Delgado, Nicole v. Stegall, James ( 2004 )

  •                             In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 03-2700
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Central District of Illinois.
    No. 01-1332—Michael M. Mihm, Judge.
    ARGUED APRIL 5, 2004—DECIDED MAY 4, 2004
    Before BAUER, POSNER, and DIANE P. WOOD, Circuit Judges.
    POSNER, Circuit Judge. Nicole Delgado, a former student
    at Western Illinois University, a state university, claims to
    have been harassed by a professor at the university named
    James Stegall. She filed this suit for damages against the
    university under Title IX of the Educational Amendments of
    20 U.S.C. §§ 1681-1688
    , and against Stegall under the
    Civil Rights Act of 1871, 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    . The district judge
    granted summary judgment for both defendants. He ruled
    that Delgado had failed to establish a violation of Title IX by
    2                                                 No. 03-2700
    the university and that Title IX provides the exclusive
    federal remedy for a teacher’s misconduct toward a student;
    the latter ruling let Stegall off the hook.
    Delgado, a music student at Western Illinois, was hired by
    her voice teacher, Stegall, to be his “office assistant” during
    her sophomore year. The record does not reveal the duties
    of the position except that they were somehow connected to
    Stegall’s job as choral director. Part-time work for professors
    is a common activity of college students, and although
    sexual harassment of university employees is not actionable
    under Title IX if the employee could obtain relief under Title
    VII, Waid v. Merrill Area Public Schools, 
    91 F.3d 857
    , 861-
    62 (7th Cir. 1996); Lakoski v. James, 
    66 F.3d 751
    , 753-58 (5th
    Cir. 1995), there is no contention that the kind of part-time
    position that Delgado held (whatever exactly it involved),
    even though it made her an employee of the university,
    precludes her from complaining that she was harassed as a
    student and therefore can seek a remedy under Title IX. We
    cannot find any cases dealing with the question but it seems
    to us that harassment of a student interferes with her
    educational experience whether or not she is also a part-
    time employee; the harassment of a nonstudent employee
    could have no such effect.
    Stegall made advances to Delgado after she became his
    office assistant, repeatedly asking her “Do you love me?”
    and “Would you ever marry a man like me?” He would also
    ask her for hugs, rub her shoulders, and tickle her. Troubled
    by these attentions, she confided her distress to another
    music teacher, a woman, who told her to “remove herself
    from the situation, get herself to counseling, get her parents
    involved, and go see the chair and/or the dean.” She did
    speak to a counselor about things that were bothering her,
    including “the uncomfortableness of the comments [Stegall]
    was making.” But neither the counselor nor the music
    No. 03-2700                                                 3
    teacher reported Stegall’s misconduct to his dean or any
    other university official. Eventually, however, though only
    after transferring to another college, Delgado filed a com-
    plaint with Western Illinois University against Stegall. The
    university responded by directing him to undergo training
    in proper behavior toward female students and by placing
    “a letter . . . in Dr. Stegall’s personnel file, outlining the
    actions to be taken and the method for evaluating their
    It turns out that Stegall had made advances to three other
    woman students, but they had never filed complaints and
    his conduct hadn’t come to the attention of the university
    administration. Actually there had been a fourth episode,
    ten years earlier, that had led to a complaint being made to
    the university about Stegall but Delgado makes nothing of
    this—in fact does not even mention it in her briefs.
    Two years before Stegall’s alleged harassment of Delgado,
    his dean, James Butterworth, Dean of the College of Fine
    Arts and Communications at the university, had investi-
    gated possible sexual harassment by unnamed members of
    the art faculty. Stegall was and is a member of the music
    department, however, and no harassment by music faculty
    had been reported. Butterworth responded to the allegations
    concerning the art department by recommending to the
    university’s president and provost the elimination of alcohol
    from social events sponsored by the department at which
    both teachers and students were present, the convening of
    meetings with current and incoming students to discuss the
    university’s rules on fraternization and harassment, and the
    distribution of copies of the rules to all faculty. The recom-
    mendations were adopted and implemented.
    Title IX prohibits sex discrimination in educational pro-
    grams or activities supported by federal grants. 20 U.S.C.
    4                                                 No. 03-2700
    § 1681(a). The only remedy specified in the statute is the
    elimination of the federal funding, § 1682, but in Cannon v.
    University of Chicago, 
    441 U.S. 677
    , 717 (1979), the Supreme
