Firestine, Cynthia v. Parkview Hosp Inc ( 2004 )

  •                                In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 03-1909
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Indiana, Fort Wayne Division.
    No. 1:01-CV-0414—William C. Lee, Judge.
    ARGUED DECEMBER 17, 2003—DECIDED JUNE 10, 2004
    Before KANNE, ROVNER, and WILLIAMS, Circuit Judges.
    WILLIAMS, Circuit Judge.        Cynthia Firestine sued
    Parkview Health System, Inc., under Title VII of the Civil
    Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000e to e-17, alleging that
    the company retaliated against her by removing her from
    her position for complaining about religious discrimination.
    This decision was originally released as an unpublished order.
    In response to a motion from Firestine to publish, it is now issued
    as an opinion.
    2                                               No. 03-1909
    The district court granted summary judgment in favor of
    Parkview, concluding that Firestine could not establish that
    she had engaged in protected activity and, alternatively, had
    no evidence that Parkview’s stated, non-discriminatory
    reason for removing her from her position was pretextual.
    Because we conclude that there are genuine issues of material
    fact about whether Parkview retaliated against Firestine, we
    reverse the district court’s grant of summary judgment and
    remand for further proceedings.
    I.   Background
    Taking all facts and inferences in favor of Firestine, see
    Hilt-Dyson v. City of Chicago, 
    282 F.3d 456
    , 462 (7th Cir.
    2002), we recount the relevant events leading up to her
    termination from Parkview. Firestine had worked as an
    administrative secretary in the medical/oncology/nursing
    department at Parkview since May 1998. After working as
    a manager in that department, Janette Bowers in March
    2001 became Firestine’s immediate supervisor.
    Firestine often talked about her conversion to Catholicism
    with friends at work, including Bowers, former supervisor
    Lynn Gerig, and Karen Slabaugh. Firestine would also tell
    Bowers and Gerig when she was attending the Catholic
    Mass offered by Parkview during lunch about once a week.
    In response Bowers allegedly would roll her eyes. According
    to Firestine, in December 2000 Bowers shared with
    Firestine that she had once been Catholic. In the same con-
    versation, both Bowers and Gerig warned Firestine that if
    she sent her son to Catholic school he would become “brain-
    washed,” and Bowers said that he would “feel guilty about
    everything he does for the rest of his life.”
    At some point before November 2000, Firestine discovered
    through conversations with Slabaugh that Bowers was a
    lesbian and later confirmed that information with Bowers.
    After learning about Bowers’s sexual orientation, Firestine
    No. 03-1909                                                 3
    shared with Bowers that her Catholic beliefs kept her from
    approving of Bowers’s lifestyle, but that her views did not
    affect her friendship with Bowers.
    Believing her coworkers’ comments about Catholicism to
    have been made in the context of friendship, Firestine never
    complained at the time to Human Resources about religious
    discrimination. But after receiving her first performance
    evaluation from Bowers on March 13, 2001, Firestine’s out-
    look changed. Bowers had conducted the performance evalu-
    ation two weeks after becoming Firestine’s supervisor with
    no input from Firestine’s former supervisor, Gerig. Al-
    though the numerical rating, which affects merit raises,
    actually increased from the previous year (resulting in a two
    percent merit raise), Firestine took issue with comments
    about her job performance that she thought harsh and inac-
    curate. She feared that the comments could possibly affect
    future attempts to advance at Parkview. In particular,
    Firestine disagreed with Bowers’s admonishment “to be con-
    tinually aware of the need for confidentiality and to main-
    tain a quiet and professional manner in patient care areas.”
    The evaluation also contained some criticism about Firestine’s
    ability to prioritize and timely complete tasks, such as
    Bowers and Cassie Carney, another manager in the de-
    partment, presented the evaluation to Firestine on March
    13, 2001. Firestine was extremely upset about the evalua-
    tion and requested to talk further about it with Bowers.
    Bowers agreed, but insisted that Carney should be present
    as well, which Firestine says made her “feel ganged up on.”
    According to Firestine, at this second meeting on the morning
    of March 14, Bowers attempted to explain some of the
    comments but got upset when she realized that Firestine
    was taking notes.
    Immediately after this meeting Firestine contacted Kari
    Vanness, an Employee Relations Specialist. Firestine main-
    tains that she told Vanness that the only reason she could
    4                                                No. 03-1909
    discern for the harsh comments was that she was Catholic,
    and Bowers knew that as a Catholic she did not approve of
