Brenda Scheidler v. State of Indiana , 914 F.3d 535 ( 2019 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 17-2543
    STATE OF INDIANA, et al.,
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division.
    No. 1:14-cv-937-WTL-DML — William T. Lawrence, Judge.
    ARGUED OCTOBER 24, 2018 — DECIDED JANUARY 25, 2019
    Before BAUER, MANION, and BRENNAN, Circuit Judges.
    MANION, Circuit Judge. Brenda Lear Scheidler worked for
    the Indiana Department of Insurance (“IDOI”). She sought
    accommodations for disabilities related to her mental health.
    She asked, among other things, that her coworkers not startle
    her. She received these accommodations for several years. But
    on May 28, 2013, a frustrated supervisor reached toward
    Scheidler and said, “I could just strangle you.” An
    investigation into this workplace incident discovered that
    2                                                        No. 17-2543
    several months earlier Scheidler commented in an elevator
    about a coworker’s apparent promotion prospects: “It’s who
    you know and who you blow.”
    IDOI terminated Scheidler. She sued it for disability
    discrimination, retaliation, and other claims. She lost some
    claims at summary judgment and she lost the rest at trial. She
    appeals summary judgment and an evidentiary decision.
    Finding no reversible error, we affirm.
    I. Facts
    Scheidler1 began working for Indiana in a prison in 1999.
    She learned an inmate wrote in his diary he wanted to torture
    her sexually. Scheidler reacted emotionally and left her
    employment and sought medical treatment for the trauma. In
    2006, she began working at IDOI as a clerical assistant. She
    received good reviews, promotions, and no discipline until
    the termination at issue here.
    In 2009, IDOI hired a recently released offender. This
    apparently scared Scheidler, and as a result she was
    diagnosed with depression, bipolar disorder, and post-
    traumatic stress disorder. She took FMLA leave. When she
    returned, she discussed her condition with her supervisor,
    Cindy Donovan, and asked her to comment on any changes
    in Scheidler’s behavior. Scheidler also told other employees,
    including Annette Gunter and Ronda Ankney, about the
    diagnosis. Scheidler asked them not to startle her, be loud, or
    approach suddenly. She says she received these
    1 At all relevant times while working Lear was her surname. She later
    married and added her spouse’s name. On appeal she refers to herself as
    “Scheidler,” so we do, too.
    No. 17-2543                                                              3
    accommodations and for several years did not have any
    further problems at work until May 28, 2013.
    Gunter and Ankney are sisters-in-law. In 2010, Scheidler
    began carpooling with them. By 2013, Gunter supervised
    Scheidler for some purposes.
    In 2013, Scheidler applied for a particular position within
    IDOI. Mary Ann Williams, another IDOI employee, also
    applied. As Scheidler, Gunter, and Ankney left work one day
    in March or April 2013, they noticed Williams was not at her
    station. According to Ankney, Scheidler said, “Oh, it looks
    like Mary Ann is still upstairs in her interview for her
    government job.”
    “Brenda, don’t we all have government jobs? We’re all
    State employees,” Ankney responded.
    “Well, I mean for her federal job upstairs … I’m sure she’ll
    get it because … it’s who you know and who you blow,”
    Scheidler said in the elevator.2 Ankney and Gunter told
    Scheidler they disapproved, but did not report this comment
    until several months later.
    On May 28, 2013, Scheidler went to Gunter’s office after
    getting an email from Donovan about redistribution of duties.
    Scheidler sought clarification. Gunter said she did not know
    any more than Scheidler did. After Scheidler left, Gunter went
    2 The briefs and record report different versions of this comment. But both
    Scheidler and Ankney testified Scheidler said, “It’s who you know and
    who you blow.”
    4                                                             No. 17-2543
    to Ankney’s cubicle and said, “I don’t know what I’m going
    to do if I don’t string her up by the end of the week.”3
    Overhearing the comment as she walked by, Scheidler
    asked, “Are you talking about me?” Gunter turned, stretched
    her arms out, leaned into Scheidler, made a choking motion,
    and said, “I could just strangle you.” This startled Scheidler.