    Court held that the statute by implication entitles a person
    injured by a violation to sue for damages. When, however,
    the claim for damages is based on the behavior of a teacher
    or of some other employee of the Title IX recipient, the
    plaintiff must prove that “an official of the [defendant
    educational institution] who at a minimum has authority to
    institute corrective measures . . . has actual notice of, and is
    deliberately indifferent to, the teacher’s misconduct.” Gebser
    v. Lago Vista Independent School District, 
    524 U.S. 274
    , 277
    (1998); see also 
    id. at 290-91
    ; Davis v. Monroe County Board of
    526 U.S. 629
    , 642-43 (1999); Gabrielle M. v. Park
    Forest-Chicago Heights, Illinois School Dist. 163, 
    315 F.3d 817
    821 (7th Cir. 2003); Hayut v. State University of New York, 
    352 F.3d 733
    , 750-53 (2d Cir. 2003). Western Illinois concedes
    that both Dean Butterworth and the chairman of the music
    department were officials clothed with the requisite author-
    ity. But it denies that either of them had actual notice of
    Stegall’s misconduct toward Nicole Delgado (or any other
    student—which Delgado, by failing to mention the incident
    ten years earlier, has in effect conceded) or was deliberately
    indifferent to that misconduct.
    Here a peculiarity of the Supreme Court’s formula should
    be noted. Ordinarily, actual notice and deliberate indiffer-
    ence are alternative paths to proving knowledge. Deliberate
    indifference means shutting one’s eyes to a risk one knows
    about but would prefer to ignore. Boncher v. Brown County,
    272 F.3d 484
    , 486 (7th Cir. 2001); Collignon v. Milwaukee
    163 F.3d 982
    , 988 (7th Cir. 1998); Griffin v. City of
    261 F.3d 1295
    , 1314 (11th Cir. 2001). It thus
    corresponds to the criminal definition of reckless-
    ness, Delaney v. DeTella, 
    256 F.3d 679
    , 686 (7th Cir. 2001);
    Collignon v. Milwaukee County, supra, 163 F.3d at 988;
    No. 03-2700                                                      5
    Hernandez v. Keane, 
    341 F.3d 137
    , 144 (2d Cir. 2003); Weaver
    v. Shadoan, 
    340 F.3d 398
    , 410 (6th Cir. 2003), which the law
    treats as the equivalent of intentionality. TRW Title Ins. Co.
    v. Security Union Title Ins. Co., 
    153 F.3d 822
    , 828 (7th Cir.
    1998); United States v. Ladish Malting Co., 
    135 F.3d 484
    488 (7th Cir. 1998); J.I. Case Credit Corp. v. First National Bank,
    991 F.2d 1272
    , 1278 (7th Cir. 1993); McGinty v. State, 
    193 F.3d 64
    , 69-70 (2d Cir. 1999). For “if a person with a lurking
    suspicion goes on as before and avoids further knowledge,
    this may support an inference that he has deduced the truth
    and is simply trying to avoid giving the appearance (and
    incurring the consequences) of knowledge.” United States v.
    785 F.2d 184
    , 189 (7th Cir. 1986); see also United
    States v. Giovannetti, 
    919 F.2d 1223
    , 1226-29 (7th Cir. 1990).
    But under the Supreme Court’s formula, the plaintiff in a
    Title IX damages suit based on a teacher’s behavior must
    prove actual knowledge of misconduct, not just actual
    knowledge of the risk of misconduct, and must also prove
    that the officials having that knowledge decided not to act
    on it.
    There is less to the distinction than meets the eye. Obvi-
    ously a school’s officials know in a general sense that there
    is a risk that one or more of its teachers will harass a student
    sexually, even if no such incident has ever occurred in the
    school. That is not the kind of knowledge that establishes
    recklessness should the officials take no action against the
    risk. When the cases speak of a “known” or “obvious” risk
    that makes a failure to take steps against it reckless they
    have in mind risks so great that they are almost certain to
    materialize if nothing is done, Higgins v. Correctional Medical
    Services of Illinois, Inc., 
    178 F.3d 508
    , 511 (7th Cir. 1999); West
    By and Through Norris v. Waymire, 
    114 F.3d 646
    , 650-52 (7th
    Cir. 1997); Billman v. Indiana Dept. of Corrections, 
    56 F.3d 785
    788 (7th Cir. 1995); Coleman v. Rahija, 
    114 F.3d 778
    , 785-
    86 (8th Cir. 1997), for it is only in such cases that reckless-
    6                                                No. 03-2700
    ness regarding the consequences if the risk materializes
    merges with intention to bring about the consequences
    (more precisely, to allow the consequences to occur though
    they could readily be prevented from occurring). And that
    ought to be enough for liability under Title IX.
    So if, for example, Stegall had been known to be a serial
    harasser, Butterworth might well be found to have had a
    sufficient approximation to actual knowledge that Delgado
    would be harassed to satisfy the Supreme Court’s standard.
    After all, in Davis the Court required knowledge only of
    “acts of sexual harassment” by the teacher, Davis v. Monroe
    County Board of Education, supra, 
    526 U.S. at 641
    , not of pre-
    vious acts directed against the particular plaintiff. See also
    id. at 653-54
     (attaching significance to the fact that there
    were “multiple victims who were sufficiently disturbed by
    G. F.’s misconduct to seek an audience with the school
    principal”); Baynard v. Malone, 
    268 F.3d 228
    , 238 (4th
    Cir. 2001); P.H. v. School District of Kansas City, 
    265 F.3d 653
    , 661-63 (8th Cir. 2001). But Stegall was not known by
    anyone in the university administration, such as Dean
    Butterworth, to be harassing other students. To repeat,
    Delgado attaches no weight to the ten-year-old episode,
    which would in any event be only weak evidence that
    Stegall’s current students were at so high a risk of being
    harassed by him that university officials’ knowledge of the
    earlier episode would make them reckless for having failed
    to take steps to prevent a recurrence.
    Delgado’s second claim is against Stegall and is based not
    on Title IX (which it could not be based on because only the
    educational institution itself—the grant recipient—can be a
    defendant in a suit under that statute, Boulahanis v. Board of
    198 F.3d 633
    , 640 (7th Cir. 1999); Smith v.
    Metropolitan School Dist., 
    128 F.3d 1014
    , 1018-21 (7th Cir.
    1997); Kinman v. Omaha Public School Dist., 
    171 F.3d 607
    , 609-
    No. 03-2700                                                    7
    11 (8th Cir. 1999)), but on 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    , which creates a
    remedy for a person who is deprived of his or her federal
    rights under color of state law. Stegall is a state actor who,
    if the facts alleged by Delgado are correct, as we must
    assume in the posture of the case before us that they are,
    used his position to discriminate against her on the basis of
    her sex, in violation of her federally protected right to the
    equal protection of the laws. Meritor Savings Bank, FSB v.
    477 U.S. 57
    , 66-67 (1986). The question is whether by
    enacting Title IX Congress intended to extinguish the right
    to sue under section 1983 that Delgado would otherwise
    have. The district judge felt constrained by this court’s
    decisions to answer yes, though he also expressed his dis-
    agreement with those decisions and with the result that they
    seemed to him to dictate in this case. We think his instincts
    were sound, but that the cases in question are distinguish-
    able from the present one.
    The doctrine to which Stegall appeals originated in
    Middlesex County Sewerage Authority v. National Sea Clammers
    453 U.S. 1
    , 20-21 (1981), and goes by the name of the
    “sea clammers” doctrine. The plaintiffs in that case sought
    relief from pollution against state officials under federal
    statutes that provided comprehensive and fully adequate
    remedies. The Supreme Court had recently held, however,
    that section 1983, though typically used to enforce federal
    constitutional rights, reaches infringements of federal
    statutory rights as well. 
    Id. at 19
    ; Maine v. Thiboutot, 
    448 U.S. 1
    , 4-8 (1980). This ruling opened up the possibility that
    anyone who had a federal statutory remedy for a harm
    inflicted under color of state law could tack on a claim for
    relief under section 1983 as well. Worse, even if Congress
    hadn’t intended that a particular federal statute be enforce-
    able by private damages suits, a person injured by a viola-
    tion of the statute would be able to enforce it privately
    under section 1983. By doing so he would not only be
    8                                                 No. 03-2700
    bypassing the need to show that Congress in enacting the
    statute had intended that there be a private right to enforce
    it, but indeed acting contrary to Congress's intent. So, in the
    sea-clammers case, the Court decided to limit Thiboutot:
    after rejecting the plaintiffs’ statutory claims, the Court held
    that section 1983 was not an available alternative because “it
    is hard to believe that Congress intended to preserve the
    § 1983 right of action when it created so many specific
    statutory remedies.” 
    453 U.S. at 20
    . The completeness of
    those remedies showed that Congress “intended to supplant
    any remedy that otherwise would be available under
    § 1983.” Id. at 21.
    The sea-clammers doctrine has been applied in a variety
    of contexts since its creation. See, e.g., PrimeCo Personal
    Communications, Ltd. Partnership v. City of Mequon, 
    352 F.3d 1147
    , 1151-53 (7th Cir. 2003); Lollar v. Baker, 
    196 F.3d 603
    , 608-10 (5th Cir. 1999); Mattoon v. City of Pittsfield, 
    980 F.2d 1
    , 5-6 (1st Cir. 1992); Zombro v. Baltimore City Police
    868 F.2d 1364
    , 1366-70 (4th Cir. 1989). Of particular
    significance for the present case is our application of it
    in two cases that provide the entire basis for Stegall’s ar-
    gument and the district court’s ruling. They are Waid v.
    Merrill Area Public Schools, supra, 
    91 F.3d at 862-63
    , and
    Boulahanis v. Board of Regents, 
    198 F.3d at 639-40
    . In
    Waid a teacher, and in Boulahanis student athletes, complain-
    ing of sex discrimination, brought suit against the educa-
    tional institution itself under Title IX, and also against
    employees of the institution under section 1983, and we
    held that the sea-clammers doctrine barred the section 1983
    claims. The individual defendants in the two cases, how-
    ever, were not teachers or other ordinary employees. In
    Waid they were the school district’s director of curriculum
    and the principal of the school that had passed over Waid
    for a permanent appointment, and we described them as
    “officers” and “officials” of the school district. 91 F.3d at
    No. 03-2700                                                  9
    862. In Boulahanis, similarly, the individual defendants are
    described as university “officials,” though without further
    198 F.3d at 639
    It is easy to see why Title IX might be thought to supplant
    section 1983 suits against the school officials responsible for
    the policy or practice that violates Title IX, though not all
    courts agree. Compare Pfeiffer v. Marion Center Area School
    917 F.2d 779
    , 789 (3d Cir. 1990), which we followed
    in Waid and Boulahanis, and also Bruneau ex rel. Schofield v.
    South Kortright Central School District, 
    163 F.3d 749
    , 756-
    59 (2d Cir. 1998), with Crawford v. Davis, 
    109 F.3d 1281
    , 1283-
    84 (8th Cir. 1997); Seamons v. Snow, 
    84 F.3d 1226
    , 1233-34
    (10th Cir. 1996), and Lillard v. Shelby County Board of Educa-
    76 F.3d 716
    , 722-24 (6th Cir. 1996), all rejecting the
    holding of Pfeiffer. The issue was expressly left open by the
    Supreme Court in Gebser. 
    524 U.S. at 292
    . Title IX, especially
    having been interpreted in Cannon to provide a damages
    remedy, furnishes all the relief that is necessary to rectify
    the discriminatory policies or practices of the school itself.
    But it is quite otherwise in a case such as this, in which the
    malefactor is a teacher whose malefaction is not a policy or
    a practice for which the school could be held liable under
    Title IX. In Bruneau, Crawford, and Lillard, teachers were
    named as section 1983 defendants along with school
    officials, but nothing was made of the distinction between
    the two types of defendant. The distinction is crucial. The
    only possible effect of applying the sea-clammers doctrine
    to this case would be to immunize Stegall from liability for
    his federal constitutional tort. How this could be thought to
    have been intended by Congress when it enacted Title IX
    without providing any damages remedy, or to advance the
    policies of that statute, is beyond us.
    Stegall argues feebly that since states often indemnify
    their employees for tortious misconduct, the university may
    10                                                No. 03-2700
    be harmed financially if he is held liable to Delgado under
    section 1983. If such liability pinches the university, then it
    can cease indemnifying such tortfeasors; no statutory
    change would be necessary, because Illinois law requires the
    state to indemnify its employees only for the torts they
    commit within the scope of their employment. 5 ILCS
    350/2(d); Nichol v. Stass, 
    735 N.E.2d 582
    , 587 (Ill. 2000); cf.
    745 ILCS 10/9-102; Doe v. City of Chicago, 
    360 F.3d 667
    670 (7th Cir. 2004); see generally Dan B. Dobbs, The Law of
    Torts § 273, p. 733 (2000). At common law the duty of
    indemnity actually runs the other way—the employee who
    commits a tort for which his employer is liable under the
    doctrine of respondeat superior has a duty to indemnify the
    employer if the latter is sued and loses. Id. § 333, p. 906; W.
    Page Keeton et al., Prosser and Keeton on the Law of Torts § 51,
    p. 341 (5th ed. 1984); Restatement (Second) of Agency § 401
    and comment d (1958). Conceivably a university will have
    to pay a higher wage to teachers if they are exposed to the
    possibility of suit, but that is not a plausible basis for
    imputing to the Congress that enacted Title IX an intent to
    repeal the section 1983 rights of students. The legislators
    who enacted Title IX would be startled to discover that by
    doing so they had killed all federal remedies for sex dis-
    crimination by teachers of which the school lacked actual
    Stegall is asking us in effect to rule that Congress in Title
    IX repealed by implication a swatch of section 1983, though
    there is no possible conflict between these two federal
    statutes in cases in which relief is sought against a teacher
    or other nonmanagerial employee and no hint of such a
    purpose in the background or history of Title IX. The
    Supreme Court has said that where two federal statutes can
    coexist, the later one is not to be deemed to have repealed
    the earlier one unless there is some indication of a congres-
    No. 03-2700                                                 11
    sional intent to do so, even though the result may be
    (though not in this case) to give the plaintiff a choice of
    federal remedies. Branch v. Smith, 
    538 U.S. 254
    , 273 (2003);
    J.E.M. AG Supply, Inc. v. Pioneer Hi-Bred Int’l, Inc., 
    534 U.S. 124
    , 141-44 (2001). Even without a presumption against
    repeals by implication, Stegall’s argument would fail
    because there is no reason to suppose that holding that Title
    IX wiped out a big piece of section 1983 would serve any of
    the purposes that animated Congress in passing Title IX.
    Delgado’s suit against Stegall must therefore be reinstated.
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit

Document Info

Docket Number: 03-2700

Judges: Per Curiam

Filed Date: 5/4/2004

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/24/2015

Authorities (40)

Kimberly Mattoon v. City of Pittsfield , 980 F.2d 1 ( 1992 )

sherwin-seamons-jane-seamons-individually-and-as-natural-parents-of , 84 F.3d 1226 ( 1996 )

inbal-hayut-v-state-university-of-new-york-state-university-of-new-york , 352 F.3d 733 ( 2003 )

juan-hernandez-v-john-p-keane-dr-satish-kapoor-dr-e-lofton-dr-khee , 341 F.3d 137 ( 2003 )

A. Griffin v. City of Opa-Locka , 261 F.3d 1295 ( 2001 )

mary-mcginty-as-administrator-of-the-estate-of-maureen-nash-on-behalf-of , 193 F.3d 64 ( 1999 )

Lollar v. Baker , 196 F.3d 603 ( 1999 )

Lakoski v. James , 66 F.3d 751 ( 1995 )

United States v. Guy Giovannetti and Nicholas Janis , 919 F.2d 1223 ( 1990 )

James E. Zombro v. Baltimore City Police Department Bishop ... , 868 F.2d 1364 ( 1989 )

thomas-d-lillard-and-nell-p-lillard-individually-and-as-parents-and-next , 76 F.3d 716 ( 1996 )

arlene-pfeiffer-a-minor-by-her-parent-and-natural-guardian-delmont , 917 F.2d 779 ( 1990 )

dianna-ferguson-weaver-individually-and-as-administratrix-of-the-estate-of , 340 F.3d 398 ( 2003 )

jackson-baynard-v-catherine-malone-former-principal-of-the-charles , 268 F.3d 228 ( 2001 )

Jason Billman v. Indiana Department of Corrections , 56 F.3d 785 ( 1995 )

United States v. Beverly J. Ramsey, Michael J. Marshall, ... , 785 F.2d 184 ( 1986 )

mary-amanda-west-a-minor-child-by-and-through-her-parent-and-next-friend , 114 F.3d 646 ( 1997 )

Glen Delaney v. George Detella, Glenn Malone, Christopher ... , 256 F.3d 679 ( 2001 )

Estate of James H. Boncher, by Bernice Boncher, Special ... , 272 F.3d 484 ( 2001 )

Primeco Personal Communications, Limited Partnership, D/B/A ... , 352 F.3d 1147 ( 2003 )

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