M., Dale v. Bd Educ Bradley ( 2001 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 98-2682, 98-2819 & 99-1817
    Dale M., by his mother and next friend, Alice M.,
    Plaintiffs-Appellees, Cross-Appellants,
    Board of Education of Bradley-Bourbonnais
    High School District No. 307, et al.,
    Defendants-Appellants, Cross-Appellees.
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Central District of Illinois.
    No. 96-2254--Michael P. McCuskey, Judge.
    Argued June 7, 2000--Decided January 12, 2001
    Before Posner, Coffey, and Ripple, Circuit Judges.
    Posner, Circuit Judge. The district judge held
    that a public school district in Illinois had
    violated its duty under the Individuals with
    Disabilities Education Act to provide Dale M.
    with "a free appropriate public education that
    emphasizes special education and related services
    designed to meet [disabled children’s] unique
    needs," where "related services" include
    "transportation, and such developmental,
    corrective, and other supportive services
    (including . . . psychological services . . .
    [and] social work services . . .) as may be
    required to assist a child with a disability to
    benefit from special education." 20 U.S.C.
    sec.sec. 1400(d)(1)(A), 1401(22). Dale became a
    student in the district in 1993, when he was 14
    years old. He soon became a serious disciplinary
    problem. He disrupted classes and was truant. The
    following year he was placed in a "therapeutic
    day school" designed to deal with disruptive and
    truant students, but in his first four months he
    attended school only 20 days, though when he did
    attend he behaved himself, did the assigned work,
    and got good grades. For some time he had been
    drinking alcohol to excess and also consuming
    marijuana, cocaine, and other illegal drugs, and
    in January of 1995 he was hospitalized for
    depression and at the same time charged with
    residential burglary and theft of a car. He was
    placed on probation for these offenses. When he
    got out of the hospital he refused to return to
    school, but received home instruction until
    November, when he was again charged with
    residential burglary and this time sent to jail.
    He was examined by a psychologist who found that
    Dale has no learning disability but instead what
    the psychologist called a "conduct disorder,"
    along with depression and substance abuse.
    The school district wanted to send Dale back to
    the therapeutic day school. Instead, his mother,
    with whom he was living (his parents are
    divorced), obtained Dale’s release from jail and
    placed him in a residential school, the Elan
    School, in Maine. She demanded that the school
    district pay for Dale’s attending Elan, as
    otherwise he would not be getting the free
    appropriate public education to which he was
    entitled. The school district refused. The Elan
    School does not offer psychiatric or other
    medical treatment for substance abuse or
    depression. As far as we can determine, it’s just
    a boarding school for difficult children. Dale
    did not like the school, and was excluded from
    most school activities because of his belligerent
    The mother sought reimbursement of the expense
    of Dale’s attending Elan. Her claim was
    adjudicated in succession by two hearing officers
    appointed by the state. The first ordered the
    public school district to pay but the second, the
    reviewing officer, reversed the order of the
    first. He could find no evidence that Elan
    provided a superior educational experience for
    Dale to the therapeutic day school, let alone any
    treatment for his "conduct disorder" or his
    depression and substance abuse; it merely
    provided confinement, thus solving the problem of
    his truancy. The hearing officer did not think
    that the statute required the school district to
    pay for confining a truant student.
    The district judge reversed and ordered
    reimbursement. The school district has paid
    pursuant to the district court’s order, and the
    plaintiffs argue that this makes the school
    district’s appeal moot, but that is wrong. A
    judgment creditor who pays the judgment pending
    appeal instead of posting a supersedeas bond
    (which would automatically stay collection, see
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 62(d)) is entitled to the return
    of its money if the decision is reversed, and so
    the payment does not moot the appeal unless the
    appellant has relinquished his right to seek
    repayment if he wins. In re Farrell Lines Co.,
    761 F.2d 796
     (D.C. Cir. 1985) (per curiam); 11
    Charles Alan Wright, Arthur R. Miller & Mary Kay
    Kane, Federal Practice and Procedure sec. 2905,
    pp. 525-26 (2d ed.1995); cf. United States v.
    364 U.S. 310
    , 312-13 (1960); United
    States for Use and Benefit of H & S Industries,
    Inc. v. F.D. Rich Co., 
    525 F.2d 760
    , 764-65 (7th
    Cir. 1975). The school district has not
    relinquished that right.
    So we must decide whether the district court’s
    decision was correct. As we explained in Morton
    Community Unit School Dist. No. 709 v. J.M., 
    152 F.3d 583
    , 587-88 (7th Cir. 1998), when the
    district judge does not take fresh evidence but
    instead bases his review of the hearing officer’s
    decision on the record compiled in the
    administrative proceedings, he is required to
    give "due deference" to that decision. That is,
    the fact that he disagrees with the officer is
    not enough to justify setting aside the latter’s
    order; he must be strongly convinced that the
    order is erroneous. See also Board of Education
    v. Rowley, 
    458 U.S. 176
    , 206 (1982); Patricia P.
    v. Board of Education, 
    203 F.3d 462
    , 466-67 (7th
    Cir. 2000); Linda W. v. Indiana Dept. of
    200 F.3d 504
    , 506 (7th Cir. 1999);
    Board of Education v. Illinois State Board of
    41 F.3d 1162
    , 1167 (7th Cir. 1994);
    Susan N. v. Wilson School District, 
    70 F.3d 751
    757 (3d Cir. 1995). The hearing officer to whom
    the judge is to defer is the second, that is, the
    appellate officer, Board of Education v. Illinois
    State Board of Education, 
    184 F.3d 912
    , 915 (7th
    Cir. 1999); Heather S. v. Wisconsin, 
    125 F.3d 1045
    , 1053-54 (7th Cir. 1997); Thomas v.
    Cincinnati Board of Education, 
    918 F.2d 618
    , 624
    (6th Cir. 1990), just as, when the National Labor
    Relations Board reverses one of its
    administrative law judges, the reviewing court
    defers to the board, not to the ALJ, e.g.,
    Universal Camera Corp. v NLRB, 
    340 U.S. 474
    (1951); Dilling Mechanical Contractors, Inc. v.
    107 F.3d 521
    , 523-24 (7th Cir. 1997); Webco
    Industries, Inc. v. NLRB, 
    217 F.3d 1306
    , 1311
    (10th Cir. 2000), and unlike, for example,
    judicial review of benefits determinations in
    black lung cases, where the courts defer to the
    ALJ’s decision rather than to the decision of the
    Benefits Review Board on appeal from the ALJ to
    it. E.g., Old Ben Coal Co. v. Prewitt, 
    755 F.2d 588
    , 589-90 (7th Cir. 1985).
    But, by further analogy to the rule in judicial
    review of Labor Board decisions, Universal Camera
    Corp. v NLRB, supra, 
    340 U.S. at 491-97
    ; Dilling
    Mechanical Contractors, Inc. v. NLRB, supra, 
    107 F.3d at 524
    , we believe that the reviewing court,
    in deciding whether to uphold a reversal by the
    second hearing officer of the first hearing
    officer’s decision, must give considerable weight
    to any credibility determinations made by the
    first hearing officer, since the second officer,
    exercising as he does an appellate rather than a
    trial function, will generally not have been in a
    position to second guess those determinations.
    See Heather S. v. Wisconsin, 
    125 F.3d at 1053-54
    Evidence was presented to the district judge, in
    the form of affidavits and other documents
    attached to the summary-judgment papers, but
    there is no indication in his opinion that he
    considered any of it. Cross-motions for summary
    judgment are the standard method for presenting a
    case to a district court for decision on the
    record compiled by the administrative tribunal
    that the court is reviewing. Patricia P. v. Board
    of Education, supra, 
    203 F.3d at 466
    ; Heather S.
    v. Wisconsin, 
    125 F.3d at 1052
    ; Hunger v.
    15 F.3d 664
    , 669-70 (7th Cir. 1994);
    Kirkpatrick v. Lenoir County Board of Education,
    216 F.3d 380
    , 385 (4th Cir. 2000). The grant of
    the plaintiffs’ motion thus implied that the
    judge was not considering any evidence not
    presented in the administrative proceedings. The
    evidence that had been submitted for the first
    time in the district court indicated, for
    example, that after the decision by the second
    hearing officer Dale graduated from Elan. But the
    judge said that "Dale is receiving an educational
    benefit from Elan" (emphasis added), implying
    that Dale was still at the school. This is a
    further indication that the judge didn’t consider
    any of the new evidence.
    The judge recited the correct, the deferential,
    standard of review for the case where no new
    evidence is considered (still another indication
    that he did not consider the new evidence), but
    when he came to actually discuss the second
    hearing officer’s decision, he applied an
    incorrect standard. He said for example that he
    "disagrees with the reviewing officer’s
    conclusion that Elan was inappropriate" and "a
    preponderance of the evidence shows that Elan is
    an appropriate placement for Dale." That is the
    language of de novo determination of contested
    factual issues. The judge may have been confused
    by the language of the statute: "In any action
    brought under this paragraph the court shall
    receive the records of the administrative
    proceedings, shall hear additional evidence at
    the request of a party, and, basing its decision
    on the preponderance of the evidence, shall grant
    such relief as the court determines is
    appropriate." 20 U.S.C. sec. 1415(i) (2)(B). When
    the court has before it evidence that was not
    before the hearing officers, the amount of
    deference due the reviewing officer declines,
    since the latter’s decision was based on an
    incomplete record. But when there either is no
    new evidence or the judge for some reason doesn’t
    consider it, he owes considerable deference to
    the reviewing officer.
    When due deference is given that officer, we
    think it plain that his determination that
    placement in the Elan school was not the "free
    appropriate education" to which the statute
    refers should not have been disturbed. It is true
    that Dale has psychological problems that
    interfered with his obtaining an education, even
    though he has no learning disability or
    retardation. And the statute refers explicitly to
    "psychological services" as one type of "related
    services" that the statute may require a school
    district to pay for if, without them, the
    disabled child--and we do not understand the
    school district to be denying that Dale’s
    problems add up to a disability within the
    meaning of the statute, 20 U.S.C. sec. 1401(3);
    34 C.F.R. sec. 300.7; Board of Education v.
    Nathan R., 
    199 F.3d 377
    , 379 n. 2 (7th Cir.
    2000); compare Rodiriecus L. v. Waukegan School
    District No. 60, 
    90 F.3d 249
    , 254 (7th Cir.
    1996)--cannot obtain an education. But the Elan
    School does not provide psychological services,
    at least to Dale. For him all it provides is
    confinement. He was placed in Elan not from any
    school in the defendant school district, but from
    jail. Elan is a jail substitute. An incorrigible
    truant and lawbreaker, Dale does better in every
    respect when he is in a custodial setting than
    when he lives at home.
    The only difference between the therapeutic day
    school in which the school district put him (and
    wanted to return him to, despite his history of
    truancy) and Elan is that Elan is a boarding
    school specializing in anfractuous kids. So at
    least the second hearing officer determined, and
    the district court was obliged to defer to that
    determination, which was both supported by the
    evidence and within the presumed superior
    competence of the administrative process to
    resolve matters of educational policy. Hence Elan
    was the "appropriate" placement for Dale, within
    the meaning of the statute, only if confinement
    is a related service within that meaning, since
    obviously it is not an educational service. We
    think--and this is a pure legal issue, as to
    which we owe no deference to the hearing officer,
    Morton Community Unit School District No. 709 v.
    152 F.3d at
    587--that it stretches
    the statute too far to classify confinement thus.
    The essential distinction is between services
    primarily oriented toward enabling a disabled
    child to obtain an education and services
    oriented more toward enabling the child to engage
    in noneducational activities. The former are
    "related services" within the meaning of the
    statute, the latter not. Butler v. Evans, No. 99-
    2000 WL 1231053
    , at *4-*6 (7th Cir. Aug 31,
    2000). In our Morton case, for example, the
    medical-support services rendered the plaintiff
    were for the purpose of enabling him to attend
    152 F.3d at 583
    . In contrast, the purpose
    of the "service" that the school district is
    being asked to pay for is to keep Dale out of
    jail, both directly, because the judge was
    willing to release him from jail to Elan, and
    indirectly, because Dale is less likely to commit
    burglary and other crimes when he is in a
    residential facility than when he is living at
    home with only his mother to keep an eye on him.
    Another way to put this is that Dale’s problems
    are not primarily educational. He has the
    intelligence to perform well as a student and no
    cognitive defect or disorder such as dyslexia
    that prevents him from applying his intelligence
    to the acquisition of an education, without
    special assistance. His problem is a lack of
    proper socialization, as a result of which,
    despite his tender age, he has compiled a
    significant criminal record. His substance abuse
    interferes with his schooling; that is true; but
    it interferes with much else besides, such as
    ability to conform to the law and avoid jail.
    Supposing that the most effective educational
    program for Dale would be to take correspondence
    courses while confined in a prison, we do not
    think his mother would be arguing that the school
    district would have to pay the prison authorities
    for the expense of incarcerating him. But that is
    close to what she is arguing--that since
    confinement, among its other benefits to Dale,
    will make it easier for him to obtain an
    education, the school district is responsible for
    the cost of confinement. That, we conclude, goes
    too far.
    This is not a case like Kruelle v. New Castle
    County School District, 
    642 F.2d 687
     (3d Cir.
    1981), where residential placement was necessary
    for educational reasons. The case involved a
    thirteen year old who had an IQ below 30 and
    could not walk, dress, or eat without assistance.
    Under stress, he would self-induce vomiting and
    choking; inconsistent approaches or environments
    would trigger this behavior. For that child, an
    education meant training in the basic social
    skills of using the toilet, dressing, feeding,
    and simple communication. That education required
    residential placement, which was therefore a
    "necessary predicate for learning" as opposed to
    being--a good description of the present case, as
    of Burke County Board of Education v. Denton, 
    895 F.2d 973
     (4th Cir. 1990)--a "response to
    medical, social or emotional problems that are
    segregable from the learning process." 642 F.2d
    at 693; cf. Tennessee Dep’t of Mental Health &
    Mental Retardation v. Paul B., 
    88 F.3d 1466
    Cir. 1996); McKenzie v. Smith, 
    771 F.2d 1527
    (D.C. Cir. 1985). Although Teague Independent
    School District v. Todd L., 
    999 F.3d 127
    , 132
    (5th Cir. 1993), could be read to leave open the
    possibility that "twenty-four hour supervision in
    a locked unit" might be a related service, the
    court pointedly remarked that the "focus" of the
    highly restrictive facility that Todd’s parents
    preferred "was on behavior management," not
    No other issues need be discussed. The judgment
    in favor of the plaintiffs, and the award of
    attorneys’ fees to them, are reversed with
    directions to enter judgment for the defendants.
    The dismissal of the other counts in the
    complaint is affirmed. The motion to dismiss the
    school district’s appeal on the ground of
    mootness is denied, and the plaintiffs’ cross-
    appeals are denied because they have no merit in
    light of our decision of the school district’s
    Affirmed in Part, Reversed in Part.
    RIPPLE, Circuit Judge, dissenting. While chiding
    the district court (unfairly in my view) for not
    having given sufficient deference to the
    superficial analysis of the Level II hearing
    examiner, the majority fails itself to give
    adequate deference of a far more fundamental
    character--deference to the manifest will of the
    Congress that the District must provide support
    services that are necessary for the meaningful
    delivery of educational services. By holding
    that, as a matter of law, the residential program
    at Elan does not come within the ambit of the
    Act, the majority not only dooms Dale M.’s case
    but also sets this circuit on a course different
    from that of all the courts that have interpreted
    this provision.
    Recognizing that the nature of support services
    necessarily will be varied and, in the case of
    some children, broad, every circuit that has
    addressed the question has held that the
    Congressional mandate requires the provision of a
    support service that is "a necessary predicate
    for learning," Kruelle v. New Castle County Sch.
    642 F.2d 687
    , 693 (3d Cir. 1981), and not
    "segregable from the learning process," 
    Tennessee Dep’t of Mental Health & Mental
    Retardation v. Paul B., 
    88 F.3d 1466
    , 1471 (6th
    Cir. 1996) (stating that districts are not
    responsible for residential placement "separable
    from the learning process" and citing Kruelle);
    Burke County Bd. of Educ. v. Denton, 
    895 F.2d 973
    , 980 (4th Cir. 1990) ("Where medical, social
    or emotional problems are intertwined with
    educational problems, courts recognize that the
    local education agency must fund residential
    programs . . . .") (citing Kruelle); McKenzie v.
    771 F.2d 1527
    , 1533 (D.C. Cir. 1985)
    (quoting Kruelle standard). Today, this circuit
    substitutes for that test a very different
    formulation: Costs are to be disallowed if the
    support services are not aimed at a problem that
    is "primarily educational." Slip op. at 7. That
    the difference between the panel majority’s
    formulation and that of our sister circuits is
    not just one of semantics but a chasm of
    substance is made starkly clear by the analysis
    of the Third Circuit in Kruelle. There, it noted
    that "basic self-help and social skills such as
    training, dressing, feeding and communication"
    can be part of the necessary process of
    education. Kruelle, 642 F.2d at 693 (internal
    quotation marks and citations omitted).
    Dale M.’s truancy is no doubt complex in its
    causation and therefore in the degree of its
    interrelatedness with his capacity to cope with
    the usual demands of education. We lack the
    institutional capacity to conduct an independent
    analysis of Dale M.’s educational needs. Indeed,
    we previously have been "cautioned that courts
    lack the specialized knowledge and experience
    necessary to resolve persistent and difficult
    questions of educational policy." Board of Educ.
    v. Rowley, 
    458 U.S. 176
    , 205 (1982) (internal
    quotation marks and citations omitted). Notably,
    here the District itself considered Dale M.’s
    truancy to be related to his educational progress
    until the need for a residential placement, and
    the attendant expense, became an issue. It was
    only at that point that the District took the
    position that such a program was beyond it
    obligations under the Act.
    In determining that the Elan program goes "too
    far" to be within the coverage of the Act, the
    majority takes issue with the characterization of
    Dale M. reached by the professional educators
    and, indeed, by the administrative tribunals and
    the district court. In the majority’s view, he is
    a delinquent deserving of punishment, not
    education. The majority is entitled to its view;
    in deciding this case, however, it must stay
    within the record, a record that includes the
    conclusions of professional educators who viewed
    his situation in a very different light. For
    instance, in evaluating the program at Elan, the
    majority characterizes the program as one that
    simply provides "confinement." Slip op. at 6.
    Yet, the record makes clear that the program at
    Elan involves three separate components, life
    skills, counseling and class work. Reasonable
    people can disagree about the effectiveness of
    providing a structured environment that demands
    contributing labor to a communal living
    environment; however, none of us who wear black
    robes are in an institutional position to second
    guess the Illinois Department of Education that
    approved the program as a permissible placement
    for Illinois school children. See Butler v.
    225 F.3d 887
    , 894 (noting that residential
    treatment at a psychiatric hospital could not be
    compensable as an educational placement because
    it was not an accredited educational
    institution); Seattle Sch. Dist., No. 1 v. A.S.,
    82 F.3d 1493
    , 1502 (9th Cir. 1996) (rejecting
    school district’s argument that it should not be
    responsible for residential placement in part
    because residential facility was "an accredited
    educational institution under state law"); Clovis
    Unified Sch. Dist. v. California Office of Admin.
    903 F.2d 635
    , 646 (finding that school
    district was not financially responsible for
    placement because the facility was "not included
    as [an] educational placement option[ ] for
    handicapped pupils in that state").
    In sum, I must conclude that the court has
    improvidently and erroneously parted company with
    the other circuits that have defined when a
    residential placement is permissible. In doing
    so, it has set the courts of this circuit on a
    course at odds with the course set throughout the
    United States for the provision of support
    services under the Act. It has compounded that
    error by substituting its own view for that of
    professional educators as to the needs of Dale M.
    and the merits of the Elan program. Accordingly,
    I respectfully dissent.

Document Info

Docket Number: 98-2682

Judges: Per Curiam

Filed Date: 1/12/2001

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/24/2015

Authorities (24)

Webco Industries, Inc. v. Natioanal Labor Relations Board , 217 F.3d 1306 ( 2000 )

Susan N. David N., Individually and as Parents and Natural ... , 70 F.3d 751 ( 1995 )

Dilling Mechanical Contractors, Inc. v. National Labor ... , 107 F.3d 521 ( 1997 )

Emily Thomas, Cross-Appellant v. Cincinnati Board of ... , 918 F.2d 618 ( 1990 )

meridith-kirkpatrick-susan-kirkpatrick-v-lenoir-county-board-of-education , 216 F.3d 380 ( 2000 )

Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Mental ... , 88 F.3d 1466 ( 1996 )

Heather S., by Her Natural Parent and Next Friend, Kathy S. ... , 125 F.3d 1045 ( 1997 )

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