Walker, David E. v. Litscher, Jon E. ( 2005 )

  •                           In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 05-1009
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.
    No. 01 C 605—Charles N. Clevert, Jr., Judge.
    ARGUED JUNE 2, 2005—DECIDED AUGUST 30, 2005
    Before FLAUM, Chief Judge, and BAUER and EVANS, Circuit
    BAUER, Circuit Judge. This habeas corpus appeal
    arises from David Walker’s February 1998 conviction for
    kidnapping and first-degree sexual assault while armed.
    Walker claims that his Sixth Amendment right to confront
    the witnesses against him was violated by the exclusion
    of evidence reflecting the complainant’s motive to falsely
    accuse him of sexual assault. He also advances an inef-
    fective assistance of counsel claim. The Wisconsin Court
    of Appeals, seconded by the district court, rejected his
    arguments and denied his petition. We affirm.
    2                                              No. 05-1009
    I. Background
    A. Trial and Conviction
    Lorinda S., the complaining witness, testified at Walker’s
    trial that she was at home alone with her four children on
    September 26, 1997, when the defendant unexpectedly
    arrived at the house. Lorinda knew Walker because he
    dated her stepsister. Upon entering the house, Walker
    grabbed Lorinda by the wrists. Lorinda told him to “stop
    playing,” and he said, “Bitch, I’m not playing.” He grabbed
    her by the neck, bit her on the cheek, and hit her. He
    also grabbed a hammer that was sitting on the table
    and threatened to hit her with it as he said, “You know
    what I want.” Lorinda told him to stop, but he forced her
    into the bedroom and ordered her to perform oral sex
    on him. When she refused, he hit her, then forcibly pulled
    up her dress. He pulled the crotch of her underwear aside,
    but was not able to pull them off because she held on to
    them. Lorinda testified that he rubbed his penis on her
    vagina and “put his stuff on me.”
    Lorinda testified that, during the assault, she told her
    oldest child, eight-year-old Shontaya B., to call 911, and
    Shontaya did. Shontaya took the stand at Walker’s trial and
    confirmed her mother’s story. Shontaya testified that she
    saw Walker hit, push, and grab her mother while her
    mother was saying “stop” and telling him to leave. She saw
    her mother crying and she saw Walker pick up a hammer
    and try to hit her mother with it. After Walker pushed her
    mother into the bedroom, Shontaya went upstairs to call
    911. The state played a tape of Shontaya’s 911 call for the
    Dispatcher:   Milwaukee Emergency. May I help you?
    Shontaya:     Hello, there’s a man up [sic] my house.
    My mother’s crying and I don’t know
    what to do. She told me to call 911.
    No. 05-1009                                               3
    Dispatcher:   Your mother’s crying?
    Shontaya:     Yes, and there’s a man over at my house,
    and I don’t know what he’s doing to her.
    Dispatcher:   Is that her boyfriend?
    Shontaya:     No, it’s a man that, it’s a man that I’ve
    seen, you know . . .
    Dispatcher:   And what’s he doing? Is he arguing?
    Shontaya:     No, but I’m hearing a lot of bumping and
    Dispatcher:   You’re hearing what?
    Shontaya:     A lot of bumping.
    Dispatcher:   Do you think he’s hitting your mother?
    Shontaya:     Yes.
    Dispatcher:   Where’s your mother now, inside or out-
    Shontaya:     She’s downstairs.
    Dispatcher:   What’s your address?
    Shontaya:     Um, I don’t know, but I’m . . .
    Dispatcher:   Okay. I show you’re calling from 1830
    Shontaya:     Okay.
    Dispatcher:   And you say your mother’s in the lower
    4                                               No. 05-1009
    [sic] with the man?
    Shontaya:     Um-hum, and you know he’s telling her
    to come in the room.
    Dispatcher:   Okay. And what’s your name?
    Shontaya:     Shontaya.
    Dispatcher:   Shontaya?
    Shontaya:     Um-hum. Shontaya.
    Dispatcher:   Okay. And this is downstairs, okay?
    Shontaya:     Okay.
    Dispatcher:   We’ll get someone out. Thank you.
    Shontaya:     You’re welcome.
    Tr. 137-38.
    After Walker left, Lorinda called 911 and told the dis-
    patcher that Walker had tried to rape her, and that he bit
    her and tried to hit her with a hammer. She also called her
    fiancé, Clifton Keeler, who arrived at the house before the
    police did.
    Walker took the stand in his own defense and testified
    that Lorinda invited him to her house and that they had
    consensual sex. Walker testified that the mark on Lorinda’s
    cheek was a “hickey” that he gave her after their sexual
    The parties stipulated to the following evidence, which
    was presented to the jury: the state crime laboratory
    found a small amount of semen on the cervical and
    vaginal swabs and the “Woods light” swab, taken from
    Lorinda at the hospital in the late afternoon of Septem-
    ber 26, 1997, but there was an insufficient amount of semen
    for further serological analysis. The nurse from the hospital
    testified that the “Woods light” swab was taken from
    Lorinda’s right inner thigh and groin. The crime lab report
    No. 05-1009                                                5
    also contained a finding that no semen was identified on the
    underwear or dress worn by Lorinda, but this was not
    presented to the jury by stipulation or otherwise.
    Based on the foregoing evidence, the jury convicted
    Walker of kidnapping and first-degree sexual assault
    while armed, and acquitted him of an intimidation of a
    victim charge. The presiding circuit judge sentenced Walker
    to 70 years in prison.
    B. Post-Conviction Appeals
    Walker subsequently filed for post-conviction relief
    with the Wisconsin circuit court, arguing, inter alia, that
    his Confrontation Clause rights were violated by the
    exclusion of evidence that Lorinda had a motive to falsely
    accuse him, and that he was denied his right to effec-
    tive assistance of counsel when his attorney failed to
    introduce the crime lab report finding that no semen
    was found on Lorinda’s underwear or dress. The Con-
    frontation Clause issue centered on the trial court’s exclu-
    sion of evidence that Lorinda’s fiancé, Clifton Keeler, had
    previously assaulted her on at least four occasions. All four
    of those incidents were memorialized in police reports. The
    report of the most recent incident, which occurred on
    October 23, 1996, approximately eleven months before
    Walker’s sexual assault, noted that Keeler was jealous
    because he thought that Lorinda was involved with another
    man. Walker argued that the evidence was relevant for two
    purposes: truthfulness and motive. Regarding truthfulness,
    Walker asserted that this was evidence that Lorinda was
    lying when she checked the “no” box in response to the
    question “Hit or threatened in the past year?” on a hospital
    report related to the incident with Walker. As to motive,
    Walker maintained that these prior incidents gave Lorinda
    a possible motive to falsely accuse him of rape and falsely
    testify that she did not consent to their encounter. Walker’s
    6                                                No. 05-1009
    theory was that Lorinda manufactured the sexual assault
    story because she feared that Keeler would find out that
    they had sex and beat her. The trial court excluded the
    evidence. Citing Wisconsin’s analog of Rule 608(b) of the
    Federal Rules of Evidence, the court explained that truth-
    fulness cannot be attacked by specific instances of conduct.
    In addition, the court concluded that the evidence was not
    admissible evidence of motive because it was too speculative
    and therefore not relevant. The court cited the following
    considerations in support of its conclusion that the evidence
    was irrelevant: there was no evidence that the prior
    beatings by Keeler occurred because Lorinda was having
    consensual sex with someone; there was no evidence that
    she had ever manufactured a sexual assault to avoid
    a beating by Keeler; there was a physical assault compo-
    nent connected to the incident with Walker; and
    Shontaya provided eyewitness testimony that corro-
    borated Lorinda’s account. The court also ruled that any
    probative value of the evidence was outweighed by the
    prejudicial effect of the evidence. The post-conviction circuit
    court summarily affirmed the trial judge’s ruling on the
    Confrontation Clause issue. On the ineffective assistance
    issue, the court held that Walker was not prejudiced by his
    attorney’s failure to introduce the crime lab results.
    On July 21, 2000, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals af-
    firmed the lower court’s decision. With regard to the
    Confrontation Clause issue, the court explained:
    The trial court reasoned that the relevance of the
    October 23, 1996 incident to Lorinda’s motive to fabri-
    cate the nonconsensual nature of sex with Walker was
    minimal. The court noted the evidence that Lorinda
    called Keeler in tears and told him that Walker had
    assaulted her, she had her daughter call 911, her
    daughter witnessed Walker’s physically abusive behav-
    ior, and Lorinda had a bite mark on her cheek from
    Walker. Given this evidence, the trial court could
    No. 05-1009                                                 7
    reasonably consider Walker’s theory tying the October
    23, 1996 incident to a motive to lie about Walker to be
    too speculative. The court also expressed a concern
    about the effect of stereotype, which we understand to
    mean that the trial court was concerned about the effect
    on the jury of evidence suggesting that Lorinda had
    previously had consensual sex with another man
    besides her fiancé. It is likely that if Walker introduced
    evidence of the October 23, 1996 incident, whether
    Lorinda had been involved with another man would
    become a focus of the trial. That would be irrelevant to
    the charges against Walker, but distracting and un-
    fairly prejudicial to the State’s case. We conclude that
    the court could reasonably decide that there was a
    minimal logical connection between the October 23,
    1996 incident with Keeler and Lorinda’s motive to lie
    about Walker, and that any probative value the October
    23, 1996 incident might have was substantially out-
    weighed by the danger of unfair prejudice.
    App. 116. The court also rejected the ineffective assistance
    of counsel claim, reasoning that the lack of semen on
    Lorinda’s dress and underwear did not necessarily
    strengthen Walker’s case or undercut Lorinda’s testimony.
    On June 15, 2001, Walker filed a petition for a writ
    of habeas corpus in the Eastern District of Wisconsin.
    The court denied the petition on September 3, 2003.
    Walker’s appointed counsel then filed a motion for re-
    lief from judgment under Rule 59(e), asserting mani-
    fest error of law. On July 28, 2004, the district court denied
    the motion. The court held that Walker’s case
    was distinguishable from controlling Supreme Court
    precedent on the Confrontation Clause issue and that the
    asserted error was harmless in any event. The court
    also concluded that the Wisconsin Court of Appeals’ applica-
    tion of the prejudice prong of the Supreme Court’s decision
    in Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
     (1984) was
    8                                                No. 05-1009
    neither contrary to or an unreasonable application of clearly
    established federal law. The district court then granted a
    certificate of appealability on both the Confrontation Clause
    issue and the ineffective assistance of counsel claim.
    II. Discussion
    A. Standard of Review
    We review the district court’s decision to deny Walker’s
    habeas petition de novo. Searcy v. Jaimet, 
    332 F.3d 1081
    1087 (7th Cir. 2003). Because Walker’s habeas petition
    was filed after the effective date of the Antiterrorism
    and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (“AEDPA”), Pub. L.
    104-132, the provisions of the AEDPA govern our review.
    Myarrt v. Frank, 
    395 F.3d 782
    , 784-85 (7th Cir. 2005).
    Under the AEDPA, as relevant to this case, a writ cannot be
    granted unless the state court adjudication of the claim
    “resulted in a decision that was contrary to, or involved an
    unreasonable application of, clearly established Federal law
    . . . .” 
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
    (d)(1). “[C]learly established Federal
    law” refers to the holdings of the Supreme Court’s cases “as
    of the time of the relevant state-court decision.” Williams v.
    529 U.S. 362
    , 412 (2000). “To run afoul of §
    2254(d)(1)’s contrary-to standard, the state court must have
    either (i) adopted a rule that contradicts the governing law
    of the U.S. Supreme Court or (ii) on a set of facts materially
    indistinguishable from those at issue in the applicable
    Supreme Court precedent, reached a different result.” Ward
    v. Sternes, 
    334 F.3d 696
    , 703 (7th Cir. 2003) (citing Wil-
    529 U.S. at 405
    , and Washington v. Smith, 
    219 F.3d 620
    , 628 (7th Cir. 2000)). “Under the ‘unreasonable applica-
    tion’ clause, a federal habeas court may grant the writ if the
    state court identifies the correct governing principle from
    the Court’s decisions but unreasonably applies the principle
    to the facts of the prisoner’s case.” Williams, 
    529 U.S. at 413
    . Even if the state court erroneously applied federal law,
    No. 05-1009                                                 9
    we may only grant the writ if the decision was objectively
    unreasonable. Yarborough v. Alvarado, 
    541 U.S. 652
    , 665
    B. Confrontation Clause
    Walker’s first argument is that the Wisconsin Court of
    Appeals’ decision on his Confrontation Clause challenge
    was “contrary to” clearly established federal law in that the
    court confronted facts materially indistinguishable from the
    Supreme Court’s decision in Olden v. Kentucky, 
    488 U.S. 227
     (1988) (per curiam), and nevertheless arrived at a
    different result. We disagree. Though the facts in Olden are
    superficially similar to the instant facts in ways that the
    facts in many sexual assault cases would be, they are not
    indistinguishable. In Olden, two men were indicted for
    kidnapping, rape, and forcible sodomy. 
    Id. at 228
    . The
    Olden defendants asserted a defense of consent. 
    Id. at 229
    The defendants’ “theory of the case was that [the complain-
    ant] concocted the rape story to protect her relationship
    with [her boyfriend].” 
    Id. at 230
    . The complainant admitted
    that she had been out drinking at a bar, “became somewhat
    intoxicated,” and voluntarily left with one of the defendants.
    Id. at 228
    . According to the complainant, the defendants
    then raped her and dropped her off at her boyfriend’s house.
     Her boyfriend, the half-brother of one of the assailants,
    heard a noise outside of his home, went out to investigate,
    and saw his girlfriend get out of the assailant’s car. 
    Id. at 228-29
    . The complainant immediately told her boyfriend
    that the men raped her. 
    Id. at 229
    . The jury acquitted
    one defendant on all charges and acquitted the second
    defendant of kidnapping and rape, but convicted him
    of forcible sodomy. 
    Id. at 230
    The defendant convicted of sodomy appealed his convic-
    tion on the basis of the Confrontation Clause. 
     At trial,
    10                                               No. 05-1009
    the co-defendants wanted to demonstrate that the com-
    plainant had motive to lie by introducing evidence that
    the complainant was living with her boyfriend at the time of
     This was the same boyfriend who had seen her get
    out of his half-brother’s friend’s car in an intoxicated state
    on the night of the incident. 
     The trial judge excluded all
    evidence of the complainant’s living situation and did not
    allow defense counsel to cross-examine the complainant on
    the issue even after she claimed on direct examination that
    she was living with her mother. 
    Id. at 230
    . The Supreme
    Court in Olden held that the court’s refusal to permit cross-
    examination on the complainant’s cohabitation with her
    boyfriend violated the defendant’s Sixth Amendment right
    to confront the witnesses against him. 
    Id. at 232-33
    . The
    Court emphasized that “the exposure to a witness’ moti-
    vation in testifying is a proper and important function
    of the constitutionally protected right of cross-examination.”
    Id. at 231
     (internal quotations and citations omitted). The
    Court acknowledged that trial courts have discretion to
    impose reasonable limits on cross-examination, but con-
    cluded that “the limitation here was beyond reason”
    because the evidence about the complainant’s relationship
    had such strong potential to cast doubt on her testimony.
    Id. at 232
    The instant case is distinguishable. Given the Olden
    complainant’s admission that she had been out drinking
    with the defendants on the night of the incident, her
    voluntary departure from the bar with the men, her
    admission that the men dropped her off at her boyfriend’s
    house after the incident (a gesture that seems unusual
    in light of her allegations), her boyfriend’s testimony that
    he saw her get out of the defendant’s car on the night of the
    incident and his possible suspicion of infidelity, and her
    continued cohabitation with the boyfriend at the time of
    trial, the defendants’ theory of the case was plausible and
    had a factual basis in the evidence. The jury apparently
    No. 05-1009                                                11
    believed so, considering that it acquitted one defendant of
    kidnapping, rape, and sodomy and acquitted the other of
    kidnapping and sodomy even in the absence of evidence of
    the complainant’s cohabitation with her boyfriend at the
    time of trial. Walker’s defense, on the other hand, was
    somewhere between absurd and impossible. According to
    Walker, Lorinda called him over to have sex during the
    middle of the day while she was watching her four children,
    all under the age of nine. When Walker appeared, Lorinda
    shepherded the children into a room and had sex with him.
    But she did not want her boyfriend to find out about the
    encounter. To that end, instead of simply never telling her
    boyfriend about the tryst, she told her daughter to call 911
    while she was in the middle of having sex with Walker. Tr.
    of 911 Call (“[My mother] told me to call 911.”). Lorinda also
    put on a good show for her children by crying, and Walk-
    er got into the act of setting himself up for a false sex-
    ual assault charge by hitting Lorinda before they had
     The foregoing defense, Walker asserts, hinged
    on his being able to explore the fact that Lorinda was a
    victim of domestic violence, at least as recently as
    eleven months before Walker sexually assaulted her. We
    fail to see the connection between the stale report of
    domestic violence at the hands of her boyfriend and the far-
    fetched, pre-planned set-up of Walker on sexual assault
    charges. In contrast to Olden where the limitation was
    “beyond reason” because evidence about the complainant’s
    relationship had such strong potential to cast doubt on her
    testimony, the restriction placed on Walker’s cross-exami-
    nation of Lorinda was well within the trial judge’s wide
    discretion to impose reasonable limits on cross-examination
    because it did not have potential to cast doubt on Lorinda’s
    testimony. We accordingly conclude that the Wisconsin
    Court of Appeals’ decision was not contrary to Olden.
    Walker also asserts that the reviewing court’s decision
    was an “unreasonable application” of the principles an-
    12                                               No. 05-1009
    nounced in Olden, Delaware v. Van Arsdall, 
    475 U.S. 673
    (1986), and Davis v. Alaska, 
    415 U.S. 308
     (1974). He faces
    an uphill battle on this argument under the AEDPA
    because it is not enough to show that a state court er-
    roneously applied clearly established federal law; the
    petitioner must also show that the court applied the law “in
    an objectively unreasonable manner.” Bell v. Cone, 
    535 U.S. 685
    , 699 (2002). For the reasons stated above, we see no
    problem with the Wisconsin Court of Appeals’ application
    of the principles announced in Olden to this case. The
    court’s ruling was also consistent with Van Arsdall. In Van
    Arsdall, the Court held that Confrontation Clause errors
    are subject to the Chapman v. California, 
    386 U.S. 18
    (1967), harmless error analysis. Because the Wisconsin
    Court of Appeals did not find any Confrontation Clause
    error, it had no occasion to apply the harmless error
    analysis. Moreover, the Van Arsdall Court emphasized that
    trial courts have wide latitude “to impose reasonable limits
    on such cross-examination based on concerns about . . .
    interrogation that is . . . only marginally relevant,” id. at
    679, which accurately describes the excluded evidence in
    this case. At any rate, even if the reviewing court’s applica-
    tion of Olden or Van Arsdall was erroneous, it was not
    objectively unreasonable, which dooms his argument with
    regard to those cases.
    Nor was the state court’s application of the principles
    discussed in Davis objectively unreasonable. Davis involved
    the robbery of a large safe from a bar in Anchorage, Alaska.
    415 U.S. at 309
    . The only eyewitness was a sixteen-
    year-old who claimed to have seen the defendants near his
    house with a crowbar (the safe was recovered near the
    eyewitness’ house). 
    Id. at 310
    . It turned out that the
    eyewitness was on probation for burglary himself, a fact
    which defense counsel wanted to explore on cross-examina-
    Id. at 310-11
    . The state court precluded impeachment
    on the issue because it conflicted with Alaska’s interest in
    No. 05-1009                                                  13
    preserving the confidentiality of juvenile adjudications of
    Id. at 311
    . The Supreme Court reversed on the
    basis of the Confrontation Clause. 
    Id. at 320
    . The Court
    noted that a few of the eyewitness’ responses to questions
    on cross-examination were almost certainly false in light of
    his juvenile record but that the trial court’s ruling pre-
    vented defense counsel from impeaching him on the
    Id. at 314
    . The Court observed that “[i]t would
    be difficult to conceive of a situation more clearly illus-
    trating the need for cross-examination,” and remanded
    the case for further proceedings. 
     As may already be
    evident, Davis is of no assistance to Walker due to
    the unique factual scenario in that case: a crucial prose-
    cution witness, who may have wondered if he was also
    a suspect for the crime, was telling lies at trial that
    were protected by the court’s evidentiary ruling. The
    instant case simply did not involve those circumstances.
    Moreover, the state court of appeals’ ruling in the this
    case was not an objectively unreasonable application of
    the general principles about cross-examination and bias
    discussed in Davis.
    As the foregoing analysis illustrates, rulings on Con-
    frontation Clause issues are very fact-specific and in-
    volve case-by-case determinations. At the same time,
    and perhaps for that very reason, the Confrontation
    Clause standards are very general, making it difficult
    to call a state court ruling in this area “objectively unreason-
    able.” On this point, the Supreme Court’s discussion
    in Yarborough warrants repeating:
    [T]he range of reasonable judgment can depend in part
    on the nature of the relevant rule. If a legal rule is
    specific, the range may be narrow. Applications of
    the rule may be plainly correct or incorrect. Other rules
    are more general, and their meaning must emerge in
    application over the course of time. Applying a general
    standard to a specific case can demand a substantial
    14                                               No. 05-1009
    element of judgment. As a result, evaluating whether a
    rule application was unreasonable requires considering
    the rule’s specificity. The more general the rule, the
    more leeway courts have in reaching outcomes in case
    by case determination.
    Id. at 664.
    In sum, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals’ ruling on the
    Confrontation Clause issue was not “contrary to” Olden
    because Olden involved the exclusion of bias evidence
    with very strong potential to cast doubt on the complain-
    ant’s testimony, and the evidence excluded in this case
    was remote, without connection to the incident at issue, and
    devoid of potential to undermine Lorinda’s testimony and
    the prosecution case. Furthermore, the ruling was not an
    “unreasonable application” of the broad cross-examination
    principles discussed in Olden, Van Arsdall, and Davis. We
    accordingly reject Walker’s argument that his writ should
    be granted due to the state court’s decision on his Confron-
    tation Clause challenge.
    C. Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
    Walker also asserts that the Wisconsin Court of Appeals’
    decision on his ineffective assistance of counsel was an
    unreasonable application of Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
     (1984). To establish his ineffective assistance
    of counsel claim, Walker bears the heavy burden of showing
    that his attorney’s performance fell below an objective
    standard of reasonableness and that he was prejudiced by
    the deficient performance. Strickland, 
    466 U.S. at 687-88
    A failure to establish either prong is fatal to an ineffective
    assistance of counsel claim. Hough v. Anderson, 
    272 F.3d 878
    , 890 (7th Cir. 2001).
    Walker’s challenge centers on the state crime lab find-
    ings. The parties stipulated to the fact that a small amount
    No. 05-1009                                               15
    of semen was found on the cervical, vaginal, and inner and
    groin swabs, but that the amount was insufficient for
    further serological analysis. Though the crime lab report
    also contained a finding that no semen was identified on the
    underwear or dress worn by Lorinda, Walker’s attorney
    failed to present the finding to the jury. Walker views his
    attorney’s failure to present that portion of the crime lab
    report as ineffective assistance of counsel and contends that
    the Wisconsin Court of Appeals unreasonably applied
    Strickland in rejecting his claim. We disagree.
    The Wisconsin Court of Appeals correctly identified
    Strickland as the controlling Supreme Court case on the
    issue and concluded that Walker had not met the prej-
    udice prong of the Strickland test. The court noted that
    the only testimony as to whether Walker ejaculated
    was Lorinda’s ambiguous testimony that Walker “put
    his stuff on me.” Furthermore, the court reasoned that
    the lack of semen on Lorinda’s dress and underwear did not
    necessarily strengthen Walker’s case or undercut Lorinda’s
    testimony. We agree with the state court’s analysis and
    conclusion. Walker did not testify that he ejaculated.
    Lorinda’s testimony about Walker’s “stuff” could reasonably
    be interpreted as a reference to ejaculation or his penis.
    Even if she was referring to ejaculation, she did not testify
    that he ejaculated on her dress and underwear; she testified
    that he “put his stuff on me,” which may be why a small
    amount of semen was found on the cervical, vaginal, and
    inner thigh and groin swabs. Regardless of whether Walker
    ejaculated and if he did, where the semen landed, it was
    reasonable for the reviewing court to conclude that Walker’s
    attorney’s failure to introduce the lack of semen finding did
    not undermine confidence in the outcome of the proceed-
    ings, particularly given the weight of the evidence against
    16                                           No. 05-1009
    III. Conclusion
    For the above-stated reasons, we AFFIRM the district
    court’s denial of Walker’s petition for a writ of habeas
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit