 Most courts to consider this question have held,
    and Fed.R.Evid. 804 advisory committee’s note
    states, that a preponderance of the evidence is
    the correct standard of proof for determining
    whether the defendant engaged or acquiesced in
    wrongdoing, though some contrary authority
    exists. See Emery, 
    186 F.3d at 926-27
    cases and discussing conflict). Since Ochoa does
    not argue this issue, we will not address it.
    /3 Ochoa also argues that even knowingly aiding a
    witness in becoming unavailable is not sufficient
    for Confrontation Clause rights to be forfeited
    under Rule 804(b)(6). Ochoa is correct that
    apparently all of the cases applying this Rule
    and its judicially created predecessor involve
    much more egregious conduct, such as murder or
    threats of violence, than what Ochoa may have
    done. See, e.g., United States v. Johnson, 
    219 F.3d 349
    , 355-56 (4th Cir. 2000) (murder); Emery,
    186 F.3d at 926
     (murder); United States v.
    975 F.2d 45
    , 47 (2d Cir. 1992) (threats).
    On the other hand, no case has refused to apply
    the Rule to such circumstances, and Fed.R.Evid.
    804 advisory committee’s note says that criminal
    conduct is not required for forfeiture. Since we
    find that the evidence is insufficient to prove
    that Ochoa knowingly helped McLaughlin disappear,
    we need not determine whether Rule 804(b)(6)
    would cause a defendant’s hearsay objections to
    be forfeited if applied to such facts.