Moss, William H. v. Martin, Timothy ( 2007 )

  •                            In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 05-3689
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Central District of Illinois.
    No. 04 C 3217—Jeanne E. Scott, Judge.
    Before BAUER, POSNER, and FLAUM, Circuit Judges.
    BAUER, Circuit Judge. William Moss brought this civil
    rights action against Illinois Department of Transporta-
    tion (“IDOT”) employees Timothy Martin, Robert Millette,
    and Brian Piersma, seeking monetary and injunctive re-
    lief under 42 U.S.C. §§ 1983 and 1988. Moss alleges that
    he was fired from his position as the IDOT’s Chief of the
    Highway Sign Shop because of his political affiliation, in
    violation of the First Amendment, and without due
    process, in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment.
    Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(c), the defendants moved
    for judgment on the pleadings, which the district court
    granted. For the reasons stated herein, we affirm in part
    and reverse and remand in part.
    2                                               No. 05-3689
    I. Background
    The IDOT is the department in Illinois’ state govern-
    ment that is responsible for developing a statewide
    master plan for transportation, spending state funds for
    roads and highways, developing and coordinating effective
    programs and activities to facilitate the movement of
    motor vehicle traffic, and protecting and conserving life
    and property on Illinois’ streets and highways. See 20 ILL.
    COMP. STAT. 2705/2705-200, 255, 210 (2004). The IDOT
    is headed by the Secretary of Transportation, who oversees
    the IDOT’s five Divisions and five Offices. 2 ILL. ADMIN.
    CODE 1225.210(b). The Division of Highways has ten
    separate bureaus, including the Bureau of Operations. The
    Bureau of Operations consists of the Central Bureaus of
    Construction, Maintenance, Materials and Physical
    Research, and Traffic. 2 ILL. ADMIN. CODE 1225.280(b). The
    Highway Sign Shop falls within the Bureau of Operations.
    According to the IDOT position description, the Chief
    of the Highway Sign Shop “is accountable for administer-
    ing the Highway Sign Shop Section of the Bureau of
    Operations.” The Chief “formulates and implements
    policies, procedures, programs, and operational concepts
    for maintenance and rehabilitation of the department’s
    extensive sign and raised pavement marker systems
    throughout the state.” In particular, the Chief “directs
    the manufacture and distribution of all standard high-
    way signs” and “directs the fabrication and installation of
    overlay panels for rehabilitation of the statewide freeway
    sign network.” The Chief also “maintains the depart-
    ment’s comprehensive raised pavement marker system
    in all highway districts and supervises a complete inven-
    tory, accounting, and budgetary system to administer a
    specific budget allocation for support of section activities.”
    The Chief supervises approximately five employees
    directly and twenty employees indirectly. The Chief
    No. 05-3689                                                    3
    reports directly to the Engineer of Operations and main-
    tains contact with the District Engineers, Traffic Engi-
    neers, and Traffic Operations personnel in all district
    offices and other central bureaus. The Chief is in contact
    with the Department of Corrections, representatives of
    other states, governmental agencies, research organiza-
    tions, private sign fabricators, suppliers of raw materials
    and installation equipment, and contractors.
    The position description specifies that the Chief has
    both technical and managerial responsibilities: the Chief
    “is personally responsible for providing standard signs
    and sign making materials, directing the fabrication and
    field activities required to meet the department’s state-
    wide objectives for freeway sign and raised pavement
    marker rehabilitation, and administering the section’s
    budgetary and manpower resources.” The Chief also
    “develops programs, policies and procedures to address
    sign and raised pavement marker maintenance needs” and
    “administers the Sign Shop budget and prepares annual
    budget and long-range program requests . . . .”
    While the value of the sign system is approximately
    $104 million and the value of the raised pavement marker
    system is approximately $9 million, the annual operat-
    ing expenses of the Highway Sign Shop are approximately
    $3.7 million. This figure includes the annual expenses
    associated with the fabrication of between 60,000 and
    70,000 standard signs, the refurbishment of 100,000
    square feet of sign panels, and the maintenance of
    25,000 raised pavement markers.1
    The district court misinterpreted the overall values associated
    with the sign system and pavement marker system in the
    position description as an annual operating budget for the
    Highway Sign Shop of more than $100 million.
    4                                               No. 05-3689
    On March 16, 2001, Moss became a certified employee
    of the IDOT. His employment as Chief of the Highway Sign
    Shop was terminated on April 26, 2004. Moss filed suit
    against the IDOT defendants on September 24, 2004,
    alleging that he was terminated because of his political
    affiliation even though his political affiliation was irrele-
    vant to his job duties. He claimed that his termination
    violated his First Amendment right to political affilia-
    tion and, because it was without any pre-termination
    hearing or proceeding, his Fourteenth Amendment right
    to due process.
    The IDOT defendants moved for judgment on the
    pleadings, attaching the position description for the
    Chief of the Highway Sign Shop to their motion. The dis-
    trict court granted the defendants’ motion, finding that
    the functions of Moss’ position rendered his political
    affiliation a proper employment consideration. The district
    court also concluded that Moss had failed to state a due
    process claim because his complaint failed to allege any
    basis that would support a finding that he had a property
    interest in his continued employment with the IDOT.
    The district court granted Moss leave to file an amended
    due process claim.
    In his amended complaint, Moss asserted that the
    IDOT’s Personnel Policy Manual (the “Manual”) gave rise
    to an enforceable property right in his continued employ-
    ment with the IDOT because the Manual requires that
    terminations only be for cause. The defendants at-
    tached the Manual to their answer to the amended com-
    plaint and filed another motion for judgment on the
    pleadings, which the district court granted. The district
    court found that the disclaimer language contained in the
    foreword section of the Manual negated any contention
    that the Manual created a contract of employment. And
    even if the Manual created a contract, the district court
    concluded that the Manual contained language that
    No. 05-3689                                                5
    allowed the termination of an employee either with or
    without cause. This timely appeal followed.
    II. Analysis
    A. Political Affiliation as a Valid Qualification for
    Moss first argues that the district court erred in granting
    the IDOT defendants’ motion for judgment on the plead-
    ings because Moss’s position as Chief of the Highway Sign
    Shop is not the type of position for which a politically-
    motivated personnel action is constitutionally permitted.
    Under Rule 12(c), a party can move for judgment on the
    pleadings after the filing of the complaint and answer.
    Brunt v. Serv. Employees Int’l Union, 
    284 F.3d 715
    , 718
    (7th Cir. 2002) (citing Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(c)). Only when it
    appears beyond a doubt that the plaintiff cannot prove any
    facts to support a claim for relief and the moving party
    demonstrates that there are no material issues of fact to be
    resolved will a court grant a Rule 12(c) motion. 
    Id. at 718-
    19 (citing N. Indiana Gun & Outdoor Shows, Inc. v. City of
    South Bend, 
    163 F.3d 449
    , 452 (7th Cir. 1998)). We review
    a district court’s ruling on a Rule 12(c) motion de novo. 
    Id. at 719.
      If the nature of a public official’s job makes political
    loyalty a valid qualification for the effective performance
    of his position, that official may be terminated on the
    basis of his political affiliation. Riley v. Blagojevich, 
    425 F.3d 357
    , 359 (7th Cir. 2005) (citing Elrod v. Burns, 
    427 U.S. 367-68
    96 S. Ct. 2673
    49 L. Ed. 2d 547
    (1976); Branti
    v. Finkel, 
    445 U.S. 507
    , 518, 
    100 S. Ct. 1287
    63 L. Ed. 2d 574
    (1980)). To determine whether political loyalty is a
    valid qualification, we consider whether the employee’s
    position entailed “the making of policy and thus the
    exercise of political judgment.” Allen v. Martin, 
    460 F.3d 6
                                                   No. 05-3689
    939, 944 (7th Cir. 2006) (quoting Kiddy-Brown v.
    408 F.3d 346
    , 355 (7th Cir. 2005)). We also
    consider the degree of discretion and responsibility exer-
    cised in the position by examining the official job descrip-
    tion for the position. 
    Id. at 944-945;
    Selch v. Letts, 
    5 F.3d 1040
    , 1044-45 (7th Cir. 1993). “We only look past the
    official job description where the plaintiff demonstrates
    systematic unreliability.” 
    Allen, 460 F.3d at 944
    . To show
    such systematic unreliability, a plaintiff “must provide
    specific facts demonstrating that the description was
    unreliable and unauthoritative.” 
    Id. On prior
    occasions, we have held that political affilia-
    tion is an appropriate requirement for various positions
    within state highway departments. See 
    Selch, 5 F.3d at 1047
    (political affiliation appropriate requirement for
    position of subdistrict superintendent of Indiana Depart-
    ment of Highways); 
    Allen, 460 F.3d at 945
    affiliation appropriate requirement for IDOT’s bureau chief
    of accounting and auditing). Viewing the allegations in the
    light most favorable to Moss, however, we cannot conclude
    at this early stage in the litigation that political loyalty is
    a valid qualification for the Chief of the Highway Sign
    Shop position.
    “Almost all jobs in government above the lowest level
    require the holder of the job to exercise at least a modicum
    of discretion . . . .” 
    Riley, 425 F.3d at 359
    . The Chief of the
    Highway Sign Shop is no different. The Chief “exercises
    substantial independent judgment in making decisions
    concerning the development and implementation of
    innovative rehabilitation procedures”; “is afforded broad
    latitude in accomplishing his/her duties”; and “formulates
    and implements policies, procedures, programs, and
    operational concepts . . . .” The use of buzz words such as
    “formulates policies,” “broad latitude” and “substantial
    independent judgment” in a position description does not
    transform professional or technical judgment into political
    No. 05-3689                                                7
    judgment, however. In his complaint, Moss alleged that
    there is nothing in the job duties of the Chief of the
    Highway Sign Shop that made or makes political con-
    siderations a requisite for that position. The position
    description alone does not refute this allegation conclu-
    sively, as it raises and fails to answer numerous ques-
    tions as to the judgment and discretion exercised by the
    Chief of the Highway Sign Shop.
    In particular, while the Highway Sign Shop is within
    the Bureau of Operations, we do not know where the
    Chief of the Highway Sign Shop position falls within
    IDOT’s overall hierarchy. We do not know what policies
    the Chief implements: whether such policies merely
    ensure that signs are properly repaired or manufactured
    or whether they affect the IDOT’s broader policies and
    delivery of services. We do not know Moss’s salary. We do
    not know what contact, if any, the Chief of the Highway
    Sign Shop has with public officials or citizens regarding
    signs. Cf. 
    Selch, 5 F.3d at 1047
    (subdistrict superinten-
    dent received between fifteen to twenty telephone calls
    a day from public officials and citizens); 
    Allen, 460 F.3d at 945
    (major challenge of bureau chief ’s position is to
    respond to legislator questions on fund expenditures in
    their districts).
    The position description states that the Chief makes
    budget requests and administers resources and man-
    power to operate the sign shop, but it does not mention
    whether the Chief has the power to enter into contracts.
    During oral argument, Moss represented that the Chief
    does not decide what signs are erected or where or when
    signs are installed. Cf. 
    Selch, 5 F.3d at 1046
    superintendent decided where and when road mainte-
    nance work was to be completed). He does not oversee
    the crews that place the signs. In the absence of addi-
    tional evidence as to the functions of the Chief and the
    policies developed and enforced by the Chief, the extent of
    8                                               No. 05-3689
    any political value associated with these functions and
    policies is also unclear. Cf. 
    Selch, 5 F.3d at 1046
    that “the successful implementation of policy in the area
    of highway maintenance would likely have substantial
    effect on the public’s perception of the Democratic admin-
    Allen, 460 F.3d at 945
    (“[T]he effective and
    reliable execution of the Bureau’s audit function is of
    great political value.”). While a better-developed record
    may demonstrate that political affiliation is a valid
    requirement for the Chief of the Highway Sign Shop, we
    simply do not have enough evidence to reach that con-
    clusion now.
    B. Due Process
    Moss argues next that the district court erred in con-
    cluding that he had no protected property interest in his
    continued employment with the IDOT and by granting
    defendants’ motion for judgment on the pleadings on his
    due process claim. Moss argues that the Manual specifi-
    cally prohibited the abridgement of his constitutional
    right to choose his political party and that the language
    in the Manual prohibiting these actions was mandatory.
    To establish a due process claim, Moss must demonstrate
    (1) that he had a constitutionally protected property
    interest, (2) that he suffered a loss of that interest amount-
    ing to a deprivation, and (3) that the deprivation occurred
    without due process of law. 
    Kiddy-Brown, 408 F.3d at 360
    (citing Polenz v. Parrott, 
    883 F.2d 551
    , 555 (7th Cir. 1989)).
    Because Moss was employed in Illinois, we look to Illinois
    law to determine whether he had a property interest in
    his employment with the IDOT. Johnson v. City of Fort
    Wayne, Ind., 
    91 F.3d 922
    , 943 (7th Cir. 1996).
    Under Illinois law, a person has a property interest
    in his job only where he has a legitimate expectation of
    No. 05-3689                                               9
    continued employment based on a legitimate claim of
    entitlement. Krecek v. Bd. of Police Comm’rs of La Grange
    646 N.E.2d 1314
    , 1318, 271 Ill.App.3d 418 (Ill. App.
    Ct. 1995) (citing Faustrum v. Bd. of Fire and Police
    Comm’rs of the Village of Wauconda, 
    608 N.E.2d 640
    , 641,
    240 Ill. App. 3d 947
    (Ill. App. Ct. 1993)). “To show a
    legitimate expectation of continued employment, a plain-
    tiff must show a specific ordinance, state law, contract or
    understanding limiting the ability of the state or state
    entity to discharge him.” 
    Id. at 1318-19.
    Moss’s due pro-
    cess claim fails because the Manual, on which he bases
    his due process claim, does not give rise to a legitimate
    expectation of continued employment.
    Although Illinois law presumes that an employee hired
    for an indefinite period may be discharged at will for
    any reason, it also recognizes that employment hand-
    books have the potential to form contracts between
    employers and workers. See Duldulao v. Saint Mary of
    Nazareth Hospital Center, 
    505 N.E.2d 314
    , 317-18, 
    115 Ill. 2d 482
    (Ill. 1987). A handbook that contains a clear
    promise of continued employment gives rise to legal
    Id. at 318.
    At the same time, disclaiming
    language in a handbook may preclude the formation of an
    employment contract. See Davis v. Times Mirror Maga-
    zines, Inc., 
    697 N.E.2d 380
    , 388, 297 Ill.App.3d 488 (Ill.
    App. Ct. 1998).
    In the first paragraph of its foreword, the Manual states,
    This manual is provided to better acquaint you with
    the personnel policies of the Illinois Department of
    Transportation and does not constitute a contract of
    employment in whole or in part. The Department
    reserves the right to add, amend or delete any benefit
    or policy stated herein at any time, except as other-
    wise committed to by collective bargaining agree-
    10                                            No. 05-3689
    ments and the Department of Central Management
    Services’ Personnel Rules.
    (emphasis added). Under Illinois law, this unambiguous
    disclaimer is sufficient to show that the Manual does not
    create a legal right. See 
    Davis, 697 N.E.2d at 388
    Habighurst v. Edlong Corp., 
    568 N.E.2d 226
    , 227, 209
    Ill.App.3d 426 (Ill. App. Ct. 1991); Anders v. Mobil Chemi-
    cal Co., 
    559 N.E.2d 1119
    , 1122, 201 Ill.App.3d 1088 (Ill.
    App. Ct. 1990); see also Garcia v. Kankakee County
    Housing Authority, 
    279 F.3d 532
    , 536 (7th Cir. 2002).
    Moreover, the disclaimer was not buried or otherwise
    hidden: it was the first substantive text in the Manual
    and it was set forth in same typeface as the rest of the
    That the Manual also states that an employee “may be
    discharged for cause” does not change our analysis. This
    permissive language does not conflict with the disclaimer
    that the Manual “does not constitute a contract of em-
    ployment in whole or in part” or create an ambiguity
    that can be construed in Moss’s favor. Cf. Perman v.
    ArcVentures, Inc., 
    554 N.E.2d 982
    , 987, 196 Ill.App.3d 758
    (Ill. App. Ct. 1990) (summary judgment denied on due
    process claim where disclaimer in employee manual was
    “not set off from the rest of the text, printed in capital
    letters or titled” and manual stated that “discharges
    must be approved in advance by the director of employee
    relations or designees, and are subject to employee appeal
    through established grievance procedures”) (emphasis
    added). See also Seehawer v. Magnecraft Elec. Co., 
    714 F. Supp. 910
    , 912 (N.D. Ill. 1989) (denying summary
    judgment on plaintiff ’s due process claim where employee
    manual stated that “[e]mployees shall be discharged or
    disciplined only for just cause” while employee state-
    ment signed by plaintiff stated that “my employment
    and compensation can be terminated, with or without
    No. 05-3689                                              11
    cause and notice, at any time, at the option of the Com-
    pany or myself.”) (emphasis added).
    Nor do the Manual’s mandatory notice procedures for
    a discharge for cause allow Moss to state a due process
    claim. An employee manual or handbook’s procedures do
    not create an enforceable property right to a job. See
    Simpkins v. Sandwich Community Hosp., 
    854 F.2d 215
    218 (7th Cir. 1988); Heck v. City of Freeport, 
    985 F.2d 305
    311 (7th Cir. 1993) (stating that “[m]ere procedural
    rights . . . do not of themselves give rise to property
    interests protected under the Fourteenth Amendment”).
    Likewise, the provisions that state that “the rights of
    department employees to voluntarily engage in political
    activities and to make contributions must be recognized
    and respected” and that “nothing should be done to
    abridge the constitutional right of any employee to par-
    ticipate in the political process” do not conflict with the
    Manual’s disclaimer or otherwise create an ambiguity
    that overcomes Illinois’ at-will presumption. Such lan-
    guage sets forth the IDOT’s requirements for the conduct
    of its employees. It does not establish a basis on which an
    offer of employment may be found. Moreover, interpreting
    such “language as establishing a just cause termination
    protection simply ignores the reality of employment law
    in Illinois and the need to read the Handbook as a coher-
    ent whole.” Border v. City of Crystal Lake, 
    75 F.3d 270
    , 274
    (7th Cir. 1996). The language of the Manual’s disclaimer is
    clear: no employee reading the Manual could believe
    reasonably that an employment contract offer had
    been made. We find, therefore, that the district court
    properly granted defendants’ Rule 12(c) motion for judg-
    ment on the pleadings on Moss’s due process claim.
    12                                              No. 05-3689
    C. Qualified Immunity
    The IDOT defendants raise the defense of qualified
    immunity as an alternative basis on which to affirm
    judgment in their favor, arguing that the law on this
    issue was not clearly established at the time of Moss’s
    termination. “Government officials performing discre-
    tionary functions are entitled to qualified immunity
    from suit ‘as long as their actions could reasonably have
    been thought consistent with the rights they are alleged to
    have violated.’ ” 
    Kiddy-Brown, 408 F.3d at 352
    Anderson v. Creighton, 
    483 U.S. 635
    , 638, 
    107 S. Ct. 3034
    97 L. Ed. 2d 523
    To defeat a qualified immunity defense, a plaintiff
    must satisfy two conditions: (1) the complaint must
    adequately allege facts that, if true, would constitute a
    violation of a constitutional right; and (2) the case law
    must be “clearly established” at the time of the alleged
    violation, so that a reasonable public official would have
    known that his conduct was unlawful. Delgado v. Jones,
    282 F.3d 511
    , 515-16 (7th Cir. 2002). As established above,
    Moss has satisfied the first condition by pleading a viable
    First Amendment claim. With regard to the second condi-
    tion, the IDOT defendants argue that the law was
    not clearly established that political loyalty was not an
    appropriate job requirement for the Chief of the Highway
    Sign Shop. Moss is not required to produce a case that
    is “directly on point” to show that a right is clearly estab-
    lished, however. 
    Kiddy-Brown, 408 F.3d at 355
    Nabozny v. Podlesny, 
    92 F.3d 446
    , 456 (7th Cir. 1996)).
    Rather, “[t]he question is whether a reasonable state
    actor would have known that his actions, viewed in the
    light of the law at the time, were unlawful.” 
    Id. We have
    accepted as true Moss’s allegation that polit-
    ical affiliation is not an appropriate requirement for the
    Chief of the Highway Sign Shop position because there is
    No. 05-3689                                               13
    nothing in the Chief’s job duties that made or makes
    political considerations a requisite for that position. At
    this point, we also have accepted as true, albeit implicitly,
    that Moss was an IDOT employee who did not engage in
    policymaking. As a result, Moss was an IDOT employee
    who could not be terminated because of his political
    affiliation. At the time of his termination, “it was well-
    established that the First Amendment prohibits a state
    official from dismissing, on political grounds, an employee
    who was not charged with policymaking duties.” Kiddy-
    Brown, 408 F.3d at 357
    . Judgment on the pleadings in
    favor of the IDOT defendants on the basis of qualified
    immunity is therefore inappropriate. The issue of
    whether the IDOT defendants are entitled to qualified
    immunity may be revisited and resolved in the district
    court on a more complete record. See 
    id. III. Conclusion
      For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the district court’s
    entry of judgment on the pleadings in favor of defen-
    dants on Moss’s due process claim but reverse the district
    court’s entry of judgment on the pleadings in favor of de-
    fendants on Moss’s First Amendment claim and remand
    for further proceedings.
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit

Document Info

Docket Number: 05-3689

Judges: Per Curiam

Filed Date: 1/3/2007

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/24/2015

Authorities (23)

Samuel Riley v. Rod R. Blagojevich, Thomas Snyder v. Rod R. ... , 425 F.3d 357 ( 2005 )

Larry Garcia v. Kankakee County Housing Authority, Charles ... , 279 F.3d 532 ( 2002 )

Octavio Delgado v. Police Chief Arthur Jones and Deputy ... , 282 F.3d 511 ( 2002 )

Lyne Brunt, David Wadinski and John Wittenberg v. Service ... , 284 F.3d 715 ( 2002 )

Jerome Polenz and Donna Polenz v. Thomas Parrott and ... , 883 F.2d 551 ( 1989 )

Leo HECK, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. CITY OF FREEPORT and ... , 985 F.2d 305 ( 1993 )

Habighurst v. Edlong Corp. , 209 Ill. App. 3d 426 ( 1991 )

Richard Border v. City of Crystal Lake, an Illinois ... , 75 F.3d 270 ( 1996 )

71-fair-emplpraccas-bna-1154-68-empl-prac-dec-p-44269-roy-johnson , 91 F.3d 922 ( 1996 )

Jamie S. Nabozny v. Mary Podlesny, William Davis, Thomas ... , 92 F.3d 446 ( 1996 )

gail-simpkins-individually-and-dba-de-kane-anesthesia-service-plaintiff , 854 F.2d 215 ( 1988 )

Duldulao v. Saint Mary of Nazareth Hospital Center , 115 Ill. 2d 482 ( 1987 )

sandra-kiddy-brown-v-rod-blagojevich-individually-and-as-governor-of-the , 408 F.3d 346 ( 2005 )

john-w-selch-v-christine-w-letts-in-her-official-capacity-as-the , 5 F.3d 1040 ( 1993 )

Perman v. ArcVentures, Inc. , 196 Ill. App. 3d 758 ( 1990 )

Faustrum v. Board of Fire & Police Commissioner of Wauconda , 240 Ill. App. 3d 947 ( 1993 )

Davis v. Times Mirror Magazines, Inc. , 297 Ill. App. 3d 488 ( 1998 )

Anders v. Mobil Chemical Co. , 201 Ill. App. 3d 1088 ( 1990 )

Krecek v. Board of Police Commissioners of La Grange Park , 207 Ill. Dec. 227 ( 1995 )

Seehawer v. Magnecraft Electric Co. , 714 F. Supp. 910 ( 1989 )

View All Authorities »