Cook Incorporated v. Boston Scientific ( 2003 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 02-3740
    COOK INC.,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 01 C 9479—Charles P. Kocoras, Chief Judge.
    ARGUED APRIL 16, 2003—DECIDED JUNE 19, 2003
    Before POSNER, COFFEY, and ROVNER, Circuit Judges.
    POSNER, Circuit Judge. The plaintiff brought suit seek-
    ing a declaration that it had not violated a contract to which
    it and the defendant, along with a third firm, are parties.
    Jurisdiction is based on diversity of citizenship, and the
    governing substantive law is that of the state of Washing-
    ton, though no peculiarities of Washington law have been
    drawn to our attention. The defendant counterclaimed,
    charging that the plaintiff had indeed broken the con-
    tract. On cross-motions for summary judgment, the dis-
    trict court ruled for the defendant and entered a perma-
    nent injunction against the plaintiff, precipitating this ap-
    2                                                 No. 02-3740
    The contract involves a medical device known as a stent.
    The narrowing of an artery, as by atherosclerosis, is called
    “stenosis” and one way of treating it is by balloon angio-
    plasty, a procedure in which a small balloon is inserted
    into the affected artery to press against the wall of the
    artery, restoring the artery to its normal dimensions. The
    stent is a metal tube that encloses the balloon and re-
    mains in the artery after the procedure. Yet sometimes
    despite the stent the stenosis reappears—this is called
    “restenosis”—and there is medical opinion that the like-
    lihood of this happening can be reduced by coating
    the stent with a suitable drug. One candidate to be such
    a drug is paclitaxel, which gained fame as an anticancer
    drug under the trade name Taxol. The patent rights for
    use of paclitaxel on stents are held by a Canadian com-
    pany called Angiotech Pharmaceuticals. Angiotech does
    not manufacture either stents or drugs, and so it decided
    to license the use of paclitaxel for coating stents. It granted
    “coexclusive” licenses to Cook Incorporated and Boston
    Scientific Corporation (BSC), firms involved in the de-
    velopment of drug-coated stents for preventing restenosis.
    Each license grants the licensee “worldwide right[s] and
    license to use, manufacture, have manufactured, distrib-
    ute and sell, and to grant sublicenses to its Affiliates to
    use, manufacture, have manufactured, distribute and sell
    [paclitaxel] . . . solely for use in [stents].” The licenses
    are exclusive in the sense that Angiotech promises not
    to license the use of paclitaxel for coating stents to any
    other firm, but coexclusive in the sense that each li-
    censee has the same rights. Critically, the licenses forbid
    the licensee to assign his license, or to grant a sublicense
    to anyone except an affiliate, unless all parties to the two
    licenses, which is to say Angiotech, BSC, and Cook, agree.
    We’ll call this provision the “anti-assignment” clause,
    although it covers sublicenses as well. Why the distinction
    No. 02-3740                                                 3
    between assignment to an affiliate, which is forbidden,
    and sublicensing an affiliate, which is permitted, is un-
    clear, since, while an assignment and a sublicense are not
    identical, a sublicense can be drafted in such a way as to
    have the same effect. Finance Investment Co. v. Geberit AG,
    165 F.3d 526
    , 531-32 (7th Cir. 1998); Black Clawson Co. v.
    Kroenert Corp., 
    245 F.3d 759
    , 765 (8th Cir. 2001); Prima Tek
    II, L.L.C. v. A-Roo Co., 
    222 F.3d 1372
    , 1377 (Fed. Cir. 2000).
    The two licenses were granted in a single contract, so
    that both the licensees and Angiotech are contractually
    bound to one another. The contract provides for the ar-
    bitration of disputes arising under it, but the parties have
    waived that provision. Angiotech is not a party to this
    suit; it may be indifferent to the outcome or reluctant to
    take sides in a dispute between its most important part-
    ners in the development of restenosis-resisting stents.
    Why coexclusive licenses? No evidence has been pre-
    sented or arguments made concerning the reason for the
    coexclusive feature. The lawyers either have not bothered
    to inquire or have not bothered to inform us or the dis-
    trict judge concerning the commercial setting of such a
    contract. They seem insensitive to the importance to the
    sound interpretation of contracts of understanding the
    business purpose served by a contract’s provisions, and
    to the limitations of generalist judges’ knowledge of the
    customs and practices of specific industries. We are left to
    speculate, having found no secondary literature on coex-
    clusive licenses either.
    A patentee’s choice between granting exclusive and
    nonexclusive licenses is similar to a seller’s choice between
    granting exclusive and nonexclusive rights to his dealers.
    The dealer who is granted an exclusive right will have
    an enhanced incentive to devote his sales efforts to the
    seller’s product. Dealers who do not receive exclusive rights
    4                                                 No. 02-3740
    will have enhanced incentives to minimize their margins
    by competing among themselves, thus maximizing the
    price that the seller can charge. Consumers’ demand is a
    function of the dealer’s as well as the original seller’s
    profit margin. For both margins are components of the
    retail price, and so the lower the dealer’s margin is, the
    lower that price will be, the more therefore will be sold,
    and so the greater will be the original seller’s total profits.
    Thus a patentee can ordinarily be expected either to
    grant nonexclusive licenses in order to exploit the effect
    of competition in minimizing the licensees’ margins or
    to grant an exclusive license in order to encourage the
    licensee to invest in the further development of the li-
    censed process or product by protecting the licensee from
    the competition of other licensees, which might prevent
    the licensee from recouping his investment. John W.
    Schlicher, Licensing Intellectual Property: Legal, Business,
    and Market Dynamics 69-71 (1996). There are other con-
    siderations bearing on the choice between exclusive and
    nonexclusive licensing as well, see, e.g., Michael L. Katz
    & Carl Shapiro, “How to License Intangible Property,” 101
    Q.J. Econ. 567 (1986); Carl Shapiro, “Patent Licensing and
    R&D Rivalry,” Am. Econ. Rev. Papers & Proceedings, May
    1985, pp. 25, 27, but we needn’t get into them.
    The second goal that we have mentioned, that of encour-
    aging investment by the licensee, is the relevant one in
    this case. Angiotech does not manufacture or coat stents
    itself. It depends on its licensees to develop the product
    (that is, the coated stents) and obtain the Food and Drug
    Administration’s approval so that the product can be
    marketed. If, therefore, Cook or BSC were essentially
    interchangeable, or one were clearly a superior developer
    to the other, we would expect Angiotech to grant an ex-
    clusive license to one of them. Probably the reason it did
    No. 02-3740                                               5
    not is that the two firms use different coating methods,
    requiring each to obtain separate approval from the Food
    and Drug Administration before being permitted to mar-
    ket a drug-coated stent in the United States. When the
    contract was made, and indeed to this day, neither Cook
    nor BSC had yet obtained FDA approval. Their products
    are still being tested for safety and efficacy. Angiotech
    would not have wanted to risk betting on the wrong
    horse—granting BSC an exclusive license, for example,
    when Cook’s stent might turn out to be the only drug-
    coated stent that the FDA would approve, or might be
    approved earlier than BSC’s product, or might prove to be
    the superior product.
    At the same time—and here we approach the crux of the
    appeal—Cook and BSC might be reluctant to accept nonex-
    clusive licenses. To obtain FDA approval for a new drug
    or medical device (a paclitaxel-coated stent is what the
    FDA calls a “combination product” and is assigned to
    the division of FDA that handles devices) requires a sub-
    stantial investment, which the manufacturer of the de-
    vice might have difficulty recouping if it faced competi-
    tion from another licensee. With Angiotech reluctant to
    grant an exclusive license and Cook and BSC reluctant to
    settle for nonexclusive licenses, coexclusive licenses were
    a natural compromise.
    The compromise might be undone by assignment or
    sublicensing. Suppose Cook fell behind BSC in the race
    to develop an approved and marketable paclitaxel-coated
    stent and tried to recover the lead by assigning its license
    to a firm with greater resources or other advantages that
    would enable it to overtake BSC. The effect would be to
    confront the latter with more competition than it had
    reckoned on when it took out its license from Angiotech.
    Hence the bar on assignment without the permission of
    6                                               No. 02-3740
    the other licensee (plus Angiotech, though that is not a
    factor here). Although competition is generally a good
    thing, there is no argument that Angiotech would have
    violated antitrust law or been guilty of patent misuse had
    it granted an exclusive, nonassignable license. And so we
    cannot see how Angiotech’s action in granting two licenses
    and forbidding the licensees to increase the number of
    competitors by means of assignment or sublicensing
    could raise an antitrust or patent-misuse issue. Notice
    that the licenses do not forbid the acquisition of the li-
    censee by another firm—to which as an affiliate the li-
    censee could grant a sublicense without obtaining the
    permission of the other parties to the contract with
    Angiotech—that might be a more formidable competitor
    of the other licensee.
    Angiotech granted the coexclusive licenses in 1997.
    Four years later Cook made a contract (actually five simul-
    taneous contracts, but that is a detail of no legal signifi-
    cance) with Advanced Cardiovascular Systems, Inc. (ACS),
    a manufacturer of medical devices and a subsidiary of
    Guidant Corporation. Under the contract, Cook is to
    purchase stents from ACS, coat them with paclitaxel, and
    sell the coated stents back to ACS for resale to hospitals
    and other purchasers of medical devices. The price re-
    ceived by Cook for the stents that it sells to ACS is to be
    one-third of the resale price charged by ACS. Before re-
    selling the stents to hospitals or other users of stents, ACS
    is to mount them on a catheter (which it manufactures)
    for inserting the balloon and stent into the artery. So what
    it is selling is really a stent system rather than merely a
    stent. The stent system is called “ACHIEVE,” an ACS
    brand, though Cook’s name will also appear on the pack-
    age. The contract requires ACS to obtain the regulatory
    rulings necessary to enable ACHIEVE stent systems ac-
    tually to be sold, such as approval by the FDA.
    No. 02-3740                                                   7
    BSC argues and the district judge found that the trans-
    action between Cook and ACS is a de facto assignment
    and so violates the contract because BSC did not consent.
    (ACS like Angiotech is not a party to the suit—which is
    a surprise, as one might have expected BSC to join ACS
    as a counterdefendant on the theory that ACS committed
    the tort of interference with BSC’s contract with Angio-
    tech and Cook.) Cook argues that since the finding was
    made in a summary judgment proceeding rather than
    after a trial, we should review it de novo, that is, without
    according any deference to the district judge’s ruling. This
    is a strange argument. A judge makes findings in a trial
    or other evidentiary hearing; a grant of summary judgment
    is a determination that there are no triable issues. So one
    would expect Cook to be asking not for de novo review
    of the district judge’s findings, but for a trial. One possibil-
    ity is that Cook thinks (incorrectly, as we’ll see) that the
    question whether the de facto assignment violated the
    contract is a pure question of law. Another is that Cook
    consented to have the district judge decide the question
    of contractual violation on the basis of the pleadings,
    the briefs, and the limited discovery that had been con-
    ducted before the motion for summary judgment was
    made. Both inferences are supported by Cook’s opposi-
    tion to BSC’s completing discovery.
    When litigants waive trial, and ask the judge to decide
    the case as if the record compiled in the pretrial proceed-
    ings were a trial record, appellate review is as of find-
    ings made after a trial, not as of a grant of summary judg-
    ment. “[S]ometimes both parties move for summary judg-
    ment because they do not want to bear the expense of trial
    but instead want the trial judge to treat the record of the
    summary judgment proceeding as if it were the trial rec-
    ord. In effect the judge is asked to decide the case as if
    there had been a bench trial in which the evidence was
    8                                                 No. 02-3740
    the depositions and other materials gathered in pretrial
    discovery.” May v. Evansville-Vandenburgh School Corp., 
    787 F.2d 1105
    , 1115 (7th Cir. 1986); see also Hess v. Hartford
    Life & Accident Ins. Co., 
    274 F.3d 456
    , 461 (7th Cir. 2001). It
    is true that the mere fact that cross-motions for summary
    judgment are filed, as was done in this case, does not
    operate as a waiver of the right to a trial. Miller v. LeSea
    Broadcasting, Inc., 
    87 F.3d 224
    , 230 (7th Cir. 1996). But
    though there was no explicit waiver, it is reasonably clear
    that Cook didn’t want a trial (more precisely, it either
    wanted a trial limited to the summary judgment record
    or thought the issue of contractual violation could be
    resolved without a factual record) and so waived its right
    to a (fuller) trial. In its opening brief on appeal, Cook
    belatedly requested a trial if summary judgment in its
    favor was rejected. BSC replied that the demand comes
    too late—and Cook apparently agrees, for its reply brief
    is silent on the point: a second waiver.
    The interpretation of a written contract, when no ex-
    trinsic evidence (evidence other than the contract itself)
    is presented, is treated as an issue of law, and thus is
    decided by the appellate court de novo, that is, without
    giving the trial judge’s interpretation any special weight.
    But the rule is otherwise when as in this case the resolu-
    tion of the interpretive issue requires a comparison of
    written documents and thus an inference from multiple
    pieces of evidence, a traditional task of a finder of fact,
    rather than requiring merely “gazing” at a single document.
    Coplay Cement Co. v. Willis & Paul Group, 
    983 F.2d 1435
    , 1438
    (7th Cir. 1993). (The comparison required in this case is
    between the three-cornered Angiotech licensing contract
    with Cook and BSC and Cook’s contract with ACS.) In
    such a case the ruling of the trier of fact is reversible only
    if clearly erroneous. E.g., In re Modern Dairy of Champaign,
    171 F.3d 1106
    , 1109 (7th Cir. 1999); Glass v. Kemper
    No. 02-3740                                                   9
    133 F.3d 999
    , 1001 (7th Cir. 1998). No matter. The
    district judge’s ruling was not erroneous at all, and so
    the precise standard of review is unimportant.
    Had the contract between Cook and ACS provided that
    Cook would license to ACS the use of paclitaxel in the
    ACHIEVE stent system, this would have been an assign-
    ment or sublicense in violation of the anti-assign-
    ment clause; and as that part of the contract was in-
    tended, in part anyway, to protect BSC, BSC has a right
    to enforce it. (It would have a right to enforce it, as a third-
    party beneficiary, even if it were not a party to the con-
    tract. See A.E.I. Music Network, Inc. v. Business Computers,
    290 F.3d 952
    , 955-56 (7th Cir. 2002); Vidimos, Inc.
    v. Laser Lab Ltd., 
    99 F.3d 217
    , 219-20 (7th Cir. 1996);
    Postlewait Construction, Inc. v. Great American Ins. Cos., 
    720 P.2d 805
    , 806-07 (Wash. 1986).) This conclusion would
    be unaffected if besides licensing the use of paclitaxel to
    coat ACS’s ACHIEVE stents, Cook had agreed to do the
    coating itself (as it did agree in its “sale” contracts with
    ACS). Cook would still be licensing the distribution
    and sale of paclitaxel in stents to ACS, a firm with which
    Cook is not affiliated.
    This means that Cook’s defense to BSC’s charge of
    breach of contract hinges on the fact that Cook is to sell
    the coated stents to ACS rather than assigning its patent
    license to ACS. Cook describes the “sale” as the exercise
    of the right granted to it by Angiotech to distribute and
    sell Angiotech’s patented product. But the sale of ACS’s
    stents back to ACS has no commercial purpose or sub-
    stance; it is merely a device for defeating the anti-assign-
    ment clause. (By the way, no supposed public policy against
    anti-assignment clauses is invoked by Cook. Com-
    pare Bank of America, N.A. v. Moglia, No. 02-2517, 
    2003 WL 21254909
    , at *5 (7th Cir. June 2, 2003).) Suppose a Mr.
    10                                              No. 02-3740
    Guidant asks a Mr. Cook to paint his house. And Cook
    says, fine, but let’s do it this way: you sell me your house,
    I’ll paint it (supplying both the paint and the labor to
    apply the paint to the house), and then I’ll sell the house,
    painted, back to you. That would make no commercial
    sense, and so one would delve for an improper mo-
    tive. Confronted at argument by the housepainting hy-
    pothetical, Cook’s lawyer was unable to distinguish it
    from this case.
    It is obvious what is going on. Cook wanted to improve
    its competitive posture vis-à-vis BSC by obtaining the
    resources of a firm that had a better stent than Cook it-
    self. It could have done so without breaking its contract,
    by affiliating with ACS; affiliation, as by the sale of Cook
    to Guidant (a transaction actually contemplated at one
    point, as we’ll see), would have allowed Cook to grant
    a sublicense to ACS. This would not have been an eva-
    sion of the three-cornered contract, because the sublicens-
    ing of an affiliate is authorized by the licenses. It might
    appear to be a case of taking advantage of a loophole,
    but maybe not; it is more costly to merge with another
    firm than to execute an assignment or the series of five
    contracts that in substance were an assignment. We know
    it’s easier because after the district court enjoined the
    assignment, Cook entered into merger discussions with
    Guidant, which failed; had they succeeded, the cost to
    Guidant would have been in the neighborhood of $3 billion.
    But while a merger plus an assignment or a sublicense
    differs in substantial and not merely formal respects
    from an assignment, the five contracts between Cook and
    ACS, realistically treated as one, differ from an assign-
    ment only in formal, in the sense of economically empty,
    respects. See In re Shulman Transport Enterprises, Inc., 
    744 F.2d 293
    , 295 (2d Cir. 1984); cf. Grojean v. Commissioner,
    No. 02-3740                                              11
    248 F.3d 572
    , 574 (7th Cir. 2001); SEC v. SG Ltd., 
    265 F.3d 42
    , 46-47 (1st Cir. 2001). Not that sale-and-leaseback ar-
    rangements, which the Cook-ACS transaction superfi-
    cially resembles, are characteristically devoid of economic
    substance, though they can be, as in Coleman v. Commis-
    16 F.3d 821
    , 826-27 (7th Cir. 1994), since a common
    purpose is to give the buyer-lessor tax benefits, see,
    e.g., Solargistic Corp. v. United States, 
    921 F.2d 729
    , 730
    (7th Cir. 1991). But emphasis falls on “superficially.”
    Cook didn’t buy stents from ACS and then lease them
    back; it bought them from ACS and then resold them to
    ACS, the only purpose of the transaction being to trans-
    fer Cook’s patent rights to ACS in circumvention of the
    anti-assignment clause.
    A further issue discussed in the briefs is whether Cook
    also violated a clause in the contract that makes it respon-
    sible for obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals
    for the sale of a paclitaxel-coated stent. BSC argues that
    Cook shifted that responsibility to ACS, and Cook replies
    that it retained ultimate responsibility and anyway that
    Angiotech hardly cares whether Cook or ACS takes the
    laboring oar in obtaining the necessary approvals. Cook is
    probably right; but the debate is beside the point. The
    significance of the provision in the contract between Cook
    and ACS that assigns to ACS the task of obtaining regula-
    tory approvals is merely as further evidence that the
    contract actually assigned the sale of paclitaxel to ACS,
    because ACS did everything except the coating to bring
    the paclitaxel to market.
    So Cook broke its contract with BSC and the next ques-
    tion is the propriety of the relief granted by the district
    court. As BSC points out, it would be very difficult for
    a court to estimate the damages that it has incurred as a
    result of Cook’s breach. The reason is that neither party
    12                                                 No. 02-3740
    has yet obtained the FDA’s approval to sell its product.
    The de facto assignment to ACS undoubtedly gave Cook
    a leg up, but to translate this insight into a dollar amount
    of lost expected profits to BSC is impossible. No one
    knows whether or when, as a consequence of the assign-
    ment, Cook will obtain FDA approval or how well its
    product will succeed in the market. No one knows wheth-
    er or when BSC will obtain approval of its paclitaxel-
    coated stent and how successful that product will be in
    the market. There is injury to BSC in a probabilistic sense—
    enough injury to establish standing and entitle it to relief
    of some sort—but whether the injury will prove to be $1
    or $100 million is unknown and unknowable.
    When a breach of contract is proved but damages can-
    not be estimated with reasonable certainty, the plaintiff
    is entitled to an injunction. But the injunction the dis-
    trict court issued goes too far. It not only forbids Cook
    to perform its contract with ACS or otherwise to violate
    its contract with Angiotech and BSC; it also provides
    that “no information, data or technology generated or
    gathered in connection with the ACS deal shall be used for
    any commercial purpose, including the purpose of obtain-
    ing regulatory approval to sell paclitaxel-coated stents in the
    United States or elsewhere.” The passage that we have itali-
    cized violates the principle that in determining the appro-
    priate scope of an injunction the judge must give due
    weight to the injunction’s possible effect on innocent
    third parties. Association of Community Organizations for
    Reform Now v. Edgar, 
    56 F.3d 791
    , 797 (7th Cir. 1995); Kasper
    v. Board of Election Commissioners, 
    814 F.2d 332
    , 340 (7th
    Cir. 1987). In this case they are the sufferers from atheroscle-
    rosis who might benefit from a device that prevents
    restenosis. Those effects must be balanced against the
    harm to BSC from narrowing the injunction by lancing
    the italicized phrase—but as it happens that harm is zero
    No. 02-3740                                             13
    in a legal sense of “harm,” which differs from harm in
    the lay sense. The difference is brought out in the legal
    slogan damnum absque injuria, i.e., harm without a legally
    cognizable injury.
    What would harm BSC in a legal sense would be the
    competitive impact on it of having to compete with the
    Cook-assisted ACHIEVE stent system; it would not be the
    regulatory approval of that sale if the injunction against
    sale remained in place so that Cook could not use the
    approval to enable ACS to sell ACHIEVE in competi-
    tion with BSC. When pressed at argument BSC’s lawyer
    named only one harm to BSC from the grant of such
    approval itself—and that a shocker: that the FDA might
    discover in the course of considering Cook’s applica-
    tion (prosecuted on its behalf by ACS) for approval that
    paclitaxel-coated stents are harmful or ineffective, and
    that the discovery would hurt BSC, whose own product
    is also paclitaxel-coated. Indeed it would—and should.
    We shall therefore modify the district court’s injunction
    by striking the italicized phrase.
    Should Cook obtain the FDA’s approval before BSC
    does, it will, as we have been at pains to emphasize, still
    be enjoined from selling its product though authorized
    by the FDA to do so. But at that point we imagine that
    the parties will be able to negotiate the dissolution of
    the injunction on terms that compensate BSC for having
    been beaten to the punch. Of course, this suggests that
    Cook will derive a commercial advantage from being
    able to continue seeking the FDA’s approval to sell a
    product that Cook is enjoined from selling. But that advan-
    tage, which will in any event be shared with BSC in the
    terms of settlement, seems slight in relation to the social
    costs of delaying the process of FDA approval. Indeed,
    should the negotiations we envisage (on the assump-
    14                                                 No. 02-3740
    tion that Cook obtains the FDA’s approval before BSC
    does) fail, the district court might well decide to modify the
    injunction so that people suffering from atherosclerosis
    can obtain the benefit of Angiotech’s technology at the
    earliest possible opportunity. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 60(b)(5);
    Protectoseal Co. v. Barancik, 
    23 F.3d 1184
    , 1185-87 (7th Cir.
    1994); In re Hendrix, 
    986 F.2d 195
    , 198 (7th Cir. 1993);
    Bellevue Manor Associates v. United States, 
    165 F.3d 1249
    1255-56 (9th Cir. 1999); Alexis Lichine & Cie v. Sacha A. Lichine
    Estate Selections, Ltd., 
    45 F.3d 582
    , 585-86 and n. 2 (1st Cir.
    1995). While Cook errs in suggesting that 
    35 U.S.C. § 271
    (e)(1), which broadens the experimental-use de-
    fense to patent infringement as explained in SmithKline
    Beecham Corp. v. Apotex Corp., 
    247 F. Supp. 2d 1011
    , 1018
    (N.D. Ill. 2003), is a defense to a breach of contract suit
    (the provision is expressly limited to patent infringement
    suits), the section does reflect a policy of allowing the use
    of patented technology to obtain regulatory approval of
    noninfringing technologies. There is no suggestion that in
    using paclitaxel to obtain FDA approval Cook would be
    infringing Angiotech’s patent. And so the policy that we
    have just mentioned is something the district court
    could and should consider if it is ever asked to modify the
    injunction to enable paclitaxel to be made available to
    the public.
    One loose end remains to be tied up. In the course of
    the limited discovery that took place before the district
    court granted summary judgment in favor of BSC, Cook
    inadvertently turned over to BSC documents that were
    privileged. The judge held that the disclosure waived
    privilege, but he did not consider the documents in mak-
    ing his decision, and BSC has since returned them to
    Cook. Cook argues that the judge erred, but acknowl-
    edges that the argument is moot unless we reverse
    the finding of liability and remand for proceedings in
    No. 02-3740                                                15
    which the documents might unless privileged be used by
    BSC as evidence against Cook. The documents relate to
    liability rather than to relief and so their admissibility is
    indeed a moot point.
    The judgment, as modified to narrow the injunction, is
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit

Document Info

Docket Number: 02-3740

Judges: Per Curiam

Filed Date: 6/19/2003

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/24/2015

Authorities (22)

Alexis Lichine & Cie. v. Sacha A. Lichine Estate Selections,... , 45 F.3d 582 ( 1995 )

in-re-shulman-transport-enterprises-inc-and-shulman-air-freight-inc , 744 F.2d 293 ( 1984 )

Protectoseal Company, an Illinois Corporation v. Charles ... , 23 F.3d 1184 ( 1994 )

Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (... , 56 F.3d 791 ( 1995 )

Delbert W. Coleman and Karen A. Graham v. Commissioner of ... , 16 F.3d 821 ( 1994 )

Thomas F. Grojean and Therese Grojean v. Commissioner of ... , 248 F.3d 572 ( 2001 )

Susan E. Hess v. Hartford Life & Accident Insurance Company , 274 F.3d 456 ( 2001 )

A.E.I. Music Network, Inc. v. Business Computers, Inc. , 290 F.3d 952 ( 2002 )

Solargistic Corporation and Geodesco, Inc. v. United States , 921 F.2d 729 ( 1991 )

Vidimos, Inc. v. Laser Lab Ltd., and Wysong Laser Co., Inc.,... , 99 F.3d 217 ( 1996 )

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