M., John v. Bd Educ Evanston 202 ( 2007 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 06-3274 & 06-3738
    JOHN M., by his parents and next
    friends, CHRISTINE M., and MICHAEL M.,
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 05 C 6720—James F. Holderman, Chief Judge.
    Before RIPPLE, MANION and WILLIAMS, Circuit Judges.
    RIPPLE, Circuit Judge. John M. (“John”), by and through
    his parents and next friends, Christine M. and Michael M.,
    filed this action seeking relief under the Individuals with
    Disabilities in Education Act (“IDEA”), as amended by
    the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Improve-
    ment Act (“IDEIA”). He alleged that Evanston Township
    2                                     Nos. 06-3274 & 06-3738
    High School District 202, its Board of Education and its
    Superintendent (collectively “the School District”) had
    denied John a free, appropriate public education (“FAPE”)
    as required by the legislation. In response to John’s mo-
    tion for enforcement of the statute’s “stay-put” provision,
    which requires generally that a child remain in the same
    educational placement pending any proceedings, see 
    20 U.S.C. § 1415
    (j), the district court entered a preliminary
    For the reasons set forth in this opinion, we have con-
    cluded that the injunction cannot stand in its present
    form because it addresses matters beyond the stay-put
    provision and does not apply the correct standards
    when it does address the stay-put provision. Accordingly,
    we reverse the judgment of the district court and remand
    the case for further proceedings consistent with this
    John is a 16 year-old sophomore in high school who has
    Down’s Syndrome. He is enrolled in the School District
    as a student at Evanston Township High School
    (“ETHS”), a public school that receives federal funding
    and that is subject, therefore, to the requirements of the
    At the invitation of the court, the United States Secretary of
    Education submitted a brief as amicus curiae. We express our
    appreciation to the Secretary for her helpful assistance.
    Nos. 06-3274 & 06-3738                                             3
    IDEA and the IDEIA. Before beginning his high school
    career at ETHS, John had attended Haven Middle School,
    District 65 (“Haven”). Students from Haven normally
    transition to ETHS to continue their education.
    While John was a student at Haven, he pursued his
    middle school education under the terms of an Individual-
    ized Education Program (“IEP”). This plan, often referred
    to in this opinion as the “May 2004 IEP,” had been formu-
    lated in May 2004. While at Haven, John had received
    a service that the parties refer to as “co-teaching.” The
    phrase “co-teaching” did not appear in the May 2004 IEP.
    In Spring 2005, John’s parents and representatives of
    ETHS met to formulate an IEP for John’s coming fresh-
    man year at ETHS.2 Representatives from Haven also
    attended the first two sessions of these meetings. During
    The IDEA requires a cooperative process in which a family
    and a school agree upon a child’s educational placement. See,
    e.g., Patricia P. v. Bd. of Educ. of Oak Park, 
    203 F.3d 462
    , 469 (7th
    Cir. 2000) (“[A] school district is . . . bound by the IDEA’s
    preference for a cooperative placement process: this Court
    will look harshly upon any party’s failure to reasonably co-
    operate with another’s diligent execution of their rights and
    obligations under the IDEA.”). Indeed, the IDEA requires an
    “IEP Team,” composed of the parents of the child with the
    disability, not fewer than one of the child’s regular education
    teachers if the child is or may be participating in the regular
    educational environment, not fewer than one special education
    teacher, a representative of the local educational agency, an
    individual qualified to interpret the instructional implications
    of evaluation results, others who, at the discretion of the parents
    or the agency, may be determined to have special expertise
    and, whenever appropriate, the child with a disability. 
    20 U.S.C. § 1414
    4                                     Nos. 06-3274 & 06-3738
    this process, ETHS stated that it would not be able to
    provide the same sort of co-teaching services that Haven
    had provided to John during his middle school education.
    Instead, ETHS proposed to afford John 215 minutes per
    week of special education services. The proposed ETHS
    IEP also provided that John’s special education teacher
    would observe him in his general education classes of
    English, History, Algebra and Biology for 43 to 86 addi-
    tional minutes per week. ETHS’ IEP also provided for
    various speech therapy services, social work services,
    physical therapy and occupational therapy. It did not
    provide, however, for a “Circle of Friends” type social
    and speech therapy that John had received at Haven and
    that his parents believed was very beneficial to him dur-
    ing his time there.
    Because John’s parents did not believe that the pro-
    posed IEP fulfilled the School District’s statutory responsi-
    bility to their son, they requested an administrative hear-
    ing. The hearing officer determined that the IEP complied
    with statutory requirements. He also concluded that
    ETHS had complied fully with the requirements of the
    stay-put placement.3
    John then filed an action in the district court seek-
    ing review of the hearing officer’s determination. While
    this action was pending, John filed a motion for a pre-
    liminary injunction to enforce the stay-put placement and
    a motion to supplement the administrative record and
    John has appealed to the district court the hearing officer’s
    conclusions as to whether the School District’s proposed IEP
    affords John a free, appropriate public education (“FAPE”). That
    appeal is still pending before the district court.
    Nos. 06-3274 & 06-3738                                      5
    present additional evidence.4
    In his motion for a preliminary injunction, John sought
    to maintain the status quo, the May 2004 middle school
    IEP, while the litigation over the proposed high school IEP
    was under consideration by the district court.
    Although ostensibly ruling on the stay-put request, the
    district court addressed extensively the merits of the
    proposed high school IEP and determined that the School
    District, as a practical matter, offered only two options to
    John: (1) a mainstream class without a co-teacher or (2)
    placement in a separate special education classroom. The
    district court then concluded that the School District
    essentially had defaulted John into the special education
    class because his disability prevented him from participat-
    ing in the mainstream classes. The district court held that
    this situation was a violation of the statute because it
    denied John an individual assessment. The district court,
    therefore, vacated the hearing officer’s decision to the
    extent that it was inconsistent with the district court’s
    determination that the proposed high school IEP did not
    offer John a FAPE. The district court then entered a pre-
    liminary injunction that required the School District to pro-
    vide John with an education based on its proposed high
    school IEP with additional features specified by the court.5
    The motion to supplement the administrative record is not
    before us on this appeal.
    The district court’s order is set out as an appendix to this
    6                                     Nos. 06-3274 & 06-3738
    The School District then filed a motion to stay the district
    court’s judgment pending appeal. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 62(c).
    The district court granted the motion in part and denied
    it in part. The district court agreed with the School District
    that the part of its order that required the plaintiffs and
    defendants to work together to create a new IEP crossed
    the line from enforcement of the stay-put placement to a
    merits-based preliminary injunction. It therefore stayed
    subsection 3 of its order, but denied the stay with respect
    to the remainder of the order.
    John first submits that the district court erred when,
    while ruling on his motion for a preliminary injunction to
    enforce the statute’s stay-put provision, it vacated, sua
    sponte, the hearing officer’s decision on the merits.
    After John appealed the merits of the hearing officer’s
    decision to the district court, he filed a motion for a pre-
    liminary injunction to enforce the stay-put provision of the
    statute. In ruling on John’s motion for preliminary injunc-
    tion on the stay-put placement, the district court, sua
    sponte, vacated the decision of the hearing officer and
    ordered the implementation of a regimen that employed
    the proposed high school IEP as its base and added
    other requirements, including a co-teaching services
    component. The School District submits that the district
    court exceeded the bounds of the motion and, by address-
    ing the underlying merits, deprived the School District
    of the right to be heard.
    Nos. 06-3274 & 06-3738                                        7
    The School District is correct. The motion for a prelimi-
    nary injunction to enforce the stay-put provision had not
    placed the merits of the hearing officer’s decision before
    the district court. In asking for preliminary injunctive re-
    lief, John sought to enforce only the stay-put placement
    provision of the statute while he litigated, in the district
    court, the correctness of the hearing officer’s decision.
    Upon the filing of the motion for a preliminary injunc-
    tion, the School District simply was not on notice that
    the district court planned to address, in its consideration
    of that motion, the underlying merits. Consequently, the
    School District did not have an adequate opportunity to
    submit evidence with respect to the appropriateness of
    the proposed high school IEP. The School District simply
    was not given an adequate opportunity to defend itself
    on the merits. Accordingly, we must conclude that it
    was error for the district court to amend sua sponte the
    IEP and to vacate the hearing officer’s decision.
    Our determination is simply an application of the gen-
    eral rule that sua sponte judgments are generally dis-
    favored. See Southern Illinois Riverboat Casino Cruises, Inc. v.
    Triangle Insulation & Sheet Metal Co., 
    302 F.3d 667
    , 677-78
    (7th Cir. 2002). At a minimum, sua sponte judgments are
    proper only when the litigants have proper notice that the
    district court is contemplating entering such a judg-
    ment and have a fair opportunity to submit evidence
    prior to the entry of such a judgment. Sims-Madison v.
    Inland Paperboard & Packaging, Inc., 
    379 F.3d 445
    , 449 (7th
    Cir. 2004).
    We now must examine whether the district court erred
    when it held that co-teaching was required as part of John’s
    stay-put placement.
    8                                     Nos. 06-3274 & 06-3738
    In enacting the stay-put provision, Congress intended “to
    strip schools of the unilateral authority they had tradition-
    ally employed to exclude disabled students . . . from
    school.” Honig v. Doe, 
    484 U.S. 305
    , 323 (1988) (emphasis
    in original). The statute’s stay-put provision requires
    that a child remain in “the same educational placement
    pending the outcome of any proceedings brought pursuant
    to section 1415, unless the parents and the school district
    otherwise agree.” Bd. of Educ. of Cmty. High Sch. Dist. No.
    218 v. Illinois State Bd. of Educ., 
    103 F.3d 545
    , 548 (7th
    Cir. 1996). The term “ ‘educational placement’ is not
    statutorily defined, so that identifying a change in this
    placement is something of an inexact science.” 
    we have admitted to a hesitancy to establish in any defini-
    tive and rigid way the meaning of “educational place-
    ment.” Rather, we have seen wisdom in, and therefore
    have adopted, the fact-driven approach employed by our
    sister circuits. 
    Id. at 549
    . In Board of Education of Community
    High School District No. 218 v. Illinois State Board of Educa-
    103 F.3d 545
     (7th Cir. 1996), we recognized that
    within the term there must be “enough room to en-
    compass [the child’s] experience.” 
     We recognized that
    the educational status quo for a “growing, learning” young
    person often makes rigid adherence to particular educa-
    tional methodologies “an impossibility.” 
     Under these
    circumstances, respect for the purpose of the stay-put
    provision requires that the former IEP be read at a level of
    generality that focuses on the child’s “educational needs
    and goals.” 
    As we pointed out in High School District No. 218, our
    colleagues in the Second Circuit have interpreted “educa-
    tional placement” along the same lines. They have de-
    scribed it to refer to “the general educational program
    Nos. 06-3274 & 06-3738                                         9
    in which a child who is correctly identified as handi-
    capped is enrolled, rather than mere variations in the
    program itself.” Concerned Parents & Citizens for the Continu-
    ing Educ. at Malcolm X (PS 79) v. New York City Bd. of Educ.,
    629 F.2d 751
    , 754 (2d Cir. 1980). In a similar vein, the
    court noted that, the regulations implementing the IDEA
    also interpret the term “placement” to mean “only the
    general program of education.” 
     By contrast, the judges
    likened a change in “educational placement” to involve
    moving a child from a “special class in a regular school to
    a special school.” 
     A more rigid interpretation of
    “educational placement,” the court pointed out, would
    impede the school board’s ability to make “even minor
    discretionary changes within the educational programs
    provided for its students.” 
    Id. at 755
    This perspective is shared as well by our colleagues
    in the Ninth Circuit. They have stated, in Johnson ex rel.
    Johnson v. Special Education Hearing Office, 
    287 F.3d 1176
    (9th Cir. 2002), that all “educational placement” requires
    is “comparable placement.” 
    Id. at 1182
    . In Ms. S ex rel. G.
    Vashon Island School District, 
    337 F.3d 1115
     (9th Cir. 2003)
    (superseded by statute on other grounds), the court
    spoke directly to the situation before us—the progression
    of a child from one level of education to another. When
    a child progresses from preschool to elementary school,
    Similarly, in Casey K. ex rel. Norman K. v. St. Anne Community
    High School Dist. No. 302, 
    400 F.3d 508
     (7th Cir. 2005), we
    held that removing a child from a private school and enrolling
    him in a public school with “completely different teachers,
    curriculum, and classmates” did not comply with the auto-
    matic statutory injunction established by the stay-put provision.
    Id. at 513
    10                                  Nos. 06-3274 & 06-3738
    from elementary school to middle school or from middle
    school to high school, the “status quo no longer exists.” Id.
    at 1133. Under these circumstances, the obligation of the
    new district is to provide educational services that ap-
    proximate the student’s old IEP as closely as possible. Id.
    at 1134.
    We believe that these cases recognize the need for some
    degree of flexibility in interpreting the last agreed-upon
    IEP in a stay-put situation. In complying with the stay-put
    provision, we must interpret “educational placement” to
    incorporate enough flexibility to “encompass [the child’s]
    experience.” High Sch. Dist. No. 218, 
    103 F.3d at 549
    . A
    child’s interim educational regime must produce as closely
    as possible the overall educational experience enjoyed
    by the child under his previous IEP. To achieve that re-
    sult, we must recognize that educational methodologies,
    appropriate and even necessary in one educational envi-
    ronment, are not always effective in another time and place
    in serving a child’s continuing educational needs and
    Nevertheless, when asked to approve an alteration in
    educational methodology in a stay-put order, we must
    give careful attention to the purpose of the stay-put pro-
    vision. The recognized and defined special needs of the
    child and the educational goals originally set by the
    parents and by professional educators must be respected.
    Protestations that educational methodologies proven to be
    helpful to the child in the past are now impossible must
    be evaluated with a critical eye to ensure that motiva-
    tions other than those compatible with the statute, such as
    bureaucratic inertia, are not driving the decision. Sugges-
    tions for methodological change that would dilute
    the statute’s policy of “mainstreaming” disabled chil-
    Nos. 06-3274 & 06-3738                                    11
    dren to the “maximum extent appropriate,” 
    20 U.S.C. § 1412
    (a)(5)(A), deserve particular scrutiny. See Casey K. ex
    rel. Norman K. v. St. Anne Comty. High Sch. Dist. No. 302,
    400 F.3d 508
    , 512 (7th Cir. 2005). The “removal of chil-
    dren with disabilities from the regular educational en-
    vironment occurs only when the nature or the severity of
    the disability of a child is such that education in regular
    classes with the use of supplementary aid and service
    cannot be achieved satisfactorily.” Bd. of Educ. v. Rowley,
    458 U.S. 176
    , 202 n.24 (1982) (internal citations and quota-
    tion marks omitted).
    On remand, the district court must revisit the request
    for interim injunctive relief under the stay-put provision.
    Its starting point must be the May 2004 IEP that governed
    John’s middle school education. This document, as the last
    educational plan agreed upon by the parents and the
    professional educators, is the appropriate basis for stay-
    put relief. Generally, the terms of this IEP should be
    enforced, without exception, as the stay-put relief.
    In examining the May 2004 IEP, the district court must
    note with particular care the precise requirements of the
    IEP. Even if a school has provided a particular service in
    the past, it need not be provided in a stay-put situation if
    it was not within the governing IEP. See Cordrey v. Eukert,
    917 F.2d 1460
    , 1468 (6th Cir. 1990); Gregory K. v. Longview
    Sch. Dist., 
    811 F.2d 1307
    , 1313-14 (9th Cir. 1987). If the
    parties dispute what the IEP requires, as they do here
    with respect to co-teaching, the court must evaluate the
    IEP as a whole and determine whether such a meth-
    odology is required under the terms of the IEP. Under
    12                                  Nos. 06-3274 & 06-3738
    usual circumstances, the court should find it unnecessary
    to go beyond the four corners of the document in order
    to make that determination. However, vagueness in the
    instrument with respect to how its goals are to be achieved
    may require that the court turn to extrinsic evidence to
    determine the intent of those who formulated the plan. See
    Doe v. Defendant I, 
    898 F.2d 1186
    , 1190 (6th Cir. 1990)
    (noting that it would “exalt form over substance” to ig-
    nore information known to parents and administrators
    simply because it was not contained in the four corners
    of the IEP). A methodology not mentioned in the plan
    may well indicate that those who formulated the plan did
    not consider that particular methodology a necessary
    component to the plan—although they well may have
    intended that some comparable methodology be imple-
    mented. See Erickson v. Albuquerque Pub. Schs., 
    199 F.3d 1116
    , 1121-22 (10th Cir. 1999) (holding that, when IEP
    simply required occupational therapy, the substitution
    of one type of occupational therapy for another was per-
    missible). Here, the term “co-teaching” is not mentioned
    in the May 2004 IEP itself. Therefore, the district court
    ought to determine, after evaluating the entire May 2004
    IEP as a totality, whether the parties regarded this method-
    ology as an essential part of the plan or as simply one of
    several ways by which the plan could be implemented.
    As we noted earlier, in answering this question, the court
    will need to explore precisely how the plan was imple-
    mented at Haven. The exact method of implementation
    is not apparent on this record and the accounts of the
    parties are not compatible.
    Knowledge of precisely how this feature of the plan
    was implemented at Haven is important for another
    reason. In examining the manner in which the plan was
    Nos. 06-3274 & 06-3738                                     13
    implemented in the middle school environment, the dis-
    trict court will be able to gauge far more accurately the
    School District’s claim that implementation of that method-
    ology in the institutional setting of a high school is not
    possible. As we have said earlier, if the district court finds
    that the methodology employed in the middle school is
    actually part of the May 2004 IEP, the court must require
    very compelling evidence from the School District before
    permitting a deviation from the course already set. How-
    ever, the court might determine nevertheless that the
    high school setting makes the use of such an approach
    counterproductive in terms of the goals of the IEP or
    impossible to implement. The court then may allow the
    parties to propose an alternative. This alternative should
    be as close as possible to the approach used in the middle
    school but nevertheless compatible with the goals of the
    IEP and the institutional demands of the high school
    setting. On the other hand, if the court determines that the
    methodology is not part of the IEP but simply a method-
    ology chosen by the middle school educational profession-
    als, that particular methodology need not be included in
    the stay-put order. The district court should then permit
    the high school authorities to choose the approach that
    they believe will be most effective in the implementation
    of the IEP.
    The district court must address another matter. The
    district court took the view that the School District had
    waived the argument that it would be impossible to
    implement, in the new high school environment, the
    concept of co-teaching. The district court found that the
    School District had waived any impossibility argument
    when it agreed, before the hearing officer, to implement
    the May 2004 IEP. We do not believe that the record can
    14                                   Nos. 06-3274 & 06-3738
    support that finding. In its briefs before the district court,
    the School District did state explicitly that it would be
    “impossible” to provide co-teaching services to John due
    to the differing course and curriculum arrangements at
    the high school. It is also true that the School District
    agreed to implement John’s May 2004 middle school IEP
    during the stay-put period. We believe, however, that
    given the School District’s explicit statement about co-
    teaching services, which are not mentioned explicitly in
    the document, we must interpret its willingness to imple-
    ment the May 2004 middle school IEP as a statement that
    it is willing to read the IEP as the School District main-
    tains that it should be read—without the co-teaching
    service. The School District had agreed to implement the
    four corners of the last agreed-upon IEP as required under
    the IDEA, but also had mentioned explicitly the impossi-
    bility of providing co-teaching services, a service it main-
    tains is not part of the May 2004 middle school IEP. Under
    these circumstances, we cannot sustain a finding that
    the School District has waived any impossibility argument.
    For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the district
    court is reversed and the case is remanded for proceedings
    consistent with this opinion. The School District may
    recover its costs on this appeal.
    Nos. 06-3274 & 06-3738                                   15
    Plaintiff John M.’s motion of March 28, 2006 to supple-
    ment to administrative record and present additional
    evidence (Dkt. No. 21) is granted. John M.’s motion of
    March 28, 2006 for preliminary injunction and to enforce
    the stay put placement (Dkt. No. 19) is granted to extent
    that this court orders the vacating of the hearing officer’s
    Until the parties can agree to a proper IEP for John in
    compliance with the IDEA, the court orders the following
    preliminary injunction:
    (1) ETHS is ordered to provide education to John that it
    previously promised to provide under the prior IEP as
    proposed by ETHS, if so desired by John’s parents. The
    prior IEP shall serve as a baseline with the following
    additions as set forth below in section (2).
    (2) ETHS is ordered to provide the following additions to
    the baseline IEP, if John’s parents so desire:
    (a) ETHS shall create a proposed schedule for John that
    will be used should John be placed in regular non-special
    education classes including the classes of English, History,
    Mathematics and Science. ETHS shall also designate
    responsible teachers in these regular education classes
    who shall communicate their lesson plans and other
    relevant material to John’s special education teachers so
    that John shall receive as much regular class education
    as possible until the issue of John’s placement into
    regular classes can be determined by the parties and this
    court. John’s special education teachers shall attempt to
    utilize, where possible, all available textbooks, equipment
    and other applicable materials that are used in the instruc-
    tion of non-disabled students in regular classes. ETHS shall
    16                                 Nos. 06-3274 & 06-3738
    provide John’s parents written copies of the materials
    provided by the regular class teachers to the special
    education teacher and the lesson plans used by the
    special education teachers. These written reports to John’s
    parents shall be made on weekly basis unless another
    schedule is agreed to by ETHS and John’s parents.
    (b) ETHS shall provide John with a minimum of 800
    minutes per week of special education instruction in
    compliance with the instructions in subsection (a) unless
    a lesser amount of time is otherwise agreed to by John’s
    (c) ETHS shall provide John with 120 minutes per week
    of social work services and 120 minutes per week of
    speech therapy unless a lesser amount of time is otherwise
    agreed to by John’s parents. The social worker and speech
    therapist shall strive to work with John in social settings
    and otherwise attempt to integrate John into the non-
    disabled community in ETHS in the spirit of the “Circle of
    Friends” program.
    (d) ETHS shall allow John to participate in any ETHS
    activity, intramural sports, club or extra-curricular pro-
    gram available to non-disabled students unless ETHS
    can articulate a valid, non-discriminatory reasoning for
    John’s exclusion.
    (e) ETHS is ordered to place John in a regular physical
    education class if John’s parents so desire unless ETHS as
    able to articulate a valid, non-discriminatory reason for
    John’s exclusion.
    (f) ETHS cannot exclude John from any resource,
    such as the resource room, that is available to any other
    ETHS student, both disabled and non-disabled.
    Nos. 06-3274 & 06-3738                                  17
    (3) ETHS is ordered to meet with John’s parents, and any
    other individual that John’s parents designate, to work in
    good faith to create a new IEP for John in order to deter-
    mine the free, appropriate public education in the least
    restrictive environment for John at ETHS. This IEP shall
    be based on an individual assessment of John in accor-
    dance with the requirements of IDEA. The IEP shall
    determine, at a minimum:
    (a) John’s placement in either special education or
    regular education classes.
    (b) Resources to be made available to John at ETHS,
    including teachers, therapists, computers, textbooks
    and equipment. ETHS must state the number of min-
    utes that each resource will be devoted to John’s
    (c) The parties’ positions on a “Circle of Friends” type
    program for John.
    (d) Processes in place to integrate John, to the extent
    desired by John and within the limitations of the
    circumstances, into the community of both disabled
    and non-disabled students at ETHS.
    (4) ETHS and John’s parents shall confer in good faith as
    to the exchange of information and other discovery as to
    John’s progress. ETHS shall make its educators, staff and
    other appropriate material available to John’s parents, and
    John’s parents’ representatives, during the discussion
    of the proposed IEP. Additionally, John’s parents, their
    attorney, and their proposed expert Dr. Schwarz, shall
    be permitted to observe John’s treatment at ETHS.
    The parties are to complete their proposed IEP by no
    later than September 15, 2006. The proposed IEP and
    18                                   Nos. 06-3274 & 06-3738
    supporting evidence shall be submitted to this court, with
    accompanying briefs by no later than September 29, 2006
    Cross responses are due by October 13, 2006. This case
    is set for a report on status on October 24, 2006 at 9:00 a.m.
    R.34 at 11-14.
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit