United States v. Knight, Anthony ( 2003 )

  •                           In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.
    No. 00 CR 242—Rudolph T. Randa, Chief Judge.
    ARGUED MAY 22, 2003—DECIDED AUGUST 18, 2003
    Before BAUER, KANNE, and ROVNER, Circuit Judges.
    KANNE, Circuit Judge. Defendants Anthony Knight and
    Troy Williams appeal their convictions for possession with
    intent to distribute more than five kilograms of cocaine.
    Knight, Williams, and defendant Willie J. Newton, Jr.
    appeal their convictions for conspiracy to distribute and
    to possess with intent to distribute more than five kilo-
    grams of cocaine. All three defendants argue that they are
    entitled to a new trial because the government improperly
    withheld material exculpatory evidence. They also contend
    that the district court violated Apprendi v. New Jersey, 
    530 U.S. 466
     (2000), by not requiring the jury to return de-
    fendant-specific findings of drug quantity for each offense
    2                          Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339
    (as opposed to the offense-specific findings that the jury
    returned on a special verdict form). Williams raises two
    additional challenges to his convictions and one to his
    sentence, arguing that the appointment of the prosecuting
    Special Assistant United States Attorney was improper and
    rendered his indictment invalid, that the prosecution
    improperly used its peremptory challenges to strike two
    jurors for racial reasons, and that Apprendi required the
    evidence of his prior convictions to be pleaded in the
    indictment and proven to the jury. We find all of the defen-
    dants’ challenges unavailing and affirm each of their
    convictions and sentences.
    Between 1993 and 1999, the defendants collaborated in a
    complex scheme to traffic large quantities of cocaine from
    Los Angeles, California, to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Not sur-
    prisingly, their activities required the efforts of a number of
    associates, principally as couriers and dealers, many
    of whom would eventually testify against the defendants
    during their nearly three-week-long trial.
    Knight was the organizer and leader of this criminal drug
    organization and Williams was his second in command.
    Newton and another codefendant, James Durant (who
    voluntarily dismissed the appeal of his conviction), were
    Knight’s middle-management lieutenants. They recruited
    and managed the organization’s couriers and dealers and
    performed other functions at Knight’s request.
    In 1993, Newton and Durant recruited two female drug
    couriers, Margaret Hicks Frampton and Doris Outlaw, to
    begin transporting cocaine from Los Angeles to Milwaukee.
    The two women packed the drugs in their luggage, used
    public transportation to travel between the two cities, and
    then checked into local hotels to complete the delivery. In
    Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339                            3
    July 1995, while en route to Los Angeles, Frampton was ar-
    rested at a Phoenix, Arizona airport with over $100,000 in
    cash in her suitcase. She was charged with money launder-
    ing in an Arizona state court, which brought an end to her
    career as a courier. Outlaw, on the other hand, voluntarily
    quit her employment with Knight and Williams in 1997.
    Shortly thereafter, she was arrested in Arkansas with a
    carload of cocaine and marijuana (which she was transport-
    ing for someone else). Her arrest led to a federal conviction
    for drug trafficking.
    With Frampton and Outlaw no longer at their disposal
    and with the risks inherent in the use of public transpor-
    tation for their criminal purposes apparent, Knight and
    Williams bought a number of cars, which they registered in
    the name of their coconspirators or under fictitious names,
    and outfitted them with secret compartments to conceal
    Durant ran the secret-compartment-car operation. He
    began driving the cars himself before he recruited William
    Wirth to assist him and make additional trips for Knight.
    Wirth was paid between $5000 and $6000 per trip, and
    made a number of drug runs. Six of these trips were docu-
    mented by various Milwaukee hotel records, which included
    information about the cars he drove—information that the
    investigation later matched to the coconspirators or aliases
    that the organization had employed to purchase and reg-
    ister the cars.
    Knight promoted Wirth to run the secret-compartment-
    car operation after Durant was arrested in California while
    transporting thirty kilograms of cocaine in one of the cars.
    Believing that he was compromised by the arrest, Knight
    no longer trusted Durant and began to issue his orders
    directly to Wirth. Wirth, however, was arrested in February
    1998, while attempting to transport six kilograms of cocaine
    in a van he was driving to Memphis, Tennessee, and began
    cooperating with federal authorities.
    4                          Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339
    Despite these periodic courier arrests, Knight and
    Williams were still successful in obtaining large amounts of
    cocaine from their drug-shipping network. They employed
    a number of associates to distribute this supply, including
    Laura Collins, Carl McAfee, and Marcus Adams.
    Collins introduced Knight and Williams to her boyfriend,
    McAfee, in the summer of 1994. McAfee thereafter began to
    purchase kilograms of cocaine from Knight. McAfee did one
    or two deals per month with Knight for a period of seven to
    eight months, purchasing between two and ten kilograms
    per deal—for a total of approximately thirty kilograms.
    McAfee was arrested in August 1995, while attempting to
    purchase four kilograms of cocaine from an undercover po-
    lice officer in an unrelated transaction.
    After McAfee went to prison, he arranged to have Collins
    introduce Knight and Williams to Adams. Adams would go
    on to purchase large quantities of cocaine from Knight and
    Williams. At a price of $20,000 per kilogram, Adams esti-
    mated he purchased over sixty-seven kilograms of cocaine
    over the course of his relationship with the organization.
    While McAfee and Adams had purchased multiple
    kilogram quantities of cocaine from Knight and Williams,
    Collins had contented herself with acting as the intermedi-
    ary between the sellers and buyers (often allowing them to
    use her home to complete the transaction) and had herself
    only purchased small, one-ounce quantities of cocaine. But
    in October 1996, Collins told Williams she desired a larger
    role in the distribution network and wanted to sell larger
    quantities. Williams agreed. The decision would prove
    fateful, however, causing the fall of Knight and Williams’
    drug empire.
    On October 22, 1996, Knight and Williams came to
    Collins’s house to discuss her intention to sell a kilogram of
    cocaine. They returned later that evening, bringing five
    kilograms with them, which they set on the living room
    Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339                             5
    floor. Collins had made arrangements to sell one kilogram
    to Orlando Williams (no relation to defendant Williams, but
    rather a friend of McAfee’s) for $22,500. Orlando arrived at
    the house shortly after Williams and Knight. Collins took
    a kilogram from the living room, left the house, and got into
    Orlando’s car with him to close the deal. She returned a few
    minutes later with a bundle of cash, which she placed on
    the dining room table near where Knight was sitting.
    Williams then left the house to go to the liquor store.
    Within minutes, someone kicked in the door. Thinking it
    was the police, both Knight and Collins fled the house
    through the back door and into an alleyway. They heard
    gunshots. Knight stopped running, telling Collins that it
    wasn’t the police after all that had entered the house, but
    robbers. Collins continued on alone.
    Collins’s neighbors heard the gunshots and, drawn to the
    scene after the shots had ceased, observed a heavyset black
    man (Knight fits this description) running in and out of the
    back door of Collins’s house, carrying items into the alley.
    They also saw a second, thinner black male arrive in a
    black Ford Bronco (the make and model of the car Knight
    was known to drive at the time) and walk up to Collins’s
    front porch.
    When police officers arrived, they discovered evidence of
    a drug-fueled gunfight. They found $2200 in blood-spat-
    tered money and six kilograms of cocaine strewn about
    Collins’s front yard. Blood was smeared on the front porch,
    a knit hat with a bullet hole lay nearby, and a trail of blood
    led from the house to the still-breathing body of Frank
    McRae. When the police discovered him, McRae was hold-
    ing a gun and a $10,600 bundle of blood-stained cash. He
    died before telling the officers what had happened. Inside
    Collins’s home, police retrieved spent cartridge casings from
    two different guns—.45 caliber casings fired from McRae’s
    gun and .40 caliber casings fired from an unidentified
    6                         Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339
    weapon. McRae’s unoccupied truck, doors open and keys
    still in the ignition, was parked nearby Collins’s home.
    Further down the street, police found Williams’s photo ID
    and keys to his car.
    Police discovered five kilograms of cocaine and about
    $200 cash in Collins’s living room. In the alley behind the
    house they found several cardboard boxes full of cocaine.
    The first box contained thirteen kilograms; another, ten. An
    additional ten kilograms of cocaine were found scattered
    about the alley and against the foundation of an adjacent
    home. In total, police recovered forty-four kilograms of co-
    caine in and around Collins’s home that evening. The
    substantial amount of drugs seized prompted local police to
    contact federal authorities.
    Within a few days, Collins surrendered and agreed to
    cooperate. She gave several statements describing her drug
    transaction with Orlando, the break in and gunfight, and
    her flight from the house. It wasn’t until her third state-
    ment, however, that Collins identified Knight and Williams
    as her suppliers. Collins was charged with a drug traffick-
    ing offense. She pleaded guilty and, in accordance with her
    plea agreement, testified against Orlando (who also was
    arrested and charged with trafficking). Federal warrants
    were issued for Knight and Williams.
    Knight was arrested in August 1999, by California
    authorities at a stash house, which Durant had rented for
    him after the October 22 raid. Knight had attempted to
    purchase forty kilograms of cocaine from an informant who
    was working with local police. Police recovered drugs, guns,
    drug paraphernalia, and nearly a half million dollars in
    cash from the house. Five vehicles parked on the property
    had secret compartments. One, a Toyota Previa van
    purchased by Newton, contained sixty-three kilograms of
    cocaine. Two others held fifty-six kilograms between them
    in their compartments. Still another, a Toyota sedan that
    Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339                             7
    Wirth had been known to drive, had empty compartments,
    but eight kilograms of cocaine in a gym bag were found in
    its trunk. Keys to all five vehicles were found on the key
    ring in the truck that Knight was known to drive at the
    time. In total, 144 kilogram bricks of cocaine were recovered
    from the stash house and the various cars. Williams was
    arrested a year later.
    On April 23, 2001, a federal grand jury returned a second
    superseding indictment against Knight, Williams, Newton,
    and Durant. The first count charged Knight and Williams
    with possession with intent to distribute five or more kilo-
    grams of cocaine in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    arising from the events that transpired on October 22 at
    Collins’s home. The second count charged all four defen-
    dants with violating 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    (a)(1) and 846 by con-
    spiring to distribute and to possess with intent to distribute
    five or more kilograms of cocaine.
    The defendants’ trial began on July 23, 2001. The govern-
    ment called forty-four witnesses, including couriers
    Frampton, Outlaw, and Wirth; dealers McAfee, Adams, and
    Collins; and coconspirator and mid-level manager Durant.
    In addition, the government produced the testimony of the
    various state and federal authorities responsible for the
    numerous arrests and continuing investigation. To corrobo-
    rate the witnesses’ testimony regarding the events related
    above, the government presented, among other things, the
    testimony of hotel managers and employees, who provided
    hotel records establishing short overlapping local hotel
    stays for Knight, Williams, Newton, Durant, and the vari-
    ous couriers; photographic evidence of the crime scene at
    Collins’s home on October 22; and motor vehicle records
    for the numerous secret-compartment cars used by the
    The jury was instructed on the offenses utilizing the
    Seventh Circuit pattern jury instructions. The jury verdict
    8                          Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339
    forms required the jurors to determine each defendant’s
    guilt on each count; a special verdict question for each count
    then requested the jury to determine, once guilt was
    established, whether the offense charged involved five or
    more kilograms of cocaine. The jury returned guilty ver-
    dicts for all three defendants on all counts charged (Knight
    and Williams for conspiracy and possession, Newton for
    conspiracy only) and determined that for each offense, the
    drug involved was cocaine and the amount met or exceeded
    five kilograms. Knight, Williams, and Newton were there-
    after sentenced to the statutory maximum—life in prison.
    Knight, Williams, and Newton all claim that the govern-
    ment improperly withheld material exculpatory evidence
    and that the government’s untimely disclosure prejudiced
    their right to a fair trial. They also all claim that Apprendi
    required the jury to return defendant-specific findings of
    drug quantity and type instead of the offense-specific find-
    ings that the jury returned in this case. In addition,
    Williams raises three independent issues to his conviction
    and sentence. We address each argument in turn.
    A. Discovery Disputes
    Williams filed several pretrial discovery demands, re-
    questing the government to search for a generalized and
    exhaustive list of material favorable to him. (Neither
    Knight nor Newton made similar requests.) The district
    court noted that the general principles outlined by the
    Supreme Court in Brady v. Maryland, 
    373 U.S. 83
    Giglio v. United States, 
    405 U.S. 150
     (1972), United States
    v. Agurs, 
    427 U.S. 97
     (1976), and Kyles v. Whitley, 
    514 U.S. 419
     (1995), obliged the government to turn over the materi-
    als that Williams had requested in his motion. Nonetheless,
    Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339                             9
    the district court denied Williams’s generalized request,
    noting its confidence that the government would voluntar-
    ily comply with its discovery obligations under this line of
    To that end and in accordance with its open-file policy,
    the government provided the defendants approximately
    4000 pages of discovery materials and made available for
    inspection and copying the numerous telephone tapes, logs,
    and records that had been collected during the course of the
    investigation. In addition, on July 19, 2001, four days before
    the start of trial, the prosecutor drafted a letter to the
    defendants, addressing the benefits promised to govern-
    ment witnesses Frampton, Outlaw, McAfee, and Adams in
    exchange for their testimony.
    On the first day of trial, the government supplemented
    these discovery materials with an updated criminal history
    for each of its witnesses. Throughout the trial, as the gov-
    ernment continued to receive additional investigatory
    materials regarding its arrangements with testifying wit-
    nesses, it in turn provided them to the defense. After the
    first full week of trial, the government disclosed the results
    of a ballistic analysis performed in August 1998 on shell
    casings recovered from the shootout at Collins’s home on
    October 22, 1996. Those results indicated that some of the
    casings had been fired from a firearm that the Milwaukee
    police later recovered from Danny Patrick Jones, an indi-
    vidual unaffiliated with any of the defendants or witnesses.
    Also, the government disclosed after the first week of trial
    that Milwaukee police had recovered a latent fingerprint
    from one cocaine package recovered from Collins’s home
    that did not match either Knight’s or Williams’s prints.
    The defendants complained that this rolling disclosure
    of impeachment and physical evidence prejudiced the
    preparation of their defense. In repeated oral motions for
    mistrial and motions to exclude the testimony of witnesses,
    10                         Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339
    they argued that given the complexity of the case, the gov-
    ernment’s untimely disclosures precluded them from mak-
    ing effective use of any of the material exculpatory evidence
    being continually disclosed. The district court denied these
    various motions.
    In this appeal of those denials and of the later denial of
    the defendant’s motion for a new trial, the defendants con-
    test the government’s handling of two categories of discov-
    ery materials. First and foremost, they claim that the
    government suppressed impeachment information regard-
    ing four of its key witnesses—Durant, Wirth, Outlaw, and
    McAfee. Second, they challenge the late disclosure of the
    fingerprint and ballistic analyses.
    To prove a Brady violation, the defendants must show
    that (1) the evidence at issue is favorable to them because
    it is either exculpatory or could be used for impeachment;
    (2) the evidence has been suppressed (i.e., the existence of
    the evidence was known, or reasonably should have been
    known, to the government, the evidence was not otherwise
    available to the defendant through the exercise of reason-
    able diligence, and the government either willfully or inad-
    vertently withheld the evidence until it was too late for the
    defense to make use of it); and (3) the suppression of the
    evidence resulted in prejudice (i.e., there is a reasonable
    probability that had the evidence been disclosed, the out-
    come might have been different, such that confidence in the
    actual outcome is undermined). United States v. O’Hara,
    301 F.3d 563
    , 569 (7th Cir. 2002); United States v. Wilson,
    237 F.3d 827
    , 832 (7th Cir. 2001); United States v. Morris,
    80 F.3d 1151
    , 1169 (7th Cir. 1996). The district court
    maintains broad discretion to determine Brady violations;
    we will review the exercise of that discretion for abuse only.
    237 F.3d at 831-32
    ; United States v. Hartman, 
    958 F.2d 774
    , 790 (7th Cir. 1992).
    Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339                            11
    1. Impeachment Evidence
    The defendants claim that the government suppressed
    impeachment evidence regarding four of the government’s
    key witnesses—Durant, Wirth, Outlaw, and McAfee. There
    is no dispute among the parties that evidence probative of
    the testifying witnesses’ credibility, including the potential
    for bias, is evidence favorable to the accused. See Crivens v.
    172 F.3d 991
    , 998 (7th Cir. 1999). Instead the govern-
    ment and defendants contest whether this evidence was
    ever suppressed and, if it was, whether the defense was
    prejudiced as a result.
    It was no surprise to the defense that many of the mate-
    rial witnesses the government produced to testify had been
    convicted of or faced pending drug-related charges and that
    the witnesses had offered the government their testimony
    in exchange for leniency on their own offenses. The defense
    received the criminal histories and information regarding
    the existence of these arrangements before trial. While it
    was far from ideal that additional impeachment evidence
    came to light and was disclosed to the defense only during
    the course of a fairly complex drug-conspiracy trial, the
    defense had an appropriate opportunity to incorporate that
    information into their cross-examination of each witness.
    Therefore, because the government in fact provided this
    material with enough time for the defense to make use of it,
    it was never suppressed. Accord O’Hara, 
    301 F.3d at 569
    (finding no suppression where evidence pertinent to the
    issue of the witness’s credibility was disclosed with “plenty
    of time . . . to make use of the information”).
    More importantly, even if the government’s rolling dis-
    closures regarding impeachment evidence were incomplete
    in some respects or were delivered too late for the defense
    to make effective use of that particular information, the
    suppression of this additional evidence did not prejudice the
    defendants. Given the effective cross-examination con-
    12                         Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339
    ducted on each of these four witnesses, which extensively
    covered their motivation to trade their testimony against
    Knight, Williams, and Newton in exchange for the promise
    of lenient treatment by the government, it is unlikely that
    any of the additional information about which the defense
    complains would have made a difference to the jury in their
    appraisal of the evidence. In as much as this evidence was
    cumulative on the issue of motivation and bias, its suppres-
    sion does not raise a reasonable probability that the out-
    come would have been different, so as to undermine our
    confidence in the actual outcome. Accord Pruitt v. McAdory,
    No. 02-4100, 
    2003 U.S. App. LEXIS 14865
    , at *14 (7th Cir.
    July 25, 2003); Wilson, 
    237 F.3d at 832-33
     (finding no Brady
    violation where informant-witness had already been so
    thoroughly impeached that any additional impeachment
    evidence disclosed wouldn’t have made any difference).
    For example, the defendants complain that they didn’t
    receive codefendant Durant’s complete criminal history or
    notice that he had entered into an additional plea agree-
    ment for federal drug charges he was facing in the Western
    District of Tennessee until the first day of trial on July 23.
    Durant, however, didn’t begin testifying until August 1 and
    wasn’t cross-examined until August 2. And on cross-exami-
    nation, Durant was questioned thoroughly about the plea
    agreements he had entered into with the government both
    on the charges he faced in the instant case and in Tennes-
    see. In addition, he was questioned extensively about the
    fact that in exchange for his testimony and for pleading
    guilty to lesser-included offenses, he expected the sentences
    he faced on these charges to be reduced from a maximum of
    life in prison to a maximum of ten years. (Tr. at 1591-93,
    1606, 1620-21.)
    Similarly, the defendants complain that the government
    withheld, until the day Outlaw testified, a copy of her 1999
    Arkansas plea agreement, which showed that the federal
    prosecutor in Arkansas agreed to recommend a 10% down-
    Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339                               13
    ward departure in return for her substantial assistance.
    They also complain that the criminal history the govern-
    ment provided for Outlaw was incomplete and inaccurate.
    Nonetheless, the district court reviewed the plea agreement
    and questioned Outlaw about it, concluding that its terms
    were sufficiently clear to permit the defendants to cross-
    examine her about it and her motivation for testifying
    in the instant case. (Tr. at 569-73.) On the resulting cross-
    examination, Outlaw was interrogated thoroughly regard-
    ing her criminal history (she conceded that she had prior
    convictions for prostitution, bookmaking, and drug posses-
    sion)1; her ability to recall the events at issue; inconsistent
    statements she had made to law enforcement officers; and
    the terms of her plea agreement, the fact that her sentence
    for her Arkansas trafficking conviction was reduced from
    ten to six years in accordance with that agreement, and her
    hopes for a further sentence reduction in exchange for her
    testimony against the defendants. (Tr. at 579-612, 614-17,
    The defendants address their complaints about the dis-
    closures made regarding witnesses Wirth and McAfee in
    similar fashion. For each, the defendants assert that the
    government withheld impeachment information—in Wirth’s
    case, grand-jury transcripts and information regarding his
    bond status; in McAfee’s, tapes and phone records of his
    prison calls to Collins and others—that would have enabled
    them to present a more effective defense. The defendants
    fail to demonstrate with particularity, however, that there
    was anything helpful about this information. And even
    assuming that it was favorable, they once again have not
    shown that it was withheld until they were unable to make
    We merely note that the defense was successful in putting this
    prior-conviction information before the jury. We express no opin-
    ion on whether its admission was proper under federal evidentiary
    14                         Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339
    effective use of it or that they were prejudiced as a result.
    Wirth’s grand-jury testimony was made available to the
    defense on the first day of trial, July 23, and he didn’t tes-
    tify until August 2; the McAfee tapes were part of the evi-
    dence that the government had invited the defendants to
    inspect and copy before trial and therefore were previously
    available to the defense through a reasonable exercise of
    diligence, see Morris, 
    80 F.3d at 1170
    . And both witnesses
    were thoroughly cross-examined regarding their relevant
    criminal histories, plea arrangements, and, in Wirth’s case,
    bond status and prior testimony, and, in McAfee’s, tele-
    phone conversations. (Tr. at 668-72, 677-89, 695-704, 1715-
    23, 1734-44, 1746-48.)
    In sum, the defendants have failed to show that favorable
    impeachment evidence was suppressed and that its sup-
    pression prejudiced their defense.
    2. Physical Evidence
    Knight and Williams defended the possession charge on
    the grounds that they were not present at Collins’s home
    the night of October 22 when it was robbed. Given this,
    both sides agree that the results of the fingerprint and bal-
    listic analyses, which point to the possibility of another
    actor’s involvement, were evidence favorable to their de-
    fense. The parties instead split over whether the evidence
    was withheld beyond a time when the defendants could
    make effective use of it or whether, if actually suppressed,
    the evidence was so favorable to the defense that there
    exists a reasonable probability that if disclosed, the outcome
    of the trial would have been different so as to undermine
    confidence in the actual verdict.
    The results of the ballistic evidence, which showed that
    some of the casings recovered from the shootout at Collins’s
    home had been fired from a gun that Milwaukee police took
    Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339                            15
    from Danny Patrick Jones during an unrelated drug arrest
    one-and-a-half years after the incident, was only disclosed
    to the defense during the trial, nine days before the start of
    the defense’s case. The government in response claims it did
    not receive this August 1998 report from the Milwaukee
    police department until after the trial had started and that
    it disclosed it at the earliest opportunity on the next trial
    day. Assuming arguendo that the government reasonably
    should have known about this evidence earlier and should
    have made efforts to retrieve it from the Milwaukee police
    department, see United States v. Bhutani, 
    175 F.3d 572
    577 (7th Cir. 1999) (observing that even if the prosecution
    has only consulted with a government agency on a case, the
    agency is considered part of the prosecution and informa-
    tion within the agency’s knowledge and control will be
    imputed to the prosecution), we nonetheless conclude that
    the defense had sufficient opportunity to make use of the
    evidence once it was disclosed.
    The defendants do not effectively counter this point. They
    do not assert that they would have attempted to locate
    Jones had they had more time to review the report. And the
    record reveals that the defense made as effective use of this
    evidence as was likely possible under even the best of cir-
    cumstances. The ballistics expert told the jury that Jones
    had been arrested for a drug-related offense, had been
    found in possession of a weapon that matched some of the
    casings recovered from Collins’s home, and suggested,
    somewhat tenuously, that Jones may have been a partici-
    pant in the drug and robbery activity that evening. In the
    defendants’ closing argument, counsel used this testimony
    to argue that the government had unreasonably focused its
    investigative efforts on the defendants, while ignoring the
    culpability of others such as Jones—who, in the words of
    defense counsel, was “the man whose gun was used to shoot
    Frank McRae.” (Tr. at 2206.) As this reference makes clear,
    the argument that it was Jones who was involved with the
    16                         Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339
    aborted drug deal at Collins’s house and not the defendants
    was emphasized in the defense’s case before the jury.
    Likewise, the defense made effective use of the finger-
    print-analysis results despite the government’s late disclo-
    sure. Those results indicated that one of the packages of
    cocaine had been handled by someone whose fingerprints
    did not match those of Knight or Williams. This May 2001
    Milwaukee police report was disclosed to the defense upon
    its receipt by federal prosecutors on July 31, 2001, eight
    days into the trial, eight days before the government rested
    its case, and nine days before the start of the defense. The
    defendants did not seek to call the fingerprint examiner as
    a witness to discuss the substance of his analysis that
    excluded Knight, Williams, McRae, Collins, and Orlando as
    the source of the print. Nor have they argued that they
    tried, but were unable to do so, because nine days was not
    enough time. In any event, even without calling the analyst
    as a witness, the defense in closing repeatedly called the
    jury’s attention to the fact that none of the packages re-
    trieved from Collins’s home bore Knight’s or Williams’s
    It was not surprising, however, that the jury did not ac-
    cept as persuasive the defense’s theory of the case, sup-
    ported by its use of the ballistic analysis and the absence of
    Knight’s and Williams’s fingerprints. There was substantial
    evidence showing that Knight and Williams delivered the
    cocaine to Collins’s home that evening, including, among
    other things, Collins’s testimony, her neighbor’s observation
    of a man meeting Knight’s description carrying objects out
    into the alley after the gunfire stopped, the recovery of
    forty-four kilograms of cocaine, much of it from that alley,
    the neighbor’s sighting of a car at the scene matching the
    description of Knight’s vehicle, the location of Williams’s
    identification and car keys, and Adams’s testimony that
    Knight had told him that Knight’s drugs had been the
    target of the robbery attempt at Collins’s home. The jury
    weighed this evidence and concluded that the testimony
    Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339                            17
    and circumstantial evidence implicating Knight and
    Williams was credible and proved, beyond a reasonable
    doubt, that they were in possession of the cocaine recovered
    from Collins’s home that night. The defendants have not
    shown how any additional use of the ballistics or fingerprint
    evidence beyond what they were able to place before the
    jury would have undermined confidence in that conclu-
    sion. They, therefore, have not established that this evi-
    dence was suppressed in that they could not make use of it,
    nor have they shown that, if suppressed, they were preju-
    diced by it.
    Our opinion should not be read as a ringing endorsement
    of the government’s actions. We believe that the delay in
    delivering this material could have been avoided or, at the
    least, diminished. And we emphasize that we are aware of
    the probability that eve-of-trial disclosures or, as here, in-
    trial disclosures may prevent the defense from “divert[ing]
    appropriate resources from other initiatives and obligations
    that are or may seem more pressing” in order to “assimilate
    [this new] information into its case.” Leka v. Portuondo, 
    257 F.3d 89
    , 101 (2d Cir. 2001) (citation omitted). That possibil-
    ity was raised by the late disclosures here. Nonetheless, the
    defendants have not established that the possibility for
    prejudice ripened into actual harm on account of their ina-
    bility to make effective use of information that reasonably
    may have affected the trial’s outcome. That their counsel
    was able to incorporate these continuing disclosures into
    the defense of a complex drug-conspiracy case is certainly
    a testament to their mettle as trial counsel. Regardless, we
    must deny the defendants’ Brady claim because they have
    not made the requisite showings of suppression or preju-
    B. Drug Quantity
    Knight, Williams, and Newton next argue that the dis-
    trict court erroneously instructed the jury on the two counts
    18                         Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339
    of conviction. Reviewing the district court’s instruction, we
    “must determine from looking at the charges as a whole,
    whether the jury was misled in any way and whether it had
    understanding of the issues and its duty to determine those
    issues.” United States v. Fawley, 
    137 F.3d 458
    , 467 (7th Cir.
    1998) (quotation omitted). “So long as the instructions treat
    the issues fairly and accurately, they will not be disturbed
    on appeal.” United States v. Doerr, 
    886 F.2d 944
    , 960 (7th
    Cir. 1989) (quotations omitted).
    Here, the court gave the Seventh Circuit Pattern Instruc-
    tion pertaining to 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    (a)(1) and 846, together
    with a special verdict question for each count. (Tr. at 2287-
    95.) The special verdict question, to be answered only if the
    jury found at least one defendant guilty of the charge,
    asked the jury to determine if the offense involved five kilo-
    grams or more of cocaine. The special verdict question was
    prompted by the Supreme Court’s ruling in Apprendi v.
    New Jersey, 
    530 U.S. 466
     (2000) and tracked the relevant
    language of 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    The defendants argue, as they did below, that the instruc-
    tions were erroneous. They contend that Apprendi requires
    a defendant-specific finding regarding drug quantity and
    type rather than the offense-specific finding used by the
    district court. Accordingly, they argue that this Circuit’s
    pattern instruction is facially deficient and that the defect
    was not cured by the court’s special verdict question. They
    argue that the alternate jury instructions they proposed
    more closely approximated the post-Apprendi legal land-
    scape and would have better informed the jury.
    In Apprendi, the Supreme Court held that “[o]ther than
    the fact of a prior conviction, any fact that increases the
    penalty for a crime beyond the prescribed statutory maxi-
    mum must be submitted to a jury, and proved beyond a
    reasonable doubt.” 
    530 U.S. at 490
    . Before Apprendi, courts
    treated the penalty provision of § 841(b), with its escalating
    Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339                            19
    drug-quantity triggers, as sentencing factors—to be deter-
    mined by judges by a preponderance of the evidence at
    After Apprendi, drug type and quantity remain sentenc-
    ing issues, but the burden of proof and fact finder have
    changed. See Horton v. United States, 
    244 F.3d 546
    , 552
    (7th Cir. 2001). Apprendi means that the defendants may
    be subject to a statutorily enhanced sentence based on drug
    type and quantity, as provided in § 841(b), only if those
    facts are charged in the indictment and proven to a jury
    beyond a reasonable doubt. United States v. Nance, 
    236 F.3d 820
    , 824-25 (7th Cir. 2000).
    The requisite content of a jury instruction in a multi-
    defendant case alleging drug conspiracy and possession
    post-Apprendi is an issue of first impression in this circuit.
    It has, however, been addressed by other circuits. In
    Derman v. United States, 
    298 F.3d 34
    , 42 (1st Cir. 2002),
    the First Circuit found that Apprendi did not require defen-
    dant-specific findings of drug type and quantity to a con-
    spiracy charge. The court relied upon Edwards v. United
    523 U.S. 511
     (1998), in which the Supreme Court
    held that “as long as (1) the jury finds beyond a reasonable
    doubt that a defendant participated in a conspiracy, and (2)
    the Court sentences him within the statutory maximum
    applicable to that conspiracy, the court may ‘determine both
    the amount and the kind of “controlled substances”
    for which [the] defendant should be held accountable—and
    then . . . impose a sentence that varies depending upon
    amount and kind.’ ” Derman, 
    298 F.3d at 42
    523 U.S. at 513-14
    We agree with the First Circuit that Apprendi did not
    overrule Edwards and that its holding does not require de-
    fendant-specific findings of drug type and quantity in drug-
    conspiracy cases. As that court observed,
    the two decisions are easily harmonized: in a drug con-
    spiracy case, the jury should determine the existence
    20                         Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339
    vel non of the conspiracy as well as any acts about the
    conspiracy that will increase the possible penalty for
    the crime of conviction beyond the default statutory
    maximum; and the judge should determine, at sentenc-
    ing, the particulars regarding the involvement of each
    participant in the conspiracy.
    This means that once the jury has determined that the
    conspiracy involved a type and quantity of drugs suf-
    ficient to justify a sentence above the default statutory
    maximum and has found a particular defendant guilty
    of participation in the conspiracy, the judge may law-
    fully determine the drug quantity attributable to that
    defendant and sentence him accordingly . . . . The rule,
    then, is that the government need only allege and prove
    to the jury the bare facts necessary to increase the
    statutory sentencing maximum for the conspiracy as a
    Id. at 42-43 (citations and footnote omitted); see also United
    States v. Turner, 
    319 F.3d 716
    , 722-23 (5th Cir. 2003) (fol-
    lowing Derman).
    Derman’s analysis remains sound despite the Supreme
    Court’s more recent decision in Ring v. Arizona, 
    536 U.S. 584
     (2002), which found that Arizona’s capital-punishment-
    sentencing scheme violated the defendant’s Sixth Amend-
    ment jury-trial right. Id at 602-09. Arizona’s scheme vested
    a single trial judge with the authority to increase a defen-
    dant’s sentence from life in prison to the death penalty by
    finding the presence of aggravating factors. Without the
    determination of those aggravating factors, the maximum
    sentence that could be imposed under a jury’s guilty verdict
    on a first-degree murder charge was life in prison. Consis-
    tent with Apprendi, the Supreme Court ruled that capital
    defendants, no less so than noncapital defendants, are enti-
    tled under the Sixth Amendment to a jury determination of
    any fact upon which the legislature increases their statu-
    tory maximum punishment. Since a defendant could face
    Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339                            21
    the death penalty only upon proof of the aggravating fac-
    tors, they must be submitted to a jury and proved beyond a
    reasonable doubt. 
    Id. at 609
    Ring, however, is under Derman’s analysis as reconcilable
    with Edwards as is Apprendi. Once the jury determines the
    existence of the conspiracy, the defendants’ participation in
    it, and assigns a type and quantity attributable to the con-
    spiracy as a whole, it has established the statutory maxi-
    mum sentence that any one participant in that conspiracy
    may receive. Derman, 
    298 F.3d at 42
    . Once that maximum
    sentence has been established (ceiling), the judge may
    determine the drug quantity attributable to each defendant
    (floor) and sentence him accordingly. 
    Id. at 42-43
    . The
    sentencing judge’s findings do not, because they cannot,
    have the effect of increasing an individual defendant’s
    exposure beyond the statutory maximum justified by the
    jury’s guilty verdict. This arrangement, therefore, does not
    compare with Arizona’s capital-sentencing scheme, which
    allowed a judge’s subsequent finding of aggravating factors
    to raise the ceiling of maximum punishment authorized by
    the jury’s verdict. See Ring, 
    536 U.S. at 603
    Furthermore, a review of our own case law, though not
    directly own point, leads us to the same conclusion that the
    First Circuit reached in Derman. In United States v. Tren-
    nell, for example, we implicitly approved a jury instruction
    and special verdict form substantially similar to the one
    at issue here. 
    290 F.3d 881
    , 889 (7th Cir. 2002). In Trennell,
    we addressed an Apprendi challenge where drug quantity
    was not pleaded in the indictment but was submitted to the
    jury with instructions and special verdict questions that
    asked the jury to find the total amount of the drugs distrib-
    uted in the conspiracy. 
    Id. at 888-89
    . Rejecting the defen-
    dant’s claim that the jury instructions created a variance
    from the indictment and that the failure to allege the drug
    quantity in the indictment created constitutional error, we
    found that the special verdict form properly instructed the
    22                         Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339
    jury to return a drug-quantity finding attributable to the
    Id. at 889
    And in United States v. Patterson, when reviewing under
    the plain-error standard the post-Apprendi sentence of
    a defendant whose drug quantity had not been submitted to
    the jury, we observed that for purposes of determining
    whether the error was harmless “[f]ocus on [the amount
    possessed by] the conspiracy is the right perspective.” 
    241 F.3d 912
    , 914 (7th Cir. 2001) (per curiam). This was so “be-
    cause each of the defendants . . . was convicted of conspiring
    with the others to distribute drugs, and as a member of the
    conspiracy each is accountable for the acts of all other
    conspirators within the scope of that agreement.” 
    Id. at 914
    In sum, then, we find that the district court’s instructions
    were legally proper and adequately advised the jury about
    the applicable law. Under those instructions and making
    use of the special verdict form, the jury determined whether
    each defendant was guilty of participating in the conspiracy
    and then determined that the conspiracy involved a type
    and quantity of drugs sufficient to trigger the statutory
    maximum of life in prison. Once the defendant’s partici-
    pation in the drug conspiracy was proven, the judge at
    sentencing appropriately determined the drug quantity at-
    tributable to that particular defendant and sentenced him
    accordingly. Derman, 
    298 F.3d at 42-43
    The defense was therefore not entitled to its proposed
    instructions, which were not then, nor are they now, accu-
    rate statements of the law. See Fawley, 
    137 F.3d at 468-69
    The defense’s proposed instructions were based on a broad
    interpretation of the Ninth Circuit’s holding in United
    States v. Nordby, 
    225 F.3d 1053
     (9th Cir. 2000), a case for
    which we reserve comment save to note, as did the First
    Circuit in Derman, that Nordby was limited by the Ninth
    Circuit’s subsequent decision in United States v. Buckland
    Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339                           23
    and modified further by its decision in United States v.
    Patterson to be consistent with the reasoning we adopt
    today. Derman, 
    298 F.3d at
    43 (citing Buckland, 
    289 F.3d 558
    , 567-68 (9th Cir. 2002) (en banc), and Patterson, 
    292 F.3d 615
    , 623 (9th Cir. 2002)).
    Finally, the record in this case contains overwhelming
    evidence demonstrating that each of these three defendants
