Feltner, Lisa v. Title Search Company ( 2002 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 01-2132
    Lisa Ann Feltner,
    Title Search Company,
    1st Source Bank,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Indiana, South Bend Division.
    No. 95-CV-217--Robert L. Miller, Jr., Judge.
    Argued January 23, 2002--Decided March 12, 2002
    Before Bauer, Coffey and Evans, Circuit
    Bauer, Circuit Judge. Title Search
    Company appeals the district court’s
    entry of a contempt and sanctions order
    after finding that Title Search violated
    an injunction preventing relitigation in
    state court of certain issues previously
    decided in federal court. Because the
    district court was well within its
    discretion to hold Title Search in
    contempt and sanction it, we affirm the
    judgment of the district court.
    Lisa Ann Feltner sued Title Search
    Company for sexual harassment and
    discrimination in 1995, under 42 U.S.C.
    sec. 2000(e) et seq. A trial was held in
    1996, and a jury awarded Feltner damages,
    plus attorney’s fees totaling
    approximately $93,000. Title Search
    appealed, and we affirmed the judgment.
    Despite losing the case, Title Search did
    not pay, forcing Feltner to seek a
    garnishment order. Garnishment
    proceedings were commenced in April 1997,
    and in the course of those proceedings
    Feltner discovered Title Search’s
    accounts at 1st Source Bank.
    The district court notified Title Search
    of the impending garnishment of the 1st
    Source Bank accounts and gave Title
    Search an opportunity to contest the
    garnishment at a hearing. Title Search
    could have avoided the garnishment by
    demonstrating that funds in the accounts
    did not belong to it, but Title Search
    did not contest the garnishment. The
    district court later set another hearing
    and again sent notice to Title Search,
    yet again Title Search failed to appear.
    Thereafter, in September of 1998, a
    garnishment order was entered, and in
    compliance with that order 1st Source
    Bank disbursed $93,165.65 to Feltner from
    Title Search accounts numbers 123-224-8
    and 8112232248.
    On November 6, 1998, well after it
    should have contested the issue, Title
    Search filed a motion for reconsideration
    of the garnishment order claiming that
    the funds in account 123-224-8 were part
    of a trust/escrow account containing
    funds that did not belong to Title
    Search. The motion was denied, and Title
    Search did not appeal the ruling.
    Then on February 4, 2000, Title Search
    filed suit in Indiana state court
    alleging breach of contract because 1st
    Source Bank improperly paid out funds,
    which did not belong to Title Search.
    After receiving notice of the state court
    suit, 1st Source Bank returned to federal
    court and moved to stay the state court
    proceedings. After briefing and oral
    argument, the district court granted the
    injunction prohibiting Title Search from
    relitigating in state court the issues
    which were already decided in federal
    court. The district court found that the
    state court action was an attempt by
    Title Search to relitigate the propriety
    of the garnishment order and challenge
    the district court’s determination that
    Title Search owned the funds in the
    account. The district court found that
    the stay was necessary to protect its
    previous rulings. See the All-Writs Act,
    28 U.S.C. sec. 1651; the Anti-Injunction
    Act, 28 U.S.C. sec. 2283. However, the
    district court did note that whether or
    not 1st Source Bank breached any
    contractual duties was a question not
    previously litigated and that issue would
    not be affected by the stay. Title Search
    did not appeal the entry of the
    Armed with the injunction, 1st Source
    Bank filed for summary judgment in the
    state court proceedings, and Title Search
    responded arguing that the account was an
    escrow account. 1st Source Bank
    reappeared in federal court requesting
    that Title Search be held in contempt for
    violating the injunction. The magistrate
    judge issued an order to show cause, and
    Title Search filed a memorandum in
    opposition to the contempt petition. The
    magistrate judge recommended that Title
    Search be found in contempt and
    sanctioned in the amount of $9,121.15.
    The district court adopted the magistrate
    judge’s recommendations and granted the
    petition for contempt on March 29, 2001.
    The district court also ordered Title
    Search to file a memorandum in state
    court withdrawing all of its arguments
    which violated the injunction. Title
    Search now appeals that ruling.
    A.   Issues on Appeal
    On June 16, 2000, the district court
    enjoined Title Search from relitigating
    issues in Indiana state court which were
    previously litigated in federal court.
    Title Search did not appeal the entry of
    the injunction. Nevertheless, in its
    briefs and at oral argument, Title Search
    argued that the injunction does not fall
    within any of the statutory exceptions
    contained in the Anti-Injunction Act.
    Title Search also attempts to shoehorn
    this issue into the contempt and
    sanctions appeal by arguing it did not
    violate the injunction because the issue
    of ownership of the funds was not
    litigated in federal court. We do not
    consider any of Title Search’s arguments
    which attack the scope of the injunction
    because Title Search never appealed the
    entry of the injunction on June 16, 2000.
    Cf. Szabo v. U.S. Marine Corp., 
    819 F.2d 714
    , 718 (7th Cir. 1987) ("Not having
    appealed from the grant of the
    injunction, U.S. Marine cannot argue that
    it is too vague to be enforced . . . .").
    The only issue before this court is
    whether the district court abused its
    discretion in entering the contempt and
    sanctions order on March 29, 2001.
    B.   Contempt & Sanctions Order
    It is well established that the decision
    by a district court to enter a finding of
    civil contempt is discretionary and we
    review it only to determine if there was
    an abuse of discretion or its entry was
    clearly erroneous. Jones v. Lincoln Elec.
    188 F.3d 709
    , 737 (7th Cir. 1999);
    Stoler and Co. v. Able, 
    870 F.2d 1158
    1163 (7th Cir. 1989); Jewel Tea Co. v.
    204 F.2d 549
    , 551 (7th Cir. 1953).
    Contempt proceedings are generally
    classified into two categories, coercive
    and remedial. Jones, 
    188 F.3d at 738
    Coercive sanctions are used to induce
    compliance with court orders in the
    future, while remedial sanctions
    compensate an aggrieved party for losses
    sustained for past disobedience of a
    court’s order. 
     The district court’s
    order in this case contains a remedial
    monetary sanction for violation of the
    injunction, and what could be classified
    as both a remedial and coercive sanction
    to remove certain arguments from motions
    filed in state court. The sanction,
    regardless of its nature, "must be
    predicated on a violation of an explicit
    court order." 
    Title Search contends that it did not
    violate the injunction with respect to
    relitigation of the issue of ownership
    and nature of the accounts. To hold a
    party in contempt, "the court must be
    able to point to a decree from the court
    which ’set[s] forth in specific detail an
    unequivocal command’ which the party in
    contempt violated." Ferrell v. Pierce,
    785 F.2d 1372
    , 1378 (7th Cir. 1986)
    (per curiam) (quoting H.K. Porter Co. v.
    National Friction Prod., 
    568 F.2d 24
    , 27
    (7th Cir. 1977)). The district court’s
    June 16, 2000 injunction order provides,
    in relevant part:
    1. Title Search is prohibited from
    relitigating in the related state-court
    action those allegations and/or issues
    contained in Paragraphs 5, 6, 7, 8, and
    11 of its state-court complaint . . . .
    2. Title Search is prohibited from
    litigating in the related state-court
    action the issue of whether it was the
    sole owner of the funds contained in
    Account No. 123-224-8 with 1st Source
    Bank. Whether the funds belonged to Title
    Search or its customers is a question
    that has already been determined as part
    of its garnishment proceeding, that took
    place between April 4, 1997 and November
    10, 1998. The court determined that Title
    Search was the sole owner of the funds,
    and, therefore, the issue shall not be
    tried again.
    The district court’s contempt and
    sanctions order "pointed" to the
    injunction order, and specifically found:
    "Title Search has in three separate
    instances continued to allege that the
    bank account at issue was an ’escrow’
    account, in direct violation of this
    court’s order."
    Throughout its reply to 1st Source
    Bank’s motion for summary judgment in the
    state action Title Search asserted that
    the account in question was an escrow
    account and that the funds did not belong
    to Title Search. For example, on page
    five of that motion, Title Search stated:
    "[t]here exists a genuine issue of fact
    as to the type of account which Title
    Search held with 1st Source." And on page
    six of that motion Title Search blatantly
    stated: "regardless of the district
    court’s adjudication of ownership of the
    garnished funds, Title Search has alleged
    that it had an escrow deposit agreement
    with 1st Source regarding these
    accounts." (emphasis in original). In
    support, Title Search submitted the
    "Verified Statement of M. Terese
    Partyka," President of Title Search, who
    stated that there was an understanding
    between 1st Source and Title Search that
    the account was an escrow account./1
    The reply brief is rife with other
    examples, which the district court quoted
    and compared with Title Search’s state
    court complaint and the injunction for
    more than five pages in its sanctions
    In the contempt and sanctions order, the
    district court quoted the "unequivocal
    commands" in the injunction and compared
    those commands with the arguments
    asserted in Title Search’s motions.
    Notwithstanding Title Search’s assertions
    to the contrary, the issue of ownership
    was clearly decided by the district court
    and Title Search’s attempt to relitigate
    it in state court violated the
    injunction. The injunction expressly
    prohibited relitigation of this issue,
    and the district court was well within
    its discretion to find Title Search in
    contempt of its order and sanction Title
    Search. The judgment of the district
    court is therefore Affirmed.
    /1 And at oral argument, counsel for Title Search
    again asserted that there was an escrow agree-
    ment, though when pressed counsel could not
    direct the panel to any page in the record to
    verify this contention. We reviewed the record in
    search of this supposed agreement, however, as
    Ms. Partyka stated in her verified statement, the
    escrow agreement with 1st Source is nowhere to be
    found even after a "diligent" search of Title
    Search’s records.