Gordon, Leroy v. United Airlines, Inc ( 2001 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 99-4068
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 98 C 1378--Harry D. Leinenweber, Judge.
    Argued May 16, 2000--Decided March 29, 2001
    Before EASTERBROOK, RIPPLE and ROVNER, Circuit Judges.
    RIPPLE, Circuit Judge. Leroy Gordon, a
    probationary flight attendant for United
    Airlines, Inc. ("United"), was released from his
    employment by the company on the ground that he
    had deviated without authority from his flight
    schedule when he did not fly a scheduled flight
    from Los Angeles to Seattle. The company decided
    that this violation of its policy, when
    considered in light of Mr. Gordon’s overall work
    performance, warranted no lesser sanction. Mr.
    Gordon then filed this action in the district
    court; he alleged that United discriminated
    against him because of his race, in violation of
    Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42
    U.S.C. sec. 2000e et seq., and in violation of 42
    U.S.C. sec. 1981, and because of his age in
    violation of the Age Discrimination in Employment
    Act, 29 U.S.C. sec. 623. The district court
    granted summary judgment for United, and Mr.
    Gordon now appeals. For the reasons set forth in
    the following opinion, we reverse the judgment of
    the district court and remand the case for
    proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    A. Facts
    Leroy Gordon, an African-American male over 40
    years of age, claims that United discriminated
    against him because of his race and his age when
    it terminated his employment as a probationary
    flight attendant. United, however, asserts that
    Mr. Gordon committed a violation of company
    policy. According to United, that violation, when
    coupled with his work history, justified its
    decision to release Mr. Gordon from his position
    as a probationary flight attendant.
    Mr. Gordon began working at United as a Baggage
    Systems Operator in 1995. While working in this
    position, he received a Notice of Concern because
    he had 21 incidents of tardiness and 2 absences.
    Mr. Gordon questioned the validity of the
    allegations in this notice, but he was told that
    the notice would not be placed in his personnel
    Mr. Gordon then applied for and received a
    transfer to United’s flight attendant ("FA")
    program in 1996. While in training, he was 20
    minutes late for a training exercise, which
    resulted in an incident report for failing to
    meet minimum dependability requirements. Mr.
    Gordon claims that, at that time, he was told the
    incident would not be made a part of his
    personnel record as long as there were no
    reoccurrences. He graduated from his training
    class in February 1997 and then started as a
    probationary flight attendant ("PFA") at Chicago
    O’Hare International Airport ("O’Hare"). Mr.
    Gordon states that his supervisor, Gina
    Siemieniec, told him that she would not consider
    his training records when evaluating him as a
    In May 1997, United confronted Mr. Gordon with
    a check it had received from him that had been
    returned due to insufficient funds. Mr. Gordon
    had written the check in July 1996, while he was
    still a Baggage Systems Operator, and he claims
    that he thought his bank already had taken care
    of the matter. United informed Mr. Gordon that,
    if he did not pay immediately, he would be
    subject to disciplinary action. Mr. Gordon
    promptly paid. Siemieniec, who brought the matter
    to Mr. Gordon’s attention, stated that the
    situation was not serious and was not relevant to
    his performance as an FA.
    Mr. Gordon’s next problem at United occurred in
    June 1997 when a United passenger reported that
    no pre-landing safety announcement had been made
    on his flight. The First FA is the person
    responsible for making the announcement, and, on
    this particular flight, Mr. Gordon was the First
    FA. In response to the passenger’s complaint,
    Siemieniec asked Mr. Gordon for a written report.
    In that report, Mr. Gordon wrote, "I believe the
    prearrival announcement was made by [the Second
    FA], just before I was about to make it." R.21,
    Ex.27. Mr. Gordon claims that he was assisting a
    wheelchair passenger and was about to make the
    announcement when the Second FA made it. Indeed,
    he asserts that the Second FA made the
    announcement early. According to Siemieniec, she
    did not issue Mr. Gordon a warning because she
    decided to overlook the matter.
    Finally, United claims that Mr. Gordon was
    unresponsive to Siemieniec’s requests for Mr.
    Gordon to meet with her. Mr. Gordon asserts that
    he had attempted to visit her, but that both he
    and Siemieniec had unusual schedules. Siemieniec
    responded that the PFAs bore the responsibility
    for making an appointment to meet with her if
    they were unable to find her in her office.
    We note several other relevant factors about Mr.
    Gordon’s record at United. First, while a PFA,
    Mr. Gordon never received an "Interim
    Evaluation." An Interim Evaluation typically is
    given to an employee for substandard performance.
    After the employee receives the first Interim
    Evaluation, the second incident of unacceptable
    conduct by the employee will result in
    termination. Moreover, in Mr. Gordon’s five-week
    reviews, no problems were ever documented.
    Finally, Mr. Gordon received awards as a PFA,
    including PRIDE awards for perfect attendance and
    Service in Every Sense awards for above-average
    customer service.
    The incident that led to Mr. Gordon’s
    termination occurred on August 5-6, 1997. On
    August 5, Mr. Gordon was assigned to work a
    flight from O’Hare to Portland, Oregon, and then
    to fly deadhead (fly but not work) to Los Angeles
    International Airport ("LAX"). Once in Los
    Angeles, he was to be reassigned. When he arrived
    at LAX, he received his next assignment--a flight
    from Los Angeles to Seattle--that was to begin 21
    hours later. He then was transported to a Days
    Inn where United had assigned him to stay the
    night so that he could rest before his next
    scheduled flight. In a report Mr. Gordon later
    wrote about the incident, he explained that he
    had experienced problems with his motel room at
    the Days Inn:
    I was [given] a ground level unit. This is a
    drive up style motel, there was a car backed up 3
    to 5 feet from my door with the engine running,
    so when I entered the room there were exhaust
    fumes present. (The car moved a short time later,
    but the smell remained). It was a very hot night
    in L.A. ([around] 90). The room had one window
    style air conditioning unit in the living room,
    but none in the bedroom. The carpet was dirty,
    there were holes in the walls, and insects flying
    around the room. There were what appeared to be
    unsecured window in the bathroom and kitchen
    sections, and there was one TV set in the living
    room, (with no remote control). I did not feel
    this room was safe, sanitary or acceptable. I
    also was under the impression the flight
    attendant union agreement would not allow FA to
    be housed on first floor units for security
    R.21, Ex. 30 at 1-2./1 He attempted to move to
    another room, but the Days Inn did not have one
    available. He called the United Crew Desk at LAX
    for help finding a room in a different hotel, but
    he was told that none were available at that
    time. Mr. Gordon also spoke with United’s
    National Crew Desk which was unable to help him.
    Mr. Gordon then returned to LAX. Upon arriving
    at the airport, he discovered that the United
    Crew Desk had closed. At this point, Mr. Gordon
    decided to take a red-eye flight from Los Angeles
    back to Chicago. As he explained in his report,
    "I thought this would give me an opportunity to
    shower, change clothes, and still return to LAX"
    in time to work his next scheduled flight. Id. at
    2. He arrived at O’Hare at 6 a.m. on August 6, 14
    hours before his scheduled flight from Los
    Angeles to Seattle.
    In this litigation, United concedes that, at
    this point, Mr. Gordon had done nothing to
    warrant sanctions. If he had returned to Los
    Angeles and made his scheduled assignment, he
    would not have been terminated. As United states:
    "It is true that if Plaintiff had returned to Los
    Angeles and flown his scheduled flight, he would
    not have been subject to discipline." Appellee’s
    Br. at 16. However, Mr. Gordon did not return to
    Los Angeles to work his scheduled flight.
    Once Mr. Gordon returned to O’Hare, he checked
    in with the United Crew Desk and spoke to the
    Crew Desk Supervisor, Henry Velasco. According to
    Mr. Gordon’s report, he explained the hotel
    problems to Velasco and "asked if [he] should
    return to work the trip [from Los Angeles to
    Seattle], or if [he] could be excused from the
    [trip] because [he] had not had a legal rest."/2
    R.21, Gordon’s Report to Siemieniec, Ex.30 at 4.
    Mr. Gordon informed Velasco that, if his request
    presented a problem, he would return to Los
    Angeles to make his assigned flight. Velasco told
    him that it would not be safe for him to return
    to Los Angeles that day and that it was not a
    problem to take him off the assignment, Mr.
    Gordon wrote, but that he should discuss the
    situation with his supervisor. Mr. Gordon also
    explained in his report that he was not sure that
    the Crew Desk understood his request, that is,
    that he would be commuting to Los Angeles and not
