Hidayat, Karyana v. Gonzales, Alberto ( 2006 )

  •                             In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 04-4195
    ALBERTO R. GONZALES, Attorney General
    of the United States,
    On Petition for Review of an Order of
    the Board of Immigration Appeals.
    No. A76-773-848
    Before RIPPLE, KANNE, and WOOD, Circuit Judges.
    WOOD, Circuit Judge. Karayana Hadayat, an Indonesian
    national, arrived in the United States in 1999 on a visitor
    visa. Soon thereafter, his brother, a U.S. citizen, filed a visa
    petition on Hadayat’s behalf. Although the petition was
    approved, no visa was immediately available. Once his
    visitor visa expired, the only legal option available to
    The petitioner’s name is identified in the administrative rec-
    ord as Karyana Hidayat. Since both his counsel and the govern-
    ment use the spelling Karayana Hadayat in this petition for
    review, we do so as well.
    2                                               No. 04-4195
    Hadayat was to return to Indonesia and await action on his
    brother’s petition. Hadayat chose another path: he decided
    to stay in the United States unlawfully and wait until a
    permanent resident visa became available, hoping in the
    meantime not to attract the attention of immigration
    authorities. This waiting game came to an abrupt end in
    2003 when Hadayat registered with the Department of
    Homeland Security (DHS) pursuant to the newly-promul-
    gated National Security Entry-Exit Registration System
    (NSEERS) and was immediately placed into removal
    proceedings. Although he initially agreed to a voluntary
    departure order, just before his deadline to depart Hadayat
    filed a motion to reopen with the immigration judge (IJ),
    arguing that he was entitled to remain in the United States
    based on his now-approved petition. The IJ denied
    Hadayat’s motion to reopen and the Board of Immigration
    Appeals (BIA) affirmed. Hadayat filed a motion for recon-
    sideration with the BIA, which was also unsuccessful.
    Hadayat now contends that the BIA erred in denying his
    motion for reconsideration. He also raises the new argu-
    ment that he was unconstitutionally targeted for registra-
    tion and removal based on his ethnicity and religion.
    Because we conclude that Hadayat’s approved visa peti-
    tion does not, as a matter of law, allow him to remain in the
    United States, and because we lack jurisdiction over
    Hadayat’s challenge to the Attorney General’s decision to
    commence proceedings against him, we affirm the BIA’s
    Hadayat arrived in the United States on January 22,
    1999. Hadayat’s brother, Derry Bankston, filed an I-130
    Petition for Alien Relative on Hadayat’s behalf on June 23,
    1999. On July 22, 1999, Hadayat’s visitor visa expired. In
    late 2001, Bankston received notice from the then Immigra-
    No. 04-4195                                                 3
    tion and Naturalization Service that Hadayat’s petition had
    been approved. The notice stated, however, that Hadayat
    was “not eligible to file an adjustment of status application”
    (presumably because no visa was currently available).
    In August 2002, the Department of Justice published the
    final rule enacting the NSEERS program, explaining that
    “[r]ecent terrorist incidents have underscored the need to
    broaden the special registration requirements for nonim-
    migrant aliens from certain designated countries . . . whose
    presence in the United States requires closer monitoring, to
    require that they provide specific information at regular
    intervals to ensure their compliance with the terms of their
    visas and admission, and to ensure that they depart the
    United States at the end of their authorized stay.” Registra-
    tion and Monitoring of Certain Nonimmigrants, 
    67 Fed. Reg. 52,584
     (Aug. 12, 2002). A later notice specifically
    required nonimmigrant male nationals and citizens of
    Indonesia to register with the DHS by March 28, 2003,
    Registration of Certain Nonimmigrant Aliens from Desig-
    nated Countries, 
    68 Fed. Reg. 2363
     (Jan. 16, 2003), a
    deadline that was later extended to April 25, 2003. Regis-
    tration of Certain Nonimmigrant Aliens from Designated
    68 Fed. Reg. 8046
     (Feb. 19, 2003). Hadayat
    registered on April 22, 2003, and was issued a Notice to
    Appear (NTA) the same day, charging that he had over-
    stayed his visitor visa.
    On September 9, 2003, Hadayat appeared before an IJ.
    He admitted that he was out of status and asked for and
    received a voluntary departure order. This order required
    Hadayat to leave the United States by December 9, 2003.
    Shortly after the hearing, Bankston filed a lawsuit in
    federal court seeking to enjoin the DHS from removing his
    brother, contending that Hadayat was entitled to remain in
    the United States based on the approved visa petition and
    challenging the constitutionality of NSEERS. In late 2003,
    the district court dismissed the case, concluding that
    4                                                No. 04-4195
    Bankston lacked standing to bring these claims on behalf of
    his brother.
    Four days before his required departure date, Hadayat
    filed a motion to reopen with the IJ, citing his approved
    visa petition and the pending federal lawsuit as grounds for
    a new hearing. He also filed a request for an extension of
    his voluntary departure date with the District Director of
    the Chicago office of the DHS. (The record does not reveal
    the District Director’s response to this request.) December
    9 came and went, and Hadayat did not leave the United
    States. Eventually, on February 20, 2004, the IJ denied
    Hadayat’s motion to reopen, explaining that:
    1. The respondent has not established prima facie
    eligibility for Adjustment of Status under section 245(i).
    The cut-off date for visa petitions filed by USC brothers
    is February 22, 1992. Since the petition filed by the
    respondent’s brother was filed on January 3, 1999, he
    is at least seven [years] away from visa availability.
    2. Under Matter of Shaar,[
    21 I&N Dec. 541
     (BIA 1996),]
    when an alien requests and receives voluntary depar-
    ture, he must depart within the allotted time, otherwise
    he is barred from Adjustment of Status. In this case,
    the respondent was given the appropriate warnings at
    his hearing on September 9, 2003 and yet has remained
    in the U.S. after voluntary departure expired.
    Hadayat appealed. The BIA affirmed on the first ground
    only, explaining that “[t]he fact that he is a beneficiary of
    an approved visa petition, without evidence that he has a
    current priority date, is insufficient to support a motion to
    reopen.” Hadayat did not file a petition for review from this
    Instead, he filed a motion for reconsideration with the
    BIA, contending that our then-recent decision in Subhan v.
    383 F.3d 591
     (7th Cir. 2004), dictated a result in
    his favor. The BIA disagreed, distinguishing Subhan as a
    No. 04-4195                                                 5
    case concerning “the denial of a continuance motion
    where . . . the Immigration Judge failed to give a reasoned
    explanation of the denial.” In Hadayat’s case, the BIA
    explained, the IJ “gave a reasoned explanation why he
    denied the respondent’s motion to reopen.” The BIA also
    reiterated that Hadayat was ineligible to adjust his status
    because no visa was immediately available and added
    that his failure to comply with the voluntary departure
    order created a further bar. Hadayat petitioned for review
    of this order.
    We have jurisdiction over Hadayat’s petition for review of
    the BIA’s denial of his motion for reconsideration pursuant
    8 U.S.C. § 1252
    (b). We review the BIA’s denial of a
    motion for reconsideration for an abuse of discretion.
    Hernandez-Baena v. Gonzales, 
    417 F.3d 720
    , 724 (7th Cir.
    Section 245(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act
    permits certain persons who entered the United States
    without inspection or otherwise violated their immigra-
    tion status—and therefore would otherwise be ineligible
    to apply for adjustment of status from within the United
    States—to seek adjustment nonetheless if a petition was
    filed on their behalf prior to April 30, 2001, and they
    pay a $1,000 penalty. 
    8 U.S.C. § 1255
    (i)(1). If an alien
    satisfies these criteria, “the Attorney General may adjust
    the status of the alien to that of an alien lawfully ad-
    mitted for permanent residence if[:] (A) the alien is eligible
    to receive an immigrant visa and is admissible to the
    United States for permanent residence; and (B) an immi-
    grant visa is immediately available to the alien at the time
    6                                                No. 04-4195
    the application is filed.” § 1255(i)(2). Although beneficiaries
    of petitions properly filed and approved under § 245(i) were
    grandfathered if their visas were not immediately available,
    “[a]n alien’s nonimmigrant status is not affected by the fact
    that he or she is a grandfathered alien.” 
    8 C.F.R. § 245.10
    (l). What is grandfathered, in other words, is the
    basic eligibility for adjustment; in all other respects the
    individual remains a “nonimmigrant”—that is, a person
    with no legal right to remain in the United States unless
    and until an immigrant visa becomes available.
    Hadayat argues that this interpretation, which means
    that he is still subject to removal despite the approval of his
    brother’s petition, “defeats the very purpose and intent” of
    § 245(i). An approved visa petition under § 245(i), however,
    is “not a visa, but, rather, is merely a preliminary step in
    the visa application process. It does not guarantee that a
    visa will be issued, nor does it grant the alien any right to
    remain in the United States.” Labojewski v. Gonzales, 
    407 F.3d 814
    , 822 (7th Cir. 2005) (quotation marks omitted). In
    other words, as a grandfathered alien, Hadayat was eligible
    to adjust his status at some future date when a visa became
    available, but he was not sheltered from being removed
    from the United States in the meantime.
    Admittedly, it might seem as if the government is being
    allowed to renege on its end of the § 245(i) “deal”—after all,
    it has taken the alien’s money, knowing that she is, or soon
    will be, out-of-status, in exchange for holding her place in
    the visa line, and then turns around later and acts to
    remove her for having overstayed her visa. We
    have commented before on the confusing, if not mislead-
    ing, nature of similar aspects of this system, as it may be
    perceived by foreigners who often lack a sophisticated
    understanding of the U.S. legal system or fluency in
    English. See Ahmed v. Dep’t of Homeland Security, 
    328 F.3d 383
     (7th Cir. 2003). Nevertheless, a close look at the rules
    shows that the government has made no promises during
    No. 04-4195                                                 7
    the visa process that it is not prepared to keep. The immedi-
    ate availability of a visa is a statutory prerequisite to
    adjustment of status, but then adjustment of status is a
    matter committed to the discretion of the Attorney General.
    See Singh v. Gonzales, 
    404 F.3d 1024
    , 1028 (7th Cir. 2005);
    8 U.S.C. § 1255
    (a). Nothing prohibits the Attorney General
    from strictly enforcing § 245(i)’s immediate visa availability
    Hadayat argues that our decision in Subhan is to the
    contrary, but our holding in that case is not as broad as he
    contends. Although Subhan involved a petition filed under
    § 245(i), we held only that the IJ’s denial of a continuance
    “without giving a reason consistent with the statute (indeed
    without giving any reason)” required a remand. 
    383 F.3d at 595
    . Indeed, we stressed in Subhan that a different result
    would have been required if the IJ had given any reason
    whatsoever for his action “consistent with the adjustment-
    of-status statute.” 
    Id. at 593-94
    . In Hadayat’s case, the IJ
    gave two specific reasons for denying the motion to reopen:
    first, no visa was immediately available, and second,
    Hadayat had failed to comply with the voluntary departure
    order. Subhan, therefore, does not support Hadayat’s
    petition for review.
    Nor does the BIA’s decision in Matter of Velarde-Pacheco,
    23 I&N Dec. 253
     (BIA 2002), offer much help for Hadayat’s
    claim. In that case, the BIA held that a properly filed
    motion to reopen, seeking adjustment of status based on
    a marriage petition, may be granted “in the exercise of
    discretion” as long as certain specified criteria are met. 
    Id. at 256
    . The BIA based its decision in part on its reading
    of “Congress’ legislative intent in amending the marriage
    fraud provisions: that aliens who marry after proceed-
    ings have been initiated, and who seek adjustment of
    status, should be afforded one opportunity to present clear
    and convincing evidence that their marriage is bona fide.”
    Id. at 257
    . Hadayat seems to argue that the fact that the
    8                                                No. 04-4195
    BIA treats marriage applications with relative liberality
    means it must do the same for his petition. But nothing
    in the statute requires this type of parity. Since Congress
    has expressed its desire to treat marriage petitions differ-
    ently from other family petitions, see, e.g., 
    8 U.S.C. § 1154
    it is not unreasonable for the BIA to establish special
    procedures for the consideration of marriage petitions.
    Hadayat next contends that his failure to comply with the
    voluntary departure order should not render him ineligible
    to adjust his status, arguing that the departure period
    should have been stayed pending the resolution of his
    motion to reopen. Although the unavailability of a visa
    constituted a sufficient ground for the BIA to affirm the IJ’s
    denial of the motion to reopen, whether Hadayat violated
    the voluntary departure order is relevant to whether his
    future admission to the United States is barred. We
    therefore discuss the issue briefly.
    “Voluntary departure confers substantial benefits com-
    pared with involuntary removal, and this difference pro-
    vides an incentive to depart without dragging out the
    process and without requiring the agency and courts to
    devote resources to the matter.” Alimi v. Ashcroft, 
    391 F.3d 888
    , 892 (7th Cir. 2004). One such benefit is that “[a]n alien
    who departs voluntarily may obtain a visa immediately, if
    eligible for one,” whereas “[a]n alien removed from the
    United States cannot obtain a visa to return for at least five
    8 C.F.R. § 212.2
    (a)). But what effect would
    voluntary departure have on an individual like Hadayat,
    who has an approved I-130 petition filed under § 245(i), but
    not an immediately available visa? At oral argument (and
    in a post-argument order) we asked the Attorney General to
    address this question. The government responded that once
    such an individual is placed in removal proceedings, her
    No. 04-4195                                                 9
    visa application will be deemed abandoned when she leaves
    the United States, even if she voluntarily departs. See 
    8 C.F.R. § 245.2
    (a)(4) (ii)(A). Such an individual can, however,
    file a new visa petition from her home country without
    facing any bars to admissibility, in the Attorney General’s
    Rather than comply with the voluntary departure order,
    of course, Hadayat remained in the United States. He now
    wants us to hold that his departure order was automatically
    stayed by his motion to reopen. This position is flatly
    inconsistent with a long-held position of the BIA to the
    contrary. See Matter of Shaar, 
    21 I&N Dec. 541
     (BIA 1996).
    That alone may not be dispositive; in fact, although we have
    never faced the issue, several of our sister circuits have
    rejected Matter of Shaar, which was based on a previous
    version of the law, as inconsistent with the current statu-
    tory scheme. See Kanivets v. Gonzales, 
    424 F.3d 330
    , 335
    (3d Cir. 2005); Sidikhouya v. Gonzales, 
    407 F.3d 950
    , 952
    (8th Cir. 2005); Barroso v. Gonzales, 
    429 F.3d 1195
    , 1205
    (9th Cir. 2005); Ugokwe v. U.S. Attorney Gen., 
    453 F.3d 1325
     (11th Cir. 2006); but see Banda-Ortiz v. Gonzales, 
    445 F.3d 387
    , 391 (5th Cir. 2006) (holding that filing of motion
    to reopen does not automatically toll voluntary departure
    period). We need not reach this question, however, because
    Hadayat failed to depart even after the IJ denied his motion
    to reopen on an independent ground and the BIA rejected
    his appeals, nor did Hadayat seek a stay tolling his time for
    voluntary departure from this court, as is permitted by
    Lopez-Chavez v. Ashcroft, 
    383 F.3d 650
    , 654 (7th Cir. 2004).
    No court goes so far as to hold that an alien may simply
    disregard a voluntary departure order while pursuing a
    petition for review in federal court; indeed, 
    8 U.S.C. § 1252
    (b)(3)(B) explicitly states that “[s]ervice of the
    petition [for review] . . . does not stay the removal of an
    alien pending the court’s decision on the petition, unless the
    court orders otherwise.” Thus, whether or not Matter of
    10                                               No. 04-4195
    Shaar remains good law, Hadayat’s failure to comply with
    his voluntary departure order after the BIA acted renders
    him ineligible for the benefits associated with voluntary
    Finally, Hadayat argues that the NSEERS program
    violated equal protection and that he was unconstitution-
    ally targeted for registration and removal based on his
    ethnicity and religion. He notes, accurately, that while
    Indonesian nationals were required to register with DHS,
    “[a] person in the same situation . . . but not from one of the
    [NSEERS] enumerated countries would not have
    been placed in removal proceedings.”
    The government responds that since Hadayat failed to
    raise this claim before the BIA we are barred from review-
    ing it. Although a petitioner is generally required to
    exhaust administrative remedies with the BIA before
    raising an issue in a petition for review, see 
    8 U.S.C. § 1252
    (d), there is an exception for claims the BIA itself
    is powerless to address, such as “fundamental constitu-
    tional claims.” Capric v. Ashcroft, 
    355 F.3d 1075
    , 1087 (7th
    Cir. 2004); Matter of Valdovinos, 
    18 I&N Dec. 343
    , 345 (BIA
    1982). When constitutional claims “involve pro-
    cedural errors correctable by the BIA, applicants must raise
    such claims as part of their administrative appeal.” Capric,
    355 F.3d at 1087
    . Hadayat contends that the substance of
    the regulation, the targeted registration requirements,
    violates equal protection, not just that the BIA has violated
    due process in implementing the regulation. This is the type
    of fundamental constitutional claim the BIA does not
    address. Cf., Matter of Rodriguez-Carrillo, 
    22 I&N Dec. 1031
    , 1035 (BIA 1999) (declining to pass on the constitu-
    tionality of provisions of the Illegal Immigration Reform
    and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996). Hadayat was
    therefore not required to exhaust.
    No. 04-4195                                               11
    The government also contends that we lack jurisdiction
    over Hadayat’s challenge to NSEERS for a second reason:
    that his claim challenging the Attorney General’s decision
    to issue him an NTA is barred by 
    8 U.S.C. § 1252
    (g), which
    prohibits federal courts from “hear[ing] any cause or claim
    by or on behalf of any alien arising from the decision or
    action by the Attorney General to commence proceedings,
    adjudicate cases, or execute removal orders against any
    alien.” In Reno v. American-Arab Anti-Discrimination
    525 U.S. 471
     (1999), a case brought on behalf of
    several men affiliated with the Popular Front for the
    Liberation of Palestine targeted for deportation based on
    routine immigration violations, the Supreme Court held
    that § 1252(g) bars most selective prosecution claims
    brought by aliens, explaining that “[w]hen an alien’s
    continuing presence in this country is in violation of the
    immigration laws, the Government does not offend the
    Constitution by deporting him for the additional reason
    that it believes him to be a member of an organization that
    supports terrorist activity.” Id. at 491-92. In short, the
    Court stated, “deportation is necessary in order to bring
    to an end an ongoing violation of United States law. The
    contention that a violation must be allowed to continue
    because it has been improperly selected is not powerfully
    appealing.” Id. at 491 (emphasis in original).
    Although American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
    leaves open a narrow exception for the “rare case in which
    the alleged basis of discrimination is so outrageous that the
    foregoing considerations can be overcome,” id., Hadayat’s
    conclusory comments regarding the allegedly discriminatory
    effect of NSEERS do not come close to meeting this high
    burden. We therefore lack jurisdiction to review Hadayat’s
    challenge to the registration program under § 1252(g).
    12                                          No. 04-4195
    Accordingly, we DENY Hadayat’s petition for review.
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit