John Vergara v. City of Chicago ( 2019 )

  •                                In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 18-1266
    JOHN VERGARA, et al.,
    CITY OF CHICAGO, et al.,
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 15-cv-02407 — Andrea R. Wood, Judge.
    ARGUED APRIL 17, 2019 — DECIDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2019
    Before MANION, SYKES, and BRENNAN, Circuit Judges.
    SYKES, Circuit Judge. John Vergara, Carlos Ruiz, and Jose
    Garcia filed a civil-rights lawsuit against the City of Chicago
    and Chicago Police Officers John Dal Ponte, Boonserm
    Srisuch, and Perry Nigro. The defendants moved to dismiss
    the suit as untimely. The plaintiffs asked the district judge to
    equitably estop the defendants from raising the limitations
    defense, claiming that the officers intimidated them into
    2                                                   No. 18-1266
    The judge dismissed the suit in a minute order saying she
    would later file an opinion explaining her reasons. The
    promised opinion came almost two years later, and the
    plaintiffs then appealed. Under the Rules of Appellate
    Procedure, however, entry of judgment for appeal purposes
    occurred 150 days after the judge’s minute order, see FED. R.
    APP. P. 4(a)(7)(A), and the 30-day time to file a notice of
    appeal ran from that date, see Walker v. Weatherspoon,
    900 F.3d 354
    , 356 (7th Cir. 2018). The appeal was therefore
    woefully late.
    The defendants noted the untimeliness problem in their
    docketing statement, but this filing too was quite late. Our
    circuit’s rules require the appellee to identify errors in the
    appellant’s docketing statement within 14 days. 7TH CIR.
    R. 3(c)(1); see Hamer v. Neighborhood Hous. Servs. of Chi.,
    897 F.3d 835
    , 839 (7th Cir. 2018). The defendants missed that
    deadline by about six months.
    After disentangling this procedural web, we decline to
    dismiss the appeal. The defendants’ objection to the Rule 4(a)
    violation came too late under Circuit Rule 3(c)(1). But the
    suit is untimely, and our precedent forecloses the plaintiffs’
    equitable estoppel theory. We affirm.
    I. Background
    This case comes to us from a dismissal on the pleadings,
    so we accept the following facts from the plaintiffs’ com-
    plaint as true. See Price v. City of Chicago, 
    915 F.3d 1107
    , 1109
    (7th Cir. 2019). In September 2011 Chicago Police Officers
    Dal Ponte, Srisuch, and Nigro stopped and searched the
    plaintiffs without justification and took them to Homan
    Square, a notorious police warehouse that was later exposed
    No. 18-1266                                                    3
    as a den of police misconduct. There the officers interrogated
    the plaintiffs for eight or nine hours, omitting Miranda
    warnings and ignoring their repeated requests for an attor-
    ney. The plaintiffs were denied food, water, and access to a
    bathroom, and the officers tried to coerce false confessions
    from them. The officers also threatened to file false charges
    against the plaintiffs if they told anyone about their mis-
    treatment at Homan Square.
    The plaintiffs were released only after they agreed to
    keep quiet about what had happened. Over the next two
    weeks, the officers told the plaintiffs they “were watching”
    them. Fearing for their safety, the plaintiffs did not seek legal
    redress for this police misconduct.
    In early 2015 the Guardian newspaper ran an exposé on
    Homan Square, and at that point the plaintiffs felt secure
    enough to speak to an attorney. In March they sued the City
    and the three officers under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 alleging a raft of
    constitutional violations. But the suit came three and a half
    years after their detention, so the defendants moved to
    dismiss it as untimely under the applicable two-year statute
    of limitations.
    On March 31, 2016, the district judge issued a minute or-
    der dismissing the suit “[f]or the reasons stated in the Mem-
    orandum Opinion and Order to follow.” The judge issued
    her opinion almost two years later, on January 31, 2018,
    together with a Rule 58 judgment. See FED. R. CIV. P. 58(a). On
    February 6, 2018, the plaintiffs filed their notice of appeal
    and docketing statement.
    By then, however, the time to appeal had long since ex-
    pired. A notice of appeal is due 30 days after entry of the
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    judgment or order appealed from, but when the district
    court omits a separate Rule 58 judgment, “entry” occurs
    150 days after the judgment or order is entered on the court
    docket. See FED. R. APP. P. 4(a)(7)(A). Here the judge dis-
    missed the case by minute order entered on March 31, 2016.
    By operation of Rule 4(a)(7)(A), that order was deemed
    “entered” for appeal purposes 150 days later, and the time to
    file a notice of appeal expired 30 days after that.
    On August 17, 2018, the defendants filed their docketing
    statement noting the untimeliness problem and moved to
    dismiss the appeal. We directed the parties to brief the
    dismissal motion with the merits.
    II. Discussion
    We begin by untangling the procedural snarl. Under
    Rule 4(a) of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, the
    plaintiffs had to file a notice of appeal within “30 days after
    entry of the judgment or order appealed from.” FED. R. APP.
    P. 4(a)(1)(A). Rule 4(a) also specifies how to calculate the
    date of “entry.” For most civil judgments, including this one,
    the date of entry is the earlier of (1) the day “the judgment …
    is set forth on a separate document” in accordance with
    Rule 58(a) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, or
    (2) “150 days … from entry of the judgment or order in the
    civil docket.” FED. R. APP. P. 4(a)(7)(A).
    The February 6, 2018 notice of appeal was clearly untime-
    ly under these rules. The judge dismissed the case by minute
    order on March 31, 2016. Her opinion explaining her reasons
    came two years later—on January 31, 2018—along with a
    Rule 58 judgment. Because of this unusual gap, the dismissal
    order’s date of entry was 150 days after March 31, 2016—or
    No. 18-1266                                                   5
    August 29, 2016. The plaintiffs had 30 days from that date to
    appeal. The notice of appeal came a year and a half later.
    The question is whether the plaintiffs’ procedural misstep
    requires dismissal of the appeal. Rule 4(a) is not jurisdiction-
    al, but it is a mandatory claim-processing rule, see 
    Walker, 900 F.3d at 356
    , which means that it “must be enforced” if it
    is “properly invoked,” Hamer v. Neighborhood Hous. Servs. of
    138 S. Ct. 13
    , 17 (2017). Still, we have emphasized that
    “[t]he ‘properly invoked’ qualifier is important, for a litigant
    may … forfeit the benefit of these rules.” 
    Walker, 900 F.3d at 356
    That’s exactly what the plaintiffs accuse the defendants of
    doing. The plaintiffs argue that the defendants forfeited their
    objection by failing to comply with our circuit rules. Circuit
    Rule 3(c)(1) requires that if an appellant’s docketing state-
    ment “is not complete and correct, the appellee must pro-
    vide a complete one to the court of appeals clerk within
    14 days after the date of the filing of the appellant’s docket-
    ing statement.” The defendants didn’t comply with this
    deadline. They delayed filing their corrective docketing
    statement until August 17, 2018—six months after the plain-
    tiffs filed theirs—only then drawing our attention to the
    untimeliness problem.
    We think the plaintiffs have a good point about forfei-
    ture. Cf. 
    Walker, 900 F.3d at 357
    (holding that parties can
    waive arguments through docketing statements); 
    Hamer, 897 F.3d at 840
    (holding the same). As a “time limitation
    found in a procedural rule,” Circuit Rule 3(c)(1) is a claim-
    processing rule. In re Wade, 
    926 F.3d 447
    , 449 (7th Cir. 2019)
    (quotation marks and alteration omitted). We may enforce
    our rules through waiver and forfeiture doctrine. See Walker,
    6                                                  No. 
    18-1266 900 F.3d at 357
    (“Enforcing waivers and forfeitures gives
    litigants incentives to explore issues themselves rather than
    wait for the court to do the work. It is best to have defects
    detected in time to dismiss the appeal without the need for
    briefs and argument.”).
    The defendants forfeited their Rule 4(a) objection by
    missing the deadline specified in Circuit Rule 3(c)(1). The
    rule gave them 14 days to correct the record if the plaintiffs’
    docketing statement wasn’t “complete and correct.” And the
    plaintiffs’ docketing statement wasn’t correct. A docketing
    statement must include “[t]he date of entry of the judg-
    ment … sought to be reviewed.” 7TH CIR. R. 28(a)(2)(i). The
    plaintiffs incorrectly reported the date of entry as January 31,
    2018. As we’ve explained, the correct date of entry is
    August 29, 2016. Under Circuit Rule 3(c)(1), the defendants
    had to correct the record within 14 days. They waited six
    months. That’s enough for forfeiture.
    To be sure, we can suspend our rules for “good cause.”
    7TH CIR. R. 2. So Circuit Rule 3(c)(1) isn’t a mandatory claim-
    processing rule like Rule 4(a). See Nutraceutical Corp. v.
    139 S. Ct. 710
    , 714 (2019) (stating that whether a
    claim-processing rule is mandatory turns “on whether the
    text of the rule leaves room for … flexibility”). But the
    defendants haven’t given us good cause to suspend the rule.
    Disrupting an otherwise orderly appeal with an untimely
    objection in the middle of briefing is a proper ground to
    enforce forfeiture. By not following our rules, the defend-
    ants’ objection “just complicated the appeal.” 
    Walker, 900 F.3d at 357
    . We deny the motion to dismiss the appeal.
    That brings up the merits. We review a dismissal order
    de novo. Ochoa v. State Farm Life Ins. Co., 
    910 F.3d 992
    , 994
    No. 18-1266                                                     7
    (7th Cir. 2018). “[A] motion to dismiss based on failure to
    comply with the statute of limitations should be granted
    only where the allegations of the complaint itself set forth
    everything necessary to satisfy the affirmative defense.” Chi.
    Bldg. Design, P.C. v. Mongolian House, Inc., 
    770 F.3d 610
    , 613–
    14 (7th Cir. 2014) (quotation marks omitted).
    The plaintiffs’ complaint fits that description. Indeed, the
    plaintiffs don’t dispute that their lawsuit is untimely. They
    instead invoke equitable estoppel, which bars a limitations
    defense if “the defendant took active steps to prevent the
    plaintiff from suing in time, such as by hiding evidence or
    promising not to plead the statute of limitations.” Lucas v.
    Chi. Transit Auth., 
    367 F.3d 714
    , 721 (7th Cir. 2004) (quotation
    marks and alteration omitted). To raise equitable estoppel,
    the plaintiff must actually and reasonably rely on the other
    party’s actions. Rager v. Dade Behring, Inc., 
    210 F.3d 776
    , 779
    (7th Cir. 2000).
    The plaintiffs contend that police intimidation can justify
    equitable estoppel. We have repeatedly disagreed: “[A]
    threat to retaliate is not a basis for equitable estoppel.” Beckel
    v. Wal-Mart Assocs., Inc., 
    301 F.3d 621
    , 624 (7th Cir. 2002);
    accord Shanoff v. Ill. Dep't of Human Servs., 
    258 F.3d 696
    , 702
    (7th Cir. 2001). “To allow the use of retaliation as a basis for
    extending the statute of limitations would … distort the
    doctrine of equitable estoppel.” 
    Beckel, 301 F.3d at 624
    The plaintiffs’ theory—that the officers’ threats intimidat-
    ed them into silence until the Guardian’s exposé provided “a
    newfound sense of security”—suffers from the same defi-
    ciencies as other retaliation claims. Most importantly, it
    would significantly expand our equitable-estoppel doctrine
    without a limiting principle. It allows retaliatory threats to
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    indefinitely extend the time to sue. But the protection offered
    by equitable estoppel ends when “the circumstance giving
    rise to the estoppel is removed.” Shropshear v. Corp. Counsel of
    275 F.3d 593
    , 597 (7th Cir. 2001). The problem with the
    plaintiffs’ argument is readily apparent: They contend that
    the officers’ threats, which stopped two weeks after the
    alleged constitutional violations, tolled the limitations
    period for the next three and a half years.
    Statutes of limitations “serve the important purpose of
    encouraging the prompt filing of claims and by doing so of
    enhancing the likelihood of accurate determinations and
    removing debilitating uncertainty about legal liabilities.”
    Shanoff, 258 F.3d at 703
    (quotation marks omitted). Extending
    equitable estoppel to this case would permit plaintiffs to
    avoid the limitations period for § 1983 claims indefinitely by
    alleging an episode of official intimidation. We cannot
    endorse such an expansion of the doctrine. See 
    id. at 702
    (“[T]he Supreme Court has emphasized that we must seri-
    ously recognize and apply statutes of limitations.”).
    In short, the suit is untimely, equitable estoppel does not
    apply, and the judge was right to dismiss the case.