Alter Barge Line v. Consolidated Grain ( 2001 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 00-3022
    Alter Barge Line, Inc.,
    Consolidated Grain & Barge Co., et al.,
    Appeal of:    Randy W. Pherigo,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Illinois.
    No. 00-CV-0048-DRH--David R. Herndon, Judge.
    Argued March 6, 2001--Decided November 8, 2001
    Before Fairchild, Cudahy, and Ripple,
    Circuit Judges.
    Per Curiam. After suffering severe
    injuries when the equipment he was using
    to unload one of Alter Barge Line, Inc.’s
    barges malfunctioned, Randy Pherigo filed
    a personal injury suit against Alter and
    other defendants. Alter invoked its
    statutory right to limit its liability to
    the value of the barge and its cargo
    ($45,350) in a separate proceeding under
    the Vessel Owner’s Limitation of
    Liability Act, 46 U.S.C. app. sec.sec.
    181-96, and Rule F of the Supplemental
    Rules Governing Certain Admiralty and
    Maritime Claims. Pherigo missed the
    deadline the district court set for
    filing claims in the limitation
    proceeding, and the district court denied
    him permission to file late. Pherigo
    Pherigo was the only person injured in
    the December 1997 incident. Alter sought
    limitation, and on February 4, 2000, the
    district court issued an order staying
    all suits against Alter and directing
    that any claims against Alter arising out
    of the incident be filed in the
    limitation proceeding by March 17, 2000.
    Pherigo missed the court-imposed
    deadline, and Alter moved to default all
    unfiled claims on May 26. Pherigo
    responded with a motion for leave to file
    a late claim on June 9. Although the
    district court had discretion to grant
    Pherigo’s motion and allow his claim
    under Rule F(4), it entered an order
    defaulting all unfiled claims on June 14,
    making no mention of Pherigo’s
    pendingmotion. Pherigo promptly moved to
    set aside the default order and for a
    ruling on his motion. The district court
    denied both motions, concluding that
    Pherigo had not shown "good cause" for
    We note first that late claimants in
    admiralty proceedings need not show "good
    cause." See In re M.V. President Kennedy,
    Ltd., No. 98 Civ. 8126 CSH, 
    2000 WL 351425
    , at *2 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 5, 2000).
    See also In re Flinchum, 
    303 F. Supp. 971
    , 972 (D. Md. 1969) (no "good excuse"
    shown). Our review of the cases,
    particularly those permitting late
    filings where the delay is due solely to
    the negligence of the claimant or his
    attorney, see, e.g., In re M.V. President
    Kennedy, Ltd., 
    2000 WL 351425
    , at *3
    (claimant delayed in retaining counsel);
    In re Vermillion Towing Corp., 
    227 F. Supp. 933
    , 934 (E.D. Va. 1964) (attorney
    unfamiliar with admiralty law); Heier v.
    Panama Transp. Co. (In re United States),
    172 F.2d 355
     (2d Cir. 1949) (foreign
    claimants "uninformed" about U.S. law),
    convinces us that the "cause" required in
    this context is minimal; an explanation
    rather than a justification for the delay
    will suffice. The explanation Pherigo
    provides--attorney error--meets the
    minimal cause requirement.
    When a claimant shows cause, courts must
    "freely grant[ ]" permission to file late
    claims so long as the limitation
    proceeding is ongoing and the late claim
    will not prejudice other parties. See
    Amer. Comm. Lines, Inc. v. United States,
    746 F.2d 1351
    , 1353 (8th Cir. 1984). Both
    considerations favor Pherigo here.
    Accordingly, we conclude that the
    equitable nature of admiralty
    proceedings, in which parties are given
    every opportunity to place their entire
    case before the court and to correct
    errors at any stage of the proceedings,
    see Deupree v. Levinson, 
    186 F.2d 297
    303 (6th Cir. 1950), requires that
    Pherigo be permitted to file his claim.
    We elect not to characterize the district
    court’s contrary determination as an
    abuse of discretion, but are cognizant of
    the equitable powers of admiralty courts,
    even at the appellate level, to shape
    admiralty proceedings so as to achieve
    substantial justice. See Texas Gulf
    Sulphur Co. v. Blue Stack Towing Co., 
    313 F.2d 359
     (5th Cir. 1963) (acknowledging
    that district court’s decision to deny
    late claimant permission to file claim in
    limitation nunc pro tunc was not abuse of
    discretion, but sua sponte modifying
    district court’s order to permit filing
    of late claim subordinate to timely
    claims). Finally, we note that the only
    court to have considered a similar case--
    in which a sole claimant suffered a
    severe, on-the-job injury but missed the
    deadline for filing a claim in the
    limitation proceeding--concluded, as we
    do, that the late claim must be allowed.
    See In re Two "R" Drilling Co., Civ. A.
    No. 90-4184, 
    1991 WL 195513
     (E.D. La.
    Sept. 24, 1991) (permitting injured
    employee to file three months late
    without discussing cause requirement,
    noting only that given the facts of the
    case there was "no reason" why late claim
    should not be allowed). We limit our
    holding to the facts of this case.
    The district court’s order of June 12,
    2000 closing the limitation proceeding
    and defaulting all unfiled claims is
    VACATED and the case REMANDED with
    directions that the district court allow
    Pherigo to file his claim.