Chen, Jinlong v. Gonzales, Alberto R. ( 2005 )

  •                            In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 04-3965
    ALBERTO R. GONZALES, Attorney General
    of the United States,
    Petition for Review of an Order
    of the Board of Immigration Appeals.
    No. A70-885-665
    ARGUED JULY 6, 2005—DECIDED AUGUST 25, 2005
    Before COFFEY, RIPPLE, and ROVNER, Circuit Judges.
    ROVNER, Circuit Judge. Jinlong Chen claims that he was
    detained and abused in his native China by police
    who wanted him to testify against the pastor of his under-
    ground church. This detention and abuse are not mentioned
    in Chen’s initial asylum application, which he filed soon
    after arriving in the United States in 1993. Chen blames
    the omission on an agency that he says prepared the
    application without asking him about his history.
    The immigration judge (“IJ”) did not credit this explanation
    and, finding other aspects of Chen’s testimony also implau-
    sible, denied Chen’s requests for asylum, withholding
    of removal, and relief under the United Nations Convention
    2                                                No. 04-3965
    Against Torture. We conclude that the reasons the IJ gave
    for his decision are not supported by substantial evidence,
    and we therefore grant Chen’s petition for review.
    Chen says that in January 1992, a classmate at his high
    school in Changle, Fujian province, introduced him to
    Guoping Lin, the pastor of an unauthorized Christian
    church. Chen soon joined the church, and he and his
    classmate began proselytizing at their school. School
    officials notified the police, who arrested the two students.
    Over the next six days, the police repeatedly beat Chen
    (particularly in the face) and withheld food to force him to
    implicate Lin for the crime of “spreading an evil cult.” Chen
    finally relented, signed a statement, and was released two
    days later. He was told to report to the police daily until
    Lin’s trial ten days later, at which he was to testify. Unwill-
    ing to go through with testifying, Chen with his family’s
    assistance arranged to escape to the United States on a
    smuggler’s boat, paying $1,000 to the smuggler up-front and
    promising him another $24,000.
    Chen arrived in New York without inspection on April 20,
    1993. There, he saw an advertisement in a Chinese-lan-
    guage newspaper from an agency called “Xinlong” offering
    help applying for asylum. He contacted the agency and told
    them he was a Christian having problems with the Chinese
    government, but gave them little information beyond that.
    The agency then prepared an asylum application, which
    included a three-paragraph typewritten declaration in
    English describing Chen’s participation in a “secret Chris-
    tian fellowship” at his school and various actions taken
    against him by school authorities, such as confiscating his
    religious books and refusing to issue him a diploma upon
    graduation. The declaration made no reference either to
    Pastor Lin or to any episode of detention or abuse by police.
    Chen says that he signed the application without knowing
    its contents.
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    The application was filed, but nothing came of it until
    2001, when Chen was placed in removal proceedings. The
    counsel Chen retained at that time prepared a new
    asylum application, containing Chen’s own handwritten
    affidavit (in Chinese, with English translation) describing
    his relationship with Pastor Lin and his encounter with the
    police. At a hearing in May 2003, Chen testified concerning
    the events described in his affidavit and submitted corrobo-
    rating letters from Pastor Lin (who ended up serving a six-
    year sentence for his unauthorized ministry) and Chen’s
    high-school classmate (who spent eighteen months in a
    reeducation camp). He also claimed that the police were
    still asking his parents about his whereabouts, and ex-
    pressed fear that if he returned to China he would be
    arrested and prosecuted both for his proselytizing activities
    and for obstructing justice by failing to testify against
    Pastor Lin.
    The IJ found Chen’s testimony not credible. He gave
    four reasons: (1) the abuse Chen claimed to have suffered
    was inconsistent with his account of what he did after being
    released (walking home three kilometers; not going to the
    doctor), and was unsupported by photographic or other
    evidence; (2) it seemed unlikely that Chen and his parents
    (who were indigent farmers) would be able in the space of
    a few days to arrange his smuggling and pay an up-front fee
    of $1,000; (3) Chen’s central story of detention and abuse
    was not contained in his first asylum application; and (4) it
    seemed unlikely that the police would still care to pursue
    him after ten years for something he did when still in high
    school. The IJ therefore denied all of Chen’s requested
    relief. The Board of Immigration Appeals affirmed in a one-
    paragraph decision, finding the IJ’s credibility finding not
    clearly erroneous.
    Chen now contends that none of the IJ’s stated reasons
    for finding him not credible is supported by substantial
    evidence. See Huang v. Gonzales, 
    403 F.3d 945
    , 948
    4                                                No. 04-3965
    (7th Cir. 2005). Although § 101(a)(3) of the REAL ID Act
    of 2005, Pub. L. 109-13, 
    119 Stat. 302
    , 303, codified at
    8 U.S.C. § 1158
    (b)(1)(B), changed the standards governing
    credibility determinations in asylum cases, our review
    in this case is unaffected because Chen’s application
    was filed prior to the effective date of that amendment,
    which is not retroactive, see REAL ID Act § 101(h)(2),
    119 Stat. at 305; Olujoke v. Gonzales, 
    411 F.3d 16
    , 22 n.4
    (1st Cir. 2005).
    We agree that there is not substantial evidence sup-
    porting the IJ’s reasons for finding Chen not credible. First,
    the IJ found it implausible that Chen would be able to walk
    the three kilometers home from the detention center after
    being, as Chen described it, “tortured beyond recognition.”
    But it is unclear how the facial disfigurement he claimed to
    have suffered would impair his ability to walk, nor is it
    clear that three kilometers is a particularly onerous
    distance. The IJ thought it unlikely that Chen would not
    have visited a doctor after such treatment, but he did not
    address Chen’s explanation that his injuries were all
    external and sufficiently treatable at home. The IJ insisted
    that, besides Chen’s testimony, there was “no other evi-
    dence attesting to his condition” after his beatings. But the
    nature of his injuries was corroborated in the letter of his
    classmate, which described meeting Chen briefly on the
    second day of their detention and seeing that he “had been
    tortured so brutally that I could barely recognize him right
    away,” that there was “a big blue bump on his forehead,”
    and that “[t]here were many cuts and bruises on his body.”
    These statements are consistent with Chen’s own testimony
    about his injuries (“[O]ne of the policemen pushed my head
    against the wall and cause [sic] a big bruise on my head and
    they also used different devices like a club, a police club to
    beat me.”).
    Second, the IJ found it implausible that Chen would
    be able, in the nine days between his release from detention
    No. 04-3965                                                  5
    and his escape from the country, to “make arrangements
    with a smuggler and have his poor farmer parents get
    together with relatives to pay $1,000 and make those
    arrangements to come all the way to the United States,
    which involved a couple of vessels and movements to reach
    his destination.” This description exaggerates the complex-
    ity of Chen’s voyage—the two boats Chen described were a
    “big boat” traveling directly from China to the United
    States, and a “small fishing boat” used to ferry him from the
    shore to the big boat. This itinerary appears no more
    complicated than any other smuggling operation, and the IJ
    does not explain why he thought it would take more than
    nine days to arrange. Nor does the IJ indicate how long he
    expects it should take for a rural Chinese family to pool
    together $1,000 to pay for such an arrangement. Chen is
    justified in describing the IJ’s rejection of these claims as
    conjectural and speculative. See Korniejew v. Ashcroft,
    371 F.3d 377
    , 383 (7th Cir. 2004) (reviewing court will not
    uphold adverse credibility determinations based on specula-
    tion or conjecture rather than on evidence in the record)
    (citing Gao v. Ashcroft, 
    299 F.3d 266
    , 272 (3d Cir. 2002)); see
    also Huang, 
    403 F.3d at 949
    The third reason the IJ discredited Chen’s story was its
    absence from his original 1993 asylum application. Signifi-
    cant discrepancies among different versions of an alien’s
    statement are generally a permissible basis for an ad-
    verse credibility decision. See, e.g., Capric v. Ashcroft,
    355 F.3d 1075
    , 1089-90 (7th Cir. 2004). Nevertheless, we
    and other courts have noted that initial asylum applications
    should not always be considered completely reli-
    able, particularly when filled out without the assistance
    of counsel. See Pop v. INS, 
    270 F.3d 527
    , 532 (7th Cir. 2001)
    (“Asylum forms are frequently completed without the advice
    of counsel by poor, illiterate people who do not speak
    English.”); see also Alvarez-Santos v. INS, 
    332 F.3d 1245
    1254 (9th Cir. 2003) (recognizing that “preparers, whether
    6                                                No. 04-3965
    lawyers or non-lawyers, are not always scrupulous” and
    that “[i]nconsistencies due to an unscrupulous preparer,
    without other evidence of dishonesty . . . do not provide a
    specific and cogent basis for an adverse credibility finding”);
    cf. Canaveral Toban v. Ashcroft, 
    385 F.3d 40
    , 46 (1st Cir.
    2004) (finding no prejudice caused by the filing of a fraudu-
    lent asylum application by a sham attorney, given that the
    IJ allowed applicant to submit a new application and did
    not consider earlier fraudulent application decisive on issue
    of credibility).
    Chen insisted that the omissions in the earlier application
    were caused by a preparer who did not adequately inquire
    into his circumstances. The IJ rejected that explanation,
    giving three reasons: first, there was no indication on the
    form itself that anyone had assisted with its preparation;
    second, Chen had no evidence of the agency’s existence; and
    third, “the application contains information that only the
    respondent could have provided to anyone who filled out
    this application, and the respondent has acknowledged that
    except for two statements, the information is correct.”
    The first two reasons are insubstantial. If the agency that
    prepared the application was as unscrupulous as Chen’s
    story suggests—soliciting no more than a few details from
    the applicant, more or less inventing a story around those
    details, and having the applicant sign the story without
    reading it to him first—it is not surprising that it would not
    go to the trouble of putting its own name on the form. Nor
    is it surprising that evidence of its existence would be hard
    to find ten years later.
    But the existence or non-existence of the agency is
    not really the issue. It is obvious that someone assisted
    Chen with the application—the form and statement are
    entirely in English, and there is no suggestion that
    Chen knew any English when he arrived in the United
    States. The relevant question is whether the person
    No. 04-3965                                                  7
    who prepared the statement did so with or without signifi-
    cant contribution from Chen. If Chen was the primary
    source of the narrative, the IJ reasoned, then one would
    expect it to refer to the events involving Pastor Lin, and the
    absence of any such reference would suggest that those
    events did not actually happen.
    The IJ believed that Chen was the primary source for
    the narrative because it contained information that
    only Chen could have provided and, except for the omission
    of the story of Pastor Lin, it was essentially “the same as in
    [Chen’s] testimony.” But the application’s narrative and
    Chen’s testimony are in fact quite different. The application
    speaks of Chen’s joining a “secret Christian fellowship” at
    his high school; but the church he later described was based
    not at his school but at Pastor Lin’s house. The application
    recounts the school’s efforts (including “disseminat[ing] a
    circular”) to discourage students from becoming Christians;
    but Chen testified only that the school officials reported his
    proselytizing to the police. The application says that the
    school authorities “went to my dormitory and took away my
    religious books”; but at his hearing Chen explicitly denied
    that school authorities had ever taken away his books. The
    application asserts that school officials “even refused to
    issue me a diploma” upon graduation; according to his
    testimony, he was dismissed by the school before he was
    able to graduate. The only information particular to Chen in
    the statement is that he was a student at Changle High
    School—one of the few pieces of information that he
    testified giving to the agency (“I told them I was a student
    at Changle Number One High School and I’m a Christian
    and just those basic informations [sic].”). The IJ’s conclusion
    that the original narrative could not have been drafted
    without significant input by Chen thus lacks substantial
    That leaves the fourth of the IJ’s stated reasons for
    finding Chen not credible—the unlikelihood that the police
    8                                                No. 04-3965
    would still be interested in pursuing him. The IJ explained:
    “It seems most unlikely that the authorities would want to
    again incarcerate [Chen] who they released in 1993 after he
    gave a confession implicating the pastor simply because he
    failed to show up for the pastor’s hearing ten years after
    these events occurred. It seems most unlikely to me. In
    addition, this was an event which occurred when the
    respondent was a high school student. He is now 28 years
    of age.” The IJ appears to be saying that Chinese authori-
    ties will be indifferent to Chen’s infraction because of the
    passage of time and his relative youth, but he points to no
    evidence supporting that conclusion. Cf. Lian v. Ashcroft,
    379 F.3d 457
    , 459-60 (7th Cir. 2004) (observing that “the
    age of adult criminal responsibility in China is only 16”). In
    any event, such a conclusion has no bearing on the credibil-
    ity of Chen’s account of past persecution, but concerns only
    whether Chen has a well-founded fear of future persecution
    —a question the IJ did not explicitly address. See 
    8 C.F.R. § 208.13
    (b)(1); Diallo v. Ashcroft, 
    381 F.3d 687
    , 697 (7th Cir.
    2004) (once past persecution has been shown, the burden
    falls to the government to show that the applicant’s fear of
    future persecution is not well-founded).
    In sum, the IJ provided several reasons for discrediting
    Chen’s testimony, but he did not identify substantial
    support in the record for any of them. Although the stan-
    dard of review for an IJ’s credibility determination is highly
    deferential, see Nigussie v. Ashcroft, 
    383 F.3d 531
    , 534
    (7th Cir. 2004), we cannot uphold the IJ’s decision in this
    case, even under that deferential standard, see 
    ity determinations must be “well-reasoned” to warrant
    deference). We therefore GRANT Chen’s petition for review,
    VACATE his order of removal, and REMAND the case for
    further proceedings.
    A true Copy:
    No. 04-3965                                         9
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit