Nair, Sukumari v. Nicholson, R. James ( 2006 )

  •                                In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 05-3673
    R. JAMES NICHOLSON, Secretary of Veterans Affairs,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 03 C 6806—Joan Humphrey Lefkow, Judge.
    Before POSNER, EASTERBROOK, and ROVNER, Circuit Judges.
    POSNER, Circuit Judge. This Title VII case charges discrimi-
    nation in the form of subjecting the plaintiff to a hostile
    working environment because of her national origin, and
    also retaliation for her complaining about that discrimina-
    tion to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
    The district court granted summary judgment for the
    Nair, the plaintiff, is a nurse in a veterans hospital. In 1995
    and again in 2000 she complained to the EEOC about
    discrimination by her supervisory employees on the basis of
    2                                                 No. 05-3673
    her national origin; she was born in India. These matters
    were settled in 2001, on what terms we do not know. After
    the settlement (though probably before as well), her cowork-
    ers insulted, criticized, and tried to avoid her. In the most
    serious incident, one of them poked her in the abdomen
    with a scissors, though without injuring her.
    There is no indication, however, that any of this hostile
    behavior was connected with Nair’s being of Indian—or
    for that matter of unspecified—foreign origin. Discrimina-
    tion on the basis of foreign citizenship is not forbidden by
    Title VII. Espinoza v. Farah Mfg. Co., 
    414 U.S. 86
    Fortino v. Quasar Co., 
    950 F.2d 389
    , 392-93 (7th Cir. 1991);
    Sagana v. Tenorio, 
    384 F.3d 731
    , 738 n. 5 (9th Cir. 2004). But
    discrimination on the basis of unspecified foreign origin
    conceivably might be, as the EEOC believes, EEOC,
    “Guidelines on Discrimination Because of National Origin,”
    45 Fed. Reg. 85632
     (Dec. 29, 1980); EEOC, “Definition of
    National Origin Discrimination,” 
    29 C.F.R. § 1606.1
    though we can find only one case, and that not an appellate
    one, that discusses the possibility. Kanaji v. Children’s
    Hospital of Philadelphia, 
    276 F. Supp. 2d 399
    , 401-02 (E.D. Pa.,
    2003). A defendant might be indiscriminate in his hostility
    to persons born abroad who retain traces of foreignness in
    their accent or appearance or manners. One can be hated not
    because one isn’t a U.S. citizen— maybe he is a U.S.
    citizen—but because he’s not a native-born American. (We
    don’t know the citizenship of Nair or the other nurses.)
    The district judge in the Kanaji case thought that the
    Supreme Court’s opinion in Espinoza had resolved the issue
    in favor of liability. He said “the Supreme Court provided
    [in Espinoza] a[n] . . . example of an illegal employment
    practice: ‘hiring aliens of Anglo-Saxon background but
    refusing to hire those of Mexican or Spanish ancestry.’ [
    414 U.S. at 95
    ]. By suggesting that a refusal to hire people of
    No. 05-3673                                                    3
    ‘Spanish-speaking background’ would constitute discrimi-
    nation on the basis of ‘national origin,’ or that insisting on
    an ‘Anglo-Saxon background’ as a condition of employment
    is also prohibited, it is clear that the Supreme Court would
    not require that one’s ‘national origin’ be linked directly to
    a specific country or nation.” 
    276 F. Supp. 2d at 401
    . We
    disagree with this characterization of what the Court meant.
    To say you hire only people of “Anglo-Saxon” background
    is implicitly anti-Semitic, anti-black, anti-Irish, anti-Spanish,
    etc., even if you don’t add “and no one who is a native
    Spanish speaker [even if he’s fluent in English].” But it is
    different if you say you hire only people born in the United
    States. That would be the test case of discrimination on the
    basis of unspecified foreign origin (“foreignness”).
    We need not decide whether such discrimination is
    actionable under Title VII, as most of Nair’s coworkers,
    including most of those whom she accuses of harassing her,
    appear to have been themselves foreign-born. They de-
    scribed themselves as “Filipino” or “from the Philippines”;
    their English, as we’ll see, is nonstandard; one referred to
    her dialect as Tagalog, which is one of the major languages
    of the Philippines. And none of them ever referred to Nair’s
    national origin, let alone to her being foreign-born or not a
    “real American.” Their hostility toward her was based on
    her filing incessant complaints with her superiors about the
    competence of the other nurses and about their harassing
    her. They resented her complaints, naturally; and it was the
    complaints rather than Nair’s national origin, so far as
    appears, that precipitated the harassment.
    It is true that most of the nurses in the unit are of Philip-
    pine origin, and Nair apparently is the only one of Indian
    origin, and maybe there is animosity between these na-
    tionalities. A recent public opinion poll reports that “the
    only country with widespread negative view about India’s
    4                                                 No. 05-3673
    influence is the Philippines, with 57% voting ‘mainly neg-
    ative,’ ” BBC World Service, “World ‘Lukewarm to India’s
    Role,’ ” Feb. 3, 2006, south_
    asia/4676304.stm; see also “Why Do Filipinos Dislike
    Indians??,” soc.culture.indian (Google Group), Feb. 4, 2006,
    f1a4%23489d80a1461cf1a4). But this interesting bit of
    background (if true, which we do not know) is not men-
    tioned by Nair. And it was Nurse Wszolek, of Polish origin,
    who told Nair that Nair was “a paranoid jerk” and “needed
    a psych evaluation” and that Wszolek felt sorry for Nair’s
    husband. The nurse who told Nair that Nair’s husband
    would make money if Nair died was of Philippine origin,
    but not the nurse who told Nair that she didn’t want to talk
    to Nair any more—she is Chinese, though born in Laos.
    So there is no basis in the record for attributing the
    conduct of which Nair complains to her national origin or
    foreignness. The workers who harassed her, moreover, were
    not the supervisors whom she had accused of having
    discriminated against her earlier on the basis of her national
    origin. Nor can it be inferred from the fact that her com-
    plaints concerning the earlier discrimination were settled
    that they had any merit—but even if they did, this would
    not fill the void of evidence that the later harassment, the
    subject of the present suit, arose from Nair’s national origin.
    That leaves, however, her claim of retaliation. The main
    act alleged to constitute retaliation is the poking her
    with the scissors, a battery. We need not decide whether the
    nasty comments also rose to the level of retaliation. While it
    is now settled that retaliation to be actionable need not take
    the form of an adverse employment action, Burlington
    Northern & Santa Fe Ry. v. White, 
    126 S. Ct. 2405
    , 2409, 2414
    No. 05-3673                                                  5
    (2006), “petty slights or minor annoyances” won’t do. 
    Id. at 2415
    . The test is whether the conduct alleged as retaliation
    would be likely to deter a reasonable employee from
    complaining about discrimination. 
    Id. at 2409, 2415-16
    But the motive must be to retaliate for activity protected by
    Title VII, and the only evidence of that to which Nair points
    us is two sets of comments that she testified were made to
    her by other nurses in her unit: “You keep record of EEO.
    You keep record of silly things, keep going to the EEO. You
    are a jerk. You are a liar,” and “Oh you write everything
    else, every silly thing, and you keep going to the EEO. You
    think you are a perfect person.” If this is what the nurses
    said, it seems they were confused and thought that because
    Nair had filed complaints with the EEOC in the past—the
    two complaints that culminated in the 2001 settlement—the
    complaints she kept making to supervisors about her
    mistreatment by the other nurses were also complaints to
    the EEOC. They were not.
    Would it be retaliation within the meaning of Title VII to
    harass a coworker who you mistakenly thought was com-
    plaining to the EEOC about you? Literally not. The statute
    forbids an employer “to discriminate against any of his
    employees or applicants for employment . . . because he has
    opposed any practice made an unlawful employment
    practice by this subchapter, or because he has made a
    charge, testified, assisted or participated in any manner
    in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under this
    subchapter.” 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-3(a). The nurses were
    retaliating against Nair for complaining about harassment
    that was not based—that Nair did not claim was based—on
    her national origin, or on “any [other] practice made an
    unlawful employment practice by” Title VII.
    The point is not that retaliation is actionable only if the
    6                                                 No. 05-3673
    charge or opposition by the victim of the retaliation has
    legal merit. A person who complains about discrimina-
    tion cannot be expected to have anything more than an
    honest and reasonable belief that there has been a viola-
    tion of law; and no more is required to support her retalia-
    tion claim. Dey v. Colt Construction & Development Corp., 
    28 F.3d 1446
    , 1458 (7th Cir. 1994); Jennings v. Tinley Park
    Community Consolidated School District No. 46, 
    796 F.2d 962
    967 (7th Cir. 1986); Rucker v. Higher Education Aids Bd., 
    669 F.2d 1179
    , 1182 (7th Cir. 1982). But there is no indication
    that in complaining about the other nurses, Nair believed
    they were violating Title VII. If they retaliated against her,
    it was for what they thought, but she did not, was a
    charge that they were violating Title VII.
    Could the statute be stretched to cover such retaliation, on
    the ground that it inhibits the filing of legitimate charges of
    discrimination? We cannot find any discussion of the
    question, but it is another question that we need not try to
    answer in this case. For an employer is liable for harassment
    by coworkers, whether discriminatory or retaliatory, only if
    it negligently fails to take proper preventive or corrective
    measures. E.g., Doe v. Oberweis Dairy, 
    456 F.3d 704
    , 716-17
    (7th Cir. 2006); Knox v. Indiana, 
    93 F. 3d 1327
    , 1334-35 (7th
    Cir. 1996). There is no evidence of that. Also no evidence to
    support Nair’s argument that this is not really a case of
    coworker harassment—that supervisors had told her
    coworkers that she had complained to the EEOC, told them
    in the hope and expectation that they would react to the
    information by harassing her. After the incident in which
    one of the nurses told Nair that she didn’t wish to speak
    with her any more, one of the supervisors called a meeting
    with the nursing staff in which, in the words of the district
    judge, “some of the other nurses in the telemetry unit asked
    that Nair be removed because ‘she writes things, go [sic] to
    No. 05-3673                                                   7
    the EEO, and she write memos to the nurse manager. She
    [is] putting us in trouble. We don’t want to work with her.’
    . . . After the meeting, Nair requested a transfer to a differ-
    ent department; this request was granted.” So a supervisor
    knew that Nair’s coworkers were upset because they
    thought she was complaining about them to the EEOC. But
    there is no evidence that having learned this, the supervisor
    directed the nurses to retaliate against Nair.
    So Nair has no case. But we cannot end without noting the
    unprofessional conduct of Nair’s lawyer. His opening brief
    states that one of Nair’s supervisors told her: “You keep
    going to the EEO. Are you planning to go to the EEO? You
    handing me these letters and you trying to go to the EEO.
    Not do this. That’s why these co-workers get angry to you
    and making all these problems. You creating problems . . . .
    [Y]ou are the one going to the EEO.” Nair stated this in a
    deposition but the district judge struck the statement
    because it contradicted Nair’s earlier deposition, in which
    when asked whether any manager had made any negative
    comments about her EEO complaints she had responded,
    “No, she did not directly state to me, but her actions, her
    facial expression and the way she take care of things, I can
    see.” (Later in her deposition, in a portion not stricken by
    the district judge, Nair had attributed the “You keep going
    to the EEO,” etc. to her coworkers, not to a supervisor).
    Nair’s brief does not challenge the judge’s ruling. Nor
    another ruling, excluding a letter that the brief nevertheless
    relies on. The defendant’s brief takes the plaintiff to task for
    relying on evidence that the judge excluded, as well as for
    a number of gross misstatements of the record. The plain-
    tiff’s reply brief ignores these charges, and instead continues
    to recite excluded or inadmissible testimony. We direct
    Nair’s lawyer to show cause within 14 days why he
    should not be disciplined for unprofessional conduct before
    8                                                No. 05-3673
    this court.
    The judgment for the defendant is
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit