United States v. Brewington, Randall ( 2008 )

  •                              In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 07-1899
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division.
    No. 05 CR 142—Larry J. McKinney, Judge.
    Before POSNER, WOOD, and EVANS, Circuit Judges.
    EVANS, Circuit Judge. In early 2006, while serving a
    state prison sentence in Indiana, Randall Brewington
    received word that he had been indicted on criminal
    charges in federal court. The notice he received was in
    a detainer filed against him by the United States
    Marshal. Upon its filing, Brewington tried to assert his
    rights under the Interstate Agreement on Detainers
    (IAD), which would have required that he be brought
    to trial within 180 days of the receipt of his demand by
    the “prosecuting officer” and the “appropriate court.” The
    “prosecuting officer,” here the office of the United States
    Attorney for the Southern District of Indiana, received
    Brewington’s demand, but for reasons not apparent in
    2                                             No. 07-1899
    the record, the “appropriate court,” the United States
    District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, never
    did. When Brewington was brought to court more than
    180 days after the U.S. Attorney received his demand,
    he moved to dismiss the indictment, claiming a violation
    of his rights under the IAD. Because the district court
    had not received Brewington’s demand, his motion was
    denied. After losing out on his motion, Brewington entered
    a guilty plea to a charge of possession of a firearm by a
    felon but reserved his right to challenge on appeal the
    denial of his motion to dismiss. Brewington now appeals
    from the order denying his motion.
    Brewington, a felon, was arrested in January 2005 on a
    state probation violation. At the time of his arrest, he
    was in possession of a firearm and ammunition. As a
    result, his probation was revoked, and he was returned
    to state custody with a release date set some time in 2009.
    In September 2005, Brewington was indicted in federal
    court on separate counts of possession by a felon of a
    firearm and ammunition. See 
    18 U.S.C. § 922
    (g)(1). He
    was informed of the indictment on February 24, 2006,
    when state prison officials gave him a standard-form
    detainer issued by the United States Marshal. On the
    form, Brewington exercised his right under the IAD to
    demand a speedy trial, and his demand was received by
    the U.S. Attorney’s office on March 7, 2006. It is undis-
    puted, however, that the district court never received a
    copy of the demand. The record does not reveal why it
    was not received, but Brewington suggests, without
    supporting evidence, that it was the fault of Indiana
    prison officials who sent the demand only to the U.S.
    About 7 months after receiving Brewington’s demand,
    the U.S. Attorney procured a writ of habeas corpus ad
    prosequendum and brought Brewington in for an initial
    appearance in federal court. The appearance took place
    No. 07-1899                                               3
    on October 13, 2006, and Brewington moved for dismissal
    of the indictment because 220 days had passed since the
    U.S. Attorney received his IAD demand for a speedy trial.
    In denying the motion, the district court concluded that
    the 180-day clock did not start running until both the
    court and the prosecutor received Brewington’s demand,
    and, because that didn’t happen here, no time had expired.
    In relevant part, the IAD requires that a prisoner be
    brought to trial “within one hundred and eighty days
    after he shall have caused to be delivered to the prosecut-
    ing officer and the appropriate court of the prosecuting
    officer’s jurisdiction written notice of the place of his
    imprisonment and his request for a final disposition to be
    made of the indictment, information, or complaint.” 18
    U.S.C. App. 2, § 2, art. III(a). Interpretation of this
    provision begins (and in this case ends) with the Supreme
    Court’s opinion in Fex v. Michigan, 
    507 U.S. 43
    where the Court held that the 180-day clock “does not
    commence until the prisoner’s request for final disposi-
    tion of the charges against him has actually been de-
    livered to the court and prosecuting officer of the juris-
    diction that lodged the detainer against him.” 
    Id. at 52
    Prison authorities are charged with sending the demand
    to the prosecutor and the court, but the prisoner bears
    responsibility for ensuring that his jailors follow through.
    id. at 49
    . Indeed, the form that Brewington signed
    contains language acknowledging his understanding of
    this aspect of the IAD: “I further understand . . . that
    I must periodically inquire as to whether my written
    notice of request for a final disposition of the charges
    against me has been received by the appropriate U.S.
    Attorney and the appropriate U.S. District Court.”
    Brewington apparently recognizes that the quoted
    language from Fex dooms his argument, but even though
    that language follows the words “[w]e hold that,” he
    contends that it is only dicta. He cites two cases decided
    4                                               No. 07-1899
    before Fex for the proposition that a diligent prisoner
    should not lose out on the benefits of the IAD simply
    because prison authorities have failed to fulfill their
    duties under the agreement. See United States v. Reed,
    910 F.2d 621
    , 625-26 (9th Cir. 1990); United States v.
    489 F. Supp. 710
    , 715-16 (N.D. Ind. 1980). But
    the Supreme Court rejected this argument in Fex when
    it held that, even if delivery of the notice is delayed due
    to negligence or malice on the part of prison authorities,
    the IAD’s clock does not start running until the notice is
    actually received by both the prosecutor and the court.
    507 U.S. at 49-50
    . The Ninth Circuit has explicitly
    recognized that Fex defrocked Reed. United States v.
    196 F.3d 1000
    , 1002 (9th Cir. 1999).
    Brewington also notes the IAD’s command that it be
    liberally construed, 18 U.S.C. App. 2, § 2, art. IX, but he
    does not explain how this command can overcome Su-
    preme Court precedent. As we have previously held, “[t]he
    IAD, and the interpretation set forth in Fex, is literal: the
    executed detainer is ‘to be delivered to the prosecuting
    officer and the appropriate court.’” Jones, 454 F.3d at 649
    (quoting 18 U.S.C. App. 2, § 2, art. III(a)).
    Finally, Brewington argues that requiring the delivery
    of the demand to the court serves no purpose and that
    providing notice only to the prosecutor should be enough
    to start the running of the IAD clock. True, this might
    be a good argument for rewriting the IAD, but it is beside
    the point because the IAD, as it presently reads, doesn’t
    allow for that possibility. See Fex, 
    507 U.S. at 52
    tioner’s ‘fairness’ and ‘higher purpose’ arguments are, in
    other words, more appropriately addressed to the legisla-
    tures of the contracting States, which adopted the IAD’s
    It should also be noted that even if the IAD’s 180-day
    clock had expired, the district court might not have
    dismissed Brewington’s indictment with prejudice as he
    No. 07-1899                                                5
    requested. When the United States is the receiving state,
    as it is here, the district court has discretion to remedy
    an IAD violation by dismissal with or without prejudice.
    18 U.S.C. App. 2, § 9(1). Here, the seriousness of the
    charge and the lack of evidence of bad faith by the gov-
    ernment might very well have moved the court to only
    enter a dismissal order without prejudice. Cf. United
    States v. Kelley, 
    402 F.3d 39
    , 41-42 (1st Cir. 2005) (affirm-
    ing dismissal without prejudice for IAD violation be-
    cause seriousness of offense and lack of bad faith by
    government outweighed possible prejudice to defendant);
    United States v. McKinney, 
    395 F.3d 837
    , 841-42 (8th Cir.
    2005) (affirming dismissal without prejudice for IAD
    violation based on seriousness of offense, lack of bad
    faith by government, and lack of prejudice to defendant).
    In closing, we note that counsel for the government,
    when asked during oral argument why Brewington’s
    demand provoked no response, was unable to supply a
    clear answer. Perhaps, he said, it was because the respon-
    sibility for acting upon IAD demands is not vested in one
    person within his office but instead is “diffused.” And
    therein, we think, lies the problem. Although the gov-
    ernment comes out of this case with a “win,” it’s a tar-
    nished one. Its handling of Brewington’s demand under
    the IAD is nothing to be proud of.
    For these reasons, we AFFIRM the judgment of the
    district court.
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit