Phelan, Laura v. Village Lyons IL ( 2008 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 07-2224
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 04 C 8327—George M. Marovich, Judge.
    A RGUED JANUARY 7, 2008—D ECIDED JUNE 27, 2008
    Before P OSNER, R OVNER, and W OOD , Circuit Judges.
    R OVNER, Circuit Judge. As she was driving through the
    Village of Lyons en route to the North Riverside Mall,
    Laura Phelan was pulled over and arrested. Officer
    Damien Dyas executed the traffic stop based on his belief
    that Phelan was driving a stolen vehicle. His belief turned
    out to be mistaken, and Phelan was released shortly
    2                                                No. 07-2224
    thereafter. She sued the Village of Lyons 1 and Officer Dyas
    under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, alleging violations of her rights
    under the Fourth Amendment. On the parties’ cross-
    motions for summary judgement, the district court
    granted Officer Dyas’s motion for summary judgment on
    qualified immunity grounds. Phelan appeals, and for the
    reasons explained in this opinion, we reverse the grant
    of summary judgment to Officer Dyas and remand for
    further proceedings.
    Shortly after 5:30 p.m. on October 14, 2004, Village of
    Lyons police officer Damien Dyas was nearing the end of
    his 12-hour shift. He decided to run a random license
    check on the white Cadillac sedan driving in front of him.
    Laura Phelan was driving the car, which bore the license
    plate number 1020. After entering the plate number into
    a computer in his squad car, Officer Dyas received what
    is referred to as a LEADS report on the computer screen
    in his car.
    The first screen of the LEADS report contained, among
    other things, the date and time of Officer Dyas’s query, the
    status of the vehicle registered to the plate in question
    (either “valid,” “stolen,” or “suspended”), and a descrip-
    tion of a vehicle. As relevant here, the second line re-
    layed that the vehicle registered to plate 1020 was “stolen.”
    In her amended complaint Phelan conceded that she had no
    federal claims against the municipality. Because the district
    court dismissed the state-law claims against the Village (a
    ruling she does not appeal), we do not discuss any of Phelan’s
    claims against the Village of Lyons.
    No. 07-2224                                                     3
    The third line contained the description for the “stolen”
    vehicle: a black 2002 Honda motorcycle (relayed on the
    LEADS screen in acronyms as “DOT/081504 VCO/BLK
    VYR/02 VMA/HD VMO/CYL VST/MC”). Unfortunately,
    Officer Dyas did not see this description of the stolen
    vehicle. Instead, he read only as far as the second line
    stating that plate 1020 belonged to a stolen vehicle. He
    thus had no occasion to confront the obvious discrepancy
    between the vehicle description (black Honda motor-
    cycle) and the vehicle in front of him (white Cadillac). As
    the parties explained at oral argument, this discrepancy
    arose on account of the confusing Illinois licensing
    system for automobiles and motorcycles: the license
    plates for both vehicles may have the same number, and
    are distinguishable by virtue of the fact that motorcycle
    plates are smaller in size than car plates 2 , a fact any
    trained law enforcement officer would know.
    After reading lines one and two of the LEADS report,
    Officer Dyas contacted the dispatcher and reported that he
    was following a possible stolen motor vehicle. In response
    to Officer Dyas’s query, the dispatcher confirmed that
    license plate 1020 belonged to a stolen vehicle, and Officer
    Dyas’s location was relayed to assisting officers who
    arrived at the scene shortly. In the interim, Officer Dyas
    The Illinois Secretary of State’s website identifies one excep-
    tion to this rule: special “ham radio operator” plates are avail-
    able only as a larger “passenger sized plate,” even when used
    on a motorcycle. See
    departments/vehicles/license_plate_guide/ (follow “Standard
    License Plates” hyperlink; then follow “Amateur Radio”
    4                                                  No. 07-2224
    continued to follow Phelan’s Cadillac 3 until she stopped at
    a railroad crossing. At that point Officer Dyas and the
    arriving back-up officers conducted a “felony-traffic stop.”
    After activating his emergency lights and signaling Phelan
    to pull over, Officer Dyas instructed Phelan to turn off her
    vehicle and throw her car keys out of the window. She was
    then told to exit her vehicle and walk backwards until
    officers were able to place her in handcuffs and secure her
    in the squad car. After Officer Dyas searched Phelan’s car,
    he learned through dispatch the information that the third
    line of the LEADS report had disclosed: that the stolen
    vehicle was in fact a black Honda motorcycle. He then
    allowed Phelan to exit the squad car, removed the hand-
    cuffs, and released her.
    As relevant here, Phelan sued Officer Dyas in his individ-
    ual capacity, alleging that the stop violated her Fourth
    Amendment Rights. The district court granted Officer
    Dyas’s motion for summary judgment after concluding that
    he was entitled to qualified immunity for the stop because
    he had a reasonable basis to believe that Phelan was
    driving a stolen vehicle.
    On appeal, Phelan maintains that Officer Dyas was not
    entitled to qualified immunity for the felony traffic stop.
    Officer Dyas maintained in the district court that Phelan then
    engaged in what he characterized as evasive driving: swerving
    into the right-hand lane reserved for vehicles making a
    right turn and then traveling through the intersection with-
    out turning right. Phelan denied doing either of these things,
    and for purposes of summary judgment we credit her version
    of events.
    No. 07-2224                                                   5
    We review the district court’s decision de novo, asking
    whether, viewing the facts in the light most favorable to
    Phelan, Officer Dyas is nonetheless entitled to qualified
    immunity as a matter of law. Boyd v. Owen, 
    481 F.3d 520
    522 (7th Cir. 2007). Qualified immunity protects public
    officials in those situations where the law is not suf-
    ficiently clear for a reasonable official to have known
    that his actions were illegal. See Saucier v. Katz, 
    533 U.S. 194
    , 202 (2001); Holmes v. Village of Hoffman Estate, 
    511 F.3d 673
    , 687 (7th Cir. 2007). Saucier lays out a two-part
    test for qualified immunity. First, we consider whether,
    taken in the light most favorable to Phelan, the facts al-
    leged amount to a constitutional violation. 
    Saucier, 533 U.S. at 201
    Boyd, 481 F.3d at 524
    (reiterating Saucier’s
    command to first determine whether plaintiff has alleged
    a constitutional violation). Second, we ask whether the
    right was clearly established at the time of the alleged
    Saucier, 533 U.S. at 201
    Boyd, 481 F.3d at 526
    . The
    “rigid” order of the Saucier test has been repeatedly
    criticized, see, e.g., Scott v. Harris, 
    127 S. Ct. 1769
    , 1780-81
    (2007) (Breyer, J., concurring), and the Supreme Court
    recently granted certiorari to consider whether Saucier
    should be overruled. Pearson v. Callahan, 
    128 S. Ct. 1702
    (Mar. 24, 2008) (directing parties to brief and argue
    “Whether the Court’s decision in Saucier v. Katz, 
    533 U.S. 194
    (2001) should be overruled?”). Meanwhile, we ad-
    here to Saucier’s sequential approach.
    As for the first prong, we conclude that the facts as
    alleged by Phelan establish a constitutional violation by
    Officer Dyas. A traffic stop and accompanying detention
    constitute a seizure under the Fourth Amendment, which
    protects “the right of the people to be secure in their
    persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable
    6                                                 No. 07-2224
    searches and seizures.” Thus, an automobile stop violates
    the Constitution if it is “unreasonable” under the circum-
    stances. See Whren v. United States, 
    517 U.S. 806
    , 809-10
    (1996). A stop is reasonable if the officer has “probable
    cause to believe that a traffic violation has occurred.” 
    Id. at 810.
    The question here then is whether the LEADS re-
    port gave Officer Dyas such probable cause.
    Under the circumstances, it did not. Although the first
    two lines of the LEADS report standing alone might
    have provided a basis for the stop, we cannot ignore the
    information contained in the third line, which appeared
    on the initial screen returned in response to Officer Dyas’s
    query. In that line, the stolen vehicle is described as a
    black Honda motorcycle. If Officer Dyas had read this
    line, he would have realized, at the very least, that further
    investigation was warranted before initiating a felony
    traffic stop. Indeed, if Officer Dyas had read the third
    line of the LEADS printout and nonetheless concluded
    further investigation or a brief investigatory stop was
    warranted on the basis of the confusing Illinois license
    plate system, we might have a different case. Cf. United
    States v. Cashman, 
    216 F.3d 582
    , 587 (7th Cir. 2000) (“[T]he
    Fourth Amendment requires only a reasonable assessment
    of the facts, not a perfectly accurate one.”). Here though,
    Phelan has established that there was in fact no basis for
    her detention, and Officer Dyas has responded with an
    admission that he failed to read the information in front
    of him that would have alerted him to that fact. Because
    Phelan’s Cadillac was not in fact stolen, and Officer Dyas
    would have known that had he read line three of the
    LEADS report he requested, there was no probable cause
    and the felony traffic stop was unreasonable under the
    circumstances. See Jones v. Wilhelm, 
    425 F.3d 455
    , 461 (7th
    No. 07-2224                                                   7
    Cir. 2005) (“In determining whether a defendant’s al-
    leged actions violated a clearly established right, courts
    may properly take into account any information the
    defendant ought reasonably to have obtained.”).
    Having concluded that Officer Dyas’s decision to stop
    Phelan and handcuff her violated her Fourth Amendment
    right to be free from unreasonable seizures, we next
    consider whether that right was clearly established at the
    time of the stop. See, e.g., 
    Saucier, 533 U.S. at 200
    ; Jewett v.
    521 F.3d 818
    , 823 (7th Cir. 2008). Undoubtedly the
    Fourth Amendment’s general proscription against unrea-
    sonable seizures was clearly established at the time Officer
    Dyas stopped Phelan. Our inquiry, however, is whether
    the application of that right to this particular set of cir-
    cumstances is clear enough that a “’reasonable official
    would understand that what he is doing violates that
    Saucier, 533 U.S. at 202
    (quoting Anderson v. Creigh-
    483 U.S. 635
    , 640 (1987)).
    Instead of focusing on the contours of the right to be free
    from unreasonable seizures itself, Officer Dyas argues
    that his behavior under the circumstances was reason-
    able. Phelan construes this argument as an attempt by
    Officer Dyas to append a “third prong” to the qualified
    immunity inquiry: namely, whether the officer’s actions
    were reasonable even if they violated clearly established
    law. As Phelan points out, we rejected this precise line of
    argument in Jones. Jones dealt with an officer who mis-
    takenly entered the wrong apartment when executing a
    search warrant. 
    Jones, 425 F.3d at 459-60
    . The officer in
    Jones urged the panel to assess whether his actions were
    reasonable under the circumstances, notwithstanding any
    violation of clearly established law. 
    Id. at 460.
    tively, he suggested that in making the inquiry into
    8                                              No. 07-2224
    whether it would have been clear to a reasonable officer
    that his actions violated the constitution, the court
    impute to the hypothetical reasonable officer only the
    information the defendant had at the time, “and not the
    knowledge he ought reasonably to have amassed during
    the execution of the warrant.” 
    Id. at 461.
    We rejected both
    arguments, noting that, “[i]t goes without saying that the
    reasonableness of an official’s actions is not a factor in
    determining whether the facts as alleged constitute a
    violation of constitutional rights.” 
    Id. That said,
    Officer Dyas correctly notes that we may
    still take into account an officer’s reasonable, but mis-
    taken beliefs as to the facts establishing the existence of
    probable cause. See 
    Saucier, 533 U.S. at 206
    . Officer Dyas
    essentially argues that based on the information he re-
    ceived, it was reasonable for him to mistakenly believe
    that Phelan’s automobile was the stolen vehicle described
    in the LEADS report and thus that he had probable
    cause for the stop. But we have already concluded that
    Officer Dyas’s mistake was not a reasonable one. The
    third line of the LEADS report appeared on the same
    screen as the second line. Officer Dyas need not have
    expended more than an additional instant of attention to
    see the vehicle description on line three. Given the cir-
    cumstances under which he was following Phelan, that
    additional instant would not have been hard to come by.
    The justifications Officer Dyas advances for failing to
    read line three of the LEADS report do not change our
    assessment. First, he suggests that because he was pur-
    suing a possible stolen vehicle, he had neither the luxury
    nor the time of an officer sitting at a desk perusing a
    computer screen or informational printout. Although
    Officer Dyas was in the field following Phelan’s car, it
    No. 07-2224                                                9
    was hardly a hot pursuit situation. Officer Dyas’s deci-
    sion to run Phelan’s plates was not prompted by any
    suspicious behavior on Phelan’s part, and it is undisputed
    that he had time to take a number of steps after receiving
    the response to his initial query. He called his dispatcher
    to verify the stolen vehicle; he continued following
    Phelan; and he awaited the arrival of back-up officers.
    Ultimately, he executed the stop only after Phelan had
    already come to a stop on account of a railroad crossing
    ahead. And at this stage of the proceedings, we credit
    Phelan’s assertion that she did nothing unusual or evasive
    while Officer Dyas followed her. There is nothing in the
    sequence of events surrounding Officer Dyas’s stop of
    Phelan to suggest that although he had time to read lines
    one and two of the LEADS report, it would have been
    impractical or otherwise difficult to read line three. This
    is so particularly since line three contains the crucial
    descriptive information about the “stolen” vehicle. More-
    over, that the stop occurred during what Officer Dyas
    characterizes as an “extremely busy” time of day only
    reinforces our view that a reasonable officer would have
    read the third line: traffic was moving slowly and there
    is no evidence that Phelan could have made a quick escape.
    Officer Dyas also claims that it was reasonable for him
    to rely on the dispatcher’s response to his query about
    license plate 1020. After he received the LEADS report,
    Officer Dyas contacted the dispatcher and reported that
    he was following a possible stolen motor vehicle. Officer
    Dyas testified in his deposition that the dispatcher veri-
    fied that “license plate 1020 came back to a stolen vehicle.”
    But Officer Dyas’s reliance on the dispatcher is mis-
    placed—far from being either the sole or authoritative
    source on the matter, the dispatcher simply responded to
    Officer Dyas’s query, which was founded on his erroneous
    10                                             No. 07-2224
    belief that the vehicle he was following was stolen. Al-
    though Officer Dyas’s attempt to verify the status of the
    vehicle with the dispatcher certainly reinforces that his
    mistake was an innocent one, it does nothing to further
    his claim that the mistake, innocent as it may have been,
    was reasonable. His failure to review the information in
    front of him in his squad car cannot be excused by the
    dispatcher’s response to his admittedly incomplete query.
    In sum, we cannot conclude that Officer Dyas’s failure
    to read the third line was objectively reasonable under
    the circumstances. We do not hold that a reasonable
    officer who had read the pertinent information in front
    of him could never have concluded that a stop was nec-
    essary. Indeed, if Officer Dyas had read the third line
    and still harbored the belief that a crime had been com-
    mitted or that further investigation was warranted, we
    would have a different set of facts that may or may
    not represent a violation of a clearly established right.
    Here Phelan has advanced evidence that she was neither
    driving a stolen vehicle nor engaging in any traffic viola-
    tion, and Officer Dyas has responded simply by ad-
    mitting that in executing the stop he overlooked a crucial
    piece of information about the vehicle he was stopping.
    On this record, we conclude that Officer Dyas was not
    entitled to summary judgment on the basis of qualified
    For the foregoing reasons, we R EVERSE the decision of
    the district court granting summary judgment to Officer
    Dyas and R EMAND for further proceedings.