ADM Investor Serv v. Collins, Mark W. ( 2008 )

  •                             In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 06-4412
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 05 C 1823—John F. Grady, Judge.
    Before EASTERBROOK, Chief Judge, and BAUER and
    KANNE, Circuit Judges.
    EASTERBROOK, Chief Judge. Mark Collins traded futures
    contracts on the Chicago Board of Trade through ADM
    Investor Services, a futures commission merchant (the
    equivalent of a stockbroker for derivatives). Over
    the course of 18 months, Collins made almost $1 million.
    His last trade, on July 27, 2004, was in soybean contracts.
    Collins purchased 40 contracts for delivery in August 2004
    while selling 40 contracts for delivery in November.
    Matched pairs of long and short contracts take a posi-
    tion in the difference between the prices, which the
    futures business calls the spread. On July 27 the August
    contract was selling for $6.69 per bushel and the Novem-
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    ber contract for $5.89, a spread of 80¢. Collins stood
    to make money if the spread increased and to lose if
    it decreased.
    Three days later the spread was down to 30¢. The
    November price had declined to $5.69, so the short posi-
    tion for that month had increased in value, but the August
    price stood at $5.995, and Collins had lost $99,000 more
    on his long position than he gained on his short posi-
    tion. ADM made a margin call. Collins posted only
    $15,000, so ADM liquidated his position by offsetting
    purchases. It sent Collins a bill for $85,521.83, which he
    did not pay. ADM filed this suit under the diversity
    jurisdiction to collect, and the district court entered
    judgment in its favor. 
    2006 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 3282
     (N.D. Ill.
    Jan. 26, 2006), 
    2006 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 68049
     (N.D. Ill. Sept.
    26, 2006).
    Collins has two defenses. One is that Shell Rock Enter-
    prises, an introducing broker, has paid ADM about $75,000
    under its contractual guarantee of Collins’s trades. This
    means, Collins insists, that ADM is not the real party
    in interest. The brief reads as if counsel (Collins’s brother)
    had never heard of the collateral-source doctrine. That a
    third party reimburses part of a loss does not disable
    the injured person from recovering under tort or contract
    law. ADM did not assign its rights to Shell Rock (there
    is no subrogation agreement), so ADM is the proper
    plaintiff. How ADM and Shell Rock settle accounts be-
    tween themselves is none of Collins’s business.
    The other defense is that the soybean contracts were
    “illegal” because on July 27, 2004, a margin call was
    outstanding on another of Collins’s trades. He insists
    that ADM should have used the money tendered as mar-
    gin on the soybean spread to satisfy the margin call on the
    existing trade; had ADM done this, it could not have
    executed the soybean-spread trades, because the initial
    No. 06-4412                                                3
    margin would have been insufficient. Rule 431.012(11) of
    the Chicago Board of Trade provides:
    Members shall not accept orders for new trades
    from a customer, unless the minimum initial
    margin on the new trades is deposited and unless
    the margin on old commitments in an account
    equals or exceeds the initial requirements on
    hedging and spreading trades and/or the mainte-
    nance requirements specified in Regulations
    431.03 and 431.05 on all other trades.
    The Commodity Exchange Act requires futures commis-
    sion merchants to abide by a board of trade’s rules; it
    follows, Collins insists, that his trades of July 27 were
    illegal and that he need not cover his losses. He invokes
    the principle that courts do not enforce “illegal con-
    tracts”—for example, cartel agreements or wagering
    debts in states where gambling is prohibited. ADM replies
    that on July 27 Collins still had time to meet the margin
    call on his older trades, so “the maintenance require-
    ments specified in Regulations 431.03 and 431.05 on all
    other trades” did not prevent ADM from allowing its
    customer to make additional trades. We need not decide
    whether this is right, because Collins’s argument
    founders on more fundamental grounds.
    A soybean spread is not “illegal” in the sense of the rule
    against enforcing “illegal contracts.” There is nothing
    unlawful about buying or selling futures contracts for
    soybeans. They are freely traded on public exchanges. A
    contract does not become “illegal” just because a trader
    fails to put down a deposit (that’s what margin is in a
    futures market), any more than a buyer’s failure to
    post earnest money makes a contract to sell Blackacre
    “illegal.” Failure to post security as required enables
    the other side to rescind but does not provide benefits
    to the person who has failed to honor his own obligations.
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    Another way to see this is to ask why margin is re-
    quired in futures transactions. In securities markets, the
    full purchase price must be paid to the seller before a
    transaction is complete; margin is a loan from the dealer
    to the customer, secured by the assets acquired in the
    transaction. The Federal Reserve regulates these loans,
    along with many other aspects of financial intermedia-
    tion, as part of its control of the aggregate money sup-
    ply. Regulation of this kind could be seen as an effort to
    protect the general public from the effects of investors’ and
    brokers’ activities. Margin in the futures business, by
    contrast, does not represent an extension of credit, and
    there are no third-party effects.
    A futures contract is executory; no asset changes hands
    when the contract is formed. See generally CFTC v.
    373 F.3d 861
     (7th Cir. 2004). The buyer (the
    holder of the long position) transacts with the seller (the
    creator of the short position) through a clearing corpora-
    tion. When a long and a short agree to a contract, each
    makes his promise to the clearing corporation, which
    then becomes the counterparty of each original party. The
    risk that the clearing corporation assumes is that an
    obligor won’t perform when the time comes to deliver the
    soybeans (or to pay for them). Reducing this risk of
    nonperformance, usually called the “counterparty risk” in
    derivatives markets, is the role of margin. See Lester G.
    Telser, Margins and Futures Contracts, 1 J. Futures
    Markets 225 (1981); Haiwei Chen, Price Limits and
    Margin Requirements in Futures Markets, 37 Financial
    Rev. 105 (2002).
    Exchanges and clearing corporations set margin high
    enough that short-term price movement is likely to leave
    a net equity balance available to the dealer. If price
    movements reduce its security unduly, the dealer may
    have time to demand an additional deposit—and to
    liquidate the position, before the balance goes negative,
    No. 06-4412                                               5
    as a form of self-protection if the investor does not meet
    the margin call. Occasionally, though, prices move so
    fast that a position’s value is negative before a margin
    call can be issued; what happened in July 2004 to the
    August–November soybean spread shows the risk. The
    futures commission merchant then is on the hook, for it
    is a condition of participation in these markets that
    each dealer guarantee customers’ trades. When Collins
    did not post the margin, ADM had to buy offsetting
    positions in the market, which enabled the clearing
    corporation to close Collins’s trades without absorbing
    a loss.
    It should now be apparent that margin requirements
    in futures markets are not designed to protect investors
    such as Collins from adverse price movements. Margin
    protects counterparties from investors who may be unwill-
    ing or unable to keep their promises. Counterparties
    are protected directly by clearing corporations (that’s
    why trading can be anonymous and contracts homoge-
    neous); clearing corporations are protected not only by
    the balance in their portfolios (every long position exactly
    offsets a short) but also by the futures commission mer-
    chants, which generally are substantial businesses; the
    futures commission merchants are protected, to a degree,
    by the margin deposits posted by customers such as
    Collins. So the person injured by a shortfall of margin
    was ADM, not Collins, and ADM’s failure to take all
    available steps to protect itself from defaulting cus-
    tomers is hardly a reason why customers should be
    allowed to renege. No surprise, then, that both circuits
    that have addressed the issue have held that a customer’s
    failure to post required margin for a futures contract
    does not excuse him from paying. See Merrill Lynch,
    Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. v. Brooks, 
    548 F.2d 615
    Cir. 1977); Thomson McKinnon Securities, Inc. v. Clark,
    901 F.2d 1568
     (11th Cir. 1990). We agree with these
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    decisions. As Justice Holmes once put it, there is a vital
    “policy of preventing people from getting other people’s
    property for nothing when they purport to be buying it.”
    Continental Wall Paper Co. v. Louis Voight & Sons Co.,
    212 U.S. 227
    , 271 (1909) (Holmes, J., dissenting).
    Still another way to see this point is to observe that
    balky customers are not in the zone of interests protected
    by margin-posting requirements. Margin protects dealers
    and counterparties from defaulting customers, who are
    in no position to complain when the protection of their
    trading partners turns out to be incomplete.
    Collins is particularly poorly positioned. Almost $450,000
    of his $1 million net profit on transactions through ADM
    came from trades executed while a margin call was
    pending on another open position. If, as Collins maintains,
    any contract entered into while a margin call is pending
    is void, then Collins is the loser: the cost to him of avoid-
    ing an $85,000 debt will be the need to make restitution
    of the rest, for a net judgment of $365,000 in ADM’s favor.
    Collins should give thanks that he has lost this appeal.
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit