Olson, Lawrence W. v. Wexford Clearing ( 2005 )

  •                              In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 03-1223
    LAWRENCE W. OLSON, Individually and
    as Trustee of the Lawrence W. Olson
    Charitable Remainder Trust Dated 11/01/92,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 02 C 7644—Suzanne B. Conlon, Judge.
    Before WOOD, EVANS, and WILLIAMS, Circuit Judges.
    WOOD, Circuit Judge. Suspecting that something was
    fishy with his brokerage accounts, Lawrence Olson initiated
    arbitration proceedings before the National Association of
    Securities Dealers (NASD) against a number of entities,
    including Wexford Clearing Services Corporation, the firm
    responsible for clearing the trades placed by Olson’s
    brokerage firm. Approximately four months after the
    arbitration panel dismissed Wexford from the proceedings,
    Olson filed a petition in federal court seeking to vacate the
    2                                                No. 03-1223
    dismissal. The district court found that Olson was too late,
    given the three-month limitations period found in the
    Federal Arbitration Act (FAA), and dismissed his petition
    as untimely. We affirm.
    In July 1997, Olson transferred certain financial accounts
    to the brokerage firm of R.D. Kushnir & Co. Kushnir in
    turn had a clearinghouse agreement with Wexford, under
    which Wexford performed the ministerial tasks of process-
    ing, clearing, and reporting trades placed by Kushnir.
    Suspecting fraud or other unauthorized activity in his
    accounts, Olson filed a demand for arbitration before the
    NASD on July 29, 1998, naming Kushnir and Wexford,
    among others, in his Statement of Claim. On February 11,
    1999, Wexford moved to dismiss Olson’s claim against it on
    the ground that it was not involved in any of the alleged
    wrongdoing. More than a year later, the NASD informed
    the parties that a three-member panel had been appointed
    to hear the arbitration. Olson promptly petitioned the panel
    for permission to submit an Amended Statement of Claim.
    It granted his request, and on July 14, 2000, Olson filed the
    amended statement. Before that occurred, however,
    Kushnir was placed in receivership, which had the effect of
    terminating the arbitration with respect to it. On July 24,
    2000, Wexford renewed its motion to dismiss the Amended
    Statement of Claim. Seven months later, on February 18,
    2001, the chair of the arbitration panel granted that motion
    in a two-page decision announcing that Olson’s claim
    against Wexford was dismissed in its entirety.
    Unhappy with this result, Olson asked the panel to
    reconsider its decision. His reason was largely technical: the
    panel’s disposition was rendered by the chair alone, and not
    the full three-member panel required by the NASD rules.
    Wexford did not oppose Olson’s request, and the panel
    No. 03-1223                                                 3
    decided to rehear arguments on Wexford’s motion to dismiss
    on April 15, 2002, a key date in our resolution of this
    appeal. On that day, the panel heard oral arguments on
    Wexford’s motion and considered matters concerning the
    other parties to the arbitration. At the conclusion of Olson’s
    and Wexford’s arguments, the panel again found in favor of
    Wexford and issued a “Prehearing Conference Order”
    stating that Wexford “is hereby dismissed from this arbitra-
    tion.” This order was signed by the chair on behalf of the
    panel. A little over two months passed before Olson filed a
    “Motion for Consent to File Second Amended Statement of
    Claim,” which Wexford opposed. On July 29, 2002, the
    arbitration panel issued a letter to Olson, stating that after
    “careful review,” it was denying his request to amend his
    Statement of Claim for the second time.
    Olson then turned to the federal court. On October 24,
    2002, Olson filed this action to vacate the arbitral decision
    dismissing Wexford from the case. The district court
    properly invoked its diversity jurisdiction to consider the
    motion because Olson is a citizen of Illinois and Wexford is
    incorporated in Delaware with its principal place of busi-
    ness in New York. The amount in controversy exceeded
    $75,000. Olson urged the district court to grant him relief
    under the FAA, 
    9 U.S.C. § 10
    , on the theory that the
    arbitrators “were guilty of misconduct in refusing . . . to
    hear evidence pertinent and material to the controversy.”
     at § 10(a)(3). Olson was aware that the FAA has a three-
    month limitations period within which challenges to
    arbitration awards must be filed. See 
    9 U.S.C. § 12
    . In his
    view, however, the clock began to tick on July 29, 2002, the
    date on which the panel denied his request to file a second
    amended Statement of Claim. If so, of course, his October
    24 suit was timely.
    Wexford countered that the relevant date for purposes
    of the limitations analysis was April 15, 2002, when the
    panel dismissed it as a party to the arbitration proceedings.
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    Under Wexford’s theory, Olson was too late because more
    than three months had passed since the panel made its
    final decision on April 15. Wexford moved for judgment on
    the pleadings and, in the alternative, for dismissal for
    failure to state a claim. The district court agreed with
    Wexford’s analysis and dismissed Olson’s petition as
    In considering a motion for judgment on the pleadings
    under Rule 12(c) or a motion to dismiss for failure to state
    a claim under Rule 12(b)(6), we apply the same de novo
    standard of review. Forseth v. Vill. of Sussex, 
    199 F.3d 363
    368 n.6 (7th Cir. 2000). The FAA provides, in relevant part,
    that a party to an arbitration may ask the federal district
    court to vacate an award:
    (3) where the arbitrators were guilty of misconduct in
    refusing to postpone the hearing, upon sufficient cause
    shown, or in refusing to hear evidence pertinent and
    material to the controversy; or of any other misbehavior
    by which the rights of any party have been prejudiced;
    (4) where the arbitrators exceeded their powers, or so
    imperfectly executed them that a mutual, final, and
    definite award upon the subject matter submitted was
    not made.
    9 U.S.C. § 10
    (a)(3) and (a)(4). As we stated above, Olson
    relied on § 10(a)(3) in the district court, contending that the
    arbitrators failed to consider relevant evidence.
    Any motion to vacate an award under § 10 of the FAA
    must be served “within three months after the award is
    filed or delivered.” 
    9 U.S.C. § 12
    . See Lander Co., Inc. v.
    MMP Invs., Inc., 
    107 F.3d 476
    , 478 (7th Cir. 1997); Int’l
    Union of Operating Eng’rs, Local No. 841 v. Murphy, 82
    No. 03-1223 
    5 F.3d 185
    , 188 (7th Cir. 1996); Chauffeurs, Teamsters,
    Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Union No. 135 v. Jeffer-
    son Trucking Co., Inc., 
    628 F.2d 1023
    , 1026 (7th Cir. 1980).
    The plain language of § 12 does not provide for any excep-
    tions to the three-month window and says nothing about
    tolling. See Fradella v. Petricca, 
    183 F.3d 17
    , 20 & n.4 (1st
    Cir. 1999) (applications to modify or clarify arbitral awards
    do not toll the limitations period under FAA § 12 ). It is
    undisputed that Olson did not serve notice of his motion to
    vacate on Wexford within three months of the panel’s order
    of April 15, 2002 dismissing Wexford.
    The question, however, is whether the statute began
    running on April 15, or whether it was triggered only when
    the panel denied Olson’s request to file a second amended
    complaint on July 29. Our starting point in answering
    this question is NASD Rule 10330, which requires that
    an arbitration award include “a summary of the issues, . . .
    the damages and other relief requested, the damages
    and other relief awarded, [and] a statement of any other
    issues resolved. . . .” Rule 10330(e). The award is to be
    in writing and “signed by a majority of the arbitrators
    or in such manner as is required by applicable law.” Rule
    10330(a). Such awards may be entered as a judgment in
    any court of competent jurisdiction. Id. All awards issued by
    arbitrators “shall be deemed final and not subject to review
    or appeal.” Rule 10330(b).
    Olson argues that the April 15 dismissal of Wexford did
    not meet the NASD criteria for finality, because the follow-
    ing sentence appeared at the bottom of the Prehearing
    Conference Order: “This Order shall remain in effect unless
    amended by the Panel.” This language, he asserts, supports
    the inference that the arbitrators did not consider the
    dismissal of Wexford to be their final award. The sentence
    on which Olson is relying, however, must be viewed in
    context. It is preceded by a section entitled “other rulings,”
    which was addressed to the other parties remaining in the
    6                                                No. 03-1223
    arbitration. NASD Rule 10330(e) explicitly permits an
    award to include “a statement of any other issues resolved.”
    Taken as a whole, we read the sentence to which Olson
    draws our attention as one addressed to the parts of the
    case that were still alive. It is not clear whether the
    presence of claims against other parties to the arbitration
    affects the finality of Wexford’s dismissal, see IDS Life Ins.
    Co. v. Royal Alliance Assoc., Inc., 
    266 F.3d 645
    , 650 (7th
    Cir. 2001), but Olson has not relied on that theory to reject
    the April 15 date (not surprisingly, because it would also
    doom his attempt to characterize the July 29 order as
    “final”). Under the circumstances, he has forfeited that
    potential argument, which we reserve for another day.
    In our view, the April 15 dismissal of Wexford complied
    with the basic requirements of an “award” under NASD
    Rule 10330(e). The arbitration panel stated that oral
    arguments were heard on Wexford’s “fully briefed motion,”
    that the panel found “in favor of Respondent Wexford,” and
    that it was dismissing Wexford from the proceeding. It
    is worth recalling that April 15 was the second time
    Wexford’s motion to dismiss had been set for argument.
    When the panel chair dismissed Wexford from the arbitra-
    tion proceeding for the first time on February 18, 2001, he
    issued a comprehensive and reasoned decision explaining
    why Olson could not show that Wexford had engaged in any
    of the alleged wrongdoing. Prior to hearing arguments for
    the second time, the panel indicated to Olson that the
    problems identified in the February 18 decision had not
    adequately been addressed, and it invited him to with-
    draw his opposition to Wexford’s motion. Olson declined
    to do so and proceeded with oral argument. Under the
    circumstances, it is not surprising that the panel did not
    issue a second opinion to accompany its April 15 decision.
    In determining the finality of an arbitration award, we
    consider whether “the award itself, in the sense of judg-
    ment, order, bottom line, is incomplete in the sense of
    No. 03-1223                                                  7
    having left unresolved a portion of the parties’ dispute.” IDS
    Life Ins., 
    266 F.3d at 651
    . There is nothing incomplete
    about the order issued on April 15. The order unambigu-
    ously states that Wexford is “hereby Dismissed” from the
    arbitration proceeding and leaves nothing further for the
    arbitration panel to adjudicate between Olson and Wexford.
    The arbitrators thought that they were through with the
    case, see Smart v. Int’l Bhd. of Electric Workers, Local 702,
    315 F.3d 721
    , 725-26 (7th Cir. 2002), and that their award
    was final. Paganis v. Blonstein, 
    3 F.3d 1067
    , 1070-71 (7th
    Cir. 1993) (a dismissal must only make clear that plaintiffs
    are denied all relief; there are no other “magic words”
    required). Since the panel’s handling of this matter com-
    plied with the general requirements of NASD Rule
    10330(e), we conclude that the April 15 dismissal of
    Wexford was a final NASD award.
    But, Olson argues, even if the April 15 award was
    sufficiently final to end the case, it had another flaw serious
    enough to affect the limitations period. NASD Rule 10330(a)
    requires all awards to be “signed by a majority of the
    arbitrators.” Thus, according to Olson, the April 15 award
    could not have been a proper award under NASD rules
    because it was signed by the chair on behalf of the panel.
    While conceding that “ ‘superficial technicalities’ should not
    control whether a decision in arbitration is final or not,”
    Olson nonetheless urges us to find in his favor on this basis
    because he believes that the signature requirement is
    substantively important. In Publicis Communication v. True
    North Communications, Inc., 
    206 F.3d 725
     (7th Cir. 2000),
    the parties to an arbitration disagreed over the interpreta-
    tion of a rule requiring the chairman’s signature on proce-
    dural matters. Noting that either party’s interpretation was
    plausible, we focused on the more relevant issue: that the
    finality of an arbitration agreement “should be judged by
    substance and effect, not by superficial technicalities.” 
    Id. at 730
    . Following that general approach, we are unper-
    8                                               No. 03-1223
    suaded that the arguable violation of the NASD rule here
    should have the drastic consequence of rendering the April
    15 decision a nullity. As Wexford points out, the NASD
    rules do not prohibit the chair from signing an order on
    behalf of the panel. At the end of the day, this technicality
    offers no reason to disregard the unambiguous dismissal of
    Wexford on April 15.
    Finally, we reject Olson’s argument that the June 29
    denial of his motion to amend started the three-month
    limitations clock for purposes of the FAA § 12. The FAA
    speaks in terms of “awards,” and we have found no author-
    ity suggesting that a letter denying one party’s motion to
    amend is properly characterized as an award. This letter
    did not comply with the requirements of an award under
    NASD Rule 10330. The best analogy is to a motion in
    federal court under Rule 60(b). The filing of a Rule 60(b)
    motion to reconsider outside the ten-day window after the
    judgment does not toll the time for filing an appeal, FED. R.
    APP. P. 4(a)(4)(A); Bell v. Eastman Kodak Co., 
    214 F.3d 798
    800 (7th Cir. 2000). We see no reason why the same reason-
    ing should not apply in the arbitration context, particularly
    given the FAA’s underlying policy of expeditious dispute
    resolution. “[T]he purpose of the short periods prescribed in
    the federal and state arbitration statutes for moving courts
    to vacate an award is to accord the arbitration award
    finality in a timely fashion.” Jefferson Trucking Co., Inc.,
    628 F.2d at 1027
    . This purpose would be severely under-
    mined if the limitations period prescribed in the FAA § 12
    were tolled every time a losing party filed the functional
    equivalent of a motion for reconsideration. See Fradella,
    183 F.3d at 20
    A party who is uncertain about the finality or appeal-
    ability of an arbitration award should err on the side of
    compliance with the FAA § 12, which is not onerous. The
    FAA authorizes a party to petition the district court if
    it believes that “a mutual, final, and definite award” was
    No. 03-1223                                                 9
    not made. 
    9 U.S.C. § 10
    (a)(4). Given the fact that all
    of Olson’s arguments on appeal challenge the finality of the
    panel’s April 15 award, we find it puzzling that he did not
    move the district court to vacate pursuant to § 10(a)(4). If
    Olson had proceeded pursuant to § 10(a)(4) within three
    months after he learned that Wexford was dismissed from
    the proceeding, he could quickly have brought to the
    attention of the district court his concern that the award in
    favor of Wexford might not be final. See Smart, 315 F.3d at
    723-24; IDS Life Ins., 
    266 F.3d at 650-51
    ; cf. Employers Ins.
    of Wausau v. El Banco De Seguros Del Estado, 
    357 F.3d 666
    , 670 (7th Cir.) (suggesting that no fixed deadline
    applies only when a party files a motion to remand for
    purposes of clarifying an ambiguous arbitration award),
    cert. denied, 
    125 S. Ct. 62
    Olson’s decision to proceed under § 10(a)(3) did not alter
    the requirement that he had to act within three months
    after the award was “filed or delivered.” 
    9 U.S.C. § 12
    . Since
    Olson has not alleged that the April 15 award was improp-
    erly filed or delivered, and the record would not support
    such an allegation, he had to file suit within three months
    of the April 15 award to preserve his arguments about the
    arbitrator’s alleged misconduct. Papapetropoulous v.
    Milwaukee Transport Servs., Inc., 
    795 F.2d 591
    , 596 n.8 (7th
    Cir. 1986) (although plaintiff’s complaint clearly alleged a
    violation of the FAA § 10, “this complaint is barred as he
    failed to file it within the three month statute of limitation
    time period contained in 
    9 U.S.C. § 12
    ”). Olson’s failure to
    act within the limitations period bars his action.
    10                                            No. 03-1223
    For these reasons, we AFFIRM the judgment of the district
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit