US S & G Excavating v. Seaboard Surety Co ( 2001 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 00-2112
    United States for the use and benefit
    of S&G Excavating, Inc.,
    The Seaboard Surety Company, et al.,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Indiana, Terre Haute Division.
    No. TH 97-276-C-T/F--John Daniel Tinder, Judge.
    Argued November 3, 2000--Decided January 10, 2001
    Before Flaum, Chief Judge, and Easterbrook and
    Williams, Circuit Judges.
    Easterbrook, Circuit Judge. An unpaid
    subcontractor on a federal project can obtain
    compensation from a bond posted under the Miller
    Act. A subcontractor hired by the general
    contractor may proceed directly against the
    general contractor’s bond. A sub-subcontractor--
    that is, a firm hired by a subcontractor, and not
    dealing directly with the general contractor--
    must first notify the general contractor of its
    situation. A sub-subcontractor
    shall have a right of action upon the said
    payment bond upon giving written notice to said
    contractor within ninety days from the date on
    which such person did or performed the last of
    the labor or furnished or supplied the last of
    the material for which such claim is made,
    stating with substantial accuracy the amount
    claimed and the name of the party to whom the
    material was furnished or supplied or for whom
    the labor was done or performed.
    40 U.S.C. sec.270b(a). This statute sets up three
    conditions to payment from the bond: (1) notice
    must be given within 90 days of the sub-
    subcontractor’s last work; (2) the notice must
    "stat[e] with substantial accuracy the amount
    claimed"; and (3) the notice must include "the
    name of the party to whom the material was
    furnished or supplied or for whom the labor was
    done or performed." Our case presents the
    question whether a sub-subcontractor must meet a
    fourth requirement: that the notice include an
    explicit demand for payment. We hold that it need
    not; compliance with the Miller Act’s express
    requirements suffices.
    S&G Excavating furnished materials and labor for
    the construction of a new facility for the Postal
    Service in Terre Haute, Indiana. Austin
    Corporation was the general contractor and
    engaged Seaboard Surety to supply the required
    bond. Austin hired EUI Corporation to build the
    project’s concrete foundation; EUI in turn
    selected S&G Excavating to do part of the
    foundation work, making S&G a sub-subcontractor
    on the project. S&G finished its work on April 2,
    1997, and sent EUI a bill for about $73,000. When
    EUI did not pay, S&G filed a notice of mechanic’s
    lien in the Office of the Recorder of Vigo
    County, Indiana, and on May 6, 1997, mailed
    Austin a notice of this fact. The envelope
    contained two documents: a copy of the "Notice of
    Intention to Hold Mechanic’s Lien" that had been
    filed with Vigo County, and an itemized bill
    revealing exactly what work had been done, what
    compensation was sought, and the identity of the
    firm that had hired S&G. This notice satisfied
    all three requirements of sec.270b(a): It arrived
    within 90 days, it stated the amount claimed
    ($72,526.40), and it stated the name of the party
    (EUI) on whose behalf the work had been done.
    What it did not do was demand explicitly that
    Austin pay in EUI’s stead. S&G did not take that
    additional step until a few days after the 90-day
    window closed. According to the district court,
    this was a fatal blunder. Five courts of appeals
    have held that the notice must inform the general
    contractor, either expressly or by implication,
    that the sub-subcontractor wants the general
    contractor to pay the bill. See United States ex
    rel. Water Works Supply Corp. v. George Hyman
    Construction Co., 
    131 F.3d 28
    , 32-33 (1st Cir.
    1997); Maccaferri Gabions, Inc. v. Dynateria
    91 F.3d 1431
    , 1437 (11th Cir. 1996); United
    States ex rel. Blue Circle West, Inc. v. Tucson
    Mechanical Contracting Inc., 
    921 F.2d 911
    , 914-15
    (9th Cir. 1990); United States ex rel. Jinks
    Lumber Co. v. Federal Insurance Co., 
    452 F.2d 485
    , 487-88 (5th Cir. 1971); United States ex
    rel. Charles R. Joyce & Son, Inc. v. F.A.
    Baehner, Inc., 
    326 F.2d 556
    , 558 (2nd Cir. 1964).
    The district judge recognized that one circuit
    has held otherwise, see McWaters & Bartlett v.
    United States ex rel. Wilson, 
    272 F.2d 291
    , 295
    (10th Cir. 1959), but declined to follow that
    decision. The judge then dismissed S&G’s effort
    to collect from the retainage held by the Postal
    Service, see 
    93 F. Supp. 2d 968
     (S.D. Ind. 2000),
    a final decision that sent S&G away empty handed.
    We think that McWaters & Bartlett got this
    right. The district court criticized the tenth
    circuit for the brevity of its explanation, but
    it does not take much space to say that if a
    statute sets out three conditions to payment,
    then a notice meeting all three is sufficient.
    Judges are not authorized to add requirements of
    their own devising. It is not as if the Miller
    Act were internally contradictory, or had a
    logical gap that cried out to be filled, or would
    produce absurd results if enforced as written.
    Application of the unelaborated text is perfectly
    sensible. Indeed, the circuits that require an
    express or implied demand for payment essentially
    concede as much. When would a notice, delivered
    to the general contractor, stating the amount
    claimed and the identity of the subcontractor,
    not be an "implied" demand for payment? How else
    would a general contractor, familiar with the
    Miller Act’s rules, read such documents? S&G’s
    papers alerted Austin to a problem between EUI
    and S&G, implied the need for Austin to hold back
    funds to resolve this dispute, and thus fulfilled
    every function plausibly imputed to sec.270b(a).
    Sooner or later, Austin was going to have to do
    something to clear the lien, so that it could
    deliver an unencumbered building to the Postal
    Service. (Usually federal projects are not
    subject to liens, but Congress has waived
    sovereign immunity for the Postal Service, see
    Loeffler v. Frank, 
    486 U.S. 549
     (1988); Franchise
    Tax Board v. USPS, 
    467 U.S. 512
     (1984), a step
    that likely renders S&G’s lien effective, see
    Department of the Army v. Blue Fox, Inc., 
    525 U.S. 255
    , 265 (1999)--though this is not an issue
    we need resolve.) A general contractor has to
    recognize that a sub-subcontractor’s notice of
    lien implies a demand to be paid. If this is all
    these circuits require of an "express or implied"
    demand for payment, then they have added nothing
    important but have complicated litigation. But
    if, as the district court thought, they require
    something close to the "express" side of the
    "express or implied" continuum, then they have
    rewritten rather than interpreted the Miller Act.
    The only support we can imagine for requiring
    the sub-subcontractor to demand that the general
    contractor itself settle the account would be a
    belief that this is implicit in the idea of
    "notice": the sub-subcontractor is supposed to be
    sending the general contractor a message that it
    wants payment. Yet this would be an uncommon
    reading of "notice": a notice of appeal, for
    example, need not contain an express (or even an
    implied) demand for reversal, which comes later
    in the brief; a notice of a club’s meeting need
    not contain a demand for attendance. Usually
    notices provide information; a demand to act in
    a particular way is not part of the ordinary
    meaning of "notice." A statute requiring more
    would call for a "claim" (as, for example, the
    Federal Tort Claims Act does, see 28 U.S.C.
    sec.2672). The word "claim" appears in
    sec.270b(a) only in reference to the amount the
    sub-subcontractor believes that the subcontractor
    owes. The general contractor needs to know this
    sum, and under sec.270b(a) must be notified of
    it; more would be otiose.
    Some statutes implicitly invite the judiciary to
    add implementing details. But notice rules
    usually are applied mechanically, so that people
    who read the statute are not tripped up, and so
    that litigation does not become bogged down in
    preliminary issues. See United States v. Locke,
    471 U.S. 84
     (1985). Adding requirements to the
    Miller Act would be particularly inappropriate,
    for the Supreme Court has characterized it as
    "remedial legislation" that should be read
    charitably to subcontractors. Fleisher
    Engineering & Construction Co. v. United States
    ex rel. Hallenbeck, 
    311 U.S. 15
    , 17 (1940). The
    "remedial" tag does not justify dispensing with
    requirements stated in the statute or otherwise
    altering its rules, Director, OWCP v. Newport
    News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., 
    514 U.S. 122
    135-36 (1995), but it precludes adding to the
    burdens of one who relies on it. The Miller Act
    specifies means as well as ends; a court should
    not use its view of the best way to achieve the
    legislative ends to override the legislature’s
    specification of means. S&G Excavating could have
    saved itself a lot of trouble and expense by
    sending Austin a cover letter making clear what
    the notice and the bill implied, but it did
    enough to satisfy its obligations under
    Our resolution of S&G’s Miller Act claim makes
    it unnecessary to decide whether, and if so under
    what circumstances, the Postal Service could be
    required to pay a sub-subcontractor out of
    retainage. S&G is entitled to compensation from
    the bond--if it is entitled to compensation at
    all. The parties dispute whether S&G’s work was
    satisfactory, and on remand the district court
    must resolve that disagreement and any other
    lingering matters.
    Reversed and Remanded