Peters, Steven v. Gilead Sciences Inc ( 2008 )

  •                              In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 06-4290
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division.
    No. 04 C 1338—John Daniel Tinder, Judge.
    ARGUED MAY 22, 2007—DECIDED JULY 14, 2008
    Before EASTERBROOK, Chief Judge, and WILLIAMS and
    SYKES, Circuit Judges.
    SYKES, Circuit Judge. Steven Peters suffered a shoulder
    injury while he was employed by Gilead Sciences, Inc.
    He took a relatively short medical leave to have correc-
    tive surgery, and when his condition did not improve
    after returning to work, he took another leave. During his
    second absence, Gilead filled his position with another
    employee, and when Peters returned to work, Gilead
    offered him a different position. He declined and Gilead
    terminated his employment.
    2                                               No. 06-4290
    Peters filed suit against Gilead, alleging (as relevant
    here) a violation of the Family and Medical Leave Act
    (“FMLA”), 29 U.S.C. §§ 2601 et seq., and a claim for pro-
    missory estoppel under Indiana law. Gilead moved for
    summary judgment on the FMLA claim, arguing that
    Peters was ineligible for FMLA leave based on a provi-
    sion in the Act that excludes employees at worksites at
    which less that 50 employees are employed “if the total
    number of employees employed by that employer
    within 75 miles of that worksite is less than 50.” 29 U.S.C.
    § 2611(2)(B)(ii). It was undisputed that Gilead employed
    less than 50 employees within 75 miles of Peters’ worksite,
    making him statutorily ineligible for FMLA leave. It
    was also undisputed that if Peters was eligible for FMLA
    leave, Gilead had miscalculated the 12-week duration of
    his leave and replaced him before it expired.
    Relying on language in Dormeyer v. Comerica Bank-Illinois,
    223 F.3d 579
    , 582 (7th Cir. 2000), Peters argued that
    Gilead was equitably estopped from asserting the FMLA’s
    50/75 exclusion based on representations made in
    Gilead’s employee handbook and in letters it sent to
    Peters regarding his entitlement to 12 weeks of medical
    leave. The district court concluded Peters had not estab-
    lished the elements of equitable estoppel and granted
    summary judgment for Gilead.
    We reverse. While Dormeyer suggested that FMLA
    eligibility might, “in an appropriate case,” arise by
    estoppel, the issue need not have been addressed in this
    case. Peters alleged a state-law claim for promissory
    estoppel—an equitable contract remedy that permits
    enforcement of a promise that induces actual and reason-
    able reliance on the part of the plaintiff, at least to the
    extent of the plaintiff’s reliance damages. The doctrine is
    No. 06-4290                                               3
    available when a promise lacks the elements of contract; a
    threshold question is whether the promise created an
    enforceable contract.
    The medical-leave representations contained in Gilead’s
    employee handbook (repeated in its letters to Peters) may
    have created an enforceable contract under Indiana
    law, giving Peters a contractual right to the equivalent
    of FMLA leave (that is, 12 weeks) regardless of his statu-
    tory ineligibility. If the representations in the handbook
    are not contractually enforceable, Indiana’s promissory-
    estoppel cause of action allows enforcement of Gilead’s
    promises to the extent of the reliance harm Peters suf-
    fered. Accordingly, we need not decide whether this is an
    “appropriate case” to apply FMLA eligibility-by-estoppel,
    a possibility assumed but not decided in Dormeyer.
    I. Background
    In July 2001 Peters began employment as a Therapeutic
    Specialist for Gilead, a pharmaceutical company. As a
    Therapeutic Specialist, Peters worked from his home in
    Indianapolis representing and marketing Gilead’s prod-
    ucts to physicians and healthcare professionals in its
    Midwest region. In November 2001 Peters suffered a work-
    related injury to his neck and right shoulder. When he
    reaggravated his shoulder in October 2002, Peters reported
    the injury to Gilead and filed a worker’s compensation
    claim. At the end of November, his physician imposed
    lifting restrictions, and Peters worked under these restric-
    tions until early December of that same year. He then
    underwent corrective surgery, taking what he thought
    was FMLA medical leave from December 5 through
    December 16, 2002.
    4                                              No. 06-4290
    The day after his leave started, Peters received a letter
    from Gilead stating in part:
    The Federal Family and Medical Leave Act
    (“FMLA”) went into effect August 5, 1993. The act
    grants eligible employees of covered employers up
    to twelve weeks of unpaid leave in a twelve month
    period to care for a newborn or adopted or foster
    child, to care for the seriously ill parent, child, or
    spouse of the employee, or to attend to the employee’s
    own serious health condition. To be eligible for FMLA
    benefits, an employee must have worked for a cov-
    ered employer for a total of 12 months and have
    worked at least 1,250 hours over the previous twelve
    You will retain your employee status during the
    period of your FMLA Leave. This includes accrual of
    tenure and vacation, in addition to continued health
    benefits coverage. You will be guaranteed reinstate-
    ment in your position, or equivalent position, if
    you return to work by the time your FMLA leave
    expires. In this case, since your leave began December
    5, 2002, you will need to return to work by February 28,
    2003 to be guaranteed such reinstatement.
    This excerpt (with the exception of the specific start and
    end dates for the leave) tracks language in Gilead’s em-
    ployee handbook regarding employees’ entitlement to
    family and medical leave. The handbook provides, under
    the bold heading “FAMILY AND MEDICAL CARE
    LEAVE” and the subheading “ELIGIBILITY”: “A request
    for family and medical care leave will be granted for all
    employees employed by the Company [Gilead] for at
    least twelve months and who have worked 1,250 hours
    during the twelve months preceding the commencement
    No. 06-4290                                                 5
    of leave.” Like the letter Peters received, the handbook
    guarantees 12 weeks of family and medical leave during
    a 12-month period and reinstatement to the same (or an
    equivalent) position with the company upon return to
    Peters returned to work on December 16, 2002, and
    worked under restrictions that limited him to left hand and
    arm work. On March 4, 2003, Peters took a second leave
    when his doctors began treating him with Neurontin, a
    drug that causes significant side effects. This second
    leave lasted until May 5, 2003. At the start of this second
    leave, Gilead sent Peters a letter, similar to the first,
    again setting forth his eligibility for medical leave. Dated
    March 17, 2003, this letter stated:
    In this case, your original leave began December 5,
    2002, and you returned to work as of January 26, 2003
    (7 weeks and 4 days). Since you reestablished your
    leave as of March 4, 2004, you will need to return to
    work by April 4, 2003 (4 weeks and 3 days) to be
    guaranteed such reinstatement.
    The letter erroneously identified January 26 as the date
    Peters returned from his first leave. In fact, his first leave
    only lasted until December 16, 2002. Accordingly, the
    April 4, 2003 return-to-work deadline in the letter
    was incorrect.1 Properly calculated, Peters’ second
    leave would have run through May 9, 2003.2 Peters never
    There is no dispute that the second letter miscalculated
    Peters’ available leave time.
    May 9 is the last day of the twelfth workweek of available
    leave. According to Gilead’s employee handbook, “[e]ligible
    6                                                  No. 06-4290
    received this second letter with the miscalculated return-to-
    work date, however. Gilead sent it by certified mail, but
    apparently no one at Peters’ residence signed for it.
    In early April 2003, Gilead decided to replace Peters
    with another employee. On April 16, 2003, Frank Romeo,
    Gilead’s Associate Director for Human Resources, re-
    ceived a letter from Peters’ doctor releasing him to return
    to work on May 5, 2003, within what would have been
    his properly calculated return-to-work deadline. On
    April 21 Gilead offered Peters’ Therapeutic Specialist
    position to an outside candidate who accepted and
    began employment on April 28, 2003. By letter dated
    April 25, 2003, Gilead informed Peters that because he
    held a “key” position, Gilead could not keep his job open.3
    employees shall be entitled to twelve workweeks of designated
    family and medical care leave during a twelve-month period.”
    This corresponds to the FMLA’s guarantee of twelve weeks of
    family and medical care leave during a twelve-month period.
    29 U.S.C. § 2612(a)(1).
    The FMLA permits employers to deny job restoration protec-
    tion for “key” salaried FMLA-eligible employees. See 29 U.S.C.
    § 2614(b)(2). A Department of Labor Regulation states “an
    employer may deny job restoration to salaried eligible em-
    ployees (’key employees,’ as defined in paragraph (c) of
    § 825.217) if such denial is necessary to prevent substantial
    and grievous economic injury to the operations of the em-
    ployer.” 29 C.F.R. § 825.216(c). “A ‘key employee’ is a salaried
    FMLA-eligible employee who is among the highest paid 10
    percent of all the employees employed by the employer within
    75 miles of the employee’s worksite.” 29 C.F.R. § 825.217(a);
    29 U.S.C. § 2614(b)(2). Gilead’s employee handbook states
    No. 06-4290                                                    7
    This letter advised Peters that his old position had been
    filled but offered him placement as a Senior Sales Analyst.
    Peters declined this alternative position, and Gilead
    terminated his employment.
    Peters sued Gilead in federal court, alleging causes of
    action under Title VII, the FMLA, and the Americans
    with Disabilities Act. Peters also asserted claims for
    retaliatory discharge and promissory estoppel under
    Indiana law. Gilead moved for summary judgment.
    Regarding the FMLA claim, Gilead argued Peters was
    not an “eligible employee” as defined in the Act. Peters
    filed a cross-motion for partial summary judgment,
    claiming Gilead was estopped from asserting a statutory
    ineligibility defense to FMLA liability.
    The district court granted summary judgment for
    Gilead on the Title VII and ADA claims, as well as the
    state-law claim for retaliatory discharge.4 The FMLA
    count survived, and the state-law promissory-estoppel
    that “[c]ertain key employees may be denied job reinstate-
    ment if substantial and grievous economic injury to Gilead
    would result if the employee were reinstated.” The handbook
    also states that “Gilead will notify any key employee of
    his/her job status as a key employee upon requesting leave.”
    Gilead did not notify Peters that he was considered a “key
    employee” until April 25, 2003, long after his second leave
    request was granted. In any event, the issue of whether
    Peters is a “key employee” has not been raised on appeal.
    The dismissal of these claims is not at issue on appeal.
    8                                                    No. 06-4290
    claim was not specifically addressed.5 Gilead then filed a
    motion for reconsideration as to the FMLA claim, which
    the court granted, concluding that Peters had not estab-
    lished the elements of equitable estoppel. The court held
    that Peters failed to present evidence from which a trier
    of fact reasonably could have inferred he was capable of
    returning to work by April 4, the return-to-work date
    specified in Gilead’s second letter to Peters. If Peters
    was physically unable to work by that date, the court
    reasoned, he could not have detrimentally relied on
    Gilead’s representations in deciding when to return to
    II. Discussion
    We review the district court’s order granting sum-
    mary judgment de novo, viewing the facts and all reason-
    In its brief supporting its summary-judgment motion, Gilead
    noted that Peters brought an Indiana common-law claim for
    promissory estoppel/detrimental reliance but recharacterized
    it as a claim for equitable estoppel: “Because this is an equitable
    estoppel claim under a federal statute, federal (not Indiana) law
    principals [sic] of equitable estoppel are applicable.” We
    disagree that a claim for relief grounded in promissory
    estoppel is interchangeable with the doctrine of equitable
    estoppel. While both are equitable judicial doctrines based on
    detrimental reliance, the former is a cause of action and the
    latter is a defensive doctrine used to bar the opposing party
    from asserting a claim or defense. A remedial aspect of state
    contract law, a promissory-estoppel cause of action permits
    the enforcement of a promise that otherwise lacks the elements
    of a contract. “Promissory estoppel is a sword, and equitable
    estoppel is a shield.” Jablon v. United States, 
    657 F.2d 1064
    1068 (9th Cir. 1981).
    No. 06-4290                                                  9
    able inferences drawn from them in the light most favor-
    able to the nonmoving party. Nissan N. Am., Inc. v. Jim
    M’Lady Oldsmobile, Inc., 
    486 F.3d 989
    , 994 (7th Cir. 2007);
    DeBoer v. Vill. of Oak Park, 
    267 F.3d 558
    , 565 (7th Cir. 2001).
    The parties agree that Peters did not meet the statutory
    requirements for FMLA eligibility. More precisely,
    Peters falls within an exception to the general statutory
    definition of “eligible employee” for employees at
    worksites at which the employer employs less than 50
    employees “if the total number of employees employed
    by that employer within 75 miles of that worksite is
    less than 50.” 29 U.S.C. § 2611(2)(B)(ii). The so-called
    “50/75” provision is an exception to the FMLA’s general
    eligibility provision, which premises eligibility on an
    employee’s having worked for the employer for at least
    12 months and worked a minimum of 1,250 hours during
    the previous 12 months. See 29 U.S.C. § 2611(2)(A).
    Gilead’s employee handbook and its letters to Peters
    recited the 12-month, 1,250-hour prerequisites for family-
    and medical-leave eligibility, but listed no further re-
    quirements or exceptions. That is, the handbook and letters
    stated that family and medical leave would be provided
    to “all employees” who were employed with Gilead for
    at least 12 months with a minimum of 1,250 hours
    worked during the prior 12 months; neither the handbook
    nor the letters contained any reference to the 50/75 ex-
    Peters claims this omission equitably estops Gilead
    from asserting a defense of statutory ineligibility that
    would otherwise bar his FMLA claim. It is true that in
    Dormeyer we suggested equitable estoppel might, “in an
    appropriate case,” be applied to block the assertion of an
    available statutory defense in an FMLA action: “[A]n
    10                                                 No. 06-4290
    employer who by his silence misled an employee con-
    cerning the employee’s entitlement to family leave might,
    if the employee reasonably relied and was harmed as a
    result, be estopped to plead the defense of ineligibility
    to the employee’s claim to entitlement to family leave.”
    Dormeyer, 223 F.3d at 582
    . But the factual predicates for
    application of equitable estoppel were not present in
    Dormeyer, and the issue was not further elaborated.6 
    Id. at 582-83.
       We need not consider whether this is an appropriate
    case to take up where Dormeyer left off. Peters brought a
    state-law claim for promissory estoppel based on his
    reliance on Gilead’s representations regarding his entitle-
    ment to medical leave. Indiana recognizes this cause of
    action in the employment context and has adopted the
    formulation of the claim set forth in the Restatement (Second)
    of Contracts § 90(1): “A promise which the promisor should
    reasonably expect to induce action or forbearance on the
    part of the promisee or a third person and which does
    induce such action or forbearance is binding if injustice can
    be avoided only by the enforcement of the promise.” See
    Jarboe v. Landmark Cmty. Newspapers of Ind., Inc., 
    644 N.E.2d 118
    , 121 (Ind. 1994). This species of contract claim sounds
    in equity, as do other forms of estoppel, see Brown v. Branch,
    758 N.E.2d 48
    , 51-52 (Ind. 2001), but is an affirmative cause
    of action and thus differs from equitable estoppel, which
    Other circuits have recognized the availability of equitable
    estoppel to defeat a defense of FMLA ineligibility. See Minard v.
    ITC Deltacom Commc’ns, Inc., 
    447 F.3d 352
    , 358 (5th Cir. 2006);
    Duty v. Norton-Alcoa Proppants, 
    293 F.3d 481
    , 493-94 (8th Cir.
    2002); Kosakow v. New Rochelle Radiology Assocs., 
    274 F.3d 706
    723-25 (2d Cir. 2001).
    No. 06-4290                                                 11
    operates defensively to bar the assertion of a claim or
    defense. Promissory estoppel steps in where a promise
    lacks the elements of a binding contract but has induced
    detrimental reliance on the part of the promisee. Sometimes
    the facts of a given case raise a threshold question of
    whether the promise created an enforceable contract in
    the first place.7
    Gilead’s employee handbook promised 12 weeks of
    medical leave—the equivalent of the leave guaranteed by
    the FMLA—and Gilead repeated these promises in its
    letters to Peters. It is not clear whether this is sufficient
    to establish a binding contract under Indiana law. See Orr
    v. Westminster Vill. N., Inc., 
    689 N.E.2d 712
    , 719-20 (Ind.
    1997) (discussing, without resolving, the question whether
    “unilateral contracts in the employment context always
    require adequate independent consideration and whether
    an employee handbook can ever constitute a unilateral
    contract serving to modify the otherwise at-will employ-
    ment relationship”); see also Workman v. United Parcel Serv.,
    234 F.3d 998
    , 1000 (7th Cir. 2000) (citing Orr and noting
    that “Indiana has yet to decide whether to follow” other
    states in holding that employee handbooks may, under
    certain circumstances, create binding contracts); Damon
    Corp. v. Estes, 
    750 N.E.2d 891
    , 893 (Ind. Ct. App. 2001)
    (enforcing the terms of an employee handbook in favor of
    employer); Ind. Heart Assocs., P.C. v. Bahamonde, 
    714 N.E.2d 309
    , 311-12 (Ind. Ct. App. 1999) (same); Die & Mold, Inc. v.
    We questioned counsel about the state-law theory of this case
    at oral argument, and the parties agreed that jurisdiction was
    secure under 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1653,
    Peters has since repleaded the jurisdictional component of
    his complaint to properly invoke diversity jurisdiction.
    12                                                    No. 06-4290
    448 N.E.2d 44
    , 48 (Ind. Ct. App. 1983) (same).8
    In Orr, the Indiana Supreme Court was confronted with the
    question of whether an employee handbook was sufficiently
    contractual to convert an at-will employment relationship
    into one terminable only for cause. Orr v. Westminster Vill. N.,
    689 N.E.2d 712
    , 719-20 (Ind. 1997). After declining to
    specifically decide the question, 
    id. at 720
    (“we decline plaintiffs’
    invitation to use this case as a vehicle for resolving these
    questions”), the Court went on, for the sake of argument, to
    analyze the case under the approach used in Illinois for deter-
    mining whether an employee handbook creates a contract. 
    Id. (citing Duldulao
    v. Saint Mary of Nazareth Hosp. Ctr., 
    505 N.E.2d 314
    , 318 (Ill. 1987)). We have previously noted, based on Orr,
    that the issue remains unresolved in Indiana. Workman v. United
    Parcel Serv., Inc., 
    234 F.3d 998
    , 1000 (7th Cir. 2000). We are aware
    of two decisions of the Indiana Court of Appeals that read Orr
    as rejecting the proposition that an employee handbook can
    create a contract. McCalment v. Eli Lilly & Co., 
    860 N.E.2d 884
    889 (Ind. Ct. App. 2007) (citing Orr for the proposition that
    “[u]nder Indiana law, employee handbooks do not constitute
    unilateral contracts of employment”); City of Indianapolis v.
    745 N.E.2d 312
    , 317 n.3 (Ind. Ct. App. 2001) (“We also
    note our supreme court’s explicit rejection of the proposition
    that employee handbooks or guidelines create so-called unilat-
    eral contracts of employment[,]” citing Orr.). These decisions
    are difficult to reconcile with the language of Orr itself and also
    with a line of Indiana cases that has enforced the terms of
    employee handbooks running in favor of employers on the
    issue of employees’ entitlement to vacation pay upon termina-
    tion. Damon Corp. v. Estes, 
    750 N.E.2d 891
    , 893 (Ind. Ct. App.
    2001); Ind. Heart Assocs., P.C. v. Bahamonde, 
    714 N.E.2d 309
    312 (Ind. Ct. App. 1999); Die & Mold, Inc. v. Western, 
    448 N.E.2d 44
    , 48 (Ind. Ct. App. 1983).
    No. 06-4290                                                  13
    In the absence of a binding contract, however, Indiana
    permits enforcement of Gilead’s promises to the extent
    of Peters’ reliance damages. 
    Orr, 698 N.E.2d at 718
    Jarboe, 644 N.E.2d at 121
    ; Clark v. Millikin Mortgage Co., 
    495 N.E.2d 544
    , 547 (Ind. Ct. App. 1986). Under Indiana law,
    the promissory-estoppel cause of action requires: “(1) a
    promise by the promissor; (2) made with the expectation
    that the promisee will rely thereon; (3) which induces
    reasonable reliance by the promisee; (4) of a definite and
    substantial nature; and (5) injustice can be avoided only
    by enforcement of the promise.” 
    Brown, 758 N.E.2d at 52
    The undisputed evidence here establishes the first four
    elements of this cause of action; the fifth relates to the scope
    of the remedy. 
    Jarboe, 644 N.E.2d at 121
    If the medical-leave provisions in Gilead’s employee
    handbook are actionable as a contract or as a promise
    giving rise to recovery under promissory estoppel, Gilead’s
    invocation of the FMLA’s 50/75 exception, and Peters’
    assertion of equitable estoppel to block it, are simply be-
    side the point. Gilead’s handbook does not exclude any
    employees from the entitlement to 12 weeks of family
    and medical leave except those who do not meet the basic
    prerequisites of 12 months’ employment with the com-
    pany and 1,250 hours of work in the preceding 12 months.
    There is no reason employers cannot offer FMLA-like
    leave benefits using eligibility requirements less restric-
    tive than those in the FMLA, cf. Harrell v. United States
    Postal Serv., 
    445 F.3d 913
    , 924 (7th Cir. 2006), and that is
    what Gilead did. Peters’ statutory ineligibility is irrelevant
    to the contract-based theories of liability.
    The issue of Peters’ ability to return to work by the
    April 4 date specified in Gilead’s second letter is likewise
    irrelevant. There is no dispute that if Peters is entitled to
    14                                              No. 06-4290
    12 weeks of medical leave (either contractually or by
    application of promissory estoppel), then the April 4
    date was miscalculated. Twelve weeks of leave expired
    on May 9, and it is undisputed that Peters was medically
    cleared to return to work on May 5.
    The district court did not address whether Gilead’s
    promises are actionable as a contract or under promissory
    estoppel. This was understandable because the parties
    focused their arguments on Dormeyer and the equitable
    estoppel theory as a means of establishing eligibility
    under the FMLA. As we have explained, however, using
    equitable estoppel to block an employer from asserting
    a statutory defense to FMLA liability is not the same as
    using promissory estoppel to enforce a promise by an
    employer to allow 12 weeks of medical leave. Promissory
    estoppel is a well-established state-law remedy; on the
    other hand, the availability of equitable estoppel to block a
    statutory defense to FMLA eligibility has been assumed but
    not decided in this circuit. We think the prudent course is
    to remand this case for consideration of Gilead’s liability
    under state law. The leave provisions in Gilead’s employee
    handbook may be enforceable as a contract under Indiana
    law; at the least, they are promises giving rise to recovery
    under promissory estoppel. We note for purposes of the
    proceedings on remand that the scope of recovery may
    differ. See 
    Jarboe, 644 N.E.2d at 121
    -22 (discussing the
    difference between contract “expectancy” damages and
    promissory estoppel “reliance” damages).