United States v. Norma Leonard-Allen , 724 F.3d 780 ( 2013 )

  •                            In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 12-3299 & 12-3663
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.
    No. 11-CR-301—Rudolph T. Randa, Judge.
    A RGUED A PRIL 17, 2013—D ECIDED JULY 30, 2013
    Before E ASTERBROOK, Chief Judge, and W OOD and
    S YKES, Circuit Judges.
    W OOD , Circuit Judge. Norma Leonard-Allen and
    Walter Stern became entangled in the financial arrange-
    ments that underlie this case during the aftermath
    of a lawsuit in which Stern served as Leonard-Allen’s
    attorney. The government charged that Stern hid some
    of Leonard-Allen’s assets so that she would not have to
    2                                  Nos. 12-3299 & 12-3663
    declare them in her bankruptcy proceeding. It main-
    tained that Stern knew of Leonard-Allen’s bankruptcy
    when he opened certificates of deposit (CDs) with
    Leonard-Allen’s money, and thus that his action
    amounted to money laundering in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 1956
    (h). Leonard-Allen, it said, committed perjury in
    violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 1623
     when she testified that Stern
    had not referred her to her bankruptcy lawyer, contrary
    to her representation on a client-intake form on which
    she had listed “Walter Stern” as the person who referred
    her to the bankruptcy lawyer. Both were convicted
    after a jury trial.
    On appeal, Leonard-Allen argues that the client-
    intake form was subject to attorney-client privilege and
    should not have been admitted against either defendant.
    Stern argues that even if the form were not subject to
    attorney-client privilege, the statement in the form is
    inadmissible hearsay. He also argues that the court
    erred when it excluded as hearsay his testimony about
    why he purchased the CDs and when it excluded as
    irrelevant testimony from Leonard-Allen’s daughters.
    We affirm Leonard-Allen’s conviction because the client-
    intake form was not a communication made in further-
    ance of the legal representation and therefore was
    not subject to the attorney-client privilege. Because the
    trial court wrongly prevented Stern from testifying
    about his own conduct—testimony central to Stern’s
    defense that he did not intend to conceal assets—we
    reverse Stern’s conviction.
    Nos. 12-3299 & 12-3663                                   3
    Stern met Leonard-Allen when he represented her
    in an employment discrimination suit. After the case
    settled, Stern and Leonard-Allen became romantically
    involved. They began living together in September 2006,
    months after Stern opened the first of two CD accounts
    underlying these charges. Leonard-Allen and her ex-
    husband had separated in June 2005 and had executed a
    Marital Settlement Agreement awarding Leonard-Allen
    $95,000, to be paid in four installments. In July 2005,
    Leonard-Allen visited a bankruptcy attorney, Mary
    Losey. In response to a question on Losey’s client-
    intake form asking “How did you select this office?,” she
    checked the box “Friend/Referral” and wrote in
    Walter Stern’s name.
    In September 2005, Leonard-Allen filed for bankruptcy,
    reporting $80,000 in liabilities and only $30,000 in as-
    sets. She did not disclose the $95,000 marital settle-
    ment. Between June 2005 and January 2006, while her
    bankruptcy was pending, Leonard-Allen received four
    personal checks, issued from the divorce attorney’s
    trust account, for a total of $95,000. In January 2006, the
    bankruptcy court determined that Leonard-Allen had
    insufficient assets to pay her creditors and discharged
    her debt. A month later, Leonard-Allen used the pro-
    ceeds of the first three divorce settlement checks to pur-
    chase a teller check; she promptly endorsed that check
    to Stern. In March 2006, Stern opened a CD account in
    his name with the proceeds of the check. In August 2006,
    Leonard-Allen used the proceeds of the fourth divorce
    4                                  Nos. 12-3299 & 12-3663
    settlement check to purchase another teller check, which
    she also endorsed to Stern. In January 2007, Stern used
    the proceeds of the second teller check and the first
    CD to open another CD account in his name. In
    January 2007, Leonard-Allen’s ex-husband’s attorney
    informed the bankruptcy trustee that Leonard-Allen
    failed to disclose the $95,000 divorce settlement in the
    bankruptcy proceedings, and in October 2007, the bank-
    ruptcy judge revoked the discharge of Leonard-
    Allen’s bankruptcy.
    Criminal charges followed, and Leonard-Allen pleaded
    guilty to two counts of making a false declaration in
    a bankruptcy proceeding in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 152
    After doing so, Leonard-Allen was subpoenaed to
    testify before a grand jury in the case against Stern.
    She told the grand jury that Stern had not referred her
    to Losey. The government subpoenaed records from
    Losey, including the client-intake form where Leonard-
    Allen had listed “Walter Stern” in the “Friend/Referral”
    box. Based on that evidence, the government charged
    Leonard-Allen with making a material false statement
    in a grand jury proceeding in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 1623
    . The court admitted the client-intake form as
    evidence of Leonard-Allen’s perjury over Leonard-
    Allen’s objection that it was subject to attorney-client
    privilege. She was convicted of the offense and sen-
    tenced to imprisonment for one year and a day.
    Stern was charged with conspiring to commit money
    laundering in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 1956
    (h). His
    defense at trial was that he was unaware of Leonard-
    Nos. 12-3299 & 12-3663                                     5
    Allen’s bankruptcy proceeding and therefore did not
    realize that he was hiding assets when he opened the
    CDs with Leonard-Allen’s money. The court admitted
    the client-intake form as evidence that Stern likely
    knew of Leonard-Allen’s bankruptcy; it overruled
    Stern’s objection that Leonard-Allen’s out-of-court state-
    ment on the client-intake form was inadmissible hear-
    say. See F ED. R. E VID. 801 & 802. It reasoned that the form
    was a business record, admissible under the business-
    records exception to the hearsay rule, see FED. R. E VID.
    803(6)(b). It also held that Leonard-Allen’s statement was
    made in furtherance of a conspiracy between Stern and
    Leonard-Allen and was thus admissible under the co-
    conspirator exclusion found in FED. R. E VID. 801(d)(2)(E).
    During Stern’s testimony, the court prohibited him
    from answering the following series of questions on
    the subject of his reason for purchasing the CDs for
    Q [Stern’s lawyer]. Do you recall going to the bank
    on [March 3, 2006]?
    A. Yes, I do.
    Q. And how did that come about?
    A. Well, about three days or so before—
    Government: Objection. Calls for hearsay answer.
    Stern’s lawyer: Not for the truth of the matter
    asserted, Judge. As to impact on him.
    Government: That’s not an exception to the hearsay
    6                                  Nos. 12-3299 & 12-3663
    The Court: Yes. The Court will sustain the objection.
    Q. Prior to going there on March the 3rd, 2006, did
    you have an understanding of what was asked of
    you for you to go to the bank and purchase C.D.’s?
    A. Yes.
    Government: Objection. Calls for a hearsay answer.
    The Court: It does, and so the objection will be sus-
    Q. And you having control of [Leonard-Allen’s money]
    was to serve what purpose?
    Government: Objection. Calls for hearsay answer.
    The Court: That will be sustained.
    The court also excluded testimony that Leonard-
    Allen’s daughters were unaware of Leonard-Allen’s
    bankruptcy. Stern sought to introduce this testimony
    in support of his claim that he was unaware of the bank-
    ruptcy. The court reasoned that the testimony was ir-
    relevant because the daughters had a different relation-
    ship with their mother from the one Stern had, and
    what they knew was therefore not probative of what
    Stern knew. We first address Leonard-Allen’s convic-
    tion, then Stern’s.
    Nos. 12-3299 & 12-3663                                     7
    Leonard-Allen argues that the intake form was pro-
    tected by the attorney-client privilege and thus should
    not have been produced or introduced into evidence at
    the trial. The scope of attorney-client privilege is a ques-
    tion of law that we review de novo. In re Subpoenaed
    Grand Jury Witness, 
    171 F.3d 511
    , 512 (7th Cir. 1999). The
    privilege extends to confidential communications be-
    tween client and attorney, made “in order to obtain
    legal assistance.” Fisher v. United States, 
    425 U.S. 391
    , 403
    (1976). Its purpose is “to encourage clients to make full
    disclosure to their attorneys,” and its scope is informed
    by this purpose. 
     Because the privilege may operate
    “in derogation of the search for truth,” we “construe
    the privilege to apply only where necessary to achieve
    its purpose.” United States v. BDO Seidman, LLP, 
    492 F.3d 806
    , 815 (7th Cir. 2007) (internal quotation marks and
    citations omitted). Accordingly, we have said that the
    privilege covers “only those communications which
    reflect the lawyer’s thinking [or] are made for the
    purpose of eliciting the lawyer’s professional advice or
    other legal assistance.” 
     (internal quotation marks
    Losey’s form does not meet that description. Leonard-
    Allen’s disclosure of who referred her does not reflect
    either the lawyer’s or the client’s thinking, and it was
    not instrumental to the substance of the bankruptcy
    advice that Losey provided. The form is more akin to
    information about attorneys’ fees. The latter information
    falls outside the scope of the privilege because fees
    8                                  Nos. 12-3299 & 12-3663
    are incidental to the substance of representation. In re
    Subpoenaed Grand Jury Witness, 
    171 F.3d at 513
    Matter of Witnesses Before Special March 1980 Grand Jury,
    729 F.2d 489
    , 491 (7th Cir. 1984)).
    It is true that we have found that the privilege applies
    in the limited situation when a lawyer’s disclosure of
    the identity of a third party who paid the defendant’s
    fees would implicate another previously unknown client
    who was involved in the targeted criminal activity. 
    Id. at 514
    . In that instance, the disclosure of the fee
    payor risks revealing another client’s motive for seeking
    representation from the lawyer. This risk is not present
    in Leonard-Allen’s acknowledgment that Stern referred
    her to Losey. That referral sheds no light on Leonard-
    Allen’s motives for seeking legal assistance. On the
    other hand, her statement on the form was powerful
    evidence for the government’s perjury case, since it
    contradicted her grand jury testimony.
    While the form listed Leonard-Allen’s reason for
    seeking representation as “financial,” it was widely
    known that Losey represented Leonard-Allen for bank-
    ruptcy, and so that aspect of the intake form did
    not reveal otherwise confidential information about
    Leonard-Allen’s motives. If Leonard-Allen had been
    concerned about the revelation that she had approached
    Losey for help in financial issues, she might have
    objected to that portion of the form. It could have been
    redacted, and the form would have been just as proba-
    tive in the perjury proceeding. Because the referral state-
    ment is incidental to the representation and reveals
    Nos. 12-3299 & 12-3663                                      9
    nothing confidential about Leonard-Allen’s motives, it
    falls outside the scope of the attorney-client privilege,
    and the district court did not err by admitting it as
    relevant evidence against both defendants. Furthermore,
    the statement was one of a party-opponent for Leonard-
    Allen, and so there was no hearsay bar to its admission.
    F ED. R. E VID. 801(d)(2)(A). We address Stern’s additional
    arguments below.
    Stern challenges a number of the district court’s eviden-
    tiary rulings, but we review these decisions only for
    abuse of discretion. United States v. Gajo, 
    290 F.3d 922
    , 926
    (7th Cir. 2002). We begin with his objection to the court’s
    decision to exclude on hearsay grounds his testimony
    about why he went to the bank. Hearsay is an out-of-court
    statement that “a party offers in evidence to prove the
    truth of the matter asserted in the statement.” FED. R. E VID.
    801(c). The government contends, and the court ruled,
    that hearsay responses were called for by the exchange
    we reproduced above, which included questions about
    why Stern went to the bank on the day he purchased
    the CD, whether he planned in advance to purchase the
    CD, and what he thought was the purpose of his having
    control over Leonard-Allen’s money. This is wrong on
    two levels. First, the government lawyer objected so
    quickly and so vociferously that it was not even
    apparent that Stern’s response to any of these questions
    would have included an out-of-court statement. For all
    we know, Stern may have said “I went to the bank
    10                                  Nos. 12-3299 & 12-3663
    because I wanted to inquire about higher-interest
    savings accounts,” or “I was looking into which institu-
    tions might be best for my clients.” More importantly,
    even if Stern was planning to repeat something Leonard-
    Allen told him about why he should go to the bank and
    purchase the CDs, that kind of out-of-court statement is
    not hearsay. That is because Stern would not have been
    repeating the statement to establish the truth of what
    Leonard-Allen said. A witness’s statement is not hearsay
    if the witness is reporting what someone told the
    witness and what the witness thought she meant, and
    that statement is offered as an explanation of what the
    witness was thinking at the time or what motivated him
    to do something. In this context, the out-of-court statement
    is not being offered as evidence that its contents are true.
    Talmage v. Harris, 
    486 F.3d 968
    , 975 (7th Cir. 2007) (“The
    key issue is . . . the effect of the [out-of-court statement]
    on [the party]’s state of mind. The truth or falsity of
    the [statement] is irrelevant to the latter question, and
    thus [it] did not fall within the definition of hear-
    say.”); United States v. Hanson, 
    994 F.2d 403
    , 406 (7th
    Cir. 1993) (“An out of court statement that is offered to
    show its effect on the hearer’s state of mind is not hear-
    say.”) (citations omitted).
    In our case it is more likely that Stern would have
    reported Leonard-Allen’s out-of-court statements to
    show that they were untrue and that they misled him
    by hiding the real purpose for purchasing the CDs. This
    testimony falls outside the definition of hearsay, and
    the court abused its discretion by excluding it. That is so
    Nos. 12-3299 & 12-3663                                   11
    even though, in response to the government’s hearsay
    objection, Stern’s lawyer does not appear to have
    made an offer of proof pursuant to F ED. R. E VID. 103(a)(2)
    showing that Stern’s responses would not have relayed
    Leonard-Allen’s out-of-court statements at all. The gov-
    ernment has not argued that Stern forfeited his objection
    to the exclusion of this testimony by this omission, and
    therefore the government has forfeited any argument
    about forfeiture. Stern’s lawyer focused on the point
    that Leonard-Allen’s out-of-court statements would not
    have been hearsay because they would not have been
    introduced to prove the truth of the matter asserted. As
    we have said, we agree with that assessment.
    The court’s error was not harmless, because the
    excluded testimony was central to Stern’s defense. Stern
    maintained that he was unaware of Leonard-Allen’s
    bankruptcy when he purchased the CDs. He intended to
    support that position before the jury by explaining that
    Leonard-Allen asked him to hold the money in order to
    help her manage it. This would have explained how he
    might have purchased CDs with Leonard-Allen’s
    money without any intent to hide the money from
    the bankruptcy court (or anyone else). This alternate
    explanation would have made Stern’s defense more
    believable, because it would have offered the jury a
    theory under which Stern innocently purchased the
    CDs, rather than making the purchases to launder
    Leonard-Allen’s divorce proceeds. Since this testimony
    was central to Stern’s defense, we cannot be confident
    “that the same judgment would have been rendered
    12                                 Nos. 12-3299 & 12-3663
    regardless of the error.” Goodman v. Ill. Dep’t of Fin.
    & Prof’l Regulation, 
    430 F.3d 432
    , 439 (7th Cir. 2005); see
    also United States v. Peak, 
    856 F.2d 825
    , 834-35 (7th Cir.
    Because this error calls for reversal, strictly speaking
    we do not need to determine whether either of the
    other two evidentiary rulings to which Stern ob-
    jects—admitting the client-intake form under the co-
    conspirator exception to the hearsay rule and excluding
    the testimony of Leonard-Allen’s daughters—constituted
    an abuse of discretion that would warrant reversal. None-
    theless, similar questions may arise if there is a retrial,
    and so we address them now.
    In order for Leonard-Allen’s statement on the client-
    intake form to be admissible under the co-conspirator
    exception, the government must prove by a pre-
    ponderance of the evidence that a conspiracy between
    Leonard-Allen and Stern existed at the time the
    statement was made, and that the statement was made
    “during the course and in furtherance of the conspiracy.”
    United States v. Cruz-Rea, 
    626 F.3d 929
    , 937 (7th Cir.
    2010) (citation omitted); United States v. Santiago, 
    582 F.2d 1128
    , 1131 (7th Cir. 1978), overruled on other
    grounds by Bourjaily v. United States, 
    483 U.S. 171
    A timeline of events that the government introduced as
    an exhibit at trial shows that Leonard-Allen signed the
    intake form in July 2005, three months before she filed
    for bankruptcy and seven months before Stern took any
    Nos. 12-3299 & 12-3663                                  13
    action in furtherance of the alleged conspiracy (i.e.,
    opening the first CD). The government’s evidence is
    consistent with the possibility that Leonard-Allen did
    not even intend to file for bankruptcy at the time she
    filled out the form, let alone have a plan in place to hide
    assets from the bankruptcy court. The district court did
    not identify any supporting evidence when it
    summarily concluded that “the preponderance of the
    evidence is that, as charged in the indictment, the
    money laundering conspiracy existed as of the date, July 6,
    2005, when Leonard-Allen completed the intake form.”
    This suggests that the court relied on Leonard-Allen’s
    act of writing Stern’s name on the form as the only evi-
    dence of a preexisting conspiracy. Standing alone, this
    statement tells us nothing about the subject matter of any
    agreement that may have existed between Leonard-
    Allen and Stern in July 2005. In determining whether
    the statement is admissible under the co-conspirator
    exception, the district court should take care to cross
    the “T’s” and dot the “I’s”: that is, ensure that there is
    proof of an agreement to launder the money and that
    Leonard-Allen’s act of writing the name fell within the
    scope of that agreement.
    We turn briefly to the testimony of Leonard-Allen’s
    daughters. Evidence is relevant if “it has any tendency
    to make a fact [of consequence] more or less probable
    than it would be without the evidence.” F ED. R. E VID. 401
    (emphasis added). The word “any” signals that evidence
    is relevant even if it only slightly or marginally alters
    the likelihood of a consequential fact. See Thompson v.
    14                                   Nos. 12-3299 & 12-3663
    City of Chi., 
    472 F.3d 444
    , 453 (7th Cir. 2006) (“To be rele-
    vant, evidence need not conclusively decide the ultimate
    issue in a case, nor make the proposition appear more
    probable, but it must in some degree advance the in-
    quiry.”) (Internal quotation marks omitted). The fact
    that the relationship between Leonard-Allen and her
    daughters is, as the district court observed, “qualitatively
    different from her relationship with Stern,” suggests
    that what Leonard-Allen’s daughters knew is not con-
    clusive proof of what Stern knew. But evidence need
    not be conclusive proof in order to be admissible, and
    even if it does not prove that Stern was unaware of the
    bankruptcy, what Leonard-Allen’s daughters knew of the
    bankruptcy could “in some degree advance the in-
    quiry” into what Stern likely knew, if it suggests that
    Leonard-Allen was keeping her financial woes to herself.
    We A FFIRM the conviction of Leonard-Allen. We
    V ACATE Stern’s conviction and R EMAND for a new trial
    consistent with this opinion.