Cygan, Lori v. WI Dept Corrections ( 2004 )

  •                             In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 04-1297
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.
    No. 03 C 4—William C. Griesbach, Judge.
    Before BAUER, MANION, and KANNE, Circuit Judges.
    BAUER, Circuit Judge. After the termination of her em-
    ployment at the Wisconsin Department of Corrections (“DOC”)
    facility in Green Bay, plaintiff Lori Cygan filed a lawsuit
    against the DOC and various DOC officials under 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    . Cygan alleged that the defendants violated her
    constitutional rights by firing her in retaliation for exercis-
    ing her First Amendment rights, and by failing to afford her
    due process in connection with the termination. Cygan also
    advanced a state law retaliation claim. The district court
    granted the defendants summary judgment on all three
    2                                                  No. 04-1297
    theories. Cygan limits her appeal to the district court’s
    decision on her First Amendment retaliation claim. We
    I. Background
    Cygan worked for fourteen years as a prison guard at the
    Green Bay Correctional Institution (“GBCI”), a maximum-
    security facility operated by the Wisconsin DOC. GBCI
    houses over 1,040 of Wisconsin’s violent offenders. Cygan
    was a second-shift Rotunda Officer at GBCI, responsible for
    security of the rotunda, supervising inmate movement,
    operating gates leading into the rotunda, and supervising
    inmates during the evening meal.
    A. Cygan’s Performance at GBCI
    Throughout the majority of her tenure at GBCI, Cygan
    had positive performance evaluations. However, starting in
    1997, various supervisors began to take issue with Cygan’s
    job performance. For example, in reviewing Cygan’s perform-
    ance from October 1997 through October 1998, Dennis Natzke,
    Cygan’s immediate supervisor, wrote:
    Officer Cygan has an excellent work ethic. . . . I do have
    concern with Officer Cygan and that is her patience
    with newer employees. She needs to understand that
    everyone has to go through a learning process and they
    will not be as efficient as someone who does the same
    routine every day will. While she has the ability to teach
    these officers I feel she would rather do it herself than
    take the time to train. . . . I believe she needs to consider
    all other personnel as her equal, which she sometimes
    has a problem with when dealing with new officers.
    This is a very real concern and I feel she needs to ad-
    dress this soon as some officers do not care to work in
    the cell hall because of this . . . . She needs to learn to
    No. 04-1297                                                3
    become more personable when working with officers
    that are not regulars in her work unit.
    Robin Rogers, Cygan’s supervisor in 2001, expressed simi-
    lar concerns when evaluating Cygan in November 2001.
    Rogers wrote that Cygan was not meeting institutional
    standards with respect to interpersonal relationships. Rogers
    also specifically noted that there had been “several occur-
    rences of [Cygan] being discourteous and insensitive to staff
    and inmates during this reporting period,” and that “Cygan
    did not meet the standards for having sensitivity to others
    and their problems, feelings and rights, being courteous and
    tactful and to respond positively to constructive criticism
    and supervision.”
    Defendant Peter Erickson, the security director at GBCI
    since 2002, initiated an investigation into Cygan’s behavior
    in June 2001 after receiving a complaint about Cygan’s use
    of profanity and other derogatory language when referring
    to junior officers. During the course of the investigation,
    three junior officers confirmed that Cygan had treated them
    in an unprofessional manner. After the investigation,
    defendant Daniel Bertrand, the Warden of GBCI, directed
    Cygan to attend a training on professionalism, and issued
    her an official letter of reprimand for violating DOC Work
    Rule 13, which prohibits the following conduct:
    13. Intimidating, interfering with, harassing (including
    sexual or racial harassment), demeaning, or using abu-
    sive language in dealing with others.
    Cygan was also disciplined twice in October 2001. The
    first incident involved a complaint by Health Services Unit
    Manager Jeanne Hertel. Hertel complained that Cygan failed
    to promptly open a gate to allow Hertel to pass to her de-
    stination within the institution. After a pre-disciplinary
    interview where Cygan stated that she did not remember
    the incident, Warden Bertrand sent Cygan notice that she
    was suspended without pay for one day for negligence in
    4                                                No. 04-1297
    performing assigned duties. The second incident stemmed
    from a complaint that Cygan had made a loud and threaten-
    ing comment to an inmate. Cygan admitted that she yelled
    at the inmate, but she denied using threats or profanity.
    Warden Bertrand suspended Cygan three days without pay
    as a result of this incident.
    As related above, Warden Bertrand directed Cygan to attend
    a training on professionalism after the June 2001 complaint.
    Cygan attended the required class, but the class instructor,
    a professor from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,
    reported that she was disruptive, inattentive, and disrespect-
    ful during the class. In an e-mail sent to GBCI, the instructor
    stated that Cygan arrived late, talked incessantly, laughed
    during the presentation, and slept on the table. Based on the
    e-mail from the instructor and corroborating statements
    from other class attendees, Warden Bertrand suspended
    Cygan without pay for one day.
    B. Cygan’s Speech Activities at GBCI
    GBCI staff often discussed security issues and other job-
    related issues with Deputy Warden Michael Baenen. Cygan
    had discussions with Baenen about her perceptions of poor
    communication between GBCI staff, low morale, inadequate
    training for rookie officers, lack of radios for prison staff,
    problems with the prison camera security system, and staff
    shortages during meals. Other staff had raised some of the
    same concerns with Baenen. Cygan and Officer Chad
    Frappier, her union steward, filed grievances regarding staff
    shortages during meals, which were denied.
    On November 23, 2001, Cygan met with Warden Bertrand
    in his office and complained about inadequate training and
    staffing at the prison and about the administration’s failure
    to repair the security cameras in the South Cell Hall.
    On December 25, 2001, a fight broke out between two
    inmates in the rotunda area near the cafeteria during the
    No. 04-1297                                                   5
    second-shift meal. Cygan and three other responding offi-
    cers suffered minor injuries while subduing the inmates. In
    her report about the incident, Cygan noted that the second-
    shift meal started with a shortage of staff, and that similar
    incidents could be avoided by “running the shift with
    enough officers.”
    On January 8, 2002, Cygan was assigned to supervise in-
    mates during the evening meal. Defendant Michael Schultz,
    a Captain at GBCI, was Cygan’s supervising officer that
    night. Although GBCI has a policy that provides, “GBCI will
    ensure that a minimum of ten correctional officers are as-
    signed to the dining room areas for necessary meal cover-
    age,” the evening meal started with fewer than ten officers
    on hand.
    The parties dispute some of the details regarding Cygan’s
    behavior on that night. According to Schultz, Cygan was
    upset that the second-shift meal had started without ten
    officers present, and she yelled in the presence of other staff,
    “This is fucking bullshit. I am sick of this shit.” Schultz tes-
    tified that inmates working on the serving line may have
    heard Cygan’s complaints. Schultz also heard Cygan yelling
    at Officer Frappier in the rotunda area just outside of the
    cafeteria. According to Schultz, Cygan was complaining
    loudly about officer coverage at meals and about the need
    for Frappier to do his job. Frappier was the union represen-
    tative and Cygan wanted him to file a grievance regarding
    officer coverage at meals. Schultz considered Cygan’s tone
    to be loud and profane, and he thought the conduct inap-
    propriate and unprofessional. Believing Cygan’s behavior
    would stop, Schultz walked toward the dining hall. However,
    according to Schultz, Cygan continued to yell and use pro-
    fanity, and Schultz confronted Cygan in the rotunda area,
    saying, “Officer Cygan, if you want to take Officer Frappier
    into a different room and talk to him later, that’s fine. But
    this conversation will not happen in the rotunda during
    meals.” In response, Cygan yelled, “fine,” and then turned
    6                                                No. 04-1297
    to other officers in the rotunda and yelled, “and this is
    Cygan tells a different story. At a hearing about the in-
    cident, Cygan admitted that she was upset about the meal
    starting without ten officers present and she acknowledged
    raising her voice, but she denied using profanity and denied
    acting in an abusive manner. Cygan testified that she said,
    “I hate his place” when she learned that the meal was
    starting understaffed. In Cygan’s view, it was Schultz who
    acted unprofessionally by yelling at her within inches of her
    face in front of other officers. Cygan also admitted that she
    urged Frappier to file a grievance because “GBCI does not
    seem to care about our safety.” Frappier largely corrobo-
    rated Cygan’s story.
    On January 21, 2002, a boiler broke down at the prison
    and inmates became upset when they learned that they
    would not have showers that evening. On January 22, 2002,
    about fifty inmates dumped their dirty laundry on the
    sergeant’s desk during the noon hour. A fight subsequently
    broke out between inmates and officers, and eight officers
    were taken to the hospital for treatment. During the second
    shift on January 22, Cygan told Deputy Warden Baenen
    that she thought that Captain Schultz had mishandled the
    shower situation and the subsequent disturbance. Cygan
    also told Baenen that Security Director Erickson had stayed
    in his office during the disturbance and failed to check on the
    situation. Baenen later discussed the issues with Erickson
    and Schultz.
    On January 29, 2002, defendant Jon Litscher, the Secretary
    of the DOC, met with staff at GBCI to discuss the January
    22 disturbance. While Secretary Litscher was touring the
    facility with Warden Bertrand, Cygan asked Litscher if she
    could speak to him alone. Litscher agreed, and Cygan and
    two other officers told him that they were concerned about
    the security issues at the prison that Warden Bertrand had
    No. 04-1297                                                  7
    not adequately addressed. Cygan handed him a list of
    concerns that had been compiled by second-shift officers,
    which included short-staffing at meals, malfunctioning se-
    curity cameras, and low morale among front-line staff.
    Secretary Litscher spoke to a number of GBCI employees
    on January 29, 2002, including Officer Patricia Janus. Janus
    spoke to Litscher about various work-related concerns and,
    like Cygan, gave Litscher a written list of concerns. Janus
    was not terminated or disciplined in any way for her speech;
    she is still employed at GBCI.
    Baenen and Cygan had a discussion on January 30, 2002,
    in the lobby at GBCI. According to Cygan, Baenen told her,
    “there is a target on your back and it is getting bigger every-
    day.” Baenen also told her that she would not have so much
    trouble if she could learn to keep her mouth shut. When
    asked about the conversation in his deposition, Baenen said
    that he could not remember his exact words, but that he
    wanted to warn Cygan “to be more careful about how you
    interact with people.”
    C. Termination of Cygan’s Employment
    On January 16, 2002, defendant Brad Nuss, the GBCI
    Human Resources Director, sent a memorandum requesting
    Cygan’s termination to the DOC employment relations
    specialist in Madison, Wisconsin. The memorandum pro-
    We are requesting approval to terminate Officer Lori
    Cygan. . . . She is a long-term officer whose performance
    has deteriorated significantly in the past year. Officer
    Cygan has a history of directing abusive, demeaning,
    and derogatory language at coworkers and inmates.
    The memorandum then detailed a series of incidents and
    disciplinary actions taken against Cygan, and stated that
    “[Cygan] has shown absolutely no willingness to change”
    8                                               No. 04-1297
    despite the discipline.
    On February 5, 2002, Cindy O’Donnell, the Deputy
    Secretary of the DOC, reviewed GBCI’s termination recom-
    mendation and gave her approval to terminate Cygan.
    O’Donnell, who receives approximately twenty such recom-
    mendations each month, never discussed the Cygan termi-
    nation with Secretary Litscher nor did O’Donnell and Litscher
    discuss Cygan’s performance or employment at GBCI.
    On February 6, 2002, Warden Bertrand sent Cygan
    notification that her employment was terminated effective
    immediately. In the termination letter, Bertrand informed
    Cygan that she was terminated due to her repeated viola-
    tions of Work Rule 13 (which prohibits intimidating, abusive,
    and demeaning behavior). The letter specifically mentioned
    five incidents where Cygan had violated Work Rule 13 or
    other DOC rules, and noted that her behavior had resulted
    in three suspensions and a written reprimand.
    D. Cygan’s Federal Lawsuit
    Cygan challenged the constitutionality of her dismissal by
    filing a federal lawsuit under 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
     in January
    2003, advancing a First Amendment retaliation claim, a
    due process claim, and a state law retaliation claim. The
    district court disposed of all three claims at the summary
    judgment stage. Cygan appeals only the court’s ruling on
    her First Amendment claim. With regard to this claim, the
    district court observed that Cygan’s affidavit lacked speci-
    ficity about her complaints, but concluded for purposes of
    summary judgment that her speech addressed matters of
    public concern. The court then ruled that Cygan failed to
    prove causation or show pretext, and granted summary
    No. 04-1297                                                 9
    II. Discussion
    A. Standard of Review
    We review de novo the district court’s decision to grant
    summary judgment. Wainscott v. Henry, 
    315 F.3d 844
    , 848
    (7th Cir. 2003). Summary judgment is appropriate “if the
    pleadings, depositions, answers to interrogatories, and ad-
    missions on file, together with the affidavits, if any, show
    that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and
    that the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter
    of law.” FED. R. CIV. P. 56(c). We may affirm the district
    court on any basis supported by the record. Aviles v. Cornell
    Forge Co., 
    183 F.3d 598
    , 603 (7th Cir. 1999).
    B. First Amendment
    Individuals do not relinquish their First Amendment rights
    to free speech by accepting employment with the government.
    See Pickering v. Bd. of Educ. of Township High Sch. Dist.,
    391 U.S. 563
    , 568, 
    88 S.Ct. 1731
    , 20 L.Ed. 2d (1968). Never-
    theless, the government as an employer has an interest in
    conducting its affairs as efficiently and effectively as pos-
    sible. Waters v. Churchill, 
    511 U.S. 661
    , 675, 
    114 S.Ct. 1878
    128 L.Ed.2d 686
     (1994). As a consequence, public employees
    do not have the unfettered right to express themselves on
    matters related to their official responsibilities, and courts
    must give due weight to the government’s interest in effi-
    cient employment decisionmaking when evaluating First
    Amendment retaliation claims. 
    In analyzing a First Amendment retaliation claim brought
    under § 1983, we apply a three-step test premised on the
    Supreme Court’s decisions in Pickering, Mt. Healthy City
    Sch. Dist. Bd. of Educ. v. Doyle, 
    429 U.S. 274
    97 S.Ct. 568
    50 L.Ed. 2d 471
     (1977), and Connick v. Myers, 
    461 U.S. 138
    103 S.Ct. 1684
    , 75 L.Ed 2d 708 (1983). First, we must deter-
    mine whether the plaintiff’s speech was constitutionally
    10                                                No. 04-1297
    protected. Second, the plaintiff must establish that the
    speech was a substantial or motivating factor in her ter-
    mination. Third, defendants then have the opportunity to
    show that the plaintiff would have been fired even in the
    absence of the protected speech. Sullivan v. Ramirez, 
    360 F.3d 692
    , 697 (7th Cir. 2004).
    At the outset, we identify the instances of speech at issue
    in order to evaluate their protected status under the First
    Amendment. Cygan’s speech distills into six categories: (1)
    the general complaints to Deputy Warden Baenen about low
    morale, poor communication, inadequate training for rookie
    officers, lack of radios for prison staff, problems with the
    prison camera security system, and staff shortages during
    meals; (2) the November 23, 2001, meeting with Warden
    Bertrand where Cygan commented on inadequate training
    and staffing at the prison and the failure to repair security
    cameras in the South Cell Hall; (3) Cygan’s report after the
    December 25, 2001, fight in the cafeteria; (4) the January 8,
    2002, incident during the evening meal; (5) Cygan’s conver-
    sation with Deputy Warden Baenen on January 22, 2002,
    where she criticized how Schultz handled a prisoner disturb-
    ance the day before; and (6) Cygan’s January 29, 2002,
    written list of concerns and comments to Secretary Litscher.
    We analyze each instance of speech separately to determine
    its protected status. Wright v. Ill. Dept. of Children &
    Family Servs., 
    40 F.3d 1492
    , 1499 (7th Cir. 1994).
    However, it is only necessary to analyze the speech for
    which Cygan was terminated. Wright, 
    40 F.3d at 1501
    . Al-
    though Cygan mentions other instances of speech when dis-
    cussing the facts, she focuses almost entirely on the events
    of January 8, 2002, in her analysis section. Notably, Cygan
    fails to provide any evidence of a causal link between the first
    three instances of speech listed above and her termination.
    While those instances of speech may provide relevant
    background information in this case, the complete absence
    of evidence linking those speech activities to Cygan’s termi-
    No. 04-1297                                                11
    nation renders it unnecessary to analyze their protected
    status. See Wright, 
    40 F.3d at 1501
     (noting that courts need
    not analyze instances of speech under the First Amendment
    unless the plaintiff adequately links the speech to punish-
    ment meted out by defendant). At any rate, many of the
    topics covered in her litany of complaints strike us as
    relatively mundane concerns raised by a disgruntled public
    employee, rather than issues of public concern worthy of
    First Amendment protection.
    We are thus left with the task of evaluating Cygan’s speech
    on January 8, January 22, and January 29, 2002. In eval-
    uating whether speech is constitutionally protected, we apply
    the two-step Connick-Pickering test. Wainscott, 
    315 F.3d at 848
    . First, under Connick, we determine whether the em-
    ployee spoke as a citizen upon matters of public concern.
    461 U.S. at 147
    . Second, if the employee spoke on
    a matter of public concern, we apply the Pickering balanc-
    ing test, balancing the employee’s interest in commenting
    upon such matters and the employer’s interest in efficient
    public services. Pickering, 
    391 U.S. at 568
    When determining whether speech addresses a matter of
    public concern, we consider “the content, form, and context
    of a given statement, as revealed by the whole record.”
    461 U.S. at 147-48
    . Of those three factors, content
    is the most important. Wright, 
    40 F.3d at 1501
    . In addition,
    an employee’s choice of forum and motivation for speaking
    are also relevant considerations. 
     At bottom, we must
    decide whether the speech is most accurately characterized
    as an employee grievance, or as a matter of political, social,
    or other concern to the community. Connick, 
    461 U.S. at 146-47
    . With these standards in mind, we turn to the
    specifics of Cygan’s speech on January 8, January 22, and
    January 29, 2002.
    12                                              No. 04-1297
    1. Cygan’s Speech on January 8
    a. Matter of Public Concern
    The parties dispute the circumstances surrounding Cygan’s
    speech activities on January 8, 2002. Under Waters, we ap-
    ply the Connick-Pickering test to the facts as the government
    employer found them to be, as long as the government’s con-
    clusion about the facts was reasonable. Waters, 
    511 U.S. at 676-77
     (noting that if it were otherwise and the Connick-
    Pickering test was applied to the facts determined by a ju-
    dicial factfinder, government employers would be forced “to
    come to its factual conclusions through procedures that
    substantially mirror the evidentiary rules used in court.”).
    So, as a preliminary matter, we must decide whether GBCI
    management’s view of the events on January 8 was rea-
    After conducting an investigation into the January 8 in-
    cident, GBCI management concluded that Cygan violated
    Work Rule 13’s prohibition on the use of demeaning and
    abusive language in dealing with others. In reaching their
    conclusion, defendants credited Captain Schultz’s statement
    over the statements of Cygan and Frappier. According to
    Schultz, Cygan was upset that the second-shift meal started
    without ten officers present, and she complained in a loud,
    profane, and unprofessional manner in the presence of staff
    and inmates. Schultz confronted her and told her not to have
    that conversation with Frappier during the meal. Cygan,
    with corroborating testimony from Frappier, denied using
    profanity or acting in an abusive manner and faulted
    Schultz for acting unprofessionally and causing a scene.
    After receiving a disciplinary report about the incident
    from Schultz, a pre-disciplinary meeting was held with
    Cygan, her union representative, and a GBCI management
    representative. Cygan was permitted to tell her side of the
    story at the meeting, during which she admitted to yelling
    but denied using profanity. Defendants were aware of nu-
    No. 04-1297                                                13
    merous previous complaints from different sources against
    Cygan for directing profane and derogatory language at both
    officers and inmates, and defendants knew that Cygan had
    denied using profane or abusive language after past com-
    plaints. This knowledge of Cygan’s abusive behavior in the
    past, buttressed by their consideration of Captain Schultz’s
    eyewitness statement and any insight gained from the face-
    to-face meeting with Cygan, provided GBCI management
    with a reasonable basis to credit Schultz’s version of the
    events and discredit portions of Cygan and Frappier’s state-
    ments. See Waters, 
    511 U.S. at 679
     (explaining that courts
    will accept the employer’s credibility determinations as long
    as they are reasonable and the employer used the care that
    a reasonable manager would use before making the deter-
    minations). We conclude that GBCI’s findings about the
    events on January 8 were reasonable.
    Applying the Connick test to defendants’ version of the
    events on January 8, we conclude that Cygan’s speech
    touched on matters of public concern. As we discussed above,
    content is the most important factor, and it is undisputed
    that Cygan was expressing her disagreement with Schultz’s
    decision to start the second-shift meal with fewer than ten
    officers, which implicates prison security issues. Even though
    Cygan could be accurately characterized as a disgruntled
    employee and her speech may have been partially moti-
    vated by her dissatisfaction at GBCI and by concerns for
    her personal safety, speech touching on issues of internal
    prison security in a maximum security prison like GBCI is
    undoubtedly a matter of public concern. See Spiegla v. Hull,
    371 F.3d 928
    , 936 (7th Cir. 2004).
    We wish to emphasize, as we did in Spiegla, that not every
    prison employee complaint is a matter of constitutional
    magnitude. Spiegla, 
    371 F.3d at 936
    . As explained by the
    Supreme Court in Connick, government employee speech tied
    up in personal grievances or internal office affairs does not
    fall within the ambit of “public concern.” Connick, 
    461 U.S. 14
                                                   No. 04-1297
    at 148. In this case, Cygan’s speech on January 8 brought
    attention to a staffing issue that had the potential to com-
    promise prison security. Indeed, Cygan and other officers
    had suffered injuries a month earlier during an inmate fight
    in the cafeteria after the meal started with fewer than ten
    officers. These unique circumstances distinguish Cygan’s
    January 8 speech from the type of mundane complaints
    about internal office policies at issue in cases like Connick.
    Having concluded that Cygan raised a matter of public con-
    cern, we will now analyze the speech under the Pickering
    balancing test.
    b. Balancing of Interests
    Under Pickering, we balance the employee’s interest in
    commenting upon such matters and the employer’s interest
    in efficient public services. Pickering, 
    391 U.S. at 568
    . One
    very important consideration is the “potential disruptive-
    ness” of the speech. Waters, 
    511 U.S. at 681-82
    . Courts also
    consider whether the employment relationship is one in
    which personal loyalty and confidence are necessary, and
    the time, place, and manner of the speech. Wainscott, 
    315 F.3d at 851
    The time, place, and manner of Cygan’s speech and its
    potential disruptiveness weigh heavily against her. In the
    cafeteria and rotunda of a maximum security prison that
    houses 1,040 of Wisconsin’s violent offenders, Cygan yelled
    and swore about the evening meal starting with insufficient
    officer coverage. Both staff and inmates were present
    during Cygan’s angry outburst. GBCI, as a correctional fa-
    cility, has a very strong interest in maintaining order and
    control over inmates, and Cygan’s decision to announce the
    shortage of staff in the presence of inmates could have
    endangered both staff and inmates by exposing them to
    opportunistic acts of violence.
    Cygan’s loud and profane complaints also serve to under-
    mine the authority of Captain Schultz in the presence of
    No. 04-1297                                                  15
    other officers and inmates. Correctional facilities, like police
    departments, are managed like military organizations, and
    respecting the authority of supervising officers is essential,
    especially in the presence of the inmates where a united
    front is crucial. That type of environment demands a high
    degree of personal loyalty and confidence, and Cygan’s angry
    protestation of a supervising officer’s decision in front of
    inmates and officers was ill-advised and unacceptable.
    In fairness to Cygan, we must acknowledge that she had
    raised her concerns about short staffing through appropri-
    ate avenues on other occasions. However, her frustration
    with the situation did not justify a profanity-laced fit about
    short staffing within earshot of inmates and staff. In her
    anger, she could have caused the very danger she was ap-
    parently seeking to avoid through her complaints. This epi-
    sode, on the heels of similar incidents and apparently
    unheeded disciplinary measures, could certainly cause GBCI
    to doubt Cygan’s future effectiveness. As a matter of law,
    this potential disruptiveness outweighs whatever First
    Amendment value Cygan’s January 8 speech might have
    2. Cygan’s Speech on January 22 and 29
    Neither the district court nor the parties separately anal-
    yze whether Cygan’s speech on January 22 or January 29
    was constitutionally protected, and Cygan focuses her
    arguments almost entirely on the January 8 incident. The
    district court assumed for purposes of summary judgment
    that Cygan’s speech, to the extent that it touched on issues
    of prison security and safety, was constitutionally protected,
    and then proceeded to grant defendants summary judgment
    on the basis of causation. Like the district court, we will
    assume arguendo that Cygan’s speech on January 22 and
    29 was constitutionally protected, and proceed to the
    causation prong because it is dispositive.
    16                                               No. 04-1297
    Under the framework announced by the Supreme Court
    in Doyle, Cygan must establish that her constitutionally
    protected speech on January 22 and 29 was a substantial or
    motivating factor in the defendants’ decision to terminate her
    employment. Doyle, 
    429 U.S. at 287
    ; Spiegla, 
    371 F.3d at 941
     (clarifying that plaintiffs do not need to prove “but-for
    causation” to carry their burden on causation in First
    Amendment retaliation cases). If Cygan carries that burden,
    then defendants would have the burden of showing that she
    would have been fired even in the absence of the protected
    conduct. In this case, we need not reach that step because
    we conclude that Cygan failed to establish that her speech
    on January 22 and 29 was a substantial or motivating
    factor in her termination. To support her burden, Cygan
    relies on inferences drawn from the short time between her
    speech of January 22 and 29 and her termination, and on
    Deputy Warden Baenen’s comments to her on January 30.
    To put Cygan’s arguments into context, we begin our
    analysis by reviewing the relevant evidence on causation.
    On January 16, 2002, GBCI management requested the
    DOC’s approval to terminate Cygan because her performance
    had “deteriorated significantly in the past year” and due to
    Cygan’s “history of directing abusive, demeaning, and derog-
    atory language at coworkers and inmates.” The DOC ap-
    proved Cygan’s termination on February 5, 2002, and Warden
    Bertrand notified Cygan of her termination the following
    day. Cygan’s termination letter stated that she was fired for
    her repeated violations of DOC Work Rule 13, which
    prohibits demeaning and abusive language in dealing with
    others. The termination letter specifically mentioned five
    incidents where Cygan had violated Work Rule 13, and
    noted that her behavior had resulted in three suspensions
    and a written reprimand.
