Danks, Larry v. Davis, Cecil ( 2004 )

  •                              In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 02-2971
    CECIL DAVIS, Superintendent,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Indiana, South Bend Division.
    No. 3:01 CV 0720 AS—Allen Sharp, Judge.
    Before KANNE, ROVNER, and WILLIAMS, Circuit Judges.
    KANNE, Circuit Judge. A gas station in LaPorte County,
    Indiana was robbed twice in 1978, first on May 11 and then
    again on May 19. During each robbery, the attendant was
    shot and killed. Larry Danks told police he was responsible
    for both attacks, but was charged initially only with the
    May 19 robbery and murder. An Indiana court found him
    incompetent to stand trial, committed him to a state
    hospital, and, after he regained his competency 5 years
    later, tried and convicted him of the May 19 robbery and
    murder. Eventually he was also charged with and pleaded
    guilty to the May 11 murder.
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    Danks sought post-conviction relief arguing that Indiana
    violated his right under the Sixth Amendment to a speedy
    trial for the May 11 murder by waiting nearly 6½ years to
    charge him, but the state courts rejected his argument. He
    then petitioned for a writ of habeas corpus under 28 U.S.C.
    § 2254 based upon the same argument. The district court
    denied his petition because Danks did not show that the
    state courts deviated from Supreme Court precedent in
    rejecting his speedy trial argument, and we affirm.
    Police detained and questioned Danks after the May 19
    robbery and murder. During questioning he initially told
    police that he acted alone during both robberies, but later
    told police that “Tony” accompanied him during the first
    and was the one who actually shot and killed the attendant.
    Based upon his confession, police obtained an arrest
    warrant for Danks, which they executed while Danks was
    still being detained. Police, however, were unable to locate
    “Tony,” and Danks refused to give them Tony’s last name.
    Although Danks’ arrest warrant described his involve-
    ment in both crimes, the prosecutor charged him only with
    the May 19 robbery and murder. Before trial on the May 19
    crimes, Danks requested a psychiatric evaluation and, after
    a competency hearing, the court found him incompetent to
    stand trial. Five years later, doctors at the Logansport State
    Hospital determined that Danks had become competent,
    and the criminal proceedings for the May 19 robbery and
    murder resumed. His trial began about 6 months after his
    release from the hospital. At trial he raised an insanity
    defense, but the jury rejected his defense and found him
    guilty. Jurors recommended that he be sentenced to death,
    but the court rejected the recommendation and instead
    sentenced him to 46 years’ imprisonment.
    During Danks’ trial for the May 19 robbery and murder,
    the prosecutor for the first time charged Danks with the
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    May 11 murder—6 months after his release from the
    hospital and 6½ years after the murder. Danks pleaded
    “guilty but mentally ill” in exchange for the state’s agree-
    ment not to pursue the death penalty. The court sentenced
    Danks to 60 years’ imprisonment to run concurrent to his
    46-year term for the May 19 crimes, with credit for time
    served dating back to his arrest in 1978.
    A few months after he was sentenced for the May 11
    murder, Danks filed a petition for post-conviction relief with
    the state trial court. In it, Danks alleged several constitu-
    tional violations, including the violation of his right to a
    speedy trial. The petition languished for over 10 years.
    Eventually the trial court held a hearing and concluded
    that the delay of 6½ years between when the state arrested
    Danks for the May 11 murder and when it finally charged
    him was “extraordinary.” But the court held that most of
    the delay was attributable to Danks’ own incompetency. As
    for the remaining delay, the court held that under Doggett
    v. United States, 
    505 U.S. 647
    (1992), and Barker v. Wingo,
    407 U.S. 514
    (1972), Danks could not establish that the
    delay had prejudiced him, especially in light of his confes-
    sion. Accordingly, the trial court denied Danks’ petition.
    Danks appealed, arguing that the trial court failed to
    recognize several ways in which the state’s delay prejudiced
    his defense. For instance, he argued that the delay pre-
    cluded him from investigating “Tony,” the man Danks told
    police was the actual killer. He also argued that his defense
    was prejudiced because the scene of the crime had been
    razed leaving him unable to investigate the gas station’s
    layout, and because one of the doctors who treated him at
    the state hospital could no longer testify about his mental
    health because he was dead.
    But the appellate court held that Danks had not estab-
    lished prejudice. It held that Tony’s existence was imma-
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    terial because Danks would still be liable for murder even
    if he had only aided and abetted Tony. As for the razing of
    the gas station, the court held that Danks had failed to
    explain how the gas station’s destruction had hindered
    his defense. Finally, the court concluded that Danks had
    failed to explain how he was prejudiced by his doctor’s
    death “given the extensive involvement of mental health
    personnel in this proceeding and Danks’ treatment, . . . a
    subject matter upon which there was abundant evidence.”
    The appellate court therefore agreed with the trial court
    that Danks was not entitled to post-conviction relief and
    affirmed. Indiana’s supreme court denied his request for a
    After exhausting his state remedies, Danks filed with the
    district court his pro se petition for a writ of habeas corpus.
    The state urged the court to deny Danks’ petition because
    the Indiana courts had reasonably applied Doggett and
    Barker in concluding that Danks’ defense had not been
    prejudiced. In reply, Danks argued that under Doggett he
    did not need to establish prejudice because the 6½-year
    delay was extraordinary. Alternatively he argued that he
    had been prejudiced by the state’s failure to charge him in
    1978 because, as a result, no counsel had been appointed to
    represent him and preserve evidence that could have
    established he was insane at the time of the murder. In
    denying the writ, the district court reasoned that Danks
    had not identified any evidence lost over time that could
    have helped his defense, and therefore the Indiana courts
    had reasonably applied Barker. The district court denied his
    request for a certificate of appealability, but this court
    granted him one on his speedy trial claim.
    Although we have held that an unconditional guilty
    plea waives altogether a Sixth Amendment speedy trial
    claim, see United States v. Gaetner, 
    583 F.2d 308
    , 311 (7th
    Cir. 1978), the state has not pressed the point and so we
    address Danks’ claim on the merits. In order to succeed,
    No. 02-2971                                                 5
    Danks needed to show that the state court decision was
    “contrary to, or involved an unreasonable application of,
    clearly established Federal law, as determined by the
    Supreme Court of the United States” or was an “unrea-
    sonable determination of the facts in light of evidence
    presented in the State court proceeding.” 28 U.S.C.
    § 2254(d)(1); see also Wiggins v. Smith, 
    123 S. Ct. 2527
    2534-35 (2003); Johnson v. Bett, 
    349 F.3d 1030
    , 1034
    (7th Cir. 2003). Unreasonable is more than just incorrect or
    Wiggins, 123 S. Ct. at 2535
    Johnson, 349 F.3d at 1034
    , and therefore federal courts defer to a state court’s
    application of Supreme Court precedent as long as it is
    “minimally consistent with the facts and circumstances of
    the case,” Schultz v. Page, 
    313 F.3d 1010
    , 1015 (7th Cir.
    2002) (internal quotations and citation omitted), cert.
    123 S. Ct. 2220
    The Indiana court relied on the four-factor balancing test
    set forth in Barker to determine whether Danks’ Sixth
    Amendment right to a speedy trial was violated. The four
    Barker factors are: 1) the length of delay; 2) the reason for
    the delay; 3) the defendant’s assertion of his right to a
    speedy trial; and 4) the prejudice to the defendant. 
    Barker, 407 U.S. at 530
    . Later, the Court held in Doggett that if
    under the first factor the length of the delay is no longer
    than the ordinary delay in bringing a case to trial, then the
    remaining three Barker factors need not be examined.
    Doggett, 505 U.S. at 651-52
    . However, if the delay is longer
    than ordinary, the delay is considered “presumptively pre-
    judicial,” and the four Barker factors must be balanced. 
    Id. Danks asserts
    that the state court unreasonably applied
    Barker and Doggett by requiring him to establish actual
    prejudice even though he established presumptive preju-
    dice. But establishing presumptive prejudice does not
    relieve a defendant from the burden of showing actual pre-
    judice; rather, as discussed above, it is merely a threshold
    6                                               No. 02-2971
    showing that the defendant must make before the remain-
    ing Barker factors become relevant. 
    Doggett, 505 U.S. at 656
    (“presumptive prejudice cannot alone carry a Sixth Amend-
    ment claim without regard to the other Barker criteria”).
    Therefore, the state court did not unreasonably apply
    Doggett and Barker when it required Danks to establish
    actual prejudice.
    Alternatively Danks argues that under Doggett, the state
    court should not have required him to demonstrate actual
    prejudice because the length-of-delay factor weighed so
    heavily in his favor. In support, he likens his 6½-year delay
    to the delay in Doggett, where the government lost track of
    the defendant until 8 years after his indictment on drug
    charges. The Supreme Court concluded in Doggett that
    where the defendant’s claim of presumptive prejudice was
    not extenuated by his own acquiescence or persuasively
    rebutted, the defendant did not need to show particularized
    prejudice in light of the extraordinary interval between his
    indictment and arrest. 
    Doggett, 505 U.S. at 657-58
    . But the
    Indiana appellate court concluded that Danks’ incompe-
    tence was responsible for 5 of the 6½ years the state
    delayed charging him, Danks v. State, 
    733 N.E.2d 474
    , 482
    (Ind. Ct. App. 2000); its conclusion that Danks’ delay was
    not as extraordinary as the delay in Doggett is therefore not
    unreasonable. See also United States v. Abou-Kassem, 
    78 F.3d 161
    , 167 (5th Cir. 1996) (period of incompetency
    attributable to defendant, not the state); United States v.
    918 F.2d 329
    , 338 (2d Cir. 1990) (period of evalu-
    ating defendant’s incompetency not attributable to the
    state); United States v. Jackson, 
    542 F.2d 403
    , 407 (7th Cir.
    1976) (same).
    Danks asserts that the state court should have concluded
    that even though he was incompetent during most of the
    delay, the entire delay should nevertheless be attributed to
    the state because it failed to continually evaluate his
    No. 02-2971                                                7
    competency in order to bring charges against him as early
    as possible. But Danks fails to explain how the state court
    decision strayed from Supreme Court precedent, citing only
    the Ninth Circuit’s decision in United States v. Geelan, 
    520 F.2d 585
    , 588-89 (9th Cir. 1975), to support his argument.
    Even under Geelan, however, Danks cannot establish that
    his period of incompetency is attributable to the state. In
    Geelan, the prosecutor failed to make any effort during the
    defendant’s 5-year commitment to check on his competency
    because “the prosecutor apparently forgot about him.” 
    Id. at 589.
    Danks contends that Indiana also forgot about him,
    but according to the state court’s docket the court received
    regular reports about Danks from the hospital. The court
    also held a hearing in 1983 to determine whether he had
    regained his competency yet, but determined that he had
    Danks also contends that the state court erred when it
    balanced the Barker factors. Specifically, he argues that the
    state court should have balanced the actual prejudice factor
    in his favor. But as discussed above, this court reviews
    whether the state court applied the correct law, not whether
    in applying the law it reached the correct decision. 
    Wiggins, 123 S. Ct. at 2535
    Johnson, 349 F.3d at 1034
    Even if our scope of review included determining whether
    the state court struck the proper balance between the
    Barker factors, Danks has nonetheless failed to establish
    that the court should have weighed the prejudice factor in
    his favor. Danks argues that because the scene of the crime
    had since been razed he could no longer determine whether
    the actual layout of the gas station “comported” with his
    description to police in 1978, which “could have shed some
    light on Danks’ perception of reality at the time.” He also
    argues that a doctor who treated him while he was commit-
    ted had since died and, as a result, expert insight into the
    state of his sanity in 1978 had been lost. But Danks had the
    8                                             No. 02-2971
    opportunity—and, more importantly, the incentive—to
    preserve evidence that he was insane in 1978 after he was
    charged that year with the May 19 murder at the same gas
    station. He also presented evidence of his insanity at his
    trial for the May 19 murder, but jurors rejected it and
    concluded that he had been sane.
    The only evidence Danks points to which might have al-
    lowed him to fare better asserting an insanity defense to
    the May 11 murder is evidence that his alleged accomplice
    “Tony” was actually just an insane delusion. But Danks
    undermined any argument that Tony was a delusion when,
    at his sentencing hearing in 1986 for the May 11 murder,
    he maintained that Tony was real and continued to refuse
    to give his last name in order to protect him:
    He has a wife, two kids. He don’t mess around. He don’t
    get dru—he don’t get high no more. My life is already
    messed up why, how can I mess his up after eight
    Danks has therefore failed to show that the state court
    erred in concluding that his defense suffered no prejudice
    due to the delay in charging him with the May 11 murder.
    For the preceding reasons, we AFFIRM the judgment of the
    district court.
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit