Fyrnetics Ltd v. Quantum Group Inc ( 2002 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 01-1318
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 99-CV-04704—Matthew F. Kennelly, Judge.
    Before COFFEY, KANNE, and EVANS, Circuit Judges.
    KANNE, Circuit Judge. Fyrnetics Hong Kong (“FHK”) and
    Walter Kidde Portable Equipment Inc. (“Kidde”) sued
    Quantum Group, Inc., alleging that Quantum sold FHK
    defective carbon monoxide (“CO”) sensors, thereby causing
    Kidde to recall CO detectors made using the allegedly de-
    fective sensors. Quantum filed a motion to dismiss the
    complaint, or in the alternative to stay the action under 9
    U.S.C. § 3, asserting that various agreements between the
    parties required the stay in favor of arbitration. The district
    court held an evidentiary hearing on the matter and sub-
    sequently entered judgment dismissing FHK and Kidde’s
    2                                                No. 01-1318
    claims in favor of arbitration pursuant to one agreement.
    We affirm in part and remand in part.
    I. Background
    Quantum is a technology firm based in San Diego, Cal-
    ifornia that manufactures CO detectors using a biomimetic
    sensor that it developed and patented. In June 1996, Quan-
    tum entered into a license agreement effective January 1,
    1997 with Fyrnetics.1 Pursuant to this agreement, Fyrnetics
    was licensed to “make, have made, use, import, export, sell
    or offer to sell” CO detectors containing Quantum’s pat-
    ented sensor technology. In return for this license, Fyrnetics
    agreed to pay to Quantum royalties of two and one-half
    percent of its gross CO detector sales. Around the same
    time, Quantum entered into a manufacturing agreement
    with FHK whereby FHK manufactured Quantum’s brand
    of CO detectors using Quantum’s patented CO sensor tech-
    nology. Pursuant to the manufacturing agreement, the fin-
    ished CO detectors were to be sold by FHK exclusively to
    Quantum for resale to Quantum’s clients.
    In relevant part, the license agreement between Fyrnetics
    and Quantum provided that “[a]ny claim or controversy
    arising between the parties hereto in connection with this
    Agreement . . . shall be determined by arbitration to be held
    in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration
    Association . . . .” The license agreement also granted
    Fyrnetics “the right to sublicense its Affiliates . . . [e]ach
    Affiliate so sublicensed shall be bound by the terms and
    conditions of this Agreement.” The term “Affiliate” was
    defined as entities that control or were controlled by Fyr-
    netics, or had common ownership with Fyrnetics. At all
    In 1998, Fyrnetics was merged with Kidde and subsequently
    dissolved as a separate corporate entity.
    No. 01-1318                                                 3
    relevant times, Fyrnetics and FHK were considered “Affili-
    ates” pursuant to the terms of the license agreement. This
    is so because when the license agreement was first entered
    into both Fyrnetics and FHK were owned by the same
    holding company, Management Investment & Technology
    International, Inc. (“MIT”). Later, FHK and Fyrnetics re-
    mained “Affiliates” when Williams Holding (International)
    Limited (“Williams”) purchased the stock of FHK, and
    Kidde, a subsidiary of Williams, purchased the stock of
    In July 1999, FHK and Kidde filed a complaint, alleging
    that during late 1997 and early 1998, Quantum sold de-
    fective CO sensors to FHK. Kidde and FHK sounded their
    complaint in tort, alleging that Quantum committed mis-
    representation and negligence and that Quantum breached
    certain warranties with regard to the sensors. Additionally,
    FHK and Kidde alleged that FHK sold to Fyrnetics CO
    detectors made using the defective sensors, and Fyrnetics
    in turn resold the detectors in Canada and the United
    States. Because of the allegedly defective sensors, Kidde
    claimed that many of the CO detectors that Fyrnetics sold
    in the United States and Canada failed. Consequently,
    Kidde was forced to engage in a costly recall of the faulty
    CO detectors. Thus, in their complaint Kidde and FHK
    sought to recoup all compensatory and consequential dam-
    ages suffered as a result of Quantum’s allegedly tortious
    Quantum moved to dismiss FHK and Kidde’s complaint
    or to stay the action under 9 U.S.C. § 3, arguing that
    provisions in the Quantum-FHK manufacturing agree-
    ment2 and provisions in the Quantum-Fyrnetics license
    agreement mandated the stay in favor of arbitration. The
    The district court found that manufacturing agreement to be
    irrelevant to the present dispute.
    4                                              No. 01-1318
    district court denied Quantum’s motion to dismiss, finding
    that an issue of fact existed as to whether the parties were
    acting pursuant to either the manufacturing agreement, the
    license agreement, or an alleged oral agreement, which
    FHK and Kidde asserted controlled the parties’ relation-
    ship. The district court then held an evidentiary hearing
    to decide this issue.
    At the evidentiary hearing, FHK and Kidde called
    Thomas Russo to testify. In 1996, when Quantum and
    Fyrnetics entered into their license agreement, Russo was
    the president and CEO of Fyrnetics. During this same
    time period, Russo was also the managing director of FHK.
    Russo testified that the Quantum-Fyrnetics license agree-
    ment either never went into effect or was abandoned.
    According to Russo, in December 1996, he and Dr. Mark
    Goldstein, President and CEO of Quantum, reached an
    oral agreement, allowing FHK to purchase CO sensors
    from Quantum directly and then to manufacture CO de-
    tectors for resale to Fyrnetics. Therefore, Russo asserted
    that in late 1997 and early 1998, when the allegedly de-
    fective sensors were sold to FHK, Quantum and FHK were
    acting pursuant to this oral agreement and not the license
    agreement, which contained the arbitration provision.
    On cross-examination, Russo was confronted with multi-
    ple memoranda and letters between the parties referencing
    the license agreement. For example, on January 7, 1997,
    Quantum’s attorney, Peter Leal, wrote Kidde’s attorney,
    Byron Gregory, and stated that if Fyrnetics were sold to
    Kidde, Quantum would require that Kidde agree to be
    bound by the license agreement. Gregory responded and ex-
    plained that the transactions were being structured as a
    sale of stock. Therefore, he further explained, because no
    sale of business or asset transaction would be occurring,
    it was unnecessary for Kidde to attain Quantum’s consent
    to use Quantum’s patented sensor technology. As a second
    example, on January 24, 1997, Kidde and Fyrnetics exe-
    No. 01-1318                                                 5
    cuted a share purchase agreement that specifically dis-
    closed to Kidde the license agreement as a current asset of
    Fyrnetics. No evidence was presented at the evidentiary
    hearing by FHK or Kidde to corroborate Russo’s testimony
    about the existence of an oral contract.
    Goldstein testified on behalf of Quantum, stating that at
    all relevant times, the parties’ business relationship and the
    sale of CO sensors to FHK was governed by the license
    agreement. Goldstein asserted that there was not another
    agreement that gave either FHK or Fyrnetics the right to
    use Quantum’s patented technology. Goldstein further de-
    nied reaching an oral agreement with Russo and denied
    agreeing to any abandonment of the license agreement.
    Rather, Goldstein explained that in late 1997 and early
    1998, when the allegedly defective senors were sold to FHK,
    Fyrnetics was allowing its affiliate, FHK, to manufacture
    the CO detectors on its behalf pursuant to the license agree-
    On August 7, 2000, the district court dismissed FHK and
    Kidde’s complaint in favor of arbitration. The district court
    explained that “[e]ven though Russo testified, and the
    plaintiffs maintain, that the License Agreement was a dead
    letter, documents confirm that [Fyrnetics] was treating the
    Agreement as alive and well as late as June 1997.” More-
    over, the district court explained that the fact that the
    royalty rate paid by Fyrnetics and then by Kidde to Quan-
    tum was the same as the rate set out in the license agree-
    ment (two and one-half percent) further supported its con-
    clusion that the parties were acting pursuant to the license
    agreement. The district court determined that the license
    agreement permitted Fyrnetics to sublicense any “Affiliate,”
    and that the license agreement passed to Kidde as part of
    Kidde’s acquisition of Fyrnetics. Thus, the district court
    concluded “that in purchasing the CO sensors and other
    components from Quantum for use in the CO detectors sold
    to Fyrnetics and Kidde, FHK was acting as Fyrnetics’ sub-
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    licensee under the license agreement,” which contains the
    arbitration clause.
    In January 2001, the district court denied FHK and
    Kidde’s subsequent motion for reconsideration and reaf-
    firmed its order dismissing FHK and Kidde’s claims. In
    this denial, the district court further explained that it
    “rejected as lacking in credibility the testimony of Thomas
    Russo . . . that in purchasing the CO sensors, FHK was
    acting pursuant to a verbal understanding with Quantum
    rather than pursuant to the written [license] agreement.”
    II. Analysis
    FHK and Kidde present several arguments on appeal.
    First, they contend that the district court erred when it
    disregarded their version of the events. They continue to
    insist that the license agreement was abandoned or, al-
    ternatively, never went into effect and that an alleged oral
    agreement controlled the parties’ relationship. Second,
    they argue that even if the license agreement was effec-
    tive, neither Kidde nor FHK can be bound by it because
    neither of them was party to the license agreement. Fi-
    nally, they contend that even if the license agreement is
    binding upon them, the current dispute should not be gov-
    erned by the license agreement as it does not arise in
    connection with or pursuant to a claimed breach of the
    license agreement.
    A. Standard of Review
    To the extent we review the actual language of an ar-
    bitration provision, we will review the district court’s
    determinations de novo; however, “to the extent that the
    district court’s order is based upon factual findings, our
    review is guided by the clearly erroneous standard.”
    Nordin v. Nutri/System, Inc., 
    897 F.2d 339
    , 344 (8th Cir.
    No. 01-1318                                                 7
    B. The License Agreement
    On appeal, FHK and Kidde initially assert that the dis-
    trict court erred when it determined that the parties were
    acting pursuant to the license agreement, rather than the
    alleged oral agreement. By means of an evidentiary hear-
    ing, the district court determined that no oral agreement
    existed. In making this determination, the district court
    relied on the correspondence between the parties, the ex-
    istence of a written license agreement between the parties,
    and the fact that both Fyrnetics and Kidde paid a two
    and one-half percent royalty to Quantum as set out in the
    written license agreement. In contrast, the only evidence
    presented that supported FHK and Kidde’s oral agreement
    theory was Russo’s testimony, and the district court de-
    termined that that testimony was incredible. In reviewing
    the district court’s factual determination, we will apply a
    clearly erroneous standard of review, and if the district
    court’s account of the evidence “is plausible in light of the
    record viewed in its entirety,” we will not reverse the
    district court even if we are convinced that had we been
    sitting as the trier of fact, we would have weighed the
    evidence differently. Anderson v. Bessemer City, 
    470 U.S. 564
    , 573-74, 
    105 S. Ct. 1504
    84 L. Ed. 2d 518
    (1985). More-
    over, special deference will be given to the district court’s
    “findings based upon credibility determinations, which can
    virtually never be clear error.” United State v. Hickok, 
    77 F.3d 992
    , 1007 (7th Cir. 1996) (quotation omitted).
    With respect to the existence of an oral contract, the dis-
    trict court did not believe Russo’s contention that after
    the execution of an 18-page license agreement, Goldstein
    would orally agree to sell Quantum’s patented biomimetic
    sensor technology. While on appeal FHK and Kidde argue
    that there is evidence to the contrary, the trial court be-
    lieved Quantum’s version of the events. Given the written
    agreement, the correspondence between the parties, the
    royalty payments, and the district court’s determination
    8                                                No. 01-1318
    that Russo’s testimony was lacking in credibility, we believe
    that the district court correctly concluded that there was no
    oral agreement.
    Similarly, in McMahon Food Corp. v. Burger Dairy Co.,
    103 F.3d 1307
    , 1313 (7th Cir. 1996), the trial court con-
    cluded that McMahon Food failed to act in good faith, a
    finding of fact reversed only for clear error. On appeal, Mc-
    Mahon Food argued that it presented evidence to the
    contrary to the trial court. See 
    id. Affirming the
    trial court,
    this court explained that McMahon Food’s argument
    “amount[ed] to nothing more than an argument that the
    trial court should have believed [McMahon Food’s] version
    of events rather than [the opposing party’s version].” 
    Id. There, “the
    trial court specifically found that McMahon
    [Food’s] testimony was less credible than the testimony of
    [the opposing party].” 
    Id. Similarly, here,
    the trial court
    found that Russo’s testimony was less credible than Gold-
    stein’s testimony.
    FHK and Kidde also contend that the district court’s
    rationale for finding that the license agreement was ef-
    fective and not abandoned was baseless. Supporting the
    district court’s conclusion are communications from 1997
    and 1998 between the parties that suggest that the license
    agreement controlled the parties’ relationship. For example,
    on November, 24, 1997, Russo wrote to Goldstein express-
    ing a concern that Quantum was violating the license
    agreement by selling in one of the markets designated to
    Fyrnetics. While this allegation proved unfounded, the fact
    that Russo wrote to Goldstein in November 1997 on behalf
    of Fyrnetics and referenced the license agreement solidifies
    the district court’s finding that the license agreement was
    effective and not abandoned. Russo did not dispute the
    existence of the communications between the parties, but
    rather offered alternative interpretations of and explana-
    tions for them. However, the district court believed Gold-
    stein’s version of the events. Given this evidence demon-
    No. 01-1318                                                  9
    strating the plausibility of Goldstein’s version of the events,
    we cannot say that the district court clearly erred by
    concluding that no oral agreement existed, and that the
    license agreement was effective and not abandoned. See
    Anderson, 470 U.S. at 574
    (“Where there are two permissi-
    ble views of the evidence, the factfinder’s choice between
    them cannot be clearly erroneous.”).
    C. Binding a Non-signatory
    Next, FHK and Kidde contend that even if the license
    agreement was effective at the time the defective sensors
    were sold to FHK, FHK and Kidde cannot be bound by the
    arbitration provision in the license agreement because
    neither party signed the license agreement.
    1. Kidde
    With respect to Kidde, we believe that the district court
    correctly determined that Kidde’s claims, in essence, were
    derivative of Fyrnetics’, a signatory to the license agree-
    ment, because Kidde was Fyrnetics’ successor. The alleged-
    ly defective sensors were sold during late 1997 and ear-
    ly 1998, and Fyrnetics existed as a separate corporate en-
    tity during this time period. As the district court correctly
    explained, in June 1998, “[w]hen Kidde caused Fyrnetics
    to be merged into Kidde and then dissolved, Kidde volun-
    tarily assumed the obligation of Fyrnetics’ license agree-
    ment. . . . Kidde, which is making claims that are partly
    those of Fyrnetics, cannot escape application of the license
    agreement’s arbitration requirement by effectively legislat-
    ing Fyrnetics out of existence.”
    2. FHK
    With respect to FHK, the district court correctly ex-
    plained that there are several ways that a non-signatory
    10                                                No. 01-1318
    can be bound by a contract, such as through the doctrines
    of assumption, agency, equitable estoppel, veil piercing, and
    incorporation by reference. See Am. Bureau of Shipping v.
    Tencara Shipyard S.P.A., 
    170 F.3d 349
    , 352 (2d Cir. 1999).
    Relying on the doctrine of assumption, the district court
    explained that FHK evidenced its assumption of the license
    agreement through its payment of royalties to Quantum at
    the two and one-half percent rate as set out in the license
    agreement. As FHK highlights on appeal, however, no evi-
    dence was presented to the district court that FHK actually
    paid any royalties to Quantum. Rather, the parties pre-
    sented evidence that Fyrnetics and then Kidde, but not
    FHK, paid the two and one-half percent royalty rate. Fur-
    ther, the district court relied solely on this incorrect factual
    determination to bind FHK to the license agreement, and
    the record is devoid of other evidence supporting this con-
    clusion. The district court clearly erred in making this fac-
    tual determination and therefore, in the absence of other
    factual findings to support the district court’s conclusion
    that FHK assumed the license agreement, we must re-
    mand to the district court to further reexamine this issue.
    Through further findings, FHK might prove to have as-
    sumed the license agreement or prove to be bound through
    one of the other alternative theories for binding a non-
    signatory. See 
    id. (discussing theories).
    D. Arising Under the License Agreement
    Finally, Kidde argues that even if the license agreement
    is in effect, their claims are not governed by the license
    agreement because their claims do not arise in connection
    with the license agreement or with a claimed breach of the
    license agreement. We will address this issue of contract
    interpretation de novo. See Keifer Specialty Flooring, Inc. v.
    Tarkett, Inc., 
    174 F.3d 907
    , 909 (7th Cir. 1999). As we con-
    sider Kidde’s contention, we bear in mind that “once it is
    No. 01-1318                                               11
    clear the parties have a contract that provides for arbitra-
    tion of some issues between them, any doubts concerning
    the scope of the arbitration clause are resolved in favor of
    arbitration.” Miller v. Flume, 
    139 F.3d 1130
    , 1136 (7th Cir.
    1998). Moreover, “a court may not deny a party’s request to
    arbitrate an issue unless it may be said with positive assur-
    ance that the arbitration clause is not susceptible of an
    interpretation that covers the asserted dispute.” 
    Keifer, 174 F.3d at 909
    (quotation omitted).
    The arbitration provision in this case contemplated that
    “[a]ny claim or controversy arising between the parties
    hereto in connection with this Agreement . . . shall be
    determined by arbitration.” This court has characterized
    similar provisions as extremely broad and capable of an
    expanse reach. See 
    id. at 909-10.
    In Keifer, the relevant ar-
    bitration provision stated that “[a]ny controversy or claims
    arising out of or relating to [the Agreements] shall be set-
    tled by arbitration in accordance with the Commercial
    Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Associa-
    Id. at 909.
    There, we noted that “[b]road arbitration
    clauses . . . necessarily create a presumption of arbitra-
    Id. at 910.
    We believe that such a presumption
    arises in this case given the expansive language of the
    arbitration provision in the Quantum-Fyrnetics license
    agreement and its similarity to the provision in Keifer.
    Kidde seems to imply that because its claims arose ex-
    clusively from Quantum’s allegedly tortious conduct, its
    claims arise in tort and therefore should not be bound by
    contract terms. It is nonsensical for Kidde to argue that
    its claims are not arising “in connection with the license
    agreement.” The license agreement specifically permitted
    Fyrnetics and then Kidde “to make, have made, use, import,
    export, sell, or offer to sell” products containing Quantum’s
    CO sensor. Fyrnetics sold CO detectors using CO sensors
    that Kidde now alleges were defective. The fact that Kidde
    cast its complaint in tort does not allow it to avoid its
    12                                             No. 01-1318
    contractual obligation to arbitrate. See Sweet Dreams
    Unlimited, Inc. v. Dial-A-Mattress Int’l, Ltd., 
    1 F.3d 639
    643 (7th Cir. 1993) (“We have routinely held that a party
    may not avoid a contractual arbitration clause merely by
    ‘casting its complaint in tort.’ ”).
    III. Conclusion
    For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM the district court in
    part and we REMAND in part for findings with respect to
    the issue of whether FHK, a non-signatory to the license
    agreement, is bound to arbitrate.
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit