United States v. Hill, Nathan L. ( 2001 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 99-3932 & 99-3951
    United States of America,
    Nathan L. Hill and Cordell James,
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 95 CR 730--Charles P. Kocoras, Judge.
    Argued May 10, 2001--Decided June 5, 2001
    Before Posner, Easterbrook, and Diane P.
    Wood, Circuit Judges.
    Easterbrook, Circuit Judge. Cordell James
    and Nathan Hill have been sentenced to
    life imprisonment. James, who was
    convicted of a single count of conspiring
    to distribute drugs, see 21 U.S.C.
    sec.846, drew his sentence because of a
    combination of his criminal record, the
    scale of the operation (more than a ton
    of cocaine), and his participation in the
    murder of Robert Franklin. Hill received
    a life sentence (and a fine exceeding $8
    million) for operating a continuing
    criminal enterprise, among other crimes.
    See 21 U.S.C. sec.848.
    1. Both defendants contend that their
    sentences violate the due process clause
    because the jury did not conclude that
    the evidence establishes beyond a
    reasonable doubt the events that led to
    the life terms. See Apprendi v. New
    530 U.S. 466
    120 S. Ct. 2348
    (2000). But Apprendi does not help Hill,
    because the maximum sentence for every
    person convicted of violating sec.848 is
    life. He insists that Apprendi governs
    proof of events that determine the
    minimum lawful sentence, but we rejected
    that contention in United States v.
    223 F.3d 554
    , 562-66 (7th Cir.
    2000). Although United States v. Flowal,
    234 F.3d 932
    , 936-38 (6th Cir. 2000), is
    at odds with Smith (of which the sixth
    circuit apparently was unaware), we have
    previously declined to reconsider the
    holding of Smith and do not find in
    Flowal any reason to do so. See United
    States v. Hoover, 
    246 F.3d 1054
    , 1058
    (7th Cir. 2001); United States v.
    238 F.3d 871
    , 876-77 (7th Cir.
    2001). Flowal does not discuss McMillan
    v. Pennsylvania, 
    477 U.S. 79
    which held that judges may find, by a
    preponderance, facts that trigger
    mandatory minimum penalties. Apprendi did
    not overrule McMillan, 
    see 530 U.S. at 487
    n.13, yet, unless McMillan is to be
    discarded, Flowal and its successors, see
    United States v. Ramirez, 
    242 F.3d 348
    (6th Cir. 2001); United States v.
    Strayhorn, 2001 U.S. App. Lexis 10513 (6th
    Cir. May 22, 2001), cannot be correct.
    The sixth circuit is a minority of one,
    while Smith has the support of at least
    four other circuits--if any support on
    top of McMillan were required. See United
    States v. Harris, 
    243 F.3d 806
    (4th Cir.
    2001); United States v. Robinson, 
    241 F.3d 115
    , 122 (1st Cir. 2001); United
    States v. Keith, 
    230 F.3d 784
    , 787 (5th
    Cir. 2000); United States v. Aguayo-
    220 F.3d 926
    , 934 (8th Cir.
    James has a stronger claim in principle,
    because any sentence over 30 years
    depends on finding that a defendant with
    a prior drug felony conviction (which
    James has) conspired to distribute at
    least 5 grams of crack or 500 grams of
    cocaine hydrochloride. See 21 U.S.C.
    sec.841(b)(1)(B). But James did not ask
    at trial that the drug-quantity issue be
    submitted to the jury, and he cannot
    establish plain error given the volume of
    cocaine he and his confederates
    distributed. By convicting him, the jury
    evinced its finding that James agreed to
    distribute more than the statutory
    threshold. James’s contention that he
    wasn’t lawfully convicted of the
    extensive conspiracy charged in the
    indictment because, after Apprendi, each
    quantity level is a separate offense, was
    rejected in United States v. Brough, 
    243 F.3d 1078
    , 1079-80 (7th Cir. 2001). There
    is just one drug-distribution offense,
    defined by sec.841, and one drug-
    conspiracy offense, defined by sec.846.
    Quantity affects sentencing but does not
    create separate crimes. (Otherwise
    someone like James could be convicted of
    three conspiracies for the same agreement
    and course of conduct, with each
    conviction representing the next plateau
    of drugs sold--or maybe of six
    conspiracies, if the organization
    distributed both cocaine and heroin, or
    nine conspiracies if it added marijuana
    to the inventory.)
    2. The district judge declined to give
    Instruction 1.09 from the Federal
    Criminal Jury Instructions of the Seventh
    Circuit (1999). This instruction reads:
    You may find the testimony of one witness
    or a few witnesses more persuasive than
    the testimony of a larger number. You
    need not accept the testimony of the
    larger number of witnesses.
    Hill called only two witnesses, including
    himself, and James called none, so there
    was an imbalance in the number of
    witnesses presented. (The trial lasted
    seven weeks, and the prosecution had
    plenty of witnesses.) Defendants seek a
    new trial at which this instruction will
    be given.
    The premise of defendants’ argument is
    that every instruction in Seventh Circuit
    Federal Jury Instructions: Criminal must
    be given on request. That misunderstands
    the function of a pattern book. It offers
    model instructions for occasions when
    they are appropriate but does not
    identify those occasions; the need for an
    instruction must be determined
    independently. An instruction such as
    1.09 might be called for if one side’s
    lawyer argued that his client should
    prevail because he produced more
    witnesses. Then the judge should tell the
    jury, perhaps along the lines of
    Instruction 1.09, that this is not true,
    that quality of evidence counts more than
    quantity. No one in this case made a
    quantity-over-quality pitch, however, so
    there was no need for an antidote.
    Even when a lawyer tries to mislead
    jurors about the significance of how many
    witnesses have testified, Instruction
    1.09 leaves something to be desired:
    reasons. It tells jurors that they "may"
    do one thing and "need not" do the
    opposite, but that just states the
    obvious. Of course jurors "may" find the
    testimony of a single witness more
    persuasive. Any juror who did not think
    that to begin with is unfit to serve.
    When should jurors find the testimony of
    one witness more persuasive? That’s what
    matters, and Instruction 1.09 does
    nothing to furnish the answer. The
    underlying principle is that quality
    alone should govern the verdict; ten
    weasels are no more persuasive than one.
    That’s a thought that district judges
    could convey directly--though again the
    point is obvious, so usually it is best
    left to the jurors’ good sense. Why
    insult jurors’ intelligence?
    Jury instructions tend to be long and
    full of tedious boilerplate. When the
    judge emulates Polonius and recites
    gravely what jurors already know, their
    attention may wander and they could miss
    something that really matters. It is best
    to keep the instructions concise, which
    is achieved by omitting nostrums and
    leaving inferences to arguments of
    counsel. United States v. Sblendorio, 
    830 F.2d 1382
    , 1392-94 (7th Cir. 1987).
    Unless it is necessary to give an
    instruction, it is necessary not to give
    it, so that the important instructions
    stand out and are remembered.
    Instructions that include reasons are
    those most likely to make the cut for
    utility. See United States v. Cook, 
    102 F.3d 249
    , 251-52 (7th Cir. 1996); United
    States v. Austin, 
    215 F.3d 750
    , 752 (7th
    Cir. 2000). For example, the Federal
    Judicial Center’s Pattern Criminal Jury
    Instructions (1987) include the advice
    not to "make any decisions simply because
    there were more witnesses on one side
    than on the other" as part of a more
    comprehensive instruction (No. 23)
    labeled "General Considerations in
    Evaluating Witnesses’ Testimony". This
    instruction reminds jurors of several
    features that make testimony stronger and
    treats the quantity advice as a corollary
    to the principle that quality matters.
    Instruction 1.09 is less useful. Because
    nothing hindered the parties from
    covering this point in closing arguments
    if they deemed it important, the omission
    was sensible.
    3. With the aid of standby counsel,
    both defendants represented themselves at
    trial. James (but not Hill) contends on
    appeal that he was deprived of the
    assistance of counsel guaranteed by the
    sixth amendment. To any person not
    steeped in the intricacies of criminal
    practice, this contention would be
    unintelligible. James made enough money
    from his activities to afford a lawyer,
    but when he pleaded poverty the court
    appointed one for him. Counsel
    represented James diligently until
    shortly before trial, when James decided
    that counsel had not performed to his
    (unrealistic) expectations and demanded a
    different lawyer. After the district
    judge told James that he would not
    appoint another counsel at public expense
    (especially when a change of lawyers
    likely would delay the trial), James
    decided to go it alone. The judge threw
    cold water on this proposal, but James
    persisted, and the judge allowed James to
    conduct his own defense. Even then, the
    judge insisted that James’s former lawyer
    remain in court as standby counsel to
    provide assistance on request. How could
    someone who had, but then fired, a
    competent lawyer--and who enjoyed full
    access to the services of that lawyer
    throughout the trial, and could have used
    them on discovering that the intricacies
    of trial were too much for a high school
    dropout--contend that he has been
    "deprived" of his constitutional right
    "to have the Assistance of Counsel for
    his defence"?
    No one could doubt that James acted
    voluntarily. The judge and prosecutor did
    not threaten him with sanctions if he
    elected the assistance of counsel, and he
    did not choose self-representation as the
    only way to be rid of an ineffective
    lawyer. What gives some color to James’s
    position, however, is the proposition
    that, for a right as important as
    counsel, voluntariness is not enough. The
    decision must meet the standards of
    waiver--which means that it must be
    knowing and intelligent. See, e.g.,
    Faretta v. California, 
    422 U.S. 806
    , 835
    (1975), referring with approval to
    Johnson v. Zerbst, 
    304 U.S. 458
    , 464-65
    (1938). Usually the difference between
    voluntariness and waiver is demonstrable
    knowledge of the right being surrendered
    and a formal decision to forego that
    right. Compare Schneckloth v. Bustamonte,
    412 U.S. 218
    (1973) (holding that a
    consent to search is voluntary if
    uncoerced, even though the suspect has
    not been told of a right to say no), with
    Miranda v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 436
    (holding that during custodial
    interrogation waiver of the privilege
    against compulsory self-incrimination is
    possible only if the suspect is told
    explicitly of certain entitlements).
    Waiver does not depend on astute (or
    even rudimentary) understanding of how
    rights can be employed to best advantage.
    Defendants routinely plead guilty,
    waiving oodles of constitutional rights,
    in proceedings where the rights are named
    but not explained. For example, the judge
    will tell the defendant that the plea
    waives the right to a jury trial but will
    not describe how juries work, when they
    are apt to find a prosecutor’s case
    insufficient, why the process of
    formulating and giving jury instructions
    creates issues for appeal, and so on.
    Judges will mention the right to confront
    one’s accusers without describing how
    cross-examination can be used to
    undermine a witness’s testimony. One
    could say that without such details the
    defendant’s choice is "unintelligent,"
    but that would impose unrealistic demands
    on the judicial system (and impute an
    unrealistic degree of knowledge to a
    monosyllabic answer to the query "Do you
    understand all that?"). It is enough that
    the judge not mis-inform the parties
    about the legal requirements. See Bousley
    v. United States, 
    523 U.S. 614
    James does not say that he was
    misinformed about his entitlements.
    Proceedings where guilty pleas are taken
    are subject to the requirement that all
    waivers be knowing and intelligent, see
    Boykin v. Alabama, 
    395 U.S. 238
    , 243-44
    (1969), so if the right-naming (but not
    right-explaining) protocol under Fed. R.
    Crim. P. 11 suffices (as it does) for
    waiver of jury trial and confrontation,
    then a similar approach should suffice
    for waiver of the right to counsel.
    The contention that "knowing and
    intelligent" means something different
    when a defendant elects self-
    representation than when the same
    defendant elects a bench trial (or waives
    another constitutional right) has its
    genesis in Faretta, which held that the
    Constitution gives defendants a right to
    be free of unwanted legal services at
    trial. (And only at trial. See Martinez
    v. Court of Appeal, 
    528 U.S. 152
    Faretta constitutionalized, and thus
    extended to the states, an entitlement
    long recognized in federal courts by
    virtue of statute. See 28 U.S.C.
    sec.1654. Toward the end of its opinion
    in Faretta the Court 
    remarked, 422 U.S. at 835
    : "Although a defendant need not
    himself have the skill and experience of
    a lawyer in order competently and
    intelligently to choose self-
    representation, he should be made aware
    of the dangers and disadvantages of self-
    representation, so that the record will
    establish that ’he knows what he is doing
    and his choice is made with eyes open’",
    quoting from Adams v. United States ex
    rel. McCann, 
    317 U.S. 269
    , 279 (1942).
    From this statement of preference
    ("should" is not "must") has grown a
    jurisprudence demanding more and more
    extensive advice and warnings to impress
    on the defendant the drawbacks of
    dispensing with counsel. E.g., United
    States v. Avery, 
    208 F.3d 597
    (7th Cir.
    2000); United States v. Sandles, 
    23 F.3d 1121
    (7th Cir. 1994); United States v.
    860 F.2d 706
    (7th Cir. 1988).
    The Federal Judicial Center’s Benchbook
    for U.S. District Court Judges sec.1.02
    (4th ed. 1996, with 2000 revisions)
    propounds 15 questions. This litany is a
    means of discouraging self-
    representation, which courts find
    inimical to well-functioning trials as
    well as hazardous to defendants’ chances
    of success. But we doubt that any list
    can be mandated. Faretta adopted the
    waiver standard of Johnson v. Zerbst,
    which noted that the determination
    "whether there has been an intelligent
    waiver of the right to counsel must
    depend, in each case, upon the particular
    facts and circumstances surrounding that
    case, including the background,
    experience, and conduct of the 
    accused." 304 U.S. at 464
    . That standard can be met
    without a demonstration that the accused
    has a deep understanding of how counsel
    could assist him. After all, Godinez v.
    509 U.S. 389
    (1993), holds that
    any person competent to stand trial is
    able to waive counsel, and the competence
    standard is met by persons who are barely
    able to understand the proceedings, let
    alone recognize how lawyers navigate the
    legal shoals.
    Let us inquire, then, whether James knew
    "what he [was] doing and [made] his
    choice . . . with eyes open." On October
    20, 1997, the district court appointed
    John Meyer to represent James. Fifteen
    months later, at a status conference
    devoted to selection of a trial date,
    James first expressed dissatisfaction:
    James: May I say something?
    Court: Yes.
    James: I don’t want him [Meyer] working
    on my case.
    Court: Well--
    James: I want him off my case. I don’t
    want him working on my case.
    Court: I do not--what is the reason for
    James: I don’t trust him.
    Court: I am here to set the case for
    trial. You have been in custody.
    James: We don’t agree--
    Court: What?
    James: We don’t agree on certain things.
    That’s all.
    Court: Is this--
    Mr. Meyer: Judge, this is the first I
    have heard of it. I tried to visit Mr.
    James last week and he refused a visit.
    But I have not had a chance to discuss
    this matter with him. But if he wants new
    counsel, of course, I have no objection.
    Court: Well, I am not going to willy-
    nilly grant a request that is presented
    for the first time. I mean, if--what I
    will let you do is this: I would like you
    to discuss it with Mr. Meyer.
    James: There is nothing to discuss with
    After pending motions had been discussed,
    the parties took up the setting of a
    trial date, and the conference continued:
    Court: I am going to set the case for
    March 15th. I think that is both workable
    and sufficiently out there for you all to
    be ready. And anything anyone wants to
    bring to my attention by way of counsel,
    I will ask you to do that in writing and
    file it with the Court.
    Mr. Meyer: Judge, in that regard, I will
    visit with Mr. James in the Marshal’s
    lockup after our court appearance and if
    he directs me to do so, I will file a
    motion to withdraw then.
    James: You can do that now. I’m not
    talking to you about nothin’.
    Court: Talk to Mr. Meyer. There is no
    reason for you to mistrust him because I
    have known him for a long time and he is
    a very honorable lawyer. In fact, I used
    to work with him in another lifetime. . .
    . And I will tell you this, Mr. James: He
    is a very effective defense lawyer. I
    mean, he fights very hard for his
    clients. So, for you to come up with--you
    know, there naturally may be differences
    between a client and a lawyer on how to
    proceed; but, the idea that he would
    somehow not be faithful to your case is
    absolutely ridiculous, from what I know
    of Mr. Meyer. He is a very, very
    honorable and able defense lawyer, but
    that is my opinion. Okay. March 15th it
    On January 22, 1999, three days after
    the status conference, Meyer filed a
    motion to withdraw as counsel, stating
    that he had conferred with James, who
    "reiterated that he did not trust counsel
    and further stated that he would refuse
    to cooperate with counsel in the defense
    of this case." On February 2 the court
    postponed the trial for two weeks, until
    March 29. On February 17 the district
    court held a status conference to take up
    once again James’s objections to his
    lawyer. The court addressed a letter it
    had received from James. Although the
    letter has not been made a part of the
    record, it is apparent that it concerned
    James’s renewed request for a different
    Court: Mr. James, I have looked at your
    request for new counsel and considered it
    and I have also looked at some legal
    authorities and considered the whole
    state of the case; and, I guess my first
    question to you is: In what way are you
    claiming that Mr. Meyer has not done
    right by you in his representation of
    you, since you first mentioned that to
    me, I think, perhaps less than a month
    ago and it was Mr. Meyer--I recall Mr.
    Meyer saying this was the first time he
    had ever heard of any dissatisfaction
    expressed? So, my question to you is:
    What is your complaint about Mr. Meyer?
    James: Well, in the letter it says what
    my complaint is. That’s why. He talked
    about me coming to see you--
    Court: About pleading guilty, you
    James: Pleading guilty and talking about
    Mr. Hill. He don’t talk about nothing
    about my defense.
    * * *
    Court: And you do not want to follow that
    James: Right, I don’t.
    Court: Well, he did not say you had to
    follow that course.
    James: That is true, but I don’t want to
    hear that.
    Judge Kocoras informed James that it is
    appropriate for a defense lawyer to
    discuss a plea with a client as a
    potential option and that James should
    not assume that a lawyer who raises the
    possibility of a guilty plea is a poor
    advocate. James was unmoved:
    James: But I don’t want him on my case.
    Court: You don’t want him on your case?
    James: No.
    Court: Well, this case has been a long
    time in the pipeline. He has been
    representing you for a long time. He is a
    very able lawyer.
    James: He hasn’t been coming to see me.
    Court: Pardon me?
    James: I don’t know what is going on.
    Court: What do you mean you do not know
    what is going on?
    James: He hasn’t been coming to see me
    for--I can count on my fingers how many
    times he came over to the [prison] to see
    Court: Well, I think at some point you
    said five times.
    James: He’s got too many people he’s
    helping out. So, I prefer he helped them
    Court: Well, he is appointed in this
    case. You do not have a right to have an
    attorney appointed that you want, rather
    than who is available to represent you. I
    know he--Mr. Meyer himself--was rather
    surprised that you had taken the
    position, and even he requested that--
    James: That is the decision I choose.
    Court: Pardon me?
    James: That is the decision I choose.
    Court: That is the decision you choose
    and here is the decision I choose: I do
    not think you have made out any basis for
    me to appoint a different lawyer. This
    case has been pending a long time. You
    have been in custody a long time. The
    other two defendants have been in custody
    a long time. We have continued the trial
    date regularly for everybody to get ready
    for trial. And I do not think it is in
    the interests of justice to continue it
    any more. And I do not think, quite
    frankly, there is a basis to believe that
    Mr. Meyer cannot adequately represent
    you. And, so, I am going to decline your
    request to have a different lawyer
    appointed to represent you.
    James: I’ll represent myself, then.
    Court: Well, that is your choice. I think
    that is quite foolish, if I may say so.
    James: That is what I’ll do.
    Court: I think Mr. Meyer would ably
    represent you. But we are too long in the
    game to get a new lawyer to review all of
    this material. We have had--there is, I
    think, material from two different
    trials--is that not right--for discovery
    Government: Yes, Judge.
    Court: And to put in a new lawyer now is
    to delay this case for probably, who
    knows. Six to nine months to a year.
    Following that statement, Judge Kocoras
    asked James whether he understood the
    ramifications of his decision. The judge
    stated, among other things, that:
    James’s decision to represent himself
    was his right,
    James’s decision was "foolish,"
    the "stakes are very high,"
    the court "discouraged that choice,"
    "there are disadvantages in a person who
    is not a lawyer in representing himself,"
    it "is not a wise decision to represent
    James "would be better served to have
    Mr. Meyer represent [him],"
    "just because you are representing
    yourself, we are not going to change
    [the] rules of evidence or any trial
    rules just because you are not skilled or
    learned in the law;" and
    "the admissibility or inadmissibility of
    evidence does not change just because you
    are representing yourself."
    The prosecutor chimed in with some
    additional advice, which the district
    judge seconded:
    "that choice does not give him any
    particular rights or privileges at the
    [prison where he was incarcerated]",
    "he will be faced with numerous burdens
    and roadblocks to defending himself,"
    "he will still be bound by the rules of
    evidence and procedure and that there
    will be no leeway just because he is
    representing himself."
    When James would not budge from his
    position, the judge relieved Meyer but
    appointed him as standby counsel to allow
    James "to avail himself of Mr. Meyer’s
    professional abilities and skills." Meyer
    was present and available at trial to
    assist James and, in fact, assisted him.
    James could have asked Meyer to take over
    at any time, but through the end of the
    trial James stuck to his decision and
    served as his own lawyer. Only now does
    he insist that the district judge did not
    do enough to enlighten him about the
    risks he was assuming.
    James behaved in a pig-headed fashion.
    It is hard to imagine that by quoting
    from sec.1.02 of the Benchbook or
    expatiating about the drawbacks of self-
    representation ("a fool for a client. .
    .") the district judge could have talked
    him out of his decision. The Benchbook
    includes questions such as: "Do you
    understand that the U.S. Sentencing
    Commission has issued sentencing
    guidelines that will affect your sentence
    if you are found guilty?" and "Do you
    understand that the Federal Rules of
    Evidence govern what evidence may or may
    not be introduced at trial and that, in
    representing yourself, you must abide by
    those rules?" "Yes" answers to these
    questions do not evince understanding of
    the complexities that lie ahead. Lists do
    not convey knowledge or change minds. It
    is hard to imagine any defendant with
    even modest resolve responding: "Oh, now
    that I know that something called the
    ’Sentencing Guidelines’ exists, I see the
    foolishness of representing myself." No
    one supposes that the judge must explain
    how the Guidelines work, for the validity
    of a waiver does not depend on possession
    of a legal education. As Johnson, Adams,
    and Faretta show, the question is not
    whether the district judge used a check-
    off list but whether the defendant
    understood his options. All a judge can
    do as a practical matter--all a judge
    need do as a legal matter--is ensure that
    the defendant knows his rights and avoids
    hasty decisions. Often asking the
    Benchbook questions may ensure that the
    defendant has his eyes open, but we do
    not read any of this court’s decisions to
    hold that the litany is prescribed in
    every case or that advice about any
    particular disadvantage of self-
    representation is essential; such a
    reading would put us at odds with the
    Supreme Court.
    In or out of the criminal justice
    system, people freely assume risks that
    they do not fully understand. Anyone who
    chooses a profession or a spouse, or
    decides to have children, takes chances
    subject to more variables than the mind
    can juggle. Yet we do not call these
    decisions unintelligent; venturing into
    the unknown with a sketchy idea of what
    lies ahead may be the wisest choice even
    when the odds are beyond calculation.
    Spelunkers, base jumpers, and investors
    likewise brave exposure to unexpected and
    unforeseeable events. James was in the
    same position--and he knew it, having had
    some experience with the legal process
    while racking up prior convictions. After
    being told that he must comply with all
    rules of evidence and procedure, James
    was asked whether he understood and
    answered: "A little bit." That shows a
    sound appreciation of his position (James
    did not pretend that he had a legal
    education) rather than lack of
    intelligent choice. If James was about to
    face hazards he could not fully
    understand, his election was nonetheless
    valid because he knew that he was in
    uncharted waters. James could and did
    make a knowing and intelligent waiver.
    "[T]he competence that is required of a
    defendant seeking to waive his right to
    counsel is the competence to waive the
    right, not the competence to represent
    Moran, 509 U.S. at 399
    (emphasis in original, footnote omitted).
    Even with the aid of counsel on appeal,
    and the benefit of hindsight (having
    labored through the trial), James does
    not contend that there was any missing
    bit of knowledge that, if conveyed, would
    have led him to change his mind in
    February 1999. He really wants another
    crack at acquittal, not a more informed
    initial decision. Cf. United States v.
    204 F.3d 553
    , 559 (4th Cir.
    2000). Section 1654 and Faretta require
    courts to respect a litigant’s demand for
    self-determination at the most critical
    moment in the criminal process. That
    right is not honored if judges must
    depict self-representation in such
    unremittingly scary terms that any
    reasonable person would refuse. (If a
    reasonable person would welcome counsel,
    then does insisting on self-
    representation demonstrate incompetence
    to make the decision? To say this,
    however, would be to abolish the right of
    self-representation.) James knew and
    stood on his rights and, having received
    his due, cannot complain. A defendant
    bullied or frightened into acquiescing in
    a lawyer that he would rather do without
    would be in a much better position to say
    that the choice was not made knowingly or
    4. Defendants present a number of other
    arguments. All have been considered, but
    none requires discussion.
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    In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 00-2432
    United States of America,
    Tuan Steward,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Illinois.
    No. 99-30215--G. Patrick Murphy, Chief Judge.
    Argued November 9, 2000--Decided June 5, 2001
    Before Fairchild, Easterbrook, and Manion,
    Circuit Judges.
    Fairchild, Circuit Judge. Steward was
    charged with possession with intent to
    distribute cocaine base, crack, in
    violation of 21 U.S.C. sec. 841(a)(1).
    The jury acquitted him of that charge,
    but found him guilty of the lesser
    offense of possession of crack. The court
    sentenced him to 21 months’ imprisonment.
    The government had sought imprisonment in
    the range of 110 to 137 months and
    appealed. We affirm.
    A citizen of Alton reported to police
    that someone, later identified as Demond
    Spruill, had been dealing in drugs all
    afternoon, operating a black Ford Escort.
    When a customer arrived in the area he
    would enter the car with Spruill, the
    vehicle would proceed a couple of blocks
    while the transaction apparently
    occurred, and the passenger would then
    exit the vehicle. Later police officers
    made a traffic stop of the vehicle.
    Spruill was the driver, and Steward the
    passenger. Officer Rathgeb approached
    from the driver’s side, and Officer Lane
    from the front. Lane noticed that Steward
    had a piece of yellow paper in his hand
    and something else which he moved toward
    his mouth. Lane ran to the passenger’s
    side of the car, reached inside and
    applied pressure to Steward’s throat,
    trying to get him to spit out the
    substance. Steward dropped the yellow
    piece of paper, and Lane saw him drop
    something else from his left hand. On
    cross-examination Lane testified that in
    his experience it is common for people to
    carry crack in a folded piece of paper
    because they don’t want it to get pushed
    into the bottom of their pocket. Officer
    Rathgeb testified that he saw Steward
    successfully swallow an object and drop a
    yellow piece of paper. He saw Steward
    drop a clear plastic baggy with his left
    hand. It fell on the seat and later onto
    the console. He later found that the
    baggy contained three other plastic
    baggies, each containing a substance he
    believed to be crack cocaine. The parties
    later stipulated that it contained 8
    grams of crack.
    A government witness testified that 8
    grams would amount to 40 doses and the
    prosecutor argued that Steward had bought
    40 doses of crack and that quantity was
    evidence that he intended to sell it to
    others. The same witness testified on
    cross-examination that the three
    individual packages contained smaller
    rocks, and a purchaser could have picked
    out his rock. Defense counsel argued that
    Steward got into the car with Spruill,
    who handed him the bag. Steward picked
    out the rock he wanted and put it in his
    little piece of paper. The police appear
    and Steward puts the rock in his mouth to
    get rid of it, and gives the bag back to
    its owner, Spruill.
    The jury convicted of possession on a
    verdict form referring to crack, but not
    stating a quantity. As Judge Murphy
    remarked at sentencing, the defense
    theory was that Steward was a mere buyer,
    a user, and "the jury thought that was
    the case also."
    21 U.S.C. sec. 844(a) contains a number
    of authorizations of terms of
    imprisonment for simple knowing or
    intentional possession of controlled
    substances. These are not separated into
    paragraphs. We have held that the third
    sentence creates a separate crime of
    possession of crack, which is not a
    lesser included offense of possession
    with intent to distribute a controlled
    substance. United States v. Hill, 
    196 F.3d 806
    , 808 (7th Cir. 1999). The
    earlier sentences provide terms of
    imprisonment for possession of controlled
    substances which vary in length according
    to prior convictions of drug offenses. If
    applied to Steward, with apparently more
    than two such convictions, the maximum
    imprisonment would be 3 years. We note
    that the court’s instruction concerning
    the use of the verdict form as to the
    lesser offense of possession of crack
    appears to have been suggested by
    defendant, the point that the form of
    verdict should have called for a finding
    on possession of a controlled substance,
    rather than of crack, has not been argued
    here, and it may well be that Steward
    waived any such claim. The maximum term
    for possession of a controlled substance
    would be 3 years.
    Steward did argue at sentencing that
    under the third sentence of sec. 844 the
    amount of crack possessed should have
    been charged and submitted to the jury.
    Apprendi v. New Jersey, 
    120 S. Ct. 2348
    (2000), had not been decided at the time
    of trial, but trial counsel relied on
    Jones v. United States, 
    526 U.S. 227
    (1999). Judge Murphy rejected the
    argument that the amounts of crack set
    forth in sec. 844 were elements of the
    offense rather than sentencing factors.
    Apprendi was decided before briefs were
    filed on appeal, but appellate counsel
    did not mention it or the Jones point in
    his brief or at oral argument, except on
    inquiry by members of the panel. We
    consider a claim on the effect of
    Apprendi waived.
    In paragraph 22 of the PSR, the
    probation officer computed a base offense
    level of 26 by assuming, incorrectly,
    that Steward had been convicted of
    possession of more than 5 grams of
    cocaine base, and applying U.S.S.G. sec.
    2D1.1. Together with Criminal History
    Category V (not in dispute), this leads
    to a sentencing range of 110-137 months.
    There was clearly an error here in that
    the Statutory Index for 21 U.S.C. sec.
    844(a) leads to Guideline 2D2.1, which in
    (a) provides a base offense level of 8 if
    the substance is crack. Subsection
    (b)(1), Cross References, provides that
    "If the defendant is convicted of
    possession of more than 5 grams of
    [crack], apply sec. 2D1.1 . . . as if the
    defendant had been convicted of
    possession . . . with intent to
    distribute." Although it is theoretically
    possible that one could be convicted of
    possessing 8 grams intending only
    personal use, the proof and contention in
    this case make it very clear, as the
    trial judge recognized, that the jury
    convicted Steward of possession of only
    the small amount he swallowed. The 5-gram
    condition for applying U.S.S.G. sec.
    2D1.1 was clearly not met.
    In paragraph 17 of the PSR, the
    probation officer stated "it appears that
    the defendant’s relevant conduct involved
    the possession of crack cocaine that he
    swallowed (quantity unknown) and the
    cocaine base in the form of crack cocaine
    (8.0 grams) that he admittedly had in his
    possession." Steward objected. The
    government argued at sentencing that
    Steward exercised control over the
    package when he dropped it in an attempt
    to hide it, and this was relevant
    conduct. Judge Murphy made oral findings
    that the defendant’s contact with the
    drugs was momentary and that the
    government has not shown by a
    preponderance of the evidence that he
    ever had possession of the entire amount.
    He later made written findings that
    Steward was merely purchasing the small
    amount of crack which he put in his mouth
    when the police approached. He noted
    evidence that Steward was only one of
    Spruill’s customers and found that
    Steward possessed less than 1 gram of
    In this court, the government argued
    again that Steward’s holding of the
    package in his left hand, however
    fleetingly, the resulting control over
    it, and dropping it in hope of
    concealment established possession of it.
    Steward had cited United States v.
    57 F.3d 516
    (7th Cir. 1995),
    dealing with possession in the sense of
    criminal culpability, and reversing a
    conviction. Judge Murphy made several
    oral references to comments in Kitchen
    concerning lack of evidence "that the
    drug transaction was in any sense certain
    or complete." The government argues that
    Judge Murphy’s finding that Steward did
    not possess the 8-gram package was
    clearly erroneous because these
    references showed his belief that he
    could not find possession without finding
    ownership. Kitchen surely does not stand
    for that proposition, and it is clear to
    us that Judge Murphy did not base his
    finding on it, but rather on his
    conclusion that Steward held the package
    only momentarily, and for the purpose of
    selecting the crack he desired to
    The probation officer included Steward’s
    handling and dropping the 8-gram package
    as relevant conduct. It is not clear
    whether he understood that the jury had
    convicted Steward of possession of less
    than 5 grams. His reference to an
    admission by Steward of possession of the
    package could only be based on a highly
    ambiguous reference by Steward to "that
    dope." Neither the probation officer nor
    government counsel explain how, where the
    conviction was for possession of 5 grams
    or less, the handling, or even
    possession, of the 8-gram package would
    factor into the computation of the base
    offense level. U.S.S.G. sec. 2D2.1
    clearly calls for a base offense level of
    8 unless the defendant is convicted of
    possession of more than 5 grams.
    Presumably uncharged possession could
    augment the drug quantity under U.S.S.G.
    sec. 2D1.1(a)(3), after a conviction of
    possession of more than 5 grams, but
    nothing in the Guidelines suggests that
    where the conviction is for 5 grams or
    less, uncharged possession can be used to
    make up the difference.
    The judgment is affirmed.