Garcia-Meza, Carlos v. Mukasey, Michael B. ( 2008 )

  •                             In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 07-2215
    MICHAEL B. MUKASEY, Attorney General
    of the United States,Œ
    On Petition for Review of an Order of the
    Board of Immigration Appeals.
    No. A47 764 554
    Before EASTERBROOK, Chief Judge, and FLAUM and
    WILLIAMS, Circuit Judges.
    WILLIAMS, Circuit Judge. The immigration authorities
    believe that Carlos Garcia-Meza has committed a “crime
    of moral turpitude” that warrants his removal from this
    country. See 
    8 U.S.C. § 1227
    (a)(2)(A)(i)(I). Garcia-Meza, a
    native and citizen of Mexico, has been a lawful permanent
    resident of the United States since 2001. The Illinois
    crime to which he pleaded guilty in 2002 sounds fearsome
    We have replaced Alberto Gonzales with Michael Mukasey
    as the named respondent. See Fed. R. App. P. 43(c)(2).
    2                                               No. 07-2215
    enough: “aggravated battery of a peace officer.” See 720
    ILCS 5/12-4(b)(6). But states are free to give whatever
    names they like to crimes, and a brief look at Illinois law
    shows that the behavior punished under this statute can
    be small potatoes. Spitting on someone, for example,
    qualifies as battery, and if the victim is a police officer,
    it is aggravated battery. See People v. Peck, 
    633 N.E.2d 222
    , 223 (Ill. App. Ct. 1994). Garcia-Meza’s own crime
    was to grab two of a police officer’s fingers and twist them.
    He had asked for the officer’s name and at the same time,
    ill-advisedly moved his hand toward the officer’s name
    tag. The officer pushed his hand away, and that’s when
    the grabbing happened. The officer was not injured, and
    Garcia-Meza received two years’ probation.
    The immigration judge and then the Board of Immigra-
    tion Appeals rejected Garcia-Meza’s argument that his
    crime is not morally turpitudinous, and issued a final
    order of removal. This petition for review followed. For
    the reasons set out below, we grant the petition for re-
    view, vacate the BIA’s decision, and remand for further
    Although the phrase “crime involving moral turpitude”
    is notoriously baffling, the Supreme Court has rejected
    a vagueness challenge to it, Jordan v. De George, 
    341 U.S. 223
    , 232 (1951), so we will not dwell on Garcia-Meza’s
    own such challenge. See Soetarto v. INS, 
    516 F.2d 778
    , 780
    (7th Cir. 1975). The Board defines crime of moral turpi-
    tude as “conduct that shocks the public conscience as
    being ‘inherently base, vile, or depraved, and contrary to
    the accepted rules of morality and the duties owed be-
    tween persons or to society in general.’ ” In re Solon, 
    24 I. & N. Dec. 239
    , 240 (BIA 2007) (quoting In re Ajami, 
    22 I. & N. Dec. 949
    , 950 (BIA 1999)). We put our own gloss
    on the term in Mei v. Ashcroft, 
    393 F.3d 737
    , 740 (7th Cir.
    2004), stating that crimes of moral turpitude are usually
    serious crimes (in terms of the magnitude of the loss
    No. 07-2215                                                  3
    they cause or the indignation in the public they arouse)
    that are committed deliberately.
    In holding in this case that an Illinois conviction for
    aggravated battery of a peace officer is such a crime,
    both the IJ and the BIA relied heavily on In re Danesh, 
    19 I. & N. Dec. 669
     (BIA 1988), in which the Board found that
    a Texas conviction for aggravated assault on a police
    officer was a crime of moral turpitude. But a critical fact
    distinguishes this case from Danesh, although both the
    IJ and the BIA missed it. (The IJ stated that Danesh
    was “directly on point.”) Namely, the Texas statute at
    issue in that case required as an element that the officer
    sustain bodily injury. 
    Id. at 673
    . The Illinois statute at
    issue here contains no such requirement. The BIA mis-
    takenly thought that it does, but even the Attorney
    General concedes that this was error; we shall briefly
    explain why. The Illinois statute punishes two types of
    battery: intentionally or knowingly causing another
    “bodily harm,” or making “physical contact of an insulting
    or provoking nature.” 720 ILCS 5/12-3(a)(1)-(2) (2003).
    Garcia-Meza’s charging papers indicate that he com-
    mitted the second type of battery: he made contact of an
    insulting or provoking nature. A second Illinois statute
    lists aggravations of simple battery, including when the
    batterer “Knows the individual harmed to be a peace
    officer . . . while such officer . . . is engaged in the execu-
    tion of any official duties.” 720 ILCS 5/12-4(b)(6) (2003).
    The Board thought that the language “the individual
    harmed” encompasses a bodily harm requirement, but the
    Supreme Court of Illinois rejected this reading almost
    thirty years ago, People v. Hale, 
    395 N.E.2d 929
    , 931-32
    (Ill. 1979), holding that “the individual harmed” simply
    means the victim of the battery. Battery of the insulting
    or provoking variety can indeed become aggravated bat-
    tery against a peace officer even if the officer sustains
    no bodily injury.
    4                                              No. 07-2215
    This fact distinguishes our case from Danesh. The
    government believes the distinction is immaterial, but
    we disagree. The BIA itself in Danesh emphasized the
    bodily harm requirement in concluding that the assault
    crime was serious enough to be turpitudinous. 19 I. & N.
    Dec. at 673. The Board also noted that the Texas stat-
    ute—like the Illinois statute here—requires that the
    accused know that the victim is a peace officer, and
    stated that violating it therefore “exhibits a deliberate
    disregard for the law.” Id. Hence the statute in Danesh
    shares the Illinois statute’s requirement that the ac-
    cused know that the victim is an officer (suggesting that
    Garcia-Meza’s crime is turpitudinous) but is more de-
    manding than the Illinois statute in requiring that the
    victim suffer bodily injury (suggesting that it is not).
    The question then becomes whether knowledge that the
    victim is a police officer, without any requirement of
    harm or violence, renders battery of a peace officer
    turpitudinous. If so, the BIA’s decision can be saved
    despite the Board’s misapplication of the Illinois battery
    statute. The Board has not decided this precise question,
    but its subsequent reading of Danesh suggests that bat-
    tery of a police officer without causing harm is not a
    crime of moral turpitude. In In re Sanudo, 
    23 I. & N. Dec. 968
     (BIA 2006), the Board considered whether domestic
    battery in California is a crime of moral turpitude. In
    noting that assault and battery can be morally tur-
    pitudinous but usually aren’t, the court cited a string of
    decisions including Danesh that involved “the infliction
    of bodily harm upon a person whom society views as
    deserving of special protection, such as a child, a domestic
    partner, or a peace officer.” 
    Id. at 971-72
    . But then the
    Board distinguished those cases, stating that the crimes
    there “were defined by statute to require proof of the
    actual infliction of some tangible harm on a victim.” 
    Id. at 972
    . The domestic battery statute did not require
    No. 07-2215                                               5
    bodily harm, and the court concluded that the victim’s
    protected status alone did not implicate moral turpitude.
    Id. at 973
    . Accord Galeana-Mendoza v. Gonzales, 
    465 F.3d 1054
    , 1059-60 (9th Cir. 2006). Garcia-Meza’s case is anal-
    ogous to Sanudo: while the victim is a member of a
    specially protected class (peace officers), the statute of
    conviction does not require any bodily harm, and special
    status alone may not be enough. Cf. In re Logan, 
    17 I. & N. Dec. 367
    , 368 (BIA 1980) (crime of “interference” with
    police officer is crime of moral turpitude because it in-
    volved a deadly weapon).
    We have been discussing BIA decisions, but it is an open
    question in this circuit whether to accord Chevron-style
    deference to the Board’s conclusion that violation of a
    particular state statute amounts to a crime of moral
    turpitude. Mei, 
    393 F.3d at 739-40
    . Even if such deference
    were appropriate, the BIA has not decided the issue in
    this case, because it has not construed whether a con-
    viction for battering a peace officer without causing
    bodily harm amounts to a crime of moral turpitude. We
    expect that in addressing this issue on remand, the
    Board will consult the decisions that have considered
    this subject in other contexts and concluded that an
    assault or battery on a police officer without bodily harm
    or other violence, or the intent to cause harm or use
    violence (also absent here), should not be included among
    crimes of moral turpitude. See Partyka v. U.S. Attorney
    417 F.3d 408
     (3d Cir. 2005); U.S. ex rel. Zaffarano
    v. Corsi, 
    63 F.2d 757
     (2d Cir. 1933); Zaranska v. Dep’t of
    Homeland Security, 
    400 F. Supp. 2d 500
     (E.D.N.Y. 2005);
    Ciambelli ex rel. Maranci v. Johnson, 
    12 F.2d 465
    Mass. 1926). This is not necessarily to say that these
    decisions preclude the Board from reaching a different
    decision, but a rational (and wise) adjudicator will take
    account of the conclusions that others have reached, and
    the reasons behind those conclusions.
    6                                              No. 07-2215
    Illinois follows the common law rule that any contact,
    however slight, may constitute a battery. See Acevedo v.
    457 F.3d 721
    , 725 (7th Cir. 2006). At oral
    argument, we posed the hypothetical that in Illinois, an
    individual angry at being given a parking ticket might
    crumple up the ticket and throw it on the ground and face
    charges of aggravated battery if the ticket hit the issuing
    officer’s shoe. We would be surprised if the BIA concluded
    that such behavior is “inherently base, vile, or depraved,”
    or that it would “shock the public’s conscience.” In the
    language of this court’s decision in Mei, the magnitude
    of the loss it causes is small (there is no injury, although
    the officer might have hurt feelings), and it does not
    arouse great public indignation (everybody hates parking
    tickets). We also asked the parties for a citation of any
    decision in which battery or assault of a police officer
    without violence or bodily harm was found to be a crime
    of moral turpitude. The government pointed to Mei, in
    which we found that aggravated (meaning high-speed)
    fleeing from an officer is such a crime. But that case did
    not involve an assault or battery statute, and regard-
    less, the difference between a 100+ mile-per-hour car
    chase and a little finger grabbing seems obvious enough.
    At the end of the day, it is the Board’s prerogative to
    decide whether Garcia-Meza committed a crime of moral
    turpitude. For the reasons we have explained, its deci-
    sion that his offense is such a crime is based on a misap-
    prehension of Illinois law and must be vacated. We
    therefore GRANT the petition for review. Since we are
    remanding for further proceedings, we do not today
    reach Garcia-Meza’s argument that his criminal defense
    counsel rendered ineffective assistance by failing to
    advise him of the immigration consequences of pleading
    guilty to battery.
    No. 07-2215                                         7
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit