Rodriguez, Rene v. United States ( 2002 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 00-3242
    Rene Rodriguez,
    United States of America,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.
    No. 97 C 426--Thomas J. Curran, Judge.
    Argued September 26, 2001--Decided April 11, 2002
    Before Flaum, Chief Judge, and Coffey and
    Manion, Circuit Judges.
    Manion, Circuit Judge. In 1994, Rene
    Rodriguez received a life sentence after
    being convicted of conspiring to import
    and distribute over 1,000 kilograms of
    marijuana from Mexico to the United
    States. Rodriguez moved to have his
    sentence reviewed under 28 U.S.C. sec.
    2255, claiming that he was denied his
    Sixth Amendment right to effective
    assistance of counsel. The district court
    denied Rodriguez’s sec. 2255 application
    and he then filed a motion to amend the
    judgment. While this motion was pending,
    Rodriguez filed a motion to amend his
    habeas pleadings to include a claim under
    Apprendi v. New Jersey, 
    530 U.S. 466
    (2000). The district court subsequently
    denied both motions and granted Rodriguez
    a certificate of appealability limited to
    the ineffective assistance of counsel
    claim. He then petitioned this court to
    expand the issues upon which the
    certificate was granted to include his
    claim under Apprendi. We affirm the
    district court’s denial of Rodriguez’s
    sec. 2255 motion and deny his request to
    expand the certificate of appealability
    to include a claim under Apprendi.
    I.   Background
    Rene Rodriguez was charged in a one-
    count indictment with conspiracy to
    deliver over 1,000 kilograms of marijuana
    from 1989 through 1992, in violation of
    21 U.S.C. sec.sec. 841(a)(1) & 846. In
    1994, a jury convicted Rodriguez and the
    district court sentenced him to life in
    prison without the possibility of parole
    because of the quantity of marijuana
    involved in the count of conviction and
    because of his prior convictions for drug
    trafficking offenses. See 21 U.S.C. sec.
    841 (b)(1)(A)./1 At trial, the
    government presented evidence of his
    conspiracy that included recorded
    telephone conversations between him and
    his co-conspirators, phone records, and
    testimony of the co-conspirators.
    Rodriguez’s theory of his defense was
    that he was not involved in the
    conspiracy, but was merely attempting to
    steal money from the drug traffickers.
    The issue of drug quantity was not
    submitted to the jury during his trial,
    but was instead determined by the court
    by a preponderance of the evidence to be
    over 1,000 kilograms. This court affirmed
    the conviction and the sentence in United
    States v. Rodriguez, 
    67 F.3d 1312
    Cir. 1995), cert. denied, 
    517 U.S. 1174
    (1996) (hereinafter Rodriguez I).
    In Rodriguez I, we addressed Rodriguez’s
    argument that the issue of drug quantity
    should have been submitted to the jury,
    and that the appropriate standard for
    determining drug quantity for sentencing
    purposes was beyond a reasonable doubt.
    id. at 1322.
    We held that the
    district court, not the jury, should have
    decided drug quantity because it is not
    an element of the offense. 
    Id. at 1317.
    This court also upheld the preponderance
    of evidence standard, noting that due
    process concerns were not implicated by
    the facts of that case where the
    Sentencing Guidelines incrementally
    increased time served based on drug
    Id. at 1322-23.
      On April 22, 1997, Rodriguez filed a
    motion for collateral review under 28
    U.S.C. sec. 2255 alleging a variety of
    constitutional violations, including that
    he had been denied effective assistance
    of counsel. His sec. 2255 motion did
    notcontain any allegations concerning the
    constitutionality of the standard of
    proof used to determine the drug quantity
    at sentencing. Nor did it include an
    allegation that the district court erred
    in failing to submit the issue of drug
    quantity to the jury. Rodriguez’s motion
    before the district court listed almost a
    dozen instances of counsel’s alleged
    ineffectiveness, only two of which have
    been preserved for consideration in this
    appeal./3 First, Rodriguez maintains
    that he involuntarily waived his right to
    testify in his own defense because his
    attorney incorrectly advised him that if
    he took the stand his prior convictions
    for drug trafficking would be entered
    into evidence. Second, he alleges that
    during closing argument, his counsel
    effectively pleaded him guilty by
    improperly admitting that Rodriguez did
    possess, and agreed to deliver, ten
    ounces of marijuana. On December 31,
    1998, without holding an evidentiary
    hearing concerning these issues, the
    district court entered judgment denying
    Rodriguez’s sec. 2255 motion.
    After the district court denied his
    habeas petition, Rodriguez filed a motion
    on January 14, 1999, to amend the denial
    of his habeas application under Fed. R.
    Civ. P. 59(e). The motion alleged a
    variety of errors in the transcriptions
    of surveillance tapes that were presented
    to the jury. Eleven months later, on
    December 6, 1999, while the motion to
    amend the judgment was still pending,
    Rodriguez filed a "Motion for Leave to
    Supplement/Amend the Pleadings." In this
    motion, he petitioned the district court
    to allow him to include a claim in his
    sec. 2255 petition that the issue of drug
    quantity should have been determined by
    the jury on a reasonable doubt
    standard./4 Rodriguez again petitioned
    the court to amend in February 2000 as a
    result of the Supreme Court’s grant of
    certiorari in Apprendi v. New Jersey, 
    530 U.S. 466
    (2000). Ultimately, in August
    2000 the district court denied the Rule
    59 motion, along with the petitions to
    amend. The district court then issued a
    certificate of appealability to
    Rodriguez, limited to his claims of
    ineffective assistance of counsel.
    Rodriguez appeals the district court’s
    decision on his sec. 2255 application and
    petitions this court to expand the
    certificate of appealability to include
    his Apprendi claim.
    II.    Analysis
    A.    Apprendi Claim
    On appeal of a district court’s decision
    to grant or to deny an application for
    writ of habeas corpus, we review all
    questions of law de novo. Small v.
    998 F.2d 411
    , 414 (7th Cir.
    1993). In order to appeal a district
    court’s ruling on a writ of habeas
    corpus, an applicant is required to
    obtain a certificate of appealability.
    See 28 U.S.C. sec. 2253(c) (1)(B); Fed.