    A heated exchange ensued. Scheidler mentioned Gunter’s
    medication. Gunter indicated Scheidler should quit. Gunter
    said she wanted to end the carpool. We refer to this encounter
    as the “cubicle episode.” Scheidler told Donovan about it, but
    did not want a formal investigation. But Donovan notified HR
    Director Katie Dailey and the State Personnel Department
    (“SPD”). Jeffrey Hendrickson of SPD investigated. He
    interviewed Scheidler and others, including Gunter, and
    learned of the “blow” comment. He then met with IDOI
    Commissioner Stephen W. Robertson and conveyed the facts.
    Robertson made the disciplinary decisions. He decided to
    issue a written reprimand to Gunter for her inappropriate
    conduct during the cubicle episode. He decided to terminate
    Scheidler. IDOI terminated her on July 8, 2013. The reason for
    this termination is, of course, the heart of this case. Scheidler
    claims IDOI terminated her for unlawful reasons. But IDOI
    argues it terminated her because of her two instances of
    inappropriate conduct: her “blow” comment in the elevator
    and her participation in the cubicle episode.
    3 The briefs and record also report different versions of this statement. The
    differences are immaterial here. We present the version quoted by Gunter
    during her trial testimony.
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    II. Procedural Posture
    Scheidler filed twice with the E.E.O.C. She received notices
    of right to sue on both charges. She also pursued
    administrative relief under Indiana Code 4-15-2.2-24, 42. An
    ALJ found in her favor on her disability-based retaliation
    claim but found in IDOI’s favor on her other claims. The State
    Employees’ Appeals Commission affirmed, and remanded to
    set damages. But the parties agreed to stay those state
    proceedings pending resolution of the federal case.
    Scheidler filed a complaint with the district court and
    amended it twice. The second amended complaint brought
    three counts against Indiana and IDOI Commissioner
    Stephen W. Robertson, in his official and personal capacities.
    Count 1 (“Disability Discrimination”) alleged Defendants
    discriminated against her because of her disability “by failure
    to accommodate, discrimination and retaliation,” in violation
    of 42 U.S.C. §§ 1981a, 12112, and 12203; 29 U.S.C. § 794; related
    sections; and Indiana disability laws.
    Count 2 (“Sex Discrimination”) alleged Defendants
    discriminated against her because she is female, in violation
    of 42 U.S.C. §§ 1981a, 1983, 2000e-2, 2000e-5, and related
    Count 3 (“Retaliation”) alleged Defendants discriminated
    against her “because she opposed and complained about
    discrimination and exercised her rights to free speech,” in
    violation of 42 U.S.C. §§ 1981a, 1983, 2000e-3, 2000e-5, 12112,
    and 12203; 29 U.S.C. § 794; related sections; Indiana
    whistleblower laws; and the First Amendments of the United
    States and Indiana.
    6                                                            No. 17-2543
    We share the court’s observation that the second amended
    complaint does not clearly state what claims Scheidler
    asserts.4 She abandoned some claims. Defendants moved for
    summary judgment on all remaining claims. She clarified in
    her brief responding to this motion that she pursued claims of
    disability discrimination, failure to accommodate, and
    retaliation for making complaints of sex and disability
    discrimination. The court construed her disability claims as
    arising under the ADA and the Rehabilitation Act and her
    retaliation claims as arising under those statutes and Title VII
    of the Civil Rights Act.
    On grounds not raised by Defendants, the court granted
    summary judgment to Robertson on all claims.
    The court denied summary judgment on the ADA and
    Rehabilitation Act claims against Indiana for disparate
    treatment due to disability. The court found enough evidence
    on the prima facie case and pretext to require trial.
    The court granted summary judgment to Indiana on the
    claim for sex-based retaliation under Title VII. Scheidler
    argued her “blow” comment was a complaint of sex
    discrimination and claimed IDOI terminated her in response
    to this complaint. But the court determined she could not
    show she engaged in statutorily protected activity requisite
    for a retaliation claim because subjectively she did not have a
    4 For example, disability and sex discrimination cannot violate § 1983. See
    Gillo v. Gary Cmty. Sch. Corp., No. 2:14-CV-99-JVB-JEM, 
    2016 WL 4592200
    at *4 (N.D. Ind. Sept. 2, 2016) (collecting cases and noting § 1983 does not
    create substantive rights susceptible to violations). And we do not think
    “First Amendment” of Indiana’s Constitution means what she thinks. But
    we do not hold these discrepancies against her.
    No. 17-2543                                                  7
    sincere, good-faith belief she opposed an unlawful practice
    and because objectively her complaint did not involve
    discrimination prohibited by Title VII. Without a statutorily
    protected activity, this retaliation claim fell.
    The court also granted summary judgment to Indiana on
    the disability-based retaliation claim. Scheidler claimed IDOI
    terminated her in retaliation for complaining of disability
    discrimination. But the court noted she did not clearly
    articulate what her complaint of disability discrimination
    was. The closest she came to articulating a complaint of
    disability discrimination, according to the court, was: “When
    [Scheidler] complained to human resources about Annette
    Gunter threatening her and making a strangling motion at
    [her], she told human resources that she suffered from bipolar
    disorder and PTSD and that is why the situation startled and
    upset her more than it might other people.” But the court
    concluded she only raised her conditions to explain her
    reaction to Gunter, not to complain anyone discriminated
    because of disability. So the court determined she failed even
    to create an inference of statutorily protected activity.
    Finally, the court granted summary judgment for Indiana
    on the failure-to-accommodate claim, concluding it was
    simply her disability-discrimination-disparate-treatment
    claim worded differently because the accommodation she
    sought that IDOI failed to give was treatment equal to Gunter.
    So the only claims at trial were for disparate treatment due
    to disability discrimination against Indiana under the ADA
    and the Rehabilitation Act. The jury gave a defense verdict.
    Scheidler appeals the order granting partial summary
    judgment and an evidentiary ruling during trial. We review
    8                                                     No. 17-2543
    summary judgment de novo, and will affirm when—viewing
    the evidence in the light most favorable to the nonmovant and
    drawing all reasonable inferences in its favor—there is no
    genuine issue of material fact and the movant is entitled to
    judgment as a matter of law. Barbera v. Pearson Educ., 
    906 F.3d 621
    , 628 (7th Cir. 2018). We may affirm summary judgment
    for reasons not articulated by the district court so long as the
    record supports them, the district court adequately
    considered them, and the nonmovant had an opportunity to
    contest them. Gerhartz v. Richert, 
    779 F.3d 682
    , 685 (7th Cir.
    A party generally forfeits issues and arguments raised for
    the first time on appeal. CNH Indus. Am. v. Jones Lang LaSalle
    882 F.3d 692
    , 705 (7th Cir. 2018). A party also generally
    forfeits issues and arguments it fails to raise in its initial
    appellate brief. Holman v. Indiana, 
    211 F.3d 399
    , 406 (7th Cir.
    2000). Insufficiently developed issues and arguments are also
    forfeited. United States v. Austin, 
    806 F.3d 425
    , 433 n.2 (7th Cir.
    III. Analysis
    A. Redundant claims?
    Scheidler first argues the court erred by concluding her
    failure-to-accommodate claim was the same as her disability-
    discrimination-disparate-treatment claim. The law recognizes
    the existence of separate claims. The ADA forbids certain
    types of disability discrimination: “No covered entity shall
    discriminate against a qualified individual on the basis of
    disability in regard to job application procedures, the hiring,
    advancement, or discharge of employees, employee
    compensation, job training, and other terms, conditions, and
    No. 17-2543                                                   9
    privileges of employment.” 42 U.S.C. § 12112(a). The ADA
    then defines “discriminate against a qualified individual on
    the basis of disability” to include disparate treatment and
    failure to accommodate: “not making reasonable
    accommodations to the known physical or mental limitations
    of an otherwise qualified individual with a disability who is
    an applicant or employee … .” 42 U.S.C. § 12112(b)(5)(A).
    A claim for disparate treatment based on disability under
    the ADA (and the Rehabilitation Act, with immaterial
    nuances) requires proof (1) plaintiff was disabled; (2) plaintiff
    was qualified to perform essential functions with or without
    reasonable accommodation; and (3) disability was the “but
    for” cause of adverse employment action. Monroe v. Ind. Dep’t
    of Transp., 
    871 F.3d 495
    , 503–04 (7th Cir. 2017); Felix v. Wis.
    Dep’t of Transp., 
    828 F.3d 560
    , 568 (7th Cir. 2016).
    A claim for failure to accommodate under the ADA (and the
    Rehabilitation Act, generally) requires proof (1) plaintiff was
    a qualified individual with a disability; (2) defendant was
    aware of his disability; and (3) defendant failed to
    accommodate his disability reasonably. E.E.O.C. v. AutoZone,
    809 F.3d 916
    , 919 (7th Cir. 2016); Brumfield v. City of Chicago,
    735 F.3d 619
    , 630 (7th Cir. 2013). So two separate claims are
    possible under each statute.
    But neither Scheidler’s second amended complaint nor her
    statement of claims is clear regarding failure to accommodate.
    The closest Scheidler comes to advancing a failure-to-
    accommodate claim is under the theory that she asked her
    coworkers not to startle her, but Gunter threatened to strangle
    her. Yet Scheidler’s own statement of claims tends to
    undermine even this theory, because there she admitted: “The
    10                                                          No. 17-2543
    State accommodated [my] disability before [I] complained
    about discrimination in May 2013.”
    Scheidler’s appellate brief is clearer. In the section arguing
    the court erred by conflating the failure-to-accommodate
    claim with the disparate-treatment claim, she asserts “the
    district court ignored the fact that Gunter failed to
    accommodate Scheidler on May 28, 2013 by raising her voice,
    making a strangling motion at Scheidler, and threatening
    her.” (Appellant’s Br., DE 20 at 26.) The brief does not mention
    any failure to accommodate unrelated to the cubicle episode.
    In any event, even viewing the facts in the light most
    favorable to her and drawing all reasonable inferences for her,
    we conclude summary judgment against her on the failure-to-
    accommodate claim was appropriate. The cubicle episode
    was an isolated, “one-off” event. She does not allege a failure
    to accommodate apart from the cubicle episode. Indeed, she
    acknowledged there were no problems involving a failure to
    accommodate other than the cubicle episode.5
    5 In 2009, “Scheidler asked that her coworkers not startle her, not make
    any loud noises, and not approach her suddenly because the PTSD made
    her very jumpy. Scheidler continued to request those accommodations,
    and Donovan only told Scheidler once that ‘something is a little different’
    about her behavior, which Scheidler corrected. There were no problems
    after that until [the cubicle episode in] May 2013 when Scheidler
    complained to Gunter and Donovan that Gunter told Scheidler that
    Gunter would like to strangle Scheidler, Gunter moved her hands toward
    Scheidler’s throat, and Gunter told Scheidler that Scheidler should leave
    and get another job.” (Appellant’s Br., DE 20 at 6–7, internal citations
    omitted.) “Scheidler had previously requested accommodations of not
    being startled, not having loud noises made around her, and not being
    approached suddenly, due to her disability, and Donovan, as well as
    No. 17-2543                                                                  11
    “Reasonable accommodation under the ADA is a process,
    not a one-off event.” Cloe v. City of Indianapolis, 
    712 F.3d 1171
    1178 (7th Cir. 2013), overruled on other grounds by Ortiz v.
    Werner Enters., 
    834 F.3d 760
    , 764 (7th Cir. 2016). Here,
    Scheidler has adduced no evidence that the interactive
    process broke down. Even accepting as we do for present
    purposes that she is disabled, that she asked her employer for
    reasonable accommodations, and that Gunter breached the
    arrangement on one occasion by threatening to strangle
    Scheidler, we cannot escape the facts that Scheidler otherwise
    received all the treatment she requested regarding her
    disability, that she reported this singular cubicle episode to
    Donovan, and that no further problems occurred. IDOI
    addressed Gunter’s misconduct by reprimanding her. That
    the reprimand did not benefit Scheidler because IDOI
    terminated her the same day is of no moment because IDOI
    was allowed to terminate her for her misconduct during the
    elevator episode plus her misconduct during the cubicle
    episode, even if her disability precipitated that misconduct.6
    We do not hold a single event could never support a claim
    for failure to accommodate. We merely conclude on this
    Gunter, Ankney, and … other coworkers, had granted those
    accommodations before this incident.” (Id. at 10.)
    6Felix, 828 F.3d at 568
    –69; Pernice v. City of Chicago, 
    237 F.3d 783
    , 785 (7th
    Cir. 2001) (“[A]n employee can be terminated for violations … even if the
    … violations occurred under the influence of a disability.”); Palmer v.
    Circuit Court of Cook Cty., Ill., 
    117 F.3d 351
    , 352 (7th Cir. 1997) (“There is no
    evidence [plaintiff] was fired because of her mental illness. She was fired
    because she threatened to kill another employee. The cause of the threat
    was … her mental illness … . But if an employer fires an employee because
    of … unacceptable behavior, the fact that that behavior was precipitated
    by a mental illness does not present an issue under the [ADA].”)
    12                                                   No. 17-2543
    record the single cubicle episode does not support this claim.
    Any error in conflating the claim for failure to accommodate
    with the claim for disparate treatment was therefore harmless.
    B. Retaliation
    Scheidler next argues the court erred in granting summary
    judgment on her retaliation claims.
    1. Title VII retaliation
    Title VII bans employers from retaliating against
    employees who exercise rights under it. Title VII protects
    “any … employees” who “opposed any practice” banned by
    the statute, or who “made a charge, testified, assisted, or
    participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or
    hearing” under the statute. 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-3(a).
    A retaliation claim requires statutorily protected activity,
    which generally involves subjective and objective factors:
    “The plaintiff must not only have a subjective (sincere, good
    faith) belief that he opposed an unlawful practice; his belief
    must also be objectively reasonable, which means that the
    complaint must involve discrimination that is prohibited by
    Title VII.” Hamner v. St. Vincent Hosp. and Health Care Ctr., 
    224 F.3d 701
    , 707 (7th Cir. 2000), overruled on other grounds by
    Hively v. Ivy Tech Cmty. Coll. Ind., 
    853 F.3d 339
    (7th Cir. 2017).
    Scheidler claims her elevator comment—“It’s who you
    know and who you blow”—was statutorily protected activity.
    But the court held she failed both the subjective and objective
    factors because she did not have a sincere, good-faith belief
    she opposed an unlawful practice and because her comment
    did not involve discrimination prohibited by Title VII. The
    court noted she testified she did not think her comment was
    sexual. She told the ALJ she did not think “blow” had a sexual
    No. 17-2543                                                             13
    connotation and she meant merely “[b]lowing hot air.”7 The
    court noted the possibility a comment could be interpreted to
    involve a sex act does not make it a complaint of sex
    discrimination. And the court noted she had not provided any
    evidence she rooted her comment in her gender.8
    Scheidler argues the court erred because the IDOI
    considered the comment to be a complaint of quid pro quo
    sexual harassment, and an employer’s mistaken belief that an
    employee engaged in protected activity sustains retaliation.
    For support, she cites Heffernan v. City of Paterson, N.J., 136 S.
    Ct. 1412, 1418–19 (2016). But it is distinguishable. It involved
    a First Amendment claim, not a Title VII retaliation claim.
    Certainly we are open to persuasion by analogy, but she does
    not develop sufficient arguments for this, and we decline to
    make them for her. Also the cases are factually
    distinguishable. In Heffernan, defendant mistakenly thought
    plaintiff engaged in protected political speech, and punished
    him. But in our case, neither party thought the comment was
    7“Blow” has various potential meanings. Another Lear famously hurls it
    without obvious sexual innuendo: “Blow winds … ! Rage, blow!” William
    Shakespeare, King Lear, Act III, sc. ii.
    8 Even later, at trial, Scheidler did not characterize “blow” as sexual: “I
    meant it’s who you know; and when I say, ‘It’s who you blow,’ you know
    you got somebody that you talk most up to, that knows you in your
    private life. Her husband … had been president of the Indiana Insurance
    Association. So she was and her husband was known … by the
    Commissioner.” Scheidler did not testify she meant to accuse anyone of
    quid pro quo sexual harassment. She did not testify she meant anyone
    expected her, as a woman, to give sex to get ahead in her job. She did not
    explain her comment in relation to her gender. Instead, she testified she
    only meant to complain about favoritism because Williams and her
    husband knew the Commissioner. That complaint isn’t protected here.
    14                                                 No. 17-2543
    an actual complaint of sexual harassment or discrimination.
    That characterization apparently only arose late in litigation.
    Scheidler’s reliance on Thompson v. North American Stainless,
    562 U.S. 170
    , 173–79 (2011), is also misplaced. That case
    merely stands for the proposition that a person aggrieved by
    retaliation has standing to sue for it even if that person did
    not engage in the protected activity but someone else did.
    Neither of these cases requires the conclusion that the
    subjective component of the Title VII protected-activity
    inquiry is obviated if the employer mistakenly thinks the
    employee engaged in statutorily protected activity.
    Besides, she offers no evidence that her complaint satisfies
    the objective factor. She offers no evidence—and does not
    even claim—that the Commissioner (or anyone else with
    IDOI) asked for or received a sex act from Mary Ann Williams
    (or anyone else) in exchange for a promotion or any other
    employment benefit. She offers no evidence that her elevator
    comment concerned actual discrimination prohibited by Title
    VII. So the court did not err in granting summary judgment
    on the Title VII retaliation claim.
    2. Disability-based retaliation
    Surviving summary judgment on disability-based
    retaliation requires showing (1) statutorily protected activity;
    (2) adverse employment action; and (3) causal connection.
    Guzman v. Brown Cty., 
    884 F.3d 633
    , 642 (7th Cir. 2018). The
    court granted summary judgment against this claim because
    Scheidler failed to show statutorily protected activity. She
    argues the court ignored several protected activities.
    First, she argues the court ignored her complaint about
    disability discrimination to Gunter during the cubicle episode.
    No. 17-2543                                                  15
    There, Scheidler explained that when Gunter (who did not
    have a disability) was upset and took Xanax, she was allowed
    to move out of her position. But when Scheidler (who has a
    disability) was upset, she was not given the same opportunity.
    Scheidler cites her testimony before the ALJ. But there are
    numerous problems with this argument. Foremost among
    them is forfeiture. In the cited testimony, she never says she
    complained to Gunter about disability discrimination.
    Scheidler does not say, for example, that she complained that
    Gunter received better treatment than Scheidler because
    Scheidler is disabled and Gunter is not. Indiana argues for
    forfeiture of this argument for failure to raise it below. In
    reply, Scheidler claims she did raise this argument below, but
    she only cites a broader portion of her testimony before the
    ALJ and two pages from her response to the motion for
    summary judgment below. Again, nowhere in the cited
    materials does she say she complained to Gunter about
    disability discrimination. So Scheidler forfeited this
    argument. And the record does not support it anyway.
    Second, she argues the court ignored the fact that when
    she complained to HR about Gunter’s conduct during the
    cubicle episode, Scheidler told HR she suffered from bipolar
    disorder and PTSD and that is why the situation startled and
    upset her particularly. Scheidler argues her statement to HR
    was itself a complaint that Gunter failed to accommodate
    Scheidler as requested. Here, she only cites her testimony
    before the ALJ. But the cited testimony does not support her
    argument. Moreover, in neither her initial appellate brief nor
    her reply does she point to a time when she raised this specific
    argument to the district court. The mere fact that Scheidler
    argued below that Gunter and others failed to accommodate
    her disability misses the point. Such an argument is not
    16                                                No. 17-2543
    tantamount to an argument that Scheidler complained to HR
    that Gunter failed to accommodate and then IDOI retaliated
    against Scheidler for making that complaint. So she forfeited
    this argument. Also, the record does not support it. Therefore
    we need not address the other problems with it.
    Third, she argues the court ignored the fact that her
    statement to HR that her disabilities explained her reaction to
    Gunter was itself a request for an accommodation regarding
    Scheidler’s reaction. Here, she only cites the order granting
    summary judgment. Indiana argues for forfeiture for failure
    to develop. We agree. We also note her response to the motion
    for summary judgment did not adequately develop this
    argument. And the record does not support it anyway.
    Her remaining arguments regarding disability-based
    retaliation are unavailing. The court committed no reversible
    error in granting summary judgment on this claim.
    C. Commissioner
    Scheidler brought claims against Indiana and IDOI
    Commissioner Stephen W. Robertson, in both his official and
    personal capacities. The court granted full summary
    judgment to Robertson on grounds not raised by Defendants,
    without notice or a reasonable response time, in violation of
    Rule 56(f)(2). Appellees admit this was an error. But the error
    was harmless. Independent of the Robertson irregularity,
    Scheidler lost all her claims at summary judgment or trial
    anyway. She offers no satisfactory explanation of how the
    premature summary judgment for Robertson ultimately
    prejudiced her. Finding no reversible error regarding
    summary judgment, we turn to the trial.
    No. 17-2543                                                 17
    D. Exclusion of Thomas evidence
    Donna Thomas was an IDOI employee terminated in
    December 2011 after saying a racial slur. HR Director Dailey
    discussed Thomas at Scheidler’s ALJ hearing. In moving for
    summary judgment, Defendants referenced this testimony.
    Defendants asserted they terminated Thomas for her single
    slur. Scheidler challenged this at summary judgment. She
    said Thomas committed multiple infractions before the slur,
    Defendants gave her progressive discipline rather than
    immediate termination, and they did not terminate her for a
    single slur.
    At trial, after the direct examination of Scheidler, her
    attorney asked to be allowed to introduce four documents
    from Thomas’s personnel file to show IDOI treated a
    comparable person better than Scheidler. The court denied
    the admissibility of these documents, but expressly allowed
    the possibility Scheidler could introduce them through other
    witnesses. But she failed to pursue this opening. She called no
    further witnesses and she did not seek admission of the
    documents through any Indiana witness.
    Therefore Scheidler forfeited this evidentiary issue by
    forgoing the court’s invitation to seek admission of the
    exhibits later. See Ennin v. CNH Indus. Am., 
    878 F.3d 590
    , 596
    (7th Cir. 2017) (concluding it is “the very essence of waiver”
    to choose not to present evidence when given the
    opportunity). Anyway, the standard of review is abuse of
    discretion, Haynes v. Ind. Univ., 
    902 F.3d 724
    , 730 (7th Cir.
    2018), and the court did not abuse its discretion.
    Besides, Scheidler has not offered sufficient reasons to
    convince us admission would have changed the outcome.
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    IV. Conclusion
    We considered all Scheidler’s arguments and found none
    availing. Finding no reversible error, we AFFIRM.