Tranzact Technologie v. Evergreen Partners ( 2004 )

  •                              In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 01-3685 & 01-3787
    Plaintiff-Appellee, Cross-Appellant,
    Defendants-Appellants, Cross-Appellees.
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 00 C 3215—James F. Holderman, Judge.
    Before BAUER, RIPPLE, and WILLIAMS, Circuit Judges.
    WILLIAMS, Circuit Judge.          Kellogg Associates and
    Evergreen Partners (“the advisors”) were hired by Tranzact
    Technologies, Ltd. to perform advisory services for
    Tranzact. When Tranzact sold some of its assets to another
    company, the advisors sought payment of an investment
    banking fee. Tranzact determined that payment was not
    required, and sought a declaratory judgment in federal
    court. It also sued the advisors for breach of contract on the
    2                                 Nos. 01-3685 & 01-3787
    ground that the advisors had failed to perform all services
    required under the agreement. The advisors countersued for
    breach of contract based on Tranzact’s refusal to pay the
    fee. The district court granted summary judgment to
    Tranzact on the advisors’ claim and also granted summary
    judgment sua sponte to the advisors on Tranzact’s breach of
    contract claim. Because the agreement between Tranzact
    and the advisors reveals that the advisors are not entitled
    to a fee based upon a sale of assets, and because Tranzact
    has not persuaded us that it has a valid breach of contract
    claim, we affirm.
    In 1996, Tranzact Technologies, Ltd. engaged Kellogg
    Associates and Evergreen Partners to perform financial
    advisory services in connection with a possible sale of or
    investment in Tranzact. John Lane of Evergreen drafted
    an agreement, with input from Dan Kellogg of Kellogg
    Associates and Mike Regan of Tranzact. The agreement was
    finalized in June 1997. Under its terms, Lane and Kellogg
    were to receive a $40,000 up-front retainer, and an invest-
    ment banking fee contingent “upon successful completion of
    the Transaction.” The agreement explained that a transac-
    tion could involve either an equity investment or an asset
    sale. It further stated that if Tranzact entered into a
    transaction with any party listed on Exhibit A of the
    agreement, the advisors were entitled to the investment
    banking fee in the event that the transaction was consum-
    mated within one year of termination of the agreement.
    Tranzact paid the $40,000 retainer, and when the advisors
    indicated that they would be unable to continue the en-
    gagement unless they were paid on an hourly basis,
    Tranzact paid them over $60,000 in additional fees.
    Tranzact terminated the agreement in July 1999. In
    March 2000, after providing Schneider Logistics (allegedly
    Nos. 01-3685 & 01-3787                                           3
    without the advisors’ knowledge) with a “Selling
    Memorandum” previously prepared by the advisors,
    Tranzact sold its Freight Payment Services Division to
    Schneider for $17,500,000. Because Schneider was listed
    on Exhibit A and because the Schneider transaction oc-
    curred within a year after termination of the agreement,
    the advisors determined that the investment banking fee
    provision was triggered despite the fact that the advisors
    were not directly involved in the transaction. They thus
    requested payment of the investment banking fee, but
    Tranzact contended that it was not required to pay and
    sought a declaratory judgment to that effect in federal
    district court. Tranzact also sued the advisors for breach
    of contract, claiming that the advisors had been derelict
    in their duties under the agreement. The advisors coun-
    tersued, claiming that Tranzact was in breach due to its
    failure to pay the fee. The district court granted summary
    judgment to Tranzact on the advisors’ claim. It also dis-
    missed Tranzact’s breach of contract claim against the
    advisors sua sponte, ruling that “based on the undisputed
    evidence in the record[,] the [advisors] satisfied all of [their]
    contractual obligations. . . .” Both parties appeal.
    A. The Investment Banking Fee Provision
    The relevant portions of the agreement between Tranzact
    and the advisors are Section 3, entitled “Transaction,” and
    Section 4, entitled “Fees.” Section 3 contains the following
    A Transaction shall be defined as (1) the sale or
    other disposition to another corporation, person or
    The parties’ contract dispute is governed by Illinois law.
    4                                   Nos. 01-3685 & 01-3787
    business entity (an “investor”) of all or a portion of
    Tranzact’s stock or assets, (2) an equity or quasi-
    equity investment in Tranzact by an investor or (3)
    a merger, consolidation or other combination of
    Tranzact with an investor.
    Section 4 states in part that:
    The Advisors’ investment banking fees will be
    based on the following formula:
    0.0% [of the Transaction Value] if the Enterprise
    Value is below $15,000,000.
    0.5% if the Enterprise Value           ranges   from
    $15,000,000 to $17,499,999.
    1.0% if the Enterprise Value           ranges   from
    $17,500,000 to $21,499,999.
    2.0% if the Enterprise Value           ranges   from
    $21,500,000 to $24,999,999.
    2.5% if the Enterprise Value           ranges   from
    $25,000,000 to $29,999,999.
    3.0% if the Enterprise Value           ranges   from
    $30,000,000 to $39,999,999.
    4.0% if the Enterprise Value           ranges   from
    $40,000,000 to $49,999,999.
    5.0% if the Enterprise Value is $50,000,000 or
    Enterprise Value in this context is the Total
    Transaction Value divided by the percentage of
    equity ownership held by an Investor after the
    Transaction. Total Transaction Value in this con-
    text refers to total consideration paid for an equity
    interest in Tranzact, including any seller financing,
    plus assumed debt (including bank indebtedness
    Nos. 01-3685 & 01-3787                                       5
    and shareholders and related party notes, but
    excluding trade and current payables). The fees will
    be applied as a percentage of the Transaction Value
    and will be contingent payable upon successful
    completion of the Transaction. Payment of these
    fees will be made at the time of closing of the
    The district court determined that an enforceable contract
    existed with respect to another portion of Section 4, which
    required Tranzact to pay a non-refundable $40,000 retainer
    “for strategic consulting, due diligence items and the
    completion of a descriptive memorandum.” It found,
    however, that although Tranzact intended to pay and the
    advisors intended to receive an investment banking fee
    upon the completion of a qualifying transaction, the terms
    of Section 4’s fee provision are too indefinite to be enforced.
    Specifically, the court pointed out that although the term
    Total Transaction Value is defined, the term Transaction
    Value is not defined, and found this omission to be fatal
    because the agreement clearly states that the investment
    banking fee is to be calculated as “a percentage of the
    Transaction Value.”
    The district court further determined that even
    assuming that Transaction Value has the same meaning as
    Total Transaction Value, fees are not warranted when a
    Transaction involves a sale of assets. Rather, the fee pro-
    vision is triggered when an investor obtains equity interest
    in Tranzact. It noted that if the fee formula were applied
    in this case the advisors would not be due any fees, because
    the number zero must be plugged into the equation when-
    ever the formula requires numbers linked to equity. The
    court declined to provide an alternative formula and instead
    granted summary judgment to Tranzact. We review the
    district court’s decision de novo, viewing all facts in the
    6                                      Nos. 01-3685 & 01-3787
    light most favorable to the advisors.2 See Phelan v. City of
    347 F.3d 679
    , 681 (7th Cir. 2003).
    “In construing a contract, the primary objective is to
    determine and give effect to the intentions of the parties
    at the time they entered into the contract.” Ancraft Prods.
    Co. v. Universal Oil Prods. Co., 
    427 N.E.2d 585
    , 588
    (Ill. App. Ct. 1981). The advisors assert that here, the
    parties’ intent to provide an investment banking fee in the
    event of an asset sale is clear, the term Transaction Value
    has the same meaning as Total Transaction Value, and the
    fee formula can easily be adapted to address asset sales
    (although they concede that as currently written, the for-
    mula only addresses equity investments). We agree that
    Transaction Value and Total Transaction Value may be one
    and the same. Nevertheless, we are not persuaded that the
    district court erred in finding that no fees are warranted in
    this instance.
    1. Transaction Value
    The term Transaction Value is a key component of the fee
    formula and is thus material to this agreement. See
    Although the district court acknowledged that it was required
    to view all facts in the advisors’ favor, it also employed the doc-
    trine of contra proferentem, which dictates that ambiguous terms
    in a contract be construed against the drafter. See Ancraft Prods.
    Co. v. Universal Oil Prods. Co., 
    427 N.E.2d 585
    , 588 (Ill. App. Ct.
    1981). Although it is not necessarily inappropriate to simul-
    taneously apply a favorable standard of review and contra
    proferentem, see Phillips v. Lincoln Nat’l Life Ins., 
    978 F.2d 302
    , 307, 314 (7th Cir. 1993) (applying both), Illinois courts have
    not applied the doctrine when both parties were involved in the
    drafting of the agreement, as is the case here (although the
    advisors were the primary drafters). See Ancraft, 
    427 N.E.2d at 588
    . We therefore decline to apply contra proferentem in this
    Nos. 01-3685 & 01-3787                                           7
    Goldstick v. ICM Realty, 
    788 F.2d 456
    , 461 (7th Cir. 1986)
    (finding price and price formulas essential terms under
    Illinois law); cf. Delcon Group, Inc. v. N. Trust Corp., 
    543 N.E.2d 595
    , 602 (Ill. App. Ct. 1989) (loan amounts and loan
    formulas are essential terms). If its meaning cannot be
    determined, the contract is unenforceable. See Wagner
    Excello Foods, Inc. v. Fearn Int’l, Inc., 
    601 N.E.2d 956
    , 960
    (Ill. App. Ct. 1992) (“To be enforceable, a contract must
    show a manifestation of agreement between the parties and
    be definite and certain in its terms. When material terms
    and conditions are not ascertainable, there is no enforceable
    contract, even if the intent to contract is present.”) (cita-
    tions omitted). To avoid this problem, the advisors argue
    that its meaning is obvious, claiming that just as the term
    “price” in everyday language means “total price,” and the
    term “value” means “total value,” Transaction Value must
    mean the same as Total Transaction Value.3
    The advisors’ analogies are imperfect. For instance, it
    is not the case that “price” always means “total price”;
    consider the sales tax often added to the price of a clothing
    item, or the many add-ons involved in car purchases and
    plane tickets despite their seemingly firm prices. Moreover,
    Transaction Value lends itself to many interpretations
    based on the agreement’s language. Section 4 states that
    The advisors also contend that a court cannot sever this con-
    tract, finding that the provision for the $40,000 retainer is en-
    forceable, but the provision for the investment banking fee is not.
    We agree. Although Illinois law allows severability under certain
    circumstances, see Abbott-Interfast Corp. v. Harkabus, 
    619 N.E.2d 1337
    , 1343-44 (Ill. App. Ct. 1993) (“The trial court may, in its
    discretion, modify a contract so that it comports with the law or
    sever unenforceable provisions from a contract.”), this is not one
    of those cases. See People ex rel. Foreman v. Vill. of Round Lake
    525 N.E.2d 868
    , 875 (Ill. App. Ct. 1988) (“Courts which will
    enforce a contract with a portion severed generally do so when the
    severed portion does not go to the contract’s essence.”).
    8                                      Nos. 01-3685 & 01-3787
    Total Transaction Value “refers to total consideration paid
    for an equity interest in Tranzact, including any seller
    financing, plus assumed debt (including bank indebtedness
    and shareholders and related party notes, but excluding
    trade and current payables).” Thus, Transaction Value by
    itself could arguably mean consideration paid for equity
    interest minus seller financing. Alternatively, Transaction
    Value might be consideration paid minus assumed debt.
    Transaction Value might also be the figure one is left with
    after subtracting both seller financing and assumed debt.
    And of course, Transaction Value could mean exactly what
    the advisors argue: the same thing as Total Transaction
    Value, and the omission of the word Total may have been
    an unfortunate accident.
    Thus, despite the advisors’ insistence that Transaction
    Value must mean Total Transaction Value, we find the
    term ambiguous. However, the advisors argue persuasively
    that if Transaction Value is ambiguous, the district court
    should have allowed them to provide extrinsic evidence to
    support their proposition that Transaction Value means
    Total Transaction Value rather than finding that the term’s
    ambiguity rendered the contract unenforceable.4
    See Pritchett v. Asbestos Claims Mgmt. Corp., 
    773 N.E.2d 1277
    , 1283 (Ill. App. Ct. 2002) (“Extrinsic evidence is ad-
    missible to explain the meaning of words in a contract when
    there is an ambiguity or the words are susceptible
    of different interpretations.”). We therefore assume for
    purposes of this analysis that had extrinsic evidence been
    The advisors do not seek a remand based on the district court’s
    refusal to allow extrinsic evidence. See Appellants’ Reply Brief at
    5 (“In any event, Appellants have addressed the [Transaction
    Value] issue on appeal, and this Court can interpret ‘Transaction
    Value’ without remanding.”).
    Nos. 01-3685 & 01-3787                                            9
    provided, it would have revealed that Transaction Value
    and Total Transaction Value share the same definition.5
    2. The Fee Formula
    Merely finding that Transaction Value and Total
    Transaction Value have the same meaning, however, does
    not change the outcome of this case. The problem that the
    fee provision poses for the advisors is that the variables in
    the fee formula are tied to equity. In this instance, because
    the Transaction involved an asset sale, zero must be
    plugged into the equation whenever an equity number is
    required, and thus no fees are due.6
    The advisors complain that the above interpretation of
    the fee provision violates the rule that a court must give
    effect to all provisions of a contract. Specifically, they argue
    that if we find no fees to be due, we would eviscerate
    We note that this is a questionable assumption, as the advisors
    give no hint as to what type of evidence they would have provided
    had they been given the opportunity to do so.
    This is because the key terms in the fee formula are Transaction
    Value, Total Transaction Value, and Enterprise Value. We
    explained earlier that Transaction Value is the same as Total
    Transaction Value for purposes of this case. Total Transaction
    Value is defined as “total consideration paid for an equity interest
    in Tranzact.” Here, no consideration was paid for an equity
    interest because this was an asset sale. Thus, the Transaction
    Value and Total Transaction Value are zero. As for Enterprise
    Value, this figure is arrived at by dividing Total Transaction
    Value by “the percentage of equity ownership held by an Investor
    after the Transaction.” Because this was an asset sale, the
    investor has no equity ownership, and we have already explained
    above that the Total Transaction Value is zero. Thus, to determine
    the Enterprise Value in this case, one must divide zero by zero
    percent, resulting in an undefined number.
    10                                   Nos. 01-3685 & 01-3787
    Section 3, which defines Transaction to include asset sales,
    and Section 4, which says that the investment banking
    fee will be paid upon “successful completion of the
    Transaction.” Moreover, they posit, while it is true that
    the fee formula would need to be adapted to address asset
    sales, such adaptation is within this court’s power. They
    claim that the fee formula can be altered merely by re-
    placing “percentage of equity ownership” with “percentage
    of company’s assets purchased.”
    The advisors are mistaken. It is true that “Illinois
    courts . . . apply the principle of construction that a contract
    must be interpreted as a whole, giving meaning and effect
    to each provision.” Emergency Medical Care, Inc. v. Marion
    Memorial Hosp., 
    94 F.3d 1059
    , 1061 (7th Cir. 1996); see
    Mastrobuono v. Shearson Lehman Hutton, Inc., 
    514 U.S. 52
    63 (1995) (finding “that a document should be read to give
    effect to all its provisions and to render them consistent
    with each other” to be a “cardinal principle of contract
    construction”). But our analysis does no violence to this
    rule. The fact that Section 3 broadly defines Transaction
    does not mean that Section 4 must be interpreted to trigger
    investment banking fees in all instances. Section 4 clearly
    states that “[t]he fees will be applied as a percentage of the
    Transaction Value and will be contingent payable upon
    successful completion of the Transaction,” and a court must
    interpret a contract based on its plain meaning. See Ancraft
    Products Co., 
    427 N.E.2d at 587
     (“If the contract terms are
    unambiguous, then the parties’ intent must be determined
    solely from the language of the contract.”). Based on the
    plain language, fees are provided only as a percentage of
    Transaction Value. The Transaction Value in this case is
    zero because the formula calls for data involving equity
    interest, which is not a factor in asset sales. (Indeed, the
    formula does not mention asset sales at all.) The conclusion
    we must draw is that the parties did not intend to pay or
    Nos. 01-3685 & 01-3787                                    11
    receive fees in the event of an asset sale, but did intend to
    pay and receive such fees in the event of equity investment.
    The advisors are not allowed to introduce extrinsic
    evidence unless the contract’s terms are ambiguous, and
    ambiguity does not arise merely because Tranzact and the
    advisors cannot agree on the meaning of the fee provision.
    See Pritchett, 
    773 N.E.2d at 1283
    ; see also Bourke v. Dun
    & Bradstreet Corp., 
    159 F.3d 1032
    , 1039 (7th Cir. 1998)
    (deciding that under Illinois law, because the appellees had
    provided a reasonable interpretation of the contract but
    the appellants had not, “there [wa]s no ambiguity to
    construe against the drafter or to clear up by appeal to ex-
    trinsic evidence”). Because we find the fee provision to be
    unambiguous, and that fees are unwarranted in the event
    of an asset sale, our analysis would ordinarily end here. See
    Emergency Medical Care, Inc., 
    94 F.3d at 1061
     (“If the
    language unambiguously answers the question at issue, the
    inquiry is over.”).
    For completeness’ sake, however, we note that even if the
    parties intended to provide a fee based on an asset sale and
    inadvertently left out the proper formula for arriving at
    such a fee, the district court was not at liberty to rewrite
    the fee provision, and neither are we. The advisors admit
    that the parties never discussed with any degree of specific-
    ity how fees based on asset sales could be calculated.
    Although they put forth a purported expert who provided a
    hypothetical formula, the expert acknowledged that there
    are numerous ways of computing a fee based on asset sales.
    The advisors provide no standard to which this court could
    look for reassurance that an alternative formula would
    follow industry standards.
    Moreover, although the advisors point to Wisconsin
    Real Estate Investment Trust v. Weinstein, 
    781 F.2d 589
    591 (7th Cir. 1986), for the proposition that this court
    is authorized to draft a new formula, Weinstein is not rele-
    12                                     Nos. 01-3685 & 01-3787
    vant to this case. In Weinstein, we upheld a district court’s
    decision to choose between two accounting periods—speci-
    fically, contract years or calender years—when the contract
    was silent on this point and the parties advocated different
    periods. We found the district court’s choice of contract
    years to be appropriate in part because “[a]ccounting years
    frequently follow contractual relations rather than the
    Id. at 593
    ; see also Clark v. Gen. Foods Corp., 
    400 N.E.2d 1027
    , 1030-31 (Ill. App. Ct. 1980) (enforcing the
    contract despite “the lack of an exact figure as to compensa-
    tion” because compensation in the industry was “routinely
    based” upon an agency’s fee schedule). Here, however, we
    know nothing about the propriety of substituting assets for
    equity in the current formula, and we are not required to
    guess. See Goldstick, 
    788 F.2d at 461
     (“If people want the
    courts to enforce their contracts they have to take the time
    to fix the terms with reasonable definiteness so that the
    courts are not put to an undue burden of figuring out what
    the parties would have agreed to had they completed their
    negotiations.”); cf. Bd. of Trs. of the Univ. of Ill. v. Ins. Corp.
    of Ir., Ltd., 
    969 F.2d 329
    , 332 (7th Cir. 1992) (following the
    Restatement (Second) of Contracts, Illinois law allows
    reformation only when “the intended agreement is certain
    enough to accurately rewrite the contract”).
    B. Tranzact’s Breach of Contract Claim
    Tranzact sought a refund of all monies paid to the
    advisors for work conducted under the agreement. However,
    the district court determined sua sponte that “all contrac-
    tual obligations of the parties have been satisfied under the
    Agreement, and no further monies or actions are due by
    either side.” Tranzact complains that the district court
    acted improperly by denying Tranzact notice and an
    opportunity to oppose summary judgment.
    Nos. 01-3685 & 01-3787                                          13
    We have cautioned district courts to provide parties with
    notice and a fair opportunity to present evidence when they
    are considering entering judgment sua sponte. See, e.g., S.
    Ill. Riverboat Casino Cruise, Inc. v. Triangle Insulation &
    Sheet Metal Co., 
    302 F.3d 667
    , 678 (7th Cir. 2002). Never-
    theless, a sua sponte judgment may be affirmed if the
    complaining party cannot show on appeal that it was
    deprived of the opportunity to present a viable claim. 
    (“see[ing] no reason to remand the case because [the
    plaintiff] was given a full opportunity to make its argument
    on appeal”); see also Bridgeway Corp. v. Citibank, 
    201 F.3d 134
    , 139-41 (2d Cir. 2000) (finding no reversible error when
    the district court granted judgment sua sponte despite lack
    of prior notice); cf. R.J. Corman Derailment Servs., LLC v.
    Int’l Union of Operating Eng’rs, Local Union 150, AFL-CIO,
    335 F.3d 643
    , 649-50 (7th Cir. 2003) (reversing sua sponte
    judgment because record did not support district court’s
    conclusions and plaintiff would have introduced additional
    evidence); Aviles v. Cornell Forge Co., 
    183 F.3d 598
    , 606
    (7th Cir. 1999) (reversing sua sponte judgment because
    plaintiff “presented enough evidence” to establish a viable
    Tranzact has failed to show that it has a viable claim
    on appeal. In its fact section, Tranzact stated only that
    “Defendants failed to perform all services required under
    the Agreement,” followed by a string-cite to the record. It
    also failed to flesh out the merits of the claim in the page
    and a half that it devoted to this issue in its argument
    section.7 We therefore affirm the grant of summary judg-
    ment in the advisors’ favor.
    Moreover, our own review of the record casts no doubt on the
    district court’s conclusion that the advisors fulfilled all of their
    duties as set forth in the agreement.
    14                                 Nos. 01-3685 & 01-3787
    For the foregoing reasons, the district court’s decision is
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit

Document Info

Docket Number: 01-3685

Judges: Per Curiam

Filed Date: 4/28/2004

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/24/2015

Authorities (19)

Bridgeway Corporation v. Citibank, Doing Business as ... , 201 F.3d 134 ( 2000 )

Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, and Cross-... , 969 F.2d 329 ( 1992 )

Wisconsin Real Estate Investment Trust v. George Weinstein , 781 F.2d 589 ( 1986 )

diana-m-bourke-jane-b-perrin-and-michael-s-geltzeiler-v-the-dun , 159 F.3d 1032 ( 1998 )

Southern Illinois Riverboat Casino Cruises, Inc., D/B/A ... , 302 F.3d 667 ( 2002 )

R.J. Corman Derailment Services, LLC v. International Union ... , 335 F.3d 643 ( 2003 )

Alfredo Aviles v. Cornell Forge Company , 183 F.3d 598 ( 1999 )

Emergency Medical Care, Inc., Doing Business as Trauma ... , 94 F.3d 1059 ( 1996 )

James Phelan v. City of Chicago , 347 F.3d 679 ( 2003 )

Delcon Group, Inc. v. Northern Trust Corp. , 187 Ill. App. 3d 635 ( 1989 )

Ancraft Products Co. v. Universal Oil Products Co. , 100 Ill. App. 3d 694 ( 1981 )

Pritchett v. Asbestos Claims Management Corp. , 332 Ill. App. 3d 890 ( 2002 )

phillip-c-goldstick-and-joseph-w-smith-individually-and-on-behalf-of , 788 F.2d 456 ( 1986 )

Gordon B. Phillips, as Guardian of James G. Phillips v. ... , 978 F.2d 302 ( 1993 )

People Ex Rel. Foreman v. Village of Round Lake Park , 171 Ill. App. 3d 443 ( 1988 )

Wagner Excello Foods, Inc. v. Fearn International, Inc. , 235 Ill. App. 3d 224 ( 1992 )

Abbott-Interfast Corp. v. Harkabus , 250 Ill. App. 3d 13 ( 1993 )

Clark v. General Foods Corp. , 81 Ill. App. 3d 74 ( 1980 )

Mastrobuono v. Shearson Lehman Hutton, Inc. , 115 S. Ct. 1212 ( 1995 )

View All Authorities »