    R. App. P. 22(b)(1). Because the
    certificate in this case is limited to
    only the ineffective assistance claims,
    we will first address Rodriguez’s
    petition to expand the certificate to
    include his claim under Apprendi. "A
    certificate of appealability may issue
    [by a district or circuit judge] . . .
    only if the applicant has made a
    substantial showing of the denial of a
    constitutional right . . . [and the
    certificate] shall indicate which
    specific issue or issues satisfy that
    showing." 28 U.S.C. sec. 2253(c); see
    also Williams v. Parke, 
    133 F.3d 971
    , 975
    (7th Cir. 1997). Rodriguez fails to make
    this showing, and therefore his request
    to expand the certificate of
    appealability is denied.
    Under the Antiterrorism and Effective
    Death Penalty Act of 1996 (AEDPA), a
    substantial showing of a denial of a
    constitutional right "includes showing
    that reasonable jurists could debate
    whether (or, for that matter, agree that)
    the petition should have been resolved in
    a different manner or that the issues
    presented were ’adequate to deserve
    encouragement to proceed further.’" Slack
    v. McDaniel, 
    529 U.S. 473
    , 484 (2000)
    (citing Barefoot v. Estelle, 
    463 U.S. 880
    , 893 & n.4 (1983)). Here, the
    district court did not address the
    substantive issues underlying Rodriguez’s
    proposed habeas claim under Apprendi, but
    instead denied his post-judgment motions
    that sought to raise that claim. When a
    district court denies a habeas claim on
    procedural grounds, a circuit court
    should only expand the certificate to
    include that claim if a prisoner at least
    demonstrates "that jurists of reason
    would find it debatable whether the
    petition states a valid claim of the
    denial of a constitutional right and that
    jurists of reason would find it debatable
    whether the district court was correct in
    its procedural ruling." 
    Id. at 484.
    a plain procedural bar is present and the
    district court is free to invoke it to
    dispose of the case, a reasonable jurist
    could not conclude either that the
    district court erred in dismissing the
    petition or that the petitioner should be
    allowed to proceed further." 
    Id. In this
    case, we find that Rodriguez cannot show
    the denial of a constitutional right
    because he is procedurally barred from
    raising his Apprendi claim.
    First, Rodriguez is procedurally barred
    from pursuing his Apprendi claim on
    appeal because he failed to raise that
    claim in his sec. 2255 claim before the
    district court. In a habeas case, the
    "law is clear that any claim not
    presented to the district court is waived
    on appeal." Drake v. Clark, 
    14 F.3d 351
    355 (7th Cir. 1994) (internal citations
    omitted) (refusing to consider the
    arguments raised in petitioner’s appeal
    from a denial of a writ of habeas corpus
    that were not presented to the district
    court). See also Valenzuela v. United
    261 F.3d 694
    , 700 n. 2 (7th Cir.
    2001) (stating that by failing to raise
    an issue in a sec. 2255 petition before
    the district court, a petitioner waived
    that issue on appeal); Shilcutt v.
    827 F.2d 1155
    , 1161 (7th Cir.
    1987) (declining to consider a Sixth
    Amendment claim because the petitioner
    did not raise it in his habeas petition
    before the district court). In
    Rittenhouse v. Battles, 
    263 F.3d 689
    694-95 (7th Cir. 2001), we addressed this
    precise issue. Rittenhouse petitioned
    this court to expand his certificate of
    appealability to include issues that he
    had not raised in the district court. 
    Id. However, like
    Rodriguez, he had
    previously raised the disputed issues in
    his prior proceedings on direct appeal,
    but failed to raise them when he filed
    his petition for a writ of habeas corpus
    in the district court. 
    Id. We refused
    expand Rittenhouse’s certificate because
    his failure to raise those issues in the
    district court constituted a waiver. 
    Id. In a
    like manner, Rodriguez did not raise
    the Apprendi claim in his original sec.
    2255 application, and it is therefore
    waived on appeal.
    Rodriguez cannot rely on the timing of
    the Supreme Court’s ruling in Apprendi to
    avoid a finding of waiver. While it is
    true that Rodriguez was tried and
    sentenced prior to Apprendi v. New
    530 U.S. 466
    (2000), we have held
    that prisoners in similar situations were
    not relieved of their duty to bring this
    type of claim in a timely manner. Our
    case law is "clear that the novelty of
    Apprendi does not constitute cause for
    failing to raise the issue earlier
    because ’the foundation for Apprendi was
    laid long before 1992.’" 
    Valenzuela, 261 F.3d at 700
    n. 2 (citing Garrott v.
    United States, 
    238 F.3d 903
    , 905 (7th
    Cir. 2001)). Furthermore, Rodriguez was
    obviously aware of the availability of a
    claim addressing the standard of review
    applied to sentencing factors as he
    himself raised this issue in his direct
    appeal. Nevertheless, he chose not to
    pursue it in his habeas petition./5
    We next consider whether Rodriguez
    avoided a waiver, thus preserving his
    Apprendi issue for appeal, by filing a
    motion to amend his pleadings. Prior to
    moving to amend his sec. 2255 petition,
    Rodriguez filed a motion under Fed. R.
    Civ. P. 59 in January 1999 to alter or
    amend the judgment of the district court.
    The Rule 59 motion, and the accompanying
    affidavit from Rodriguez, alleged errors
    with the evidence presented at trial and
    did not include any claims that the trial
    court erred in using the preponderance of
    the evidence standard to determine the
    issue of drug quantity. In December 1999,
    while the Rule 59 motion was still
    pending and seven days after the Supreme
    Court granted certiorari in Apprendi v.
    New Jersey, 
    528 U.S. 1018
    Rodriguez filed a motion to amend his
    pleadings to include an Apprendi claim.
    Rodriguez filed a second memorandum
    requesting amendment and argument on the
    Apprendi issue when Apprendi was decided
    in June 2000. Rodriguez argued that the
    maximum sentence he should have received
    for his conviction, in the absence of a
    jury finding on the issue of drug
    quantity, was 10 years under 21 U.S.C.
    sec. 841(b)(1)(D). Because he was
    sentenced to life imprisonment without
    the possibility of parole, under 21
    U.S.C. sec. 841(b)(1)(A), he argues that
    he received a sentence in excess of the
    maximum statutory penalty, in violation
    of Apprendi.
    The rules governing sec. 2255 do not
    deal with amendments for collateral
    review and therefore proposed amendments
    to sec. 2255 motions are governed by Fed.
    R. Civ. P. 15(a). Johnson v. United
    196 F.3d 802
    , 805 (7th Cir.
    1999). Under Rule 15(a) a court may
    permit leave to allow amendment of
    pleadings even after a defendant’s
    absolute right to amend has lapsed,
    "freely . . . when justice requires." The
    AEDPA allows a prisoner a full
    opportunity to seek collateral review,
    which means that "[a] prisoner receives
    one complete round of litigation, which
    as in other civil suits includes the
    opportunity to amend a pleading before
    Johnson, 196 F.3d at 805
    In this case, however, the district
    court entered a judgment denying
    Rodriguez’s sec. 2255 application prior
    to his attempt to amend his pleadings.
    This is not fatal to Rodriguez’s claim,
    as a court may grant a plaintiff’s motion
    for leave to amend even after judgment
    had been entered. See, e.g., United
    States Labor Party v. Oremus, 
    619 F.2d 683
    , 692 (7th Cir. 1980). However, in
    this circuit, "’the presumption in favor
    of liberality in granting motions to
    amend [under Rule 15(a)] is reversed
    after judgment has been entered.’" Vicom
    Inc. v. Harbridge Merchant Services Inc.,
    20 F.3d 771
    , 785 n. 13 (7th Cir. 1994)
    (citing First Nat’l Bank v. Continental
    Ill. Nat’l Bank, 
    933 F.2d 466
    , 468 (7th
    Cir. 1991)). See also Amendola v. Bayer,
    907 F.2d 760
    , 765 n. 1 (7th Cir. 1990)
    ("In this circuit, after a judgment has
    been entered, a party must have the
    judgment reopened pursuant to Federal
    Rule of Civil Procedure 59(e) or 60(b)
    and then request leave to amend pursuant
    to Rule 15(a)."); Twohy v. First Nat’l
    758 F.2d 1185
    , 1196 (7th Cir. 1985)
    (noting that "several courts have
    recognized that justice may require
    something less in post-judgment
    situations than in pre-judgment
    situations under Rule 15(a)"). In this
    case the court denied both his motion to
    amend and his Rule 59 motion
    simultaneously and without comment.
    Whether or not to grant a defendant’s
    motion to amend his complaint is a
    decision left to the discretion of the
    district court. Bethany Pharmaceutical
    Co. v. QVC, Inc., 
    241 F.3d 854
    , 861 (7th
    Cir. 2001). Under Rule 15, a court may
    deny the amendment due to undue delay,
    bad faith, dilatory motive, prejudice or
    Id. at 860-61.
    In this case the
    court would have been free to deny the
    motion based on either futility or delay.
    A district court may properly deny a
    motion to amend as futile if the proposed
    amendment would be barred by the statute
    of limitations. King v. One Unknown Fed.
    Corr. Officer, 
    201 F.3d 910
    , 914 (7th
    Cir. 2000). Under AEDPA, a one-year
    statute of limitations applies to all
    federal habeas petitions. 28 U.S.C. sec.
    2255 para. 6./6 In this case,
    Rodriguez’s original claim was filed
    within AEDPA’s statute of limitations,
    but his Apprendi claim in his motion to
    amend was filed 30 months after the
    deadline to file sec. 2255 motions
    expired. Under Fed R. Civ. P. 15(c), an
    amended complaint relates back to the
    date of the original complaint for
    purposes of tolling the statute of
    limitations where "the claim or defense
    asserted in the amended pleading arose
    out of the conduct, transaction, or
    occurrence set forth or attempted to be
    set forth in the original pleading." Fed.
    R. Civ. P. 15(c)(2). In this case, the
    motion to amend will not be untimely if
    it relates back to the original sec. 2255
    filing. We have not addressed Rule 15(c)
    in the context of a sec. 2255 motion, but
    we have noted the special considerations
    for post-finality motions that we must
    consider in light of AEDPA’s limitations
    on multiple efforts to obtain collateral
    review. See Johnson at 804-05 (holding
    that post-finality motions can count as
    second or successive applications under
    28 U.S.C. sec. 2255 para. 8, if the
    petition has reached a final decision).
    Four circuits have addressed this issue
    and each concluded that an untimely sec.
    2255 claim will not "relate back" under
    Rule 15(c) unless the claim has "more in
    common with the timely filed claim than
    the mere fact that they arose out of the
    same trial and sentencing proceedings."
    Dean v. United States, 
    278 F.3d 1218
    1221 (11th Cir. 2002); see also United
    States v. Pittman, 
    209 F.3d 314
    (4th Cir.
    2000); United States v. Duffus, 
    174 F.3d 333
    (3d Cir. 1999); United States v.
    167 F.3d 451
    (8th Cir. 1999).
    In order for an untimely claim to relate
    back, it "must have arisen from the ’same
    set of facts’ as the timely filed claim,
    not from separate conduct or a separate
    occurrence in ’both time and type.’"
    Dean, 278 F.3d at 1221
    Pittman, 209 F.3d at 318
    ("both time and type"));
    Duffus, 174 F.3d at 337
    ("same set of
    Craycraft, 167 F.3d at 457
    ("same set of facts" and "both time and
    type")). In addition, these circuits have
    been uniform in their denial of
    amendments that would add a new claim or
    theory of relief. United States v.
    221 F.2d 430
    , 436 (3d Cir. 2000)
    (holding that Rule 15(c)(2) applies to
    sec. 2255 petitions insofar as amendments
    seek to clarify or amplify existing
    claims and not add entirely new claims);
    Pittman, 209 F.3d at 317
    (affirming a
    denial of an amendment because it arose
    out of a separate occurrence); 
    Craycraft, 167 F.3d at 457
    (8th Cir. 1999)
    (affirming denial of a proposed amendment
    because the proposed claim was
    "distinctly separate" from claims already
    Rodriguez’s claim clearly does not
    satisfy this standard. His original sec.
    2255 application made no mention of the
    appropriate standard of review for
    sentencing factors that increase the
    maximum available sentence. Instead
    itfocused on ineffective assistance of
    counsel issues. The issues and facts
    underlying his Apprendi claim are
    unrelated to his ineffective assistance
    of counsel claims. Because there is no
    claim in Rodriguez’s original petition
    that his amended claim could relate back
    to, it violates AEDPA’s one-year statute
    of limitations. Because of this
    preclusion, it would not have been an
    abuse of discretion for the district
    court to deny his motion to amend as
    In addition, the court could have denied
    Rodriguez’s application based on his
    delay in moving for the amendment.
    Rodriguez did not move to amend his
    complaint until after 29 months had
    passed from the time that the government
    filed its response and 32 months after
    the deadline to file a sec. 2255 motion
    under the AEDPA had expired.
    Additionally, Rodriguez was aware of the
    arguments he eventually presented in his
    motion to amend because he had raised
    those exact issues on direct appeal. See,
    e.g., Continental Bank, N.A. v. Meyer, 
    10 F.3d 1293
    , 1297 (7th Cir. 1993) (holding
    that failure to move to amend complaint
    until 25 months had passed, when the
    basis for the amendment was present at
    the time of filing the complaint and
    would have forced the nonmoving party to
    conduct discovery, constituted undue
    delay). Rodriguez argues that a delay in
    requesting an amendment is not a
    sufficient basis to deny a motion to
    amend when the delay has not caused the
    opposing party undue prejudice. See
    Textor v. Board of Regents of N. Ill.
    711 F.2d 1387
    , 1391-92 (7th Cir.
    1993). In this case, Rodriguez argues,
    the government was on notice of the
    availability of this claim, and it was
    not prejudiced by the delay because it
    had briefed the issue when it was raised
    on direct appeal. However, based on the
    significant time lapse between the
    deadline to file sec. 2255 motions under
    the AEDPA, the availability of this claim
    at the time he filed his initial habeas
    application and the need for the
    government to reinvestigate this claim,
    it would not have been an abuse of
    discretion for the court to have denied
    this motion to amend based on delay. See
    Johnson, 196 F.3d at 805
    (explaining that
    "delay is a standard reason for denying
    leave to amend.")./7
    Rodriguez argues that the time limits in
    sec. 2255 should be equitably tolled
    because he could not have raised an
    Apprendi claim in his petition to the
    district court. As we have already
    established, however, supra n. 1,
    Rodriguez was not precluded from raising
    this argument in his initial sec. 2255
    motion. At oral argument, Rodriguez’s
    counsel did state that he did not
    introduce the issue in his original
    petition due to fear of sanctions. We
    have noted on many occasions, however,
    that arguments raised for the first time
    at oral argument are waived. See, e.g.,
    Ricci v. Arlington Heights, 
    116 F.3d 288
    292 (7th Cir. 1997); United States v.
    109 F.3d 365
    , 371 (7th Cir.
    1997); Dovenmuehle v. Gilldorn Mortgage
    Midwest Corp., 
    871 F.2d 697
    , 701 n.5 (7th
    Cir. 1989). Also, Rodriguez did not cite,
    nor have we been able to find any case
    where a litigant on habeas review was
    sanctioned for relitigating issues which
    were raised and ruled upon on direct
    Rodriguez has waived the Apprendi claim
    because he failed to raise it before the
    district court. Rodriguez’s motions to
    the district court to amend his
    application to include an Apprendi claim
    do not cure the waiver of this issue
    because the motions were properly denied
    due to the fact that they were late and
    did not relate back to his original
    petition. Rodriguez’s inability to show
    that the district court erred in
    dismissing the motions to amend his sec.
    2255 motion precludes him from
    establishing the denial of a
    constitutional right. Therefore, his
    motion to expand the certificate of
    appealability is denied.
    B.   Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
    This court reviews a district court’s
    ruling on ineffective assistance of
    counsel de novo. Kitchen v. United
    227 F.3d 1014
    , 1017 (7th Cir.
    1996). In order to establish ineffective
    assistance of counsel, a petitioner must
    show that: (1) his attorney’s performance
    "fell below an objective standard of
    reasonableness," Strickland v.
    466 U.S. 668
    , 688 (1994); and
    (2) "but for counsel’s unprofessional er
    rors the result of the proceeding would
    have been different." 
    Id. at 694.
    also United States v. Zarnes, 
    33 F.3d 1454
    , 1473 (7th Cir. 1994). In terms of
    the performance prong, "[j]udicial
    scrutiny of counsel’s performance must be
    highly deferential." 
    Strickland, 466 U.S. at 689
    . Only those "who can prove under
    Strickland that they have been denied a
    fair trial by the gross incompetence of
    their attorneys will be granted the writ
    . . . ." Kimmelman v. Morrison, 
    477 U.S. 365
    , 382 (1986). "This requires showing
    that counsel made errors so serious that
    counsel was not functioning as the
    ’counsel’ guaranteed the defendant by the
    Sixth Amendment." 
    Strickland, 466 U.S. at 687
    . The burden for a defendant is high
    when he attempts to contend his counsel’s
    trial strategy was ineffective because
    "Strickland builds in an element of
    deference to counsel’s choices in
    conducting the litigation." Holman v.
    126 F.3d 876
    , 881 (7th Cir.
    1997). In order to establish prejudice
    under the second prong, the
    unprofessional errors of counsel must be
    so egregious "that the trial was rendered
    unfair and the verdict rendered suspect."
    Morrison, 477 U.S. at 374
    Rodriguez argues that he was denied his
    Sixth Amendment right to effective
    assistance of counsel when his attorney
    advised him that if he testified, his
    prior convictions could be used to
    impeach his testimony. Rodriguez contends
    that this advice was incorrect because
    his prior conviction was inadmissible
    character evidence under Fed. R. Evid.
    609. He maintains that his attorney
    compounded this error by failing to even
    argue that issue during a pretrial
    conference. This argument fails to
    satisfy either prong of the Strickland
    First, Rodriguez cannot show that his
    counsel’s advice concerning the
    impeachment value of his prior crime was
    unreasonable. Under Fed. R. Evid. 609,
    evidence that the accused has been
    convicted of a crime within ten years of
    the present offense punishable by more
    than one year in prison shall be admitted
    if the court determines that the
    "probative value of admitting this
    evidence outweighs its prejudicial
    value." Fed. R. Evid. 609(a)(1), (b);
    see, e.g., United States v. Mahone, 
    537 F.2d 922
    , 929 (7th Cir. 1976) (holding
    that prior to admitting evidence of a
    prior offense to be used for impeachment
    purposes, judges should hold a hearing on
    the matter and explicitly find that the
    prejudicial effect of the evidence will
    be outweighed by its probative value).
    Some of the factors that a judge should
    consider in making this determination
    are: "(1) the impeachment value of the
    prior crime; (2) the point in time of the
    conviction and the defendant’s subsequent
    history; (3) the similarity between the
    past crime and the charged crime; (4) the
    importance of the defendant’s testimony;
    and (5) the centrality of the credibility
    issue." United States v. Smith, 
    131 F.3d 685
    , 687 (7th Cir. 1997) (citing United
    States v. Hernandez, 
    106 F.3d 737
    , 739-40
    (7th Cir. 1997)). In this case,
    Rodriguez’s prior conviction was for
    possession with intent to distribute
    400,000 Mandrax tablets in 1982, and
    thus, like he charged offense, involves
    the distribution of illegal drugs. See
    United States v. Harding, 
    525 F.2d 84
    , 90
    (7th Cir. 1975) (noting that the
    similarity between a prior offense for
    possession of 80 pounds of marijuana with
    the present offense of the sale of one
    gram of cocaine created a strong risk of
    unfair prejudice). This prior conviction
    was also an important factor in
    determining Rodriguez’s credibility if he
    took the stand. In this case, Rodriguez’s
    theory of defense was not that he was
    innocent of drug distribution, but that
    he did not intend to join the charged
    conspiracy. Thus, if he took the stand,
    the prior conviction’s probative value
    for determining credibility would
    outweigh its prejudicial value for his
    propensity to commit the charged crime.
    Harding, 525 F.2d at 88-90
    evidence of a similar prior drug offense
    for the purpose of impeaching the
    credibility of the defendant but not for
    the purpose of showing a propensity to
    commit the charged offense); see also
    Smith, 131 F.3d at 687
    (permitting the
    introduction of evidence of prior similar
    crimes as impeachment when credibility
    was a key issue). Therefore, Rodriguez
    cannot show that his counsel’s advice was
    incorrect, much less unreasonable.
    Rodriguez relies upon Nichols v. Butler,
    953 F.2d 1550
    (11th Cir. 1992), as
    holding that an attorney’s improper
    advice concerning the right to testify
    can result in ineffective assistance of
    counsel. However, his reliance on this
    case is misplaced. In Nichols, the court
    found that a defendant received
    ineffective assistance of counsel under
    the Strickland factors when his counsel
    prevented him from testifying in his own
    defense. Id at 1554. Unlike the case at
    hand, the court found that the attorney
    in Nichols committed prejudicial error
    when he actually coerced his client not
    to testify by threatening to withdraw as
    counsel if he did take the stand. 
    Id. at 1553.
    Rodriguez does not assert that his
    attorney coerced him not to testify, just
    that his attorney erred in advising him
    about the consequences of his testimony.
    As further evidence of his counsel’s
    deficient performance, Rodriguez cites a
    pretrial colloquy between his counsel and
    the trial court judge where his counsel
    failed to argue that the circumstances of
    the two crimes were so similar that the
    prior crime should be unavailable for
    impeachment. Because of his counsel’s
    failure to argue the issue, and his
    advice not to testify because of the
    possibility of impeachment with the prior
    offense, he argues that he did not
    receive a fair trial because the waiver
    of his right to testify was unknowing and
    involuntary, citing United States v. Poe,
    352 F.2d 639
    , 640-41 (D.C. Cir. 1965)
    ("defendant was deprived of his right to
    a fair trial when he did not testify,
    because his counsel misinformed him of
    the consequences of taking the stand").
    However, Poe does not support
    Rodriguez’s argument. In Poe, the court
    upheld a trial court’s ruling that a
    defendant did not receive a fair trial
    when his attorney incorrectly advised his
    client that inadmissible evidence would
    be used to impeach to his testimony. 
    Id. The court
    did not, however, hold that the
    defendant had been denied effective
    assistance of counsel under the Sixth
    Id. at 641.
    Instead, the case
    set forth the rule that when the trial
    judge himself finds that a defendant has
    been denied a fair trial by reason of an
    action or inaction by counsel, that
    determination should not be disturbed
    unless clearly erroneous. 
    Id. In a
    ddition, in that situation, prior to
    defendant’s decision not to take the
    stand, the trial court judge held that
    the evidence that could have been used to
    impeach the defendant was inadmissible.
    See Poe v. United States, 
    233 F. Supp. 173
    , 175 (D.C., D.C. 1964). Here, the
    government indicated during a pretrial
    hearing that if Rodriguez testified, it
    intended to introduce evidence of his
    prior crimes. Unlike Poe, the judge
    indicated that the evidence would likely
    be admissible against Rodriguez, stating
    that "such a prior conviction may have
    more probative value for impeachment
    purposes, and, therefore, would tend to
    outweigh the prejudicial effect it would
    have on the matter . . . ." The trial
    judge, however, reserved judgment on the
    issue pending Rodriguez’s decision to
    take the stand in his own defense. Thus
    it was probable, or at least undecided,
    that Rodriguez’s past crimes could have
    been used to impeach his testimony.
    Failing to raise this argument, when it
    was likely to fail, cannot be deemed to
    be unreasonable behavior by an attorney.
    See United States v. Cooke, 
    110 F.3d 1288
    , 1301 (7th Cir. 1997) (holding that
    an attorney’s performance was not
    objectively unreasonable due to a failure
    to raise a meritless objection).
    Secondly, even if his counsel did err,
    Rodriguez cannot satisfy the second prong
    of Strickland by demonstrating that his
    counsel’s alleged error rendered the
    result of the proceedings suspect. See
    Strickland, 466 U.S. at 694
    . In order for
    Rodriguez to have testified without the
    threat of impeachment due to his prior
    crimes, his counsel would have had to
    successfully argue the issue under Fed.
    R. Evid. 609. We have already seen that
    this outcome was unlikely. If, somehow,
    Rodriguez had taken the stand, he argues
    that he would have presented evidence
    that he was trying to "rip off" his
    fellow co-conspirators. However,
    Rodriguez has not demonstrated that the
    absence of this testimony rendered the
    outcome of the trial suspect. In fact,
    Rodriguez’s counsel was able to present
    this defense without Rodriguez’s
    testimony by showing that Rodriguez kept
    $50,000 given to him by other co-
    conspirators but never delivered the
    hundreds of pounds of marijuana in
    exchange. It is true that a defendant’s
    testimony "in his own trial is unique and
    inherently significant." 
    Nichols, 953 F.2d at 1553
    . But this presumption,
    standing on its own, is not enough to
    show prejudice under Strickland.
    Rodriguez’s reliance on Nichols to show
    prejudice is also misplaced. In that case
    the court found that the lack of
    testimony by the defendant was
    prejudicial due to the scant amount of
    evidence presented by the prosecution and
    the lack of a defense presented by the
    defendant’s counsel. 
    Nichols, 953 F.2d at 1554
    . Unlike Nichols, however, Rodriguez
    was able to present a defense and the
    government introduced a significant
    amount of evidence demonstrating his
    guilt. This evidence included the
    testimony of co-conspirators concerning
    multiple drug transactions involving
    Rodriguez, phone records, and recorded
    phone calls made by Rodriguez in
    furtherance of the conspiracy. In one of
    those recorded calls he informed a co-
    conspirator that he was "sitting on" 450
    pounds of marijuana. Thus, in contrast to
    Nichols, the government had substantial
    evidence of Rodriguez’s guilt, and
    Rodriguez, on the other hand, was able to
    present additional evidence of his theory
    of defense. Therefore Rodriguez failed to
    establish that but for his counsel’s
    alleged errors, the result of his trial
    would have been different.
    Rodriguez also claims that his counsel’s
    performance was substandard because he
    effectively entered a guilty plea by
    conceding that Rodriguez delivered ten
    ounces of marijuana to Michael Cook, a
    former conspirator who was, at the time,
    in Texas cooperating with the government.
    During the trial, Cook testified that
    Rodriguez provided him with the ten
    ounces of marijuana as proof of the
    quality of his supply. Then, in closing
    arguments, Rodriguez’s attorney conceded
    that this drug delivery had occurred, but
    argued that it was not in furtherance of
    the conspiracy but rather part of
    Rodriguez’s scheme to defraud Cook and
    the other conspirators. Rodriguez argues
    that this argument in closing,
    accompanied by the failure of his trial
    counsel to request a jury instruction
    based on venue, ultimately required the
    jury to find him guilty./8 However,
    Rodriguez’s counsel’s concession did not
    require a finding of guilty on the
    conspiracy charge. Instead, it was a
    reasonable element of his strategy to
    show that Rodriguez was acting against
    the conspiracy.
    Moreover, as this court has recognized,
    lawyers may reasonably acknowledge, as
    part of a trial strategy, that on a
    particular count the evidence against
    their client is overwhelming. See
    Underwood v. Clark, 
    939 F.2d 473
    , 474
    (7th Cir. 1991) (holding that a counsel’s
    admission of guilt during closing
    arguments was reasonable as a tactical
    decision to gain favor with the jury).
    Courts should not "second-guess trial
    tactics that are rationally based."
    United States v. Zarnes, 
    33 F.3d 1454
    1473 (citing United States v. Booker, 
    981 F.2d 289
    , 295 (7th Cir. 1992)). In
    assessing the performance of counsel, "a
    court must indulge a strong presumption
    that counsel’s conduct falls within the
    wide range of reasonable professional
    assistance; that is, the defendant must
    overcome the presumption that, under the
    circumstances, the challenged action
    ’might be considered sound trial
    Strickland, 466 U.S. at 689
    (citation omitted). In this case, with
    the large amount of evidence presented
    against Rodriguez, this strategy appears
    quite reasonable. If the jury had
    believed his theory of defense, then he
    would not have been guilty of a crime
    involving over 1,000 kilograms of
    marijuana, but instead only guilty of a
    crime involving approximately 300 grams
    of marijuana. This would have decreased
    his maximum sentence from life
    imprisonment to ten years. See 21 U.S.C.
    sec. 841(b)(1)(A) & (D). In fact, the
    trial court noted that Rodriguez’s
    counsel’s closing argument was "actually
    quite compelling." Because this tactic
    was reasonable as trial strategy,
    Rodriguez’s claim fails under Strickland.
    Finally, Rodriguez argues that we should
    remand this case to the district court to
    hold an evidentiary hearing on the issue
    of his counsel’s effectiveness. Petitions
    under 18 U.S.C. sec. 2255 typically
    require an adversarial judicial hearing
    when factual disputes exist. Stokes v.
    United States, 
    652 F.2d 1
    , 2 (7th Cir.
    1981) (citing United States v. Underwood,
    577 F.2d 157
    (1st Cir. 1978)). However, a
    federal prisoner does not have an
    automatic right to an evidentiary hearing
    under this statute, and a court may deny
    an evidentiary hearing "if the
    allegations in the motion are
    unreasonably vague, conclusory, or
    incredible, or if the factual matters
    raised by the motion may be resolved on
    the record before the district court."
    Oliver v. United States, 
    961 F.2d 1339
    1343 n.5 (7th Cir. 1992) (citing United
    States v. Frye, 
    738 F.2d 196
    (7th Cir.
    1984)). A hearing would not have aided
    the district court in ruling on
    Rodriguez’s sec. 2255 motion. The court
    had sufficient information, based on its
    observations, the record, and the law, to
    determine that Rodriguez had received
    effective assistance of counsel. In
    addition, the judge who presided over the
    sec. 2255 motion also presided over
    Rodriguez’s trial and sentencing. A judge
    who sits in this position is "uniquely
    suited to determine if a hearing [is]
    necessary." See Patel v. United States,
    19 F.3d 1231
    (7th Cir. 1994).
    Consequently, we affirm the district
    court’s decision not to hold a hearing.
    III. Conclusion
    Rodriguez’s petition to expand the
    certificate of appealability to include a
    claim under Apprendi is denied. He has
    failed to make a substantial showing of a
    denial of a constitutional right because
    he waived the Apprendi issue by failing
    to raise it in the district court. He was
    procedurally barred from raising the
    claim in post-judgment motions to amend
    his claim because an amendment would have
    violated the statute of limitations on
    sec. 2255 motions. Also, because he
    cannot show that his counsel’s
    performance fell below an objective
    standard of reasonableness or that his
    performance prejudiced Rodriguez’s case,
    we affirm the district’s court denial of
    his sec. 2255 application alleging
    ineffective assistance of counsel.
    /1 Rodriguez was convicted in 1977 of possession
    with intent to distribute heroin and in 1983 of
    conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute
    over 400,000 Mandrax tablets. See United States
    v. Rodriguez, 
    67 F.3d 1312
    , 1322, n.2 (7th Cir.
    /2 Rodriguez raised the standard of review issue in
    his petition for rehearing of Rodriguez I to this
    court and in his petition for certiorari to the
    United States Supreme Court, both of which were
    denied. Judge Posner, in his dissent from the
    order denying a rehearing en banc, stated that
    the issue of what standard of proof is necessary
    in determining sentencing factors such as drug
    quantity was "a difficult and important question,
    worth the attention of the full court. . . ."
    United States v. Rodriguez, 
    73 F.3d 161
    , 162 (7th
    Cir. 1996) (Judge Posner was joined by Judge
    Diane Wood in his dissent and the panel voted 6-5
    to deny the rehearing en banc).
    /3 Rodriguez’s other claims are waived because he
    failed to address them in his appellate brief.
    See Sere v. Board of Trustees of the Univ. of
    852 F.2d 285
    , 287 (7th Cir. 1988) ("It
    is not the obligation of this court to research
    and construct the legal arguments open to par-
    ties, especially when they are represented by
    counsel . . . . We consistently and evenhandedly
    have applied the waiver doctrine when appellants
    have failed to raise an issue in their opening
    brief." (internal quotations and citations omit-
    /4 Rodriguez made this argument pursuant to a foot-
    note in United States v. Jones, 
    526 U.S. 227
    , 243
    n.6 (1999). In Jones, the Court stated that
    "under the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amend-
    ment and the notice and jury trial guarantees of
    the Sixth Amendment, any fact (other than prior
    conviction) that increases the maximum penalty
    for a crime must be charged in an indictment,
    submitted to a jury, and proven beyond a reason-
    able doubt."
    /5 Rodriguez also makes several arguments in an
    attempt to utilize the "cause and prejudice"
    exception to the waiver rule. In United States v.
    267 F.3d 715
    , 721 (7th Cir. 2001), we held
    that "parties who can show that they had cause
    for failing to appeal directly and that they
    suffered prejudice from this omission" are not
    prohibited from raising claims in a habeas pro-
    ceeding that were not raised on direct appeal.
    Id. (citing Wainwright
    v. Sykes, 
    433 U.S. 72
    84-85 (1977)). We have not, however, applied this
    exception to waivers that resulted from failures
    to raise issues before the district court in
    ahabeas proceeding prior to raising them on
    appeal. See, e.g., 
    Rittenhouse, 263 F.3d at 694
    Even if we were to consider the availability of
    the cause and prejudice exception, Rodriguez has
    not demonstrated that he could satisfy the stan-
    dard. Rodriguez attempts to show cause for his
    failure to raise the Apprendi claim by arguing
    that this issue was conclusively decided on
    direct appeal. He contends that, because we
    denied his Apprendi claim in his initial appeal,
    his argument would have necessarily failed on
    habeas review under the law of the case doctrine,
    citing Daniels v. United States, 
    26 F.3d 706
    711-12 (7th Cir. 1994) (holding that the law of
    the case doctrine applies to habeas proceedings).
    Because there was no change in the law between
    his direct appeal and habeas petition, he argues,
    the law of the case doctrine prevented him from
    raising this claim. However, "even when the law
    is against a contention, a litigant must make the
    argument to preserve it for later consideration."
    United States v. Smith, 
    241 F.3d 546
    , 548 (7th
    Cir. 2001) (citing Engle v. Isaac, 
    456 U.S. 107
    130 n. 35 (1982), stating that the fact that a
    legal argument would have been unpersuasive to a
    given court does not constitute "cause" for
    failing to present that argument). Even without
    a change in law, Judge Posner’s comment in dis-
    sent to the denial of the rehearing, supra n. 2,
    indicated that on habeas review a court may have
    reexamined the Apprendi issue. Additionally,
    because neither the Supreme Court nor the Seventh
    Circuit has held that Apprendi is retroactively
    applicable on collateral attack, Rodriguez cannot
    show prejudice from his omission. See 
    Smith, 241 F.3d at 548
    /6 Under 28 U.S.C. sec. 2255 para.8, a petitioner
    may file a second or successive application if it
    would rest upon "a new rule of constitutional
    law, made retroactive to cases on collateral
    review by the Supreme Court, that was previously
    unavailable." The Supreme Court has not yet ruled
    Apprendi retroactive for the purposes of second
    applications, Talbott v. Indiana, 
    226 F.3d 866
    869 (7th Cir. 2000), and therefore unless Rodri-
    guez shows that his amendment relates back to his
    initial petition, it is premature.
    /7 Additionally, instead of denying the motion to
    amend, the district court could have treated his
    motion for leave to amend as a motion for leave
    to file a second or successive sec. 2255 motion
    and transferred the motion to this court. See
    United States v. Espinoza-Saenz, 
    235 F.3d 501
    503 (10th Cir. 2000) (finding no error in dis-
    trict court’s decision to transfer defendant’s
    supplemental sec. 2255 motion to the appeals
    court as second or successive motion where de-
    fendant’s motion could not relate back under Fed.
    R. Civ. P. 15(c) because it raised new claims).
    Because the Supreme Court specifically has not
    yet ruled Apprendi retroactive, we would deny
    such a motion.
    /8 Rodriguez argues that because the admitted drug
    transaction occurred exclusively in Texas, his
    counsel was deficient in not requesting a jury
    instruction, or objecting to the lack of one,
    that an overt act in furtherance of the conspira-
    cy must be proven to have been committed in the
    Eastern District of Wisconsin in order to estab-
    lish proper venue. By not requiring a finding of
    venue, he argues, the jury could have relied
    solely on Rodriguez’s conceded drug transaction
    in Texas as evidence of the existence of a
    conspiracy in Wisconsin. However, this court has
    already rejected Rodriguez’s venue argument,
    holding that because Michael Cook traveled be-
    tween Milwaukee and Houston in furtherance of the
    conspiracy, venue was proper. Rodriguez 
    I, 67 F.3d at 1317
    . Rodriguez’s counsel therefore
    cannot be held ineffective for failing to request
    a jury instruction that would not have been

Document Info

Docket Number: 00-3242

Judges: Per Curiam

Filed Date: 4/11/2002

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/24/2015

Authorities (51)

United States v. John Underwood , 577 F.2d 157 ( 1978 )

United States v. Espinoza-Saenz , 235 F.3d 501 ( 2000 )

Buddy Nichols, Cross-Appellee v. Mac Sim Butler, Sheriff ... , 953 F.2d 1550 ( 1992 )

United States v. Anthony Alexander Pittman, A/K/A Anthony ... , 209 F.3d 314 ( 2000 )

United States v. Clinton Duffus A/K/A \"Paul Lewis, Beanie\"... , 174 F.3d 333 ( 1999 )

Dean v. United States , 278 F.3d 1218 ( 2002 )

Michael A. King v. One Unknown Federal Correctional Officer , 201 F.3d 910 ( 2000 )

United States v. Otha Lee Mahone , 537 F.2d 922 ( 1976 )

United States v. Kay Lynn Frye , 738 F.2d 196 ( 1984 )

Anthony J. Amendola v. Gary R. Bayer , 907 F.2d 760 ( 1990 )

Watketa Valenzuela v. United States , 261 F.3d 694 ( 2001 )

United States v. Calvin Booker and James Blake , 981 F.2d 289 ( 1992 )

United States v. Ledford Gene Harding , 525 F.2d 84 ( 1975 )

Bethany Pharmacal Company, Incorporated v. Qvc, Incorporated , 241 F.3d 854 ( 2001 )

John W. Drake v. Richard Clark and Indiana Attorney General , 14 F.3d 351 ( 1994 )

United States v. Rene Rodriguez , 73 F.3d 161 ( 1996 )

United States v. Rene Rodriguez , 67 F.3d 1312 ( 1995 )

continental-bank-na-formerly-known-as-continental-illinois-national , 10 F.3d 1293 ( 1993 )

mary-d-dovenmuehle-elizabeth-dovenmuehle-rothermel-george-h , 871 F.2d 697 ( 1989 )

Hurley E. Underwood v. Richard Clark and Attorney General ... , 939 F.2d 473 ( 1991 )

View All Authorities »