Rashad Swanigan v. City of Chicago , 775 F.3d 953 ( 2015 )

  •                                   In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 12-1261
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 08 C 4780 — Virginia M. Kendall, Judge.
    ARGUED MAY 30, 2013 — DECIDED JANUARY 9, 2015
    Before SYKES and HAMILTON, Circuit Judges, and
    STADTMUELLER, District Judge.*
    Of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin,
    sitting by designation.
    2                                                  No. 12-1261
    SYKES, Circuit Judge. Rashad Swanigan was arrested and
    jailed for more than 50 hours by Chicago police officers who
    mistakenly thought he was a serial bank robber known as the
    Hard Hat Bandit. Following his release, Swanigan filed suit
    against a number of individual officers and the City alleging
    various constitutional violations under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 and
    several state-law claims. After some procedural maneuvering,
    Swanigan’s Monell policy-or-practice claim against the City
    became a separate lawsuit, which was consolidated before the
    same judge and stayed while the suit against the individual
    officers proceeded. A jury found for Swanigan against seven
    individual officers on one of the constitutional claims, award-
    ing $60,000 in damages.
    Swanigan then turned his attention back to the Monell suit.
    He moved to lift the stay and advised the court that he
    intended to amend his complaint in light of the jury’s verdict.
    The judge interpreted the motion as a waiver of all but two of
    Swanigan’s theories of Monell liability and held that the two
    remaining aspects of the claim were not justiciable. This ruling
    was based on the City’s promise to indemnify its officers in the
    first suit and to pay nominal damages of $1 for any Monell
    liability. The judge also held—sua sponte—that one of the two
    Monell claims failed to state a claim on which relief could be
    granted. For these reasons, the judge denied Swanigan’s
    motion to lift the stay and dismissed the Monell suit in its
    entirety. Swanigan appealed.
    Several procedural missteps require a remand here. First,
    the judge wrongly assumed that Swanigan was waiving all but
    two theories of Monell liability and dismissed the entire suit
    No. 12-1261                                                    3
    based on that mistaken premise. Moreover, under
    Rule15(a)(1)(B) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,
    Swanigan was entitled to amend his complaint within 21 days
    of a responsive pleading or motion to dismiss, which would
    have been the next step after the stay was lifted, as it should
    have been. And a sua sponte dismissal for failure to state a
    claim—a merits adjudication—is improper.
    Swanigan’s Monell suit may indeed face some jurisdictional
    and merits hurdles, but the judge jumped the gun in dismiss-
    ing it. The case was stayed in its infancy while the claims
    against the individual officers proceeded, and Swanigan was
    entitled to revive it and amend his complaint to try to plead a
    justiciable claim once the court and the parties returned to it.
    I. Background
    On the afternoon of August 22, 2006, Chicago police officers
    Robert Trotter and Thomas Muehlfelder were patrolling the
    city’s north side and saw a man later identified as Swanigan
    standing outside a bank on Elston Avenue and Pulaski Road.
    The officers had been told to be on the lookout for a serial bank
    robber known as the Hard Hat Bandit, who was wanted for
    robbing several banks while wearing a yellow hard hat.
    Swanigan wasn’t wearing a hard hat, but the officers believed
    that he matched the general description of the Hard Hat
    Bandit. They watched as he entered the passenger side of a car.
    A computer check of the car’s license-plate number revealed
    that the car’s registration was suspended based on an insur-
    ance violation, so the officers approached Swanigan and asked
    for his insurance card.
    4                                                   No. 12-1261
    Swanigan told the officers that the car was insured but
    could not produce proof of insurance. So the officers arrested
    him and searched the vehicle. In the back seat they discovered
    several hard hats (one was yellow) and also a knife. Thinking
    that they’d just cracked the Hard Hat Bandit case, the officers
    sought and received approval to book Swanigan for traffic
    violations and for unlawful use of a weapon. As it turned out,
    however, Swanigan was not the Hard Hat Bandit but an
    innocent construction worker who was at the bank cashing
    some checks.
    The officers wanted to investigate whether Swanigan was
    responsible for a recent robbery of a Popeye’s Chicken restau-
    rant that was linked to the Hard Hat Bandit. Swanigan would
    have been released fairly quickly on the offenses for which he
    was arrested, so the officers put a “hold” on him to ensure that
    they would have time to investigate him for the robberies they
    suspected him of committing. The hold prevented his release
    from custody and also delayed his appearance in court for a
    probable-cause determination.
    Over the course of the next day, Swanigan was placed in
    lineups to determine if any witnesses could implicate him in
    the Popeye’s Chicken robbery. A few witnesses initially
    identified Swanigan as the robber. Swanigan claimed that he
    was placed in other lineups and treated poorly throughout his
    detention. He spent another night in jail.
    On August 24, 2006, an Assistant State’s Attorney reviewed
    Swanigan’s case. She interviewed the witnesses in the Popeye’s
    Chicken robbery and learned that their identifications were
    shaky; one retracted the identification altogether. The Assistant
    No. 12-1261                                                   5
    State’s Attorney declined to charge Swanigan with the
    Popeye’s Chicken robbery, and he was released from custody
    that evening. All told, he had been in custody for about
    51 hours with no judicial determination of probable cause.
    After Swanigan’s release, the police department’s Case
    Supplementary Report for the Popeye’s Chicken robbery was
    marked “Cleared—closed other exceptional.” According to
    Swanigan, that designation—along with the accompanying
    narrative—identifies him as the robber, states that employees
    of the restaurant picked him out of a lineup, and indicates that
    the police closed the investigation because the prosecutor
    refused to approve charges, due in part to unreliable witness
    identifications. Swanigan contends that the report is available
    to law-enforcement personnel and the general public and
    causes him harm because it misidentifies him as the robber.
    In October 2006 Chicago police apprehended the real Hard
    Hat Bandit. The traffic and weapons charges against Swanigan
    were dropped.
    Swanigan filed suit in the Northern District of Illinois
    alleging constitutional claims under § 1983 and several state-
    law causes of action stemming from his arrest and extended
    detention. After two amendments, the complaint alleged
    nine counts against 20 named police officers, an unknown
    number of unnamed police officers, and the City of Chicago.
    Swanigan moved to amend his complaint a third time to add
    a § 1983 policy-or-practice claim against the City under
    Monell v. Department of Social Services of the City of New York,
    436 U.S. 658
    (1978). The district court disallowed the
    6                                                     No. 12-1261
    amendment, reasoning that it represented a significant shift in
    focus too late in discovery.
    Swanigan then filed a second lawsuit against the City
    containing the Monell claim that he’d tried unsuccessfully to
    add to the first. He alleged in the second suit that the constitu-
    tional violations stemming from his arrest and detention were
    caused by one or more of nine city policies, customs, or
    practices. The Monell suit also alleged that the officers had
    failed to pursue “obvious investigative techniques” that would
    have led to his earlier release from custody, and that the City
    failed to adequately train, supervise, and discipline its officers.
    The new lawsuit was initially assigned to another judge.
    The City moved pursuant to Rule 42(a) of the Federal Rules of
    Civil Procedure and Local Rule 40.4 to reassign and “consoli-
    date” the second suit before the judge who was hearing the
    first case. That motion was granted, although the cases
    maintained separate case numbers and dockets. The judge
    stayed proceedings in the Monell suit until the conclusion of the
    case against the individual officers. In the same order, the
    judge also directed the City to inform the court “whether it will
    enter into [a] … stipulation” to indemnify the officers for any
    award of compensatory damages and pay nominal damages of
    $1 if the officers were found liable to the plaintiff.
    More specifically, the “stipulation”—proposed and pre-
    pared by the judge—was titled “Defendant City of Chicago’[s]
    Certification of Indemnification” and provided that
    1. The City of Chicago agrees to indemnify the
    individual defendant Chicago police officers
    No. 12-1261                                                  7
    for any judgment of compensatory damages
    that may be entered against them in this case.
    2. If [Swanigan] prevails in his section 1983
    action against individual defendant Chicago
    police officers, the City of Chicago agrees to
    indemnify the individual defendants for
    reasonable attorney fees and costs that
    [Swanigan] may be entitled to recover pursu-
    ant to 42 U.S.C. § 1988. This agreement is
    exclusive of such fees and costs that may be
    attributable to an award of punitive damages
    against the individual defendants.
    3. The City also undertakes to pay nominal
    damages (not to exceed one dollar) if any
    compensatory damage award is entered
    against the individual defendants.
    A week later the court entered a minute order stating that
    “[t]he City informs the Court that it has accepted the stipula-
    tion to indemnify the defendant officers.”
    The first suit proceeded to motions for summary judgment.
    The judge granted summary judgment in favor of the defen-
    dants on all counts except for two of Swanigan’s claims under
    § 1983. On the surviving counts, the judge (1) denied the
    officers’ motion for summary judgment on Swanigan’s claim
    for false arrest; (2) found four officers liable on the claim
    8                                                              No. 12-1261
    related to Swanigan’s extended detention;1 and (3) held that
    the liability of four other officers on the extended-detention
    claim would be determined at trial, as would the issue of
    After a five-day trial, a jury rejected Swanigan’s claim for
    false arrest and found three more officers liable for Swanigan’s
    extended detention. The latter finding meant that Swanigan
    prevailed against seven individual officers on his claim for an
    unlawfully extended detention. The jury awarded Swanigan
    $60,000 in compensatory damages and no punitive damages,
    and the court later awarded Swanigan his costs and attorney’s
    fees as the prevailing party.
    As posttrial proceedings were underway in the first case,
    Swanigan turned his attention back to the Monell suit. He
    moved to lift the stay and explained that he intended to amend
    his complaint “in order to narrow the issues, consistent with
    the jury verdict in [the first suit].” He also said he wanted to
    “amend the remedies portion of his complaint in order to
    clarify that, in addition to damages, nominal or otherwise, he
    is also seeking declaratory and/or injunctive relief.”
    See Gerstein v. Pugh, 
    420 U.S. 103
    , 114 (1975) (requiring judicial determina-
    tions of probable cause to be “prompt”); County of Riverside v. McLaughlin,
    500 U.S. 44
    , 56 (1991) (holding that as a general matter, “a jurisdiction that
    provides judicial determinations of probable cause within 48 hours of
    arrest” will comply with Gerstein’s promptness requirement); Lopez v. City
    of Chicago, 
    464 F.3d 711
    , 714 (7th Cir. 2006) (providing that delays taking
    longer than 48 hours must be justified by the existence of emergency or
    other extraordinary circumstances).
    No. 12-1261                                                     9
    The City opposed the motion to lift the stay. Attached as an
    “exhibit” to its memorandum in opposition to the motion was
    a proposed “Certification of Entry of Judgment” stating in
    relevant part:
    3. Without admitting [Swanigan’s] allegations
    of section 1983 municipal liability, the City of
    Chicago agrees to entry of judgment against the
    City for compensatory damages. The City specif-
    ically waives its right under Monell v. New York
    City Dept. of Social Services not to be held liable in
    damages under section 1983 without proof that
    the City by its “policy, custom or practice,” and
    with the requisite degree of culpability, caused
    the alleged constitutional violation. …
    4. Further, the City of Chicago agrees to
    indemnify [the individual defendants] for the
    judgment of compensatory damages that was
    entered against them in this case. The City of
    Chicago also agrees to indemnify these [d]efend-
    ants for reasonable attorney’s fees and costs to
    which [Swanigan] may be entitled pursuant to
    42 U.S.C. § 1988. This indemnification agreement
    is both unconditional and irrevocable.
    5. Additionally, the City of Chicago agrees to
    pay nominal damages (not to exceed one dollar),
    as [Swanigan] has proven a violation of a sub-
    stantive constitutional right and [an] actual
    compensable injury.
    10                                                   No. 12-1261
    The proposed Certification thus largely duplicated the
    court-drafted “stipulation” to which the City had agreed in
    principle in the first suit; the main difference was that the City
    agreed to entry of judgment against it, whereas the stipulation
    had involved only an agreement to indemnify the officers and
    pay nominal damages. The City asked the court to deny the
    motion to lift the stay, accept the proposed Certification, and
    dismiss the case for lack of a justiciable case or controversy.
    Swanigan filed a reply arguing that the stay should be lifted
    to permit the case to proceed in the ordinary course and
    reiterating that he intended to file an amended complaint. He
    specifically flagged two of the 11 possible theories of liability
    identified in his original complaint: (1) the officers acted
    pursuant to a city policy allowing them to “delay release of a
    detainee arrested without a warrant solely for the purpose of
    investigating the detainee for uncharged and unrelated
    crimes,” even if the delay extends past the next court call at
    which the suspect could receive a probable-cause determina-
    tion; and (2) the officers acted pursuant to a city policy allow-
    ing them to mark a case report as “cleared closed,” a designa-
    tion that listed the suspect as an identified criminal offender
    even when the State’s Attorney refused to prosecute the case.
    (We’ll refer to these as the “hold claim” and the “cleared-
    closed claim.”) After briefly touching on the potential viability
    of these theories, Swanigan again asked that “the stay of his
    Monell claim be lifted in order that his case may proceed.”
    No. 12-1261                                                                11
    The judge denied the motion to lift the stay and dismissed
    the case in its entirety.2 The judge concluded that based on the
    City’s Certification, Swanigan would receive in the first suit all
    the monetary relief he could recover on the hold claim or the
    cleared-closed claim, which meant that any claim for damages
    in the Monell suit was moot. The judge also concluded that
    Swanigan lacked standing to pursue injunctive relief on either
    the hold claim or the cleared-closed claim. For these reasons—
    mootness and lack of standing—the judge held that neither
    claim presented a justiciable case or controversy. In addition,
    the judge rejected Swanigan’s challenge to the cleared-closed
    policy for failure to state a claim—an argument that the City
    never made.
    Although Swanigan gave no indication that he was waiving
    any of his other asserted grounds for Monell liability, the judge
    treated the resolution of these two claims as dispositive of the
    The court’s order does not specify whether the dismissal was with or
    without prejudice. As we explain in the text, to the extent that the judge
    held that the hold claim and the cleared-closed claim were jurisdictionally
    defective, the dismissal was without prejudice. See FED. R. CIV. P. 41(b)
    (“Unless the dismissal order states otherwise, … any dismissal not under
    this rule—except one for lack of jurisdiction, improper venue, or failure to
    join a party under Rule 19—operates as an adjudication on the merits.”).
    But the judge also held that the cleared-closed claim failed to state a claim
    on which relief can be granted, so to that extent the dismissal was with
    prejudice. Either way, the court’s order was “conclusive in practical effect,”
    meaning that our jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1291 is secure. Schering-
    Plough Healthcare Prods., Inc. v. Schwarz Pharma, Inc., 
    586 F.3d 500
    , 507 (7th
    Cir. 2009) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    12                                                     No. 12-1261
    entire suit and entered final judgment dismissing the case.
    Swanigan appealed.
    II. Discussion
    Multiple procedural errors infect this judgment. First, the
    dismissal of Swanigan’s cleared-closed claim for failure to state
    a claim under Rule 12(b)(6) was procedurally defective. The
    City’s response in opposition to Swanigan’s motion to lift the
    stay made no mention of Rule 12(b)(6), did not address the
    relevant pleading or substantive legal standards, and did not
    discuss the plausibility of the allegations in Swanigan’s
    complaint. As the City itself states, “[i]n responding to
    Swanigan’s motion to lift the stay, the City clearly requested
    dismissal of his Monell claims based upon lack of Article III
    standing,” not based on Swanigan’s failure to state a claim.
    A district court cannot sua sponte dismiss a complaint on
    the merits without notifying the parties and allowing the
    plaintiff an opportunity either to cure the defect in the com-
    plaint or at least a chance to defend the merits of his claim. See,
    e.g., Pourghoraishi v. Flying J, Inc., 
    449 F.3d 751
    , 765–66 (7th Cir.
    2006). Here, the judge gave no indication that she was going to
    evaluate whether any aspect of Swanigan’s Monell claim held
    up under Rule 12(b)(6) scrutiny. The court’s abrupt, sua sponte
    merits dismissal is even more problematic given Swanigan’s
    stated desire to amend his complaint. At the very least, the
    judge should not have addressed and dismissed the cleared-
    closed claim for failure to state a claim.
    No. 12-1261                                                     13
    The jurisdictional dismissal was also procedurally irregular.
    The Monell case was frozen in time while the parties litigated
    the claims against the officers in the earlier-filed case. When
    that case concluded, the court had before it a simple motion to
    lift the stay in the Monell suit, not a Rule 12(b)(1) motion to
    dismiss the suit for lack of subject-matter jurisdiction. It’s true
    that in opposing Swanigan’s motion to lift the stay, the City
    raised justiciability arguments based on mootness and lack of
    standing, both of which affect a federal court’s jurisdiction.
    And the judge credited these arguments, holding that the
    City’s proposed Certification mooted any Monell claim for
    damages and that Swanigan lacked standing to pursue
    injunctive relief on his challenge to the City’s hold policy and
    cleared-closed policy. Based on these rulings, the judge
    dismissed the case in its entirety.
    There are several problems with this approach. First, the
    court’s mootness holding treats the Certification as though it
    were a Rule 68 offer of judgment. See FED. R. CIV. P. 68(a)
    (providing that a defendant may “offer to allow judgment on
    specified terms, with the costs then accrued,” and that accep-
    tance of such an offer can lead to termination of the lawsuit). It
    was not.
    In this circuit an unaccepted Rule 68 offer that meets or
    exceeds all the relief the plaintiff has demanded eliminates any
    remaining case or controversy. See, e.g., Damasco v. Clearwire
    662 F.3d 891
    , 895 (7th Cir. 2011) (“‘Once the defendant
    offers to satisfy the plaintiff’s entire demand, there is no
    dispute over which to litigate, and a plaintiff who refuses to
    acknowledge that loses outright, under Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1),
    14                                                              No. 12-1261
    because he has no remaining stake.’” (quoting Rand v.
    Monsanto Co., 
    926 F.2d 596
    , 598 (7th Cir. 1991)); Thorogood v.
    Sears, Roebuck & Co., 
    595 F.3d 750
    , 752 (7th Cir. 2010) (“The
    offer exceeded the amount in controversy and so the case was
    moot.”); Greisz v. Household Bank (Ill.), 
    176 F.3d 1012
    , 1015 (7th
    Cir. 1999); Alliance to End Repression v. City of Chicago, 
    820 F.2d 873
    , 878 (7th Cir. 1987). The reasoning behind these cases is
    straightforward: “You cannot persist in suing after you’ve
    Greisz, 176 F.3d at 1015
    By the same token, however, “the rejection of an offer of
    less than the complete relief sought by a suit does not prove
    that there is no dispute between the litigants.” 
    Id. The clear
    import of our caselaw in this area is that a Rule 68 offer of
    judgment must completely satisfy the plaintiff’s demand in
    The circuits are split on whether an unaccepted Rule 68 offer moots the
    plaintiff’s case. See Scott v. Westlake Servs. LLC, 
    740 F.3d 1124
    , 1126 n.1 (7th
    Cir. 2014) (explaining the split). In Genesis Healthcare Corp. v. Symczyk,
    133 S. Ct. 1523
    (2013), the Supreme Court seemed poised to resolve the split
    but in the end decided the case on narrower grounds. See 
    id. at 1532;
    see also
    Scott, 740 F.3d at 1126
    n.1. Four Justices dissented in Genesis Healthcare,
    sharply criticizing our approach. See Genesis 
    Healthcare, 133 S. Ct. at 1533
    (Kagan, J., dissenting) (“An unaccepted settlement offer—like any
    unaccepted contract offer—is a legal nullity, with no operative effect. … So
    a friendly suggestion to the Third Circuit: Rethink your mootness-by-
    unaccepted-offer theory. And a note to all other courts of appeals: Don’t try
    this at home.”). Based on Justice Kagan’s dissent, we noted in Scott that
    “there are reasons to question our approach to the 
    problem.” 740 F.3d at 1126
    n.1. Here, as in Scott, the parties do not question our Rule 68 prece-
    dent, so we do not address it further. See also Smith v. Greystone Alliance,
    772 F.3d 448
    , 450 (7th Cir. 2014) (noting the views of the dissenting
    Justices in Genesis Healthcare but deferring the issue).
    No. 12-1261                                                             15
    order to eliminate a justiciable controversy. See, e.g., Smith v.
    Greystone Alliance, LLC, 
    772 F.3d 448
    , 450 (7th Cir. 2014)
    (explaining that a jurisdictional dismissal is proper only if the
    defendant satisfies the plaintiff’s entire demand); Scott v.
    Westlake Servs. LLC, 
    740 F.3d 1124
    , 1126 (7th Cir. 2014) (“[I]f the
    defendant offers to pay only what it thinks might be due, the
    offer does not render the plaintiff’s case moot. … The plaintiff’s
    stake is negated only if no additional relief is possible.”).
    An initial difficulty with treating the Certification as an
    offer of judgment under Rule 68 is that it wasn’t styled as a
    Rule 68 offer, and the City actually denies that it functioned as
    one. On this point the City’s position has fluctuated. At oral
    argument the City stated that the district court construed the
    Certification as “a Rule 68 [offer of judgment] in substance.”
    The City retracted that statement in a Rule 28(j) letter, explain-
    ing that it routinely agrees to stipulations like this one and that
    “[d]istrict court judges prefer various titles for this document.”
    The City continued: “While these proposals have features in
    common with Rule 68 offers of judgment, they provide an
    independent basis for the court to resolve the case in circum-
    stances where a Rule 68 offer might not be appropriate.”
    Without further elaboration, the City asserted in its Rule 28(j)
    letter that these “effort[s] to streamline the litigation” have
    “ample support” in Rules 1 and 42 of the Federal Rules of Civil
    Rule 1 provides that the Rules of Civil Procedure “should be construed …
    to secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive determination of every action.”
    FED. R. CIV. P. 1. Rule 42(a) governs consolidation of cases. FED. R. CIV.
    16                                                            No. 12-1261
    This new justification for dismissing Swanigan’s case comes
    far too late and is so woefully undeveloped that it cannot be
    taken seriously. We decline to consider it.
    Even assuming that the district court indeed construed the
    Certification as a Rule 68 offer “in substance,” the court erred
    in holding that it mooted Swanigan’s case. Municipalities “can
    be sued directly under § 1983 for monetary, declaratory, or
    injunctive relief.”5 
    Monell, 436 U.S. at 690
    . Swanigan sought the
    full range of remedies, but the Certification offered only
    monetary relief in the form of a promise to indemnify the
    officers for the judgment in the first suit and pay nominal
    damages of $1 for any Monell liability.6
    The City acknowledges the point but argues that the
    Certification offered Swanigan all the relief that he was entitled
    to on the hold claim and the cleared-closed claim. But we
    repeat: “[T]he defendant must satisfy the plaintiffs’ demands;
    only then does no dispute remain between the parties.” Gates v.
    P. 42(a) (authorizing the district court to consolidate actions that “involve
    a common question of law or fact” and “issue any other orders” in
    consolidated cases “to avoid unnecessary cost or delay”).
    Though not for punitive damages. See City of Newport v. Fact Concerts, Inc.,
    453 U.S. 247
    , 271 (1981).
    Swanigan’s original complaint requested damages and “such other and
    further relief as this Court may deem just and proper,” but he explained in
    his motion to lift the stay that he intended to clarify in an amended
    complaint that he was “also seeking declaratory and/or injunctive relief.”
    No. 12-1261                                                    17
    430 F.3d 429
    , 432 (7th Cir. 2005). The City did not do
    that here. As we explained in Scott:
    [I]f the defendant offers to pay only what it
    thinks might be due, the offer does not render
    the plaintiff’s case moot. Gates v. Towery, 
    430 F.3d 429
    , 431–32 (7th Cir. 2005). In that situation, the
    plaintiff still has a stake in the action because she
    may obtain additional relief if she prevails. The
    plaintiff’s stake is negated only if no additional
    relief is possible. 
    Id. To hold
    otherwise would
    imply that any reasonable settlement offer moots
    the plaintiff’s case or that long-shot claims are
    moot rather than unlikely to succeed. 
    Id. at 432.
           “That’s not the way things work: A bad theory
    (whether of liability or of damages) does not
    undermine federal jurisdiction.” 
    Id. 740 F.3d
    at 1126–27; see also 
    Smith, 772 F.3d at 450
    (“A defen-
    dant cannot have the suit dismissed by making an offer limited
    to what it concedes the plaintiff is entitled to receive, even if
    the defendant happens to be right about its view of the
    plaintiff’s entitlement … .”).
    This highlights two more procedural irregularities in the
    district court’s order. After concluding that the Certification
    mooted the Monell claim for monetary relief, the judge held
    that Swanigan lacked standing to seek an injunctive remedy
    against either the hold policy or the cleared-closed policy and
    on that basis held that the entire case was nonjusticiable.
    18                                                    No. 12-1261
    This ruling wrongly assumed that Swanigan had waived all
    other possible theories of Monell liability. He clearly did not.
    All he said was that he wanted to narrow the Monell suit in
    light of the verdict in the earlier suit, and he mentioned the
    hold policy and the cleared-closed policy to illustrate poten-
    tially viable claims that he might pursue. But he gave no
    indication that he was waiving any other aspects of his Monell
    claim. To the contrary, he reiterated his intention to amend his
    complaint to focus and refine the claim.
    The procedural challenges in this case stem in part from the
    complex development of § 1983 doctrine from Monroe v. Pape,
    365 U.S. 167
    , 187 (1961) (municipalities not liable under § 1983),
    Monell, 436 U.S. at 694
    –95 (municipalities may be liable
    under § 1983 for injuries caused by municipal policy, custom,
    or practice), to the establishment of the qualified-immunity
    defense for individual defendants, see, e.g., Anderson v. Creigh-
    483 U.S. 635
    , 641 (1987).
    If a § 1983 plaintiff seeks only monetary relief, and if a
    municipal defendant is willing (or required) to indemnify
    individual defendants for compensatory damages as well as an
    award of attorney’s fees and costs, a Monell claim against the
    municipality will offer a prevailing plaintiff no additional
    remedy (aside, perhaps, from nominal damages). In such cases
    there is no need for the parties to spend time and money
    litigating a Monell claim. If the plaintiff fails to prove a viola-
    tion of his constitutional rights in his claim against the individ-
    ual defendants, there will be no viable Monell claim based on
    the same allegations. See, e.g., City of Los Angeles v. Heller,
    475 U.S. 796
    , 799 (1986). Accordingly, the judge’s decision to
    No. 12-1261                                                     19
    stay the Monell suit while the claims against the individual
    officers were litigated to judgment was sensible, especially in
    light of the volume of civil-rights litigation that district courts
    must manage.
    In some civil-rights cases, however, a verdict in favor of
    individual defendants would not necessarily be inconsistent
    with a plaintiff’s verdict on a factually distinct Monell claim.
    See, e.g., Thomas v. Cook Cnty. Sheriff’s Dep’t, 
    604 F.3d 293
    , 305
    (7th Cir. 2009). In still other cases, the plaintiff may want an
    injunction against future constitutional violations or some
    other equitable remedy, and he may be willing to invest the
    time and effort needed to prove his entitlement to that relief. In
    such cases, and this is one, the plaintiff is entitled to try to
    prove his Monell claim. Some cases have remedial import
    beyond the individual plaintiff’s claim for monetary damages,
    and § 1983 provides a vehicle for obtaining other judicial relief
    against governmental policies that violate constitutional rights.
    See generally David F. Hamilton, The Importance and Overuse of
    Policy and Custom Claims: A View From One Trench, 48 DEPAUL
    L. REV. 723, 734–35 (1999).
    District courts, municipal defendants, and even plaintiffs
    have incentives to minimize duplication of effort in § 1983
    cases that combine claims against individual public officials
    and a municipal defendant. The stipulation and stay of the
    Monell suit in this case achieved the goal of avoiding unneces-
    sary complexity and effort. But district courts cannot prevent
    plaintiffs from pursuing potentially viable Monell claims that
    seek additional equitable relief or are distinct from the claims
    against individual defendants. The procedures used in this case
    20                                                   No. 12-1261
    prevented a fair test of Swanigan’s Monell theories, and that
    necessitates a remand.
    Recall that the Monell suit was stayed from the start. No
    responsive pleading or motion to dismiss had been filed.
    Swanigan was simply asking to resuscitate the suit, and under
    Rule 15(a)(1)(B), once the City filed a responsive pleading or
    motion to dismiss, Swanigan was entitled to amend his
    complaint to flesh out his original claims or attempt to cure any
    jurisdictional or legal defects.
    Indeed, whether to allow an amendment was out of the
    court’s hands entirely. As amended in 2009, Rule 15 provides
    as follows:
    (a) Amendments Before Trial.
    (1) Amending as a Matter of Course. A
    party may amend its pleading once as a
    matter of course within:
    (A) 21 days after serving it, or
    (B) if the pleading is one to which a
    responsive pleading is required,
    21 days after service of a responsive
    pleading or 21 days after service of a
    motion under Rule 12(b), (e), or (f),
    whichever is earlier.
    FED. R. CIV. P. 15(a)(1) (2009). Because no responsive pleading
    or motion to dismiss had been filed, the 21-day clock under
    Rule 15(a)(1)(B) never started and Swanigan retained the right
    No. 12-1261                                                                21
    to amend his complaint.7 The district court voided that right by
    dismissing the Monell suit prematurely. After learning that
    Swanigan wanted to amend his complaint, the district court
    should have lifted the stay and waited for the amended
    complaint before evaluating any jurisdictional impediments to
    hearing the case.
    We do not doubt that Swanigan’s Monell claim faces
    jurisdictional and substantive legal barriers. Principles of
    double recovery may prevent him from recovering damages to
    the extent that his injuries are already covered by his successful
    claim in the earlier suit. He may not be able to establish
    standing to sue for injunctive relief. But the time to evaluate
    any jurisdictional or legal impediments to the Monell suit is
    after Swanigan has amended his complaint, as Rule 15(a)(1)(B)
    entitles him to do.
    The City argues that its memorandum in opposition to Swanigan’s motion
    to lift the stay was a “responsive pleading” and that Swanigan therefore lost
    his right to amend under Rule 15(a)(1)(B). This argument is frivolous.
    Rule 7 lists the papers that qualify as “pleadings,” see FED. R. CIV. P. 7(a),
    and the City’s filing is not on the list. Simply put, the 21-day automatic
    amendment period under Rule 15(a)(1)(B) was never triggered here. The
    district court stayed all proceedings in the Monell suit, and the City’s
    memorandum in opposition to Swanigan’s motion to lift the stay was not
    an answer, a motion to dismiss, or anything other than what it claimed to
    The City also suggests that Swanigan’s complaint in the Monell Suit was
    functionally a fourth amended complaint in the earlier suit because the two
    cases were “consolidated.” Whatever “consolidated” might mean in the
    context of this case, we think it clear that the consolidation didn’t com-
    pletely merge the cases. Both cases maintained separate docket numbers
    and were disposed of by separate judgments at separate times.
    22                                               No. 12-1261
    For all the foregoing reasons, the district court erred in
    dismissing the Monell suit. Accordingly, we VACATE the
    judgment and REMAND with instructions to grant Swanigan’s
    motion to lift the stay and accept an amended complaint
    consistent with Rule 15(a)(1)(B).