United States v. Walton, James P. ( 2001 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 00-4133
    United States of America,
    James P. Walton,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Indiana, Hammond Division.
    No. 99 CR 141--Rudy Lozano, Judge.
    Argued May 11, 2001--Decided June 28, 2001
    Before Bauer, Rovner and Evans, Circuit
    Bauer, Circuit Judge. James P. Walton
    was convicted by a jury on one count of
    possession of child pornography in
    violation of 18 U.S.C. sec.
    2252(A)(a)(5)(B), and one count of
    receiving child pornography in violation
    of 18 U.S.C. sec. 2252A(a)(2). In
    determining his sentence, the district
    court applied various enhancements under
    the Sentencing Guidelines, including a
    four-level enhancement under U.S.S.G.
    sec. 2G2.2(b)(3) for receiving an image
    which "portrays sadistic or masochistic
    conduct or other depictions of violence."
    Walton challenges the enhancement and
    asks us to vacate his sentence and to
    remand for further proceedings. For the
    reasons set forth below, we affirm
    Walton’s sentence.
    Walton was an employee of Purdue
    University who worked at the University’s
    Herrick Laboratories. The University has
    a large number of individual computers
    which are connected with one another and
    with Purdue’s Telecommunications Center
    through various computer servers, and
    which offer internet access. In November
    of 1997, Joshua Bussert--the systems
    administrator at Herrick Labs and
    Walton’s immediate supervisor--performed
    a routine back-up of the network server.
    He did this by copying to a back-up tape
    all of the files stored in the computers
    connected to the server (including
    Walton’s workstation computer). When
    Bussert compared the files contained on
    the back-up tape to those contained in
    the original computers, he noticed that a
    large number of files were present on the
    back-up tape which were not longer
    present on the original computer space.
    Investigating this matter further,
    Bussert discovered that 99% of the
    missing files came from one location on
    the server, a location that was assigned
    to Walton. He also observed that these
    files were organized into various
    directories which carried different
    labels, some of which suggested to him
    that the files contained child
    pornography. For example, one of the
    directories, which contained a file named
    "14-year-old model," was labeled
    Another directory was labeled
    Bussert notified the Purdue University
    Police Department of his discovery. At
    the request of the University police,
    Scott Ksander, the Associate Director of
    Purdue’s computer center, examined the
    hard drive on Walton’s workstation
    computer. Ksander discovered several
    deleted files, and hundreds of "active"
    (non-deleted) files which contained
    sexually explicit images.
    During an interview with the Chief of
    the University Police, Walton provided a
    voluntary recorded statement in which he
    admitted downloading child pornography
    from the internet, including pictures of
    children as young as five or six years
    old. Walton also admitted that after he
    downloaded the pornographic files, he
    created subdirectories to store and
    organize the files. On October 26, 1998,
    FBI Special Agent Bruce Guider
    interviewed Walton. During the interview,
    Walton admitted that he searched the
    internet for files involving pedophilia
    and child pornography, and that he
    downloaded approximately 50-150 such
    images during a period of his life when
    pedophilia was of interest to him. A
    federal grand jury subsequently indicted
    Walton on one count of possession of
    child pornography and one count of
    receiving child pornography. Walton
    pleaded not guilty to the charges and his
    case went to trial.
    At trial, however, Walton told a
    different story. He testified that he
    used a newsgroup reader program called
    "Agent" to access pornography sites, some
    of which contained child pornography.
    However, he claimed that he downloaded
    files in bulk without viewing them all,
    that he deleted any files that appeared
    to contain child pornography, and that he
    never viewed any images of children
    performing sex acts. He stated that the
    child pornography images which were found
    on his computer "came with the
    downloads." Further, Walton asserted that
    when he downloaded all of the files
    available from the newsgroup entitled
    "alt.sex.pedophilia," he thought that the
    newsgroup involved a foot fetish, not
    child pornography, and that he did not
    discover that they contained child
    pornography until two to three weeks
    later. Nevertheless, Walton admitted
    during cross-examination that he did not
    delete the images. When asked why, he
    stated that he might have been called
    away from his desk and forgotten about
    the images. Finally, when asked how the
    "incest" and "pedophilia" subdirectories
    were created, Walton testified that they
    were created by an executable or "zip"
    file which was attached to one of the
    messages that he had retrieved. Walton
    denied having anything to do with the
    creation of the subdirectories.
    The government called Mark Sidell, who
    wrote and developed the Agent newsreader
    program, and FBI forensic computer
    examiner Russell Fox. Both witnesses
    testified that the files on Walton’s
    computer could only have gotten there
    because a user of the computer employed a
    series of specific manual commands to
    retrieve and store the files. Both also
    testified that the Agent program could
    not have organized the network file space
    into subdirectories on its own without
    user command. Moreover, Fox testified
    that the "audit trail" of the Agent
    program installed on Walton’s computer
    (which records the newsgroups and files
    accessed by the program) revealed that of
    the many newsgroups available, the only
    newsgroup that had been accessed from
    Walton’s computer was
    FBI examiners retrieved 325 non-deleted
    individual files which had been
    downloaded to Walton’s computer from the
    "pedophilia" newsgroup. Fox testified
    that of the 325 images retrieved, every
    image that he examined "appear[ed] to be
    children . . . under the age of 18
    engaged in some sex act or some other
    lascivious display." Trans. at 306. A
    number of printouts of these computer
    images were admitted as government’s
    exhibits 10(a) and 10(b). Exhibit 10(a)
    consisted of 21 pages containing
    approximately 240 separate images which
    were retrieved from Walton’s computer,
    and exhibit 10(b) was 31 pages long and
    contained approximately 352 separate
    images which were originally found on
    Walton’s network server file space. The
    majority of the images contained in
    exhibits 10(a) and 10(b) depict young,
    prepubescent girls who are either engaged
    in sexually explicit conduct (some with
    adult males) or striking lascivious
    poses. These images were displayed on a
    screen at trial in full view of the judge
    and jury. One of the images in exhibit
    10(a) depicts a prepubescent girl who is
    blindfolded and suspended from the
    ceiling by her wrists, with her ankles
    bound to her thighs.
    The jury returned a verdict of guilty on
    both counts, and Walton proceeded to
    sentencing. In calculating Walton’s
    sentence, the court determined Walton’s
    base offense level to be 17, and then
    applied a number of guideline
    enhancements which brought his total
    offense level up to 27. One of the
    enhancements that the court applied was
    sec. 2G2.2(b)(3), which prescribes a 4-
    level increase for the offense of
    receiving child pornography "if the
    offense involved material that portrays
    sadistic or masochistic conduct or other
    depictions of violence." Following the
    recommendation of the Probation
    Department in the Presentence
    Investigation Report, the court applied
    this enhancement based on the single
    image of the bound and blindfolded girl,
    which was introduced as part of
    government exhibit 10(a). During the
    sentencing hearing, Walton conceded that
    the image depicted the bondage of a girl
    under the age of 12, but he challenged
    the application of this enhancement to
    his case on the ground that the sec.
    2G2.2(b)(3) enhancement requires that the
    defendant possess more than one image
    portraying sadism, masochism, or violent
    conduct. When the court asked Walton’s
    counsel if that was the sole issue that
    Walton wished to raise regarding the sec.
    2G2.2(b)(3) enhancement, he responded
    that "[t]he whole issue is that you have
    to have more than one [qualifying
    With a total offense level of 27 and a
    criminal history category of 3, Walton
    was eligible to receive between 87 and
    108 months imprisonment. The court
    sentenced Walton at the low end of this
    range, imposing sentences of 60 months on
    count 1, and 87 months on count 2, to be
    served concurrently. Walton appeals his
    sentence, challenging only the district
    court’s decision to enhance his sentence
    under sec. 2G2.2(b)(3).
    Walton asserts that the district court
    did not make a finding on the record that
    the image in question depicted sadistic,
    masochistic or violent conduct under
    U.S.S.G. sec. 2G2.2(b)(3), and in light
    of this "error" Walton urges us to vacate
    his sentence and to remand with
    instructions for the district court to
    make such a finding. Walton maintains
    that the record is bereft of any
    indication that the district court ever
    even examined the image in question, much
    less that it concluded (upon analyzing
    the image and applying the proper legal
    standards) that it depicted sadism,
    masochism or violence as contemplated by
    sec. 2G2.2(b)(3). Walton claims that the
    sentencing record reveals only the state
    ment that the single image in question
    "contained bondage, a young girl under
    the age of 12 years of age." The
    guideline in question does not define the
    terms "sadistic," masochistic" or
    "violent conduct," and the district court
    made no effort to come up with a
    definition and to evaluate the image in
    question in light of it. Indeed, Walton
    argues that the record does not show that
    the government made any attempt to prove
    that the picture was sadistic,
    masochistic or violent in nature beyond
    merely describing the picture as
    "containing bondage." Walton suggests
    that the court merely assumed that the
    bondage of a young girl was sadistic,
    masochistic or violent within the meaning
    of sec. 2G2.2(b)(3) as a matter of law,
    and that the case law construing the
    section does not support this approach.
    Walton notes that the enhancement that he
    received under sec. 2G2.2(b)(3) resulted
    in between 16 and 27 months additional
    imprisonment for him, and he argues that
    such a substantial enhancement cannot be
    based on a "mere assumption." Therefore,
    Walton urges us to vacate his sentence
    and to remand for the fact-finding and
    analysis that the law requires.
    In spite of Walton’s wishes, we cannot
    reach the merits of his argument because
    he waived the argument during the
    sentencing hearing. Waiver occurs when a
    defendant "intentionally relinquishes or
    abandons a known right." See United
    States v. Harris, 
    230 F.3d 1054
    , 1058
    (7th Cir. 2000). A waiver is "the
    manifestation of an intentional choice
    not to assert [a] right," distinguishing
    it from forfeiture, which is an
    accidental or negligent omission (or "an
    apparently inadvertent failure to assert
    a right in a timely fashion"). See United
    States v. Cooper, 
    243 F.3d 411
    , 416 (7th
    Cir. 2001). While forfeited issues are
    reviewable on appeal for plain error, a
    waived issue is unreviewable because a
    valid waiver leaves no error to correct
    and extinguishes all appellate review of
    the issue. Cooper, 
    243 F.3d at 415
    230 F.3d at 1058-59
    . We have
    found waiver where "either a defendant or
    his attorney expressly declined to press
    a right or to make an objection" See
    243 F.3d at 416
    omitted). See, e.g., Harris, 
    230 F.3d at 1059
     (holding that a defendant waived any
    objection to the district court’s failure
    to adjust his sentence downward two
    levels pursuant to U.S.S.G. sec.sec.
    5C1.2 and 2D1.1(b)(6) where the PSR did
    not mention these guideline sections and
    where both the defendant and his attorney
    when queried by the district court
    "affirmatively stated that they had no
    objections to the PSR" apart from
    another, different objection); United
    States v. Richardson, 
    238 F.3d 837
    , 841
    (7th Cir. 2001) (holding that a defendant
    waived an objection to a sentencing
    enhancement where at sentencing the court
    asked the defendant’s lawyer whether he
    had an objection to the enhancement and
    the lawyer said "no"); United States v.
    202 F.3d 992
    , 995 (7th Cir.
    2000) (holding that the defendant waived
    his right to appeal the calculation of
    his criminal history at his sentencing
    hearing where the defendant had advanced
    notice of the content of the PSR and an
    opportunity to object but where his
    attorney stated during the sentencing
    hearing that neither he nor the defendant
    had any objections to the PSR); United
    States v. Valenzuela, 
    150 F.3d 664
    , 667-
    78 (7th Cir. 1998) (holding that the
    defendant waived his right to appeal the
    issue of whether he had dealt crack
    cocaine as opposed to some other form of
    cocaine base where the defendant’s
    counsel "carelessly" conceded at
    sentencing that the defendant had dealt
    crack and did not include any limiting
    language in his concession); see also
    United States v. Scanga, 
    225 F.3d 780
    783 (7th Cir. 2000); United States v.
    104 F.3d 96
    , 99 (7th Cir. 1996).
    Applying these standards, it is clear
    that Walton has waived the argument that
    he raises on appeal. In response to the
    Probation Department’s recommendation
    that Walton’s sentence be enhanced under
    sec. 2G2.2(b)(3), Walton filed a written
    objection admitting that he had
    downloaded one image depicting bondage,
    but arguing that the enhancement applied
    only to those defendants who receive
    three or more images depicting sadism,
    masochism, or other violent conduct.
    Walton’s written objections raised no
    other issue regarding the application of
    sec. 2G2.2(b)(3). Moreover, after
    admitting during the sentencing hearing
    that "there was one picture that
    continued [sic] bondage, a girl under the
    age of 12 years of age," Walton’s counsel
    affirmatively renounced any argument
    against the application of sec.
    2G2.2(b)(3) save for the argument raised
    in his previously filed written
    objections. When the district court
    asked, "[c]ounsel, is the sole issue here
    whether or not you have to have more than
    one [qualifying image]?," Walton’s
    counsel responded, "[t]he whole issue is
    that you have to have more than one." By
    expressly disavowing any other objection,
    Walton’s counsel waived appellate review
    of the argument he raises on appeal. See
    230 F.3d at 1059
    . While the mere
    failure to make a particular objection on
    a specified ground during a sentencing
    hearing will typically result in plain
    error review on appeal, see United States
    v. McClellan, 
    165 F.3d 535
    , 551-52 (7th
    Cir. 1999), Walton’s counsel did more
    than this; he affirmatively indicated
    that his argument that sec. 2G2.2(b)(3)
    required more than one qualifying image
    was the sole objection that he was
    raising regarding the application of the
    enhancement. This may have been a sound
    tactical decision, and we will not
    "override the clearly expressed wish of a
    party or his lawyer, which may be backed
    by excellent strategic reasons, not to
    invoke a particular right." Richardson,
    238 F.3d at 841
    . Moreover, the record
    suggests that the district court did not
    expressly find that the image was
    sadistic, masochistic or violent within
    the meaning of sec. 2G2.2(b(3) because
    Walton’s counsel clearly implied that he
    was not contesting that issue. A party
    may not by his own actions lull the court
    into believing that an express finding is
    unnecessary and then object when it makes
    no such finding.
    Walton also challenges the manner in
    which this Circuit determines a
    defendant’s eligibility to receive the
    sec. 2G2.2(b)(3) sentencing enhancement.
    In Richardson, we held that "liability
    for receiving violent child pornography
    is strict," see 
    238 F.3d at 840
    , meaning
    that once a defendant has been convicted
    of knowingly receiving child pornography
    under 18 U.S.C. sec. 2252(a)(2), a court
    may enhance his sentence under sec.
    2G2.2(b)(3) if it finds that some of the
    child pornography received by the
    defendant involves "sadism, masochism, or
    other violent conduct," even if it does
    not find that the defendant intended to
    receive such images. Walton urges us to
    overrule Richardson, arguing that the
    holding is inconsistent with the
    underlying statute, with Supreme Court
    precedent, and with decisions of the 5th
    and 11th Circuits. Specifically, Walton
    notes that 18 U.S.C. sec. 2252 proscribes
    only the knowing receipt and possession
    of child pornography, and that in
    construing 18 U.S.C. sec. 2252(a), the
    Supreme Court determined that Congress
    intended the term "knowingly" to "extend[
    ] both to the sexually explicit nature of
    the material and to the age of the
    performers." See United States v. X-
    Citement Video, Inc., 
    513 U.S. 64
    , 78
    (1994). In so holding, the Court relied
    on prior precedent which established that
    common law offenses against the state,
    the person, property, or public morals
    "presume a scienter requirement in the
    absence of express contrary
    [Congressional] intent." See 
     at 71-
    72 (citing Morissette v. United States,
    342 U.S. 246
    , 255 (1952)). After
    concluding that a violation of sec. 2252
    was akin to such a common law offense,
    the Court applied Morissette and its
    progeny and ruled that "the presumption
    in favor of scienter requirement should
    apply to each of the statutory elements
    that criminalize otherwise innocent
    conduct." X-Citement Video, 
    513 U.S. at 72
    . Therefore, Walton argues that holding
    a defendant strictly liable for receipt
    or possession of sadistic, masochistic,
    or violent child pornography without
    requiring the government to prove that
    the defendant intended to receive or
    possess child pornography of such a
    character punishes conduct that Congress
    did not intend to punish, and is
    therefore inconsistent with the Supreme
    Court’s reading of the statute that the
    guideline section implements. Moreover,
    Walton points to the decisions of the 5th
    and 11th circuits, which hold or assume
    that enhancement under sec. 2G2.2(b)(3)
    has an intent requirement. See, e.g.,
    United States v. Tucker, 
    136 F.3d 763
    764 (11th Cir. 1998); United States v.
    69 F.3d 723
    , 734 (5th Cir.
    1995). In light of all of this, Walton
    asks us to vacate his sentence and to
    remand to the district court for a
    determination of whether he knowingly and
    intentionally obtained an image depicting
    sadistic, masochistic or violent conduct
    under sec. 2G2.2(b)(3).
    We deny Walton’s request for two
    reasons. First, he waived the argument
    during the sentencing hearing. As we have
    noted, Walton told the sentencing court
    that the "whole issue" that he was
    raising with respect to the application
    of sec. 2G2.2(b)(3) to his sentence was
    the question of whether that guideline
    section required the defendant to receive
    more than one qualifying image. In so
    doing, he affirmatively abandoned all
    other arguments against the application
    of the enhancement in his case. See
    230 F.3d at 1059
    ; see generally
    Holmes v. Pension Plan of Bethlehem Steel
    213 F.3d 124
    , 139 (3d Cir. 2000)
    (citation omitted) (declining to
    entertain a challenge to the court’s
    opinion in a prior case where, inter
    alia, the appellant failed to raise the
    issue below and therefore waived it on
    appeal). Second, even if we were to
    review Walton’s legal challenges to
    Richardson de novo, we would find them
    unavailing. We may not overturn Circuit
    precedent without compelling reasons. See
    In re Bentz Metal Prods. Co., Inc., 
    231 F.3d 1029
    , 1033 (7th Cir. 2000) (vacated
    on other grounds, No. 00-1320, slip op.
    (7th Cir. June 7, 2001)). While we are
    not absolutely bound by the holdings in
    our prior decisions and "must give fair
    consideration to any substantial argument
    that a litigant makes for overruling a
    previous decision," see 
    Colby v. J.C. Penney Co., Inc., 
    811 F.2d 1119
    , 1123 (7th Cir. 1987)), we are
    obliged to "give considerable weight to
    [our prior] decisions unless and until
    they have been overruled or undermined by
    the decision of a higher court, or other
    supervening developments, such as
    astatutory overruling." 
     There have
    been no such supervening developments
    here, and Walton gives us no good reason,
    much less a "compelling" reason, to
    overturn Richardson. Richardson is fully
    consistent with X-Citement Video, and
    contrary to Walton’s suggestion it does
    not eliminate or diminish the scienter
    requirement of 18 U.S.C. sec. 2252.
    Indeed, we emphasized this very point in
    Richardson by noting that because
    Richardson was convicted of knowingly
    receiving child pornography under 18
    U.S.C. sec. 2252(a)(2), the "usual
    requirement that mens rea be proved to
    convict a person of a serious offense"
    was satisfied. See Richardson, 
    238 F.3d at 840
    . We were careful to note that it
    was his conviction for knowing receipt of
    child pornography that exposed Richardson
    to the statutory maximum of 15 years, and
    that the application of sec. 2G2.2(b)(3)
    merely "enhanced his sentence within that
    range to reflect the fact that receiving
    bondage and torture pictures aggravates
    the offense." See 
    Richardson did not flout X-Citement
    Video’s ruling that "the presumption in
    favor of scienter requirement should
    apply to each of the statutory elements
    that criminalize otherwise innocent
    conduct"; rather, it merely authorized
    the enhancement of punishment (within the
    prescribed statutory maximum) for conduct
    that had already been determined to be
    knowingly criminal. For the same reason,
    applying Richardson in this case and
    enhancing Walton’s sentence under sec.
    2G2.2(b)(3) without requiring any proof
    that Walton intentionally received images
    depicting sadism, masochism, or other
    violent conduct does not deprive Walton
    of sec. 2252’s scienter requirement. As
    the government notes, Walton’s knowledge
    and intent regarding his receipt and
    possession of prohibited child
    pornography has been proven. His
    knowledge that he received and possessed
    such pornography was an element of the
    charged offense, and in convicting Walton
    the jury necessarily found that he had
    the requisite intent. Indeed, Walton does
    not appeal the fact of his conviction or
    argue that the evidence that he intended
    to receive and possess child pornography
    was insufficient to sustain the
    conviction. Therefore, the application of
    the sentencing enhancement under sec.
    2G2.2(b)(3) did not somehow skirt the
    statutory intent requirement, but merely
    increased the punishment within the range
    authorized for a proven violation of the
    statute (which entails proof of the
    requisite intent). In short, Walton was
    not convicted of a strict liability crime
    (in violation of X-Citement Video), but
    instead was merely subject to a strict
    liability sentencing enhancement. Cf.
    United States v. Singleton, 
    946 F.2d 23
    26 (5th Cir. 1991).
    In addition, the fact that other
    circuits have come to a different
    conclusion and have imposed an intent
    requirement on sec. 2G2.2(b)(3) is not a
    sufficiently compelling reason, standing
    alone, to prompt us to overturn
    Richardson. We decided Richardson only a
    few months ago, at which time no judge in
    active service voted to hear the case en
    banc even though every judge was aware of
    the circuit split that the opinion would
    create. See Richardson, 
    238 F.3d at
    41. Upon reconsidering Richardson, we
    find it to be well-reasoned and based
    upon the sound observation that
    sentencing enhancements are frequently
    imposed on the basis of strict liability
    or on the basis of the degree of harm
    caused by the conduct at issue rather
    than the defendant’s intentions. See,
    e.g., United States v. Fry, 
    51 F.3d 543
    546 (5th Cir. 1995) (affirming the
    enhancement of a defendant’s sentence
    under sec. 2K2.1(a)(3) based upon
    possession of a machine gun despite the
    argument that the defendant did not know
    that the gun he possessed had become a
    machine gun by alteration); United States
    v. Williams, 
    49 F.3d 92
    , 93 (2d Cir.
    1995) (affirming a sentencing enhancement
    under sec. 2K2.1(b)(4) for possession of
    a firearm with an altered or obliterated
    serial number where the defendant argued
    that he was unaware of the condition of
    the serial number, and ruling that sec.
    2K2.1(b)(4) is a strict liability
    provision); Singleton, 
    946 F.2d at 25-27
    (holding that an upward adjustment could
    be assessed under sec. 2K2.1(b)(1)
    against a felon who possessed a stolen
    gun whether or not he knew the gun was
    stolen). Therefore, even if he had not
    waived his arguments, we would decline
    Walton’s invitation to overrule
    For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM
    Walton’s sentence.