    is personally responsible for, and could easily foresee that
    the conspiracy involved, five or more kilograms of cocaine.
    Accord Patterson, 
    241 F.3d at 914
    . At Collins’s house alone,
    police recovered forty-four kilograms of cocaine. Couriers
    Frampton, Outlaw, and others supervised by Newton made
    numerous trips back and forth from California to Milwau-
    kee bringing with them multiple kilograms of cocaine.
    Wirth made dozens of trips in secret-compartment cars that
    could hold dozens of kilograms of cocaine. Williams picked
    up each load. McAfee and Adams bought cocaine from
    Knight and Williams on multiple occasions in quantities up
    to twenty kilograms. And 144 kilograms of cocaine were
    recovered from Knight’s California stash house, some of it
    already loaded into cars in preparation of the next drug
    run. Moreover, the evidence establishes that these defen-
    dants were the core members of this conspiracy and not
    fringe members; the full weight of drugs involved were
    thus foreseeable and attributable to each. Therefore, even
    if there was error in not attributing a defendant-specific
    finding on the charges in this case, any error would have
    been harmless given the evidence. Neder v. United States,
    527 U.S. 1
    , 10-11 (1999) (holding that erroneous jury
    instruction that omitted an element of the offense is subject
    to harmless-error analysis); Nance, 236 F.3d at 825 (observ-
    ing that to satisfy harmless-error analysis the court must
    ask whether it is “clear beyond a reasonable doubt that
    a rational jury would have found the defendant guilty
    absent the error.” (quotation omitted)).
    24                         Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339
    C. Williams’s Individual Challenges
    The remaining three challenges raised solely by Williams
    are meritless, and we may dispose of them with minimal
    discussion. First, Williams argues that the district court
    should have dismissed his indictment. He argues that be-
    cause the State of Wisconsin continued to pay the salary of
    the Assistant District Attorney Karine O’Byrne during her
    service as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney (SAUSA), her
    appointment violated 
    28 U.S.C. § 548
    , which provides that
    the Attorney General of the United States shall fix the
    annual salaries of SAUSAs. He further argues that since
    her appointment was not valid, SAUSA O’Byrne was not
    an “attorney[ ] for the government,” and her appearance
    before his indicting grand jury violated Federal Rule of
    Criminal Procedure 6(d). Notwithstanding the potential
    for error in this arrangement, any such error is harmless.
    The purpose of Rule 6(d) is “to protect the innocent from
    being indicted.” United States v. Fountain, 
    840 F.2d 509
    515 (7th Cir. 1988). Because Williams was found guilty at
    trial, he is “not a member of the class of beneficiaries of the
    rule” and is not entitled to invoke it to reverse his convic-
     Accord United States v. Mechanik, 
    475 U.S. 66
    , 67,
    71-72 (1986) (explaining that “the petit jury’s verdict of
    guilty beyond a reasonable doubt demonstrates a fortiori
    that there was probable cause to charge the defendants
    with the offenses for which they were convicted”); United
    States v. Rosario, 
    234 F.3d 347
    , 352 (7th Cir. 2000) (convic-
    tion at trial “indicates a proper grand jury proceeding would
    have still yielded an indictment”).
    Second, Williams argues that his conviction must be re-
    versed because the government violated Batson v. Ken-
    476 U.S. 79
     (1986), by striking two jurors for racial
    reasons. Under Batson, after the defendant makes a prima
    facie showing that a prosecutor exercised a peremptory
    strike based on race, the burden shifts to the prosecutor to
    Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339                             25
    provide a race-neutral explanation for the strike. Mahaffey
    v. Page, 
    162 F.3d 481
    , 482-83 (7th Cir. 1998). If an explana-
    tion is provided, the ultimate burden rests upon the de-
    fendant to prove that the explanation was offered as mere
    pretext for racial discrimination. 
    Id. at 483
    The district court found that the government’s proffer of
    reasons for striking these two jurors—the first juror for the
    observation that her difficulty in understanding the prosecu-
    tor’s voir dire questions made it likely that she would have
    difficulty understanding the wealth of information to be
    presented during the three-week trial; the second juror for
    his at best inattentiveness during voir dire and at worst
    excessive fatigue from working two jobs—was legitimate
    and not pretextual. We review the district court’s findings
    for clear error, United States v. James, 
    113 F.3d 721
    , 728
    (7th Cir. 1997), keeping in mind the fact that the district
    court is in the best position to determine whether a reason
    given for a strike is mere pretext and reversing only if “the
    reason given is completely outlandish or there is other evi-
    dence which demonstrates its falsity.” Tinner v. United Ins.
    308 F.3d 697
    , 703 (7th Cir. 2002) (quotation omitted).
    Williams cannot satisfy either test. It is not completely
    outrageous that the government would be interested in
    striking jurors who it felt either could not grasp the com-
    plexities of its trial evidence or were too tired to pay atten-
    tion. And Williams has presented no independent evidence
    demonstrating that these reasons were false: for example,
    he identifies no non-African-American jurors who were
    similarly situated (i.e., noncomprehending or inattentive
    and sleeping) but who were allowed to remain. See Coulter
    v. Gilmore, 
    155 F.3d 912
    , 921 (7th Cir. 1998) (treatment of
    similarly situated jurors relevant to determine discrimina-
    tory intent). His Batson challenge thus fails.
    Finally, Williams contends that his sentence offends
    Apprendi because evidence of his prior convictions, which
    Williams argues increased his sentence beyond the statu-
    26                        Nos. 01-4219, 01-4264 & 01-4339
    tory maximum, were not proven to the jury. But Apprendi
    expressly reserved prior convictions from the scope of its
    530 U.S. at 490
    . And as discussed above, based on
    the jury’s finding of drug type and quantity, the statutory
    maximum that Williams faced on both charges was life
    in prison. The sentence he received did not exceed the
    statutory maximum; it was the statutory maximum. Thus,
    Apprendi does not apply. The prior drug convictions may
    have increased his statutory minimum sentence for these
    offenses, but this is not prohibited by Apprendi. We have
    recognized that the Supreme Court in Apprendi expressly
    declined to overrule McMillan v. Pennsylvania, 
    477 U.S. 79
    (1986), which upheld a statutory minimum prison term that
    was based solely on the sentencing judge’s preponderance-
    of-the-evidence findings. United States v. Rodgers, 
    245 F.3d 961
    , 966 (7th Cir. 2001); see also Harris v. United States,
    536 U.S. 545
    , 564-65 (2002); Nance, 236 F.3d at 825. In any
    event, the life sentence that Williams received was not de-
    pendant upon his prior conviction information, but rather
    the applicable guideline range, properly determined by the
    sentencing court to fall at the statutory maximum.
    For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM the convictions of
    Knight, Williams, and Newton and we AFFIRM Williams’s
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit

Document Info

Docket Number: 01-4219

Judges: Per Curiam

Filed Date: 8/18/2003

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/24/2015

Authorities (35)

Derman v. United States , 298 F.3d 34 ( 2002 )

Sami Leka v. Leonard A. Portuondo, Superintendent, ... , 257 F.3d 89 ( 2001 )

Dwayne Coulter v. Jerry Gilmore , 155 F.3d 912 ( 1998 )

United States v. Turner , 319 F.3d 716 ( 2003 )

United States v. Debra A. Hartmann, Kenneth K. Kaenel, and ... , 958 F.2d 774 ( 1992 )

United States v. Lafayette James , 113 F.3d 721 ( 1997 )

United States v. Scott M. Fawley , 137 F.3d 458 ( 1998 )

United States v. Dale J. Doerr, John Paul Doerr, Josephine ... , 886 F.2d 944 ( 1989 )

United States v. Nazareth Wilson , 237 F.3d 827 ( 2001 )

United States v. Catalino Rosario , 234 F.3d 347 ( 2000 )

Algie Crivens v. Thomas P. Roth, Warden, Dixon Correctional ... , 172 F.3d 991 ( 1999 )

United States v. Baldev Raj Bhutani, Neelam Bhutani, and ... , 175 F.3d 572 ( 1999 )

United States v. Edward L. Morris and Steven M. Gardner , 80 F.3d 1151 ( 1996 )

United States v. Scott A. Fountain , 840 F.2d 509 ( 1988 )

United States v. Andrew (\"Bay-Bay\") Patterson, Henry ... , 241 F.3d 912 ( 2001 )

Randy Horton v. United States , 244 F.3d 546 ( 2001 )

United States v. Leander Rodgers , 245 F.3d 961 ( 2001 )

United States v. Calvin Trennell, A/K/A Meechie , 290 F.3d 881 ( 2002 )

United States v. Richard O'Hara , 301 F.3d 563 ( 2002 )

Will Tinner v. United Insurance Company of America , 308 F.3d 697 ( 2002 )

View All Authorities »