United States v. Martinez-Carillo ( 2001 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 00-3919
    United States of America,
    Reymundo Martinez-Carillo,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 00 CR 317--Ruben Castillo, Judge.
    Argued April 5, 2001--Decided May 17, 2001
    Before Bauer, Ripple, and Evans, Circuit
    Bauer, Circuit Judge. Reymundo Martinez-
    Carillo, a/k/a Raymundo Martinez, appeals
    from the sentence imposed by the district
    court based upon his illegal entry into
    the United States after deportation.
    Martinez-Carillo takes issue with three
    of the district court’s rulings, which
    ultimately affected the length of his
    sentence. We affirm all of the district
    court’s conclusions.
    Martinez-Carillo, a citizen of Mexico,
    had been a lawful permanent resident of
    the United States. In December of 1992,
    he was convicted of and sentenced for
    "Criminal sexual assault" under 720 ILCS
    5/12-13(a)(3) (formerly Ill. Rev. Stat.
    1989, ch. 38, para. 12-13-A(3)) for
    inserting his finger into his daughter’s
    vagina, who was thirteen years old at the
    time. Martinez-Carillo was deported to
    Mexico on December 29, 1999 for having
    been convicted of an "aggravated felony."
    Soon thereafter, on April, 19, 2000, he
    was found in Winnetka, Illinois. In July,
    he pled guilty to violating 8 U.S.C. sec.
    1326 for unlawfully reentering the United
    States without the Attorney General’s
    permission, but reserved the right to
    contest whether his prior Illinois
    conviction for "Criminal sexual assault"
    was indeed an "aggravated felony." At his
    sentencing hearing in November, the
    district court (1) enhanced his base
    offense level by sixteen levels because
    his prior conviction was an "aggravated
    felony," (2) refused to depart downward
    under U.S.S.G. sec. 4B1.2 because his
    prior conviction was a "crime of
    violence," and (3) refused to depart
    downward for conditions of confinement
    based on his status as a deportable
    alien. The district court set his
    sentence at forty one months
    imprisonment. Martinez-Carillo’s appeal
    contests each of these decisions, which
    are questions of law we review de novo.
    See United States v. Jaderany, 
    221 F.3d 989
    , 995 (7th Cir. 2000); United States
    v. McMutuary, 
    217 F.3d 477
    , 483 (7th Cir.
    I.   Sexual Abuse of a Minor
    Martinez-Carillo challenges the
    conclusion that his Illinois conviction
    for "Criminal sexual assault" has
    beenlabeled as one for "sexual abuse of a
    minor," and is thus an "aggravated
    felony." We agree with the district court
    and hold that a conviction under 720 ILCS
    5/12-13(a)(3) (formerly Ill. Rev. Stat.
    1989, ch. 38, para. 12-13-A(3))
    constitutes an "aggravated felony" under
    8 U.S.C. sec. 1101(a)(43).
    U.S.S.G. sec. 2L1.2(a) assigns a base
    offense level of eight to a defendant
    convicted of unlawfully reentering the
    United States. However, if the
    defendant’s prior conviction constitutes
    an "aggravated felony," his or her base
    offense level will be enhanced by sixteen
    levels. See U.S.S.G. sec. 2L1.2(b)
    (1)(A). Application Note 1 of U.S.S.G.
    sec. 2L1.2 references 8 U.S.C. sec.
    1101(a)(43) for the definition of
    "aggravated felony," and 8 U.S.C. sec.
    1101(a)(43)(A) lists "sexual abuse of a
    minor" as an "aggravated felony." But,
    the statutory guidance ends here, for
    "[t]he phrase ’sexual abuse of a minor’
    is not defined in [sec. 1101(a)(43)(A)]
    either expressly or by reference to any
    other statutory provision." Lara-Ruiz v.
    241 F.3d 934
    , 940 (7th Cir. 2001).
    We have expressed the need for
    uniformity in determining whether a
    conviction falls within the federal
    understanding of the phrase "sexual abuse
    of a minor." Uniformity is particularly
    needed since state and federal
    classifications and definitions of crimes
    vary so wildy. For example, Martinez-
    Carillo argues that his conviction was
    not for "sexual abuse of a minor" because
    Illinois labels his conviction as one for
    "sexual assault" rather than "sexual
    abuse of a minor." We have held that this
    of no matter. See Hernandez-Mancilla v.
    2001 WL 357470
    , at *2 (7th Cir. Apr.
    11, 2001) ("Since state definitions . . .
    vary wildly, . . . how states classify
    crimes is not determinative . . . .");
    see also 8 U.S.C. sec. 1101(a)(43) ("The
    term [’aggravated felony’] applies to an
    offense described in this paragraph
    whether in violation of Federal or State
    law."). While we did not fashion a formal
    definition of "sexual abuse of a minor"
    in Lara-Ruiz as we did in Solorzano-
    Patlan v. INS, 
    207 F.3d 869
    , 874 (7th
    Cir. 2000) (creating a generic federal
    definition for "burglary" under 8 U.S.C.
    sec. 1101(a)(43)(G)), and do in
    2001 WL 357470
    , at *6
    (creating a generic federal definition
    for "theft offense (including receipt of
    stolen property)" under 8 U.S.C. sec.
    1101(a)(43)(G)), we have deciphered that
    "Congress intended to give a broad
    meaning to the term ’sexual abuse of a minor.’"
    Lara-Ruiz, 241 F.3d at 942; accord United
    States v. Corona-Sanchez, 
    234 F.3d 449
    453 (9th Cir. 2000) (recognizing the
    "differ[ing] approaches [employed in the
    circuit] to testing a prior conviction
    for aggravated felony status").
    Further, we have explained that
    [i]n determining whether Congress
    intended the phrase ’sexual abuse of a
    minor’ to include conduct punished under
    a particular state statute, we must
    generally employ a categorical approach;
    that is, we consider only whether the
    elements of the state offense of which
    the alien was convicted--together with
    the language of the indictment--
    constitute sexual abuse of a minor,
    rather than whether the alien’s specific
    conduct could be characterized as sexual
    abuse of a minor.
    Id. at 941. In Lara-Ruiz, we applied an
    exception to the categorical approach and
    held that the defendant’s convictions
    under 720 ILCS 5/12-13(a)(1) and (a)(2)
    (formerly Ill. Rev. Stat. 1991, ch. 38,
    para.para. 12-13(a)(1) & (a)(2))
    constituted "sexual abuse of a minor,"
    even though neither the statute nor the
    charging papers revealed the age of the
    victim, since the record clearly revealed
    that the victim was four-years old. See
    id. at 940-42.
    This case is less complicated than Lara-
    Ruiz since both the statute of conviction
    and the charging papers reveal that the
    victim was a minor and that Martinez-
    Carillo sexually abused that victim. The
    statute of conviction, entitled "Criminal
    sexual assault," relevantly states: "(a)
    The accused commits criminal sexual
    assault if he or she: . . . (3) commits
    an act of sexual penetration with a
    victim who was under 18 years of age when
    the act was committed and the accused was
    a family member." 720 ILCS 5/12-13(a)(3)
    (formerly 1989 Ill. Rev. Stat. ch. 38,
    para. 12-13-A(3)). The charge of
    conviction, here the Indictment, reads:
    "RaymundoMartinez committed the offense
    of Criminal Sexual Assault in that He,
    committed an act of sexual penetration
    upon [the victim], to wit: an intrusion
    in that Raymundo Martinez inserted his
    finger into [the victim’s] vagina, and
    [the victim] was under 18 years of age
    when the act was committed and Raymundo
    Martinez was a family member, to wit:
    father . . . ."
    The conduct that led to conviction in
    this case, according to the language of
    the statute as well as the Indictment,
    was sexual penetration of a victim who
    was under 18 years of age. Black’s Law
    Dictionary provides a generic
    understanding of the word "minor." It
    defines "minor" as "[a]n infant or person
    who is under the age of legal competence.
    . . . In most states, a person is no
    longer a minor after reaching the age of
    18 . . . ." Black’s Law Dictionary 997 (6th
    ed. 1990). Martinez-Carillo’s state
    conviction squarely fits within the
    federal understanding of the phrase
    "sexual abuse of a minor," which adopts
    the ordinary, contemporary, and common
    meaning of the words. See, e.g., Lara-
    Ruiz, 241 F.3d at 940 (accepting the
    BIA’s creation of a "generic definition
    of sexual abuse of a minor which was
    consistent with the ordinary, common-
    sense meaning of th[e] phrase"); United
    States v. Zavala-Sustaita, 
    214 F.3d 601
    604-05 (5th Cir. 2000) (adopting an
    "’ordinary, contemporary, common’"
    meaning of the words by examining their
    dictionary definitions); United States v.
    187 F.3d 1144
    , 1147 (9th
    Cir. 1999) (adopting the "common,
    everyday meanings of the words ’sexual’
    and ’minor’ [and] ’abuse’"). Therefore,
    Martinez-Carillo’s conviction was of a
    crime that constitutes an "aggravated
    II.   Crime of Violence
    Martinez-Carillo requested a downward
    departure under U.S.S.G. sec. 2L1.2, cmt.
    n.5, which permits a departure if the
    "aggravated felony" enhancement
    overstates the seriousness of the
    defendant’s prior offense. Thus, if the
    "aggravated felony" enhancement is
    and (A) the defendant has previously been
    convicted of only one felony offense; (B)
    such offense was not a crime of violence
    or firearms offense; and (C) the term of
    imprisonment imposed for such offense did
    not exceed one year, a downward departure
    may be warranted based on the seriousness
    of the aggravated felony.
    U.S.S.G. sec. 2L1.2, cmt. n.5. The
    district court ruled that Martinez-
    Carillo was ineligible for such a
    departure because his prior conviction
    constituted a "crime of violence."
    Application Note 1 of U.S.S.G. sec. 2L1.2
    refers to U.S.S.G. sec. 4B1.2(a) for a
    definition of "crime of violence," which
    defines it as, in part, "any offense
    under federal or state law, punishable by
    imprisonment for a term exceeding one
    year, that . . . presents a serious
    potential risk of physical injury to
    Relying on our opinions in Xiong v. INS,
    173 F.3d 601
     (7th Cir. 1999) and United
    States v. Shannon, 
    110 F.3d 382
     (7th Cir.
    1997) (en banc), Martinez-Carillo argues
    that his conduct did not create a serious
    potential risk of physical injury since
    "inserting a finger into a vagina, could
    not possibly lead to the pregnancy of the
    child." We understand Martinez-Carillo’s
    reliance on Xiong and Shannon, for they
    are among the only cases on this subject
    in our circuit. However, we find both
    In both cases the crime of conviction
    was classified as statutory rape. See
    Xiong, 173 F.3d at 606-07; Shannon, 110
    F.3d at 387. In Shannon, we rejected the
    government’s contention that any sex act
    with a minor should be per se classified
    as a "crime of violence." See 110 F.3d at
    385. The defendant had violated Wis. Stat.
    sec. 948.02(2), which forbade sexual
    contact or intercourse with victims under
    sixteen years of age. See id. at 384. In
    holding that a violation of the statute
    was not per se a "crime of violence," we
    determined that engaging in sexual
    intercourse with a thirteen- year-old
    girl was a "crime of violence," and
    reserved answering whether having sexual
    intercourse with a victim over thirteen
    was such. See id. at 387-89. In Xiong, we
    looked beyond the statute of conviction
    to the specific facts of the case and
    held that engaging in sexual intercourse
    with a fifteen-year-old girl, also a
    violation of Wis. Stat. sec. 948.02(2), was
    not a "crime of violence" because the
    conduct was consensual sex between
    boyfriend and girlfriend, and because
    there was no substantial age difference
    between the defendant and the victim. See
    173 F.3d at 604-07.
    In contrast to Xiong and Shannon, the
    felony at issue here was prosecuted under
    an Illinois statute outlawing incestuous
    penetration of a minor. Despite the
    general similarities between this case
    and Xiong and Shannon, the charging
    statute creates a critical difference in
    our analysis because each case "must be
    considered one by one to see whether the
    conduct punished by the particular law
    under which the defendant was convicted
    involves a serious risk of physical
    injury." Shannon, 110 F.3d at 386. This
    is so because "the goals behind laws
    forbidding sex with minors are various
    and need not include the goal of
    protecting the minor from a serious risk
    of physical injury." Id. We chose not to
    per se categorize all statutory rape
    cases as "crimes of violence" because
    statutory rape criminalizes fact patterns
    which may very well not involve coercion
    of any form, such as in Xiong. The felony
    at issue in this case, however, is
    fundamentally different; it involves
    incestuous penetration of a minor;
    therefore, we consider anew whether this
    conduct creates a serious potential risk
    of physical injury.
    In Shannon we determined, based on age,
    when a violation of a statutory rape
    statute would be labeled a "crime of
    violence." We found that a thirteen-year-
    old girl risked suffering physical injury
    associated with potential pregnancy.
    However, in this case, the sexual
    penetration was digital, and therefore,
    Martinez-Carillo argues that since there
    would be no potential pregnancy risk,
    that there is no serious potential risk
    of physical injury. But pregnancy risks
    are not the sole concern of the statute
    of conviction here. Rather, the statute
    of conviction in this case, which
    punishes more than sexual intercourse
    with a minor, is concerned with the
    nature of the relationship between the
    defendant and the child-victim. The
    familial bond of trust is violated by
    actions punished under this statute. A
    child-victim is likely to comply with the
    sexual request by or action of her father
    out of fear stemming from the belief that
    physical consequences will flow from
    noncompliance or simply because she
    trusts him not to do her wrong. We find
    that incest presents an aggravating
    factor that evokes a serious potential
    risk of physical injury. This was alluded
    to rather markedly in Shannon:
    Some cases from other circuits might be
    read as taking the approach suggested by
    the government and thus deeming any
    felonious sex act with a minor a per se
    crime of violence. Most of them can be
    distinguished, however, as involving a
    prepubescent child, incest, or other
    aggravating factors and in none, so far
    as appears from [each of] the court’s
    factual recitation, was the minor at the
    top of the relevant age range with no
    aggravating factor present.
    110 F.3d at 386 (citing cases).
    Therefore, we conclude that Martinez-
    Carillo’s prior conviction under 720 ILCS
    5/12-13(a)(3) (formerly Ill. Rev. Stat.
    1989, ch. 38, para. 12-13-A(3)) was a
    "crime of violence."
    III.   Deportable Alien Status
    Finally, the district court declined to
    grant a downward departure based on
    Martinez-Carillo’s status as a deportable
    alien, which would subject him to harsher
    conditions of confinement. The district
    court’s refusal was predicated on our
    opinion in United States v. Gonzalez-
    121 F.3d 1122
     (7th Cir. 1997),
    which precludes such a departure based on
    deportable alien status for defendants
    convicted of illegal entry into the
    United States under 8 U.S.C. sec. 1326
    and sentenced under U.S.S.G. sec. 2L1.2.
    Martinez-Carillo contends that Gonzalez-
    Portillo was wrongly decided because it
    is inconsistent United States v. Farouil,
    124 F.3d 838
     (7th Cir. 1997), and because
    it is out of step with Koon v. United
    518 U.S. 81
     (1996) since the
    courts cannot categorically proscribe a
    factor as a basis for departure unless
    the Sentencing Commission has expressly
    forbidden consideration of said factor.
    Martinez-Carillo believes that Gonzalez-
    Portillo creates such an impermissible
    categorical ban on the use of deportable
    alien status as a factor for departure,
    and thus must be overruled. We disagree.
    A district court shall impose a sentence
    within the range spelled out in the
    Sentencing Guidelines "unless the court
    finds that there exists an aggravating or
    mitigating circumstance of a kind, or to
    a degree, not adequately taken into
    consideration by the Sentencing
    Commission in formulating the guidelines
    . . . ." 18 U.S.C. sec. 3553(b); see
    Koon, 518 U.S. at 92. We understand that
    "’for the courts to conclude that a [non-
    prohibited] factor must not be considered
    under any circumstances would be to
    transgress the policymaking authority
    vested in the Commission.’" McMutuary,
    217 F.3d at 484 (quoting Koon, 518 U.S.
    at 106-07). Deportable alien status is
    not among the factors that has been
    prohibited by the Sentencing Commission
    as a basis for departure. So, we have
    found that "the status of being a
    deportable alien can affect the
    conditions of imprisonment . . . ,"
    United States v. Guzman, 
    236 F.3d 830
    834 (7th Cir. 2001), and thus have held
    that a departure based on conditions of
    confinement for a deportable alien is
    generally permissible, see id.; Farouil,
    124 F.3d at 846-47.
    However, we have also held that such
    status is not a proper basis for
    departure when the crime of conviction is
    one listed under 8 U.S.C. sec. 1326 and
    sentenced under U.S.S.G. sec. 2L1.2. See
    Gonzalez-Portillo, 121 F.3d at 1125; see
    also Farouil, 124 F.3d at 846. We have so
    held because "all crimes covered by
    [U.S.S.G. sec.] 2L1.2 involve illegal
    presence in the United States by aliens,
    deportability was certainly accounted for
    in the guideline." Gonzalez-Portillo, 121
    F.3d at 1125; see Farouil, 124 F.3d at
    847. However, in Farouil we found
    deportable alien status a permissible
    departure basis since the defendant was
    convicted for importing heroin into the
    United States. We explained that there
    was "no reason to believe that the
    Guidelines [had] accounted for a
    defendant’s status as a deportable alien
    in setting the level for that offense."
    Farouil, 124 F.3d at 847. We contrasted
    this with our holding in Gonzalez-
    Portillo, noting that "when the offense
    for which the defendant is being
    sentenced encompasses being present in
    the United States after having been
    deported, we ruled that the Guidelines
    already took into consideration the
    defendant’s status as a deportable
    alien." Id. Thus, Gonzalez-Portillo and
    Farouil are not inconsistent. Farouil
    expressly harmonizes its reasoning with
    that in Gonzalez-Portillo. See 124 F.3d
    at 846-47.
    Gonzalez-Portillo does not violate the
    mandate in Koon because it does not
    create a categorical ban on the use of
    deportable alien status for departure;
    rather, it recognizes that the Sentencing
    Commission has already fully accounted
    for deportable alien status in fixing the
    penalty for offenses under 18 U.S.C. sec.
    1326. Other circuits have since adopted
    the reasoning and holding in Gonzalez-
    Portillo. See, e.g., United States v.
    235 F.3d 230
    , 234 (5th Cir. 2000)
    (joining Gonzalez-Portillo’s holding that
    "alienage [is] an impermissible basis for
    departure when, as here, status as a
    deportable alien has necessarily been
    taken into account by the Sentencing
    Commission in establishing the offense
    level for the crime [which was a
    violation of 8 U.S.C. sec. 1326]");
    United States v. Martinez-Ramos, 
    184 F.3d 1055
    , 1058-59 (9th Cir. 1999) (joining
    Gonzalez-Portillo’s holding that
    "departure on account of deportable
    status for aliens convicted of [8 U.S.C.]
    sec. 1326 offenses fits squarely within
    Koon’s perimeters and is proscribed").
    The district court’s decision not to
    depart downward on this basis was
    We hereby AFFIRM the district court’s
    rulings regarding Martinez-Carillo’s
    RIPPLE, Circuit Judge, concurring. I
    join without reservation the court’s
    thoughtful opinion. I agree entirely with
    the court that there is a sufficient
    threat of physical injury in this case to
    justify designating the offense as a
    "crime of violence" under the existing
    standards that focus on physical injury.
    I write separately solely to suggest that
    this case also demonstrates the
    desirability of legislative action to
    expand the definition of "crime of
    violence" to encompass those situations
    in which the victim, while not suffering
    physical injury or the threat of physical
    injury, suffers severe psychological or
    emotional injury that can be diagnosed
    under accepted medical standards. The
    guidelines already authorize upward
    departures for many criminal acts that
    cause such injury, see U.S.S.G. sec.
    5K2.3,/1 and therefore reflect the
    Sentencing Commission’s recognition that
    crimes that result in extreme emotional
    and psychological trauma to their victims
    warrant additional punishment. See United
    States v. Oliver, 
    118 F.3d 562
    , 566-67
    (7th Cir. 1997) (affirming district
    court’s upward departure under sec. 5K2.3
    for psychological pain inflicted on
    victim under the Mann Act).
    There seems to be no reason why the
    psychological injury acknowledged in sec.
    5K2.3 ought not be recognized in the
    definition of "crime of violence." Such a
    recognition would comport with our
    contemporary understanding as to the
    consequences suffered by victims of crime
    and would ensure that criminals who
    inflict this damage are treated in the
    same manner as those who inflict physical
    injury or put their victims in grave
    jeopardy of such injury. The emphasis on
    physical violence appears to result from
    the legislative origins of the provision-
    -a provision aimed principally at getting
    the physically violent offender off the
    street./2 We ought to acknowledge as
    well that the offender who inflicts
    psychological or emotional trauma poses
    the same sort of threat.
    /1 Specifically, U.S.S.G. sec. 5K2.3 authorizes
    courts to depart upwards, outside the range
    established by the applicable guidelines, if the
    victim suffers significant psychological injury:
    If a victim or victims suffered psychological
    injury much more serious than that normally
    resulting from commission of the offense, the
    court may increase the sentence above
    theauthorized guideline range. The extent of the
    increase ordinarily should depend on the severity
    of the psychological injury and the extent to
    which the injury was intended or knowingly
    Normally, psychological injury would be
    sufficiently severe to warrant application of
    this adjustment only when there is a substantial
    impairment of the intellectual, psychological,
    emotional, or behavioral functioning of a victim,
    when the impairment is likely to be of an
    extended or continuous duration, and when the
    impairment manifests itself by physical or
    psychological symptoms or by changes in behavior
    patterns. The court should consider the extent to
    which such harm was likely, given the nature of
    the defendant’s conduct.
    U.S.S.G. sec. 5K2.3.
    /2 Congress created the Sentencing Commission and
    authorized it to promulgate sentencing guidelines
    and policy statements as part of the Comprehen-
    sive Crime Control Act of 1984. See United States
    v. Parson, 
    955 F.2d 858
    , 863 (3d Cir. 1992). In
    establishing categories of defendants for use in
    the sentencing guidelines, Congress instructed
    the Commission to consider eleven attributes,
    including the defendant’s criminal history. See
    28 U.S.C. sec. 994(d)(10); Parson, 955 F.2d at
    863-64. "Congress particularly wanted to ensure
    that recidivist violent and drug offenders re-
    ceived stiffer sentences, near the maximum term
    authorized for each crime, to remove such danger-
    ous offenders from the streets and to deal more
    effectively with the growing problems of violent
    crime." Parson, 955 F.2d at 864. Consequently,
    Congress instructed the Commission to ensure that
    the guidelines specify imprisonment terms at or
    near the maximum authorized for defendants who
    commit a "crime of violence." Id.; see 28 U.S.C.
    sec. 994(h). Thus, sec.sec. 4B1.1 and 4B1.2, the
    career offender provisions, reflect Congress’s
    desire to protect the public from dangerous
    criminals who commit violent crimes.