    homosexual lifestyles. Vanness told Firestine that she
    would look into the comments. Although Vanness normally
    maintains records on investigations into employees’ com-
    plaints, she had none regarding Firestine’s complaint of
    religious discrimination.
    After meeting with Vanness, Firestine contacted a doctor
    treating her for depression to schedule an emergency
    therapy session around 12:30 p.m. that afternoon. Bowers,
    and Bowers’s supervisor, Eileen Bracket, however, asked to
    meet with Firestine about her concern over her evaluation
    at 12:15 p.m. Feeling “cornered” and in need of seeing her
    doctor, Firestine sobbed uncontrollably throughout the
    meeting, causing Brackett to ask her why she was so upset
    about a positive evaluation. Finally, they allowed Firestine
    to leave the meeting in order to attend the doctor’s appoint-
    ment. Afterward Vanness spoke with Bowers about modify-
    ing the comments and Bowers agreed to do so. To ensure a
    fair evaluation, Bowers also asked Brackett to conduct a
    second review of Firestine.
    Firestine’s doctor, after seeing her that day, placed her on
    a two-week leave due to her emotional state. That night,
    Firestine spoke with coworker Slabaugh by telephone about
    her evaluation. Firestine told Slabaugh that the only reason
    she could think of for Bowers’s negative comments was
    “that I’m a Catholic and Catholics do not believe in gay
    lifestyles, and due to her past comments about my Catholi-
    cism and her problems with Catholicism.” According to
    Slabaugh, Firestine mentioned bringing legal action against
    Parkview, but Firestine denies this.
    After the conversation Slabaugh told Bowers that Firestine
    believed she had received a bad evaluation because Bowers
    was prejudiced against Firestine for her Catholic beliefs
    about sexual orientation, and that Firestine planned to take
    No. 03-1909                                                 5
    legal action. Bowers then contacted Vanness and Jon
    Dortch, the Vice President of Human Resources, to discuss,
    in Bowers’s words, “the lesbian issue, and the Catholic is-
    sue, and the money amount.” Bowers also met with Brackett
    to inform her about Firestine’s conversation with Slabaugh
    (although Brackett recalls hearing only about the sexual
    orientation issue, not Firestine’s related comment about re-
    ligious discrimination). Brackett, after having seen Firestine
    and Bowers interact during the meeting on March 14 and
    now hearing of Firestine’s comments about Bowers’s sexual
    orientation, called Dortch and, she says, told him to move
    Firestine from her position. But Dortch does not remember
    this call.
    Bowers, Vanness, and Dortch met, focusing their discus-
    sion on Firestine’s comments to Slabaugh about Bowers’s
    sexual orientation and not the “Catholic issue.” Parkview
    has a policy that forbids negative comments about another’s
    sexual orientation, as well as race, color, gender, religion,
    national origin, age, and disability, and makes such com-
    ments a dischargeable offense. The three discussed whether
    Firestine had violated that policy in conversing with Slabaugh
    by telephone concerning her belief that, Bowers, because
    she was a lesbian, had discriminated against Firestine for
    her Catholic views about sexual orientation. Vanness then
    set up a time to talk to Firestine upon her return from
    Firestine received an order directing her to report to
    Human Resources on March 28, 2001, the day she returned
    to work. At that time Vanness met with Firestine to discuss
    her after-hours conversation with Slabaugh. Firestine
    explained that she had simply communicated her belief that
    Bowers had discriminated against her and why. Vanness,
    though, replied that Bowers was angry about the comment
    to Slabaugh concerning her sexual orientation and “does not
    want to work with you anymore.” According to Firestine,
    Vanness said, “It would be best to move you somewhere
    6                                                No. 03-1909
    else, so that you can better your career.” Although Firestine
    insists that Vanness told her that she could no longer work
    under Bowers, Vanness asserts that Firestine opted to be
    removed from the department in order to resolve the
    Parkview arranged to move Firestine internally. Firestine
    was given 30 days to find another position at Parkview with
    the help of the recruiting department, which was the
    standard method of transferring current employees without
    positions for whatever reason. In addition, Firestine was to
    receive two weeks’ pay while she looked for a replacement
    job; after that she would have to use her vacation time for the
    remainder of the 30-day period. Vanness took Firestine to
    meet Eric Weeks, an internal recruiter, who would assist
    her internal job search. According to Weeks, an employee is
    responsible for maintaining contact with him. Firestine had
    difficulty reaching Weeks by phone (although he did return
    her emails), and he showed her only lesser-paying, part-
    time jobs or full-time jobs in the evening, which were not
    comparable to her former employment. Furthermore,
    although Parkview had a website where new job openings
    were to be posted, the postings were not kept current, so
    Firestine did not find the website useful. But Parkview did
    post a hard copy of current job postings at each Parkview
    facility. After an April 5 email to him, Firestine did not
    contact Weeks again.
    On April 15, 2001, still within the 30-day period but pre-
    sumably a couple of days into her vacation time, Firestine
    found an external job at United Art and Education for $9.00
    per hour. In responding to Parkview’s motion for summary
    judgment, Firestine’s counsel represented that this job paid
    less than Firestine’s former position. There is no evidence
    about Firestine’s salary at Parkview, although the person
    who replaced her there was paid $10.92 per hour. Parkview
    officially terminated Firestine on May 10, 2001, several weeks
    after the 30-day period, since she had not secured another
    No. 03-1909                                                  7
    job at Parkview. Parkview, however, did not dispute
    Firestine’s assertion at oral argument that no comparable
    jobs ever became available before that time.
    Firestine filed a charge with the Equal Employment
    Opportunity Commission alleging religious discrimination
    and retaliation. In August 2001 she received her right-to-
    sue letter from the EEOC and then timely filed this action.
    Before summary judgment Firestine voluntarily dismissed
    her discrimination claim; only her retaliation claim re-
    mained. The district court granted summary judgment for
    Parkview on that claim, reasoning that Firestine could not
    establish the first step of her prima facie case—engaging in
    a protected activity—and that she also lacked evidence of
    II. Analysis
    Firestine proceeded under the indirect method of estab-
    lishing retaliation, which required first that she present
    evidence sufficient to establish a prima facie case that
    Parkview retaliated against her. 
    Hilt-Dyson, 282 F.3d at 465
    . For a prima facie case, the plaintiff must demonstrate
    that (1) she engaged in statutorily protected activity, (2) she
    was performing her job according to her employer’s legiti-
    mate expectations, (3) despite meeting those expectations,
    she suffered a materially adverse action, and (4) she was
    treated worse than a similarly situated employee who did
    not engage in statutorily protected activity. Id.; Stone v.
    City of Indianapolis Pub. Utils. Div., 
    281 F.3d 640
    , 642 (7th
    Cir. 2002); see McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green, 
    411 U.S. 792
    , 802 (1973). If a prima facie case is established, the
    burden then shifts to the defendant to provide a legitimate,
    non-discriminatory reason for the adverse employment
    action. Rhodes v. Ill. Dep’t. of Transp., 
    359 F.3d 498
    , 508
    (7th Cir. 2004); 
    Hilt-Dyson, 282 F.3d at 465
    . Once the
    defendant has provided a legitimate reason, the burden
    8                                                 No. 03-1909
    shifts back to the plaintiff to show that the proffered reason
    is pretextual. 
    Hilt-Dyson, 282 F.3d at 465
    On appeal Firestine first correctly argues that the district
    court erred in finding that she did not engage in statutorily
    protected activity. According to Firestine, her complaint to
    Vanness about what she reasonably believed to be religious
    discriminatory animus by Bowers satisfied the first step of
    the prima facie case. In order to establish that she had
    engaged in a protected activity, Firestine was required to
    demonstrate that she complained about an act that
    she “ ‘reasonably believed in good faith . . . violated
    Title VII.’ ” Fine v. Ryan Int’l Airlines, 
    305 F.3d 746
    , 752
    (7th Cir. 2002) (quoting Alexander v. Gerhardt Enters., Inc., 
    40 F.3d 187
    , 195 (7th Cir. 1994)); see Dey v. Colt. Constr. & Dev.
    28 F.3d 1446
    , 1457-58 (7th Cir. 1994). Only a groundless
    claim “resting on facts that no reasonable person possibly
    could have construed as a case of discrimination” could not
    constitute a statutorily protected activity. 
    Fine, 305 F.3d at 752
    . And a mistake as to the merits of a complaint does not
    cost an employee the protection of Title VII. Mattson v.
    Caterpillar, Inc., 
    359 F.3d 885
    , 892 (7th Cir. 2004).
    In finding that Firestine did not engage in statutorily
    protected activity, the district court first expressed doubt
    about the good faith of her belief that Bowers had discri-
    minated against her because, in the court’s view, the eval-
    uation that sparked the subsequent events was positive.
    Firestine, however, focuses on the comments in the evaluation,
    particularly the admonition to show greater awareness of
    the need for confidentiality. Parkview, for its part, did not
    present any evidence about how the evaluations are used
    and their effect on advancement. Nor did Parkview dispute
    Firestine’s statement that the suggestion she was not
    maintaining the confidentiality of patient information could
    doom advancement. Instead Parkview characterizes the
    evaluation as good, focusing on the numerical ranking, and
    asserts that the comments were valid. The validity of such
    No. 03-1909                                                  9
    comments and their characterization, however, is disputed.
    When these disputes of fact exist, it is the role of the
    factfinder to determine whether Firestine believed in good
    faith that Bowers’s comments stemmed from a discrim-
    inatory animus. See Payne v. Pauley, 
    337 F.3d 767
    , 770 (7th
    Cir. 2003).
    Relying on a statement in Clover v. Total Sys. Servs., Inc.,
    176 F.3d 1346
    , 1351 (11th Cir. 1999), that “the objective
    reasonableness of an employee’s belief that her employer
    has engaged in an unlawful employment practice must be
    measured against existing substantive law,” the district
    court also reasoned that Firestine’s belief was not reason-
    able because negative evaluations do not amount to adverse
    employment actions. But, even if the perceived act of
    discrimination does not “reach a level where it affects the
    terms and conditions of employment,” the employee may
    have a valid retaliation claim if the employer fires her for
    complaining about that act. Hamner v. St. Vincent Hosp. and
    Health Care Ctr., Inc., 
    224 F.3d 701
    , 707 (7th Cir. 2000).
    Firestine did not need to establish a successful underlying
    Title VII claim to satisfy the first element of the prima facie
    case for a retaliation claim. See Durkin v. City of Chicago,
    341 F.3d 606
    , 615 (7th Cir. 2003) (conduct at issue does not
    need to violate Title VII); 
    Alexander, 40 F.3d at 195
    (complained-of conduct need not violate Title VII). Even
    though negative evaluations cannot support a Title VII
    discrimination claim, see, e.g., 
    Hilt-Dyson, 282 F.3d at 466
    the evidence established that Firestine reasonably believed
    she was complaining about an action in violation of Title
    VII based on Bowers’s previous anti-Catholic comments and
    her allegedly negative comments in the evaluation just two
    weeks after she moved into a position to affect Firestine’s
    job. See Haywood v. Lucent Tech., Inc., 
    323 F.3d 524
    , 532
    (7th Cir. 2003) (negative job evaluation may evidence
    discrimination); Collins v. State of Ill., 
    830 F.2d 692
    , 702
    (7th Cir. 1987) (holding that employee engaged in statutorily
    10                                                No. 03-1909
    protected activity when she complained that new supervisor’s
    frequent, negative evaluations were racially motivated).
    Parkview’s characterization of Firestine’s evaluation as
    “objectively positive,” does, however, affect our analysis of
    whether Firestine was meeting Parkview’s legitimate job
    expectations. According to Parkview, Firestine failed to
    meet its legitimate expectations only to the extent that
    after receiving her evaluation she commented on Bowers’s
    sexual orientation in the course of complaining to coworker
    Slabaugh during an after-hours conversation about per-
    ceived discrimination. Because this position coincides with
    Parkview’s proffered nondiscriminatory reason for removing
    Firestine, our later discussion about pretext covers analysis of
    the second step in the prima facie case. See Gordon v.
    United Airlines, Inc., 
    246 F.3d 878
    , 886 (7th Cir. 2001).
    We turn then to the third prong of the prima facie case.
    Firestine argues that her removal from her job by itself
    constitutes an adverse action. She asserts that the offer of
    a 30-day window to transfer internally was a sham, exem-
    plified by Parkview’s failure to find her a comparable full-
    time job on the day shift. Transfers that quantitatively affect
    benefits or wages or that significantly reduce an employee’s
    career prospects may constitute adverse action. Sitar v. Ind.
    Dep’t of Transp., 
    344 F.3d 720
    , 727 (7th Cir. 2003);
    Herrnreiter v. Chicago Hous. Auth., 
    315 F.3d 742
    , 744 (7th
    Cir. 2002). And although Parkview directs its response to
    whether Firestine suffered an “adverse job action” (empha-
    sis added), retaliatory conduct that can incur liability is not
    so limited in scope. See 
    Herrnreiter, 315 F.3d at 746
    Here, the evidence established that Firestine suffered an
    adverse action—she was removed from her job, she had to
    use some of her vacation time to seek another position at
    Parkview, and ultimately the jobs made available to her
    paid less, involved entirely different work, and had less
    desirable hours. There is no dispute that these jobs were
    No. 03-1909                                                 11
    not comparable. And although Firestine left before the 30-
    day window expired, Parkview never challenged Firestine’s
    assertion at oral argument that no comparable jobs ever
    became available before the end of that period. Removing
    Firestine from her position and then providing her with the
    option of transferring only to jobs quantitatively and
    qualitatively worse than her former position was a materi-
    ally adverse action. 
    Sitar, 344 F.3d at 727
    (explaining that
    whether transfer is adverse action depends on how disad-
    vantageous the change is); Smart v. Ball State University,
    89 F.3d 437
    , 441 (7th Cir. 1996) (holding that transfer that
    leads to reduction in pay or benefits is adverse action).
    Firestine also satisfies the “similarly situated” prong of
    the prima facie case. Contrary to Parkview’s contention in
    its summary judgment motion that Firestine needed to
    identify a non-Catholic employee who did not complain but
    was evaluated better than her, the proper comparison is
    whether a similarly situated employee, who did not com-
    plain about religious discrimination, was treated more favor-
    ably, i.e., not removed from his or her position. See 
    Stone, 281 F.3d at 644
    . Parkview concedes in its brief that no
    other employee has complained of religious discrimination.
    And if by “similarly situated” Parkview means someone else
    who purportedly violated its policy against commenting on
    a coworker’s sexual orientation, we think Parkview’s char-
    acterization of its policy is disingenuous. The cited policy is
    actually broader: it forbids comments on a coworker’s race,
    color, gender, religion, national identity, age, disability, or
    sexual orientation, and only because Parkview seeks to
    narrow the policy’s scope can it insist that no others were
    similarly situated. Three such persons are obvious to us,
    and Parkview has never contended that any of them were
    disciplined, let alone removed from their jobs after their
    conduct came to light. Slabaugh, who previously had told
    Firestine of Bowers’s sexual orientation, was not disciplined
    for violating the policy, nor was former supervisor Gerig or
    12                                               No. 03-1909
    Bowers herself disciplined after their earlier disparaging
    remarks about Firestine’s Catholicism had been made
    known to Vanness.
    And that brings us to pretext. In this case, whether
    Parkview actually viewed Firestine’s after-hours conversa-
    tion with Slabaugh as violating the policy forbidding negative
    comments against another’s sexual orientation is a proposi-
    tion sufficiently dubious to require resolution by the trier of
    fact. See 
    Gordon, 246 F.3d at 888
    (to establish pretext,
    plaintiff must demonstrate that employer’s proffered reason
    was unworthy of belief). Although we do not stand as a
    superpersonnel department and the proffered reason must
    only be sincere, “a determination of whether a belief is
    honest is often conflated with analysis of reasonableness.” 
    Id. at 889
    (internal quotations omitted). Based on the record, the
    conversation with Slabaugh mirrored Firestine’s complaint
    to Vanness about possible workplace discrimination
    concerning whether Firestine’s Catholic-based views on
    sexual orientation caused Bowers to give her a harsher
    evaluation. To view Firestine’s speculation about Bowers’s
    motivation as a negative comment on her sexual orientation
    and therefore in violation of the policy is not objectively
    reasonable, creating doubt as to the sincerity of Parkview’s
    reason. Vanness’s failure to keep written notes about
    Firestine’s complaint and the investigation into her com-
    ments about Bowers’s sexual orientation also undermine
    the credibility of Parkview’s explanation for removing
    In addition, Parkview presents an inconsistent story.
    Parkview argues that Vanness and Dortch made the deci-
    sion to remove Firestine for violating the anti-discrimination
    policy after learning of her conversation with Slabaugh. But
    Parkview was specifically asked in an interrogatory why it
    removed Firestine from her position, and in its response the
    company did not state that Firestine had violated a com-
    pany policy. And Parkview added to its story again at
    No. 03-1909                                              13
    summary judgment, asserting alternatively that Brackett
    was the decisionmaker and had determined that Bowers
    and Firestine could not work together before Firestine’s
    conversation with Slabaugh even occurred. Vanness, however,
    attested that she did not discuss the decision to remove
    Firestine with Brackett, and Dortch has no recollection of
    a conversation with Brackett taking place. Although
    Parkview argues that these various explanations are not
    contradictory, the testimony of Vanness and Dortch suggest
    otherwise. Parkview’s competing explanations call into ques-
    tion their veracity. See 
    Gordon, 246 F.3d at 891-92
    . With
    that in mind, we conclude that Firestine has raised a gen-
    uine issue of material fact as to the pretextual nature of
    Parkview’s proffered explanation for removing her, requir-
    ing a trial to resolve.
    III. Conclusion
    For the foregoing reasons, we REVERSE the decision of the
    district court and REMAND for further proceedings.
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit

Document Info

Docket Number: 03-1909

Judges: Per Curiam

Filed Date: 10/22/2004

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/24/2015

Authorities (18)

D. Lisa CLOVER, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. TOTAL SYSTEM ... , 176 F.3d 1346 ( 1999 )

Gary Hamner v. St. Vincent Hospital and Health Care Center, ... , 224 F.3d 701 ( 2000 )

Leroy Gordon v. United Airlines, Incorporated , 246 F.3d 878 ( 2001 )

Thomas Mattson v. Caterpillar, Inc. , 359 F.3d 885 ( 2004 )

Vivian J. Smart v. Ball State University , 89 F.3d 437 ( 1996 )

Anne Dey v. Colt Construction & Development Company , 28 F.3d 1446 ( 1994 )

Alfred L. Stone v. City of Indianapolis Public Utilities ... , 281 F.3d 640 ( 2002 )

Judith Hilt-Dyson v. City of Chicago , 282 F.3d 456 ( 2002 )

Caroline M. Sitar v. Indiana Department of Transportation , 344 F.3d 720 ( 2003 )

Barbara Payne v. Michael Pauley , 337 F.3d 767 ( 2003 )

Kathy Durkin v. City of Chicago , 341 F.3d 606 ( 2003 )

Siegfried Herrnreiter v. Chicago Housing Authority , 315 F.3d 742 ( 2002 )

margaret-collins-v-state-of-illinois-illinois-state-library-and-bridget , 830 F.2d 692 ( 1987 )

68-fair-emplpraccas-bna-595-65-empl-prac-dec-p-43389-johnnye , 40 F.3d 187 ( 1994 )

Cherry Haywood v. Lucent Technologies, Incorporated , 323 F.3d 524 ( 2003 )

Donna M. Rhodes v. Illinois Department of Transportation , 359 F.3d 498 ( 2004 )

Lisa S. Fine v. Ryan International Airlines, Cross-Appellee , 305 F.3d 746 ( 2002 )

McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green , 93 S. Ct. 1817 ( 1973 )

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