Jonites, Peter P. v. Exelon Corporation ( 2008 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 07-3053
    PETER P. JONITES, et al., individually and
    on behalf of others similarly situated,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 05 C 4234—David H. Coar, Judge.
    Before POSNER, ROVNER, and EVANS, Circuit Judges.
    POSNER, Circuit Judge. This appeal requires us to analyze
    the relation between section 301(a) of the Labor Manage-
    ment Relations Act (Taft-Hartley), 29 U.S.C. § 185, which
    authorizes federal suits to enforce collective bargaining
    agreements, and the Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C.
    §§ 201 et seq., the federal minimum-wage and maximum-
    hour law. The plaintiffs represent a class (an “opt-in” class
    under 29 U.S.C. § 216(b); see Harkins v. Riverboat Services,
    385 F.3d 1099
    , 1101 (7th Cir. 2004)) of more than a
    2                                                 No. 07-3053
    thousand linemen and other hourly workers employed
    by Commonwealth Edison. (Affiliates of Com Ed are also
    defendants, but need not be discussed.) The plaintiffs
    claim that Com Ed has violated their rights under the FLSA
    by the way it implements its “call out” program and also
    by forcing them to work during their lunch break with-
    out paying them anything, let alone the overtime pay to
    which they are entitled if they are indeed working then,
    because the time allotted to those breaks, if added to the
    normal work week, exceeds 40 hours.
    The district judge granted summary judgment for Com
    Ed. He ruled that the implementation of the call-out
    program does not violate the FLSA and that the plaintiffs’
    only remedy for the alleged mealtime violation is a pro-
    ceeding to enforce their rights under the grievance and
    arbitration provisions of the collective bargaining agree-
    ment between the electrical workers union and Com Ed.
    The union did seek arbitration, but only with regard to the
    call-out program. It lost, and we rejected the union’s
    challenge to the arbitrator’s decision. Local 15, International
    Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO v. Exelon Corp.,
    495 F.3d 779
    (7th Cir. 2007).
    Com Ed’s “automated roster call out system”—
    “ARCOS”—notifies off-duty employees by a phone call
    to their home phone, beeper, or cellphone when addi-
    tional manpower is needed on an emergency basis. An
    employee is not required to accept a call out, but if he fails
    to answer more than 50 percent of the calls or refuses to
    accept more than 35 percent of the call outs (other than
    because of excused absences, as when the worker is ill or
    on a scheduled vacation), he is disciplined. And if he
    continues to fall below either minimum he may be fired,
    in which event he is forbidden to work on Com Ed prop-
    No. 07-3053                                                3
    erty or projects even as the employee of an independent
    An employee who accepts the call out travels first to his
    normal duty station and then to the work site. He is paid
    not only for the time working but also for the time it
    takes him to get to the site from his normal duty station
    and return there when he has finished working. But he
    is not paid for the time he spends commuting to and from
    his normal duty station.
    Most call outs occur on weekends, but the frequency
    varies considerably among workers. A few are called as
    often as once every five-and-a-half days on average, and
    some others no more than once a month.
    Com Ed has always had to call out workers for emer-
    gency repairs, and the fact that its call-out procedure is
    now automated is not what bothers the workers. What
    bothers them is that a cost-motivated reduction in the
    number of Com Ed’s employees has led the company to
    insist on a much higher response rate than in the old
    days, when no response rate was specified and the
    average rate was below 20 percent and sometimes below
    10 percent. The plaintiffs argue that the frequent call outs
    disrupt their home life and that therefore while waiting
    for a call they are working within the meaning of the
    Fair Labor Standards Act and thus are entitled to be paid
    the minimum wage for their waiting time. They do not
    press their claim to its logical conclusion—that they are
    entitled to be paid for working 168 hours a week (since
    an electrical outage or other emergency can occur at any
    time), with 128 of them constituting overtime—but instead
    argue vaguely that they should be paid for “some of the
    time” during which they are subject to call, with how
    much to be left to the trier of fact to determine. The deter-
    4                                               No. 07-3053
    mination would have to be made on a case-by-case basis
    since the call-out experience varies so among the workers.
    In its suit to set aside the arbitrator’s decision refusing
    to invalidate ARCOS, the union had argued unsuccess-
    fully that the adoption of the program was outside the
    scope of the management-rights clause in the collective
    bargaining agreement. It had also argued that the pro-
    gram violated the Fair Labor Standards Act, but we held
    that that argument had been forfeited.
    The arbitrator, so far as appears, did not decide whether
    the collective bargaining agreement places any limita-
    tions on ARCOS. The language of the agreement sug-
    gests that it does not; it states that “an employee ordered
    to remain at a specified location, awaiting a call for emer-
    gency work outside scheduled working hours, shall be
    paid the applicable [wage] rate until release.” He is not
    required to remain at home, but only to leave word
    where he can be reached, which is easily done if he has a
    cellphone or a beeper, for then he has only to give Com Ed
    his number and be sure to have the instrument with him
    and turned on when he’s not at home. But it is implicit in
    the agreement, as we shall see when we come to the
    mealtime question, that an employee is entitled to be paid
    whenever he is working; and the plaintiffs argue that
    even if they are not tied to their home when they are off
    duty, still their freedom is so far curtailed that they are
    “engaged [i.e., hired] to wait,” and so are entitled to be
    The plaintiffs base their claim to off-duty pay on the
    Fair Labor Standards Act. Although all of them are repre-
    sented in collective bargaining by the union that lost its
    suit to invalidate the arbitrator’s decision, Com Ed does
    not contend that the claim is barred by res judicata
    despite the outcome of the union’s suit, and it is right
    No. 07-3053                                                   5
    not to contend that. E.g., McDonald v. City of West Branch,
    466 U.S. 284
    , 291 (1984). Although the union represents all
    the workers in the bargaining unit, it is not their agent in
    the usual sense, since once a majority of the workers
    agree to be represented the minority is bound as well. 29
    U.S.C. § 159(a). Nor does voting for a union evince con-
    sent to the union’s bargaining away the workers’ statutory
    rights. So we must decide whether the district court was
    right to find that the rules implementing ARCOS do not
    violate the Fair Labor Standards Act.
    A regulation of the Labor Department the validity of
    which is not challenged provides that “an employee
    who is required to remain on call on the employer’s
    premises or so close thereto that he cannot use the
    time effectively for his own purposes is working while ‘on
    call.’ ” 29 C.F.R. § 785.17; see Pabst v. Oklahoma Gas &
    Electric Co., 
    228 F.3d 1128
    , 1130-31 (10th Cir. 2000); cf. 29
    C.F.R. § 553.221(c), (d). This may be true for some mem-
    bers of the plaintiffs’ class, but obviously not for all or even
    most. The call-out procedure does not require that the
    worker stay at home or at any other designated location,
    but only that he be reachable by the company, and the
    regulation we just quoted goes on to provide that “an
    employee who is not required to remain on the em-
    ployer’s premises but is merely required to leave word at
    his home or with company officials where he may be
    reached is not working while on call.” See Skidmore v. Swift
    & Co., 
    323 U.S. 134
    , 138 (1944).
    Of course the requirement that one accept 35 percent of
    one’s call outs curtails a worker’s freedom of action
    somewhat even if they are infrequent, because if he is
    only slightly above the floor he will be jeopardizing his
    job if he leaves town for the weekend. But that does not
    mean that he must stay in the house all weekend. He just
    6                                               No. 07-3053
    must stay within a two-hour radius of his normal duty
    station (for that is the time he is allowed for getting there
    if he accepts the call out). Is that such a hardship that it
    turns his waiting into working? We think not, in agreement
    with the case law on the issue, Dinges v. Sacred Heart St.
    Mary’s Hospitals, Inc., 
    164 F.3d 1056
    , 1058 (7th Cir. 1999);
    Adair v. County Charter of Wayne, 
    452 F.3d 482
    , 486-89 (6th
    Cir. 2006); Ingram v. County of Bucks, 
    144 F.3d 265
    , 268-70
    (3d Cir. 1998); Andrews v. Town of Skiatook, 
    123 F.3d 1327
    1332 (10th Cir. 1997); compare Cross v. Arkansas Forestry
    938 F.2d 912
    , 916-17 (8th Cir. 1991), though
    no case is exactly like this one.
    Some 70 to 90 percent of the class members work the
    daytime shift and they claim that the half hour that the
    company allows them for lunch at the job site is really
    work time. They are forbidden to sleep during the lunch
    period and required (that’s why they mustn’t sleep) to
    be alert to trespassing at the site and theft of or damage
    to tools. They are not required to patrol the site, but
    merely, while sitting in the cab of their truck eating
    lunch, to keep a sharp eye out for trespassers. Being
    forbidden to sleep during a short lunch break cannot be
    too great a hardship, as it is hard to sleep and eat at the
    same time. The district judge, however, did not determine
    whether any of the class members are required to
    work during the lunch break, but instead, though with
    evident reluctance, ruled that the question was within
    the exclusive competence of an arbitrator to decide. He
    felt compelled to this result by our decision in Leahy v.
    City of Chicago, 
    96 F.3d 228
    (7th Cir. 1996), which held
    that where a collective bargaining agreement provides
    that “all time in excess of the hours worked in a normal
    workday (8 hours) and the normal workweek (40 hours)
    shall be compensated at the rate of time-and-one-half,”
    No. 07-3053                                                  7
    id. at 232,
    the determination of whether a worker
    “worked” during his lunch break was for the arbitrator
    to decide. The agreement in this case provides that “the
    basic workday shall normally consist of eight hours of
    work which shall be consecutive except when time out
    for a meal is scheduled.” The question whether mealtime
    is really “time out” from “work” is a question of both
    contractual and statutory interpretation, and the court in
    Leahy ruled that it was for the arbitrator to determine
    whether the workers there were being made to work
    during their mealtime. “The FLSA requires no more.” 
    Id. The dissenting
    judge in Leahy thought the majority
    was ruling that collective bargaining agreements preempt
    the Fair Labor Standards Act, a view unacceptable in light
    of Barrentine v. Arkansas-Best Freight System, Inc., 
    450 U.S. 728
    (1981). Another panel of this court, in an opinion
    subsequent to Leahy, said (without mention of that deci-
    sion) that a “union cannot consent for the employee
    [to waive his right to a judicial forum] by signing a col-
    lective bargaining agreement that consigns the enforce-
    ment of statutory rights to the union-controlled grievance
    and arbitration machinery created by the agreement.”
    Pryner v. Tractor Supply Co., 
    109 F.3d 354
    , 363 (7th Cir. 1997)
    (emphasis in original). (The machinery is “union-con-
    trolled” because it can be activated only by the union’s
    filing a grievance on behalf of an aggrieved employee; as
    long as the union acts in good faith it is not required to
    file a grievance even if the aggrieved employee asks it to
    do so. Vaca v. Sipes, 
    386 U.S. 171
    , 191-92 (1967); Matthews
    v. Milwaukee Area Local Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO,
    495 F.3d 438
    , 441 (7th Cir. 2007).) In light of Barrentine
    and Pryner, the district judge in this case ruled that Leahy
    must be confined to issues of working at mealtime,
    8                                              No. 07-3053
    which is why he declined to apply the decision to the call-
    out claim.
    The year after our decision in Pryner, the Supreme Court
    held in Wright v. Universal Maritime Service Corp., 
    525 U.S. 70
    , 80 (1998), that “a union-negotiated waiver of
    employees’ statutory right to a judicial forum for claims
    of employment discrimination” might be enforceable (not
    that it would be—the Court left the question open) pro-
    vided it was “explicit.” Wright was a discrimination
    case, but we can assume that its holding applies to other
    statutory rights, O’Brien v. Town of Agawam, 
    350 F.3d 279
    284-86 (1st Cir. 2003), and thus to Leahy and the present
    The collective bargaining agreement provides that
    “should any dispute or difference arise between the
    Company and the Union or its members as to the inter-
    pretation or application of any of the provisions of this
    Agreement or with respect to job working conditions . . . ,
    the dispute or difference shall be settled through the
    grievance procedure.” This is not an “explicit” waiver
    of the right to sue under the Fair Labor Standards Act; it
    is little different from the corresponding language in the
    collective bargaining agreement in Wright. 
    See 525 U.S. at 72-73
    . Most courts, moreover, have closed the question
    that the Supreme Court left open in that case (the “might”
    question) by holding, as we had done in Pryner, that
    while an individual worker can waive his right to a
    judicial remedy, a union cannot do so on his behalf. Pyett
    v. Pennsylvania Building Co., 
    498 F.3d 88
    , 92-93 (2d Cir.
    2007), certiorari granted under the name of Penn Plaza
    LLC v. Pyett, No. 07-581 (U.S. Feb. 19, 2008); Rogers v. New
    York University, 
    220 F.3d 73
    , 75-76 (2d Cir. 2000) (per
    curiam); Plumley v. Southern Container, Inc., 
    303 F.3d 364
    No. 07-3053                                                 9
    373-74 (1st Cir. 2002); Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l v.
    Northwest Airlines, Inc., 
    199 F.3d 477
    , 481-85 (D.C. Cir.
    1999); contra, Eastern Associated Coal Corp. v. Massey, 
    373 F.3d 530
    , 533-34 (4th Cir. 2004). As we noted earlier, a
    union is not the freely chosen agent of every member of
    the bargaining unit (unless the vote for the union was
    unanimous); nor is consent to be represented in col-
    lective bargaining realistically the equivalent of consent
    to the union’s waiving a worker’s individual statutory
    Leahy, though, was a special case, as is this case, and
    in both cases the dismissal of the FLSA suit can be recon-
    ciled with Wright, Pryner, and the other cases that we
    have cited. The plaintiffs in Leahy wanted us to rule that
    “since some [police] officers on some days miss all or part
    of their meal periods” because they are required to
    work then, “all meal periods [are] compensable 
    work.” 96 F.3d at 232
    . The plaintiffs in this case want us to rule that
    because some Com Ed employees may sometimes do
    some work at lunch, all Com Ed employees are entitled
    to pay during their lunch break (overtime pay at that,
    because the half-hour lunch break is on top of an eight-
    hour workday). It is that argument, rather than the rejec-
    tion of the same argument in Leahy, that is preposterous. As
    in Leahy, the plaintiff class here is hopelessly heteroge-
    neous. We noted this in discussing the call-out claim;
    in regard to the mealtime claim, the abuse of the class-
    action device (or “collective action,” as class suits under
    29 U.S.C. § 216(b) are more commonly referred to) is even
    more egregious; the class includes workers who have
    no conceivable mealtime claim because they do not work
    the day shift. The plaintiffs and the other members of the
    class, or some of them, may have an FLSA claim that
    they could press in an individual suit, but the filing of this
    10                                               No. 07-3053
    class action suggests that they have no stomach for pro-
    ceeding case by case. If they are unwilling to file individual
    suits, or create homogeneous classes in order to bring
    proper class actions, then, since an essential condition of
    maintaining an FLSA class action—that the members of
    the class be “similarly situated” to one another, 29 U.S.C.
    § 216(b)—is not satisfied, their only recourse is to ask
    the union to file grievance proceedings under the col-
    lective bargaining agreement. We assume that this route
    remains open, since the mealtime issue was not raised in
    the previous arbitration.
    The union will be able to insist in any such arbitration
    that the arbitrator comply with the Fair Labor Standards
    Act. If he rules that a particular Com Ed worker is re-
    quired to work during mealtimes, but that it is such easy
    work that it is undeserving of the minimum wage, let alone
    of overtime, his decision will be set aside for “manifest
    disregard” of the law. Wise v. Wachovia Securities, LLC,
    450 F.3d 265
    , 268-69 (7th Cir. 2006). “[W]here a gov-
    erning legal principle is well defined, explicit, and clearly
    applicable to the case, and where the arbitrator ignored
    it after it was brought to the arbitrator’s attention in a
    way that assures that the arbitrator knew its controlling
    nature,” his disregard of it is “manifest.” Goldman v.
    Architectural Iron Co., 
    306 F.3d 1214
    , 1216 (2d Cir. 2002).
    For “an arbitrator may not direct the parties to violate
    the law.” George Watts & Son, Inc. v. Tiffany & Co., 
    248 F.3d 577
    , 580 (7th Cir. 2001).
    Furthermore, the collective bargaining agreement in this
    case, unlike the ones in Pryner and Wright, sets forth a
    standard for the arbitrator to apply that is materially
    identical to the statutory standard: if an employer re-
    quires an employee to work during meal time, then that
    time is not “time out” from “work.” Neither the statute
    No. 07-3053                                                  11
    nor the collective bargaining agreement defines “work,”
    but the Supreme Court has defined it as “physical or
    mental exertion (whether burdensome or not) controlled
    or required by the employer and pursued necessarily
    and primarily for the benefit of the employer and his
    business.” Tennessee Coal, Iron & Railroad Co. v. Muscoda
    Local No. 123, 
    321 U.S. 590
    , 598 (1944); see Bernard v. IBP,
    Inc. of Nebraska, 
    154 F.3d 259
    , 264-65 (5th Cir. 1998); Reich v.
    Southern New England Telecommunications Corp., 
    121 F.3d 58
    , 63-65 (2d Cir. 1997). We are given no reason to sup-
    pose that an arbitrator interpreting “work” in the col-
    lective bargaining agreement would understand the
    word to mean something different. If he finds that Com Ed
    does not require its linemen to work during lunch, that
    finding should be entitled to considerable weight in an
    FLSA case, should a proper one be brought. “Although the
    FLSA overrides contracts, in close cases it makes sense to
    let private arrangements endure—for the less flexible
    statutory approach has the potential to make everyone
    worse off.” Dinges v. Sacred Heart St. Mary’s Hospitals, 
    Inc., supra
    , 164 F.3d at 1059. The arbitrator is likely to have a
    better understanding of the meaning of “work” in the
    context of a specific bargaining relationship than a
    court would have, cf. Tice v. American Airlines, Inc., 
    288 F.3d 313
    , 317-18 (7th Cir. 2002), and so if the statutory
    and contractual standards are identical, the arbitrator’s
    decision is entitled to consideration in a follow-on FLSA
    case. That will mitigate though not eliminate the two-bites-
    at-the-apple problem that arises when the standard in
    the collective bargaining agreement is the same as that
    in the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Document Info

Docket Number: 07-3053

Judges: Posner

Filed Date: 4/3/2008

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/24/2015

Authorities (26)

O'Brien v. Town of Agawam , 350 F.3d 279 ( 2003 )

Plumley v. Southern Container, Inc. , 303 F.3d 364 ( 2002 )

Pabst v. Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co. , 228 F.3d 1128 ( 2000 )

Vira Goldman v. Architectural Iron Co. , 306 F.3d 1214 ( 2002 )

Pyett v. Pennsylvania Bldg. Co. , 498 F.3d 88 ( 2007 )

Andrews v. Town of Skiatook , 123 F.3d 1327 ( 1997 )

Local 15, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers v.... , 495 F.3d 779 ( 2007 )

George Watts & Son, Inc. v. Tiffany and Company , 248 F.3d 577 ( 2001 )

John H. Harkins v. Riverboat Services, Inc. , 385 F.3d 1099 ( 2004 )

Susan Rogers v. New York University , 220 F.3d 73 ( 2000 )

robert-r-reich-secretary-of-labor-united-states-department-of-labor-v , 121 F.3d 58 ( 1997 )

eastern-associated-coal-corporation-v-gary-d-massey-united-mine-workers , 373 F.3d 530 ( 2004 )

gene-ingram-robert-reincke-john-r-blanchard-lance-d-carlen-thomas-j , 144 F.3d 265 ( 1998 )

michael-adair-william-childress-leon-denton-charles-elstone-richard , 452 F.3d 482 ( 2006 )

Lance Wise and Nancy Wise v. Wachovia Securities, Llc, and ... , 450 F.3d 265 ( 2006 )

Robert H. Tice v. American Airlines, Inc. , 288 F.3d 313 ( 2002 )

Daniel Leahy, James Martinez, Michael D. Moore v. City of ... , 96 F.3d 228 ( 1996 )

Matthews v. Milwaukee Area Local Postal Workers Union , 495 F.3d 438 ( 2007 )

Vincent L. Pryner, Counterclaim v. Tractor Supply Company, ... , 109 F.3d 354 ( 1997 )

Garrett J. Dinges and Christine Foster v. Sacred Heart St. ... , 164 F.3d 1056 ( 1999 )

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