    The two instances of speech under consideration occurred
    in January 2002, shortly before Cygan was terminated. First,
    on January 22, 2002, Cygan told Deputy Warden Baenen
    No. 04-1297                                                17
    that Captain Schultz had mishandled and aggravated a
    prisoner disturbance that stemmed from the prisoners’
    anger about a temporary lack of showers at GBCI. Cygan
    also told Baenen that Security Director Erickson had stayed
    in his office during the disturbance and failed to check on
    the situation. Second, on January 29, 2002, Cygan informed
    DOC Secretary Litscher that she and other officers were
    concerned about security issues at the prison and gave him
    a list of their concerns. The concerns included short-staffing
    of meals, malfunctioning of security cameras, and low
    morale among front-line staff. On January 30, 2002, Deputy
    Warden Baenen told Cygan that there was a target on her
    back, and advised her to keep her mouth shut.
    As mentioned above, Cygan attempts to create a jury issue
    on causation based on the fact that she was terminated
    shortly after her late January speech activities. However,
    “we typically [do not] draw strong conclusions from the mere
    fact that protected speech may have preceded an adverse
    employment action.” Wright, 
    40 F.3d at 1500
    . This is es-
    pecially true in a case where the employee has a documented
    history of abusive and inappropriate behavior at work. See
    Trnka v. Local Union No. 688, 
    30 F.3d 60
    , 63 (7th Cir. 1994)
    (“To stave off summary judgment in a case where innocent
    or multiple explanations for a defendant’s actions abound
    a plaintiff must rely on more than post hoc, propter hoc
    reasoning.”). As the district judge observed in his thorough
    analysis of the causation prong, what stands out about this
    case is that the complaints about Cygan come from so many
    different sources. At least four different supervisors initi-
    ated complaints against Cygan or formally criticized her
    inappropriate behavior between 1997 and 2002. In addition,
    during 2001, GBCI management disciplined Cygan based on
    complaints lodged by a university professor at a profession-
    alism course and a health services manager, two individuals
    who surely did not have an ax to grind with Cygan. In light
    of the uncontradicted record of Cygan’s increasingly disrup-
    18                                               No. 04-1297
    tive behavior at GBCI, it would be inappropriate to attach
    significant weight to Cygan’s post hoc ergo propter hoc
    The only other evidence Cygan offers on causation is her
    conversation with Deputy Warden Baenen on January 30.
    According to Cygan, Baenen told her that there was a target
    on her back, and that she needed to learn to keep her mouth
    shut. Baenen acknowledged having a conversation with
    Cygan on January 30, but testified that he could not remem-
    ber the exact words he used that day. Baenen, who was a
    friend of Cygan, said that he wanted to warn Cygan “to be
    more careful about how you interact with people.” In Cygan’s
    view, Baenen’s directive was aimed at the substance of her
    complaints, not her manner of expressing them. In essence,
    Cygan claims that Baenen was warning her to keep silent
    on prison security and safety issues.
    Cygan’s interpretation of the conversation seems implau-
    sible in the context of this case. First, Cygan and other offi-
    cers had raised the same concerns on prior occasions and she
    has not presented any evidence that her prior complaints
    led to any disciplinary action. Second, Officer Janus also
    spoke with Secretary Litscher on January 29 and gave him
    a sealed envelope with a list of concerns, and she was not
    terminated or disciplined in any way, and continues to work
    at GBCI. Third, Cygan had a well-established track record
    of using profane and abusive language with inmates and
    officers alike. Given these circumstances, it is difficult to
    escape the conclusion that Baenen’s advice on January 30
    was directed at Cygan’s consistently inappropriate manner
    of interacting with others, rather than the substance of her
    speech. Like the district court, we conclude that no rea-
    sonable jury could find that Cygan’s speech activities on
    January 22 and 29 were a substantial factor in her termina-
    No. 04-1297                                             19
    C. Qualified Immunity
    Defendants also argue that they are entitled to qualified
    immunity because they did not personally participate in any
    constitutional deprivation. Since the complaint has failed,
    we need not determine whether defendants were entitled to
    qualified immunity.
    III. Conclusion
    For the reasons stated herein, we AFFIRM the decision of
    the district court.
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit