Hewlett Packard v. Schorsch, William ( 2005 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 05-8017
    WILLIAM SCHORSCH, individually and
    on behalf of others similarly situated,
    Petition for Leave to Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 05 C 3397—Ruben Castillo, Judge.
    Before EASTERBROOK, WILLIAMS, and SYKES, Circuit
    EASTERBROOK, Circuit Judge. Ever since Congress en-
    acted the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005, Pub. L. 109-2,
    119 Stat. 4
     (2005), defendants have been trying to remove
    suits that were pending in state court on February 18, 2005,
    although the statute applies only to suits “commenced”
    after that date. We have rejected two of these attempts in
    published opinions. See Knudsen v. Liberty Mutual Insur-
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    ance Co., No. 05-8010 (7th Cir. June 7, 2005); Pfizer, Inc. v.
    Lott, No. 05-8013 (7th Cir. August 4, 2005) (in circulation).
    Today’s opinion makes a third.
    Knudsen holds that a case is “commenced” when it begins,
    and that a routine amendment to the complaint does not
    commence a new suit. Amendments could in principle
    initiate litigation, however: a defendant added after
    February 18 could remove because suit against it would
    have been commenced after the effective date, and tacking
    a wholly distinct claim for relief onto an old suit likewise
    might commence a new proceeding. Hewlett-Packard (HP)
    seeks to take advantage of these provisos.
    Schorsch filed suit in Illinois in 2003, proposing to
    represent a class of persons who purchased from HP drum
    kits for use in its printers. A “drum kit” contains some of
    the drums and rollers that fuse the toner to the paper.
    Components wear out, and HP includes sensors that detect
    when this process has gone far enough that quality of the
    printer’s output (or the integrity of the printer’s other com-
    ponents) may be jeopardized. First the printer warns the
    customer that the drum kit needs replacing. After a given
    number of additional pages have been printed, an EEPROM
    chip tells the printer to stop working until a new drum kit
    has been installed. (EEPROM stands for “electrically
    erasable programmable read only memory.”) Schorsch con-
    tends that this cutoff injures consumers who want to press
    their luck or accept lower-quality output at the end of a
    drum kit’s life cycle. The total asserted damages exceed
    $5 million, the class size exceeds the statutory threshold,
    and HP is not a citizen of Illinois, so but for its filing date
    this suit could have been removed under the 2005 Act.
    In May 2005 Schorsch tendered a proposed second
    amended complaint that would expand the class from pur-
    chasers of drum kits to purchasers of all printer consum-
    ables that contain EEPROM chips. Schorsch believes that
    No. 05-8017                                                3
    HP’s toner cartridges (for laser printers) and ink cartridges
    (for ink-jet printers) also contain EEPROMs. HP then re-
    moved the proceeding to federal court, contending that this
    expansion of the class commenced a new suit. The district
    judge thought otherwise and remanded; HP asks us for in-
    terlocutory review under 
    28 U.S.C. §1453
    (c)(1), as amended
    by the 2005 Act. See also Fed. R. App. P. 5. HP contends
    that the new class definition adds both parties (those class
    members who purchased cartridges but not drum kits) and
    claims (for HP sells many more ink or toner cartridges than
    drum kits). The proposed amendment certainly does not add
    parties to the suit: there were and are only two, Schorsch
    and HP. Class members are represented vicariously but are
    not litigants themselves. Compare Amchem Products, Inc.
    v. Windsor, 
    521 U.S. 591
     (1997), with Devlin v. Scardelletti,
    536 U.S. 1
     (2001). And it is hard to see the change in class
    definition as the addition of a new claim either.
    From its outset, this suit has been about HP’s use of
    EEPROM chips to shut down its printers until a component
    has been replaced. Identity of the consumable is a detail.
    HP tells us that its toner cartridges and ink cartridges do
    not contain EEPROM chips, and if so then the change in
    the proposed definition has no effect beyond making notice
    to the class a little more costly. But let us assume that
    Schorsch is right. This is still just one suit, between the
    original litigants. Litigants and judges regularly modify
    class definitions; Knudsen holds that such changes do not
    “commence” new suits.
    HP insists that this change does, because litigation based
    on EEPROM chips in toner or ink cartridges is so different
    from litigation based on EEPROM chips in drum kits that
    the second amended complaint does not relate back to the
    first. On that view two periods of limitation apply: one (for
    drum kits) measured from the original complaint in October
    2003, and the other (for cartridges) measured from the
    proposed amendment in May 2005. That would be the sort
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    of addition that, we conjectured in Knudsen, might “com-
    mence” a new action. But HP does not really believe this. It
    removed the whole suit, not just the claim based on
    cartridges—though its theory of removal supposes that
    Schorsch commenced a piece of litigation distinct from the
    drum-kit claim. Likely the reason HP tried to remove the
    whole shebang is that drum kits and cartridges are con-
    sumables for printers made by one firm and subject to one
    set of legal rules; it would be silly to handle drum kits in
    state court and toner or ink cartridges in federal. Yet to say
    this is effectively to say that there is only one “claim” to
    begin with.
    Although we used Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(c) in Knudsen to
    illustrate the difference between claims that relate back and
    those that do not (and so may be treated as commenced
    when added to the suit), state rather than federal practice
    must supply the rule of decision. Federal law makes the
    date of “commencement” important, but different legal sys-
    tems understand that term differently. Federal practice
    deems a suit “commenced” when the complaint is filed, see
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 3, but some states may deem it commenced
    when the filing fee is paid, or when the clerk finds the
    complaint procedurally sufficient (states may allow clerks
    to reject papers that are not in proper form, as the Clerk of
    the Supreme Court does), or when the first (or last) defen-
    dant is served with process. Cf. Pace v. DiGuglielmo, 
    125 S. Ct. 1807
     (2005) (looking to state law to determine when a
    pleading has been “properly filed” for purposes of a federal
    time limit). Illinois has a relation-back rule that is function-
    ally identical to Rule 15(c), however, so we need not fret
    over fine points. See 735 ILCS 5/2-616(b); see also Zeb v.
    111 Ill. 2d 266
    , 279-80, 
    489 N.E.2d 1342
    , 1348-49
    (1986) (relying on cases under Rule 15(c) to elucidate the
    meaning of the state relation-back statute).
    In Illinois, a claim relates back when it arises out of the
    same transaction or occurrence as the one identified in the
    No. 05-8017                                                 5
    original complaint. Cf. Mayle v. Felix, 
    125 S. Ct. 2562
    (discussing Rule 15(c), which covers the same “conduct” as
    well as the same “transaction or occurrence”). It is apt to
    describe the challenged “transaction” as HP’s inclusion in
    consumables of chips that cause printers to stop working
    before the consumer has wrung the last iota of use from the
    product. HP has not cited any case, in either Illinois or
    federal court, treating a similar amendment to the class
    definition as commencing a new proceeding.
    An amendment relates back in Illinois when the original
    complaint “furnished to the defendant all the information
    necessary . . . to prepare a defense to the claim subse-
    quently asserted in the amended complaint.” Boatmen’s
    National Bank of Belleville v. Direct Lines, Inc., 
    167 Ill. 2d 88
    , 102, 
    656 N.E.2d 1101
    , 1107 (1995) (internal quotation
    marks omitted). The October 2003 complaint did this. The
    propriety of using EEPROM chips is an all-or-none affair;
    HP has not suggested any way in which it might be entitled
    to implement end-of-life rules for drum kits but not car-
    tridges, or the reverse. It does not contend, for example,
    that it informed consumers of one but not the other, or that
    it solicited purchasers’ consent with respect to one but not
    the other.
    This may mean that plaintiffs lose (and quickly) across
    the board: no rule of law requires drum kits or toner
    cartridges or any other consumer product to last for any
    prescribed period. If it would be lawful in Illinois for HP to
    fill cartridges with enough toner to last (on average) 3,000
    pages, why would it not be lawful to include more toner
    (enough to ensure 3,000 pages of use) and then require
    replacement at that point, before the streaking and spotty
    output that marks the end of a cartridge’s supply of toner?
    Consumers are better off with the second kind of cartridge
    than with the first. Much the same may be said for ink
    cartridges and drum kits. If HP had promised that its toner
    cartridges would last for 3,500 pages, then used an
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    EEPROM to shut them down after 3,000, Schorsch would
    have a better claim, but this does not appear to be the
    class’s theory. Yet it is not our job to resolve the case on the
    merits; all we need do is observe that the second amended
    complaint concerns the same “transaction” as a matter of
    Illinois law.
    Knudsen and Pfizer hold, and we reiterate, that creative
    lawyering will not be allowed to smudge the line drawn
    by the 2005 Act: class actions “commenced” in state court on
    or before February 18, 2005, remain in state court. Amend-
    ments to class definitions do not commence new suits. We
    can imagine amendments that kick off wholly distinct
    claims, but the workaday changes routine in class suits do
    not. Defendants should recognize that 
    28 U.S.C. §1447
    makes an award of attorneys’ fees the norm for improper
    removal. See Garbie v. DaimlerChrysler Corp., 
    211 F.3d 407
    (7th Cir. 2000). So although we deny the petition for an
    interlocutory appeal in this case, we also invite the plain-
    tiffs to file (in the district court) an appropriate request for
    reimbursement of the additional legal expenses to which
    they have been put by HP’s efforts to move this litigation
    from state to federal court.
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit