Matthews, Bernadine v. WI Energy Corp Inc ( 2008 )

  •                            In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 07-1780, 07-2824
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.
    Nos. 05-CV-00537—J.P. Stadtmueller, Judge.
    Before FLAUM, RIPPLE, and ROVNER, Circuit Judges.
    FLAUM, Circuit Judge. The issues in this case concern
    the post-employment relationship between plaintiff-
    appellant Bernadine Matthews and Wisconsin Energy
    Corporation Inc. Matthews alleged below that Wisconsin
    Energy breached a settlement agreement and retaliated
    against her for filing a discrimination lawsuit by giving
    several prejudicial job references following her departure
    from the company. The district court held otherwise,
    granting Wisconsin Energy’s motions for summary judg-
    ment as to all of Matthews’s claims. We affirm in part and
    2                                     Nos. 07-1780, 07-2824
    reverse in part. Because we are reversing in part, we
    also vacate the district court’s award of attorney fees to
    Wisconsin Energy as the “prevailing party.”
    I. Background
    Bernadine Matthews began working for Wisconsin
    Energy, then known as Wisconsin Gas Company,1 in 1980.
    Matthews soon became a “commercial service representa-
    tive,” a customer-service position that required in-person
    dealings with Wisconsin Energy’s customers. After an
    unfortunate workplace injury in 1996—a disgruntled
    customer attacked her—Matthews took a leave of absence.
    A number of things then happened while Matthews was
    on leave that put her at odds with Wisconsin Energy. The
    first was that she was a member of a class action alleging
    that Wisconsin Energy had redlined the customers in the
    Wisconsin metro area, where she lived. Then she disputed
    a claimed shortage in her pension fund. And lastly, in
    1998, Matthews filed a discrimination claim against
    Wisconsin Energy, a dispute the parties eventually
    settled.Matthews never ended up returning to Wisconsin
    Energy, and in April 1999, she and the company exe-
    cuted their first Separation Agreement. Matthews didn’t
    immediately seek another job, instead earning a four-year
    degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
    Shortly before earning her degree in 2003, Matthews
    plotted her return to the market, applying to local compa-
    Wisconsin Gas officially became Wisconsin Energy Corpora-
    tion, Incorporated in 2000. For ease of reference, however,
    we refer to Matthews’ employer as Wisconsin Energy through-
    Nos. 07-1780, 07-2824                                         3
    nies that in turn sought employment references from
    Wisconsin Energy.
    That’s when the troubles, and this case, began. As part
    of the 1999 Separation Agreement, Wisconsin Energy
    agreed to provide employment references for Matthews as
    the need arose. Dissatisfied with the responses that Wis-
    consin Energy was providing—she says Wisconsin Energy
    denied she had ever worked there—Matthews filed suit
    in 2003. In her complaint, she alleged both violations of
    the 1999 separation agreement and intentional interference
    with prospective contractual relations. The parties soon
    settled the dispute, and a new settlement agreement
    was forthcoming in December 2003. The Agreement
    required Wisconsin Energy to provide an employment
    reference for Matthews and also contained an attorney-fees
    provision in the event of a future lawsuit. In relevant part,
    these sections provided
    Wisconsin [Energy] agrees to respond to any request
    for a reference regarding Matthews in a manner that
    is consistent with the Wisconsin [Energy] policy in
    place regarding reference checks at the time. Wisconsin
    [Energy] will not respond to any request for a refer-
    ence regarding Matthews by indicating that Matthews
    was terminated or fired. . . .
    [I]n the event that one of the Parties hereto commences
    a lawsuit or other legal proceeding alleging that the
    other Party breached the Agreement, the prevailing
    Party in that action shall be entitled to recover her or its
    reasonable attorneys fees and expenses incurred in
    4                                      Nos. 07-1780, 07-2824
    such lawsuit or legal proceeding from the non-prevail-
    ing Party.
    An integration clause stated that the written document
    “set[ ] forth the entire agreement” and “fully and com-
    pletely superseded” any representations made elsewhere.
    Before the parties inked this agreement, Wisconsin
    Energy’s in-house attorney, Lynne English, recited the
    terms into the record in open court. In so doing, she
    characterized the company’s “policy” to be “what you
    call name, rank, and serial number.” That is, the company
    would “confirm people worked there, the dates of em-
    ployment, and their position or at least their last position.”
    Here on appeal, the company describes a similar refer-
    ence policy. The company only confirms dates of employ-
    ment, final salary, and the last position that the employee
    held. Reliance on this objective data prevents the dis-
    closure of “subjective information” regarding the former
    employee. Although the reference itself is fairly basic,
    getting to the relevant information may require an in-
    volved search. Former employees come in a number of
    categories, and Wisconsin Energy stores information for
    these kinds of former employee in a number of different
    databases. The information for those who, like Matthews,
    left before the 2000 merger of Wisconsin Energy and
    Wisconsin Gas has its own database. And searching
    this database comes last in the process for providing
    Wisconsin Energy claims that this last fact caused
    some problems when companies came calling to get a
    reference for Matthews, several of which followed from
    late 2004 to the end of 2005. Financial Management Services
    Nos. 07-1780, 07-2824                                          5
    conducted one such check in October 2004.2 This check
    initially resulted in Wisconsin Energy saying that
    Matthews had never worked there, although the com-
    pany eventually confirmed she had. Wisconsin Energy
    blamed the initial error on the tortuous process of search-
    ing through several databases to confirm employment
    information. In addition, following the request, Wiscon-
    sin Energy said that Matthews had worked as a “credit
    specialist” and not as a “commercial service representa-
    tive.” As part of a reorganization during Matthews’s
    leave of absence, the company had, unbeknownst to her,
    changed her old position to this new name. So, when
    queried, the database provided this job title as the last
    position held. FMS then relayed this information to
    Also in May 2005, Matthews enrolled in a program
    through the Social Security Administration called the
    “Ticket to Work Program.” This program allows those
    individuals receiving social-security benefits to work
    while continuing to receive their benefits. See generally
    The Ticket Program: What is the Ticket Program?, (last
    visited June 19, 2008). To find available jobs, Matthews
    hired Howard Schwartz, a consultant who specializes in
    helping disabled individuals seek employment through
    It’s unclear exactly why Matthews hired FMS; that is, whether
    the company was verifying her employment for Matthews’s
    own edification (i.e., to test the waters) or whether she had
    hired the firm to find her a new job. Because it is not necessary
    to resolve this factual issue to decide the case, we assume
    that FMS called in order to place Matthews in a job, as she
    alleges. We make no finding as to whether this was actually true.
    6                                    Nos. 07-1780, 07-2824
    the program. After performing a review of his client’s
    capabilities, he would then put them into contact with
    prospective employers. As part of his assessment,
    Schwartz mailed a letter to the Wisconsin Energy’s Vice
    President of human resources on October 15, 2005. The
    letter explained Schwartz’s role and the program and
    asked Wisconsin Energy to “confirm [Matthews’s] work
    history . . . and provide comments regarding work perfor-
    mance.” No response was forthcoming and a follow-up
    phone call to Wisconsin Energy’s human-resources de-
    partment went nowhere.
    But Wisconsin Energy had received the letter. Given
    that the VP of human resources did not typically handle
    reference requests, Schwartz’s letter eventually landed
    on the desk of Lynne English, the in-house attorney
    who had handled the 2003 settlement agreement with
    Matthews. On October 19, 2005, English called Schwartz on
    the phone to discuss the reference. English and Schwartz
    provided slightly conflicting versions of the phone
    call during their respective depositions. Schwartz de-
    scribed an “uncomfortable” phone call in which English
    asked, with an “obvious sense of distrust,” why he had
    sent the letter to the VP of human resources. She then
    characterized his requested reference as a “sensitive issue
    to discuss,” informing him that Matthews “had been
    involved in at least one, if not more legal actions against
    the company.” English then asked questions regarding
    Matthews’s social-security benefits, which Schwartz
    interpreted as being a question whether Matthews “was
    really entitled to them or [whether she was] cheating
    the system.” English then told him that she would only
    provide a basic verification of employment, and she would
    only provide that if she had a written release from
    Nos. 07-1780, 07-2824                                     7
    English’s version differs somewhat. She agreed that
    she wanted to know why someone would send a refer-
    ence request to the VP of human resources. And she also
    agreed that she asked about the social-security program
    Matthews had enrolled in, although she characterized her
    request as being motivated more by curiosity than suspi-
    cion. English told Schwartz that she was committed to
    Matthews getting a job after which, she says, Schwartz
    began pressing his request for a reference. When English
    said that she could not respond to the letter over the
    phone, Schwartz asked why—at which point Matthews
    told him “we are in litigation with Ms. Matthews re-
    garding how we respond to reference requests.” English
    testified that it was “possible” that she said that Matthews
    had sued twice, but she said the exchange was more
    lighthearted. In the end, English told Schwartz that he
    would need to send in an authorization from Matthews
    for the reference, after which Wisconsin Energy would
    send the basic reference discussed above. Both sides
    agree that a few days later Schwartz received a confirma-
    tion that Matthews had worked at Wisconsin Energy and
    that she had worked as a “commercial service representa-
    tive” before her reclassification as a “credit specialist.”
    Matthews claims that the poor treatment continued when
    Wisconsin Energy gave her a negative reference in October
    2005. She had applied for a management position at
    Midwest Airlines. When she received the call telling
    her that she had not been selected, Matthews claims that
    one of the stated reasons was a poor reference from
    Wisconsin Energy. And she suspects that similar poor
    references scuttled several later applications for other
    jobs in the Washington D.C. area as well.
    In the district court, Matthews filed her original com-
    plaint in medias res. After receiving a right-to-sue letter
    8                                     Nos. 07-1780, 07-2824
    from the EEOC, she brought suit in the Eastern District
    of Wisconsin on May 13, 2005—around the same time
    she first enrolled in the “Ticket to Work” Program
    and before Schwartz’s conversation with English. On
    August 22, 2006, Matthews filed her motion for summary
    judgment, and on November 13, 2006, Wisconsin
    Energy responded with its own. In her motion, Matthews
    claimed that Wisconsin Energy had violated their 2003
    settlement agreement, retaliated against her for filing
    suit against the company during her leave of absence, and
    had defamed her. On May 9, 2007, the district court
    granted Wisconsin Energy’s motion on all counts, finding
    that the evidence gathered during discovery did not
    create a genuine issue of material fact as to any of
    Matthews’s claims. Wisconsin Energy then sought attor-
    ney fees, which the 2003 settlement agreement provided
    would go to the “prevailing party.” The court awarded
    Wisconsin Energy $173,232.44 in attorney fees, and this
    appeal followed, consolidating Matthews’s appeals of
    both the summary judgment decision and the fee award.
    II. Discussion
    On appeal, Matthews argues that the district court erred
    in dismissing both her claim that Wisconsin Energy
    breached the 2003 settlement agreement and her claim
    that it retaliated against her for her previous lawsuits.
    We review the district court’s decision de novo. Greeno v.
    414 F.3d 645
    , 652 (7th Cir. 2005). In so doing,
    we construe all reasonable inferences in favor of the party
    who lost below. 
     The following sections apply this
    standard to each of Matthews’s claims in turn.
    Nos. 07-1780, 07-2824                                        9
    A. Breach of 2003 Settlement Agreement
    Matthews first argues that Wisconsin Energy violated
    the terms of their 2003 settlement agreement based on the
    content of its statements to parties seeking references.
    The elements for a breach of contract in Wisconsin are
    familiar; the plaintiff must show a valid contract that the
    defendant breached and damages flowing from that
    breach. Northwestern Motor Car, Inc. v. Pope, 
    51 Wis. 2d 292
    , 296 (Wis. 1971). The parties both acknowledge that
    the settlement agreement is a valid contract, but they
    dispute the import of the section covering post-employ-
    ment references. That section provides
    Wisconsin [Energy] agrees to respond to any request
    for a reference regarding Matthews in a manner that
    is consistent with the Wisconsin [Energy] policy in
    place regarding reference checks at the time. Wisconsin
    [Energy] will not respond to any request for a refer-
    ence regarding Matthews by indicating that Matthews
    was terminated or fired. . . . .
    Specifically, three terms are in play: (1) whether the
    contractual term “policy . . . regarding reference checks” is
    unambiguous so as to preclude the introduction of parol
    evidence; (2) whether the term “reference” can encom-
    pass employment information given to parties that are
    not themselves employers; and (3) whether the contract
    plainly allows Wisconsin Energy to give more information
    than that provided for in its “policy . . . regarding reference
    checks.” The relevant inquiry for each is whether there is
    ambiguity in the contract. Clark Oil & Refining Corp. v.
    69 Wis.2d 226
    , 237-38 (Wis. 1975). If so, it is the
    jury’s job to interpret the intent of the parties, meaning
    summary judgment was inappropriate here. As it relates
    to substance, resolving these issues depends on Wiscon-
    10                                   Nos. 07-1780, 07-2824
    sin law, see Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins, 
    304 U.S. 64
    , 78
    (1938), which the parties incorporated into the settlement
    1. Parol Evidence as to Wisconsin Energy’s Policy
    First, the parties dispute whether or not parol evidence
    can come in to explain “Wisconsin [Energy’s] policy in
    place regarding reference checks at the time.” Matthews
    says that certain statements made in the course of settling
    the 2003 case should prove the substance of these policies.
    So read, Matthews argues, Wisconsin Energy violated
    the terms of the agreement based on English’s conversa-
    tion with Schwartz as well as through the substance of
    its responses to FMS and Midwest Airlines. In opposition,
    Wisconsin Energy argues that the terms of the agreement
    and the integration clause are plain, thus precluding
    reliance on parol evidence.
    We agree with Wisconsin Energy that parol evidence
    cannot come in to prove the terms of Wisconsin Energy’s
    “policy . . . regarding reference checks.” Before courts
    go beyond the written terms of the contract, Wisconsin
    law requires there to be some ambiguity. Clark Oil &
    Refining Corp., 69 Wis.2d at 237-38. And ambiguity arises
    when a term “is fairly susceptible of more than one
    construction.” Mgmt Computer Svces, Inc. v. Hawkins, Ash,
    Baptie & Co., 
    206 Wis.2d 158
    , 177 (Wis. 1996). Here, there
    is no ambiguity with respect to Wisconsin Energy’s policy
    covering reference checks. The relevant portion provides
    Wisconsin [Energy] agrees to respond to any request
    for a reference regarding Matthews in a manner that
    is consistent with the Wisconsin [Energy] policy in
    place regarding reference checks at the time.
    Nos. 07-1780, 07-2824                                      11
    With respect to the reference obligations, the parties’
    intentions are clear: Wisconsin Energy must provide
    Matthews a reference that comports with its “policy in
    place regarding reference checks at the time”—what-
    ever that may be. This provision clearly and expressly
    incorporates Wisconsin Energy’s reference policies.
    Schilling by Foy v. Employers Mut. Cas. Co., 
    212 Wis.2d 878
    888-89 (Wis. App. 1997). And terms incorporated by
    reference within the contract (but which the contract
    does not go on to define) do not create an ambiguity.
    Instead, as long as the extrinsic terms are clearly identifi-
    able, the parties agree to abide by those terms just as they
    agree to the other terms in the contract. Mack v. Joint School
    Dist., No. 3 et al., 
    92 Wis.2d 476
    , 492 (Wis. 1979); Barrons
    v. J.H. Findorff & Sons, Inc., 
    89 Wis.2d 444
    , 452 (Wis. 1979).
    Thus, evidence of these extrinsic terms is certainly ad-
    missible because the parties expressly agreed to them. But
    the contract’s incorporation of Wisconsin Energy’s refer-
    ence policy does not create an ambiguity that allows parol
    evidence—like English’s statements in open court—
    to come in. See generally 11 WILLISTON ON CONTRACTS
    § 30:25 (4th ed. 2008).
    In the end, this dispute is of no real moment; Wisconsin
    Energy’s description of its reference policy on appeal
    parrots that offered by English in 2003. That policy, in
    place from at least December 2003, provides first that a
    human resources service desk representative handles
    the initial reference request. If the request is merely
    confirming employment information, no release is
    needed. But if the request asks for more involved infor-
    mation, the request must include a release. At this point,
    the representative accesses the employment databases
    and responds to the request. The substance of this re-
    12                                    Nos. 07-1780, 07-2824
    sponse would only include the dates of employment,
    final salary, and the title of the last position held. This
    last part constitutes the sweep of English’s statement before
    the court that Matthews seeks to admit as parol evidence.
    2. “Reference” Requests
    In addition, Wisconsin Energy argues that neither
    Schwartz nor FMS could have been seeking a “reference”
    because neither were prospective employers. But this
    proposed definition of a “reference” is too narrow. Con-
    tractual terms are assumed to have their common mean-
    ings, and, for courts to determine these meanings, “it is
    appropriate to look to definitions in a recognized dictio-
    nary.” Just v. Land Reclamation, Ltd., 
    155 Wis.2d 737
    , 745
    (Wis. 1990). As defined by this common meaning, a
    “reference” does not occur only when the recipient is a
    potential employer. Even the definition offered by Wis-
    consin Energy does not impose such a limitation. Its
    dictionary characterizes a “reference” as “a statement of
    the qualifications of a person seeking employment or
    appointment given by someone familiar with the person.”
    2008) (online at Although the definition
    identifies the giver—“by someone familiar with the
    person,” like Wisconsin Energy—there is no indirect object
    limiting a “reference” based on who receives the “state-
    ment of the qualifications.” Other dictionaries similarly
    omit a specific indirect object. WEBSTER’S THIRD NEW
    INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY 1907 (1981) (“a written
    statement of the qualifications of a person seeking employ-
    ment or appointment given by someone familiar with his
    character, ability, experience, or training”); XIII THE
    OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY 465 (2d ed. 1989) (“The act
    Nos. 07-1780, 07-2824                                      13
    of referring one person to another for information or an
    explanation; hence, a person to whom one is . . . referred
    for this purpose” and “a report produced by” such a
    person.). These definitions show that the common meaning
    of a “reference” does not demand that the recipient be a
    potential employer. And, as explained above, we assume
    that the parties meant to give the term its common mean-
    ing when contracting. Thus, even though neither FMS
    nor Schwartz was seeking to employ Matthews, Wis-
    consin Energy could still have failed to properly “respond
    to any request for a reference.”3
    3. Wisconsin Energy’s Obligations
    Finally, Wisconsin Energy argues that the agreement only
    set out its minimum obligations when giving a reference
    and, with one exception, does not limit what it can tell
    those who call for a reference. To reiterate, the two relevant
    This does not mean that the recipient’s identity is com-
    pletely irrelevant. The party who received the request still
    matters when assessing Matthews’s damages. Imagine, for
    example, that Matthews hired a third party simply to obtain a
    reference from Wisconsin Energy—but not to otherwise
    place her in a job. If Wisconsin Energy had breached the
    agreement when giving a reference to this party, Matthews’s
    damages from the breach would be zero. The collusive nature
    of the relationship would mean that the breach did not affect
    her at all, and this would doom her breach of contract claim.
    Cf. Szymanski v. County of Cook, 
    468 F.3d 1027
    , 1030 (7th Cir.
    2006) (in retaliation case, because reference-checker “did not
    forward this information to prospective future employers,” the
    reference “would have had no effect on her employment
    14                                     Nos. 07-1780, 07-2824
    sentences setting out Wisconsin Energy’s end of the
    bargain state:
    Wisconsin [Energy] agrees to respond to any request
    for a reference regarding Matthews in a manner that
    is consistent with the Wisconsin [Energy] policy in
    place regarding reference checks at the time. Wisconsin
    [Energy] will not respond to any request for a refer-
    ence regarding Matthews by indicating that Matthews
    was terminated or fired. . . . .
    Under Wisconsin Energy’s reading, the first sentence
    sets out the minimum information that must be con-
    tained in its response to a reference request, and the sec-
    ond sentence sets out the only kind of information that
    it cannot disclose. Thus, the disclosure of information
    beyond that required by its “policy in place . . . at the time”
    does not constitute a breach—so long as Wisconsin
    Energy does not “indicate[ ] that Matthews was ter-
    minated or fired.” To hold otherwise, Wisconsin En-
    ergy contends, would be to impermissibly read a non-
    disparagement provision into the contract. The district
    court implicitly agreed with this characterization,
    stating that Wisconsin Energy ultimately complied with
    its policies when responding to a reference check.
    This reading is not implausible. Wisconsin courts have
    long recognized that the specific mention of an obligation
    tends to exclude related others not mentioned. Larson
    v. Watzke, 
    218 Wis. 59
    , 59 (Wis. 1935) (citing maxim
    expressio unius est exclusio alterius in interpreting con-
    tractual term). But such a construction is not inevitable. The
    first sentence does not affirmatively indicate that Wis-
    consin Energy can give any additional information it
    wants beyond what’s called for by its “policy.” Wisconsin
    Energy agreed to respond “in a manner that is consistent
    Nos. 07-1780, 07-2824                                     15
    with [its] policy in place regarding reference checks at the
    time.” “Consistent” means “coexisting and showing no
    noteworthy opposing, conflicting, inharmonious, or
    contradictory qualities.” WEBSTER’S THIRD NEW INTER-
    NATIONAL DICTIONARY 484 (1981). It’s possible that Wis-
    consin Energy could provide information that is both
    beyond that required by its “policy” and “inharmonious”
    with the provisions set out there. Further, the second
    sentence could just as easily be an explicit exception to
    Wisconsin Energy’s “policy in place regarding reference
    checks at the time.” That is, if the “policy” called for an
    explanation of whether the employee was “terminated or
    fired,” this second sentence would modify the dis-
    closures as they pertained to Matthews. This provision is
    thus “fairly susceptible of more than one construction,”
    Mgmt. Computer Svces, Inc., 206 Wis.2d at 177, and this
    creates an ambiguity. “When a contract provision is
    ambiguous, and therefore must be construed by the use
    of extrinsic evidence, the question is one of contract
    interpretation for the jury.” Id. Thus, it is for the jury to
    decide both what the intent of the parties was with respect
    to this section and, as discussed in the next section,
    whether Wisconsin Energy breached the contract.
    4. Wisconsin Energy’s Compliance with the Settle-
    ment Agreement
    So if Schwartz, FMS, and Midwest could have received
    “references” and if providing more information than
    called for under the policy could have been a breach, is
    there enough evidence to get to a jury? As to FMS, the
    answer is clearly no. Matthews submits that Wisconsin
    Energy breached the settlement agreement because it
    denied that she had ever worked there when FMS called.
    16                                    Nos. 07-1780, 07-2824
    It is true that Wisconsin Energy initially failed to verify
    Matthews’s employment. But it quickly resolved its mis-
    take and gave a reference that complied with its policy
    at the time. Even if the delay fell short of Wisconsin
    Energy’s obligations, Matthews has not shown that this
    delay damaged her in any way, a prerequisite to stating
    a claim for a breach of contract. See Brew City Redevelop-
    ment Group, LLC v. The Ferchill Group, 
    289 Wis.2d 795
    , 807
    (Wis. Ct. App. 2006). In addition, Matthews claims Wis-
    consin Energy breached the agreement by listing her
    final position as a “credit specialist” rather than a “com-
    mercial service representative.” But this was actually
    Matthews’s last position when she left Wisconsin Energy’s
    employ, even if she never considered herself a “credit
    specialist.” Because Wisconsin Energy’s policy at the time
    called for this information, this wasn’t a breach of the
    settlement agreement either.
    Similarly, there is no issue of material fact as to whether
    Wisconsin Energy breached the settlement agreement
    when corresponding with Midwest. The district court
    held that there was no admissible evidence that Midwest
    had even sought a reference, and we agree. Matthews
    provided the only relevant testimony. She claimed in her
    deposition that she had a conversation with a Midwest
    human-resources representative, Tricell Brown, who
    said she had received a poor reference. But in her deposi-
    tion, Brown denied she ever talked with anyone at Wis-
    consin Energy. Thus, the only evidence that Brown re-
    ceived this reference is Matthews’s statement as to what
    Brown told her. Offering a statement by a third party like
    Brown to prove a fact contained in that statement is
    inadmissible hearsay. FED. R. EVID. 801(c); 802. As a result,
    no admissible evidence supports a claim that Brown
    Nos. 07-1780, 07-2824                                   17
    received a poor reference or that Wisconsin Energy other-
    wise breached the settlement agreement when talking
    to her.
    But the same cannot be said of the reference given to
    Schwartz. As represented by Wisconsin Energy, its policy
    entailed verifying only the dates of employment, final
    salary, and the title of the last position held. Neither
    participant in the conversation denies that English told
    Schwartz of Matthews’s litigation history. This informa-
    tion went well beyond the objective information con-
    cerning Matthews’s dates of employment, final salary,
    and final position held. A jury could believe Schwartz’s
    version of the conversation, which included what would
    be unfavorable information regarding Matthews. And it
    could likewise conclude that the parties agreed that
    Wisconsin Energy would provide only the objective
    information set out in its “policy.” If so, this would
    show that Wisconsin Energy breached the settlement
    Matthews has also put forth evidence of damages
    stemming from this breach that a jury could believe. In
    Wisconsin, a party is damaged if she is denied the
    benefit of the bargain, and “the award of damages for a
    breach of contract should compensate an injured party
    for losses that necessarily flow from the breach.” Thorp
    Sales Corp. v. Gyuro Grading Co., Inc., 
    111 Wis.2d 431
    , 438
    (Wis. 1983). Here, Matthews’s expected benefit from the
    settlement agreement was to be a more competitive
    candidate when seeking future employment based on a
    good reference from her long-time employer. Schwartz
    testified in his deposition that he took Wisconsin Energy
    off of Matthews’s resume after his conversation with
    English. Given Matthews’s nearly two-decade employ-
    18                                    Nos. 07-1780, 07-2824
    ment there, this gap in her employment history could
    have hurt her prospects of landing a future job through
    the social-security program. If Schwartz’s version is
    believed, a jury could conclude that Matthews was
    denied the benefit of this contract when Schwartz so
    edited her resume, which in turn followed from the
    conversation between Schwartz and English. This is not
    to say that a jury must believe Schwartz’s version of
    things. But if the jury does, it could find for Matthews.
    Accordingly, granting Wisconsin Energy’s summary
    judgment motion on this claim was error.
    B. Retaliation
    Matthews also appeals the district court’s rejection of
    her retaliation claim. Below and here on appeal, she claims
    that the substance of Wisconsin Energy’s responses to
    reference requests was meant as retaliation for her prior
    EEOC complaints and discrimination lawsuit. The district
    court granted Wisconsin Energy’s motion for summary
    judgment, reasoning that Matthews had failed to show
    retaliation. We agree.
    Title VII prohibits an employer from retaliating against
    its employees for “oppos[ing]” discrimination, 42 U.S.C.
    § 2000e-3(a), and this ban extends to acts of retaliation
    against former employees, Robinson v. Shell Oil Co., 
    519 U.S. 337
    , 346 (1997). The logic is that an employee would
    be less likely to engage in statutorily protected activ-
    ity—like suing for discrimination—if the employer
    could exact some sort of revenge outside of the work-
    place or when the employee changed jobs. 
    Id. at 346
    Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Ry. v. White, 
    548 U.S. 53
    , 63-
    64 (2006). Title VII eliminates these disincentives by
    Nos. 07-1780, 07-2824                                         19
    giving former employees a cause of action when they’ve
    suffered a retaliatory adverse employment action. A
    plaintiff can prove retaliation directly by showing that
    her (1) statutorily protected activity (2) caused (3) an
    “adverse employment action.” Metzger v. Illinois State
    519 F.3d 677
    , 681 (7th Cir. 2008). Or a plaintiff
    can prove retaliation indirectly by first showing that
    (1) she engaged in statutorily protected activity and
    (2) suffered an adverse employment action (3) even though
    she performed her job satisfactorily (4) when others
    who were similarly situated did not receive the same
    treatment. Id.; Stone v. City of Indianapolis, 
    281 F.3d 748
    , 754-
    55 (7th Cir. 2003). After this preliminary showing, the
    burden of production shifts to the defendant to articulate
    a legitimate rationale for its “adverse employment action,”
    after which the plaintiff must prove that this reason is
    An “adverse employment action” is an employment
    action that is likely to “dissuade a reasonable worker
    from making or supporting a charge of discrimination.”
