Eastern Trading Co v. Refco, Incorporated ( 2000 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 99-2362 & 99-3053
    Eastern Trading Company, et al.,
    Plaintiffs-Appellants, Cross-Appellees,
    Refco, Inc., and Refco Capital Corporation,
    Defendants-Appellees, Cross-Appellants.
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 97 C 6815--Suzanne B. Conlon, Judge.
    Argued February 24, 2000--Decided October 10, 2000
    Before Cudahy, Posner, and Evans, Circuit Judges.
    Posner, Circuit Judge. Eastern Trading Company,
    a partnership located in Dubai that trades gold
    and silver bullion in large quantities, brought
    this suit against two commonly owned
    corporations--Refco, Inc., a Chicago commodities
    broker, and Refco Capital Corporation-- charging
    fraud and related misconduct in violation of the
    Commodity Exchange Act, 7 U.S.C. sec.sec. 1a et
    seq., and the common law of Illinois. The
    defendants counterclaimed for breach of contract.
    The jury brought in a verdict for the defendants
    on the main claim and a judgment for Refco, Inc.
    of $14 million on the counterclaim, the judge
    having dismissed Refco Capital Corporation as a
    counterclaimant before the trial. Eastern
    appeals. Refco (as we’ll refer to Refco, Inc.,
    the broker, except when discussing its affiliate)
    cross-appeals, seeking an award of attorneys’
    fees, as provided for in its commodity trading
    contract with Eastern, the basis for the
    successful counterclaim. The issues that we need
    to resolve are primarily ones of general law
    rather than of anything peculiar to the Commodity
    Exchange Act or Illinois law. In view of the jury
    verdict, Refco gets the benefit of the doubt on
    disputable facts.
    The partners in Eastern are Haji Ashraf and his
    four eldest sons. They are equal partners in the
    sense of sharing the profits of the partnership
    equally. Although the firm does a substantial
    business, its offices consist of a single large
    room partitioned into separate cubicles for the
    partners by means of sliding glass doors. The
    partnership agreement authorizes each partner to
    sign contracts on behalf of the firm. The father
    is the chairman of the firm but during the period
    relevant to this case his eldest son, Zahid
    Ashraf, was the managing partner. Refco is
    represented in Dubai by a commodities broker
    called Ramada Financial Consultants that is owned
    and operated by a distant cousin of the Ashrafs
    named Zaheer Khawaja. Although Ramada is a
    "foreign correspondent" of Refco (the meaning of
    the term in this context is unclear), the
    contract between the two firms disclaims any
    intention of making Ramada an agent of Refco.
    In January 1992 Eastern and Refco entered into
    a customer agreement by which Refco was to broker
    trades on U.S. commodities exchanges for Eastern.
    Eastern’s trading account with Refco established
    pursuant to the agreement was nondiscretionary,
    meaning that Eastern was to make all the
    decisions on what trades to make and Refco was
    merely to execute them. The agreement authorized
    Zahid and two of his brothers (the three being
    identified as "general partners" in Eastern with
    Zahid also being designated "Managing Director")
    to act for Eastern and provided that "Refco may
    assume conclusively that all actions taken by and
    instructions from any one of the . . . named
    general partners have been properly taken or
    given pursuant to authority invested in them by
    all the partners in the Partnership."
    At first the trades that Refco executed for
    Eastern involved options and futures contracts
    designed to hedge Eastern against unexpected
    changes in gold and silver prices between the
    time that it bought gold and silver and the time
    that it sold them. But after three years Zahid
    Ashraf began placing orders with Refco through
    Khawaja on behalf of Eastern for options and
    futures contracts in much greater quantities than
    required to hedge Eastern’s bullion trading; in
    fact he was speculating, which is the opposite of
    hedging. And not for the first time. In 1994 he
    had opened a personal trading account (not an
    Eastern account) with another U.S. commodities
    broker, Republic Securities New York, through
    Khawaja. In March of the following year, at about
    the time that he started speculative trading
    through Khawaja and Refco, Zahid lost millions of
    dollars in his Republic account, which Republic
    liquidated. Zahid had funded that account from
    Eastern funds, and when his father got wind of
    this he forced Zahid to repay the money to
    Eastern and to promise never again to use
    Eastern’s funds for commodities trading without
    the permission of the other partners.
    The promise was not kept. In fact the trades
    that Zahid began making on Eastern’s behalf after
    the Republic fiasco were ten times as large as
    any of the previous trades that Eastern had made.
    They were very risky; in three days in March,
    Eastern lost $22 million in trades at Zahid’s
    direction executed by Refco. Refco was of course
    aware of the sudden and substantial increase in
    the scale and riskiness of Eastern’s commodities
    trading and it also learned from Khawaja of
    Zahid’s disastrous experience with Republic. But
    as the increase in scale translated into much
    larger commissions for Refco, and Eastern was a
    substantial and reputable firm and Zahid its
    managing partner, Refco was content.
    Refco mailed Eastern daily statements of the
    trading results of the previous day, and Ramada
    faxed similar statements ("recaps") to Eastern.
    Zahid’s partners did not read any of these
    documents, however; they left everything to do
    with commodities trading to Zahid. At his
    request, Ramada began sending Eastern two sets of
    recaps, one reflecting routine hedging
    transactions and the other the new, speculative
    trading by Zahid. Zahid did not show these recaps
    to his partners--in fact he destroyed them. When
    one of Zahid’s brothers visited Refco’s chief
    operating officer, the latter didn’t tell him
    about the dramatic change in the amount of
    trading in Eastern’s account.
    Zahid informed Refco of a change in the mailing
    address of Eastern’s account and also opened a
    separate account with Refco at the new address in
    Eastern’s name and switched his speculative
    trading to that account. He did not consult his
    partners about either the change of the mailing
    address or the opening of the new account. He
    later opened still another account with Refco and
    switched his speculative trading to that account,
    again without consulting his partners. And he was
    no longer trading gold and silver futures and
    options. He was speculating in foreign
    currencies, at one point obtaining an exposure in
    British pound futures and options that exceeded
    $3 billion. Refco did not inform Zahid’s partners
    of any of these developments.
    Beginning in May 1996, the account (Zahid’s
    third Eastern account) began experiencing large
    trading losses which caused it to become
    undermargined; nevertheless Refco continued
    executing trades in it at Zahid’s direction.
    Refco also allowed him to withdraw money from the
    other accounts, even though the third was now
    undermargined. When finally liquidated in July of
    1996, that account had a debit balance of $28
    million, which Refco, Inc., as a clearing broker,
    had to make good to the people on the other side
    of Eastern’s commodities trades. To eliminate the
    debit, Refco Capital, without advising Eastern,
    Zahid, or Khawaja, lent Eastern that amount,
    which was deposited in Eastern’s account with
    Refco, Inc. Although the loan was from Refco
    Capital, Eastern was asked to give, and gave, a
    promissory note for the amount of the loan to
    Refco, Inc., which assigned the note to Refco
    Capital. Eastern repaid half the borrowed amount
    to Refco, Inc., not to Refco Capital, the
    assignee, but refused to repay the rest, and
    Refco’s counterclaim is for the remaining debit
    balance. As a result of the losses, Zahid was
    stripped of his partnership interest in Eastern.
    So far as its own claim, that of fraud, is
    concerned, Eastern argues only that the judge
    should not have instructed the jury on Refco’s
    defenses of ratification, estoppel, and
    mitigation (the parties focus on the first of
    these, and we can ignore the others, which the
    parties treat as synonyms for ratification),
    because there was no evidence of ratification and
    so the jury was confused. Eastern is right of
    course that a jury should not be instructed on a
    defense for which there is so little evidentiary
    support that no rational jury could accept the
    defense. E.g., United States v. Perez, 
    86 F.3d 735
    , 736 (7th Cir. 1996); Aerotronics, Inc. v.
    Pneumo Abex Corp., 
    62 F.3d 1053
    , 1065-66 (8th
    Cir. 1995); Farrell v. Klein Tools, Inc., 
    866 F.2d 1294
    , 1297 (10th Cir. 1989). Such a defense
    should be excluded from the case altogether by a
    grant of partial summary judgment or by a partial
    directed verdict. Letting the jury consider it is
    just an invitation to jury lawlessness. But it
    doesn’t follow from this that the jury’s verdict
    must be set aside. The invitation isn’t always
    taken. It cannot just be assumed that the jury
    must have been confused and therefore that the
    verdict is tainted, unreliable. It’s not as if,
    here, the judge had failed to give an instruction
    to which Eastern was entitled, or had given an
    erroneous instruction. This is just a case of
    surplusage, where the only danger is confusion,
    and reversal requires a showing that the jury
    probably was confused. Griffin v. United States,
    502 U.S. 46
     (1991); Buhrmaster v. Overnite
    Transportation Co., 
    61 F.3d 461
    , 463-64 (6th Cir.
    1995); Free v. Peters, 
    12 F.3d 700
    , 703 (7th Cir.
    1993); Dwoskin v. Rollins, Inc., 
    634 F.2d 285
    292-95 (5th Cir. 1981); cf. Gile v. United
    Airlines, Inc., 
    213 F.3d 365
    , 374-75 (7th Cir.
    2000); McCarthy v. Pennsylvania R.R., 
    156 F.2d 877
    , 882 (7th Cir. 1946); Lattimore v. Polaroid
    99 F.3d 456
    , 468 (1st Cir. 1996).
    Buhrmaster suggests that such an error is
    harmless as a matter of law, 
    61 F.3d at 463-64
    implying that there is to be no inquiry into the
    likelihood that the jury was confused; that may
    go too far.
    It is different when, as in Sunkist Growers,
    Inc. v. Winckler & Smith Citrus Products Co., 
    370 U.S. 19
    , 29-30 (1962), the jury is instructed on
    an erroneous theory of liability and there is no
    basis for determining whether it relied on that
    theory. Since the jury is to take the law as the
    judge instructs it, however erroneous the
    instruction is, an erroneous theory of liability
    supported by the facts is quite likely to commend
    itself to the jury. The presumption is reversed
    when, as in this case, the jury is instructed on
    a theory (here of defense, but that is
    immaterial) for which there is no evidence and
    which probably, therefore, it rejected.
    Eastern argues that the jury was confused. The
    verdict states that Eastern first had notice of
    Zahid’s fraud in July 1995, which is incorrect--
    that was the date of the discovery of his fraud
    against Republic Securities. But if this shows
    confusion, still it is hard to see how it could
    be due to the erroneous instruction, which is
    about ratification rather than about notice.
    Anyway, since by July 1995 all of Zahid’s trading
    was in Eastern’s account in Refco, the jury may
    simply have determined that by then Eastern must
    (or should) have known about Zahid’s unauthorized
    We add that if Eastern had asked the district
    judge to submit to the jury an interrogatory on
    ratification, and the jury had checked the box
    for that defense, indicating that it agreed that
    Eastern had ratified the fraud committed by
    Refco, Eastern would then have had a solid basis
    for seeking a new trial (or further deliberations
    by the jury) if indeed there was no evidence of
    ratification. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 49; Abou-Khadra
    v. Mahshie, 
    4 F.3d 1071
    , 1082-83 (2d Cir. 1993);
    Chaney v. Falling Creek Metal Products, Inc., 
    906 F.2d 1304
    , 1308 (8th Cir. 1990); Foster v. Moore-
    McCormack Lines, Inc., 
    131 F.2d 907
    , 908 (2d Cir.
    1942). Eastern did not do this, and so has only
    itself to blame for its inability to demonstrate
    that the jury was confused by the instruction.
    In any event there was enough evidence to
    justify submitting a defense of ratification to
    the jury after all, although actually the case
    involves, as we’ll see, a mixture of consent and
    It is helpful to step back a bit and consider in
    commonsensical rather than technical legal terms
    the situation disclosed by the trial record.
