United States v. Anderson, Dexter ( 2006 )

  •                            In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 04-4113 & 04-4173
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.
    No. 03 CR 261—William C. Griesbach, Judge.
    Before CUDAHY, MANION, and SYKES, Circuit Judges.
    SYKES, Circuit Judge. A jury found Dexter Anderson and
    Valencia Parsons guilty of several charges stemming from
    their involvement in a crack cocaine conspiracy operating in
    Green Bay, Wisconsin. Both appeal, claiming that Sixth
    Amendment and due process violations occurred during
    trial. Anderson also challenges the probable cause for the
    warrant used to search his Milwaukee apartment. We
    2                                   Nos. 04-4113 & 04-4173
    I. Background
    After receiving a tip from a confidential informant and
    conducting some follow-up investigation of his own, Agent
    Bernard Bolf of the Drug Enforcement Administration
    (“DEA”) arranged a series of controlled drug buys in Green
    Bay from two crack cocaine dealers known as “Dex” (or
    “Deck” or “Derek Mitchell,” among other names) and
    “Ebony.” Bolf believed “Dex” and “Ebony” to be Dexter
    Anderson and Valencia Parsons. Each of the controlled buys
    followed the same pattern. Renee Rogers, a crack user
    cooperating with Bolf, would call Dex on his cell phone and
    say she needed crack. Ebony would deliver the crack, each
    time arriving in either a 1991 Pontiac Grand Am (registered
    to Valencia Parsons) or a 2001 Chrysler Town & Country
    minivan (registered to Dexter Anderson). Rogers would pay
    Ebony with marked bills, and Ebony would give Rogers the
    crack, which Rogers would then turn over to Agent Bolf.
    After five controlled buys Bolf sought a search warrant for
    Anderson’s Milwaukee apartment and Parsons’ Green Bay
    residence. Though the buys took place in Green Bay, Bolf’s
    investigation linked Anderson to the apartment in Milwau-
    kee. Bolf also had evidence that Anderson orchestrated
    some of his deals from Milwaukee. In addition, four other
    informants working with Bolf said they called the same cell
    phone number Rogers called during the controlled buys to
    speak with a man named Dex about buying crack. One
    informant identified Dex as Dexter Anderson; she estimated
    she bought crack from him over 100 times. Another infor-
    mant identified Valencia Parsons as Ebony and said that
    Parsons told him to call “Dek” to buy crack; the same
    informant said he knew Parsons sold crack for Anderson.
    Phone records showed that shortly after Anderson received
    calls from the informants, he called Parsons’ phone number.
    Bolf got his warrant.
    A search of both residences turned up incriminating
    evidence. In Anderson’s Milwaukee apartment, officers
    Nos. 04-4113 & 04-4173                                       3
    found a cell phone matching the number that Renee Rogers
    called during the controlled buys. The phone also showed
    that in the hours before agents executed the warrant,
    Anderson had called Parsons’ cell phone. Agents also found
    over 61 grams of crack in false-bottom containers, $800 in
    cash in another false-bottom container, two guns, and a
    vehicle title sale for the 1991 Pontiac Grand Am. At Par-
    sons’ Green Bay residence, agents found the cell phone
    matching the number that Anderson had called, several
    rocks of crack, a title and license application for the 1991
    Pontiac Grand Am in Parsons’ name, and a key for the 2001
    Chrysler van registered to Anderson. Agents also located
    the van and recovered cocaine base from inside it.
    Anderson and Parsons were charged with conspiracy to
    distribute crack cocaine, possession with intent to distribute
    crack cocaine, and distribution of crack cocaine. (Anderson
    was also charged with being a felon in possession of fire-
    arms, but that is unimportant to this appeal.) Agent Bolf
    testified at trial about his conversations with informants,
    and most of the informants also testified. The informant
    who first tipped Bolf off, however, did not testify. In a brief
    exchange the government asked Bolf about what the
    nontestifying informant told him:
    Q: In the winter of 2002 or thereabouts, did you receive
    information from an informant about a person with the
    nickname or name Deck or Dex?
    A. Yes, I did, about November, December of 2002.
    Q: And at the time you received that information from
    that informant about Deck or Dex, did you know
    immediately who that was?
    A: No, I did not.
    Q: Was your information that a Deck or a Dex was an
    individual who sold drugs, though?
    4                                   Nos. 04-4113 & 04-4173
    A: Yes. The individual had told me that Deck was
    coming. I’m sorry. The individual told me that Deck was
    an individual coming up to Green Bay and having crack
    cocaine sold by a young female he called Ebony from
    various hotels in the area.
    Five witnesses—four of whom either used or dealt and
    bought drugs directly from the defendants—identified
    Anderson and Parsons as Dex and Ebony. These witnesses
    identified the drugs they purchased as crack. Bolf also
    identified the drugs from the controlled buys as crack. The
    parties stipulated that a government expert would testify
    that the evidentiary substances he tested were cocaine base,
    and the judge read the stipulation into evidence. During
    closing argument, however, the prosecutor mischaracterized
    the stipulation several times, telling jurors that the parties
    agreed the substance was crack.
    The jury convicted Anderson and Parsons on all counts,
    although Parsons was found guilty of conspiring to distrib-
    ute only five grams of crack, rather than the fifty or more
    grams for which she was charged. Anderson was found
    guilty of conspiring to distribute fifty or more grams of
    crack. The judge sentenced Anderson to twenty-five years,
    based in part on the twenty-year minimum applicable to a
    defendant with Anderson’s criminal history who is convicted
    of crack offenses. Both Anderson and Parsons appeal, with
    Parsons seeking a new trial and Anderson seeking a new
    trial or (at least) a new sentence.
    II. Discussion
    Anderson and Parsons raise several issues between them.
    Both argue that Agent Bolf’s testimony about his conversa-
    tions with the confidential informant who did not testify
    was inadmissible hearsay and violated their Sixth Amend-
    ment right to confront witnesses against them. They also
    argue that the prosecutor’s mischaracterization of the
    Nos. 04-4113 & 04-4173                                        5
    parties’ stipulation about drug type misled the jury into
    thinking it did not need to determine the type of drug in
    question. Parsons individually makes a due process claim
    based on what she asserts is the cumulative prejudicial
    effect of the following: (1) the failure to sever her trial from
    Anderson’s, (2) a witness’s reference to having seen a
    “booking photo” of Parsons, and (3) Bolf’s testimony about
    conversations he had with the informants who were called
    to testify. Finally, Anderson claims that the search warrant
    for his Milwaukee apartment was not supported by proba-
    ble cause.
    A. Sixth Amendment Rights
    Bolf testified to information provided by the confidential
    informant who first tipped him off about Dex and Ebony’s
    drug business, but this particular informant never testified
    at trial. Anderson and Parsons argue that this hearsay
    testimony violated their Sixth Amendment right to confront
    the witnesses against them. They failed to object below so
    we review only for plain error. See United States v.
    437 F.3d 684
    , 690 (7th Cir. 2006). To win
    reversal under the plain error test, Anderson and Parsons
    must first show there was error, that it was plain, and that
    it affected their substantial rights. United States v. Cotton,
    535 U.S. 625
    , 631 (2002).
    The government concedes that eliciting testimony from
    Bolf about what the nontestifying informant told him about
    Anderson and Parsons violated their confrontation rights.
    See Crawford v. Washington, 
    541 U.S. 36
     (2004); see also
    United States v. Silva, 
    380 F.3d 1018
    , 1020 (7th Cir. 2004).
    Accordingly, Anderson and Parsons have only to show an
    effect on their substantial rights, meaning the outcome of
    the trial was influenced by the error. If they do, we may
    exercise our discretion to reverse, but will do so only if the
    error “seriously affects the fairness, integrity, or public
    reputation of judicial proceedings.” Cotton, 
    535 U.S. at
    6                                   Nos. 04-4113 & 04-4173
    32. We have sometimes put this last part of the test differ-
    ently, requiring a “miscarriage of justice” before a plain
    error will warrant reversal. See, e.g., United States v.
    440 F.3d 414
    , 416 (7th Cir. 2006) (“[Plain] error is
    not correctable without proof that intolerable prejudice or
    a miscarriage of justice has occurred.” (quotations omitted)).
    If there is a serious risk that an innocent person has been
    found guilty, United States v. Paladino, 
    401 F.3d 471
    , 481
    (7th Cir. 2005), or if there is closely contested evidence on
    both sides of an issue, United States v. Westmoreland, 
    240 F.3d 618
    , 635 (7th Cir. 2001), we will reverse under the
    plain error standard. There is no plain error when the
    defendant would have lost anyway, see, e.g., United States
    v. Raney, 
    342 F.3d 551
    , 559-60 (7th Cir. 2003); United
    States v. Hernandez, 
    330 F.3d 964
    , 969-70 (7th Cir. 2003),
    and this case is a good example of that principle.
    The evidence against Anderson and Parsons, even absent
    the hearsay, was overwhelming. Five witnesses identified
    Anderson and Parsons as Dex and Ebony and testified that
    the two repeatedly sold crack cocaine. Renee Rogers, for
    instance, testified that she met Anderson personally and
    that he went by the name “Dex.” Rogers described how she
    bought crack cocaine from Dex for personal consumption
    and also middled deals for him. Rogers identified Eb-
    ony—Parsons—as the person who usually delivered the
    crack to her. Likewise, Mendell Campbell, an admitted
    crack dealer, identified Anderson as one of his suppliers and
    testified that Anderson used the alias “Derek Mitchell” for
    his drug sales in Green Bay. Campbell identified Parsons as
    Ebony and testified that Anderson supplied her with crack,
    too. Lakina Campbell, Mendell Campbell’s wife, also
    identified Parsons as Ebony and testified that Anderson
    supplied her husband with crack, which Parsons sometimes
    Lisa Larson, a self-described crack addict, testified that
    she bought crack from Anderson, whom she knew as “D.”
    Nos. 04-4113 & 04-4173                                      7
    According to Larson, sometimes Parsons, who went by the
    name “Ebony,” delivered the crack. Finally, Alexander
    Richard testified that he bought crack from Anderson,
    whom he knew as Dex, both for personal use and resale.
    Richard said Parsons, whom he knew as Ebony, would
    sometimes deliver the crack to him. At least three of the
    witnesses—Rogers, Larson, and Richard—called the same
    cell phone number to place their orders. Police found that
    cell phone in Anderson’s apartment along with over fifty
    grams of crack, two electronic scales (one with cocaine
    residue on it), inositol (a common cutting agent for cocaine),
    a large amount of cash, and two loaded guns. Parsons had
    crack in her apartment and the key to the 2001 Town &
    Country minivan used to deliver drugs during the con-
    trolled buys. The van had crack in it, too. Anderson and
    Parsons were doomed even without the hearsay testimony;
    they cannot pass the plain error test.
    B. Prosecutor’s Misleading           Statements      During
    Closing Arguments
    The prosecution had the burden of proving the substances
    Anderson and Parsons dealt were crack. The parties
    stipulated that the government’s expert would testify that
    the evidentiary substances he tested were cocaine base. But
    at closing, the prosecutor mischaracterized the stipulation,
    telling the jury no less than four times that Anderson and
    Parsons stipulated that the substances they dealt were
    crack. Since not all cocaine base is crack, see United States
    v. Edwards, 
    397 F.3d 570
    , 571 (7th Cir. 2005), Anderson
    and Parsons now claim that the prosecutor’s closing
    argument misled the jury into believing it did not need to
    determine drug type. That, they say, violated their due
    process rights.
    Anderson makes the additional argument that even if the
    mischaracterization is not grounds for a new trial, his
    8                                    Nos. 04-4113 & 04-4173
    sentence was adversely influenced by this error. Because of
    his criminal history, Anderson was subject to a mandatory
    minimum sentence of twenty years for dealing crack.
    Without the finding that the drug was crack, his sentence
    would have been lower.
    Again, Anderson and Parsons raise this issue for the first
    time on appeal, so our review is for plain error. Again, the
    government concedes error. Anderson and Parsons must
    show the outcome would have been different without the
    prosecutor’s misstatements during closing argument.
    United States v. Bowman, 
    353 F.3d 546
    , 550 (7th Cir. 2003).
    Improper statements during closing argument are rarely
    reversible error. 
     To determine whether the prosecutor’s
    improper comments deprived Anderson and Parsons of a
    fair trial, we consider the following factors, in the context of
    the entire record: (1) the nature and seriousness of the
    misconduct, (2) the extent to which the defense invited the
    comments, (3) the defendants’ opportunity to counter the
    prejudice, (4) the extent to which a jury instruction cured
    the prejudice, and (5) the weight of the evidence supporting
    the conviction. 
    In light of the record as a whole, we conclude that the
    prosecutor’s misstatements during closing argument did not
    prejudice Anderson and Parsons. This is not to say the
    mischaracterization of the stipulation was not a serious
    error; it is never appropriate for a prosecutor to tell jurors
    that an open factual question is no longer at issue, unless
    it is true. It was not true here and the prosecutor’s state-
    ments were entirely improper. There is also no doubt that
    the defense did not invite the prosecutor’s comments. On
    the other hand, Anderson and Parsons had a clear opportu-
    nity to counter the prejudice. For starters, they could have
    objected to any one (or all) of the prosecutor’s
    mischaracterizations of the stipulation. They also could
    have straightened the matter out in their own closing
    Nos. 04-4113 & 04-4173                                     9
    arguments. They could have asked the judge to give a
    curative instruction. They took none of these steps.
    In any event, the judge instructed the jury that it had to
    find beyond a reasonable doubt that the substances in
    question were crack cocaine. The special verdict form also
    made it clear that jurors were to decide whether the
    substances in question were crack. The judge gave the
    standard instruction that the prosecutor’s closing argument
    was argument, not evidence. Moreover, the stipulation itself
    was read into evidence, so jurors knew its actual terms;
    they were instructed that if the prosecutor’s argument
    contradicted the evidence, the evidence controlled.
    Beyond that, the evidence convincingly established that
    Anderson and Parsons dealt crack, so the result of this case
    would have been no different without the prosecutor’s
    misstatements. We have repeatedly held that the govern-
    ment can prove a substance is crack by offering testimony
    from people familiar with the drug, including those who sell
    or use crack, since they are the real experts. E.g., United
    States v. Booker, 
    260 F.3d 820
    , 824 (7th Cir. 2001); United
    States v. Linton, 
    235 F.3d 328
    , 329-30 (7th Cir. 2000);
    United States v. Bradley, 
    165 F.3d 594
    , 596 (7th Cir. 1999).
    Here, four admitted crack users or dealers testified that
    they bought crack from Anderson and Parsons. Also,
    Mendell Campbell’s wife, Lakina, who was familiar with
    crack, testified that she saw the substance her husband was
    getting from Anderson and Parsons and it was crack.
    Finally, DEA Agent Bolf testified that the drugs in question
    were crack. Given the substantial weight of this evidence,
    the mischaracterization of the stipulation during closing
    argument cannot have affected the outcome; the govern-
    ment satisfied its burden of proving beyond a reasonable
    doubt that Anderson and Parsons were dealing crack. See
    165 F.3d at 596
     (noting that by itself the testimony
    of those experienced with crack is enough to establish that
    the substance was crack).
    10                                  Nos. 04-4113 & 04-4173
    C. Parson’s Claim of Cumulative Errors
    Parsons argues that the cumulative prejudice of three
    additional errors denied her a fair trial. Like her other
    claims, Parsons raises this one for the first time on appeal,
    so our review is for plain error. First, Parsons claims her
    trial should have been severed from Anderson’s. There is a
    presumption, however, that coconspirators will be tried
    jointly, United States v. McClurge, 
    311 F.3d 866
    , 871 (7th
    Cir. 2002), and to overcome that presumption, Parsons
    must show actual prejudice, United States v. Wilson, 
    237 F.3d 827
    , 835 (7th Cir. 2001). She argues she was preju-
    diced by the spill-over effect of evidence about the infor-
    mants’ long-standing relationships with Anderson, buying
    drugs for use or resale. But Parsons delivered the drugs in
    the five controlled buys and witnesses testified that they
    dealt with her, too. There was crack cocaine in her apart-
    ment and in the van that was linked to the drug sales, to
    which she had the key. Cell phone records showed she
    communicated with Anderson often. Any spill-over evidence
    could hardly have tipped the scales against her.
    Parsons also contends that when Anderson took the stand
    and testified that “Derek Mitchell” is actually someone
    else—not him—and that Parsons was dating Derek Mitch-
    ell, she was effectively forced to fend off two prosecutors.
    Parsons argues that she had to choose between adopting the
    government’s theory that her codefendant Anderson was
    Derek Mitchell or Anderson’s theory that Derek Mitchell
    was someone else. Why? Parsons’ defense was that she was
    not Ebony and she did not sell drugs. Whether “Derek
    Mitchell” was Anderson’s alias or an unrelated third party
    had no bearing on her defense that she was not Ebony. At
    any rate, a showing of actual prejudice requires that
    Parsons did not have a fair trial, not that she would have
    had a better shot in a separate one. United States v.
    310 F.3d 557
    , 563 (7th Cir. 2002). The joint trial
    did not prejudice Parsons.
    Nos. 04-4113 & 04-4173                                     11
    Parsons also contends that a witness’s mention of having
    seen a “booking photo” of Parsons was prejudicial, espe-
    cially because the judge did not give a curative instruction.
    But the witness corrected himself on cross-examination and
    stated that the photo was from a government-issued
    identification card, not a booking photo. Parsons’ attorney
    reiterated the point during closing argument: “[Y]ou heard
    the reference to a mug shot. But there is no mug shot of
    Valencia Parsons. She’s not that kind of person. It was a
    Government I.D. application.”
    On this point, Parsons cites United States v. Reed, 
    376 F.2d 226
     (7th Cir. 1967), but the case is distinguishable.
    Reed involved repeated references to an investigator’s use
    of the defendant’s “mug shots” taken in prison, and the
    prejudice to the defendant flowed from the fact that the
    photos in question actually were prison mug shots of the
    defendant. This court held that although objections to the
    “mug shot” references were sustained, the damage to the
    presumption of innocence was done. 
    Id. at 228
    . Here, unlike
    in Reed, the single reference to a “booking photo” of Parsons
    was corrected on cross-examination, and the jury was
    reminded of the correction during closing argument. The
    judge gave no curative instruction because none was
    needed. No prejudice resulted.
    Finally, Agent Bolf testified about statements made to
    him during his investigation by three of the informants who
    testified at the trial. Parsons maintains that this, too, was
    prejudicial error. She argues that the informants’ state-
    ments to Bolf were hearsay and nothing more than “a back-
    door attempt” by the prosecutor to bolster the credibility of
    “admitted drug users and dealers” who testified for the
    government seeking “consideration or immunity for their
    testimony.” If so, then there was no error in the first place;
    prior consistent statements of a testifying witness are
    admissible for this purpose and are not hearsay. See FED. R.
    EVID. 801(d)(1)(B); United States v. Green, 
    258 F.3d 683
    12                                  Nos. 04-4113 & 04-4173
    690-92 (7th Cir. 2001); United States v. Anderson, 
    303 F.3d 847
    , 858-59 (7th Cir. 2002). All three informants testified at
    trial, were subjected to cross-examination, and their
    credibility was attacked. Regardless, there was no preju-
    dice. No fewer than five witnesses familiar with the defen-
    dants’ crack dealing told such similar stories that the
    evidence supporting guilt was overwhelming even without
    Bolf’s testimony about the informants’ statements to him.
    D. Probable Cause for the Search Warrant
    Finally, Anderson maintains that Bolf’s affidavit in
    support of the application for a search warrant for Ander-
    son’s Milwaukee apartment did not establish probable
    cause. He claims there was no reason to believe that a
    search of his Milwaukee residence would turn up any
    contraband. He notes that the Chrysler van was registered
    to a Dexter Anderson at a different Milwaukee address and
    the drug running was going on in Green Bay. We review
    determinations of probable cause de novo. United States v.
    440 F.3d 865
    , 868 (7th Cir. 2006).
    The probable cause inquiry is practical, not technical, and
    we consider the totality of the circumstances. Illinois v.
    462 U.S. 213
    , 230-31 (1983). Where, as here, an
    affidavit is all that was presented to the issuing judge, the
    warrant’s validity rests on the strength of the affidavit.
    United States v. Peck, 
    317 F.3d 754
    , 755 (7th Cir. 2003).
    Probable cause does not require direct evidence linking a
    crime to a particular place. United States v. Lamon, 
    930 F.2d 1183
    , 1188 (7th Cir. 1991). Instead, issuing judges are
    entitled to draw reasonable inferences about where evi-
    dence is likely to be found given “the nature of the evidence
    and the type of offense.” 
     (quotation omitted). In the case
    of drug dealers, evidence is often found at their residences.
     Here, we evaluate whether the affidavit gave the
    magistrate judge information that suggested a “fair proba-
    bility that contraband or evidence of a crime” would be
    Nos. 04-4113 & 04-4173                                        13
    found at Anderson’s Milwaukee apartment. Gates, 
    462 U.S. at 238
    . We are satisfied that it did.
    Agent Bolf had substantial evidence that Anderson sold
    crack. At least two of Bolf’s informants identified Anderson
    as the dealer from whom they purchased crack. One of the
    two estimated she purchased crack from Anderson over 100
    times. That same informant performed five controlled buys
    under Bolf’s supervision. Each time, she dialed a cell phone
    number that she knew to be Anderson’s and spoke with a
    man whom she believed to be Anderson. Four other infor-
    mants told Bolf they placed drug orders by calling the same
    cell phone number. Bolf had evidence suggesting Anderson’s
    link to the Milwaukee area and the particular apartment
    specified in the warrant application. For example, cell
    phone records show Anderson often received calls in the
    Milwaukee area. One of the cars used to deliver drugs to
    Rogers during the controlled buys was registered to Dexter
    Anderson in Milwaukee, albeit at an address ten or eleven
    blocks from the address Bolf wanted to search. But proba-
    tion records, post office records, energy company records,
    and the management of the apartment complex all con-
    firmed that Dexter Anderson lived at the Milwaukee
    address specified in the warrant application. The magis-
    trate judge had probable cause to issue the warrant.1
    Anderson argues that Bolf ’s affidavit falsely stated that
    Anderson was selling drugs in Green Bay as far back as January
    2000. Anderson apparently was in a Texas prison in January
    2000, but his argument on this point requires little comment. The
    search warrant affidavit says Anderson was involved in a drug-
    selling conspiracy that dated back to January 2000, not that
    Anderson was actually selling drugs at that time.
    14                              Nos. 04-4113 & 04-4173
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit

Document Info

Docket Number: 04-4113

Judges: Per Curiam

Filed Date: 6/9/2006

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/24/2015

Authorities (24)

United States v. Gerald L. Sidwell , 440 F.3d 865 ( 2006 )

United States v. Juan Jose Silva , 380 F.3d 1018 ( 2004 )

United States v. Terrance McClurge and Reneiko Carlisle , 311 F.3d 866 ( 2002 )

United States v. Orrin Scott Reed , 376 F.2d 226 ( 1967 )

United States v. Nazareth Wilson , 237 F.3d 827 ( 2001 )

United States v. Guy J. Westmoreland , 240 F.3d 618 ( 2001 )

United States v. Plaze E. Anderson, Also Known as Plaze ... , 303 F.3d 847 ( 2002 )

United States v. Abraham Hernandez , 330 F.3d 964 ( 2003 )

United States v. Chad Hughes and Gary Bovey , 310 F.3d 557 ( 2002 )

United States v. Kenneth J. Raney , 342 F.3d 551 ( 2003 )

United States v. Sean A. Peck , 317 F.3d 754 ( 2003 )

United States v. Michael L. Lamon, Also Known as Michael L. ... , 930 F.2d 1183 ( 1991 )

united-states-v-robert-d-paladino-united-states-of-america-v-randy , 401 F.3d 471 ( 2005 )

United States v. Carl Edwards , 397 F.3d 570 ( 2005 )

United States v. Vernard L. Green, Jr. , 258 F.3d 683 ( 2001 )

United States v. Reggie Booker , 260 F.3d 820 ( 2001 )

United States of America, Plaintiff-Appellee/cross-... , 165 F.3d 594 ( 1999 )

United States v. Wesley Bowman , 353 F.3d 546 ( 2003 )

United States v. Vincent McCaffrey , 437 F.3d 684 ( 2006 )

United States v. James S. Linton , 235 F.3d 328 ( 2000 )

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