Pisciotta, Luciano v. Old Nat'l Bancorp ( 2007 )

  •                              In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 06-3817
    MILLS, on behalf of themselves
    and others similarly situated,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division.
    No. 05 C 668—Larry J. McKinney, Chief Judge.
    ARGUED MAY 21, 2007—DECIDED AUGUST 23, 2007
    Before RIPPLE, WOOD and EVANS, Circuit Judges.
    RIPPLE, Circuit Judge. Plaintiffs Luciano Pisciotta and
    Daniel Mills brought this action on behalf of a putative
    class of customers and potential customers of Old Na-
    tional Bancorp (“ONB”). They alleged that, through its
    website, ONB had solicited personal information from
    applicants for banking services, but had failed to secure it
    adequately. As a result, a third-party computer “hacker”
    was able to obtain access to the confidential information of
    tens of thousands of ONB site users. The plaintiffs sought
    2                                                No. 06-3817
    damages for the harm that they claim to have suffered
    because of the security breach; specifically, they requested
    compensation for past and future credit monitoring
    services that they have obtained in response to the compro-
    mise of their personal data through ONB’s website. ONB
    answered the allegations and then moved for judgment on
    the pleadings under Rule 12(c). The district court granted
    ONB’s motion and dismissed the case. The plaintiffs timely
    appeal. For the reasons set forth in this opinion, we affirm
    the judgment of the district court.
    A. Facts
    ONB operates a marketing website on which individuals
    seeking banking services can complete online applica-
    tions for accounts, loans and other ONB banking services.
    The applications differ depending on the service requested,
    but some forms require the customer or potential cus-
    tomer’s name, address, social security number, driver’s
    license number, date of birth, mother’s maiden name and
    credit card or other financial account numbers. In 2002 and
    2004, respectively, Mr. Pisciotta and Mr. Mills accessed
    this website and entered personal information in connec-
    tion with their applications for ONB banking services.
    In 2005, NCR, a hosting facility that maintains ONB’s
    website, notified ONB of a security breach. ONB then sent
    written notice to its customers. The results of the investiga-
    tion that followed have been filed under seal in this court;
    for present purposes, it will suffice to note that the scope
    and manner of access suggests that the intrusion was
    sophisticated, intentional and malicious.
    No. 06-3817                                                  3
    B. District Court Proceedings
    Mr. Pisciotta and Mr. Mills, on behalf of a putative class
    of other ONB website users, brought this action in the
    United States District Court for the Southern District of
    Indiana. They named ONB and NCR as defendants and
    asserted negligence claims against both defendants as
    well as breach of implied contract claims by ONB and
    breach of contract by NCR. The plaintiffs alleged that:
    [b]y failing to adequately protect [their] personal
    confidential information, [ONB and NCR] caused
    Plaintiffs and other similarly situated past and present
    customers to suffer substantial potential economic
    damages and emotional distress and worry that third
    parties will use [the plaintiffs’] confidential personal
    information to cause them economic harm, or sell their
    confidential information to others who will in turn
    cause them economic harm.
    R.37 at 2.
    In pleading their damages, the plaintiffs stated that they
    and others in the putative class “have incurred expenses
    in order to prevent their confidential personal information
    from being used and will continue to incur expenses in the
    Id. at 4.
    Significantly, the plaintiffs did not allege
    any completed direct financial loss to their accounts as a
    result of the breach. Nor did they claim that they or any
    other member of the putative class already had been the
    victim of identity theft as a result of the breach. The
    plaintiffs requested “[c]ompensation for all economic and
    emotional damages suffered as a result of the Defendants’
    acts which were negligent, in breach of implied contract
    or in breach of contract,” and “[a]ny and all other legal
    and/or equitable relief to which Plaintiffs . . . are entitled,
    4                                               No. 06-3817
    including establishing an economic monitoring proce-
    dure to insure [sic] prompt notice to Plaintiffs . . . of any
    attempt to use their confidential personal information
    stolen from the Defendants.” 
    Id. at 5-6.
      NCR moved to dismiss for failure to state a claim; its
    motion was granted. This ruling has not been appealed.
    ONB, the remaining defendant, answered the second
    amended complaint. The plaintiffs moved for class certifi-
    cation. ONB then filed a motion for judgment on the
    pleadings under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(c) and
    a memorandum in opposition to class certification.
    The district court granted ONB’s motion for judgment on
    the pleadings and denied the plaintiffs’ motion for class
    certification as moot. Specifically, the district court con-
    cluded that the plaintiffs’ claims failed as a matter of law
    because “they have not alleged that ONB’s conduct caused
    them cognizable injury.” R.78 at 3. In support of its conclu-
    sion, the court noted that, under Indiana law, damages
    must be more than speculative; therefore, the plaintiffs’
    allegations that they had suffered “substantial potential
    economic damages” did not state a claim. 
    Id. (emphasis in
    The district court looked to five cases from other district
    courts across the Country that had rejected claims for “the
    cost of credit monitoring as an alternative award for what
    would otherwise be speculative and unrecoverable
    Id. Finding their
    reasoning persuasive, the
    district court concluded that “[t]he expenditure of money
    to monitor one’s credit is not the result of any present
    injury, but rather the anticipation of future injury that has
    not yet materialized.” 
    Id. at 4
    (citing Forbes v. Wells Fargo
    Bank, N.A., 
    420 F. Supp. 2d 1018
    , 1021 (D. Minn. 2006)). The
    court also concluded that, although not enumerated as a
    No. 06-3817                                                    5
    separate cause of action in the complaint, the plaintiffs had
    made allegations that could relate to a claim for negligent
    infliction of emotional distress; the court dismissed this
    claim as well. It noted that, as a matter of Indiana law, any
    such action was dependent on an underlying negligence
    Id. at 5.
    Finally, the court concluded that there
    could be no action for breach of contract under Indiana
    law in the absence of an allegation of cognizable damages.
    The plaintiffs then timely appealed the entry of judg-
    ment for ONB on the claims for negligence and breach of
    implied contract1 and further asked that this court vacate
    the order denying class certification as moot.
    We review a district court’s decision on a 12(c) motion
    de novo. Moss v. Martin, 
    473 F.3d 694
    , 698 (7th Cir. 2007).
    We take the facts alleged in the complaint as true, drawing
    all reasonable inferences in favor of the plaintiff. Thomas v.
    Guardsmark, Inc., 
    381 F.3d 701
    , 704 (7th Cir. 2004). We
    review the judgment for the defendants by employing the
    same standard that we apply when reviewing a motion to
    dismiss under Rule 12(b)(6). Guise v. BWM Mortgage, LLC,
    377 F.3d 795
    , 798 (7th Cir. 2004). The complaint must
    contain only “a short and plain statement of the claim
    showing that the pleader is entitled to relief.” Fed. R. Civ.
    P. 8(a)(2); see also Conley v. Gibson, 
    355 U.S. 41
    , 47 (1957).
    The plaintiffs have waived review of the district court’s order
    on their claims for negligent infliction of emotional distress.
    See Appellants’ Br. at 9 n.4.
    6                                                 No. 06-3817
    There is no need for detailed factual allegations. 
    Conley, 355 U.S. at 47
    . However, the statement must “give the
    defendant fair notice of what the . . . claim is and the
    grounds upon which it rests.” 
    Id. “Factual allegations
    be enough to raise a right to relief above the speculative
    level.” Bell Atl. Corp. v. Twombly, __ U.S. __, 
    127 S. Ct. 1955
    1965 (2007); see also Jennings v. Auto Meter Prods., Inc., ___
    F.3d ___, No. 06-2466, slip op. at 7-8 (7th Cir. July 25, 2007).
    A. Jurisdiction
    The plaintiffs filed this action in the district court under
    the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005, Pub. L. 109-2, § 4,
    119 Stat. 4, 9 (codified at 28 U.S.C. § 1332(d)) (“CAFA”), on
    behalf of a putative class that includes residents of Indiana,
    Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio and Tennessee. Under
    CAFA, the district court had jurisdiction over this action
    because “the matter in controversy exceeds the sum or
    value of $5,000,000, exclusive of interest and costs,” 28
    U.S.C. § 1332(d)(2), and because at least one member of
    the proposed class is a citizen of a State different from
    Id. § 1332(d)(2)(A).
    In short, subject to limitations not
    relevant here, CAFA allows for incomplete diversity. Id.; cf.
    Strawbridge v. Curtiss, 3 Cranch 267, 
    7 U.S. 267
    (interpreting the language of the general federal diversity
    statute to require complete diversity). In calculating the
    requisite amount in controversy, CAFA requires that
    the claims of all the plaintiffs be aggregated. 28 U.S.C.
    § 1332(d)(6); cf. In re Brand Name Prescription Drugs Antitrust
    123 F.3d 599
    , 607 (7th Cir. 1997) (noting the otherwise
    applicable rule that aggregation is not permitted and,
    therefore, at least one plaintiff in a particular class must
    satisfy the jurisdictional minimum).
    No. 06-3817                                                       7
    We have, of course, an independent responsibility to
    examine our subject matter jurisdiction. See Steel Co. v.
    Citizens for a Better Env’t, 
    523 U.S. 83
    , 95 (1998). As we have
    noted, in reaching the conclusion that dismissal was
    appropriate, the district court in this case relied on
    several cases from other district courts throughout the
    Country. Many of those cases have concluded that the
    federal courts lack jurisdiction because plaintiffs whose
    data has been compromised, but not yet misused, have not
    suffered an injury-in-fact sufficient to confer Article III
    standing.2 We are not persuaded by the reasoning of these
    cases. As many of our sister circuits have noted, the injury-
    in-fact requirement can be satisfied by a threat of future
    harm or by an act which harms the plaintiff only by
    increasing the risk of future harm that the plaintiff would
    have otherwise faced, absent the defendant’s actions.3 We
    See Randolph v. ING Life Ins. & Annuity Co., 
    486 F. Supp. 2d 1
    10 (D.D.C. 2007); Bell v. Acxiom Corp., 
    2006 WL 2850042
    , at *2
    (E.D. Ark. Oct. 3, 2006) (unpublished); Key v. DSW, Inc., 454 F.
    Supp. 2d 684, 690 (S.D. Ohio 2006); Giordano v. Wachovia Sec.,
    2006 WL 2177036
    , at *5 (D.N.J. July 31, 2006) (unpub-
    See, e.g., Denney v. Deutsche Bank AG, 
    443 F.3d 253
    , 264-65 (2d
    Cir. 2006) (stating, in dicta, that exposure to toxic substances
    creates a cognizable injury for standing purposes, “even though
    exposure alone may not provide sufficient ground for a claim
    under state tort law”); Sutton v. St. Jude Med. S.C., Inc., 
    419 F.3d 568
    , 574-75 (6th Cir. 2005) (holding that standing was present
    where a defective medical implement presented an increased
    risk of future health problems); Cent. Delta Water Agency v.
    United States, 
    306 F.3d 938
    , 947-48 (9th Cir. 2002) (holding that
    “the possibility of future injury may be sufficient to confer
    8                                                     No. 06-3817
    concur in this view.4 Once the plaintiffs’ allegations
    establish at least this level of injury, the fact that the
    plaintiffs anticipate that some greater potential harm might
    follow the defendant’s act does not affect the standing
    B. Availability of Credit Monitoring Damages Under
    Indiana Law
    With the issue of jurisdiction resolved, we now turn to
    the merits of the plaintiffs’ claim for damages. This case,
    invoking CAFA’s special rules for diversity jurisdiction,
    alleges causes of action under Indiana law. Our duty,
    standing on plaintiffs” and concluding that the suit could
    proceed when the plaintiffs demonstrated a factual issue about
    “whether they suffer a substantial risk of harm”); Friends of
    the Earth, Inc. v. Gaston Copper Recycling Corp., 
    204 F.3d 149
    , 160
    (4th Cir. 2000) (en banc) (“Threats or increased risk thus con-
    stitutes cognizable harm.”).
    See Lac Du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians v.
    422 F.3d 490
    , 498 (7th Cir. 2005) (“[T]he present impact
    of a future though uncertain harm may establish injury in fact
    for standing purposes.”); Johnson v. Allsteel, Inc., 
    259 F.3d 885
    888 (7th Cir. 2001) (holding that an ERISA plan administrator’s
    increased discretion increased risk that the participant would
    be denied benefits and that “[t]he increased risk the participant
    faces as a result is an injury-in-fact” for standing purposes); Vill.
    of Elk Grove Vill. v. Evans, 
    997 F.2d 328
    , 329 (7th Cir. 1993)
    (“[E]ven a small probability of injury is sufficient to create a
    case or controversy—to take a suit out of the category of the
    hypothetical—provided of course that the relief sought would,
    if granted, reduce the probability.”).
    No. 06-3817                                                    9
    therefore, as in every diversity case, is to apply state
    substantive law, as we believe the highest court of the state
    would apply it. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. v. Pate,
    275 F.3d 666
    , 669 (7th Cir. 2001).
    The principal claims in this case are based on a negli-
    gence theory. The elements of a negligence claim under
    Indiana law are: “(1) a duty owed to plaintiff by defen-
    dant, (2) breach of duty by allowing conduct to fall below
    the applicable standard of care, and (3) a compensable
    injury proximately caused by defendant’s breach of duty.”
    Bader v. Johnson, 
    732 N.E.2d 1212
    , 1216-17 (Ind. 2000)
    (emphasis added). The plaintiffs’ complaint also alleges
    that ONB has breached an implied contract. Compensable
    damages are an element of a breach of contract cause of
    action as well. See McCalment v. Eli Lilly & Co., 
    860 N.E.2d 884
    , 894 (Ind. Ct. App. 2007).
    As this case comes to us, both the negligence and the
    contractual issues can be resolved, and the judgment of
    the district court affirmed, if the district court was correct
    in its determination that Indiana law would not permit
    recovery for credit monitoring costs incurred by the
    plaintiffs. We review de novo the district court’s determi-
    nation of the content of state law. Hinc v. Lime-O-Sol Co.,
    382 F.3d 716
    , 720 (7th Cir. 2004); see also Salve Regina Coll. v.
    499 U.S. 225
    , 231-32 (1991) (rejecting a rule of
    deference to district court determinations of state law). We
    must determine whether Indiana would consider that the
    harm caused by identity information exposure, coupled
    with the attendant costs to guard against identity theft,
    constitutes an existing compensable injury and consequent
    damages required to state a claim for negligence or for
    breach of contract. Neither the parties’ efforts nor our
    own have identified any Indiana precedent addressing
    10                                               No. 06-3817
    this issue. Nor have we located the decision of any court
    (other than the district court in this case) that examines
    Indiana law in this context. We are charged with predict-
    ing, nevertheless, how we think the Supreme Court of
    Indiana would decide this issue. See Dumas v. Infinity Broad.
    416 F.3d 671
    , 680 n.11 (7th Cir. 2005).
    When faced with a novel question of state law, federal
    courts sitting in diversity have a range of tools at their
    disposal. First, when the intermediate appellate courts of
    the state have spoken to the issue, we shall give great
    weight to their determination about the content of state
    law, absent some indication that the highest court of the
    state is likely to deviate from those rulings. See Woidtke v.
    St. Clair County, Illinois, 
    335 F.3d 558
    , 562 (7th Cir. 2003).
    We also shall consult a variety of other sources, including
    other “relevant state precedents, analogous decisions,
    considered dicta, scholarly works, and any other reliable
    data tending convincingly to show how the highest court
    in the state would decide the issue at hand.” McKenna v.
    Ortho Pharm. Corp., 
    622 F.2d 657
    , 663 (3d Cir. 1980); see
    generally Dolores K. Sloviter, A Federal Judge Looks at
    Diversity Jurisdiction, 
    78 Va. L
    . Rev. 1671 (1992) (discussing
    the challenges facing federal courts in applying un-
    charted areas of state law). In the absence of any authority
    from the relevant state courts, we also shall examine the
    reasoning of courts in other jurisdictions addressing the
    same issue and applying their own law for whatever
    guidance about the probable direction of state law they
    may provide. See Allstate Ins. Co. v. Tozer, 
    392 F.3d 950
    952 (7th Cir. 2004).
    In the end, however, the plaintiffs must come forward
    with some authority to support their view that they have a
    right to the relief they seek because, as we have stated, we
    No. 06-3817                                                        11
    have “limited discretion . . . with respect to untested legal
    theories brought under the rubric of state law.” A.W. Huss
    Co. v. Cont’l Cas. Co., 
    735 F.2d 246
    , 253 (7th Cir. 1984).
    Without state authority to guide us, “[w]hen given a choice
    between an interpretation of [state] law which reasonably
    restricts liability, and one which greatly expands liability,
    we should choose the narrower and more reasonable path
    (at least until the [state] Supreme Court tells us differ-
    ently).”). Todd v. Societe Bic, S.A., 
    21 F.3d 1402
    , 1412 (7th
    Cir. 1994) (en banc); see also Insolia v. Philip Morris Inc., 
    216 F.3d 596
    , 607 (7th Cir. 2000) (“Federal courts are loathe to
    fiddle around with state law. Though district courts may
    try to determine how the state courts would rule on an
    unclear area of state law, district courts are encouraged to
    dismiss actions based on novel state law claims.”); Home
    Valu, Inc. v. Pep Boys, 
    213 F.3d 960
    , 965 (7th Cir. 2000)
    (adopting an interpretation of state law which, between
    two possible options, “take[s] the approach that is restric-
    tive of liability”).5 With these principles in mind, we turn
    to our consideration of whether Indiana would recognize
    a cause of action for a data exposure injury. Specifically,
    we shall examine whether Indiana would compensate
    victims who undertake credit monitoring to guard against
    identity theft that might follow.
    We have applied this restrictive approach to a plaintiff’s novel
    theory of liability under state law even where the plaintiff had
    no choice but to litigate his claim in federal court. Insolia v. Philip
    Morris Inc., 
    216 F.3d 596
    , 607 (7th Cir. 2000) (noting that even
    where “state law . . . is stunted by the ability of [defendants] to
    remove cases under diversity jurisdiction . . . . that does not
    justify the federal courts imposing a new tort claim” on a state).
    12                                                   No. 06-3817
    We begin our inquiry with the Indiana authority most
    closely addressed to the issue before us. On March 21, 2006,
    the Indiana legislature enacted a statute that applies to
    certain database security breaches. Specifically, the statute
    creates certain duties when a database in which personal
    data, electronically stored by private entities or state
    agencies, potentially has been accessed by unauthorized
    third parties. I.C. § 24-4.9 et seq.6 The statute took effect on
    For present purposes, it will suffice to note the relevant
    substantive provisions added to the Indiana Code by § 6 of
    Public Law 125-2006 (Mar. 21, 2006), codified at I.C. § 24-4.9 et
    (a) Except as provided in section 4(c), 4(d), and 4(e) of this
    chapter, after discovering or being notified of a breach of
    the security of a system, the data base owner shall disclose
    the breach to an Indiana resident whose:
    (1) unencrypted personal information was or may have
    been acquired by an unauthorized person; or
    (2) encrypted personal information was or may have
    been acquired by an unauthorized person with access to
    the encryption key;
    if the data base owner knows, should know, or should have
    known that the unauthorized acquisition constituting the
    breach has resulted in or could result in identity deception
    (as defined in IC 35-43-5-3.5), identity theft, or fraud
    affecting the Indiana resident.
    (b) A data base owner required to make a disclosure under
    subsection (a) to more than one thousand (1,000) consumers
    shall also disclose to each consumer reporting agency (as
    defined in 15 U.S.C. 1681a(p)) information necessary to
    No. 06-3817                                                  13
    July 1, 2006, see Ind. Pub. L. 125-2006, § 6 (Mar. 21, 2006),
    after the particular incident involved in this case; neither
    party contends that the statute is directly applicable to the
    present dispute.7 We nevertheless find this enactment by
    the Indiana legislature instructive in our evaluation of the
    probable approach of the Supreme Court of Indiana to
    the allegations in the present case.
    The provisions of the statute applicable to private en-
    tities storing personal information require only that a
    database owner disclose a security breach to potentially
    affected consumers; they do not require the database owner
    to take any other affirmative act in the wake of a breach. If
    the database owner fails to comply with the only affirma-
    tive duty imposed by the statute—the duty to disclose—the
    statute provides for enforcement only by the Attorney
    General of Indiana. It creates no private right of action
    against the database owner by an affected customer. It
    imposes no duty to compensate affected individuals for
    inconvenience or potential harm to credit that may follow.8
    assist the consumer reporting agency in preventing fraud,
    including personal information of an Indiana resident
    affected by the breach of the security of a system.
    I.C. § 24-4.9-3-1 (eff. July 1, 2006).
    “As a general rule, the law in place at the time an action is
    commenced governs. Unless a contrary intention is expressed,
    statutes are treated as intended to operate prospectively, and
    not retrospectively.” Indiana Dep’t of Envtl. Mgmt. v. Med.
    Disposal Servs., Inc., 
    729 N.E.2d 577
    , 581 (Ind. 2000) (internal
    quotation marks and citation omitted).
    The Act provides as the exclusive remedy an action by the
    Attorney General against the database owner:
    14                                                     No. 06-3817
    The plaintiffs maintain that the statute is evidence that
    the Indiana legislature believes that an individual has
    suffered a compensable injury at the moment his personal
    information is exposed because of a security breach. We
    cannot accept this view. Had the Indiana legislature
    intended that a cause of action should be available against
    a database owner for failing to protect adequately personal
    information, we believe that it would have made some
    more definite statement of that intent. Moreover, given
    the novelty of the legal questions posed by information
    A person that is required to make a disclosure or notifica-
    tion in accordance with IC 24-4.9-3 and that fails to comply
    with any provision of this article commits a deceptive
    act that is actionable only by the attorney general under this
    I.C. § 24-4.9-4-1(a) (emphasis added).
    In such an action, the statute provides that the Attorney
    General may obtain an injunction against future violations, a
    civil penalty of not more than $150,000 per deceptive act and the
    Attorney General’s reasonable costs in investigating the act and
    maintaining the action. 
    Id. § 24-4.9-4-2;
    see also Joanna L. Grama
    & Scott L. Ksander, Recent Indiana legislation hopes to stem release
    of personally identifying information, Res Gestae, Nov. 2006, 35 at
    39 (“[B]oth new Ind. Code § 24-4.9 (private entities) and Ind.
    Code § 4-1-11 (state agencies) offer no remedy to those persons
    whose information was obtained by an unauthorized person as a re-
    sult of a security breach, other than that those persons be in-
    formed of the breach.” (emphasis added)); 
    id. at 42
    n.65 (“Of
    course, in a subsequent criminal action against the unauthorized
    person who acquired the personal information, a trial court could
    order restitution for victims. See Ind. Code § 35-50-2-2.3(a)(5).”
    (emphasis added)).
    No. 06-3817                                                15
    exposure and theft, it is unlikely that the legislature
    intended to sanction the development of common law tort
    remedies that would apply to the same factual circum-
    stances addressed by the statute. The narrowness of the
    defined duties imposed, combined with state-enforced
    penalties as the exclusive remedy, strongly suggest that
    Indiana law would not recognize the costs of credit moni-
    toring that the plaintiffs seek to recover in this case as
    compensable damages.
    The plaintiffs further submit that cases decided by the
    Indiana courts in analogous areas of the law instruct that
    they suffered an immediate injury when their informa-
    tion was accessed by unauthorized third parties. Specifi-
    cally, the plaintiffs claim that Indiana law acknowl-
    edges special duties on the part of banks to prevent the
    disclosure of the personal information of their customers;
    they further claim that Indiana courts have recognized
    explicitly the significant harm that may result from a
    failure to prevent such a loss. See Indiana Nat’l Bank v.
    482 N.E.2d 474
    (Ind. Ct. App. 1985); American
    Fletcher Nat’l Bank & Trust Co. v. Flick, 
    252 N.E.2d 839
    Ct. App. 1969). In Indiana National Bank v. Chapman, 
    482 N.E.2d 474
    (Ind. Ct. App. 1985), the Court of Appeals of
    Indiana considered a claim that, in the course of an investi-
    gation into possible financial motives for an arson, the
    bank, intentionally and without authorization, had dis-
    closed to law enforcement that an account of one of its
    customers had been marked for repossession. The court
    held that the bank had contracted impliedly with its
    customers not to reveal financial information to law
    enforcement, absent a public duty. 
    Id. at 4
    82. In American
    16                                                 No. 06-3817
    Fletcher National Bank & Trust Co. v. Flick, 
    252 N.E.2d 839
    (Ind. Ct. App. 1969), the Court of Appeals considered
    liability based on a bank’s erroneous dishonor of a cus-
    tomer’s check when a third-party attempted to cash it. The
    appellate court concluded that the plaintiff, whose credi-
    tors had been told that the plaintiff’s business account had
    insufficient funds to cover the checks the plaintiff had
    written, had suffered a presumptive present harm to his
    business reputation and credit. 
    Id. at 846.
      Whatever these cases say about the relationship of banks
    and customers in Indiana, they are of marginal assistance
    to us in determining whether the present plaintiffs are
    entitled to the remedy they seek as a matter of Indiana law.
    The reputational injuries suffered by the plaintiffs in
    American Fletcher and Indiana National Bank were direct and
    immediate; the plaintiffs sought to be compensated for
    that harm, rather than to be reimbursed for their efforts to
    guard against some future, anticipated harm. We therefore
    do not believe that the factual circumstances of the cases
    relied on by the plaintiffs are sufficiently analogous to the
    circumstances that we confront in the present case to
    instruct us on the probable course that the Supreme Court
    of Indiana would take if faced with the present question.9
    The plaintiffs also contend that Article I, Section 12 of the
    Indiana Constitution requires courts to fashion common law
    remedies in all circumstances, for any harm alleged. That section
    provides, in pertinent part, that “every person, for injury done
    to him in his person, property, or reputation, shall have rem-
    edy by due course of law.” Indiana Const. Art. I, § 12. We are
    aware of no precedent from Indiana in which this provision was
    held to mandate a damages remedy in a suit by one citizen
    No. 06-3817                                                      17
    Although not raised by the parties, we separately note
    that in the somewhat analogous context of toxic tort
    liability,10 the Supreme Court of Indiana has suggested that
    compensable damage requires more than an exposure to a
    future potential harm. Specifically, in AlliedSignal, Inc. v.
    785 N.E.2d 1068
    (Ind. 2003), the Supreme Court of
    Indiana held that no cause of action accrues, despite
    incremental physical changes following asbestos ex-
    posure, until a plaintiff reasonably could have been
    diagnosed with an actual exposure-related illness or
    Id. at 1075.
    In its decision that no compensable
    against another whenever the plaintiff claims that he has been
    “injured.” Indeed, as the Supreme Court of Indiana recently
    has observed, “Article I, Section 12 does not specify any particu-
    lar remedy for any particular wrong. Rather, it leaves the
    definition of wrongs and the specification of remedies to the
    legislature and the common law.” Cantrell v. Morris, 
    849 N.E.2d 488
    , 499 (Ind. 2006) (emphasis added). As we read this provision
    in light of Indiana precedent, it does not appear to command
    that the plaintiffs in this case have a present, viable right of
    See generally Vincent R. Johnson, Cybersecurity, Identity Theft,
    and the Limits of Tort Liability, 
    57 S.C. L
    . Rev. 255, 305-11 (2005)
    (noting the propriety of the analogy between toxic torts and
    cybersecurity breaches). We need not endorse this analogy
    for present purposes. We merely note that, to the extent the
    analogy is apt, it does not support the view that Indiana tort law
    recognizes costs of monitoring as a compensable damage. Even
    in jurisdictions where medical monitoring has been acknowl-
    edged as a compensable damage, courts still have expressed
    doubt that credit monitoring also should be compensable. See
    Kahle v. Litton Loan Servicing, LP, 
    486 F. Supp. 2d 705
    , 712 (S.D.
    Ohio 2007); 
    Key, 454 F. Supp. 2d at 691
    18                                                 No. 06-3817
    injury occurs at the time of exposure, the court relied on
    precedent from both state and federal courts in general
    agreement with the principle that exposure alone does
    not give rise to a legally cognizable injury. 
    Id. at 1075
    Although some courts have allowed medical monitoring
    damages to be recovered or have created a special cause
    of action for medical monitoring under similar circum-
    stances, see Badillo v. American Brands, Inc., 
    16 P.3d 435
    , 438-
    39 & nn.1-2 (Nev. 2001) (citing cases interpreting the law
    of seventeen states to allow medical monitoring in some
    form), no authority from Indiana is among them. Indeed,
    its recent holding in AlliedSignal indicates a contrary
    approach. To the extent the decision of the Supreme Court
    of Indiana in that matter provides us with guidance on the
    likely approach that court would adopt with respect to the
    information exposure injury in this case, we think it
    supports the view that no cause of action for credit moni-
    toring is available.11
    Finally, without Indiana guidance directly on point, we
    next examine the reasoning of other courts applying the
    law of other jurisdictions to the question posed by this case.
    Allstate Ins. 
    Co., 392 F.3d at 952
    . In this respect, several
    district courts, applying the laws of other jurisdictions,
    have rejected similar claims on their merits. In addition to
    See also Hendricks v. DSW Shoe Warehouse, Inc., 
    444 F. Supp. 2d 775
    , 783 (W.D. Mich. 2006) (dismissing a case where no Michigan
    authority supported an action for credit monitoring and
    where Michigan had considered and rejected a cause of action
    for medical monitoring).
    No. 06-3817                                                 19
    those cases in which the district court held that the plain-
    tiff lacked standing,12 a series of cases has rejected infor-
    mation security claims on their merits. Most have con-
    cluded that the plaintiffs have not been injured in a manner
    the governing substantive law will recognize. See, e.g., Kahle
    v. Litton Loan Servicing, LP, 
    486 F. Supp. 2d 705
    , 712-13 (S.D.
    Ohio 2007) (entering summary judgment for the defendant
    because the plaintiff had failed to demonstrate an injury);
    Guin v. Brazos Higher Educ. Serv. Corp., Inc., 
    2006 WL 288483
    (D. Minn. Feb. 7, 2006) (unpublished) (same); Stollenwerk
    v. Tri-West Healthcare Alliance, 
    2005 WL 2465906
    , at *5 (D.
    Ariz. Sept. 6, 2005) (unpublished) (granting summary
    judgment for defendants because the plaintiffs had failed
    to provide evidence of injury); see also Hendricks v. DSW
    Shoe Warehouse, 
    444 F. Supp. 2d 775
    , 783 (W.D. Mich. 2006)
    (dismissing an action where “[t]here is no existing Michi-
    gan statutory or case law authority to support plaintiff’s
    position that the purchase of credit monitoring con-
    stitutes either actual damages or a cognizable loss”).
    Although some of these cases involve different types of
    information losses, all of the cases rely on the same basic
    premise: Without more than allegations of increased risk
    of future identity theft, the plaintiffs have not suffered a
    harm that the law is prepared to remedy. Plaintiffs have
    not come forward with a single case or statute, from any
    jurisdiction, authorizing the kind of action they now ask
    this federal court, sitting in diversity, to recognize as a
    valid theory of recovery under Indiana law. We decline to
    adopt a “substantive innovation” in state law, Combs v. Int’l
    Ins. Co., 
    354 F.3d 568
    , 578 (6th Cir. 2004), or “to invent what
    would be a truly novel tort claim” on behalf of the state,
    See note 
    2, supra
    20                                                  No. 06-3817
    Insolia, 216 F.3d at 607
    , absent some authority to sug-
    gest that the approval of the Supreme Court of Indiana
    is forthcoming. See 
    Todd, 21 F.3d at 1412
    (noting that fed-
    eral courts should be wary of broadening untested
    theories of liability under state law); see also 
    Insolia, 216 F.3d at 607
    (noting that we would neither recognize independ-
    ently nor certify a question to the state regarding “every
    creative but unlikely state cause of action that litigants
    devise from a blank slate”); Birchler v. Gehl Co., 
    88 F.3d 518
    521 (7th Cir. 1996) (favoring narrow interpretation of
    undecided issues of liability under state law); Ry. Express
    Agency, Inc. v. Super Scale Models, Ltd., 
    934 F.2d 135
    , 138 (7th
    Cir. 1991) (noting that “recent opinions of this court have
    strongly encouraged district courts to dismiss actions based
    on novel state law claims”).
    In sum, all of the interpretive tools of which we routinely
    make use in our attempt to determine the content of
    state law point us to the conclusion that the Supreme Court
    of Indiana would not allow the plaintiffs’ claim to proceed.
    Because we conclude that the damages that the plaintiffs
    seek are not compensable as a matter of Indiana law,
    we affirm the judgment of the district court.
    No. 06-3817                                          21
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit

Document Info

Docket Number: 06-3817

Judges: Per Curiam

Filed Date: 8/23/2007

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/24/2015

Authorities (37)

Sondra L. McKenna and James R. McKenna v. Ortho ... , 622 F.2d 657 ( 1980 )

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Brownell Combs, Ii, Administrator C.T.A. Of the Estate of ... , 354 F.3d 568 ( 2004 )

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Rodney Todd, as Special Administrator of the Estate of ... , 21 F.3d 1402 ( 1994 )

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