    Burlington Northern, 
    548 U.S. at 68
    . In the context of nega-
    tive employment references, we have defined this to
    mean “the dissemination of false reference information
    that a prospective employer would view as material to its
    hiring decision.” Szymanski v. County of Cook, 
    468 F.3d 1027
    , 1029 (7th Cir. 2006). In Szymanski, the plaintiff alleged
    that her former employer, Cook County Hospital, black-
    balled her following her termination. Szymanski had
    successfully challenged her termination as retaliation for
    a previous discrimination lawsuit, although the court did
    not order reinstatement. In the course of applying for
    new jobs elsewhere, she came to suspect that the hospital
    was giving her negative references and once again filed
    20                                   Nos. 07-1780, 07-2824
    suit against the hospital. The district court granted sum-
    mary judgment for the hospital, and she appealed. After
    defining an “adverse employment action” as being the
    “dissemination of false reference information,” we af-
    firmed. We reasoned that Szymanski had failed to prove
    that the hospital ever gave her a negative reference. The
    vast majority of the information concerning Szymanski’s
    employment was objectively truthful. And those state-
    ments that bordered on the subjective were not negative
    to the point that they constituted an “adverse” action. 
    Id. at 1030-32
    Here, a number of Matthews’s purported acts of retalia-
    tion similarly fail because they were not “adverse.”
    With respect to the statements made to FMS, Wisconsin
    Energy did not provide any false information. Her last
    position was a “credit specialist.” And even if the com-
    pany initially denied the fact of Matthews’s employ-
    ment, it corrected its mistake, meaning that FMS would
    not have left with any false impression regarding
    Matthews’s previous employment. As for Midwest, for
    the reasons stated above, there is no admissible evidence
    that Midwest ever talked with Wisconsin Energy re-
    garding Matthews’s employment. So this theory falls
    short as well.
    Matthews also fails to prove that the substance of Eng-
    lish’s conversation with Schwartz was retaliatory. In the
    first place, her prior litigation history was objectively
    true, so English’s disclosure of this fact was not adverse.
    In addition, she has not shown that English’s questions
    regarding her social-security benefits constituted a nega-
    tive employment reference. Schwartz left the conversa-
    tion with the impression that English thought Matthews
    was gaming the system. But English never explicitly
    Nos. 07-1780, 07-2824                                    21
    made this claim. Her questions regarding social security
    arose based on Schwartz’s job, which is to place workers
    receiving social security with employers. Nor did English
    ever link this “suspicion”—such as it was—to Matthews’s
    previous performance at Wisconsin Energy or to other
    incidents of her employment. Notably, after the conversa-
    tion between English and Schwartz, Wisconsin Energy
    sent along a reference that complied with its policies
    and that was objectively neutral.
    Schwartz’s impression after responding to English’s
    questions about his relationship to Matthews is too unde-
    fined to have “dissuaded a reasonable worker from
    making or supporting a charge of discrimination.”
    Burlington Northern, 
    548 U.S. at 68
    . And in context, Eng-
    lish’s questions followed naturally from the details sur-
    rounding Schwartz’s request. If there was a basis for
    Schwartz’s impression, Matthews’s conveying such a
    suspicion may have been uncalled for. But such an inter-
    personal slight does not constitute an adverse employ-
    ment action in the context of this conversation. 
    showing an “adverse employment action” is a necessary
    condition under either the direct or indirect methods
    and Matthews has failed to show one, her claims here
    must fail.
    III. Conclusion
    For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM the district court’s
    grant of summary judgment as to Matthews’s retaliation
    claim and her breach-of-contract claims predicated on
    employment references given to Midwest Airlines and
    FMS. We REVERSE the district court’s grant of summary
    judgment for Matthews’s breach-of-contract claim based
    22                                  Nos. 07-1780, 07-2824
    on English’s conversation with Schwartz, REMAND for
    further proceedings consistent with this opinion, and
    VACATE the district court’s award of attorney fees to
    Wisconsin Energy.