    Zahid Ashraf had speculative fever, and although
    he was speculating for the Eastern partnership
    rather than on his own account (as he had been
    doing through Republic Securities) he knew that
    his partners would disapprove and so he took
    steps with the aid of Ramada to conceal his
    speculative trades from them. This was a breach
    of his fiduciary duties to his partners,
    Restatement of Agency (Second) sec.sec. 381, 383,
    385 (1957), and hence a fraud. In re Gerard, 
    548 N.E.2d 1051
    , 1059 (Ill. 1989); Doner v. Phoenix
    Joint Stock Land Bank, 
    45 N.E.2d 20
    , 24 (Ill.
    1942); Conway v. Conners, 
    427 N.E.2d 1015
    , 1020
    (Ill. App. 1981). True, he hoped that his
    partners, members of his family, would benefit
    along with himself (he would be entitled to one
    fifth of the partnership’s profits from his
    trading). But what he did was still fraud, just
    as it is fraud to embezzle money from your
    employer for the purpose of gambling at the
    racetrack even though you expect to win and you
    intend when you do win to return to your employer
    more than you had "borrowed" from him. In other
    words, deliberately imposing risk can be a breach
    of fiduciary duty or a fraud. United States v.
    64 F.3d 1070
    , 1077 (7th Cir. 1995);
    United States v. Schneider, 
    930 F.2d 555
    , 558
    (7th Cir. 1991); United States v. Dial, 
    757 F.2d 163
    , 170 (7th Cir. 1985). More fundamentally,
    motive does not equal intent; fraud, larceny,
    embezzlement, and the other financial crimes and
    their tort equivalents are actionable even when
    the motive for the wrongful conduct is benign.
    E.g., United States v. Kenrick, 
    221 F.3d 19
    , 28
    (1st Cir. 2000); Reddy v. CFTC, 
    191 F.3d 109
    , 119
    (2d Cir. 1999); United States v. Simpson, 
    950 F.2d 1519
    , 1524-25 (10th Cir. 1991); Buechin v.
    Ogden Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc., 
    511 N.E.2d 1330
    1336 (Ill. App. 1987).
    It appears that Zahid was aided and abetted in
    his fraud by Ramada, although this is unclear and
    Ramada is not a party. Eastern claims that Zahid
    was also aided and abetted by Refco. We have said
    that there is no tort of aiding and abetting,
    Renovitch v. Kaufman, 
    905 F.2d 1040
    , 1049 (7th
    Cir. 1990); Cenco, Inc. v. Seidman & Seidman, 
    686 F.2d 449
    , 452 (7th Cir. 1982), but of course
    without meaning that one who aids and abets a
    tort has no liability. The distinction is between
    a separate tort of aiding and abetting, and
    aiding and abetting as a basis for imposing tort
    liability. Although a number of cases do speak of
    a "tort of aiding and abetting," e.g., Hurley v.
    Atlantic City Police Dept., 
    174 F.3d 95
    , 127 (3d
    Cir. 1999); Rice v. Paladin Enterprises, Inc.,
    128 F.3d 233
    , 251 (4th Cir. 1997); GCM, Inc. v.
    Kentucky Central Life Ins. Co., 
    947 P.2d 143
    , 146
    (N.M. 1997); Halberstam v. Welch, 
    705 F.2d 472
    479 (D.C. Cir. 1983), most of them also contain
    language suggesting that aiding and abetting is a
    basis for imposing liability for the tort aided
    and abetted rather than being a separate tort.
    id. at 481
    ; Hurley v. Atlantic City Police
    Dept., supra, 174 F.3d at 126; GCM, Inc. v.
    Kentucky Central Life Ins. Co., supra, 947 P.2d
    at 148. That is the approach taken by the
    Commodity Exchange Act and the cases interpreting
    it, 7 U.S.C. sec. 25(a)(1); Damato v. Hermanson,
    153 F.3d 464
    , 470, 473 (7th Cir. 1998); Nicholas
    v. Saul Stone & Co., 
    2000 WL 1093319
    , at *4-8 (3d
    Cir. Aug. 7, 2000); Tatum v. Legg Mason Wood
    Walker, Inc., 
    83 F.3d 121
    , 123 n. 3 (5th Cir.
    1996) (per curiam), and it is also the dominant
    approach in Illinois, see, e.g., Congregation of
    the Passion v. Touche Ross & Co., 
    636 N.E.2d 503
    508 (Ill. 1994); Freese v. Buoy, 
    576 N.E.2d 1176
    1182 (Ill. App. 1991); Sklan v. Smolla, 
    420 N.E.2d 575
    , 578 (Ill. App. 1981), although a
    couple of cases have language (weakly) consistent
    with the separate-tort idea. Carter Coal Co. v.
    Human Rights Comm’n, 
    633 N.E.2d 202
    , 205 (Ill.
    App. 1994); Wolf v. Liberis, 
    505 N.E.2d 1202
    1208 (Ill. App. 1987).
    The dominant approach is also the better
    approach. There is nothing to be gained by
    multiplying the number of torts, and specifically
    by allowing a tort of aiding and abetting a fraud
    to emerge by mitosis from the tort of fraud,
    since it is apparent that one who aids and abets
    a fraud, in the sense of assisting the fraud and
    wanting it to succeed, is himself guilty of
    fraud, McClellan v. Cantrell, 
    217 F.3d 890
    , 894-
    95 (7th Cir. 2000); Cenco, Inc. v. Seidman &
    686 F.2d at 452-53
    , in just the
    same way that the criminal law treats an aider
    and abettor as a principal. E.g., 18 U.S.C. sec.
    2; United States v. Loscalzo, 
    18 F.3d 374
    , 383
    (7th Cir. 1994); United States v. Hodge, 
    211 F.3d 74
    , 77 (3d Cir. 2000). Law should be kept as
    simple as possible. One who aids and abets a
    fraud is guilty of the tort of fraud (sometimes
    called deceit); nothing is added by saying that
    he is guilty of the tort of aiding and abetting
    as well or instead.
    Eastern argues that Refco knew that Zahid was
    acting without authority in making these huge
    speculative trades and that it turned a blind eye
    because huge trades generate huge commissions. If
    this is the correct description of the situation
    (a big if, however), Refco was guilty of
    participating in Zahid’s fraud. The point is not
    that Refco failed to blow the whistle on Zahid;
    there is no general duty in tort law, a variant
    of a "good Samaritan" duty, to report someone
    else’s fraud or other misconduct to the victim of
    it, IIT v. Cornfeld, 
    619 F.2d 909
    , 927 (2d Cir.
    1980); cf. Chiarella v. United States, 
    445 U.S. 222
    , 234-35 (1980); Lightning Lube, Inc. v. Witco
    4 F.3d 1153
    , 1185 (3d Cir. 1993); National
    Union Fire Ins. Co. v. Woodhead, 
    917 F.2d 752
    757 (2d Cir. 1990), any more than there is a
    general duty to warn or otherwise assist a victim
    or potential victim of an injury tortious or
    otherwise. Gust K. Newberg Construction Co. v.
    E.H. Crump & Co., 
    818 F.2d 1363
    , 1367 (7th Cir.
    1987); see generally Richard A. Epstein, Torts
    sec. 11.2 (1999); W. Page Keeton et al., Prosser
    and Keeton on the Law of Torts sec. 56, pp. 375-
    76 (5th ed. 1984). But that’s a rule about the
    duty, or rather lack of duty, of a bystander. If
    Refco was the paid executant of the fraud, it
    could not describe itself as a bystander. Indeed,
    as the agent of the partnership, Refco, if it
    knew of Zahid’s unfaithful dealing with his
    partners, had a duty to inform those partners.
    See Rookard v. Mexicoach, 
    680 F.2d 1257
    , 1262
    (9th Cir. 1982); Charlotte Aircraft Corp. v.
    Purdue Airlines, Inc., 
    498 F.2d 152
    , 156 (8th
    Cir. 1974); Restatement of Agency (Second) sec.
    381 and comment a (1957). It could not hide
    behind the customer agreement, which authorized
    it to execute trades ordered by any of the
    general partners, including Zahid. That was not
    authorization to connive with one of the partners
    to defraud the partnership.