    that he would be working a flight to Los Angeles.
    Finally, as Mr. Gordon concluded in his written
    report, "my improper deviation was unintentional.
    . . . This mistake was caused by my lack of
    understanding of the regulations, but my intent
    was not malicious in any manner." Id. at 3.
    Velasco also wrote a report for Siemieniec that
    discussed the incident. In that report, he
    explained that Mr. Gordon had been unhappy with
    his hotel and had been unable to contact the LAX
    Crew Desk. Velasco then wrote that Mr. Gordon had
    "decided to DV8 from LAX back to ORD [O’Hare]
    without authorization from any crew desk." R.21,
    Ex.32. Once at Chicago, the report continued, Mr.
    Gordon advised the O’Hare Crew Desk "that he was
    illegal to continue flying, as he had not had a
    legal rest at his original layover point at LAX."
    Id. Velasco stated that he explained the
    complications of this action and told Mr. Gordon
    that he needed to speak with his supervisor. The
    report also mentioned that Mr. Gordon offered to
    return to LAX to pick up the balance of his
    assignment. As the report noted, "I explained
    that I could not have him flying knowing that he
    had not had a rest, and would not jeopardize the
    safety of his flying partner, the safety of the
    customer, and the company." Id. Thus, Velasco
    wrote, he removed Mr. Gordon from the remainder
    of his scheduled assignment and told him to
    contact his supervisor.
    The deposition testimony of Velasco, although
    confusing, states that his role as supervisor of
    the Crew Desk merely consisted of documenting the
    actions of the PFAs and providing their
    supervisors with information about what had
    happened during their assignment. Yet, at his
    deposition, Velasco testified that he had told
    Mr. Gordon that the idea of Mr. Gordon’s
    returning to Los Angeles was a safety issue
    because Mr. Gordon could jeopardize the safety of
    his flying partners, the customers on the flight,
    and United. Moreover, Velasco stated that he
    placed a Did Not Fly ("DNF") notation on Mr.
    Gordon’s flight calendar. A DNF notation,
    according to Velasco, could mean any number of
    things, including a violation of United’s rules.
    His role, he said, was merely to advise his
    immediate supervisor of the occurrence of the
    Before Siemieniec discharged Mr. Gordon, she
    consulted United’s acting department manager,
    James Younglove, for advice on handling Mr.
    Gordon’s situation. Although Younglove stated Mr.
    Gordon’s conduct "in and of itself [was]
    disciplinary in nature," Younglove advised
    Siemieniec to look at his entire record to
    ascertain whether any factors suggested that he
    was an exceptional employee that should be
    retained or that he had a history of problems
    that indicated they should not retain him. R.21,
    Ex.15 at 21. As Younglove explained, he would
    Is this someone that has made several mistakes
    and I shouldn’t spend a lot of time on,
    truthfully? Or is this somebody that is an
    exceptional employee; that I’m looking to find
    out if there’s anything available to us that’s
    out of the norm with this individual? Is there
    any problems dealing with family that we’re aware
    of that the employee has brought to our attention
    that would have placed him in this position.
    Id. at 19-20.
    Siemieniec considered the incident of Mr.
    Gordon’s missed flight and reviewed Mr. Gordon’s
    entire work history with United when making her
    decision to release Mr. Gordon. After reviewing
    Mr. Gordon’s record, she released him from his
    position as a probationary flight attendant. Mr.
    Gordon thereafter filed this action for
    B.   Proceedings in the District Court/3
    The district court granted summary judgment to
    United after determining that Mr. Gordon had
    failed to establish a prima facie case of
    discrimination. First, the court discussed the
    elements required for a plaintiff to survive
    summary judgment when he is attempting to prove
    discrimination indirectly./4 Under the burden-
    shifting standard applied to discrimination
    cases, the court explained, a plaintiff first
    must make out a prima facie case of
    discrimination by the employer. To make out a
    prima facie case, the court stated, Mr. Gordon
    must show "(1) he is a member of a protected
    class, (2) his job performance was sufficient to
    meet his employer’s legitimate expectations, (3)
    his employer took an adverse employment action
    against him and (4) he was treated less favorably
    than similarly-situated, non-protected
    employees." R.33 at 8. Once the plaintiff has
    established a prima facie case, the burden then
    shifts to the employer to proffer a legitimate,
    nondiscriminatory reason for its adverse
    employment action. Finally, the court explained,
    the burden shifts back to the plaintiff, who must
    show that the stated reason given by the employer
    is a pretext for discrimination.
    Next, after noting that the parties agreed that
    Mr. Gordon falls within a protected class for
    both his race discrimination and age
    discrimination claims, the court turned to the
    second factor for establishing a prima facie
    case: "[W]hether Gordon has raised a genuine
    issue of material fact such that a reasonable
    jury could find that Gordon’s job performance was
    sufficient to meet United’s legitimate
    expectations." R.33 at 9. According to the court,
    to establish a prima facie case, "the plaintiff
    cannot generally aver that he was meeting the
    employer’s legitimate expectations; rather, the
    plaintiff must ’specifically refute the facts
    which allegedly support the employer’s claim of
    deficient performance.’" Id. (quoting Sirvidas v.
    Commonwealth Edison Co., 
    60 F.3d 375
    , 378 (7th
    Cir. 1995)).
    The court stated that Mr. Gordon was unable to
    show that he was fulfilling United’s legitimate
    expectations at the time it released him from its
    employment. The court noted that Mr. Gordon
    received a Notice of Concern while a baggage
    handler, that he arrived late once while in
    training, that he wrote a check for insufficient
    funds, that he did not issue a pre-landing safety
    announcement, and that, in his terminating event,
    he deviated from his schedule without
    authorization. Although Mr. Gordon argued that he
    should have received only a "missed flight"
    warning for the terminating event, the court
    stated that United had explained that a missed
    flight designation was only for an incident that
    was accidental or was outside the FA’s control.
    The court pointed out that, in Foster v. Arthur
    Andersen, LLP, 
    168 F.3d 1029
    , 1035 (7th Cir.
    1999), we had warned that discrimination laws do
    not prevent employers from making adverse
    employment decisions although the employee may
    think the infraction is de minimis. As the court
    concluded, "Gordon admitted to not following
    United procedure on several occasions;
    consequently, as a matter of law, Gordon has not
    shown that he satisfied United’s legitimate
    expectations."/5 R.33 at 10. The court then
    granted summary judgment for United.
    A. Standard of Review
    We review de novo the district court’s grant of
    summary judgment for United and, viewing the
    facts in the light most favorable to Mr. Gordon,
    draw our own conclusions of law and fact from the
    record before us. See Downs v. World Color Press,
    214 F.3d 802
    , 805 (7th Cir. 2000); Sarsha v.
    Sears, Roebuck & Co., 
    3 F.3d 1035
    , 1038 (7th Cir.
    1993). A grant of summary judgment is proper only
    when there is no genuine issue of material fact
    and the moving party is entitled to judgment as a
    matter of law. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c); Sarsha,
    3 F.3d at 1038
    B. McDonnell Douglas Indirect Method of
    A plaintiff may show that his employer
    discriminated against him because of his race or
    his age by using the burden-shifting method set
    forth by the Supreme Court in McDonnell Douglas
    Corp. v. Green, 
    411 U.S. 792
    Under McDonnell Douglas, a plaintiff first must
    establish a prima facie case of
    discrimination./7 A plaintiff establishes a
    prima facie case of discrimination by
    demonstrating that: (1) he belongs to a protected
    class, (2) he performed his job according to his
    employer’s legitimate expectations, (3) he
    suffered an adverse employment action, and (4)
    similarly situated employees outside the
    protected class were treated more favorably by
    the defendant. See Pitasi, 184 F.3d at 716;
    60 F.3d at 377
    ; Hughes v. Brown, 
    20 F.3d 745
    , 746 (7th Cir. 1994). Once the plaintiff
    has established his prima facie case, a
    presumption of discrimination arises, and the
    burden shifts to the defendant to come forward
    with evidence of a legitimate, nondiscriminatory
    reason for discharging the plaintiff. See Pitasi,
    184 F.3d at 716./8 If the defendant meets its
    burden, the burden shifts back to the plaintiff
    to show that the defendant’s stated reason for
    the adverse action was a pretext for
    discrimination. See McDonnell Douglas, 
    411 U.S. at 804
    ; Stewart, 207 F.3d at 376; Pitasi, 184
    F.3d at 716. If the plaintiff meets his
    respective burdens under McDonnell Douglas,
    summary judgment is inappropriate; a plaintiff
    need not come forward with direct evidence of
    discrimination in order to survive summary
    judgment. See Vanasco v. National-Louis Univ.,
    137 F.3d 962
    , 965 (7th Cir. 1998) ("The plaintiff
    may prove her case in one of two ways--through
    direct evidence or via the indirect burden-
    shifting method of McDonnell Douglas . . . .
    Under either method, summary judgment is improper
    if the plaintiff offers evidence from which an
    inference of age discrimination may be drawn.")
    (internal quotation marks and citations omitted).
    At the outset, we note that not all elements of
    the McDonnell Douglas analysis are at issue. The
    parties do not dispute that Mr. Gordon belongs to
    a protected class or that he suffered an adverse
    employment action. Therefore, in determining
    whether Mr. Gordon has established a prima facie
    case, we need to consider only (1) whether Mr.
    Gordon was meeting the legitimate expectations of
    United at the time of his discharge and (2)
    whether similarly situated employees outside the
    protected class were treated more favorably. See
    Pitasi, 184 F.3d at 716.
    We first turn to whether Mr. Gordon was meeting
    the legitimate expectations of United. As we have
    pointed out on several occasions, this issue of
    satisfactory job performance often focuses on the
    same circumstances as must be scrutinized with
    respect to the matter of pretext./9
    Consequently, we will address the issue more
    comprehensively when we discuss pretext.
    Nevertheless, several factors ought to be pointed
    out here.
    First, to put it mildly, United has not spoken
    with one voice in defining what sort of activity
    by a flight attendant constitutes an unauthorized
    deviation. The record discloses a distinct
    inability on the part of United’s management to
    provide any consistent definition. Different
    individuals in management positions articulated
    very different views on what sort of activity on
    the part of an employee constituted this
    violation of United’s Code of Conduct. Indeed, it
    is no wonder that United had difficulty in
    articulating a definition because, apparently, it
    had charged an employee with this offense only
    once before (and, in the prior situation,
    determined that discharge of the employee was not
    We ordinarily would defer to the definition of
    the decision-maker in such a situation. However,
    the material before us on summary judgment is
    clearly susceptible to the interpretation that
    the individual who made the decision to terminate
    Mr. Gordon actually came to no independent
    conclusion on the matter but simply accepted the
    conclusion of lower ranking administrative
    personnel on this important, indeed key,
    definitional matter. Even if we were to assume
    that the decision-maker applied her own
    definition of unauthorized deviation, it is not
    at all clear that Mr. Gordon committed such an
    infraction. His account of his conversation with
    Velasco certainly would permit the trier of fact
    to conclude that he believed in good faith that
    he had sought and had been granted permission not
    to fly the LAX to Seattle leg that he had been
    assigned previously.
    In short, the invocation of an offense that, to
    this day, United has difficulty defining, the
    lack of any clear management decision that Mr.
    Gordon’s conduct violated clearly established
    norms, and Mr. Gordon’s detailed account that he
    acted only with the permission of those
    responsible for the coordination of flight
    attendant assignments raise a genuine issue of
    material fact as to whether he had deviated at
    all from permissible patterns of behavior for
    flight attendants.
    Finally, United points to incidents in Mr.
    Gordon’s work history at United to support its
    contention that Mr. Gordon was not performing
    satisfactorily. When combining his work record
    with his unauthorized deviation, United asserts,
    it is clear that Mr. Gordon fails to meet this
    aspect of his prima facie case. Here too,
    however, there is a dispute as to whether United
    deviated from its established policy in
    considering past incidents after it had assured
    Mr. Gordon that these incidents would not be a
    matter of record. Mr. Gordon claims that his work
    record was not supposed to contain a notation of
    these incidents, and indeed, that United
    affirmatively had assured him that these matters
    would not be used in evaluations of his
    performance as a PFA. Moreover, Mr. Gordon
    asserts that all but one of these incidents were
    not relevant to his performance as a PFA. The
    remaining incident, his failure to provide the
    safety announcement when he was the First FA was
    not, according to Mr. Gordon, an infraction. Not
    only did Siemieniec tell Mr. Gordon that she
    would not include a report on the incident in his
    record, but the reports from the other FAs on the
    flight also indicate that Mr. Gordon did nothing
    wrong. Furthermore, United’s rules of procedure
    state that both the First FA and the Second FA
    are responsible for giving the announcement.
    Here, the Second FA explained that she had given
    the announcement and admitted that she had given
    it early. Therefore, viewing the record in the
    light most favorable to Mr. Gordon, his personnel
    file should not have contained a record of any
    infractions. His personnel file did show,
    however, many commendations. Consequently, a
    trier of fact could conclude on this record that
    Mr. Gordon was performing up to United’s
    The fourth prong of the McDonnell Douglas
    analysis requires that Mr. Gordon establish that
    similarly situated employees outside the
    protected class were treated differently. We
    conclude that there is a genuine issue of triable
    fact on this matter as well. Mr. Gordon points to
    two different groups of similarly situated, non-
    protected employees who were treated more
    favorably than he. First, he and only one other
    PFA in United’s history have been charged with
    "unauthorized deviation." The other PFA to
    receive such a designation was a white female,
    and United did not discharge her after her
    unauthorized deviation. Instead, it issued her a
    warning and allowed her to remain with United.
    Despite the absence of any warnings in his
    record, Mr. Gordon was terminated for the same
    conduct that resulted in only a warning for a
    white female employee. Although United suggests
    that the other PFA’s conduct was far less
    intentional, that conclusion is dependent upon
    the trier of fact’s interpretation of Mr.
    Gordon’s encounter with Velasco. As we already
    have noted, this encounter is open to different
    Indeed, several other employees may well have
    been similarly situated to Mr. Gordon. These
    flight attendants all had missed flights
    unintentionally. If a trier of fact were to
    determine that Mr. Gordon had missed his assigned
    flight unintentionally--a conclusion supportable
    by the record--, he is similarly situated to
    these employees but was treated less favorably
    than they./10 Indeed, unlike Mr. Gordon,
    several of these PFAs already had warnings in
    their records at the time of their missed
    flights; United nevertheless characterized their
    actions as "missed flights" instead of
    "unauthorized deviations." A trier of fact
    reasonably could determine that Mr. Gordon, like
    the other flight attendants, simply missed a
    flight but was treated differently from the other
    flight attendants. Drawing all reasonable
    inferences in Mr. Gordon’s favor, we must
    conclude that Mr. Gordon has demonstrated that
    there is a genuine issue of triable fact as to
    whether similarly situated employees outside the
    protected class were treated differently.
    Assuming that United has offered a facially
    legitimate reason for Mr. Gordon’s discharge, his
    unauthorized deviation, we now turn to whether
    Mr. Gordon has demonstrated that United’s stated
    reason is a pretext for discrimination. See
    McDonnell Douglas, 
    411 U.S. at 804
    ; Stewart, 207
    F.3d at 376; Pitasi, 184 F.3d at 716.
    To show pretext, Mr. Gordon bears the burden of
    demonstrating that United’s ostensible
    justification for its decision is unworthy of
    credence. See Reeves v. Sanderson Plumbing
    Products, Inc., 
    530 U.S. 133
    , 143 (2000); Adreani
    v. First Colonial Bankshares Corp., 
    154 F.3d 389
    395 (7th Cir. 1998); see also Sanchez v.
    188 F.3d 740
    , 746 (7th Cir. 1999)
    (stating that a plaintiff can show pretext "by
    showing that the employer’s proffered reason was
    not worthy of belief"), cert. denied, 
    528 U.S. 1173
     (2000). Mr. Gordon may make the requisite
    showing by providing "evidence tending to prove
    that the employer’s proffered reasons are
    factually baseless, were not the actual
    motivation for the discharge in question, or were
    insufficient to motivate the discharge." Adreani,
    154 F.3d at 395 (internal quotation marks and
    citations omitted); see also Sanchez, 
    188 F.3d at 746
    If United honestly believed its reason for
    discharging Mr. Gordon, Mr. Gordon cannot meet
    his burden. See Roberts v. Separators, Inc., 
    172 F.3d 448
    , 453 (7th Cir. 1999). This is true even
    if United’s reason for Mr. Gordon’s discharge was
    "foolish or trivial or even baseless"; as long as
    United honestly believed its reason, then summary
    judgment for United is appropriate. Brill v.
    Lante Corp., 
    119 F.3d 1266
    , 1270 (7th Cir. 1997);
    see also Crim v. Board of Educ. of Cairo Sch.
    Dist. No. 1, 
    147 F.3d 535
    , 541 (7th Cir. 1998)
    (explaining that it is not enough for the
    plaintiff to prove that the employer’s reason was
    doubtful or mistaken). Title VII sanctions
    employers who discriminate, not those who are
    simply inept or incompetent.
    Our cases have warned, repeatedly, that we do
    not sit as a superpersonnel department that will
    second guess an employer’s business decision. See
    Stewart, 207 F.3d at 378. However, we need not
    abandon good reason and common sense in assessing
    an employer’s actions. Indeed, we have stated
    that a "determination of whether a belief is
    honest is often conflated with analysis of
    reasonableness," Flores v. Preferred Technical
    182 F.3d 512
    , 516 (7th Cir. 1999); "the
    more objectively reasonable a belief is, the more
    likely it will seem that the belief was honestly
     Our cases therefore have acknowledged
    that we need not take an employer at its word.
    For instance, we have held that when an employee
    provides "[a] detailed refutation of events which
    underlie the employer’s negative performance
    assessment," the employee demonstrates "that the
    employer may not have honestly relied on the
    identified deficiencies in making its decision."
    Day v. Colt Constr. & Dev. Co., 
    28 F.3d 1446
    1460-61 (7th Cir. 1994). Furthermore, "[i]f the
    employee offers specific evidence from which the
    finder of fact may reasonably infer that the
    proffered reasons do not represent the truth, the
    case then turns on the credibility of the
    witnesses." Collier v. Budd Co., 
    66 F.3d 886
    , 893
    (7th Cir. 1995). In such circumstances, the
    employee creates "a factual issue as to whether
    the employer’s explanation is credible or merely
    a pretext for discrimination." Day, 
    28 F.3d at 1461
    . "[W]hen the sincerity of an employer’s
    asserted reasons for discharging an employee is
    cast into doubt, a fact finder may reasonably
    infer that unlawful discrimination was the true
    motivation . . . ." Adreani, 154 F.3d at 395
    (citations omitted).
    In the present case, United’s proffered
    justification for firing Mr. Gordon is his
    "unauthorized deviation." Our review of the
    record reveals inconsistencies in definition and
    disparities in application that call into
    question United’s proffered justification and
    make summary judgment inappropriate.
    Mr. Gordon admits that he did not receive
    authorization before leaving Los Angeles to fly
    to Chicago. United now admits that, even though
    he had not received authorization, if he had
    returned to Los Angeles to make his scheduled
    flight, he would not have made an unauthorized
    deviation. United determined, however, that Mr.
    Gordon’s conduct constituted an unauthorized
    The record makes starkly clear that, at the time
    of the incident, United did not have a clear
    definition of what constitutes an "unauthorized
    deviation." Apparently, the term is not defined
    in any United manual. Furthermore, the
    individuals involved in Mr. Gordon’s discharge
    employed different definitions of the term.
    Velasco offered a conflicting definition of
    unauthorized deviation from that of Siemieniec,
    the person who discharged Mr. Gordon. Velasco
    stated that a person commits an unauthorized
    deviation when he is on a layover and without
    authorization flies to another city, even if he
    returns to the city of his layover and makes his
    scheduled flight. Siemieniec explained in her
    deposition, however, that a flight attendant
    could fly to a different city while on a layover
    and return to his departure city without
    committing an unauthorized deviation. Siemieniec
    supported her definition by stating that
    "[p]rovided he is back in position for his
    scheduled flight, he has not deviated." R.23,
    Siemieniec dep. I, at 81.
    James Younglove, the department’s acting
    manager, echoed Siemieniec’s deposition position
    that, if Mr. Gordon had flown home and returned
    in time to make his next scheduled flight, he
    would not have violated any United rule "[a]s
    long as he [was] back in their [sic] position to
    fly his trip." R.21, Ex.15 at 46. Similarly, Glen
    Scoggins, a senior staff representative for labor
    relations, was presented with the following
    hypothetical: "If a flight attendant is on
    layover and is scheduled to fly out of my
    hypothetical city at 8:00 at night . . . that
    flight attendant took a plane to Pittsburgh, had
    lunch, got back to the city in which she was
    scheduled to fly out of in time to make her
    flight, has that flight attendant violated
    United’s articles of conduct?" R.23, Scoggins
    dep., at 19-20. Scoggins replied: "I do not
    believe they violated the articles of conduct."
    Id. at 20. Indeed, United in its appellate brief
    flatly admits that the conduct that Velasco
    describes as an unauthorized deviation does not
    constitute such an infraction.
    The inconsistent definition of unauthorized
    deviation becomes even more troubling in light of
    several other events. First, Siemieniec relied
    upon Velasco’s definition of unauthorized
    deviation as a justification for firing Mr.
    Gordon, even though, according to her own
    deposition, she did not believe that his
    definition or the facts he alleged constituted an
    unauthorized deviation. Siemieniec’s application
    of a different definition than the one she
    articulated in her deposition raises a
    significant question about the truthfulness of
    United’s proffered reason for the discharge.
    Second, the unauthorized deviation infraction
    has been invoked rarely. United’s decision to
    characterize Mr. Gordon’s conduct as an
    "unauthorized deviation" was an almost
    unprecedented occurrence. Other employees, who
    engaged in facially similar conduct, received
    only interim warnings because their conduct was
    deemed a "missed flight." It is not the province
    of this court to question an employer’s decision
    to punish some conduct more harshly than other
    conduct. Nevertheless, we are not bound by the
    labels that an employer uses and must scrutinize
    the conduct behind those labels to determine if
    they are applied to similar conduct. Cf. Johnson
    v. Zema Sys. Corp., 
    170 F.3d 734
    , 743 (7th Cir.
    1999) (stating that "[a]n employer cannot
    insulate itself from claims of racial
    discrimination simply by providing different job
    titles to each of its employees" and then deny
    the existence of similarly situated employees).
    Here, an employer applied a rarely used label to
    sanction conduct that does not clearly fall
    within the chosen category. Although this alone
    may not cast doubt on United’s sincerity, when
    considered together with the inconsistency noted
    above, it is sufficient evidence of pretext and,
    therefore, precludes summary judgment. See
    Perdomo v. Browner, 
    67 F.3d 140
    , 145 (7th Cir.
    1995) ("Because a fact-finder may infer
    intentional discrimination from an employer’s
    untruthfulness, evidence that calls truthfulness
    into question precludes a summary judgment.").
    However, although our analysis could stop here,
    there is additional evidence of pretext. United’s
    proffered reason for discharge is further placed
    in question because no one claims responsibility
    for making the determination that an unauthorized
    deviation actually took place. Velasco stated
    that, in his role as Supervisor of the Crew Desk,
    he had no authority to make decisions; instead,
    he merely acted as a conduit to Mr. Gordon’s
    supervisors. Velasco wrote in his report to
    Siemieniec that Mr. Gordon "decided to DV8 from
    LAX back to ORD [O’Hare] without authorization
    from any crew desk," R.21, Ex.32; yet, as Mr.
    Velasco repeatedly stated in his deposition, he
    had no decision-making authority and his role was
    only to provide "information as to what
    happen[ed] during their assignment and that is
    it." R.23, Velasco dep. I, at 68./12
    United’s other supervisors, however, all claim
    that they did not make the decision that Mr.
    Gordon committed an unauthorized deviation. When
    Siemieniec was asked what factors she considered
    in making the determination that Mr. Gordon
    deviated without authorization, she replied:
    "That was already complete by the time I got
    involved. That was something he was dealing with
    at the moment at the crew desk. That
    determination was between him and Henry [Velasco]
    at the crew desk." R.28, Ex.49 at 40. She then
    stated that "Mr. Gordon unauthorized his own
    deviation." Id./13 These protestations, when
    considered together with the lack of coherent
    definition of unauthorized deviation cast
    significant and substantial doubt on United’s
    assertion that it honestly believed Mr. Gordon
    committed an unauthorized deviation. As a result,
    these circumstances demonstrate triable issues of
    fact as to whether United’s justification of its
    discharge of Mr. Gordon is "unworthy of credence"
    and therefore "probative of intentional
    discrimination." Reeves, 
    530 U.S. at 147
    We also note that Mr. Gordon and Velasco offer
    different accounts of the events leading to Mr.
    Gordon’s unauthorized deviation, a disparity
    which is relevant to the issue of whether
    United’s proffered reason for discharge is a
    credible one. Mr. Gordon states that, after a bad
    experience at his hotel, he presented himself to
    the Crew Desk to ask permission to be released
    from his next assignment. Velasco acknowledges
    that Mr. Gordon’s hotel experience was troubling
    but states that Mr. Gordon presented himself as
    illegal to fly. Mr. Gordon admits that he said he
    did not have a legal rest. He also states that he
    clearly would have had a legal rest by the time
    of his next flight and that Velasco had to have
    known that because Velasco had Mr. Gordon’s
    schedule in front of him on his computer screen.
    It is undisputed that Mr. Gordon offered to
    return to Los Angeles to complete his scheduled
    Therefore, the two individuals present at the
    time Mr. Gordon committed his alleged
    unauthorized deviation do not agree on the
    material facts of the occurrence. Mr. Gordon
    claims that he could have flown, and offered to
    fly, his next assigned flight. He states that he
    thought he received permission from Velasco to be
    removed. Velasco, conversely, states that Mr.
    Gordon presented himself as unable to fly his
    next assignment. United therefore claims that Mr.
    Gordon’s removal was not authorized. There is,
    therefore, a genuine issue of triable fact
    because, when a PFA deviates from his assignment
    with authorization, it is not an infraction. As
    Siemieniec states, when flight attendants "get
    permission to take a different flight or do other
    than what they’re scheduled to do then it is not
    unauthorized." R.23, Siemieniec dep. I, at
    82./14 According to Mr. Gordon, he asked for
    authority from Velasco to miss his next flight
    and Velasco seemingly provided that
    Finally, the weakness of the proffered
    justification for the termination is further
    emphasized by the fact that the only other time
    that United has categorized an action as an
    unauthorized deviation, the involved employee, a
    white female, was not terminated. "A showing that
    similarly situated employees belonging to a
    different racial group received more favorable
    treatment can also serve as evidence that the
    employer’s proffered legitimate, non-
    discriminatory reason for the adverse job action
    was a pretext for racial discrimination." Graham
    v. Long Island R.R., 
    230 F.3d 34
    , 43 (2d Cir.
    2000); see also Williams v. City of Valdosta, 
    689 F.2d 964
    , 975 (11th Cir. 1982) ("It is
    undisputed, however, that the City’s adherence to
    its formal promotional policy was inconsistent
    and arbitrary at best. This inconsistency
    supports the conclusion that resort to the
    examination requirement was a pretext for
    singling out Williams for unfavorable
    We note that in Reeves v. Sanderson Plumbing
    Products, Inc., 
    530 U.S. 133
    , 142-46 (2000), the
    Supreme Court, reinstating a jury verdict in
    favor of the employee, engaged in a similar
    factual analysis to ours in the present action to
    determine that a company’s explanation for its
    employment decision was suggestive of intentional
    discrimination. In Reeves, the employer contended
    that its discharge of the employee was due to a
    non-discriminatory reason: the employee’s failure
    to maintain accurate attendance records of those
    under his supervision. See 
    id. at 138
    . Reviewing
    in detail the record before it, the Court
    determined that, contrary to the employer’s
    assertion, the evidence permitted the jury to
    conclude that the employee did maintain proper
    records and was not responsible for any failure
    to discipline late or absent employees. See 
    id. at 144-47
    . As a result, the Court determined that
    sufficient evidence existed to sustain a jury’s
    determination that the employer’s asserted
    justification was not true. See 
    id. at 154-55
    As in Reeves, Mr. Gordon has raised a factual
    issue as to whether "the employer’s explanation
    is credible or merely a pretext for
    discrimination." Day, 
    28 F.3d at 1461
    . Mr.
    Gordon’s argument that his discharge for
    unauthorized deviation was pretextual is not
    based on a contention that United simply
    misapplied its policy or that its decision-makers
    were confused. To so argue would be to misstate
    the record before us./15 Although United
    certainly ought to be permitted to argue such
    managerial ineptness to the jury, on summary
    judgment we must remember that Mr. Gordon
    suggests another, and equally plausible,
    characterization of the record. Our faithful
    adherence to the Supreme Court’s holding in
    Reeves will tolerate no other conclusion. A
    reasonable jury could conclude, given United’s
    inconsistent definition of unauthorized
    deviation, the rarity with which the unauthorized
    deviation provision was invoked, the disparate
    ways it was applied when it was invoked in Mr.
    Gordon’s case, and United’s inability to identify
    the management employee responsible for
    characterizing Mr. Gordon’s conduct, that
    United’s stated reason was a pretext for
    discrimination. "[W]hen the sincerity of an
    employer’s asserted reasons for discharging an
    employee is cast into doubt, a fact finder may
    reasonably infer that unlawful discrimination was
    the true motivation." Adreani, 154 F.3d at 395
    (citations omitted). Summary judgment is
    therefore inappropriate. See id.
    For the foregoing reasons, we reverse the
    judgment of the district court and remand for
    proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    Easterbrook, Circuit Judge, dissenting. This case
    illustrates how McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green,
    411 U.S. 792
     (1973), has become so encrusted with
    the barnacles of multi-factor tests and inquiries
    that it misdirects attention. Could a reasonable
    trier of fact conclude that Gordon is the victim
    of age or race discrimination? If yes, then
    summary judgment must be denied; if no, then the
    grant of summary judgment for the employer must
    be affirmed. Instead of addressing this question
    straightforwardly, however, my colleagues follow
    a tortuous path to the conclusion that Gordon is
    entitled to a trial because United Airlines, the
    employer, does not have a written policy defining
    "unauthorized deviation," so that people may in
    good faith debate whether Gordon committed that
    infraction. I grant that United is not petrified
    with bureaucracy and does not cover every topic
    with reams of paper, as my colleagues believe
    that an employer must to prevail in an
    employment-discrimination case. United can only
    gaze toward the heights occupied by the Postal
    Service, the Social Security Administration, and
    the Immigration and Naturalization Service. But
    what has the state of its manuals and handbooks
    to do with race or age discrimination?
    The majority’s long discussion of legal criteria
    and prima facie cases diverts attention from the
    question whether a sensible trier of fact could
    infer that age, race, or some other forbidden
    characteristic, made a difference. The Supreme
    Court set out in McDonnell-Douglas to identify
    circumstances that would support an inference of
    discrimination, throwing a burden of explanation
    on the employer. Today’s case shows how that
    program has failed. In every large firm it is
    possible for almost every employee to make out a
    prima facie case. United employs thousands of
    flight attendants, of all ages, races, religions,
    sexes, and so on; some were retained while others
    were fired. Gordon met the airline’s minimum
    standards, or he would not have been hired; he
    had received good reviews as a probationary
    flight attendant until the incident that
    precipitated his discharge; and from this it
    follows (he says) that all elements of McDonnell-
    Douglas have been satisfied and it is more likely
    than not that his discharge was caused by his age
    or race. Only a lawyer trapped in a warren of
    "tests" and "factors" could make such a
    connection. Everything true about Gordon is true
    about United’s other employees; can all of them
    be victims of discrimination?
    Appellate judges must apply McDonnell-Douglas
    while the Justices support it, and I therefore do
    not quarrel with my colleagues’ conclusion that
    Gordon has established a prima facie case of
    discrimination. United provided an explanation
    for discharging him--that instead of appearing in
    Los Angeles for a flight to Seattle, Gordon flew
    to Chicago and told the crew desk that he had
    legally insufficient rest and therefore could not
    serve as a flight attendant that day. United
    understandably wants to discourage such conduct
    by its probationary employees, because weaseling
    out of flight assignments does not bode well for
    future performance. Unless this nondiscriminatory
    explanation is a fraud on the court--not just an
    overreaction, but a lie--United must prevail. See
    Reeves v. Sanderson Plumbing Products, Inc., 
    120 S. Ct. 2097
    , 2108-09 (2000); Wade v. Lerner New
    York, Inc., No. 00-1115 (7th Cir. Mar. 5, 2001),
    slip op. 6-7; Ritter v. Hill ’N Dale Farm, Inc.,
    231 F.3d 1039
    , 1044-45 (7th Cir. 2000); Kulumani
    v. Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, 
    224 F.3d 681
     (7th Cir. 2000); Hartley v. Wisconsin Bell,
    124 F.3d 887
    , 890 (7th Cir. 1997) (employer
    prevails if it "honestly believed in the
    nondiscriminatory reasons it offered, even if the
    reasons are foolish or trivial or even
    What evidence could justify a reasonable trier
    of fact in concluding that United is trying to
    pull the wool over judicial eyes? In a word,
    none. My colleagues emphasize that United lacks
    formal policies defining "unauthorized deviation"
    and that its supervisors did not agree among
    themselves when asked what Gordon should have
    done. This is a fair appreciation of the record.
    But how does it support an inference that United
    (or any of its managers) is trying to bamboozle
    the court? "No company needs to have a set
    procedure for what action it will take when
    adjudicating every single employee problem." 6
    West Limited Corp. v. NLRB, 
    237 F.3d 767
    , 778
    (7th Cir. 2001). Uncertainty and disagreement
    existed within the company, both about how
    employees were supposed to behave and about what
    supervisors should have done in response. There
    is additional doubt about what Gordon told the
    crew desk at O’Hare, as there is apt to be about
    every oral exchange. Gordon insists that he told
    United that he was unable to fly only at the
    moment of the conversation; United responds that
    this made the conversation pointless (why was
    Gordon at the crew desk except to get out of duty
    scheduled for later that day?); but no matter
    which inference is drawn, race and age play no
    role. What could anyone at United be trying to
    hide by taking one view of the conversation
    rather than another? Nothing in this record
    suggests that anyone is lying (let alone
    prevaricating to conceal reliance on Gordon’s
    race or age). Disagreements about the
    characterization of ambiguous acts are part of
    the human condition, not proof of deceit or
    unlawful discrimination. A demonstration that
    United’s practices bore more heavily on black or
    older workers might supply what is missing, see
    Bell v. EPA, 
    232 F.3d 546
    , 552-54 (7th Cir.
    2000), but Gordon has not adduced statistical
    Instead of meeting head on the question whether
    United’s explanation might have been fabricated,
    the majority resorts to a quotation from Adreani
    v. First Colonial Bankshares Corp., 
    154 F.3d 389
    395 (7th Cir. 1998), which said that a plaintiff
    may demonstrate pretext with "evidence tending to
    prove that the employer’s proffered reasons are
    factually baseless, were not the actual
    motivation for the discharge in question, or were
    insufficient to motivate the discharge." This
    sounds like a conclusion that pretext may be
    demonstrated by showing that the employer’s
    reason was mistaken, wrong, inadequate under the
    collective bargaining agreement, and so on. Yet
    Reeves and many other cases have emphasized that
    an error won’t do; a truthful, nondiscriminatory
    explanation, right or wrong, ends the case. See
    also Anderson v. Baxter Healthcare Corp., 
    13 F.3d 1120
     (7th Cir. 1994); Pollard v. Rea Magnet Wire
    824 F.2d 557
     (7th Cir. 1987). My
    colleagues recognize this--and then add that a
    trier of fact may equate mistake with deceit. How
    else could it be that an "insufficient" reason
    shows pretext? Allowing debate about the adequacy
    of the explanation to support an inference of
    pretext removes the need to prove discrimination
    from the law of employment discrimination and
    confuses federal restrictions on employers’ deeds
    with a quest for "just cause" under collective
    bargaining agreements. To conclude that blunders
    and intra-corporate disarray support an inference
    of deceit is to countermand the instructions of
    Perhaps Adreani could be rehabilitated by
    reading its last clause to refer only to
    explanations "insufficient" in the sense that
    they do not identify the actual cause of the
    discharge. Pryor v. Seyfarth, Shaw, Fairweather &
    212 F.3d 976
     (7th Cir. 2000),
    illustrates an explanation "insufficient" in this
    sense. But Gordon does not deny that United’s
    stated reason is its actual one; the events that
    ended in his absence from the Los Angeles to
    Seattle flight led straight to his discharge.
    Causation is undisputed; that United was actually
    (and legitimately) disappointed with Gordon’s
    conduct also is undisputed; what Gordon argues is
    that these events should have led to a reproof
    rather than a discharge. To say that such an
    argument, fundamentally identical to one a labor
    arbitrator would resolve in response to a
    grievance, can be the core of a federal
    employment-discrimination claim is to confuse the
    lack of "just cause" with "discrimination."
    I appreciate the potential response that the
    odder a reason seems in light of an employer’s
    normal practices, the easier it is to understand
    the explanation as a lie. But here the
    explanation is not out of whack with the
    employer’s norms; Gordon contends, rather, that
    norms were applied inaccurately. He compares his
    situation to that of other flight attendants who
    overslept or missed flights by other mischance;
    United responds that Gordon missed this flight by
    choice, not by mishap, and that the difference is
    vital to the success of its scheduling. My
    colleagues’ emphasis on the fact that United did
    not have a written definition of "unauthorized
    deviation" and that different United supervisors
    appeared to have different understandings of that
    phrase simply demonstrates that the supervisors
    and managers could not have been lying. There was
    no "truth of the matter" at all. There may be
    material disputes about whether the supervisors
    were confused, or mistaken, or whether on balance
    Gordon should have been allowed another chance.
    But it is not possible to say that these
    considerations entail a material dispute about
    whether the major actors at United have committed
    The majority’s opinion exemplifies the spirit of
    cases such as Wright v. Illinois Department of
    204 F.3d 727
    , 730 (7th Cir. 2000),
    and Pitasi v. Gartner Group, Inc., 
    184 F.3d 709
    714 (7th Cir. 1999), which proclaim: "Because
    issues of intent and credibility are especially
    crucial in employment discrimination cases, we
    must apply this summary judgment standard with
    added vigor." (This language is from Wright;
    similar assertions elsewhere are not hard to
    find, though often, as in Pitasi, "added vigor"
    changes to "added rigor". See Webb v. Clyde L.
    Choate Mental Health & Development Center, 
    230 F.3d 991
    , 997 (7th Cir. 2000).) The majority
    opinion is "added vigor" in action, even though
    Wright does not receive a citation, and the
    "added rigor" passage from Pitasi (an opinion
    cited seven times) is not quoted. Yet I doubt
    that appellate judges should be "adding" any
    hurdles to either side in employment-
    discrimination cases, beyond those prescribed by
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 56. Summary judgment is a hurdle
    high enough without "added vigor."
    What does "added vigor" mean? One possibility
    could be that we review the district court’s
    decision especially carefully in employment-
    discrimination cases. Yet appellate review of all
    orders granting summary judgment is de novo. To
    say that we apply extra rigor in employment-
    discrimination cases is to imply that we are not
    doing our jobs in other cases--that we are
    deferential in those cases but non-deferential
    here. This is not an accurate statement of
    circuit practice.
    Another possible meaning is that in employment-
    discrimination cases, and other subjects in which
    the pivotal question is the intent with which one
    of the parties acted, district courts must
    disfavor summary judgment. Poller v. CBS, Inc.,
    368 U.S. 464
    , 473 (1962), announced such an
    approach for antitrust, and appellate courts
    extended it to other situations in which motive
    mattered. That captures the spirit of the
    majority’s opinion. The problems with Poller, and
    the "added vigor" approach in general, are two.
    First, it has no purchase in the language of Rule
    56 or the standard announced in Celotex Corp. v.
    477 U.S. 317
     (1986), for implementing
    that rule. The summary-judgment standard is
    supposed to track the standard for sufficiency of
    evidence at trial. If a sensible jury could find
    in favor of the party opposing the motion, then
    summary judgment must be denied. That is a
    universally applicable standard; there is no room
    for a thumb on the scale against summary judgment
    in any class of cases. See Edward J. Brunet,
    Martin H. Redish & Michael A. Reiter, Summary
    Judgment: Federal Law and Practice sec.9.13 (2d
    ed. 2000). Second, Poller itself has been
    conformed to the Rule 56 standard. Anderson v.
    Liberty Lobby, Inc., 
    477 U.S. 242
    , 256 (1986),
    holds that no special standard is appropriate
    when state of mind is at issue. See also
    Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. v. Zenith
    Radio Corp., 
    475 U.S. 574
    , 587, 595 (1986).
    Our "added vigor" cases do not cite Liberty
    Lobby or Matsushita, and it may be that our
    panels were unaware of the history behind this
    approach, the fate of Poller in the summary
    judgment trilogy of 1986, and the fact that
    earlier panels had held (relying explicitly on
    the decisions of 1986) that motions for summary
    judgment in employment cases need not surmount
    any extra hurdle. See, e.g., Wallace v. SMC
    Pneumatics, Inc., 
    103 F.3d 1394
    , 1396 (7th Cir.
    1997). It is not an adequate response to say
    (slip op. 27 n.15) that the "circuit has
    confirmed--explicitly--that there is but one
    standard by which we measure a grant of summary
    judgment." Wohl v. Spectrum Manufacturing, Inc.,
    94 F.3d 353
    , 355 n.1 (7th Cir. 1996), the case
    cited for this proposition, predates the flurry
    of references to "added vigor" and "added rigor"
    during the last three years. Wohl says that there
    is one summary judgment standard, applied
    rigorously in all cases. What, then, are we to
    make of the multiple post-Wohl assertions that in
    employment-discrimination cases the court applies
    added rigor (or vigor)? These decisions say that
    the standard in employment cases is higher; that
    is what the word "added" means. Our "added rigor"
    cases are incompatible with Wohl, Wallace (a
    decision my colleagues do not cite), and the
    jurisprudence of the Supreme Court. We should
    clear up this conflict rather than continue to
    practice an approach disfavoring summary judgment
    in employment-discrimination suits.
    /1 Another PFA--a white female under 40--was also
    assigned to stay at the Days Inn on August 5,
    1997, and she avers that she spent that night on
    the first floor of the Days Inn.
    /2 According to both parties, a "legal rest" means
    the amount of time necessary before a flight
    attendant is eligible to begin another duty
    period. The minimum length is between 8-11 hours,
    and Mr. Gordon states that his length was 10
    /3 Originally, Mr. Gordon also alleged that United
    had discriminated against him because of his sex,
    in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
    of 1964, 42 U.S.C. sec. 2000e et seq. The
    district court explained, however, that Mr.
    Gordon had waived his sex discrimination claim
    because he had failed to present it to the Equal
    Employment Opportunity Commission ("EEOC").
    According to the court, in failing to present his
    claim to the EEOC, he failed to exhaust his
    administrative remedies and, thus, waived his sex
    discrimination claim. Mr. Gordon does not raise
    this issue in his brief; therefore, he has waived
    this argument on appeal. See Winter v. Minnesota
    Mut. Life Ins. Co., 
    199 F.3d 399
    , 411 n.17 (7th
    Cir. 1999).
    /4 The parties agree that Mr. Gordon is attempting
    to prove discrimination by indirect evidence.
    /5 The court also noted that two other managers at
    United, James Younglove and Glen Scoggins, had
    agreed with Siemieniec’s decision to release Mr.
    /6 See Stewart v. Henderson, 
    207 F.3d 374
    , 376 (7th
    Cir. 2000) (race); Pitasi v. Gartner Group, Inc.,
    184 F.3d 709
    , 716 (7th Cir. 1999) (age); Hughes
    v. Brown, 
    20 F.3d 745
    , 746 (7th Cir. 1994)
    (race); Young v. Will County Dept. of Pub. Aid,
    882 F.2d 290
    , 293 (7th Cir. 1989) (age).
    Although some, including our colleague
    in dissent, are anxious to
    sound the death knell for the McDonnell Douglas
    construct, such an action clearly is, at best,
    premature. As recently as last term, the Supreme
    Court in Reeves v. Sanderson Plumbing Products,
    530 U.S. 133
     (2000), employed the McDonnell
    Douglas analysis to assess a claim under the
    ADEA. See Reeves, 
    530 U.S. at 142
     ("This Court
    has not squarely addressed whether the McDonnell
    Douglas framework, developed to assess claims
    brought under sec. 703(a)(1) of Title VII of the
    Civil Rights Act of 1964, . . . also applies to
    ADEA actions. Because the parties do not dispute
    the issue, we shall assume arguendo that the
    McDonnell Douglas framework is fully applicable
    here.") (internal citations omitted).
    Furthermore, as an intermediate appellate court,
    we certainly have no authority to abandon
    governing case law from the Supreme Court. Cf.
    DeWalt v. Carter, 
    224 F.3d 607
    , 617 (7th Cir.
    2000) (noting that the Supreme Court looks
    askance at appellate courts’ actions in
    prematurely anticipating the overruling of prior
    case law). Indeed, we recently have been reminded
    that "it is [the Supreme] Court’s prerogative
    alone to overrule one of its precedents." State
    Oil Co. v. Khan, 
    522 U.S. 3
    , 20 (1997). Finally,
    we note that Congress has attempted to harmonize
    more recent enactments with the McDonnell Douglas
    burden-shifting analysis. See H.R. Rep. No. 102-
    40 (II) (Judiciary Committee), at 7, 1991
    U.S.C.C.A.N. 699-700 ("The Committee notes that
    placing the burden of proof on employers to
    establish business necessity in disparate impact
    cases, is not inconsistent with the allocation of
    burden of proof in disparate treatment cases as
    set forth in McDonnell Douglas Corporation v.
    411 U.S. 792
     (1973), and Texas Dept. of
    Community Affairs v. Burdine, 
    450 U.S. 248
    (1981)."). Giving due deference to the
    pronouncements of a higher judicial bench and of
    the reliance by the legislature on those
    pronouncements, we cannot, with the ease of our
    dissenting colleague, cast aside McDonnell
    Douglas. Given these considerations--the
    deference we owe to the Supreme Court of the
    United States and the respect we owe the policy
    decisions of the Congress--this case is neither
    the time nor the place to engage in an extended
    discussion of the utility of the McDonnell
    Douglas methodology. Our task is to decide this
    case under its well-established principles.
    /7 See McDonnell Douglas, 
    411 U.S. at 802
    ; Stewart,
    207 F.3d at 376
    ; Pitasi, 
    184 F.3d at 716
    /8 See also McDonnell Douglas, 
    411 U.S. at 802-03
    207 F.3d at 376
    /9 See Denisi v. Dominick’s Finer Foods, Inc., 
    99 F.3d 860
    , 864 (7th Cir. 1996) ("Here, as in many
    employment discrimination cases, the second
    element of the prima facie case, satisfactory job
    performance, and the issue of pretext focus on
    the same circumstances because the employer
    maintains that the discharge was based on its
    reasonable belief that the employee was not
    performing in an acceptable manner."); see also
    Fortier v. Ameritech Mobile Communications, Inc.,
    161 F.3d 1106
    , 1113 (7th Cir. 1998) (stating
    that, "[a]s is also often the case, there is a
    great deal of overlap with respect to the factual
    inquiry relevant" to the legitimate performance
    expectations prong of the prima facie case and
    the pretext argument).
    /10 Five other PFAs missed a flight but received
    warnings only. The reasons these employees missed
    their flights were as follows: (1) one employee
    did not call into United’s Crew Desk, (2) another
    employee’s pager did not beep (there was also an
    allegation that another time she fraudulently
    called in sick when her problem really related to
    her ability to commute), (3) a third employee
    left her pager at home, (4) a fourth employee was
    prevented from commuting from her home city to
    her departure city due to the weather, and (5)
    the final employee overslept, which caused him to
    check in late.
    /11 The guidelines provided to PFAs at their training
    establish the rules for their discipline and
    outline several categories under which a PFA
    could be disciplined for substandard performance.
    The applicable category here is titled "Violation
    of Company rules and [p]olicies." R.23, Ex.9 at
    6. Under that heading, the PFA guidelines read:
    "Violation of the Articles of Conduct will, in
    most instances, result in immediate separation."
     One of the violations of the Articles of
    Conduct is "Unauthorized deviation from a
    scheduled trip assignment." R.23, Ex.15 at 3.
    The Articles of Conduct further warn
    that an unauthorized deviation by
    an employee is one of the violations of company
    policy that "will result in disciplinary action
    up to and including discharge." 
     It then notes
    that, for violations such as an unauthorized
    deviation, "[d]iscipline will normally commence
    with a suspension unless the particular situation
    or the employee’s record warrants more severe
    /12 Velasco originally wrote "DNF" on Mr. Gordon’s
    schedule. At his deposition he explained that a
    "DNF is a term that we use for different things.
    It is not a violation. It just says that the
    flight attendant did not fly. Now the flight
    attendant needs to provide to his immediate
    supervisor what is the occurrence of that DNF and
    what happened in his situation. All we do is
    provide the information to the immediate
    [supervisor]." R.23, Velasco dep. I, at 92.
    Several days after Mr. Gordon’s missed flight,
    Siemieniec asked for a report on the incident and
    only at that point did Velasco characterize Mr.
    Gordon’s conduct as a deviation "without
    authorization." R.21, Ex.32.
    /13 According to Younglove, Siemieniec did not ask
    him whether Mr. Gordon’s conduct constituted an
    unauthorized deviation; instead, Siemieniec came
    to him and stated: "’I think I have an individual
    that has deviated from his assignment that’s at
    the crew desk at this time.’" R.21, Ex.15 at 15.
    /14 Moreover, Glen Scoggins defined an unauthorized
    deviation as when "the flight attendant was not
    available to take their scheduled assignment
    because they had made themselves unavailable
    either by taking another trip or some other
    means. And they did that without approval from
    Crew Scheduling." R.21, Ex.19 at 17-18.
    /15 We are also constrained to note that the
    dissenting opinion’s suggestion that we are
    applying a higher summary judgment standard than
    the one mandated by the precedent of the Supreme
    Court and this court finds no support in the text
    of this opinion. This circuit has confirmed--
    explicitly--that there is but one standard by
    which we measure a grant of summary judgment. See
    Wohl v. Spectrum Mfg., Inc., 
    94 F.3d 353
    , 355 n.1
    (7th Cir. 1996). To suggest that we have applied
    another standard without disclosing it is totally

Document Info

Docket Number: 99-4068

Judges: Per Curiam

Filed Date: 3/29/2001

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/24/2015

Authorities (44)

Richard Williams v. The City of Valdosta , 689 F.2d 964 ( 1982 )

Christopher Graham v. Long Island Rail Road , 230 F.3d 34 ( 2000 )

Carl R. Pitasi v. Gartner Group, Incorporated , 184 F.3d 709 ( 1999 )

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Anne Dey v. Colt Construction & Development Company , 28 F.3d 1446 ( 1994 )

Martin T. Wohl v. Spectrum Manufacturing, Inc. , 94 F.3d 353 ( 1996 )

Charles HUGHES, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. Jesse BROWN, ... , 20 F.3d 745 ( 1994 )

Robert E. SIRVIDAS, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. COMMONWEALTH ... , 60 F.3d 375 ( 1995 )

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Oliver POLLARD, Jr., Plaintiff-Appellee, v. REA MAGNET WIRE ... , 824 F.2d 557 ( 1987 )

June YOUNG, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. WILL COUNTY DEPARTMENT ... , 882 F.2d 290 ( 1989 )

Carole M. HARTLEY, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. WISCONSIN BELL, ... , 124 F.3d 887 ( 1997 )

William L. ROBERTS, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. SEPARATORS, INC.... , 172 F.3d 448 ( 1999 )

Anthony Dewalt v. Lamark Carter, Correctional Officer Young,... , 224 F.3d 607 ( 2000 )

Carol BRILL, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. LANTE CORPORATION, ... , 119 F.3d 1266 ( 1997 )

View All Authorities »