United States v. Tanner, Arthia L. ( 2008 )

  •                             In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 07-1801, 07-2251, 07-2596
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Indiana, Hammond Division.
    Nos. 2:04 CR 80-05, 80-11, 80-07—Rudy Lozano, Judge.
    A RGUED A UGUST 5, 2008—D ECIDED S EPTEMBER 12, 2008
    Before P OSNER, C OFFEY, and M ANION, Circuit Judges.
    P OSNER, Circuit Judge. The defendants were convicted of
    federal drug and gun crimes, and appeal. Only Foster’s
    appeal need be considered; his codefendants’ appeals are
    frivolous, as pointed out in the Anders briefs filed by
    their lawyers, and are hereby dismissed.
    Foster was given the minimum sentence that Congress
    has directed be imposed on a person who, having a
    2                            Nos. 07-1801, 07-2251, 07-2596
    previous felony drug conviction, distributes crack
    cocaine—20 years. 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    (b)(1)(A). He challenges
    the district judge’s failure to delay the sentencing hearing
    for five months, until the 2007 version of the federal
    sentencing guidelines went into effect. Under the version
    in effect when Foster was sentenced, a previous sentence
    that he had received—a sentence of one year’s probation
    for reckless driving—was counted in his criminal
    history score. U.S.S.G. § 4A1.2(c)(1). Under the same
    provision of the guidelines as revised in 2007, that sen-
    tence, because it did not exceed (rather than being at
    least) one year, would not have counted. Had he been
    sentenced under the later guideline, he would still have
    been subject to the 20-year statutory minimum sentence
    because of his prior drug conviction, but because he
    would have had only one prior conviction in his crim-
    inal history he would have been eligible for “safety valve”
    relief under 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (f). See 
     § 3553(f)(1). The
    safety-valve provision removes the statutory minimum as
    a constraint on the sentencing judge and directs him to
    impose the sentence that the sentencing guidelines pre-
    scribe, which in Foster’s case would be a sentence of
    between 97 and 121 months. See U.S.S.G. §§ 2D1.1(c),
    2D1.1(b)(11), Ch. 5, Pt. A. Under the regime of Booker, the
    judge is to treat the guidelines as only advisory even in a
    safety-valve case. United States v. Quirante, 
    486 F.3d 1273
    1276 (11th Cir. 2007); United States v. Cardenas-Juarez, 
    469 F.3d 1331
    , 1334 (9th Cir. 2006). But he cannot treat as
    advisory the guideline provisions that are preconditions
    for safety-valve relief, namely 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 3553
    (f)(1) and
    (4). United States v. Hernandez-Castro, 
    473 F.3d 1004
    , 1007
    Nos. 07-1801, 07-2251, 07-2596                              3
    (9th Cir. 2007); United States v. McKoy, 
    452 F.3d 234
    , 239 (3d
    Cir. 2006); United States v. Brehm, 
    442 F.3d 1291
    , 1300 (11th
    Cir. 2006) (per curiam). And it is section 3553(f)(1) that
    conditions safety-valve relief on the defendant’s having
    no more than one conviction in his criminal history.
    Foster acknowledges that the decision whether to delay
    a sentencing hearing is discretionary, but points out that a
    discretionary ruling that is infected by material error
    cannot stand. The district judge did commit an error; he
    thought that because of the statutory minimum sentence
    it could make no difference whether the reckless-driving
    conviction was included in Foster’s criminal history
    score; we have just seen that it could make a difference.
    The government makes a number of arguments for
    why we should overlook the judge’s error, but misses the
    main one. The decision to grant or deny a continuance (the
    conventional term for an interim delay in a litigation) is
    a management tool. Morris v. Slappy, 
    461 U.S. 1
    , 11-12
    (1983); United States v. Tingle, 
    183 F.3d 719
    , 723 (7th Cir.
    1999); United States v. Correia, 
    531 F.2d 1095
    , 1098 (1st Cir.
    1976). It can have substantive consequences, as this case
    illustrates: the guidelines (and the Sentencing Reform
    Act itself) direct the judge to calculate the guidelines
    sentence on the basis of the version of the guidelines that
    is in force at sentencing. 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    U.S.S.G. § 1B1.11. The judge can usually give a different
    sentence (though not in this case), but the required starting
    point of his analysis—namely the guidelines range, Gall v.
    United States, 
    128 S.Ct. 586
    , 596 (2007)—is the range calcu-
    lated on the basis of the guidelines in force when sen-
    4                            Nos. 07-1801, 07-2251, 07-2596
    tence was imposed, not an earlier set of guidelines. United
    States v. Wise, 
    515 F.3d 207
    , 220 (3d Cir. 2008); United
    States v. Vicol, 
    514 F.3d 559
    , 561-62 (6th Cir. 2008).
    Sentencing judges can properly grant continuances to
    await clarification of the law, e.g., United States v. Brown,
    No. 00-CR-939, 
    2004 WL 1879949
    , at *1 (N.D. Ill. Aug. 18,
    2004), or, what is analytically similar, if an impending
    change in law would require modification of a judgment
    entered on the basis of the law currently in force. Hallstrom
    v. City of Rockford, 
    157 N.E.2d 23
    , 25 (Ill. 1959); Lanning
    v. Sprague, 
    227 P.2d 347
    , 349 (Idaho 1951); Kemp v. Day &
    Zimmerman, Inc., 
    33 N.W.2d 569
    , 582-85 (Iowa 1948). These
    are examples of continuances designed to promote
    efficient case management. The only case that Foster
    cites for the propriety of a “substantive” continuance,
    United States v. Madrigal, 
    327 F.3d 738
     (8th Cir. 2003), does
    not support his position (the actual holding of Madrigal is
    inconsistent with our decision in United States v. Alvarado,
    326 F.3d 857
    , 862 (7th Cir. 2003), but that is of no
    moment in this case). Madrigal is about the propriety of
    granting a continuance to allow a defendant more time
    to make the proffer required for safety-valve relief (see
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (f)(5)) when his earlier failure to do so
    was excusable. It has nothing to do with a judge’s wanting
    to make a different law apply by postponing sentencing.
    It is improper for a judge to grant (or deny) a continu-
    ance for the very purpose of changing the substantive
    law applicable to the case. We cannot find a reported
    federal appellate decision that addresses the question, but
    an unreported one, United States v. Garcia, No. 92-50675,
    Nos. 07-1801, 07-2251, 07-2596                             5
    1993 WL 263459
     (9th Cir. July 13, 1993) (per curiam), notes
    that “the opportunity for a better sentence under a new
    Amendment to the Guidelines is not a legitimate reason
    to request a continuance.” 
    Id. at *1
    . The court added that
    “granting a continuance on this basis would greatly
    inconvenience a district court’s ability to impose sen-
    tence as defendants would repeatedly seek continuances
    and cause delays upon learning of Amendments to the
    Guidelines that may benefit the defendant but are yet to
    take effect.” 
     And in United States v. Gonzalez-Lerma, 
    71 F.3d 1537
    , 1542 (10th Cir. 1995), overruled on other
    grounds in United States v. Flowers, 
    464 F.3d 1127
    , 1130 n. 1
    (10th Cir. 2006), the court said that “we can foresee defen-
    dant’s theory [that a continuance can be granted in order
    to enable a defendant to take advantage of a foreseeable
    change in the law] creating an ominous situation in which
    every attorney whose client faces sentencing would
    attempt to delay sentencing each time lawmakers debate
    a new statute or amendment. This is an outcome that we
    cannot allow.” See also United States v. Flores-Ochoa, 
    139 F.3d 1022
    , 1024 (5th Cir. 1998).
    Kolman v. Kolman, 
    58 F.R.D. 632
    , 633 (W.D. Pa. 1973), is
    consistent with Garcia, but another district court decision
    is not, though it contains no discussion of the issue. United
    States v. Singh, No. 93-CR-931, 
    1994 WL 510053
    , at *1
    (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 16, 1994), affirmed on unrelated grounds,
    No. 94-1699, 
    1995 WL 595548
     (2d Cir. Sept. 21, 1995). In a
    few cases, a defendant has argued that his lawyer ren-
    dered ineffective assistance by failing to seek a continu-
    ance to await the effective date of a more favorable guide-
    line and the courts of appeals, while not finding ineffec-
    6                             Nos. 07-1801, 07-2251, 07-2596
    tive assistance, did not question (nor, for that matter,
    confirm) the district court’s authority to grant such a
    continuance. United States v. Prince, 
    110 F.3d 921
    , 926 (2d
    Cir. 1997); United States v. Briceno-Rodriguez, 
    47 Fed. Appx. 167
    , 169-70 (3d Cir. 2002); cf. United States v. Ruiz-Gea, 
    340 F.3d 1181
    , 1185 (10th Cir. 2003). In two otherwise similar
    cases, however, United States v. Flores-Ochoa, supra, and
    United States v. Gonzalez-Lerma, 
     the court, as we have
    noted, did question the propriety of such a continuance;
    and in Prince it appears that the district judge thought
    such a continuance improper. 
    110 F.3d at 926
    A sentencing judge cannot rightly say, “I do not like the
    current guidelines, so I am continuing the sentencing
    hearing in the hope and expectation (in this case, the
    certainty) that they will change.” Or: “Ordinarily I
    would grant a continuance, but I won’t do so in this case
    because I prefer the current guidelines to those about to
    take effect.” In cases in which the guidelines are purely
    advisory, the judge can regard or disregard them
    whether or not they are currently in force. That is the
    usual case but not the present one, since unless the sen-
    tencing was delayed the defendant would be ineligible
    for safety-valve relief and would thus be subject to a
    statutory sentence floor. But the point is general: the power
    to grant or deny a continuance is abused when it is exer-
    cised not in order to manage a proceeding efficiently but
    in order to change the substantive principles applicable
    to a case. That would be like the judge’s trying to change
    the effective date of a statute because he liked, or disliked,
    how the statute had changed the existing law.
    Nos. 07-1801, 07-2251, 07-2596                             7
    Furthermore, the Sentencing Commission, not the
    courts, has been given the authority to decide whether to
    make a guidelines change prospective or retroactive. The
    sentencing judge can shorten the prison term to which
    he has sentenced a defendant because the Commission
    reduced the sentencing range after sentence was imposed
    only if the Commission has issued a policy statement
    authorizing such retroactive application of its guidelines
    18 U.S.C. § 3582
    28 U.S.C. § 994
    (a)(2)(C). The
    Commission has not authorized such application with
    respect to the guidelines amendment that Foster wants to
    be sentenced under. U.S.S.G. § 1B.10(c). He wants the
    district judge to countermand the Commission’s choice by
    waiting until a change intended by the Commission to be
    prospective has become retroactive by virtue of the
    passage of time. That would usurp the authority that
    Congress has given the Commission.
    And while a sentencing judge is to use the guidelines in
    force at sentencing, when a case is remanded for
    resentencing he is to use the guidelines that were in
    force at the time of the original sentencing, even if they
    have changed in the meantime, 
    18 U.S.C. § 3742
    (g)(1). This
    is further evidence that judges are not supposed to be
    the ones who decide which guideline amendments apply
    to old cases.
    Procedural and evidentiary rules generally take effect
    when promulgated, with full application to pending as
    well as future cases, sometimes with outcome-determina-
    tive effect. A judge could not properly delay the beginning
    of a trial because he thought a rule about to come into
    8                            Nos. 07-1801, 07-2251, 07-2596
    effect would make it easier (or harder) for the plaintiff to
    prove damages, though he could delay the trial because
    the new rule would shorten the trial. It is especially
    improper for a judge to delay sentencing because he
    wants to give the defendant a lighter (or a heavier) sen-
    tence than the current law permits, for “the court must
    impose sentence without unnecessary delay.” Fed. R. Crim.
    P. 32(b)(1). The judge’s error in thinking that it made
    no difference when Foster was sentenced was therefore
    harmless, because to grant a continuance on the ground
    sought by Foster would have been an abuse of discretion.
    A further wrinkle deserves consideration. A codefendant
    of Foster, though convicted on the same day as he, had as
    a result of obtaining continuances not yet been sen-
    tenced when the new guideline took effect. Had he been
    facing the statutory minimum sentence before then,
    therefore, he would have been eligible for safety-valve
    relief. But there is no indication that he was facing such
    a sentence—in fact it appears that he had no criminal
    record at all, Andy Grimm, “Ex-Boxer Guilty on Drug
    Rap,” Merrillville Post-Tribune, Nov. 7, 2006, p. A1—or
    that if he was facing such a sentence the new guideline
    would help him.
    But imagine a case in which two defendants are identi-
    cally circumstanced, one receives a continuance based
    on proper case-management concerns and as a result will
    be eligible for safety-valve relief when sentenced and the
    other seeks a continuance on the ground that to deny
    him such relief would create an irrational disparity in
    punishment. Our analysis would not bar the sentencing
    Nos. 07-1801, 07-2251, 07-2596                         9
    judge from granting a continuance on this ground. For
    it would be a matter not of the judge’s preferring the
    new guideline to the old one but of his wanting to
    avoid creating an arbitrary punishment differential, and
    that is a proper consideration for a sentencing judge.
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (a)(6). This is not such a case, however,
    so the judgment in Foster’s case is