    We may assume, therefore, that Eastern made out
    a prima facie case of fraud (if not, its claim
    should have been dismissed before trial). It was
    not a strong case, so it is unlikely that, in
    finding that Refco did not in fact commit fraud,
    the jury was confused by the instruction on
    ratification. But in any event, as we have said
    and must now explain, there was enough evidence
    of ratification to justify the giving of such an
    instruction, though not for two of the three
    reasons given by Refco. The first is that Zahid’s
    knowledge is imputed to the partnership and so
    his partners necessarily approved of his
    speculative trading; that is, the partnership was
    doing the trading, and it couldn’t defraud
    itself. This reasoning obviously is wrong, Ash v.
    Georgia-Pacific Corp., 
    957 F.2d 432
    , 436 (7th
    Cir. 1992); Marine Midland Bank v. John E. Russo
    Produce Co., Inc., 
    405 N.E.2d 205
    , 212-13 (N.Y.
    1980); Restatement of Agency, supra, sec. 282(1),
    as it would provide a legal immunity for anyone
    who assisted one partner to defraud another.
    The second bad ground for ratification is the
    carelessness of Zahid’s partners in failing to
    monitor his activities, especially after the
    Republic episode. Their carelessness would be a
    defense had Zahid been defrauding a third party,
    such as customers of Eastern, on behalf of
    Eastern, as in our Cenco case, 
    686 F.2d at
    56; see also Restatement of Agency, supra,
    sec.sec. 282(2)(a), (c) and comment h; cf. In re
    91 F.3d 296
    , 303 (2d Cir. 1996); New
    England Tank Industries of New Hampshire, Inc. v.
    United States, 
    861 F.2d 685
    , 693 n. 16 (Fed. Cir.
    1988); but cf. Prudential-Bache Securities, Inc.
    v. Citibank, N.A., 
    536 N.E.2d 1118
    , 1125-26 (N.Y.
    1989). They would then be the beneficiaries of a
    successful fraud suit against Refco and would
    thus be seeking to profit from a fraud that they
    could have prevented had they exercised due care.
    But Zahid was defrauding his partners, and
    contributory negligence is not a defense to
    fraud. E.g., Dexter Corp. v. Whittaker Corp., 
    926 F.2d 617
    , 620 (7th Cir. 1991); Astor Chauffeured
    Limousine Co. v. Runnfeldt Investment Corp., 
    910 F.2d 1540
    , 1546 (7th Cir. 1990); Douglas County
    Bank & Trust Co. v. United Financial Inc., 
    207 F.3d 473
    , 479 (8th Cir. 2000).
    The good ground for a defense of ratification
    (or, better, consent) here is that the
    partnership, though warned of Zahid’s speculative
    propensities and unilateralism by the Republic
    episode, decided to leave the management of the
    commodities trading side of Eastern’s business to
    him. They gave him carte blanche, not only in the
    terms of the customer agreement with Refco but
    also in their refusal to review his transactions
    or otherwise monitor or supervise, let alone
    participate in, his trading activities. They
    trusted him, and authorized him, to speculate
    responsibly. Although in the end his speculative
    trading was a flop, during much of the 18-month
    period of his trading through Refco he made money
    for the partnership. The partners were happy when
    things were going well, and they cannot, by a
    retroactive cancellation of his authority, shift
    the cost when things went badly to Refco, which
    in following Zahid’s directions thought it was
    doing what the partnership wanted it to do. The
    partners were not defrauded if they authorized
    the conduct that they now denounce as fraud,
    either knowing exactly what Zahid was doing or
    choosing to turn a blind eye to it, e.g.,
    Chauffeured Limousine Co. v. Runnfeldt Investment
    Corp., supra, 
    910 F.2d at 1547
    , or if they led
    Refco to believe that Zahid’s risky trades were
    authorized. If the partners did not originally
    authorize his speculations, they either ratified
    them by failing to repudiate them upon discovery
    of them, e.g., Progress Printing v. Jane Byrne
    Political Committee, 
    601 N.E.2d 1055
    , 1067-68
    (Ill. App. 1992); Chalet Ford, Inc. v. Red Top
    Parking, Inc., 
    379 N.E.2d 88
    , 91 (Ill. App.
    1978); Restatement of Agency, supra, sec. 82 and
    comment b, or misled Refco into thinking they had
    ratified them. If Refco was misled, it was not a
    defrauder, since fraud is an intentional tort.
    We turn now to Eastern’s challenge to the
    counterclaim. The counterclaim resulted in an
    award of $14 million to Refco, Inc. for breach of
    contract. The loan to Eastern giving rise to the
    debt that precipitated the counterclaim was made
    not by Refco, Inc., however, but by Refco
    Capital, which was dismissed before trial on the
    ground that there was no consideration for the
    promissory note that Eastern had given Refco,
    Inc. and the latter had assigned to Refco
    Capital, furnishing the only basis for Refco
    Capital’s claim. Because the customer agreement
    already obligated Eastern to repay any debit in
    its account with Refco, Inc., the promissory note
    that Eastern gave Refco, Inc. and the latter in
    turn gave Refco Capital was not supported by
    consideration. That is to say, there was no fresh
    consideration for it; it was just a repetition of
    an already existing obligation. It is true that
    the doctrine of "moral consideration" makes
    enforceable, without any fresh consideration, the
    promise of a debtor to pay a debt that is no
    longer enforceable (maybe because the statute of
    limitations has run), E. Allan Farnsworth,
    Contracts sec. 2.8, pp. 56-57 (3d ed. 1999), but
    Refco never mentioned the doctrine; so it was
    waived and Refco Capital was out as a
    counterclaimant. But that left the customer
    agreement, which Refco, Inc. did not assign to
    Refco Capital. That agreement, as we said,
    required Eastern to make good on its debit. But,
    says Eastern, there was no debit; it was erased
    by the loan from Refco Capital. The loan made
    Refco, Inc. whole and Refco Capital the only
    creditor. And Refco Capital is no longer a party.
    Questions of "veil piercing" ordinarily arise
    when a creditor is trying to go after a
    shareholder or affiliate of his debtor, and when
    that is so the veil can be pierced and the
    shareholder or affiliate reached only in
    circumstances not relevant to this case. Here we
    have a case in which the creditor’s affiliate
    (Refco Capital is the creditor, and Refco, Inc.,
    the only remaining counterclaimant, is the
    affiliate) is trying to pierce the veil that
    would ordinarily separate it from the creditor,
    in order to defeat a defense to the creditor’s
    suit--the lack of consideration for the
    promissory note, which, in the absence of any
    invocation of the doctrine of moral
    consideration, bars Refco Capital from suing to
    collect the note. There is nothing to prevent
    using the concept of piercing the corporate veil
    in this way to accomplish elementary justice,
    however. It isn’t done very often, but there is
    ample authority for doing it when appropriate.
    United States v. Scherping, 
    187 F.3d 796
    , 801-04
    (8th Cir. 1999); McCall Stock Farms v. United
    14 F.3d 1562
    , 1568 (Fed. Cir. 1993); Towe
    Antique Ford Foundation v. IRS, 
    999 F.2d 1387
    1390-94 (9th Cir. 1993); Roepke v. Western
    National Mutual Ins. Co., 
    302 N.W.2d 350
    , 352-53
    (Minn. 1981); Olen v. Phelps, 
    546 N.W.2d 176
    180-81 (Wis. App. 1996); Crum v. Krol, 
    425 N.E.2d 1081
    , 1087-89 (Ill. App. 1981); Earp v. Schmitz,
    79 N.E.2d 637
    , 639-40 (Ill. App. 1948). The
    purpose of limited liability is to encourage
    investment, Frank H. Easterbrook & Daniel R.
    Fischel, The Economic Structure of Corporate Law,
    ch. 2 (1991), and is not engaged by the effort of
    an affiliate to collect a debt nominally owed
    another affiliate. Eastern inflicted a loss of
    $14 million on Refco which, the jury could and
    did find, the contract between Eastern and Refco
    made it the obligation of Eastern to bear. The
    customer agreement gave Refco, Inc. a prima facie
    claim that Eastern owed it $14 million. Eastern’s
    defense is that the money was paid--by Refco
    Capital. To that, Refco, Inc. rebuts that Refco
    Capital is as a practical matter the same entity
    as Refco, Inc., and so the payment was illusory
    and the defense fails. We agree.
    Now it is true that for reasons having to do
    with reporting requirements imposed by the
    commodities exchanges, Refco did not want to
    reveal the debit in Eastern’s account, and that
    is why it funded it with a loan from its
    affiliate, with which it has a complete identity
    of interest by virtue of the fact that both Refco
    corporations are wholly owned by a third
    corporation. Eastern points us to nothing
    indicating that what Refco did was illegal,
    however, and the jury was not required to find,
    and did not find, that it was a fraud against
    Eastern (which argues that the infusion of cash
    into the account delayed the discovery by Zahid’s
    partners of his huge losses), for the jury
    rejected Eastern’s claim of fraud. Why Eastern
    should escape its contractual obligation because
    of intercorporate transactions that have no
    economic significance or relation to Eastern’s
    rights escapes us.
    All this rigamarole would have been avoided if
    instead of arranging a loan to Eastern to cover
    the deficit in Eastern’s account, Refco, Inc.,
    the creditor on the account, had gone after
    Eastern directly, without bringing Refco Capital
    into the picture. Although the rigamarole may
    have been for the disreputable purpose of fooling
    the Board of Trade or the Commodity Futures
    Trading Commission, we do not think an
    appropriate sanction is a forfeiture of Refco,
    Inc.’s valid claim and a windfall to its
    defaulting customer.
    The last issue concerns the attorneys’ fees that
    the district court refused to award Refco,
    precipitating the cross-appeal. The court refused
    on the ground of waiver, the issue of attorneys’
    fees not having been specified in the pretrial
    order as an issue for trial. The refusal was
    error, because the issue of attorneys’ fees was
    not a triable issue. The customer agreement
    obligated Eastern to reimburse Refco for the cost
    (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) of
    collecting any unpaid debit in the account. There
    was no issue of entitlement to attorneys’ fees to
    submit to the jury. Compare McGuire v. Russell
    Miller, Inc., 
    1 F.3d 1306
    , 1313-14 (2d Cir.
    1993). Either Refco prevailed on its claim for
    the unpaid debit of $14 million and was therefore
    entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees, or
    Eastern prevailed and Refco therefore was
    entitled to no attorneys’ fees. The issue of
    attorneys’ fees (including amount) was therefore
    an issue to be resolved after the trial on the
    basis of the judgment entered at the trial,
    Rissman v. Rissman, No. 00-2141 (7th Cir. Oct. 2,
    2000); Jannotta v. Subway Sandwich Shops, Inc.,
    2000 WL 1222052
    , at *3 (7th Cir. Aug. 29, 2000);
    Capital Asset Research Corp. v. Finnegan, 
    216 F.3d 1268
     (11th Cir. 2000) (per curiam); Ideal
    Electronic Security Co. v. International Fidelity
    Ins. Co., 
    129 F.3d 143
    , 150 (D.C. Cir. 1997),
    just as in cases in which statutory rather than
    contractual entitlements to attorneys’ fees are
    involved. E.g., Hensley v. Eckerhart, 
    461 U.S. 424
    , 433 and n. 7 (1983); Hamilton v. Daley, 
    777 F.2d 1207
    , 1212 (7th Cir. 1985); MidAmerica
    Federal Savings & Loan Ass’n v. Shearson/American
    Express, Inc., 
    962 F.2d 1470
    , 1475 (10th Cir.
    The judgment against Eastern on the main claim
    and in favor of Refco, Inc. on the counterclaim
    is affirmed, but the denial of attorneys’ fees is
    reversed with directions to the district court to
    award Refco its attorneys’ fees in accordance
    with the terms of the customer agreement.
    Affirmed in Part, Reversed in Part,
    and Remanded with Directions.

Document Info

Docket Number: 99-2362

Judges: Per Curiam

Filed Date: 10/10/2000

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/24/2015

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