United States v. Biggs, Calvin ( 2007 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 05-4613
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 05 CR 316—Suzanne B. Conlon, Judge.
    ARGUED MARCH 27, 2007—DECIDED JUNE 14, 2007
    Before MANION, KANNE, and WOOD, Circuit Judges.
    MANION, Circuit Judge. A jury convicted Calvin Biggs
    of possession with intent to distribute crack cocaine and
    possession of a firearm as a convicted felon. The district
    court sentenced Biggs to 360 months of imprisonment.
    Biggs appeals, claiming that the drugs and guns at issue
    should have been suppressed because he was arrested
    without probable cause and because his subsequent
    consent to search was involuntary. He also challenges
    the jury’s viewing of an exhibit during deliberations and
    the reasonableness of his sentence. We affirm Biggs’s
    convictions and sentence.
    2                                              No. 05-4613
    On the night of April 13, 2004, officers from the Chicago
    Police Department arrested Calvin Biggs. The parties
    present conflicting versions of what happened that night.
    We begin with the government’s version, which a magis-
    trate judge found to be credible and which the district
    court adopted. According to Officer Patrick Thelan,
    who testified at an evidentiary hearing, an anonymous
    source informed him that a heavyset black man in a cream-
    colored sweater was selling drugs at a particular inter-
    section. Within twenty minutes of receiving this informa-
    tion, Officer Thelan and his partner Sergeant Michael
    Stack drove by the intersection in an unmarked police
    vehicle and observed a man on the corner fitting the
    description provided by the tipster. The officers drove
    around the block to a vacant lot from where they could
    observe the man without being seen. From a distance of
    approximately fifty to seventy-five feet, both officers
    watched with binoculars. Over the course of about fifteen
    minutes, the man received currency from three different
    individuals and handed each something from the rear
    of his pants. The officers left their vantage point after
    the third suspected drug transaction, returned to their
    vehicle, drove back around the block, and parked the
    vehicle to approach Biggs. Biggs fled when he saw the
    officers approach. The officers pursued him into a nearby
    basement apartment. As Biggs entered the apartment, the
    officers saw him remove a plastic bag from his pants and
    throw it to the floor. Sergeant Stack recovered the bag,
    which subsequent testing revealed contained 2.3 grams
    of crack cocaine, and placed Biggs under arrest.
    The officers escorted Biggs to their vehicle and alerted
    him to his rights under Miranda v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 436
    No. 05-4613                                                 3
    (1966). Biggs then told the officers that he could not go back
    to jail because he had to take care of his daughter. Biggs
    offered to get the officers some guns in exchange for his
    release. The officers responded to Biggs’s offer with
    questions about the guns, asking their type and location
    and whether any dogs were at the location. The officers
    never told Biggs that they would release him in exchange
    for the guns; instead, they continued to ask questions. They
    drove Biggs to a parking lot of an abandoned candy
    factory, where at least two other officers were present.
    Approximately twenty-five minutes after the officers took
    Biggs into custody, he signed a consent to search form
    for the first floor of 4844 W. Huron, the place where Biggs
    said the guns were stored. Another officer arrived to
    transport Biggs to jail for booking. Biggs informed that
    officer of his belief that he should be released because he
    gave up some guns, but that officer simply confirmed
    that the guns were Biggs’s own weapons. Officer Thelan
    and the other officers then drove about two miles to the
    residence, where they recovered two guns and a bag
    containing what testing later determined to be 110.3 grams
    of crack cocaine.
    Biggs’s account of the evening’s events differs sub-
    stantially. He testified, along with three other witnesses,
    to the following version. Two women from the neighbor-
    hood were walking around the block and talking that
    night. They saw Biggs enter a basement apartment. Biggs
    had gone to the apartment to visit a sick friend, Arthur
    Weems, who subsequently died. Another man, Emrick
    Burks, was also present inside the apartment. The women
    were still on the block a little while later when an officer
    approached them and ordered them to empty their pock-
    ets and shake out their bras. While this encounter trans-
    4                                             No. 05-4613
    pired, Biggs exited the basement apartment. The officer
    then shifted his focus away from the women and went to
    the basement apartment. The officer met Biggs at the
    door as he was leaving and pushed him back into the
    apartment. The officer’s partner then ran by the women,
    asked where his partner went, and was directed to the
    basement apartment, which he also entered.
    Biggs and Burks then testified that the officers ordered
    them and Weems to the ground, handcuffed them, and
    searched the apartment. Six other officers entered the
    apartment during the search, but four of them left after
    learning that the situation was under control. The search
    turned up the 2.3 grams of crack cocaine. The officers
    then escorted Biggs to their vehicle and told Biggs that
    this amount of drugs was negligible, and allegedly prom-
    ised to make the drugs disappear if Biggs would pro-
    vide them with a gun. The officers drove Biggs to the
    abandoned candy factory parking lot where Biggs negoti-
    ated with the four officers for approximately fifteen
    minutes. The officers allegedly threatened to get a search
    warrant for the residence and arrest everyone in the
    house, including his mother and girlfriend, if Biggs did
    not consent to the search. Biggs then signed the consent
    to search form without reading it. Much to his surprise,
    he was not released, but was instead taken to jail.
    A grand jury indicted Biggs for possession with intent to
    distribute crack cocaine and possession of two firearms
    as a convicted felon. See 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    18 U.S.C. § 922
    (g)(1). Biggs moved to suppress the evidence of the
    guns and drugs and to quash his arrest. He based his
    claim on a lack of probable cause and on an involuntary
    consent to search. After an evidentiary hearing, a magis-
    trate judge found that Biggs’s version of events lacked
    No. 05-4613                                                  5
    credibility and denied the motions in a written recom-
    mendation that the district court accepted and adopted.
    Biggs proceeded to trial. During deliberations, the jury
    requested to view the 2.3 grams of cocaine that had been
    found at the apartment. Biggs objected to the viewing. The
    court overruled the objection and returned the jury to the
    jury box. There she permitted the jurors to examine the
    drugs by having the exhibit passed among the jurors. The
    jury subsequently convicted Biggs on both counts and the
    district court sentenced him to 360 months of imprison-
    ment. Biggs appeals both his convictions and sentence.
    On appeal, Biggs first argues that the officers lacked
    probable cause or reasonable suspicion for the initial
    confrontation and arrest at the apartment. Based on that,
    he claims the district court should have suppressed the
    evidence gleaned from this encounter. In considering
    whether evidence should be suppressed, we review the
    district court’s legal conclusions de novo and factual
    findings for clear error. United States v. Breland, 
    356 F.3d 787
    , 791 (7th Cir. 2004) (citation omitted). To determine if
    the circumstances warrant suppression, we must ex-
    amine the validity of the arrest. To arrest Biggs without
    a warrant, the officers “ ‘must have probable cause, under
    the totality of the circumstances, to reasonably believe
    that a particular individual has committed a crime.’ ”
    United States v. Oliva, 
    385 F.3d 1111
    , 1114 (7th Cir. 2004)
    (quoting United States v. Gilbert, 
    45 F.3d 1163
    , 1166 (7th Cir.
    1995)). “In order to have probable cause for an arrest,
    law enforcement agents must reasonably believe, in light
    of the facts and circumstances within their knowledge at
    the time of the arrest, that the suspect had committed
    6                                                No. 05-4613
    or was committing an offense.” Payne v. Pauley, 
    337 F.3d 767
    , 776 (7th Cir. 2003) (citation omitted).
    The magistrate judge, in findings that were accepted
    and adopted by the district court over Biggs’s objections,
    found Officer Thelan’s testimony credible. According to
    Officer Thelan’s version of events, the officers received
    an anonymous tip describing a man who was selling
    drugs at a particular intersection. The officers corroborated
    this tip when they saw a man matching the informant’s
    description engage in three suspected drug transactions.
    When the officers approached him he fled to a nearby
    apartment dwelling. They caught him and arrested him.
    Under this scenario, the officers had probable cause for
    the arrest. See United States v. Schaafsma, 
    318 F.3d 718
    , 722
    (7th Cir. 2003) (finding that a statement implicating the
    defendant, his presence at a crime scene, and his flight is
    sufficient for probable cause).
    Biggs responds that crediting Thelan’s testimony was
    clear error. We generally defer to the district court’s
    determination of credibility because, unlike our review
    of transcripts, the district court “had the opportunity to
    listen to testimony and observe the demeanor of witnesses
    at the suppression hearing.” United States v. Parker, 
    469 F.3d 1074
    , 1077 (7th Cir. 2006) (citation omitted). Since the
    district court adopted the credibility determinations of the
    magistrate judge, we review the magistrate judge’s find-
    ings for clear error. United States v. Gillaum, 
    372 F.3d 848
    854 (7th Cir. 2004) (“This deference is equally applicable
    where credibility determinations have been made by a
    magistrate judge and the report and recommendation of
    the magistrate judge have been adopted by the district
    court.”). Although we review for clear error, determina-
    tions of witness credibility “ ‘can virtually never be clear
    No. 05-4613                                                    7
    error.’ ” United States v. Ortiz, 
    431 F.3d 1035
    , 1039 (7th Cir.
    2005) (quoting United States v. Blalock, 
    321 F.3d 686
    , 690
    (7th Cir. 2003) (internal quotation marks and citation
    Biggs argues that because Officer Thelan’s testimony is
    improbable, the district court clearly erred by adopting
    the magistrate judge’s credibility determination. Specifi-
    cally, Biggs claims that Officer Thelan’s testimony should
    be discredited because there were no video or audio
    recordings of the events, because no federal officers
    were involved in the arrest, and because the purported
    drug buyers and confidential informant remained uniden-
    tified and unavailable to testify. Biggs also points to
    discrepancies in Officer Thelan’s testimony, including
    whether he identified Biggs as matching the informant’s
    description when he drove by the intersection or during
    surveillance, and whether Biggs threw the drugs to the
    “ground” or the “floor.2” He also questioned why Officer
    Thelan could recall that the lights were on in the apart-
    ment, but not whether anyone else was present in the
    apartment. Finally, Biggs notes that although Officer
    The “virtually never” language originates in a Supreme Court
    decision which stated, “a trial judge’s finding is based on his
    decision to credit the testimony of one of two or more wit-
    nesses, each of whom has told a coherent and facially plausible
    story that is not contradicted by extrinsic evidence[;] that
    finding, if not internally inconsistent, can virtually never be
    clear error.” Anderson v. Bessemer City, 
    470 U.S. 564
    , 575-76
    (1985) (citations omitted).
    Biggs himself conflated these terms, testifying at the eviden-
    tiary hearing that “[t]hey handcuffed all of us and told us to
    get on the ground—I mean on—on the floor.”
    8                                                No. 05-4613
    Thelan stated that Biggs was wearing a cream-colored
    sweater, his booking photograph depicts him in a green
    and white jersey. Biggs’s counsel explored each of
    these issues during the evidentiary hearing before the
    magistrate judge. The magistrate judge thoroughly eval-
    uated the testimony, concluding that “[o]n balance” Officer
    Thelan’s testimony was more credible than the version of
    events presented by Biggs, the two women, and the other
    man in the apartment. Elaborating on their demeanor,
    the magistrate judge explained that Biggs’s witnesses
    exhibited a “tone of voice and body language suggest[ing]
    that they were either making things up, trying to remember
    the right thing to say, or trying to avoid saying the wrong
    thing.” The magistrate judge also noted that Biggs’s
    witnesses were “inconsistent amongst themselves in
    significant respects” and found cause for bias in their
    testimony. Given the divergent versions presented by
    the government and the defense, which version to be-
    lieve is purely a credibility determination. We find no
    clear error in the crediting of Officer Thelan’s testimony
    which, contrary to Biggs’s assertions, is not implausible. See
    United States v. Pedroza, 
    269 F.3d 821
    , 825-26 (7th Cir. 2001)
    (“As there is nothing physically impossible or other-
    wise disqualifying about these [credibility] findings and
    determinations, we reject those arguments [challenging
    the magistrate judge’s credibility determination].”) Once
    this testimony is deemed credible, Officer Thelan’s obser-
    vations provided a basis for both probable cause and
    reasonable suspicion. Schaafsma, 
    318 F.3d at 722
    . Accord-
    ingly, the arrest was valid and there is no cause for sup-
    pression of the evidence seized pursuant to the arrest.
    Biggs next argues that the guns and the drugs found
    at 4844 W. Huron should have been suppressed as evi-
    No. 05-4613                                                9
    dence because he did not voluntarily consent to the
    search. Although there was no warrant to search Biggs’s
    home, a warrantless search is constitutional under the
    Fourth Amendment if Biggs consented voluntarily. United
    States v. Grap, 
    403 F.3d 439
    , 443 (7th Cir. 2005). To evalu-
    ate voluntariness, we look to the totality of the circum-
    stances. Schneckloth v. Bustamonte, 
    412 U.S. 218
    , 248 (1973).
    In particular, “[w]e consider the following criteria: (1) the
    age, education and intelligence of the defendant;
    (2) whether [defendant] was advised of his constitutional
    rights; (3) the length of detention prior to consent;
    (4) whether [defendant] consented immediately or police
    made repeated requests for consent; (5) whether physical
    coercion was used; (6) whether [defendant] was in cus-
    tody.” United States v. Strache, 
    202 F.3d 980
    , 985 (7th Cir.
    2000) (citation omitted). The district court adopted the
    magistrate judge’s conclusion that Biggs’s consent was
    voluntary. We review “only for clear error” this factual
    question of whether Biggs “freely and voluntarily con-
    sented.” Pedroza, 
    269 F.3d at
    829 (citing United States v.
    243 F.3d 1069
    , 1076 (7th Cir. 2001)).
    The magistrate judge’s opinion considered each of the
    above factors. The judge found that “the testimony pre-
    sented at the hearing shows that Mr. Biggs is an articulate
    adult with a tenth or eleventh grade education, a sub-
    stantial employment history, and an intimate familiarity
    with the criminal justice system.” The officers advised
    Biggs of his constitutional rights with Miranda warnings.
    Although Biggs was in custody, and about four officers
    were present, Biggs signed a form consenting to the search
    within, as the magistrate judge found, “at most” twenty-
    five minutes of being arrested, handcuffed, and seated
    in a police vehicle. Furthermore, there is no evidence of
    10                                               No. 05-4613
    physical coercion. Biggs testified that the officers yelled at
    him and threatened to arrest others at his residence, but
    the magistrate judge did not credit this testimony in his
    opinion. Although choosing an abandoned candy factory
    parking lot as a location for signing a consent form may
    be a bit odd, the location was within two miles of his
    residence and roughly at some point between the basement
    apartment where he was arrested and the residence
    where the guns and drugs were found. Under these
    circumstances, we conclude that the district court did not
    commit clear error in adopting the magistrate judge’s
    finding that Biggs voluntarily consented. Cf. Strache, 
    202 F.3d at
    982 & 985-86 (finding voluntary consent when a
    defendant was awakened, handcuffed, held in custody
    for twenty minutes with five officers present, and not
    given Miranda warnings).
    Biggs further claims that he did not voluntarily con-
    sent because he consented only after the officers allegedly
    promised to release him if he provided them with guns. As
    the magistrate judge found, however, Biggs himself first
    proposed the guns-for-freedom deal to the officers after
    receiving Miranda warnings. The officers never affirma-
    tively accepted the offer, and only responded with ques-
    tions relating to the guns and their location. Under the
    version of events credited by the magistrate judge and
    district court, in which we again find no clear error,
    this was not improper. The officers’ questions may have
    misled Biggs into thinking that the officers were at least
    interested in accepting his offer, but neither their ques-
    tions nor Biggs’s misunderstanding rendered his con-
    sent involuntary. See United States v. Rutledge, 
    900 F.2d 1127
    , 1130 (7th Cir. 1990) (noting that officers “are allowed
    to play on a suspect’s ignorance, his anxieties, his fears,
    No. 05-4613                                               11
    and his uncertainties; they are just not allowed to magnify
    those . . . to the point where rational decision becomes
    impossible.”). The officers in this case did not lie and
    never affirmatively stated that Biggs would be released
    upon the recovery of the weapons. They did not caution
    him about his possible misunderstanding, but the officers
    are not “fiduciar[ies] of the suspect.” 
    the form that Biggs signed also stated on the line immedi-
    ately above his signature that he had not “received any
    threats, promises, or duress of any kind.” Therefore, in the
    totality of the circumstances, Biggs’s mistaken belief that
    he would be released if he turned over guns does not
    render his consent involuntary; the district court did not
    commit clear error in determining that Biggs voluntarily
    consented to the search.
    Biggs next argues that the jury’s handling of the crack
    cocaine exhibit during deliberations prejudiced the ver-
    dict. The jury initiated this viewing by sending a note to
    the court that read, “[a]re we allowed to look at the 2.3
    grams of cocaine (exhibit 13)?” The district court judge
    convened the parties to discuss the request. The district
    judge noted that the particular exhibit had not been
    passed to the jury during trial, apparently due to inadver-
    “We afford the district court considerable discretion in
    the handling of exhibits during the course of a trial as
    well as during jury deliberations. We review the district
    court’s handling of the exhibits for a clear abuse of discre-
    tion.” United States v. Arroyo, 
    406 F.3d 881
    , 886 (7th Cir.
    2005) (internal citations omitted). In this case, we find no
    error in the decision to permit the jury, following their
    request, to view the cocaine exhibit during deliberations.
    The government had referred to the exhibit during clos-
    12                                                 No. 05-4613
    ing arguments, emphasizing that the packaging of the
    drugs recovered at the apartment and the drugs recovered
    at the residence was identical, and therefore suggested
    that Biggs possessed both stashes of drugs. Since the
    admitted exhibit was not passed among the jurors during
    trial, and since they requested to see the exhibit during
    deliberations, and since the government referred to the
    exhibit in its argument, it was reasonable and no abuse of
    discretion for the district court to fulfill the jurors’ request.
    Biggs suggests that the district court should have in-
    structed the jury not to place undue emphasis on the
    exhibit, but counsel never requested such an instruction
    from the district court. Accordingly, he has forfeited this
    request for a cautionary instruction and fails to demon-
    strate prejudice from its omission. See Montes v. Jenkins,
    626 F.2d 584
    , 588 (7th Cir. 1980) (noting that a defendant’s
    “failure to request [a cautionary instruction] means he
    must demonstrate, at the least, that he was prejudiced by
    the absence of a cautionary instruction.”).
    Biggs further objects to the manner in which the jury
    viewed the exhibit and handled it as they passed it around
    in the courtroom. Biggs argues that if the exhibit had
    been sent into the jury room, the circumstances would
    have placed less emphasis on the exhibit. Before the dis-
    trict court, however, Biggs explicitly waived an objection
    to the manner of presenting the evidence to the jury in
    the courtroom. When asked by the court whether he
    “object[ed] to bringing the jury back into the courtroom to
    pass that around,” Biggs’s counsel responded that
    “[w]ithout waiving my initial objection [ ] of it not going on
    at all, if we’re going to do it, I think that probably is the
    best way to do it.” Accordingly, any objection to the
    manner of the presentation of the contraband to the
    No. 05-4613                                               13
    jury has been waived. United States v. Redditt, 
    381 F.3d 597
    , 602 (7th Cir. 2004).
    We turn at last to the sentencing issues that Biggs raises.
    Biggs first argues that the rebuttable presumption of
    reasonableness applied in this circuit is a violation of
    United States v. Booker, 
    543 U.S. 220
     (2005). He concedes
    that the issue is foreclosed by circuit precedent, noting
    that he raises this issue only to preserve it for further
    review. See United States v. Mykytiuk, 
    415 F.3d 606
    , 608 (7th
    Cir. 2005). His issue is preserved, but we adhere to the
    holding in Mykytiuk.
    Biggs next argues that his sentence is unreasonable. Biggs
    qualifies as a career offender under United States Sentenc-
    ing Guidelines Manual § 4B1.1, making his advisory
    sentencing guideline range, which he does not contest, 360
    months to life imprisonment. The district court sen-
    tenced him to 360 months of imprisonment on each
    count, to run concurrently, which was the bottom of the
    advisory guideline range. The statutory minimum for
    Biggs’s offense was twenty years of imprisonment. 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    (b). Biggs argues on appeal that a sentence at
    the statutory minimum of 240 months would better
    meet the guidelines’s requirement that the sentencing
    court craft a sentence “sufficient, but not greater than
    necessary” to comply with 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (a)(2). In
    particular, he argues that a lower sentence is warranted
    because of the small amount of cocaine recovered during
    the initial stop and the fact that he would not be released
    until approximately age 63, which he argues makes him
    less of a danger to the public. Biggs also claims that his
    sentence is disproportionately long compared to those
    others received for career offender drug trafficking con-
    victions, although he fails to take into account distinguish-
    14                                               No. 05-4613
    ing facts of his case, such as his decision to proceed to
    trial, thereby losing a reduction in his base offense level
    for accepting responsibility.
    As we have previously noted, “[t]his Court’s role is not
    to choose between possible sentences but rather to re-
    view the reasonableness of the sentence imposed by the
    district court.” United States v. Jung, 
    473 F.3d 837
    , 845 (7th
    Cir. 2007) (citation omitted). In arriving at the sentence,
    the district court examined Biggs’s arguments, reviewed
    letters submitted by his family and supporters, considered
    the nature of the offense, and emphasized Biggs’s recidi-
    vism. The district judge appropriately weighed and
    articulated the relevant factors in choosing a sentence.
    Given the nature of the offense and Biggs’s significant
    criminal history, a sentence at the bottom of the guide-
    line range is not greater than necessary. In sum, we find
    Biggs’s sentence to be reasonable.
    We conclude that the magistrate judge’s credibility
    findings, as accepted and adopted by the district court,
    were not clearly erroneous. This credited version of the
    facts entails that probable cause existed for Biggs’s arrest
    and that he voluntarily consented to the search of his
    residence, making suppression of the evidence recovered
    in the arrest and search unwarranted. At trial, the dis-
    trict court did not abuse its discretion in permitting the
    jury to view an exhibit of crack cocaine during delibera-
    tions. Finally, we conclude that Biggs’s sentence was
    reasonable. Accordingly, we AFFIRM both Biggs’s con-
    victions and sentence.
    No. 05-4613                                           15
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit