Johnson, Eric v. McCaughtry, Gary ( 2001 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 00-2217
    Eric D. Johnson,
    Gary R. McCaughtry, Warden,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.
    No. 99 C 162--Lynn Adelman, Judge.
    Argued May 18, 2001--Decided September 7, 2001
    Before Easterbrook, Manion, and Evans,
    Circuit Judges.
    Manion, Circuit Judge. Eric D. Johnson
    was convicted in Wisconsin state court of
    two counts of first-degree intentional
    homicide and sentenced to life
    imprisonment on both counts. After
    exhausting the appellate process and
    post-conviction review in state court,
    Johnson filed a petition for habeas
    corpus in federal court. The district
    court denied his petition, finding that
    it was barred by the one-year statute of
    limitations, and that equitable tolling
    did not apply. Johnson appeals, and we
    I.   Background
    On the morning of September 1, 1992,
    while sitting in the back seat of a car,
    Eric Johnson shot to death George Cole
    and Torrance Jackson, who were seated in
    the front seat. A detective dispatched to
    the scene testified that Cole, sitting in
    the driver’s seat, had a gunshot wound to
    the left side of his face and an exit
    wound on the right side of his head.
    Jackson, sitting in the passenger seat,
    had a gunshot wound to the back of his
    head, with a majority of his head
    missing. One of the police detectives
    testified that Johnson confessed to
    meeting with Cole and Jackson in order to
    sell Jackson a shotgun, going to a bank
    with them, getting into a disagreement
    with Jackson, shooting Jackson in the
    head and then shooting Cole in the head
    because Cole saw him shoot Jackson. At
    trial, Johnson testified in his own
    defense, blaming a fourth individual
    named Earl for the shootings. The jury
    apparently believed Johnson’s confession
    because, on December 3, 1992, it found
    him guilty of two counts of first-degree
    intentional homicide while armed. On
    January 15, 1993, the trial judge
    sentenced Johnson to serve a life
    sentence on each count, to be served
    consecutively. On November 21, 1994, the
    Wisconsin Court of Appeals affirmed
    Johnson’s conviction. Johnson then filed
    a petition for review with the Wisconsin
    Supreme Court, which was denied on
    February 21, 1995.
    On June 27, 1996, Johnson filed his
    first petition for post-conviction relief
    in state trial court, arguing that he had
    received ineffective assistance of trial
    counsel, and that he had failed to raise
    that issue on direct appeal because his
    appellate counsel was ineffective./1 On
    July 2, 1996, the trial court dismissed
    his petition based on State v. Knight,
    484 N.W.2d 540
    (Wis. 1992) (holding that
    in order to bring a claim of ineffective
    assistance of appellate counsel,
    defendant must file petition in appellate
    court), and directing him to file his
    petition in the state appellate court.
    Johnson had ninety days to appeal that
    decision, see Wis. Stat. sec. 808.04(1),
    but he did not. Instead, on October 17,
    1996, as the trial court had directed, he
    filed his petition in the state appellate
    court. On October 23, 1996, the Wisconsin
    Court of Appeals, in State ex rel.
    Rothering v. McCaughtry, 
    556 N.W.2d 136
    (Wis. Ct. App. 1996), mandated that
    habeas corpus petitions based on
    ineffective assistance of postconviction
    (as distinguished from appellate) counsel
    be filed in a trial court. Relying on
    Rothering, on November 29, 1996, the
    Court of Appeals dismissed Johnson’s
    petition and directed him to re-file his
    petition in the state trial court.
    Johnson had 30 days to appeal this
    decision to the Wisconsin Supreme Court,
    see Wis. Stat. sec. 809.62(1), but he did
    not do so. Instead, on January 15, 1997,
    Johnson filed his petition (for the third
    time) in the state trial court, which
    denied it on the merits on January 23,
    1997. On March 10, 1997, Johnson appealed
    the trial court’s decision, and on May 5,
    1998, the Court of Appeals affirmed. On
    June 12, 1998, Johnson filed a petition
    for review with the Wisconsin Supreme
    Court which was denied on July 24, 1998.
    Then, on February 19, 1999, Johnson filed
    the present habeas petition, which the
    district court denied, finding that it
    was barred by the one-year statute of
    limitations and that equitable tolling
    did not apply. The district court denied
    Johnson’s request for a certificate of
    appealability, which he renewed in this
    court, and which we granted on January
    22, 2001.
    II.    Analysis
    A.    Statute of Limitations
    The district court denied Johnson’s
    petition, finding that it was barred by
    the one-year statute of limitations
    period applicable to a state prisoner
    seeking habeas corpus relief under 28
    U.S.C. sec. 2254. See 28 U.S.C. sec.
    2244(d). This one-year period commences
    on "the date on which the judgment became
    final by the conclusion of direct review
    or the expiration of the time for seeking
    such review." 28 U.S.C. sec.
