Alliance End Repress v. City of Chicago ( 2004 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 02-3981, 02-3982
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    Nos. 74 C 3268, 74 C 3295—Joan B. Gottschall, Judge.
    Before BAUER, POSNER, and EASTERBROOK, Circuit Judges.
    POSNER, Circuit Judge. In 1974 and 1975, two classes of
    plaintiffs, represented by the Alliance to End Repression
    and the American Civil Liberties Union respectively,
    brought suit under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 against the United
    States and the City of Chicago. The suit charged that the
    FBI’s Chicago office and the Chicago Police Department’s
    intelligence division were violating the class members’ First
    Amendment rights by overly intrusive and improperly mo-
    2                                      Nos. 02-3981, 02-3982
    tivated investigations of alleged subversive activities. In
    1981, before a trial could be held, the defendants agreed to
    a consent decree, which was approved by the district court
    the following year, imposing detailed restrictions on the
    defendants’ investigative authority. 
    561 F. Supp. 537
    Ill. 1982). The decree did not, however, vest monitoring or
    other responsibilities in the plaintiffs or their lawyers.
    In 1997, long after this court had interpreted the decree as
    imposing fewer restrictions on the FBI than the district court
    had thought it did, 
    742 F.2d 1007
    (7th Cir. 1984) (en banc),
    the City asked the district court to modify it to make the
    restrictions on the City less onerous. The district court re-
    fused even though the judge who had approved the decree
    in the first place had said it was so strict that she wouldn’t
    have awarded the plaintiffs such draconian relief even if
    they had proved all their allegations in a 
    trial. 561 F. Supp. at 551
    The City appealed from the refusal to modify the decree.
    It pointed out that it had complied with the decree through-
    out the entire period of almost two decades in which it had
    been in force, that during this period the Supreme Court
    and this court had become ever more emphatic that the fed-
    eral judiciary must endeavor to return the control of local
    governmental activities to local government at the earliest
    possible opportunity compatible with achievement of the
    objectives of the decree that transferred that control to the
    federal courts, and that the culture of law enforcement in
    Chicago and the character of the threats to public safety by
    ideologically motivated criminals had so far changed as to
    make much of the decree obsolete. We agreed with the City
    and ordered that its motion be granted in its entirety. 
    237 F.3d 799
    (7th Cir. 2001). We pointed out that the decree was
    frustrating the efforts of the police to cope with the prob-
    lems of today because earlier generations of police had
    Nos. 02-3981, 02-3982                                       3
    coped improperly with the problems of yesterday. Because
    of what the police department’s “Red Squad” had done
    many years ago, the Chicago police would, unless the de-
    cree was modified, labor indefinitely under severe handi-
    caps from which other police forces were free. Under the
    modified decree, which forbids investigations intended to
    impede freedom of expression and requires the City to
    commission independent periodic audits to determine the
    City’s compliance, First Amendment rights would, we
    held, be secure, while under the original decree the public
    safety was insecure and the prerogatives of local govern-
    ment scorned. And this was before the terrorist attacks on
    the United States of September 11, 2001, brought about a
    renewed appreciation of the weight of security consider-
    ations in determining the point of balance between safety
    and liberty that we call our civil liberties.
    All this is by way of background to the present appeal
    (and cross-appeal, in which the ACLU, however, does not
    join), which is by the City from an award by the district
    court to the class representatives of more than $1 million in
    attorneys’ fees. That is on top of at least $450,000 in fees
    awarded (and paid) for legal services rendered earlier in the
    proceedings; the true figure is undoubtedly higher but the
    parties’ records are incomplete, doubtless because of the
    great age of the case.
    The $1 million award is for the following legal services
    rendered between 1994 and 2001: two proceedings for con-
    tempt of the decree, which failed; the opposition, just de-
    scribed, which also failed, to the modification of the decree;
    and efforts, which also bore no fruit so far as anyone can
    say, to monitor the City’s compliance with the decree—no
    fruit, that is, except the failed contempt proceedings. The
    order is appealable now because the activities for which the
    fees were awarded are complete in a sense that will become
    clearer in our discussion of the merits.
    4                                      Nos. 02-3981, 02-3982
    The awarding of attorneys’ fees under 42 U.S.C. § 1983
    is governed by 42 U.S.C. § 1988(b), which authorizes such
    awards only to the prevailing party. See Buckhannon Board
    & Care Home, Inc. v. West Virginia Dept. of Health & Human
    532 U.S. 598
    (2001). The plaintiffs argue that by
    virtue of obtaining the consent decree in the first place they
    became the prevailing party for the entire life of the decree
    (which contains no sunset provision)—indeed, beyond, for
    they contend that even if the decree had been dissolved
    in 2001, rather than just being modified, they would be en-
    titled to the legal fees they incurred in opposing that result,
    provided only that the fees were reasonable in amount
    and the opposition to dissolution not frivolous. They base
    this claim primarily on the Supreme Court’s decision in
    Pennsylvania v. Delaware Valley Citizens’ Council for Clean
    478 U.S. 546
    , 557-61 (1986), which allowed the reim-
    bursement of attorneys’ fees for postjudgment proceedings
    brought by the plaintiffs’ lawyers. But those postjudgment
    proceedings were at least partly successful. These plaintiffs’
    postjudgment proceedings were not. They argue that they
    shouldn’t be penalized for failure because they were duty-
    bound to oppose the modification of the decree, to monitor
    compliance with the decree before and after it was modi-
    fied, and to bring contempt proceedings against anyone
    who they thought might be violating it. In support of the ar-
    gument they cite our decision in Ustrak v. Fairman, 
    851 F.2d 983
    , 990 (7th Cir. 1988), where we said that the plain-
    tiff, having won a judgment in the district court, “had no
    choice” but to incur attorneys’ fees to defend the judgment
    in our court. But in that case, too, the plaintiff was success-
    ful—not entirely, but enough to make him the prevailing
    party. Had he lost on appeal he would not have been en-
    titled to any award of fees.
    In only two classes of case governed by section 1988(b)
    or similar fee-shifting provisions (see Hensley v. Eckerhart,
    Nos. 02-3981, 02-3982                                          5
    461 U.S. 424
    , 433 n. 7 (1983)) has a plaintiff who obtained no
    relief in postdecree proceedings nevertheless been awarded
    fees for those proceedings. The first class consists of cases
    in which the consent decree itself authorized the court to
    award fees to the plaintiff that would be incurred in dis-
    putes brought to the court in the wake of the decree. Plyler
    v Evatt, 
    902 F.2d 273
    , 276 n. 1, 279 n. 4 (4th Cir. 1990); Turner
    v. Orr, 
    785 F.2d 1498
    , 1500 nn. 2, 3 (11th Cir. 1986). The
    contractual entitlement (there is none in our case) supple-
    mented or superseded the statutory one. Granted, Plyler
    contains language suggesting that the case would probably
    have been decided the same way without benefit of the
    decretal provision. Similar dicta can be found in other cases
    as well, such as Cody v. Hillard, 
    304 F.3d 767
    , 773 (8th Cir.
    2002); San Francisco NAACP v. San Francisco Unified School
    284 F.3d 1163
    , 1166 (9th Cir. 2002), and Jenkins v.
    127 F.3d 709
    , 716-19 (8th Cir. 1997). But partly by
    its approving reference (902 F.2d at 281) to our decision in
    Ustrak, where, to repeat, the plaintiff had some success, and
    partly by its observing that the plaintiffs had merely not
    been “successful in detail,” 
    id., the court
    in Plyler indicated
    that it thought the plaintiffs’ efforts had contributed to
    compliance with the decree, and thus had not been fruitless
    after all. Indeed, the court noted that the defendant hadn’t
    even appealed part of the district court’s order in favor of
    the plaintiffs. 
    Id. at 276,
    279. This statement may have been
    erroneous, see Plyler v. Evatt, 
    846 F.2d 208
    , 210, 215-16 (4th
    Cir. 1988) (an earlier round, in which the court vacated the
    district court’s order in its entirety), but it shows the court’s
    And likewise in Turner the court made clear its belief
    that the postdecree efforts had been valuable in inducing
    compliance with the decree, even though they, too, had
    failed in 
    detail. 785 F.2d at 1504
    ; cf. Bond v. Stanton, 
    630 F.2d 1231
    , 1233-34 (7th Cir. 1980); Miller v. Carson, 
    628 F.2d 346
    6                                      Nos. 02-3981, 02-3982
    347-49 (5th Cir. 1980). These cases can be thought of as ex-
    tensions of the principle that a plaintiff is not to be denied
    full attorneys’ fees merely because he lost some interim
    rulings en route to ultimate success. Jaffee v. Redmond, 
    142 F.3d 409
    , 414 (7th Cir. 1998); Jenkins v. 
    Missouri, supra
    , 127
    F.3d at 714-16. Such setbacks are well-nigh inevitable, and a
    lawyer who nevertheless was sedulous to avoid them might
    lose a good case through an excess of caution. Likewise in
    postdecree litigation there may be inevitable setbacks en
    route to victory, partial or complete. But in the present case
    there has for a decade now been nothing but loss—a million
    dollars’ worth of legal services poured down the drain.
    There was not even a disappointing partial success, as there
    would have been if the City had moved to dissolve the
    decree and the plaintiffs had fended off dissolution yet had
    not averted a substantial modification.
    In the second and more numerous class of cases, attor-
    neys’ fees incurred in efforts to monitor compliance with the
    consent decree are said or assumed to be compensable even
    if no postjudgment order results from the efforts. Eirhart v.
    Libbey-Owens-Ford Co., 
    996 F.2d 846
    , 850-51 (7th Cir. 1993);
    San Francisco NAACP v. San Francisco Unified School 
    District, supra
    , 284 F.3d at 1166; Joseph A. v. New Mexico Dept. of
    Human Services, 
    28 F.3d 1056
    , 1059-61 (10th Cir. 1994); Keith
    v. Volpe, 
    833 F.2d 850
    , 855-57 (9th Cir. 1987); Garrity v.
    752 F.2d 727
    , 738-39 (1st Cir. 1984); Northcross v.
    Board of Education, 
    611 F.2d 624
    , 637 (6th Cir. 1979). These
    cases are best explained on a deterrence rationale: careful
    monitoring reduces the likelihood that the decree will be
    violated. The rationale is attenuated in a case such as this in
    which someone else—not the plaintiff—is the appointed
    monitor. More fundamentally, the cases we have cited—all
    of which except San Francisco NAACP precede Buckhannon
    Board & Care Home, Inc. v. West Virginia Dept. of Health &
    Resources, supra
    , and in San Francisco NAACP no fees
    Nos. 02-3981, 02-3982                                         7
    were in fact awarded—are inconsistent with the Supreme
    Court’s rejection in Buckhannon of the “catalyst” theory of
    fee-shifting. As may also be such cases as Plyler, Turner,
    Bond, and Miller, insofar as they—though Plyler and Turner
    only in dictum, for remember the contractual fee-shifting
    provisions in those cases—reward lawyers for promoting
    compliance with the original decree rather than for obtain-
    ing supplementary court-ordered relief.
    The catalyst idea was that if a lawyer’s effort produces a
    good result albeit not an actual judgment or other judicial
    relief, it should be compensable. The Court described it as
    the idea that a fee-shifting statute “allows an award where
    there is no judicially sanctioned change in the legal relation-
    ship of the 
    parties,” 532 U.S. at 605
    —and rejected it. Moni-
    toring may reduce the incidence of violations of a decree,
    but if it does not produce a judgment or order, then under
    the rule of Buckhannon it is not compensable.
    The plaintiffs are left to argue that the fact that the failed
    proceedings were offshoots of a pending case rather than
    entirely free-standing lawsuits should make a difference.
    Some cases have suggested that if postjudgment proceed-
    ings are “inextricably intertwined” with the original decree,
    in the sense of involving the same facts and legal issues,
    they can be considered part of the original case in which the
    plaintiff prevailed. Cody v. 
    Hillard, supra
    , 304 F.3d at 773;
    Arvinger v. Mayor & City Council of Baltimore, 
    31 F.3d 196
    200-02 (4th Cir. 1994). That is a questionable extension of the
    sound and settled principle that attorneys’ fees incurred in
    interim defeats en route to a successful conclusion are com-
    pensable because, as we have noted, such skirmishes are
    indispensable inputs into a successful conclusion of litiga-
    tion. Time, however, runs in only one direction. Interim
    defeats can contribute to ultimate victory, but failed efforts
    to follow up that victory contribute to nothing.
    8                                      Nos. 02-3981, 02-3982
    In any event, the postjudgment proceedings here,
    coming as they did so many years after the consent decree
    went into effect, are clearly separable from the proceeding
    that led up to the entry of the decree. Just as a bankruptcy
    proceeding provides a venue and procedural framework for
    prosecuting discrete claims (“adversary proceedings”) by
    and against the debtor—for example, a tort claim by the
    debtor that were he not in bankruptcy would be prosecuted
    as a civil suit in state court—so a consent decree will often,
    and here does, provide a venue and procedural framework
    for prosecuting discrete claims. For example, persons
    complaining of violations of the Shakman decree (actually
    decrees, Shakman v. Democratic Organization of Cook County,
    481 F. Supp. 1315
    , 1356-59 (N.D. Ill. 1979), vacated under the
    name Shakman v. Dunne, 
    829 F.2d 1387
    (7th Cir. 1987); 569 F.
    Supp. 177, 183-207 (N.D. Ill. 1983)), which limits patronage
    practices in employment by the City of Chicago, litigate the
    violations as contempts of court, see Smith v. City of Chicago,
    769 F.2d 408
    , 411-13 (7th Cir. 1985), rather than having to
    prosecute them as independent suits. That procedural short-
    cut does not earn a legal fee paid by the City if the claim
    fails. Ancillary or offshoot proceedings in class actions (such
    as contempt proceedings under the Shakman decree), or in
    bankruptcy, are treated by the law as if they were inde-
    pendent, free-standing proceedings, see, e.g., In re James
    Wilson Associates, 
    965 F.2d 160
    , 166-67 (7th Cir. 1992) (bank-
    ruptcy), with the decisions ending the proceedings thus
    being treated as appealable final decisions. That is one
    reason why the fee awards that the district court ordered
    are appealable now rather than only after the decree is dis-
    solved, cf. Budinich v. Becton Dickinson & Co., 
    486 U.S. 196
    201-03 (1988), if it is ever dissolved—a matter to which we
    return at the end of this opinion. Another reason for
    allowing an immediate appeal is that a decree might never
    be dissolved, so that to treat fee awards as interlocutory
    Nos. 02-3981, 02-3982                                       9
    might defer appeal to the end of time. Bogard v. Wright, 
    159 F.3d 1060
    , 1063 (7th Cir. 1998).
    We do not think that our plaintiffs would argue that if a
    member of the class went to a lawyer who does not rep-
    resent the class, and that lawyer filed a motion for contempt
    on behalf of his client and lost, the lawyer would be entitled
    to a fee, on the ground that the class member was a prevail-
    ing party by virtue of the consent decree. They would
    attempt to distinguish the case on the ground that the
    lawyers who negotiated the decree, or their successors (it
    has been, after all, more than two decades since the decree
    was entered), were “duty-bound” to enforce the decree—to
    monitor it, to file contempt proceedings on the basis of in-
    formation obtained through the monitoring or otherwise,
    and to oppose any effort to lift or alter the decree. The
    attempt would fail. The decree imposes no such duties; nor
    does the law. The original decree contained provisions for
    audits and other methods of assuring compliance with the
    decree that were to be administered by the Chicago Police
    Board, while the modified decree requires annual audits by
    the Chicago Police Department and one audit to be per-
    formed by a national independent public accounting firm
    within five years. Neither the original nor the modified
    decree imposes on these lawyers any duty of operating the
    compliance machinery. They could have walked away from
    the case as soon as the consent decree was approved con-
    fident that a compliance machinery in which they had been
    given no role had been established. They would not have
    been letting down the class had they done so.
    This brings out an important difference between this case
    and Plyler and Turner. Consider why the decrees in those
    cases but not in this one authorized the award of attorneys’
    fees for postdecree litigation without requiring that the
    plaintiffs prevail in that litigation. The answer is that they
    10                                     Nos. 02-3981, 02-3982
    must have been expected to be the enforcers of the decree.
    This is explicit in Turner: “the consent judgment provided
    that the representatives of the plaintiff class would establish
    the PMC [Plaintiffs’ Monitoring Committee, the entity seek-
    ing the award of fees] to, as its name suggests, monitor and
    ensure the continuing enforcement of the consent judg-
    ment.” 785 F.2d at 1500
    . The present decree contains no
    contractual attorneys’ fees provision because, rather than
    the lawyers for the class being the appointed enforcers of
    compliance with the degree, a public body, the Chicago
    Police Board, was given that task. We are mindful that some
    cases have authorized compensation for piggyback monitor-
    ing of the type involved in this case, e.g., Duran v.
    885 F.2d 1492
    , 1495-97 (10th Cir. 1989); Keith v.
    Volpe, supra
    , 833 F.2d at 857-58, but they do not survive
    We are not suggesting that the lawyers for the class had to
    walk away from the decree once it was entered. But they
    could not appropriate for themselves a guaranteed lifetime
    income by bringing and losing a series of actions to enforce
    the decree and charging the expense to the City and thus to
    the taxpayers. The class-action device is not intended to be
    a lawyers’ gravy train. The law does not reward lawyers for
    losing cases, or reimburse them for a prefiling investigation
    (which is the character of the plaintiffs’ monitoring of com-
    pliance with the decree) that leads to the filing of a losing
    suit. The plaintiffs sue and lose, the City defends and
    wins—but, we are told, the City is to pay its own expenses
    plus the plaintiffs’. We do not see the sense of that. The
    plaintiffs argue that unless they are reimbursed when they
    lose, their incentive to sue will be diminished because there
    is always a danger of losing a suit. Yes, and if section 1988
    said that losing plaintiffs were entitled to awards of attor-
    neys’ fees, they would have a good argument.
    Nos. 02-3981, 02-3982                                          11
    Their strongest claim is to fees for defending the decree
    against the modification sought by the City. It is strongest
    because they were responding rather than initiating and be-
    cause modification is perhaps not as readily conceptualized
    as a separate suit adventitiously embedded in the underly-
    ing class action as is a proceeding for contempt or what we
    have characterized as a prefiling investigation. But we reject
    the claim for three reasons. First, we have conceptualized
    postdecree litigation, including collection litigation, broadly
    as a discrete phase analogous to a free-standing suit.
    Resolution Trust Corp. v. Ruggiero, 
    994 F.2d 1221
    , 1224-25 (7th
    Cir. 1993); King v. Ionization International, Inc., 
    825 F.2d 1180
    1184-85 (7th Cir. 1987); see Bogard v. 
    Wright, supra
    , 159 F.3d
    at 1062-63; In re Joint Eastern & Southern Districts Asbestos
    22 F.3d 755
    , 760-65 (7th Cir. 1994). This does not
    mean that every procedural order that follows the entry of
    a consent decree or other judgment requiring continuing
    supervision is immediately appealable. Bogard v. 
    Wright, supra
    , 159 F.3d at 1062-63; compare SEC v. Suter, 
    832 F.2d 988
    , 990 (7th Cir. 1987). That would lead to an unmanage-
    able proliferation of appeals. But orders modifying or
    refusing to modify injunctions are appealable immediately,
    28 U.S.C. § 1292(a)(1), and that principle supports treating
    a proceeding to modify a consent decree as a discrete phase
    of an otherwise open-ended proceeding.
    Second, as we have noted already, the plaintiffs had no
    duty—statutory, contractual, or ethical—to oppose modifi-
    cation. Third, and further demonstrating the absence of
    even an ethical duty to oppose their opposition, verged on
    the unreasonable. The decree had been in force for 15 years
    when the City asked that it be modified.
    If not limited to reasonable and necessary implementa-
    tions of federal law, remedies outlined in consent de-
    crees involving state [or, we add, local] officeholders
    12                                      Nos. 02-3981, 02-3982
    may improperly deprive future officials of their desig-
    nated legislative and executive powers. They may also
    lead to federal court oversight of state programs for
    long periods of time even absent an ongoing violation
    of federal law. . . . Rule 60(b)(5) allows a party to move
    for relief if “it is no longer equitable that the judgment
    should have prospective application.”. . . In Rufo v.
    Inmates of Suffolk County Jail, 
    502 U.S. 367
    (1992), the
    Court explored the application of the Rule to consent
    decrees involving institutional reform. The Court noted
    that district courts should apply a “flexible standard” to
    the modification of consent decrees when a significant
    change in facts or law warrants their amendment. 
    Id., at 393.
    Frew v. Hawkins, No. 02-628, 
    2004 WL 57266
    , at *7 (U.S. Jan.
    14, 2004). In the present case, the circumstances out of which
    the class action suit had arisen had changed dramatically
    when modification was sought. The decree in its original
    form had accomplished its purpose and had become
    obsolete. There would have been no ignominy in the
    plaintiffs’ acceding to the modification. They might have
    breathed a sigh of relief, since if the City had asked that the
    decree be dissolved, it probably would have been. The
    plaintiffs’ opposition to modification gained the class
    nothing. Section 1988 does not reward failure. The contrast
    with Plyler is sharp, where the court described “the position
    taken” by the plaintiffs as “essential to the preservation of
    the integrity of the consent decree as a 
    whole.” 902 F.2d at 281
    Another point and we are done. The fees awarded in this
    case are for work dating back to 1994, a dozen years after
    the decree had been entered. This suggests the unwisdom
    of “conduct,” or “regulatory,” decrees (that is, equitable
    decrees that do not merely tell the defendant not to do or
    to stop doing something, but instead regulate his behavior
    Nos. 02-3981, 02-3982                                       13
    and so impose a continuing duty of judicial supervision)
    that contain no sunset provision. Beginning in the Clinton
    Administration and continuing in the present
    Administration, the Justice Department and the Federal
    Trade Commission have both decided to include sunset
    provisions in their regulatory antitrust decrees. U.S. Dept.
    of Justice, Antitrust Division, Antitrust Division Manual ch.
    4, p. 55 (3d ed. 1998); Federal Trade Commission, Final
    Rule, “Duration of Existing Competition and Consumer
    Protection Orders,” 60 Fed. Reg. 58514, 58515 (Nov. 28,
    1995). The absence of such a provision from the decree in-
    volved in the present case is, in retrospect, a considerable
    defect. It has meant that the plaintiffs have been encouraged
    to pursue enforcement efforts bound to fail because the de-
    cree, a response to the turmoil of the Vietnam War era now
    almost forgotten, is merely a relic.
    The modified decree has a quasi-sunset provision. It
    provides that upon the completion of the independent audit
    that the modified decree orders but in any event no later
    than 2006, the district judge is to consider whether to
    dissolve the decree. We urge expedited completion of the
    audit, to clear the way to a prompt consideration of whether
    the decree has indeed outlived its usefulness, as in People
    Who Care v. Rockford Board of Education, 
    171 F.3d 1083
    , 1090-
    91 (7th Cir. 1999); 
    246 F.3d 1073
    (7th Cir. 2001). As the
    Supreme Court reminded us just weeks ago, “The federal
    court must exercise its equitable powers to ensure that when
    the objects of the decree have been attained, responsibility
    for discharging the State’s obligations is returned promptly
    to the State and its officials.” Frew v. 
    Hawkins, supra
    , at *7.
    The fee award is reversed. The plaintiffs are entitled to no
    fees for the legal services rendered during the period in
    issue, and a fortiori the Alliance is not entitled to the addi-
    tional half million dollars sought in its cross-appeal.
    14                                 Nos. 02-3981, 02-3982
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit

Document Info

Docket Number: 02-3981

Judges: Per Curiam

Filed Date: 1/28/2004

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/24/2015

Authorities (35)

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