Rush University Medical Center v. Michael Leavitt ( 2008 )

  •                              In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 07-3648 & 08-2227
    MICHAEL O. LEAVITT, Secretary of
    Health and Human Services,
    Appeals from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 06 C 1550—Joan B. Gottschall, Judge.
    ARGUED APRIL 16, 2008—DECIDED AUGUST 1, 2008
    Before EASTERBROOK, Chief Judge, and WOOD and
    WILLIAMS, Circuit Judges.
    EASTERBROOK, Chief Judge. Rush University Medical
    Center believes that it has not received all of the Medi-
    care payments to which it is entitled for fiscal year 1991.
    After an unduly prolonged administrative process, the
    Secretary of Health and Human Services resolved numer-
    ous contested issues against the Medical Center. On
    judicial review under 42 U.S.C. §1395oo(f)(1), the district
    2                                     Nos. 07-3648 & 08-2227
    court made a decision mostly favorable to the Secretary’s
    2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 66244
     (N.D. Ill. Sept. 4, 2007).
    Unfortunately, it is impossible to tell from the judg-
    ment who won what. It reads:
    Plaintiff, Rush University Medical Center’s motion
    for summary judgment is granted in part and
    denied in part; the Defendant, Michael Leavitt’s
    motion for summary judgment is granted in part
    and denied in part. Civil case terminated.
    Unless the plaintiff loses outright, a judgment must
    provide the relief to which the winner is entitled. That
    motions have been granted is beside the point. See, e.g.,
    Waypoint Aviation Services Inc. v. Sandel Avionics, Inc., 
    469 F.3d 1071
     (7th Cir. 2006); Foremost Sales Promotions, Inc. v.
    Director, BATF, 
    812 F.2d 1044
     (7th Cir. 1987); Reytblatt v.
    812 F.2d 1042
     (7th Cir. 1987).
    Despite Fed. R. Civ. P. 58(b)(2), which requires district
    judges to review and approve any judgment other than
    one implementing a jury verdict, awarding a sum certain,
    or denying all relief, this judgment was drafted and
    entered by a deputy clerk. For more than 20 years this
    court has been urging the district judges of this circuit to
    enter proper judgments. Otis v. Chicago, 
    29 F.3d 1159
    Cir. 1994) (en banc), and Bethune Plaza, Inc. v. Lumpkin, 
    863 F.2d 525
     (7th Cir. 1988), are two examples among many.
    See also, e.g., Properties Unlimited, Inc. v. Cendant Mobility
    384 F.3d 917
     (7th Cir. 2004); Buck v. U.S. Digital
    Communications, Inc., 
    141 F.3d 710
     (7th Cir. 1998).
    Some district judges turn each decision over to a
    deputy clerk, who either fails to enter a judgment (many
    a case peters out with a “minute order” but nothing
    Nos. 07-3648 & 08-2227                                      3
    resembling a Rule 58 judgment) or uses the last paragraph
    of the opinion as a template for drafting and entering
    a judgment without judicial input. When the disposition
    is simple, a clerk’s interpretation is apt to be satisfactory.
    But when the disposition is complex, the clerk (who is
    not a lawyer) is at sea and disinclined to venture an
    independent interpretation. Then we get things like
    this document, which says that the judge has granted one
    or more motions (“in part”!) but does not even try to
    specify what matters: the consequence of the judicial
    ruling. Nothing but review by a judge, as Rule 58(b)(2)
    demands, will yield a satisfactory judgment when the
    outcome is complicated.
    Sometimes it is easy to infer the disposition, and then
    the appeal may proceed despite technical shortcomings.
    See Bankers Trust Co. v. Mallis, 
    435 U.S. 381
     (1978). But
    nothing is particularly easy about this litigation, which
    involves multiple issues. In the course of addressing
    more than a dozen disputes, the district judge con-
    cluded that the controversy could not be resolved fully
    without a remand to the agency. The agency had declined
    to compensate the Medical Center for the costs of resident
    physicians participating in some fellowship programs,
    which the agency thought had not been approved by the
    appropriate bodies. Concerned that some of the programs
    might have been approved, but that the Medical Center
    had been confused by the documentation requirements,
    the court directed the agency to give the Medical Center
    another opportunity to “complete Worksheet D-2” for
    some participants in some of the programs. Which partici-
    pants and programs, and what are the agency’s marching
    orders on remand? The document did not say.
    At this court’s urging, the parties returned to the district
    court and obtained a more informative judgment. A new
    4                                   Nos. 07-3648 & 08-2227
    appeal has been filed. The second judgment, which the
    parties drafted for the district judge’s signature, is itself
    barely adequate. It says that the agency must allow the
    Medical Center to submit documentation for “the costs
    of services furnished by residents in up to thirteen non-
    approved fellowship programs”. More detail would
    have been appropriate, but this vagueness does not make
    the judgment non-final, though it would prevent any
    motion to hold the agency in contempt if it does not
    understand its duties the same way the Medical Center
    The remand creates a second problem with appellate
    jurisdiction. Remand usually signifies that a decision
    is not final. Who wins, and how much, cannot be known
    until activity on remand has been finished. But the Su-
    preme Court has held that a remand to an agency is final
    when the proceedings may end without further litiga-
    tion—for, if the private claimant prevails, the agency
    cannot obtain judicial review of its own decision (even
    when that decision has been compelled by a judicial
    decision with which the agency disagrees). Unless the
    issues can be addressed in court while the agency deals
    with the remand, they might never be open to appellate
    review. That makes the district judge’s decision ef-
    fectively final. See Forney v. Apfel, 
    524 U.S. 266
    Sullivan v. Finkelstein, 
    496 U.S. 617
     (1990). Forney and
    Finkelstein arose from the Social Security program, but in
    Edgewater Foundation v. Thompson, 
    350 F.3d 694
     (7th Cir.
    2003), we concluded that they are equally applicable to
    medical providers’ suits seeking reimbursement under
    the Medicare program. The sort of remand ordered by
    the district judge is one that might well conclude with-
    out a return to court, so the decision is appealable. Al-
    Nos. 07-3648 & 08-2227                                      5
    though a decision that is “final” only because the agency
    may be unable to obtain review after its own action on
    remand might be thought to justify immediate review
    only at the agency’s behest, Forney concluded that any
    decision final from the agency’s perspective also is final
    from the private litigant’s, and that principle controls here.
    The first cluster of appellate issues arises from 42 U.S.C.
    §1395ww(d)(5)(F)(i)(I), which provides that hospitals
    serving a “significantly disproportionate number of low-
    income patients” receive additional Medicare payments.
    The statute and regulations treat persons eligible for
    care under the Medicaid program as “low-income patients”
    for this purpose. At the outset of this “disproportionate
    share” program, it was unclear how persons covered by
    states’ general-assistance programs would be classified.
    Some hospitals (and some of the Medicare program’s fiscal
    intermediaries) equated general-assistance patients to
    Medicaid patients; others did not. A regulation issued in
    December 1999, and effective January 1, 2000, provides
    that general-assistance patients do not count among the
    “low-income patients” for the purpose of this program.
    (We call it a regulation, though it is actually Program
    Memorandum A-99-62. The parties treat this document as
    if it had the status of a regulation; we do likewise with-
    out deciding whether that is correct.)
    Periods before calendar year 2000 are covered by a
    grandfather clause (which the parties call the “Hold
    Harmless Rule”). Hospitals that classified general-assis-
    tance patients with Medicaid patients in cost reports
    filed before October 15, 1999, or took administrative
    appeals based on that theory, are entitled to the benefit of
    classification. Others are not. The manual instructs fiscal
    6                                     Nos. 07-3648 & 08-2227
    Where, for cost reporting periods beginning be-
    fore January 1, 2000, a hospital filed a jurisdiction-
    ally proper appeal to the PRRB [Provider Reim-
    bursement Review Board] on the issue of the
    exclusion of these types of days from the Medicare
    DSH formula on or after October 15, 1999, reopen
    the settled cost report at issue and revise the
    Medicare DSH [“disproportionate share hospital”]
    payment to reflect the inclusion of these types of
    days as Medicaid days, but only if the hospital
    appealed, before October 15, 1999, the denial of
    payment for the days in question in previous cost
    reporting periods . . . . Do not reopen a cost report
    and revise the Medicare DSH payment to reflect
    the inclusion of these types of days as Medicaid
    days if, on or after October 15, 1999, a hospital
    added the issue of the exclusion of these types of
    days to a jurisdictionally proper appeal already
    pending before PRRB on other Medicare DSH
    issues or other unrelated issues. You are to continue
    paying the Medicare DSH adjustment reflecting the
    inclusion of general assistance or other State-only
    health program, charity care, Medicaid DSH,
    and/or waiver or demonstration population days
    for all open cost reports for cost reporting periods
    beginning before January 1, 2000, to any hospital
    that, before October 15, 1999, filed a jurisdictionally
    proper appeal to the PRRB specifically for this
    issue on previously settled cost reports.
    Emphasis in original. The idea is that any hospital that
    added a claim based on general-assistance patients must
    have been trying to take advantage of the grandfather
    treatment, which was first announced on October 15, 1999.
    Nos. 07-3648 & 08-2227                                     7
    Only claims that predate the announcement of grandfather-
    clause treatment are allowed. On that date the Medical
    Center’s appeal concerning its 1991 cost report was
    before the Provider Reimbursement Review Board (a
    component of the Department of Health and Human
    Services that reviews fiscal intermediaries’ decisions). The
    Board, and later the Secretary, concluded that the
    Medical Center’s papers on file on October 15, 1999, did not
    propose to treat general-assistance patients as
    Medicaid patients for the 1991 fiscal year, so the Medical
    Center could not take advantage of the grandfather
    clause. The district court held that the Secretary’s deci-
    sion is supported by substantial evidence.
    The Medical Center equated general-assistance to
    Medicaid patients in its cost reports for 1989 and 1990
    and received grandfather-clause treatment for those
    years. The current dispute concerns the cost report for 1991.
    The Medical Center did not treat general-assistance days
    the same as Medicaid days in that year’s report or propose
    this treatment at any other time before October 15, 1999. In
    arguing that it should nonetheless receive extra compensa-
    tion on account of its general-assistance patients in 1991,
    the Medical Center relies on a position paper filed in April
    1998, challenging the fiscal intermediary’s failure to
    “include all inpatient hospital days as directed by HCFA
    Ruling 97-2”. (HCFA is an acronym for the Health Care
    Financing Administration, which administers the Medicare
    program for the Secretary. In 2001 it was renamed the
    Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.)
    How was the Secretary to see in this language—a blanket
    demand to be paid everything that was due—any glim-
    mer that the Medical Center proposed to equate general-
    assistance and Medicaid patients for the purpose of the
    8                                  Nos. 07-3648 & 08-2227
    disproportionate-share program? The problem is not the
    omission of magic words but the fact that there were
    no synonyms for the right words, or even similes or
    metaphors. Indeed, a demand to be paid whatever is
    due misses the point that general-assistance patients
    differ from Medicaid patients for disproportionate-
    share payments. To receive grandfather treatment, the
    Medical Center had to assert before October 15, 1999, a
    particular approach that was not its due.
    The parties have debated at length the inferences that
    might be drawn from the differences between the cost
    reports for 1989 and 1990 and the report for 1991. The
    exchange does not get us anywhere. The question is not
    what inferences we judges might draw, but whether
    substantial evidence (including the Secretary’s inferences)
    supports the agency’s conclusion that the Medical Center’s
    elliptical “pay what you owe” language does not demon-
    strate a timely equation of general-assistance patients in
    the disproportionate-share claim. The Medical Center
    may be right to say that the Secretary could have ruled
    in its favor by giving the demand a generous reading.
    Agencies are not required to be generous with public
    funds, however—especially when the claim is not sub-
    stantively correct and is supported only by a grandfather
    clause. An agency is entitled to guard against reading
    general language, with the benefit of hindsight, at tax-
    payers’ expense. The Secretary’s approach is supported
    by substantial evidence and not arbitrary or capricious.
    A second group of issues concerns the Medical Center’s
    entitlement to payments that underwrite some of the
    expense of conducting a graduate medical education
    program. Few details of this compensation system, see
    42 U.S.C. §1395ww(a)(4), (d)(5), are material. What do
    Nos. 07-3648 & 08-2227                                      9
    matter are the requirements that interns and residents
    who are not yet licensed by the state be working toward
    certification in certain specialties and be performing
    medical services in the hospital on a census day (for
    this fiscal year, September 4, 1990).
    A hospital can claim reimbursement based on the
    number of interns in a teaching program “approved by
    the Council on Medical Education of the American
    Medical Association” (42 U.S.C. §1395x(b)(6)) and residents
    in an “approved medical residency training program” (42
    U.S.C. §1395ww(h)(2)). The latter phrase means “a resi-
    dency or other postgraduate medical training program
    participation in which may be counted toward certifica-
    tion in a specialty or subspecialty” (§1395ww(h)(5)(A)).
    The Secretary issued a regulation allowing any resident
    training “toward certification in a specialty listed in the
    Directory of Residency Training Programs published by the
    American Medical Association” to be counted, whether
    or not any group had approved the program. 42 C.F.R.
    (1990 ed.) §412.118(f)(1)(B). (This directory is today known
    as the Graduate Medical Education Directory or “Green
    Book”. See 
    42 C.F.R. §412.105
    .) Arguably giving teaching
    hospitals a break beyond the statute’s requirements, the
    regulation allows a resident to be counted even if the
    specialty or subspecialty has not received this formal
    recognition. That is possible when the program has been
    “approved by one of the national organizations listed in
    §405.522(a) of this chapter.” 42 C.F.R. (1990 ed.) §413.86(b).
    During fiscal year 1991 the Medical Center had residents
    in neuroradiology, spine surgery, and forensic psychiatry.
    None of these fields was recognized during fiscal 1991 in
    the Directory of Residency Training Programs as a medical
    specialty or subspecialty. None of the residents’ programs
    10                                  Nos. 07-3648 & 08-2227
    had been approved, before the end of the fiscal year, by
    “one of the national organizations listed in §405.522(a)
    of this chapter.” But the Medical Center says that three
    residents should be counted anyway, because one pro-
    gram was approved only a month after the fiscal year’s
    end, and the others had been approved by organizations
    not on the approved list (and were eventually approved
    by one of the listed organizations). Perhaps the Secretary
    could make exceptions on grounds such as these, but it is
    not arbitrary to enforce the rules as written. Medicare is
    a complex program; it would not be administrable if
    the Secretary had to bend or break rules whenever a
    judge thinks that something outside the rule is “close
    enough” to a rule’s spirit. Arguments of this sort are
    addressed to the Secretary’s discretion, not to a judge’s
    sense of proportionality. Regulations are compromises
    and lack “spirits”—or so the Secretary may conclude
    without acting capriciously.
    That the list of approving organizations had been
    amended “only” nine months before the start of the 1991
    fiscal year does not change the regulation’s effective date.
    Every rule has a beginning, and it is always possible to
    argue that the date should be postponed so that more
    conduct can be covered by older norms. The Administra-
    tive Procedure Act, and not a sense of rough justice,
    specifies how much notice an agency must give before
    changing a rule. The Medical Center does not say that
    this rule was amended with inadequate notice, so the
    Secretary was entitled to enforce it. (That the Secretary
    had authority to adopt this amplifying regulation cannot
    be doubted.)
    Now we come to the census date. The Secretary con-
    cluded that three particular residents, though enrolled in
    Nos. 07-3648 & 08-2227                                         11
    approved programs (or working toward listed specialties),
    were not receiving training in the Hospital on September 4,
    1990. Actually what the Secretary concluded is that the
    Medical Center, which has the burden of both production
    and persuasion, had not demonstrated that these three
    residents were in the appropriate places at the required
    time. The Medical Center says that the Secretary did not
    prove that the residents were not in the Hospital, but that’s
    not the Secretary’s burden. A person claiming entitle-
    ment to a benefit is the one who must prove that claim by
    a preponderance of the evidence. See Director, OWCP v.
    Greenwich Collieries, 
    512 U.S. 267
    The idea behind pinning down what residents were
    doing on a single day is that, with large numbers of
    persons involved, the assignments for any given day will
    closely mirror how many people the hospital assigns to
    particular tasks on average throughout the year—but it is
    much easier to determine where physicians were, and what
    doing, on a single day than on every day of the year.
    Unfortunately, it is not always possible to ascertain loca-
    tions and tasks on even a single day, as this case shows. It
    isn’t enough to be assigned to a hospital, or even in the
    hospital; it is essential to be in an eligible part of a hospital.
    Research areas, outpatient clinics, psychiatry units, and
    rehabilitation units are excluded. 42 C.F.R. (1990 ed.)
    §412.118(f). To know who was where, and when, the
    agency wants to see each hospital’s formal rotation sched-
    ules for the census day.
    The Medical Center did not submit rotation schedules
    for two of the residents in question. It says that these two
    were assigned to maternal/fetal medicine and so necessar-
    ily would have been in eligible areas on September 4, 1990.
    Yet the documentation that the Medical Center sub-
    12                                  Nos. 07-3648 & 08-2227
    mitted did not show that these residents were assigned to
    work at all that day. Where they would have worked, had
    they worked, is beside the point. And the Secretary
    was entitled to doubt the adequacy of the evidence that
    the Medical Center eventually submitted, in the form of a
    letter from an administrator who joined the staff after the
    end of 1990. A belatedly submitted rotation schedule is
    one thing, a letter not based on the writer’s personal
    knowledge quite another. That two residents had a spe-
    cialty of maternal/fetal medicine is not enough to show
    that they were seeing patients rather than doing research
    on a particular day. A court would not have admitted
    this letter into evidence (it was hearsay and not a
    regularly kept business record); the Secretary might
    have relied on it but was not required to.
    The third resident was shown on a rotation schedule as
    present in the hospital on the census day. The Medical
    Center says that this should have been enough. But the
    rotation schedule did not show what part of the hospital
    this resident was supposed to be working in, and as not
    all parts are eligible it did not carry the Medical Center’s
    burden. The agency also suspected that this particular
    resident was actually working at a place other than the
    one on his schedule—a place ineligible for this special
    reimbursement—on September 4, 1990. We need not
    decide whether the suspicion was supported by sub-
    stantial evidence; it is enough to say that the schedule’s
    vagueness about location entitled the Secretary to reject
    the claim.
    Finally, we come to a dispute about the Medical Center’s
    capital costs. The value of the hospital itself goes into the
    compensation formula, as does the cost of interest on debt
    incurred to construct facilities that will be included in the
    Nos. 07-3648 & 08-2227                                    13
    rate base. But the costs of other facilities—for   example,
    hotels in which friends or relatives of patients   may stay
    while visiting—do not go into the rate base,       nor does
    interest paid on debt incurred to finance the      construc-
    tion of such facilities.
    During 1987 the Medical Center developed a hotel, the
    “Inn at University Village”, near the hospital. The Inn
    includes a restaurant and conference facilities as well
    as 114 rooms. Contemporaneously the Medical Center
    issued $10 million in bonds. The bonds are secured by
    the hospital and other medical facilities, not by the Inn,
    and the Medical Center contends that interest on these
    bonds should be treated as part of the cost of operating
    the hospital rather than the cost of building the Inn.
    The Medical Center could not directly charge interest to
    the federal tab even if the debt had been incurred to run the
    hospital. But interest expense can be subtracted from
    investment income. The Inn operated at a loss, but Rush
    University has other producing investments, whose profits
    reduce Medicare reimbursement. The Medical Center
    wants to deduct the interest from these investment profits
    and so increase federal reimbursement. That is proper,
    however, only if the interest relates to the hospital rather
    than the hotel.
    The Secretary concluded that it did not, for three princi-
    pal reasons: The bonds were issued just when funds
    were needed to build the Inn; the capital raised by issuing
    the bonds ($10 million) is roughly equal to the Inn’s
    construction cost ($9.8 million); and the Medical Center’s
    own accountant attributed the interest to the Inn.
    Although the Medical Center responds that this account-
    ing treatment has since been “corrected,” that the bonds’
    14                                   Nos. 07-3648 & 08-2227
    indenture does not mention the Inn, and that the pro-
    ceeds were deposited into the hospital’s general operating
    account, the fact remains that money is fungible. It is six
    of one and half a dozen of the other whether the Med-
    ical Center incurs $10 million in debt to build a hotel, or
    instead incurs $10 million in debt to buy new MRI imagers
    and then uses $10 million out of its freed-up operating
    budget to build the hotel. In either event the $10 million,
    and the interest expense, could have been avoided had
    the hotel not been built. The Medical Center must cover
    the cost one way or the other, so even if a sheaf of resolu-
    tions by the Medical Center’s board says that the money
    “really” will be devoted to diagnostic machines, or new
    carpets, or a renovated operating theater, it cannot be
    arbitrary or capricious for the Secretary to conclude that the
    hotel is the marginal outlay and should bear the interest
    expense. That the Medical Center’s accountants originally
    had the same, sensible, understanding cinches matters.