    2244(d)(1)(A). Thus, Johnson’s state
    court conviction became final on February
    21, 1995 (the date the Wisconsin Supreme
    Court denied direct review of his
    conviction). Where, as here, the
    petitioner’s state court conviction
    became final prior to the statute’s
    effective date, April 23, 1996, the one-
    year period begins on April 24, 1996. See
    Fernandez v. Sternes, 
    227 F.3d 977
    , 978
    (7th Cir. 2000). Johnson did not file the
    present habeas petition until February
    19, 1999, nearly three years after the
    one-year period began to run.
    At first glance it appears that
    Johnson’s claim is time-barred. But,
    under Section 2244(d)(2), the "time which
    a properly filed application for state
    post-conviction review or other
    collateral review . . . is pending" is
    excluded from the limitation period. A
    state post-conviction petition is
    "pending" between the date of one
    appellate court’s decision and the
    petitioner’s filing of a further appeal,
    thereby tolling the period of limitation.
    Fernandez, 227 F.3d at 980
    following an appellate court’s decision,
    and preceding a timely application for
    discretionary review [is] excluded from
    the calculation under sec. 2244(d)(2).").
    Thus, all of the time between January 15,
    1997, when Johnson filed his (third)
    petition, and July 24, 1998, when
    theWisconsin Supreme Court denied his
    request for review, is excludable.
    However, on appeal, Johnson argues that
    all of the time to seek appellate review
    within the state system, even where he
    never filed for such review, should be
    excluded from the countable year. There
    are two crucial time periods at issue.
    First, Johnson seeks to exclude the 90-
    day period in which he could have
    appealed from the trial court’s July 2,
    1996 decision, although he did not do so,
    instead letting 107 days elapse until he
    re-filed his petition in the Court of
    Appeals. Second, Johnson seeks to exclude
    the 30 days he had to appeal from the
    November 29, 1996 Court of Appeals
    decision, even though he did not do so
    and instead let 47 days elapse until he
    re-filed his petition in the trial
    court./2 In support of his position,
    Johnson points to several other circuits
    which have held that a collateral post-
    conviction action is "pending" in state
    court for the period during which further
    review could have been sought, even where
    such review is not actually sought./3
    This court has yet to consider this
    precise issue. We have observed, however,
    that "it is sensible to say that a
    petition continues to be ’pending’ during
    the period between one court’s decision
    and a timely request for further review
    by a higher court (provided that such a
    request is filed)." 
    Fernandez, 227 F.3d at 980
    . In Fernandez, we reserved the
    question "whether time provided for
    filing a petition or appeal to a higher
    court is treated as time during which an
    application is pending, if the time
    expires without a filing." 
    Id. However, in
    Gutierrez v. Schomig, 
    233 F.3d 490
    492 (7th Cir. 2000), we held that the
    one-year limitations period for filing a
    federal habeas petition was not tolled
    during time in which petitioner could
    have filed a petition for certiorari
    review of denial of state post-conviction
    relief in the United States Supreme
    Court. Surprisingly, the government did
    not try to persuade us to extend our
    holding in Gutierrez to the present
    facts. Even more surprising is the fact
    that the government confessed error in
    its response brief, stating that
    Johnson’s habeas petition was timely
    filed, and requesting remand to address
    his ineffective assistance of counsel
    arguments. At oral argument, the
    government oscillated in its position,
    initially repeating its statement that
    the petition was timely filed, and then
    agreeing that it might not be timely
    Regardless of which position the
    government chooses to advocate, we will
    make an independent judicial assessment
    of whether the district court correctly
    dismissed Johnson’s petition based on the
    statute of limitations. See Sibron v. New
    392 U.S. 40
    , 58 (1968)
    ("[c]onfessions of error are, of course,
    entitled to and given great weight, but
    they do not ’relieve this Court of the
    performance of the judicial function.’")
    (quoting Young v. United States, 
    315 U.S. 257
    , 258 (1942)). We need not decide
    today whether to extend Gutierrez because
    we conclude that Johnson’s first
    twopetitions were not "properly filed" as
    required under Section 2244(d)(2).
    Under Section 2244(d)(2), we only
    exclude the "time which a properly filed
    application for state post-conviction
    review or other collateral review . . .
    is pending." An application is "properly
    filed" when "its delivery and acceptance
    are in compliance with the applicable
    laws and rules governing filings." Artuz
    v. Bennett, 
    531 U.S. 4
    , 8 (2000). Applic
    able laws and rules include "the court
    and office in which it must be lodged .
    . . ." 
    Id. See also
    Tinker v. Hanks, 
    255 F.3d 444
    , 445 (7th Cir. 2001) (quoting
    same). We determine whether a petition is
    "properly filed" by looking at how the
    state courts treated it. See Freeman v.
    208 F.3d 572
    , 576 (7th Cir. 2000).
    If a state court accepts and entertains
    the petition on its merits, it has been
    "properly filed," but if the state court
    rejects it as procedurally irregular, it
    has not been "properly filed." Id.;
    Fernandez, 227 F.3d at 978
    Here, the Wisconsin state courts
    concluded that Johnson had not lodged his
    first two petitions in the appropriate
    place, and accordingly dismissed them on
    that procedural ground./4 Thus, under
    Wisconsin state law, Johnson’s first two
    state post-conviction petitions were not
    "properly filed," and the clock continued
    to run until his third petition was
    properly filed. Cf. Owens v. Boyd, 
    235 F.3d 356
    , 357 (7th Cir. 2001) (where
    state petition was untimely filed, sec.
    2244(d)(2) does not exclude time it was
    Johnson responds by arguing that since
    he was allowed to re-file his first two
    petitions, and the court eventually
    reached the merits, we should not
    consider them improperly filed, and
    should toll all of the intervening time.
    Under this rationale, a petitioner could
    file a petition years after the
    limitations period expired, so long as
    the state court eventually entertained it
    on its merits. This would allow a
    petitioner to successfully circumvent the
    statute of limitations period. We have
    previously declined to adopt this
    position and will not do so now. See
    Fernandez, 227 F.3d at 980
    (such an
    "implausible understanding of sec.
    2244(d)(2) would sap the federal statute
    of limitations of much of its effect.").
    Accordingly, since Johnson’s first two
    petitions were not "properly filed" under
    Wisconsin law, his petition in federal
    court, filed 111 days after the statute
    of limitations period expired, was
    B.   Equitable Tolling
    Johnson also claims that the limitations
    period should be equitably tolled.
    Section 2244(d) itself is a kind of
    tolling rule, see 
    Owens, 235 F.3d at 360
    although we also noted in Owens that
    equitable tolling "may be available when
    some impediment of a variety not covered
    in sec. 2244(d)(1) prevents the filing of
    a federal collateral attack." 
    Id. However, this
    court has never
    conclusively determined whether, or to
    what extent, the one-year deadline in
    sec. 2244(d)(1) is actually subject to
    the doctrine of equitable tolling. See
    Taliani v. Chrans, 
    189 F.3d 597
    , 597 (7th
    Cir. 1999). We need not resolve this
    issue today because we conclude equitable
    tolling would not be appropriate based on
    the facts of this case.
    Equitable tolling "excuses a timely
    filing when the plaintiff could not,
    despite the exercise of reasonable
    diligence, have discovered all the
    information he needed in order to be able
    to file his claim on time." 
    Taliani, 189 F.3d at 597
    . Johnson argues that he was
    unfairly prejudiced when the state court
    directed him first to file in the state
    appellate court, which then directed him
    back to the state trial court. First, if
    we treated his second petition as if it
    had been properly filed (because Johnson
    filed it in the appellate court at the
    direction of the trial court), we could
    equitably toll the period subsequent to
    that filing. However, this argument
    ignores that, under then-current
    Wisconsin law, Johnson still improperly
    filed his first petition in the state
    trial court, in contravention of Knight.
    In any case, even if we were to toll the
    entire period from the time Johnson filed
    his second petition until the Wisconsin
    Supreme denied review, he would still
    have filed his federal habeas petition 21
    days too late. Alternatively, we could
    treat Johnson as if he had properly filed
    his first petition, and the trial court
    improperly re-directed him to the
    appellate court, which correctly sent
    back to trial court pursuant to
    Rothering. It is only if we treat the
    first petition as if it were "properly
    filed" and equitably toll all of the
    subsequent time that Johnson’s federal
    petition would be timely. However, we
    decline to do so.
    Even if both trial court and the Court
    of Appeals incorrectly dismissed
    Johnson’s first two petitions, an
    argument we have noted Johnson did not
    make, or if the confusion between the two
    courts caused Johnson undue delay, we
    emphasize two particular facts that
    persuade us equitable tolling is not
    appropriate in this case. First, Johnson
    waited 107 days after the first decision,
    and 47 days after the second decision, to
    re-file essentially the same petition
    (which was only about two pages long). In
    short, he wasted 154 days through no
    fault of any court. Second, a majority of
    Johnson’s excludable year, 210 days,
    elapsed between the time the Wisconsin
    Supreme Court denied review, on July 24,
    1998, and the time he finally filed for
    habeas relief in federal court on
    February 19, 1999. The limitations period
    did not expire while he was going back
    and forth between courts (in which case,
    we point out that he still could have
    filed a protective federal petition, see
    Pizzo v. Bekin Van Lines Co., 
    258 F.3d 629
    , 635 (7th Cir. 2001)). Rather,
    Johnson’s entire year elapsed (364 days
    to be exact), as the district court noted
    in its unpublished order denying his
    habeas petition, "because substantial
    time elapsed when petitioner had no
    motions or cases pending before any
    court, and not because any court misled
    Johnson also argues that the time period
    should be equitably tolled because the
    delays were due to his incompetent
    attorney. Generally, a lawyer’s mistake
    is not an extraordinary circumstance
    justifying the application of equitable
    tolling. See 
    Taliani, 189 F.3d at 598
    Johnson argues that his case is unique
    because he was incarcerated, and
    therefore was unable to demand better
    representation from his counsel. He
    argues that the circumstances of
    incarceration make it difficult for a
    prisoner-petitioner to ensure that
    petitions are filed on a timely basis.
    The prisoner is put in the position of
    either waiting for his attorney to file
    or else filing a protective petition on
    his own in the event that his attorney
    misses the deadline (as Johnson’s
    counsel--a different lawyer from his
    counsel before this court--seemed to do
    with remarkable consistency). However,
    habeas relief, by definition, is almost
    always sought by an incarcerated
    petitioner, and we decline to find that
    this circumstance is so extraordinary as
    to warrant the application of this
    rarely-applied doctrine. Unfortunately,
    many clients, whether in prison or not,
    must vigilantly oversee the actions of
    their attorneys and, if necessary, take
    matters into their own hands.
    III.   Conclusion
    We conclude that Johnson’s habeas corpus
    petition was barred by the one-year
    statute of limitations, and that
    equitable tolling does not apply to the
    circumstances of his case. Because his
    petition was untimely and equitable
    tolling is inapplicable, we need not
    reach whether Johnson received
    ineffective assistance of counsel.
    Accordingly, we affirm the judgment of
    the district court.
    /1 Because the dates discussed here are significant
    in this court’s determination on the limitations
    period and the equitable tolling issue, a chart
    showing a timeline of significant dates is at-
    tached as an appendix.
    /2 There is also the question of whether this entire
    period should be tolled (the 90 days he had to
    appeal plus the additional 17 days it took him to
    re-file his petition (for a total of 107 days)
    and the 30 days he had to appeal plus the addi-
    tional 17 days it took him to re-file his peti-
    tion (for a total of 47 days)) or whether just
    the time periods during which Johnson could have
    appealed should be tolled (the 90 days and the 30
    days). If we were to exclude only the time in
    which he could have appealed (but did not),
    Johnson would still have 57 days left in his
    excludable year and the additional 34 days would
    not make a difference. In any case, given our
    holding, we need not reach this issue.
    /3 See, e.g., Bennett v. Artuz, 
    199 F.3d 116
    , 119-20
    (2d Cir. 1999) (stating in dicta that a "state-
    court petition is ’pending’ from the time it is
    first filed until finally disposed of and further
    appellate review is unavailable"), aff’d on other
    531 U.S. 4
    (2000); Swartz v. Meyers, 
    204 F.3d 417
    , 420-24 (3d Cir. 2000) (holding that,
    because a judgment is not final until the time
    for seeking review expires, the word "pending"
    includes that time period, whether or not such
    review is sought) (collecting cases); Taylor v.
    186 F.3d 557
    , 561 (4th Cir. 1999) (holding
    that "under sec. 2244(d)(2) the entire period of
    state post-conviction proceedings, from initial
    filing to final disposition by the highest state
    court (whether decision on the merits, denial of
    certiorari, or expiration of the period of time
    to seek further appellate review), is tolled"
    from the limitations period); Williams v. Cain,
    217 F.3d 303
    , 309-10 (5th Cir. 2000) (following
    Swartz); Mills v. Norris, 
    187 F.3d 881
    , 884 (8th
    Cir. 1999) (holding that state post-conviction
    motion was "pending" until expiration of ninety-
    day period appellant had to file a transcript to
    perfect state-court appeal); Gibson v. Klinger,
    232 F.3d 799
    , 804 (10th Cir. 2000) ("regardless
    of whether a petitioner actually appeals a denial
    of a post-conviction application, the limitations
    period is tolled during the period in which the
    petitioner could have sought an appeal under
    state law.").
    /4 We note that Johnson does not argue that either
    the state trial court or the state Court of
    Appeals incorrectly dismissed his claim. In fact,
    he specifically acknowledges that "in each in-
    stance, the court which ordered him to take his
    claim elsewhere acted properly and within the
    law." Appellant’s Reply Brief at p. 2.
    EVANS, Circuit Judge, dissenting. I respectfully
    dissent. This case, as far as filing papers in
    the right state court at the right time is
    concerned, was gummed up from the get-go. So
    although Judge Manion’s majority opinion is quite
    persuasive, given the unique circumstances here
    I would accept Wisconsin’s confession of error,
    or find equitable tolling on our own, and give
    Johnson a chance to air his ineffective assis-
    tance of counsel claim on its merits in the
    district court.