Gutierrez, Jose L. v. Gonzales, Alberto ( 2006 )

  •                             In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 05-2011
    On Petition for Review of an Order
    of the Board of Immigration Appeals.
    No. A76-249-822
    Before RIPPLE, KANNE, and ROVNER, Circuit Judges.
    KANNE, Circuit Judge. Gary M. Spraker, an attorney,
    engaged in a pattern of misconduct in immigration cases,
    which, according to the Indiana Supreme Court Disciplinary
    Commission, “tainted the representation of some 50 clients,
    many of whom faced imminent legal consequences attaching
    to their entitlement to stay in this country.”1 Petitioner Jose
    Luis Gutierrez was one of those so aggrieved when Spraker
    Effective April 23, 2001, Spraker was suspended from the
    practice of law for two years without automatic reinstatement. In
    re Spraker, 
    744 N.E.2d 415
     (Ind. 2001). As of the date of this
    opinion, Spraker remains suspended.
    2                                               No. 05-2011
    filed on his behalf a baseless application for adjustment of
    status to that of a lawful permanent resident. The result of
    the petition was that Gutierrez was outed as an illegal
    immigrant and then ordered deported. Gutierrez now
    petitions us for various forms of relief based upon his
    argument that the government should be estopped from
    acting on the basis of the information provided in
    Gutierrez’s doomed application for permanent residency.
    We deny the petition.
    Around 1994, Gutierrez, who had entered the country
    illegally in 1986, began hearing rumors of a new law
    providing permanent residency to “aliens” who previously
    could not obtain it. See 
    8 U.S.C. § 1101
    (a)(3). Like most
    rumors, there was an element of truth to it. Prior to 1994,
    aliens present in the United States could petition the
    Attorney General for an adjustment of status to permanent
    residency under 
    8 U.S.C. § 1255
    (a) if they met certain
    criteria, one of which was being “eligible to receive an
    immigrant visa and is admissible to the United States for
    permanent residence.” But aliens here illegally like
    Gutierrez were specifically prohibited by § 1255(c) from
    making such a petition from within this country. Their only
    recourse, assuming they met the other requirements of
    § 1255, was to return to their home country to apply
    for permanent residency. See 
    8 U.S.C. § 1154
    In 1994, Congress temporarily removed the bar present in
    § 1255(c) by enacting § 1255(i),which allowed those
    here illegally to apply for permanent residency from
    within the United States, thereby relieving applicants of
    the burden of returning first to their home country. But this
    amendment did not do away with the other requirements of
    § 1255(a), which included being eligible to receive an
    immigrant visa and being admissible for permanent
    No. 05-2011                                                3
    residency. Like many of the aliens in this country illegally
    in 1994, Gutierrez did not meet these other requirements.
    Thus, the 1994 amendment removing the bar to applying
    for permanent residency for those living in the country
    illegally was of absolutely no benefit to Gutierrez and
    others like him because they could not meet the section’s
    other requirements.
    Nevertheless, it is reasonable to assume, as Gutierrez
    argues, that a “frenzy” was created in the immigrant
    community by the 1994 amendment. Complex federal
    statutes can give seasoned lawyers headaches, so it is no
    wonder that even a limited liberalization of the applica-
    tion procedures under § 1255 might filter its way down to
    those not so well acquainted with the law as something
    much greater than it really was. And any frenzy was
    likely heightened by the fact that under the regulatory
    scheme, applicants for adjustment under § 1255(a) were
    routinely authorized to work legally under an employment
    authorization document (“EAD”) while the application
    was being processed. See 8 C.F.R. §§ 274a.12(c)(9),
    274a.13(a)(1). Thus, upon filing an application under
    § 1255(a)—even applications like Gutierrez’s that would
    never garner approval—the government would issue an
    EAD for use while the application was being processed.
    That kind of instant gratification would quite likely fuel
    an application frenzy as illegal immigrants see their
    peers being given authorization to work.
    Attorneys like Spraker and other professionals benefitted
    from this situation through either connivance or incompe-
    tence. They charged fees to file baseless applications under
    § 1255(a) for immigrants like Gutierrez who were not
    eligible for such relief. The result for the immigrants was a
    much appreciated EAD, followed by a not-so-appreciated
    Notice to Appear (“NTA”) for removal proceedings.
    Gutierrez received his EAD in December of 1996, and his
    NTA was dated April 21, 1998.
    4                                              No. 05-2011
    After receiving the NTA, Gutierrez had no choice but to
    appear before an immigration judge and concede that
    he was removable as charged. His next step was to
    move for cancellation of removal pursuant to 8 U.S.C.
    § 1229b(b),which allows the Attorney General to award
    otherwise deportable persons permanent residency if
    they meet certain requirements. Gutierrez requested
    this relief because of the hardship his forced deportation
    would have on his four U.S. citizen daughters (then ranging
    in age from eight to eleven). We can assume that Gutierrez
    met all the requirements but one: a sufficiently clean
    criminal record, which eluded Gutierrez because of his
    convictions for unlawful use of a weapon and battery. See 8
    U.S.C. § 1229b(b). Thus, Gutierrez was not eligible to
    petition for cancellation of removal. In this regard, it was
    unfortunate for Gutierrez that the government did
    not initiate removal proceedings before April 1, 1997, the
    effective date of the changes in the immigration law that
    made Gutierrez’s criminal record a bar to cancellation
    of removal.
    In 2000, the immigration judge continued Gutierrez’s
    hearing to allow him to address his criminal convictions.
    Gutierrez’s response was to abandon his attempt at cancel-
    lation of removal and instead file a motion to terminate the
    removal proceedings, which was denied by the immigration
    judge. Because Gutierrez had no other basis upon which to
    contest his deportation, the order denying the motion to
    terminate also included an order that Gutierrez be de-
    ported. The Board of Immigration Appeals affirmed without
    opinion, and we are now left to decide whether the issues
    Gutierrez raised in his motion to terminate, and reargued
    before us, entitle him to any relief.
    With this background in mind, we can summarize
    Gutierrez’s argument on appeal: the government should
    No. 05-2011                                                 5
    be equitably estopped from deporting him because it
    committed “affirmative misconduct” when it accepted his
    obviously deficient application rather than returning it
    unfiled without taking any notice of Gutierrez’s illegal
    status. Moreover, the government then purposely waited to
    initiate deportation proceedings until after April 1, 1997,
    the date changes in the immigration law created a statutory
    bar to Gutierrez’s petition for cancellation of removal. The
    undeniable conclusion to be drawn, Gutierrez argues, is
    that the government engaged in a conspiracy with attorneys
    like Spraker to fish for information regarding illegal
    immigrants and to wait to initiate deportation proceedings
    until the new law made it impossible for aliens to contest
    Gutierrez admits that equitable estoppel is generally
    not available to bar the government from enforcing the
    laws. This concession, however, drastically understates the
    difficulty he faces. The Supreme Court has never affirmed
    a finding of estoppel against the government. And that is
    not for lack of review. The Court, in fact, has “reversed
    every finding of estoppel that [it has] reviewed.” Office of
    Pers. Mgmt. v. Richmond, 
    496 U.S. 414
    , 422 (1990). As the
    Court explained in Richmond, three of the most recent
    (meaning within the last thirty years or so) of those were
    summary reversals, a circumstance it admitted was
    “unusual under any circumstances.” 
     Concerned that
    it had not provided sufficient guidance to the courts of
    appeals in this area of equitable estoppel against the
    government, the Court took the opportunity in Richmond to
    review its precedent. As should be clear from what we have
    already said, that precedent is not favorable to Gutierrez.
    Id. at 419-23
    . The Court also remarked, as it had before,
    that the arguments made in that case for a blanket rule
    that estoppel would never lie against the government were
    “ ‘substantial.’ ” 
    Id. at 423
     (quoting Heckler v. Cmty. Health
    Servs. of Crawford County, Inc., 
    467 U.S. 51
    , 60 (1984)).
    6                                                No. 05-2011
    Nevertheless, the Court decided Richmond on grounds
    other than estoppel, while leaving “for another day whether
    an estoppel claim could ever succeed against the Govern-
    ment.” Id. at 423.
    Thus, the door may still be open to Gutierrez’s claim
    of estoppel, but there is not enough in this record to
    make the extraordinary finding that the government is
    estopped from enforcing the immigration laws. Neither
    party addresses the traditional elements of estoppel. See
    467 U.S. at 60
     (explaining that a “private party
    surely cannot prevail [in asserting estoppel against the
    government] without at least demonstrating that the
    traditional elements of an estoppel are present”). Instead,
    both Gutierrez and the government focus on whether the
    government committed affirmative misconduct, which
    would be necessary before the government could be
    estopped from enforcing the law. Gibson v. West, 
    201 F.3d 990
    , 994 (7th Cir. 2000) (citation omitted); Mendoza-
    Hernandez v. INS, 
    664 F.2d 635
    , 639 (7th Cir. 1981)
    (citations omitted).
    We can easily dispose of his argument that the timing
    of his NTA amounts to affirmative misconduct. The time
    between the filing of Gutierrez’s application (December
    1996) and the change in the law making it impossible for
    him to petition for cancellation of removal (April 1, 1997)
    was at most four months. We are not sure that this can
    accurately be described as a delay, given that at that
    time there was what Gutierrez himself describes as a
    “frenzy” of filings. In any event, it is an unexplained delay,
    which quite clearly cannot form the basis of an estoppel
    argument against the government. INS v. Miranda, 
    459 U.S. 14
    , 19 (1982) (“Proof only that the Government failed
    to process promptly an application falls far short of estab-
    lishing [affirmative misconduct].”).
    We are also not swayed by Gutierrez’s core argument:
    that the government committed affirmative misconduct
    No. 05-2011                                                      7
    when it used the information in Gutierrez’s obviously
    deficient application to initiate removal proceedings against
    him. Central to this argument is Gutierrez’s contention that
    the government violated its own regulations, namely, 
    8 C.F.R. §§ 103.2
    (a)(7) and 245.2(a)(2)(i), by not immediately
    returning his application. The immigration judge found that
    there was no regulatory violation in the government’s
    conduct because Gutierrez’s application did “not fall within
    [the] category of applications that must be returned.”2 We
    reached the same conclusion under similar facts in Lopez-
    Chavez v. Ashcroft, 
    383 F.3d 650
    , 654 (7th Cir. 2004), where
    we explained that the applicable regulations only required
    return of the applications submitted “simultaneously with
    an immediate relative petition or a preference petition.” 
    Id. at 655
    . While Gutierrez’s application is not present in the
    record, he has made clear that his application contained no
    grounds for receiving a visa for permanent residency.
    Therefore, his application was not one that fell within the
    one circumstance requiring return. Moreover, there is no
    dispute that Gutierrez’s application was one submitted by
    mail. And as Lopez-Chavez again explains, the applicable
    regulations and operating instructions “stated that applica-
    tions received by mail for which visas were not available
    were not to be returned to applicants.” 
     (emphasis in
    The immigration judge also found that Gutierrez was not
    entitled to relief under a line of cases requiring suppression of
    evidence when the government violates a regulation designed to
    safeguard individual interests because, among other reasons, the
    regulations at issue here do not “serve a ‘purpose of benefit’ ” to
    Gutierrez. See Lopez-Chavez v. Ashcroft, 
    383 F.3d 650
    , 654
    (7th Cir. 2004) (explaining that certain administrative viola-
    tions might require suppression) (citations omitted). Gutierrez
    does not take issue with this aspect of the ruling. Instead, he
    focuses his energies entirely on equitable estoppel.
    8                                                      No. 05-2011
    The litigation in Ramos v. Chertoff, No. 02 C 8266 (N.D.
    Ill. dismissed Aug. 12, 2005), also does not provide evi-
    dence that the government violated the law in processing
    Gutierrez’s application. The settlement agreement presum-
    ably concluding that case, provided to us by Gutierrez,
    includes the normal language noting that the government
    denies any allegation it violated the law. Nor are we swayed
    by Gutierrez’s argument that reading regula-
    tions § 103.2(a)(7) and § 245.2(a)(2)(i) together shows a
    regulatory violation. As the immigration judge found, those
    regulations are at best silent on what to do with applica-
    tions like Gutierrez’s that did not have a visa immediately
    available. It may have been better policy for the government
    to return applications that clearly would never get ap-
    proved, and it may not have been, but Gutierrez has simply
    not shown us any law or rule the government violated in
    processing his application.
    The additional information provided by Gutierrez in
    his reply brief, not present in the record below and con-
    sidered only for the sake of argument, does not change
    our conclusion. Admittedly, that evidence includes a
    memorandum written by an official from what was the
    Chicago District Office of the INS indicating that applica-
    tions like Gutierrez’s should have been considered
    “rejectable,” and therefore returned, instead of being
    considered “deniable,” in which case the application would
    be kept and processed. But this one-page memorandum
    written in outline format does not have the force of law, nor
    does the memorandum from an INS official, which, in any
    event, simply states that applications like Gutierrez’s
    should not be denied.3 It is true that his application was
    Guttierez quotes the following language from that memo:
    When a Service office has inadvertently processed the filing
    fee for an application which did not meet the requirements for
    No. 05-2011                                                        9
    eventually denied, but that does not mean the govern-
    ment violated a law when it initiated deportation pro-
    ceedings against Gutierrez based on the information in
    his application. This evidence, which includes some dep-
    osition testimony, shows that it might have been the
    Chicago District Office and the INS’s policy to return
    obviously deficient applications like Gutierrez’s. But what
    this evidence does not show is that the law required it.
    This brings us to the fundamental reason we are rejecting
    Gutierrez’s estoppel argument: The government’s conduct
    of acting on information provided voluntarily to it indicating
    a violation of the immigration laws cannot constitute the
    type of egregious affirmative misconduct necessary to
    justify the extraordinary remedy of estoppel. This is so even
    if there was a technical regulatory violation in the process-
    ing of Gutierrez’s application. If there was any support
    whatsoever for the hyperbolic charge that the government
    was affirmatively engaged in a conspiracy to lure illegal
    immigrants into a trap while lining the pockets of shysters
    like Spraker, then we might be more inclined to consider
    estoppel. But there is nothing in this record to support such
    a charge.
    The worst that we can infer from this case is that the
    government, in response to what it saw as a flood of
    frivolous applications, decided to use the information be-
    ing provided to it to initiate deportation proceedings. It
    might be said that in this situation the government should
    proper filing, e.g., as when a required immigrant visa is not
    immediately available and cannot become available by the
    approval of a pending visa petition, OI 245.2(a) prescribes
    that the application will not be formally denied; rather, the
    applicant is notified of the reason why the application is
    ineligible for filing, and is advised that a refund request is
    being processed.
    10                                               No. 05-2011
    have realized that people like Gutierrez were really victims
    of attorneys like Spraker. But there is no evidence the
    government came to that conclusion, and even if it had, it
    does not follow that equity would demand the government
    be estopped from deporting those who are here without
    legal permission. Equity, after all, includes the venerable
    doctrine that “he who comes into equity must come with
    clean hands.” Precision Instrument Mfg. Co. v. Auto. Maint.
    Mach. Co., 
    324 U.S. 806
    , 814 (1945) (quotation omitted).
    While the government has not raised the issue of “unclean
    hands,” the undisputed fact that Gutierrez is in violation of
    the law is at least relevant to our determination of whether
    the government committed affirmative misconduct in
    finding out about him. Equity would not be served, in our
    view, to estop the government from enforcing knowing
    violations of the law when it gets proof in the mail.
    Whatever the burden might be in demonstrating estoppel
    against the government, it cannot be met by only show-
    ing that the government intentionally designed to act on
    information voluntarily provided to it indicating a viola-
    tion of the law. Because we find that estoppel does not lie in
    this case, we need not consider Gutierrez’s various requests
    for relief. Accordingly, Gutierrez’s petition for review is
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit