Collier, Ernest C. v. Davis, Cecil ( 2002 )

  •                              In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 01-1742
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Indiana, South Bend Division.
    No. 00 C 139—Allen Sharp, Judge.
    ARGUED APRIL 3, 2002—DECIDED AUGUST 29, 2002
    Before COFFEY, DIANE P. WOOD, and WILLIAMS, Circuit
    WILLIAMS, Circuit Judge. Ernest T. Collier, after unsuc-
    cessful direct and post-conviction appeals of his murder
    and criminal recklessness convictions in Indiana state
    court, seeks federal habeas corpus relief pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
    . After the district court denied Collier’s pe-
    tition and declined to issue a certificate of appealability,
    we issued a certificate of appealability to determine wheth-
    er the State’s alleged failure to disclose an understand-
    ing or informal agreement of leniency in exchange for
    the key witness’s testimony violated Brady v. Maryland,
    2                                              No. 01-1742
    373 U.S. 83
     (1963). Because Collier has failed to produce
    sufficient evidence to support his Brady claim, we affirm
    the district court’s judgment.
    A. Facts
    More than thirteen years ago, Frederick McGuire was
    shot in the head at close range in front of his home in
    Indianapolis, Indiana. He died three days later. Although
    nobody saw the shooting, the State’s key witness, James
    Merrill, testified that Collier was at the McGuire home
    and possessed a gun at the time of the shooting. The
    relevant portion of his testimony follows.
    After a full day of drinking and driving around Indianap-
    olis, Merrill went with Collier to a local fast-food restau-
    rant, where Collier’s ex-girlfriend worked. While they
    were there, Collier got into an argument with his ex-
    girlfriend, and then left with Merrill. They drove for a
    couple of miles and stopped when they reached a house
    on 40th and Webster in Indianapolis. Chris Hollins, Jr.
    (“Junior”), Collier’s ex-girlfriend’s brother, was in front
    of the house. Junior was also a friend of Frederick Mc-
    Guire, the victim. Collier got out of the car, began argu-
    ing with Junior, and apparently threatened to shoot him.
    While they were arguing, Chris Hollins, Sr. came outside
    and told Collier, “You’re not the only one who has a gun.”
    The elder Hollins went back inside the house and then
    Collier returned to the car. At this point Merrill noticed
    Collier was carrying a gun. Collier placed the gun in the
    car console.
    According to Merrill, he and Collier left Junior’s home
    and headed North to 42nd and Catherwood in Indianap-
    olis. Collier asked Merrill to drive and the two changed
    positions. When they got to 42nd and Catherwood, Collier
    No. 01-1742                                                  3
    asked Merrill to slow down as they approached a house.
    Collier got out of the car and asked Merrill to turn the
    car around. Merrill complied and heard a gunshot. At
    that point, he also noticed that the car’s open console,
    where Collier had originally laid his handgun, was empty.
    Merrill drove back to the house on 42nd Street, where
    he saw Collier waiting in the yard. Collier returned to the
    car, sat down and said, “That’s the way I like to play.”
    Merrill’s testimony linked Collier to the murder and
    directly contradicted Collier’s claim at trial that Merrill
    was the shooter.
    Merrill was the only witness who linked Collier, in
    possession of a gun, to Frederick McGuire’s home at the
    time of the shooting. But other witnesses provided testi-
    mony that was consistent with Merrill’s. Michael Johnson,
    who lived across the street from McGuire, saw Collier’s
    car approach, then saw someone he was later unable to
    identify exit the car and shoot McGuire. Another witness,
    Cory Wills, testified that he saw Collier in a beige car in the
    vicinity of the McGuire house on the afternoon of the
    shooting. According to Wills, Collier was sitting in the
    passenger’s seat. A third witness, Junior, stated that he
    saw Collier with a gun on the afternoon of the shooting.
    The police caught Collier the evening of the murder. At
    the time of his arrest, Collier was in the passenger’s seat
    of a two-door brown car. Collier did not have a gun, and
    the results of a gunshot residue test performed on his
    hands shortly after the arrest were negative. But after a
    search, the police found a slip of paper on Collier with
    Merrill’s contact information. Merrill was apprehended
    three days later. Although Merrill had been driving in the
    car with Collier on the afternoon of the shooting and
    was placed and identified in a lineup, he was never charged
    with the shooting.
    4                                                No. 01-1742
    B. Procedural History
    1. Trial
    The critical issue at Collier’s trial was Merrill’s testimony
    linking Collier to a firearm and placing him at the scene
    of the murder. During cross-examination, Collier’s coun-
    sel did not ask Merrill whether he had an agreement with
    the State to testify against Collier in exchange for leniency
    or other benefits. When the prosecutor asked Merrill on
    redirect if he had entered into any agreements in exchange
    for his testimony, Merrill responded, “I don’t know, [the
    detective], just said he talked to my mom. . . .”
    Collier took the stand after Merrill testified. Collier
    agreed with much of Merrill’s version of that day’s events.
    Their testimony began to diverge when recounting the
    incidents relating to the shooting. Collier claimed that he
    had only a baseball bat in the car and did not possess a
    gun. Collier testified that he was driving the car and
    dropped Merrill off at the victim’s house. When Merrill
    returned to the car, Merrill had a gun in his hand. Merrill
    grabbed Collier and said urgently, “Let’s go, man.” Although
    Merrill’s and Collier’s testimony were diametrically op-
    posed, Merrill was never questioned about the possibility
    of his being Frederick McGuire’s murderer. Ultimately,
    the jury found Collier guilty of murder, criminal reckless-
    ness, and carrying a handgun without a license.
    2. Post-conviction proceedings
    Collier appealed his convictions directly to the Indiana
    Supreme Court. He claimed there was insufficient evi-
    dence to support the verdict and that the verdict was
    contrary to law. The Indiana Supreme Court affirmed the
    convictions. Collier v. State, 
    562 N.E.2d 722
     (Ind. 1990).
    Six years later, Collier claimed that he discovered that
    a week after the McGuire shooting, Merrill had pled guilty
    No. 01-1742                                                     5
    to a lesser charge in a burglary case in which he testified
    against his co-defendant. Collier also said that he discov-
    ered Merrill had a disorderly conduct case pending dur-
    ing Collier’s murder trial which was dismissed shortly
    after Collier’s conviction and that a criminal reckless-
    ness case also pending against Merrill was dismissed a
    year after Collier’s conviction. With this information in
    hand, Collier filed a post-conviction petition arguing that
    his defense counsel had been ineffective, the State had
    withheld Brady material, and the State induced Merrill to
    testify falsely in order to obtain Collier’s conviction.
    Three post-conviction hearings were held; only two
    are relevant here. During one post-conviction hearing,
    Merrill testified that although he was arrested in connec-
    tion with the McGuire murder he was never charged.
    Merrill also testified that based on the detective’s state-
    ments during the post-arrest interview, it was his under-
    standing that he had to “either testify or confess.”
    During another post-conviction hearing, Collier’s former
    trial counsel, Frederick J. Frosch, testified that although
    he never spoke to Merrill before trial, he had a conversa-
    tion with one of the prosecutors.1 Although Frosch never
    spoke with lead prosecutor Plath about any alleged under-
    standings or agreements with Merrill, Frosch claimed
    that he did speak with the first prosecutor, who told him
    that the investigating detectives made a “verbal statement
    to [Merrill] that he would not be charged if he was coopera-
    tive.” Frosch also acknowledged that at the time of the
    trial he knew that Merrill had received, pursuant to a
    plea agreement, a sentence of two years’ probation for his
    burglary conviction. After Frosch testified, arresting detec-
    Two prosecutors were assigned to this case. The first prosecutor
    performed only pre-trial work and Richard Plath tried the case
    and testified at a post-conviction hearing.
    6                                                    No. 01-1742
    tive Prater testified and said that he never made any
    promises to Merrill in connection with the McGuire mur-
    der and that any agreements made with Merrill did not
    involve the Collier case.2
    After considering the evidence presented at these post-
    conviction hearings, the superior court found that the
    State complied with the rules of discovery and the evi-
    dence “convince[d] the court that no promise was made
    to Merrill in return for his testimony.” The superior
    court also concluded that Merrill’s testimony was not
    perjurious and that Collier’s appellate counsel was not
    ineffective for failing to pursue this issue during Collier’s
    direct appeal. In the Indiana Court of Appeals, Collier
    argued that Merrill had an informal agreement or under-
    standing that the State would be lenient in exchange
    for his testimony against Collier and that the non-disclo-
    sure of this informal agreement or understanding vio-
    lated rights guaranteed by state and federal law. See
    Wright v. State, 
    690 N.E.2d 1098
    , 1113-14 (Ind. 1997)
    (citing Giglio v. United States, 
    405 U.S. 150
    , 153 (1972)).
    The court of appeals affirmed the decision below and re-
    jected Collier’s main argument. Collier v. State, 
    715 N.E. 2d 940
     (Ind. Ct. App. 1999).3 Collier then filed a petition to
    transfer to the Supreme Court of Indiana, which was de-
    Although the precise terms of the dismissal or reduction of
    Merrill’s other charges are no longer available, the State testified
    at Collier’s post-conviction hearings that any dismissals or
    reduction of sentences in those cases had nothing to do with
    Merrill’s testimony against Collier.
    The court of appeals found that Collier’s counsel had been
    ineffective on the firearm possession charge and reversed his con-
    viction for that offense.
    No. 01-1742                                                7
    With his Indiana remedies exhausted, Collier filed a
    petition for a writ of habeas corpus in the District Court
    for the Northern District of Indiana, pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
    . The district court, after finding that the Indiana
    courts’ rulings were not contrary to Giglio or Brady, dis-
    missed the petition and denied a certificate of appeal-
    ability. Collier requested that we grant him a certificate of
    appealability on his ineffective counsel and Brady claims.
    We granted the certificate only on the second issue.
    We review de novo all questions of law arising from a
    district court’s decision to grant or deny an application
    for writ of habeas corpus. Todd v. Schomig, 
    283 F.3d 842
    , 848 (7th Cir. 2002). Collier filed his habeas petition
    after the effective date of the Antiterrorism and Effective
    Death Penalty Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-132, 
    110 Stat. 1214
     (April 24, 1996) (“the AEDPA”). Therefore, the AEDPA
    governs our review of Collier’s claims. The record is clear
    that Collier exhausted his state remedies, see O’Sullivan
    v. Boerckel, 
    526 U.S. 838
    , 839 (1999), and has not pro-
    cedurally defaulted his Brady claim, see Chambers v.
    264 F.3d 732
    , 737-38 (7th Cir. 2001). Under
    these circumstances, a federal court may grant a writ
    of habeas corpus only if a petitioner demonstrates that
    the state court’s adjudication of the claim was contrary
    to or an unreasonable application of federal law as deter-
    mined by the United States Supreme Court. See Williams
    v. Taylor, 
    529 U.S. 362
     (2000); Boss v. Pierce, 
    263 F.3d 734
    , 739 (7th Cir. 2001); 
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
    Collier concedes that the “unreasonable application”
    analysis does not apply here, so we focus on whether the
    decision of the Indiana Court of Appeals was contrary to
    Brady. A state court’s decision is “contrary to” Supreme
    Court precedent if: (1) the state court applies a rule that
    8                                             No. 01-1742
    contradicts the governing law set forth in Supreme Court
    cases or (2) the state court confronts a set of facts that
    is materially indistinguishable from a Supreme Court
    case but arrives at a different result. Williams, 
    529 U.S. at 405
    . Although Collier’s claim on appeal is somewhat
    murky, a generous reading of his argument reveals a
    claim pursuant to the “contrary to” reasoning in Wil-
    liams—that the Indiana courts contradicted the govern-
    ing law of Brady by failing to find that (a) he had pro-
    vided sufficient evidence of Merrill’s informal agreement
    or understanding and (b) this evidence demanded disclo-
    sure prior to trial.
    According to Brady, the prosecution must disclose ex-
    culpatory evidence if it is both favorable and material to
    the defense. 
    373 U.S. at 87
    . Giglio expanded the Brady
    rule to include impeachment evidence. 
    405 U.S. at 155
    The Court explained in Giglio that when the government
    has entered into an agreement or understanding with a
    key witness regarding his prosecution, the credibility of
    the witness is at issue and failure to disclose details of
    the deal may deny the accused due process. 
    To establish a Brady violation Collier must demon-
    strate that: (1) there was evidence of an agreement or an
    understanding; (2) the prosecution suppressed the evi-
    dence; (3) the evidence was favorable either because it was
    exculpatory or impeaching; and (4) the evidence was
    material to the defense. Brady, 
    373 U.S. at 87
    ; United
    States v. Young, 
    20 F.3d 758
    , 764 (7th Cir. 1994).
    Collier’s case turns on the first two prongs of the Brady
    analysis. As to the first prong, Collier and the State dis-
    pute whether he has shown evidence of an agreement or
    understanding and, with regard to the second prong,
    whether the prosecution suppressed any evidence. As to
    the third and fourth prongs, the first prosecutor doubted
    that he could convict Collier without Merrill and Merrill
    No. 01-1742                                              9
    was the only direct witness to the crime. Therefore, the
    State cannot seriously dispute that if Merrill had an
    informal agreement and it was not disclosed, that evi-
    dence would have been impeaching and material to
    Collier’s defense. We therefore consider the evidence (and
    alleged suppression) of an agreement or understanding,
    which are the more difficult aspects of Collier’s Brady
    1. No evidence of an agreement/understanding
    Whether or not an agreement or understanding actually
    existed is a factual determination. See Abbott v. United
    195 F.3d 946
     (7th Cir. 1999). The state courts
    found that no agreement existed of any kind (informal or
    otherwise), and we presume that determination to be
    correct unless Collier can rebut it with clear and convinc-
    ing evidence to the contrary. See Mahaffey v. Schomig, 
    294 F.3d 907
     (7th Cir. 2002); 
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
    (e)(1). Both the
    district court and the Indiana Court of Appeals on post-
    conviction review agreed with the State’s argument
    and concluded that Collier had not provided sufficient
    evidence to support the existence of an informal agreement
    or understanding. During oral argument here, the State
    and Collier conceded that even though the court of ap-
    peals exclusively used the term “agreement,” (rather than
    “understanding”) in its opinion, that court should have
    understood that within the context of this case, the agree-
    ment was an informal one—an understanding. Under
    Collier’s reading of Giglio, an understanding is created
    when the government during an interview or interroga-
    tion of a witness makes certain statements that contain
    “an implication that the Government would reward the
    cooperation of the witness.” See Giglio, 
    405 U.S. at 153
    Collier claims that, when viewed cumulatively, this
    evidence proves that Merrill and the State had an infor-
    10                                               No. 01-1742
    mal agreement or understanding: (1) Merrill’s testimony
    during the post-conviction hearing; (2) the State’s failure
    to file any charges against Merrill in connection with
    the McGuire murder; (3) dismissals or favorable treatment
    of Merrill’s other cases; and (4) the first prosecutor’s
    admission that Merrill’s testimony was material to Col-
    lier’s case. Collier says that the state court decisions
    were contrary to Brady because they focused only on an
    informal “agreement” and failed to explicitly ask wheth-
    er there was an understanding—as that term is under-
    stood in Giglio.
    The State asserts that only a bilateral understanding
    of leniency is sufficient to require Brady disclosure, regard-
    less of what Merrill may have thought. So, regardless of
    the precise words that were used, the Indiana courts
    correctly decided the Brady claim, because an “informal
    agreement” is the same type of understanding that Collier
    failed to prove was reached in this case. The State also
    contends that no agreement or promises were made to
    Merrill in exchange for his testimony and that Collier’s
    evidence does not reflect an agreement or understanding.
    Indeed, Detective Prater said that Merrill had been prom-
    ised nothing except that the prosecutor would make
    the final determination as to whether to file charges based
    on Merrill’s testimony.
    After a thorough review of the record, we are convinced
    that Merrill’s evidence does not show a Brady violation
    or evidence of an understanding as interpreted in Giglio.
    Merrill’s general and hopeful expectation of leniency is
    not enough to create an agreement or an understanding.
    See United States v. Baskes, 
    649 F.2d 471
    , 477 (7th Cir.
    1980) (witness’s hopeful expectation that he could avoid
    criminal proceedings if he testified against the accused
    did not amount to an undisclosed promise of leniency).
    Further, unlike Giglio, Collier has proffered no evidence
    of an explicit promise, agreement, or statement made
    No. 01-1742                                                   11
    to Merrill—either by police officers or state’s attorneys.
    We contrast that lack of evidence with the testimony of
    both Detective Prater and the trial prosecutor, Richard
    Plath, that there was no agreement with Merrill.4
    As to Merrill’s “understanding,” the record is not very
    clear. At his post-conviction hearing, the Public Defender
    asked him “[did] anyone involved in Mr. Collier’s case
    promise you or give you anything, like probation on that
    case, in return for your testimony?” Merrill responded
    that “[it] is possible. I don’t recall. Do you understand what
    I’m saying? It is possible.” Later, on cross-examination by
    the State, Merrill added “If [the State] did promise me
    something, like I said, to my knowledge it was either I
    accept or I testify or either I don’t and he would charge
    me with something or whatever. Something along that
    Thus Merrill admits that he was not explicitly told
    that he would receive leniency based upon his testimony,
    regardless of its content. This admission is also consistent
    with the uncontroverted evidence that Merrill attempted
    to avoid testifying in this case. Because the State was
    unable to locate Merrill before trial, prosecutors sought
    and received a continuance. Merrill eventually appeared
    at the eleventh hour after his arrest on an outstanding
    probation violation. This behavior, while not proof of his
    lack of agreement or understanding, certainly does not
    sound like the actions of one who knew he would escape
    felony charges simply by taking the stand.
    Given our deference to the findings of the Indiana
    state courts, we cannot conclude that their resolution of
    At the post-conviction hearing, Plath said “As far as I was
    concerned, I had no deal with Merrill. . . . My review of the file
    shows no evidence of any deal and I—Boy, I sure would have put
    it in writing.”
    12                                             No. 01-1742
    Collier’s case was contrary to Brady because Collier has
    not proved that an understanding actually existed. If
    there was no understanding, there was no impeach-
    ment evidence to disclose. In reaching our conclusion,
    we note that Collier had two full opportunities in state
    court to offer sufficient proof for his theory. Given these
    full bites at the apple, we cannot second-guess the deci-
    sions of those courts which found that Collier’s trial coun-
    sel adequately investigated and pursued this theory—and
    came up short.
    2. No proof of suppression
    Assuming arguendo that Merrill had an implied bilateral
    understanding of prosecutorial leniency, Collier would
    still be required under Brady to show that the State
    suppressed evidence of Merrill’s special treatment. Here,
    too, Collier has failed to meet his burden of proof. In or-
    der for Collier to establish that the State suppressed
    evidence, he must demonstrate that: (1) the State failed to
    disclose known evidence before it was too late for him to
    make use of the evidence; and (2) the evidence was not
    otherwise available to him through the exercise of reason-
    able diligence. See Boss, 
    263 F.3d at 740
    ; United States v.
    129 F.3d 906
    , 910 (7th Cir. 1997).
    Collier cannot meet either prong of the suppression test.
    Because all of the potential information about Merrill’s
    supposed informal agreement or understanding was avail-
    able to Collier before trial, Collier cannot show that the
    evidence was not otherwise available. One critical reason
    why he cannot make this showing is that he could have
    fully explored this topic in cross-examination of Merrill
    at trial—but did not do so.
    As the record shows, Collier’s trial counsel was quite
    aware of the likelihood that Merrill had something to
    gain from implicating Collier as the triggerman in Mc-
    Guire’s murder—namely the possibility that Merrill was
    No. 01-1742                                                        13
    the shooter and would deflect blame to Collier instead.
    Yet all of the questions at trial about Merrill’s burglary
    conviction or alleged understanding came on direct and re-
    direct examination by the prosecution.5 We cannot fault
    the State for failing to more fully explore Merrill’s al-
    leged understanding when Collier never bothered to se-
    riously inquire about it in the first place.6 Given these
    facts, even if a bilateral understanding did exist, Collier
    did not exercise reasonable diligence in his efforts to dis-
    cover it.
    Because Collier had opportunities to explore Merrill’s
    motives and unearth any statements by authorities to
    Merrill regarding his potential prosecution, Collier’s failure
    to provide sufficient proof is fatal to his claim. Further,
    Frederick J. Frosch’s admission that the former prosecu-
    At trial, the prosecution asked Merrill four questions about his
    recent burglary conviction. On cross-examination, Frosch asked
    no questions about either Merrill’s criminal record or possible
    deals in this case. On redirect, the State asked: “Did Detective
    Prater promise that you would not be arrested when you talked to
    him?” Merrill: “I don’t know. He just said—he talked to my mom
    and everything. I don’t know what he said. I don’t even remem-
    ber.” State: “Did he say, in fact, that he couldn’t make that de-
    cision, that it’d be the prosecutor’s office that would decide
    whether or not you’d be charged with anything in connection with
    this case that you testified to here today?” Merrill: “I don’t recall.”
    On re-cross-examination, Frosch again asked no questions of
    Merrill regarding his burglary conviction or any agreements or
    understandings to testify against Collier.
    During Collier’s post-conviction hearing, Collier’s attorney
    asked former counsel Frosch: “Did you ever file any pleadings to
    request the Court to order the State to disclose any deals made
    with any witnesses against Mr. Collier?” Frosch: “That would have
    been part of the standard discovery motion, but at that point
    in time, I wouldn’t have done it and I can’t recall if my father
    [Collier’s first attorney] did or not.”
    14                                               No. 01-1742
    tor alerted him to the possibility that there may have
    been a “verbal statement made to [Merrill] that he would
    not be charged if he was cooperative” demonstrates that
    disclosure of Merrill’s alleged understanding, even if re-
    quired by Brady, was done prior to Collier’s trial. Therefore,
    there was no suppression and no Brady violation.
    Because Collier has not shown that the decisions of
    the Indiana state courts are contrary to Brady, we AFFIRM
    the district court’s denial of the writ of habeas corpus.
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit