Schad, George C. v. Jones, Arthur L. ( 2005 )

  •                            In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 04-3396
    ARTHUR L. JONES, Police Chief,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.
    No. 02 C 544—J.P. Stadtmueller, Judge.
    ARGUED MAY 3, 2005—DECIDED JULY 15, 2005
    Before FLAUM, Chief Judge, and KANNE and SYKES, Circuit
    FLAUM, Chief Judge. Plaintiff-appellee George C. Schad,
    a police officer with the Milwaukee Police Department
    (“MPD”), filed suit pursuant to 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    , alleging
    that the City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Arthur L. Jones,
    former Chief of Police for Milwaukee, violated the First
    Amendment to the United States Constitution by trans-
    ferring Schad in retaliation for his statements to a fellow
    officer. The district court denied defendants’ motion for
    summary judgment, holding that Schad’s speech was
    2                                                 No. 04-3396
    constitutionally protected and that Chief Jones was not en-
    titled to qualified immunity. Chief Jones appeals and, for
    the reasons stated herein, we reverse.
    I. Background
    From November 1999 through February 2001, Officer
    Schad served as a member of the Warrant Squad of the
    MPD. The Warrant Squad, which is responsible for locating
    and arresting people wanted on outstanding warrants, is a
    desirable assignment within the MPD for which officers are
    specially selected.
    In late January or early February 2001, the MPD’s
    Tactical Enforcement Unit was in a 24-hour standoff with
    a suspect named Lesmes Rivera. Members of the Unit suc-
    ceeded in arresting Rivera only after using teargas to draw
    him out of the house in which he had barricaded himself.
    On February 14, 2001, Rivera posted bail and was
    released.1 The same day, Chief Jones transmitted Rivera’s
    name to all MPD district stationhouses, stating that Rivera
    was wanted on three felony warrants.
    At the February 14, 2001 Warrant Squad roll call, Schad
    and the other squad members on duty were instructed to
    locate and arrest Rivera. They were given Rivera’s photo-
    graph and possible addresses where he might be found. Fol-
    lowing roll call, the acting Criminal Investigation Bureau
    shift commander, Lieutenant William Jessup, called Schad
    and told him that he had received an anonymous tip about
    Rivera’s location. When Lieutenant Jessup asked him to
    check the address located in Milwaukee’s district no. 2,
    Schad responded that neither he, nor any of the other
    Warrant Squad officers on duty, were available to follow up
    It is not clear from the record whether Rivera was released in
    No. 04-3396                                               3
    on the tip at that time. The call ended with Lieutenant
    Jessup saying “we have to get somebody out there,” or
    something to that effect.
    Following Lieutenant Jessup’s call, another Warrant
    Squad officer suggested that Schad call Officer Matthew
    Knight who was assigned to district no. 2 and who was
    familiar with the Rivera case. Rather than relaying this
    suggestion to Lieutenant Jessup, Schad called Knight
    directly. Knight agreed to follow up on the tip and, after
    receiving permission from his sergeant, went with his
    partner to the address provided by Schad. Upon entering
    the building at that address, Knight found Rivera in the
    hallway and told him that he was under arrest. When
    Rivera reached for a pistol in his waistband, Knight
    knocked it away and a “major struggle” ensued. Rivera
    eventually was subdued and taken into custody.
    Soon after Rivera’s arrest, Schad learned that Chief Jones
    was angry that he had disclosed the Rivera tip to Knight.
    The earlier standoff with Rivera made Chief Jones con-
    cerned about officer safety and he wanted the specially
    trained Tactical Enforcement Unit to make the arrest.
    Lieutenant Jessup had in fact contacted the Tactical
    Enforcement Unit after his call to Schad, but Knight and
    his partner arrested Rivera before officers from the Unit
    could arrive on the scene. Schad later heard rumors that
    the real reason Chief Jones had wanted the Tactical
    Enforcement Unit to make the arrest was that he hoped it
    would make up for the Unit’s earlier standoff with Rivera
    that had made the chief look bad.
    Two days after Rivera’s arrest, Chief Jones transferred
    Schad from the Warrant Squad to patrol duty, a much less
    desirable assignment. Chief Jones stated that he trans-
    ferred Schad because he had breached the MPD’s confiden-
    tiality rule by disclosing Rivera’s whereabouts to someone
    outside of the Warrant Squad. He said that he believed that
    4                                                No. 04-3396
    Schad “placed officers’ lives in danger by releasing informa-
    tion to those officers [to whom] he was not authorized to
    release [it].”
    On June 4, 2002, Schad filed a First Amendment retalia-
    tion suit in federal court against Chief Jones and the City
    of Milwaukee. Defendants moved for summary judgment,
    arguing that Schad’s speech was not protected by the First
    Amendment because it was not on a matter of public con-
    cern, and asserting Chief Jones’s entitlement to qualified
    immunity. The district court held that Schad’s speech was
    protected and denied Chief Jones’s claim of qualified
    II. Discussion
    Although the denial of summary judgment did not end
    this case in the district court, we have jurisdiction to review
    whether the district court properly denied defendant-
    appellant Jones’s claim of qualified immunity. See Kiddy-
    Brown v. Blagojevich, 
    408 F.3d 346
    , 352 (7th Cir. 2005);
    Mitchell v. Forsyth, 
    472 U.S. 511
    , 530 (1985) (“[A] district
    court’s denial of a claim of qualified immunity, to the extent
    that it turns on an issue of law, is an appealable ‘final
    decision’ within the meaning of 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    standing the absence of a final judgment.”). Where a
    defendant has asserted entitlement to qualified immunity,
    we review de novo a district court’s denial of summary
    judgment. Leaf v. Shelnutt, 
    400 F.3d 1070
    , 1077 (7th Cir.
    2005). Summary judgment is appropriate if the evidence
    presented by the parties “show[s] that there is no genuine
    issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is
    entitled to a judgment as a matter of law.” Fed. R. Civ. P.
    Government officials enjoy qualified immunity and are
    shielded from civil liability, “as long as their actions could
    reasonably have been thought consistent with the rights
    No. 04-3396                                                   5
    they are alleged to have violated.” Anderson v. Creighton,
    483 U.S. 635
    , 638 (1987). To determine whether an official
    is entitled to qualified immunity, we ask: (1) whether the
    facts alleged, taken in the light most favorable to the party
    asserting the injury, demonstrate that the official’s conduct
    violated a constitutional right; and (2) whether the right
    was “clearly established” such that it would have been clear
    to a reasonable official “that his conduct was unlawful in the
    situation he confronted.” Saucier v. Katz, 
    533 U.S. 194
    , 201-
    02 (2001). We need not address the second question in this
    case because, for the reasons explained below, we answer
    the first in the negative. See 
    id. at 201
     (“If no constitutional
    right would have been violated were the allegations estab-
    lished, there is no necessity for further inquiries concerning
    qualified immunity.”).
    Schad contends that Chief Jones violated his First
    Amendment right to freedom of speech by retaliating
    against him for disclosing the Rivera tip to Knight. “A gov-
    ernment employee does not relinquish all First Amendment
    rights otherwise enjoyed by citizens just by reason of his or
    her employment.” City of San Diego v. Roe, 
    125 S. Ct. 521
    523 (2004). Because “the government as an employer has an
    interest in conducting its operations as effectively as
    possible,” however, “public employees do not have an unfet-
    tered right to express themselves on matters related to
    their jobs, and courts must give due weight to the govern-
    ment’s interest in efficient employment decisionmaking
    when evaluating retaliation claims.” Brooks v. Univ. of Wis.
    Bd. of Regents, 
    406 F.3d 476
    , 479 (7th Cir. 2005) (citing
    Cygan v. Wis. Dep’t of Corr., 
    388 F.3d 1092
    , 1098 (7th Cir.
    2004); Waters v. Churchill, 
    511 U.S. 661
    , 675 (1994)). To
    establish a claim of First Amendment retaliation, a plaintiff
    must prove “that the speech in question is constitutionally
    protected and that it was a substantial, or motivating,
    factor in the employer’s retaliatory actions.” Brooks, 
    406 F.3d at 479
    . “If the plaintiff establishes these elements, the
    6                                               No. 04-3396
    burden shifts to the government to prove that it would have
    taken the same action in the absence of the protected
     In this case, there is no dispute that
    Chief Jones transferred Schad to a less desirable assign-
    ment because he disclosed the Rivera tip to Knight, and
    that the transfer would not have occurred had Schad not
    done so. Therefore, the only issue before us is whether
    Schad’s speech was constitutionally protected.
    In determining whether a government employee’s speech
    is constitutionally protected, we apply the two-step
    Connick-Pickering test. Cygan, 
    388 F.3d at
    1099 (citing
    Connick v. Myers, 
    461 U.S. 138
     (1983); Pickering v. Bd. of
    Educ. of Township High Sch. Dist. 205, 
    391 U.S. 563
    (1968)). First, under Connick, we must determine whether
    the employee spoke “as a citizen upon matters of public
    concern.” Connick, 
    461 U.S. at 147
    ; see also Cygan, 
    388 F.3d at 1099
    . In making this determination, we examine “the
    content, form, and context of a given statement, as revealed
    by the whole record.” Connick, 
    461 U.S. at 147-48
    . Second,
    under Pickering, we balance “the interests of the [em-
    ployee], as a citizen, in commenting upon matters of public
    concern and the interest of the State, as an employer, in
    promoting the efficiency of the public services it performs
    through its employees.” Pickering, 
    391 U.S. at 568
    ; see also
    388 F.3d at 1099
    . The parties, as well as the district
    court, addressed only the Connick part of the test, and so
    shall we. See Spiegla v. Hull, 
    371 F.3d 928
    , 940 (7th Cir.
    2004) (appellate court will not apply the Pickering balanc-
    ing test where arguments on the application of the test
    were not presented in the defendant’s motion for summary
    judgment and the district court was silent on the issue).
    We begin our inquiry into whether Schad spoke as a citi-
    zen on a matter of public concern by examining the content
    of his speech. “Speech by a government employee relating to
    ordinary matters of internal operation and lacking connec-
    tion to ‘any matter of political, social, or other concern to
    No. 04-3396                                                 7
    the community’ is not entitled to First Amendment protec-
    tion.” Spiegla, 
    371 F.3d at 936
     (quoting Connick, 
    461 U.S. at 146
    ). The speech at issue here consists only of Schad’s
    telephone call to Knight in which he disclosed the anony-
    mous tip about Rivera’s location. Although “police protec-
    tion and public safety are generally a matter of public
    concern,” Delgado v. Jones, 
    282 F.3d 511
    , 517 (7th Cir.
    2002), not all speech by police department employees is
    “upon matters of public concern” under the Connick analy-
    sis. See, e.g., Gonzalez v. City of Chicago, 
    239 F.3d 939
    Cir. 2001) (reports regarding instances of police misconduct
    written by a police department employee were not upon
    matters of public concern). As we observed in
    Kuchenreuther v. City of Milwaukee:
    While speech addressing matters of police protection
    and public safety are matters of public concern, we have
    cautioned that if every facet of internal operations
    within a governmental agency were of public concern,
    and therefore any employee complaint or comment upon
    such matters constitutionally protected, no escape from
    judicial oversight of every government activity down to
    the smallest minutia would be possible.
    221 F.3d 967
    , 974 (7th Cir. 2000) (internal quotations and
    citations omitted). Rather than relying on the fact that
    Schad’s speech concerned the general topic of law enforce-
    ment, we must “delve deeper into the precise content” to
    determine whether what was said on this topic was of pub-
    lic concern. Kokkinis v. Ivkovich, 
    185 F.3d 840
    , 844 (7th Cir.
    In Connick, the Supreme Court considered a retaliation
    claim by assistant district attorney Sheila Myers, whose
    employment was terminated after she circulated a question-
    naire to coworkers asking about their confidence and trust
    in various supervisors, the level of office morale, and the
    need for a grievance committee. 
    461 U.S. at 140-42
    . Myers
    8                                                 No. 04-3396
    had distributed the questionnaire after learning that she
    was slated for an unwanted transfer, and the Court deter-
    mined that her questions were “mere extensions of Myers’
    dispute over her transfer.” 
    Id. at 148
    . The Court went on to
    explain why the content of her speech was not of public
    concern even though the general topic of employee satisfac-
    tion in a prosecutor’s office might be of interest to the
    Myers did not seek to inform the public that the District
    Attorney’s office was not discharging its governmental
    responsibilities in the investigation and prosecution of
    criminal cases. Nor did Myers seek to bring to light
    actual or potential wrongdoing or breach of public trust
    on the part of [the District Attorney] and others. . . .
    While discipline and morale in the workplace are
    related to an agency’s efficient performance of its
    duties, the focus of Myers’ questions is not to evaluate
    the performance of the office but rather to gather
    ammunition for another round of controversy with her
    Based on this guidance, “our cases have consistently held
    that speech alleging government corruption and malfea-
    sance is of public concern in its substance.” Spiegla, 
    371 F.3d at 937
     (collecting cases). For instance, correctional
    officer Nancy Spiegla was transferred after she questioned
    a new vehicle search policy and reported the suspicious
    conduct of two of her superiors who appeared to be using
    that policy to facilitate unlawful behavior. 
    Id. at 936
    . Al-
    though the content of Spiegla’s speech was “comfortably on
    the socially valuable side of the constitutional line,” we
    explained that the case might have been different had
    Spiegla merely questioned the policy pursuant to which the
    officials were acting and had not disclosed the officials’
    suspicious conduct. 
    Id. at 937
    . We emphasized that “[t]here
    No. 04-3396                                               9
    must be a communicative element to speech that puts the
    listener on alert that a matter of public concern is being
    raised,” and that “the specificity and seriousness of the
    allegations against [Spiegla’s superiors]” were essential to
    our conclusion that her speech was protected. 
    Id. at 937, 939
    In this case, the content of Schad’s speech was the tip
    about Rivera’s possible location, the type of information
    typically transmitted between officers in a police depart-
    ment. As in Connick, Schad did not seek to inform the
    public that the police department was not discharging its
    governmental responsibilities in the arrest of wanted in-
    dividuals. He did not bring to light actual or potential
    wrongdoing, nor did he set out to remedy the flawed func-
    tioning of the department by reporting needed changes to a
    superior. Nothing in Schad’s speech could have alerted
    Knight, or anyone else, that a matter of public concern was
    being raised.
    Although the public is generally concerned with the safe
    arrest of dangerous suspects, the focus of Schad’s call to
    Knight was not the evaluation of the MPD’s performance in
    accomplishing this task. Rather, he agreed with Chief Jones
    about the importance of arresting Rivera and disclosed the
    tip to Knight in an effort to accomplish this goal. That
    Schad chose a course different from the one preferred by
    Chief Jones is of no consequence because, unlike Spielga,
    Schad did not follow his standard transmission of informa-
    tion with a civic-minded critique of Chief Jones’s strategy
    for arresting Rivera or report that the chief was not acting
    with the best interest of the community in mind. Schad let
    the matter rest after his routine call to Knight, suggesting
    that his speech was an ordinary part of the internal
    operation of the police department, and indicating that he
    did not speak as a citizen addressing a matter of public
    10                                              No. 04-3396
    The form of Schad’s speech supports the same conclusion.
    Although we have held that speech need not be addressed
    to the general public to be protected, see Delgado, 
    282 F.3d at 518
    , choosing a form of speech routinely used for intra-
    office communications may suggest that the employee did
    not set out to speak as a citizen. In Gonzalez v. City of
    Chicago, we considered the discharge of Gerardo Gonzalez,
    a newly recruited police officer who formerly served as a
    civilian employee of the Chicago Police Department’s Office
    of Professional Standards investigating and writing reports
    on police misconduct. 
    239 F.3d at 940
    . Gonzalez alleged
    that he received poor job evaluations in retaliation for
    several negative reports he had written about police officers
    who later became his coworkers. In concluding that Gonza-
    lez’s earlier work activities did not constitute protected
    speech, we emphasized that he had written the reports
    “merely as an employee.” 
    Id. at 941
    . “The form of his speech
    (routine official reports),” we concluded, “indicate[d] that
    Gonzalez did not speak ‘as a citizen’ on a matter of public
     Similarly, Schad made an informal telephone
    call to provide another officer with information typically
    shared between officers. The form of Schad’s speech does not
    distinguish it from everyday employment-related communi-
    cations or indicate that Schad was speaking as a citizen
    rather than as an employee.
    Finally, we turn to the context of the speech, considering
    Schad’s motive for speaking and the circumstances in which
    he spoke. See Spiegla, 
    371 F.3d at 938
    . In Gonzalez, the fact
    that the employee’s reports were written “pursuant to
    duties of the job” indicated to us that he had not spoken as
    a citizen. 
    239 F.3d at 941
    . In this case, Schad called Knight
    in the context of the MPD’s efforts to locate and arrest
    Rivera. Schad admits that he was “doing his job,” and that
    his speech “was meant to complete the Warrant Squad’s
    main mission for that shift which was to arrest Rivera.”
    Nevertheless, he emphasizes that “there is no indication
    No. 04-3396                                                11
    that he was discharging an assigned duty.” The district
    court also relied on the fact that Lieutenant Jessup did not
    expressly assign to Schad the task of calling Knight, and
    that it took some initiative on Schad’s part to call Knight
    This distinction has no significance in the context of this
    case. A police officer’s job entails the use of judgment and
    discretion in performing his or her duties. Demonstrating
    initiative in carrying out one’s responsibilities does not
    transform ordinary employment speech into speech on a
    matter of public concern. Gonzalez used discretion in com-
    pleting his reports on police misconduct, but the reports
    were not protected because he wrote them “merely as an
    employee.” Gonzalez, 
    239 F.3d at 941
    . Like Gonzalez, Schad
    acted entirely in his employment capacity. Whether Chief
    Jones was more concerned about officer safety or his own
    image, the result is the same. There is no evidence that
    Schad’s motivation for calling Knight was anything other
    than that of an officer engaged in the performance of his
    everyday duties, and no evidence that the circumstances in
    which Schad spoke differed in any way from the ordinary
    internal operations of the police department. Thus, like its
    content and form, the context of Schad’s speech indicates
    that it was not that of a citizen addressing a matter of
    public concern.
    Furthermore, Schad and Chief Jones both wanted the safe
    arrest of Rivera and disagreed, if at all, only as to how this
    goal should be accomplished. Schad’s speech, however, did
    not concern this disagreement. He did not comment on the
    merits of his decision to call Knight directly, nor did he
    suggest that the chief was wrong to prefer that the Tactical
    Enforcement Unit make the arrest. Rather, Schad merely
    made a judgment call in the course of his work, something
    police officers do daily. Schad’s position, followed to its
    logical conclusion, would require us to find that almost
    everything said in the course of police work is constitution-
    12                                               No. 04-3396
    ally protected and that a chief of police can never treat
    adversely an officer he believes used poor judgment. The
    Constitution does not require this result and it is not the
    province of federal courts to interfere with a police chief’s
    everyday tactical decisions in this way. Cf. Kuchenreuther,
    221 F.3d at 974-75
    In reaching the opposite conclusion, the district court’s
    relied on Delgado v. Jones, 
    282 F.3d 511
     (7th Cir. 2002).
    There, we considered a report by police officer Octavio
    Delgado, in which he stated that there was evidence that a
    relative of a public official frequented a drug house and that
    the chief of police was a close personal friend of that public
    official. Delgado, 
    282 F.3d at 513-15
    . Delgado sued for First
    Amendment retaliation when the chief of police transferred
    him to a less desirable assignment in retaliation for his
    Id. at 515
    . We distinguished the case from Gonzalez,
    noting that while Delgado’s job required that he report
    information about suspected crimes, he went further by
    including in his report “additional facts” that called into
    question “the department’s ability to conduct an objective
    Id. at 519
     (emphasis in original). Unlike
    Gonzalez, Delgado went beyond his normal job responsibili-
    ties by acting as a concerned citizen in disclosing informa-
    tion relevant to whether the police chief could perform his
    job effectively under the circumstances. Schad, by contrast,
    added nothing to the information that he passed along to
    Officer Knight as a matter of course. He merely carried out,
    without comment, a typical aspect of his job as a police
    officer. The district court’s reliance on Delgado was mis-
    III. Conclusion
    The content, form, and context of Schad’s speech indicate
    that he did not speak as a citizen on a matter of public
    No. 04-3396                                            13
    concern. We hold, therefore, that the speech was not con-
    stitutionally protected and that Jones did not violate
    Schad’s First Amendment rights. Accordingly, we REVERSE
    the district court’s order denying defendants’ motion for
    summary judgment and REMAND for proceedings consistent
    with this opinion.
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit