Vaca-Tellez, Jose M. v. Mukasey, Michael B. , 540 F.3d 665 ( 2008 )

  •                            In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 07-2397
    JOSE M. V ACA-T ELLEZ, also
    known as JOSE V ACA, also
    known as JOSE B ACA,
    M ICHAEL B. M UKASEY, Attorney
    General of the United States,
    Petition for Review of an Order of the
    Board of Immigration Appeals.
    A RGUED A PRIL 4, 2008—D ECIDED S EPTEMBER 2, 2008
    Before P OSNER, K ANNE and R OVNER, Circuit Judges.
    R OVNER, Circuit Judge. Jose Manuel Vaca-Tellez is a
    citizen of Mexico who was admitted to the United States
    as a lawful, permanent resident alien in 1978. In 2002,
    he committed a felony that led to the commencement of
    removal proceedings by U.S. Immigration and Customs
    Enforcement (“ICE”). An Immigration Judge (“IJ”) ordered
    2                                                 No. 07-2397
    that Vaca-Tellez be removed to Mexico, and the Board of
    Immigration Appeals (“BIA”) affirmed that decision. Vaca-
    Tellez petitioned this court for review. Because there
    were no legal errors in the decision, we deny the petition
    for review.
    In July 2002, the State of Illinois charged Vaca-Tellez
    with burglary in violation of 720 ILCS 5/19-1(a). The
    criminal information specified that Vaca-Tellez “committed
    the offense of burglary in that he, without authority,
    knowingly entered into a motor vehicle, to wit: a 1995
    Chevrolet, property of Suzanna Alaniz, with the intent to
    commit the offense of theft, therein, in violation of Chapter
    720, Act 5, Section 19-1(a)[.]” This crime is characterized
    under Illinois law as a Class 2 felony. See 720 ILCS 5/19-
    1(b). For this offense, a sentencing judge may impose,
    alone or in combination, a period of probation, a fine,
    restitution, and a term of imprisonment, among other
    things. 730 ILCS 5/5-5-3(b). Any term of imprisonment
    for a Class 2 felony may not be less than three years nor
    more than seven years. 730 ILCS 5/5-8-1(a)(5). In August
    2002, Vaca-Tellez pled guilty to that charge and was
    sentenced to eighteen months’ probation. 1 Vaca-Tellez’s
    adherence to the conditions of his probation was unfortu-
    Although the Certified Statement of Conviction/Disposition
    from the Circuit Court of Cook County does not specify the
    charge to which Vaca-Tellez pled guilty, the charge of burglary
    detailed in the information was the only pending charge that
    appears on that document.
    No. 07-2397                                                  3
    nately short-lived. On September 16, 2002, a scant six
    weeks after the guilty plea, he was charged with vio-
    lating his probation. A charge of violating probation was
    entered again on November 12, 2002, and a warrant was
    issued for his arrest. A little more than three years passed
    before law enforcement again caught up with Vaca-Tellez.
    On January 31, 2006, Vaca-Tellez pled guilty to the proba-
    tion violation.2 Illinois law provides that, for a violation
    of probation, a court may continue the existing sentence
    or impose any sentence that was available under section
    5/5-5-3(b). 730 ILCS 5/5-6-4(e). The court revoked Vaca-
    Tellez’s probation and sentenced him to a term of three
    years’ imprisonment, the minimum term allowed for the
    crime of burglary.
    Approximately one year later, ICE commenced removal
    proceedings against Vaca-Tellez by filing a Notice to
    Appear (“NTA”) with the Immigration Court. The NTA
    specified that Vaca-Tellez was subject to removal because
    he had been convicted of an aggravated felony as defined
    8 U.S.C. §§ 1101
    (a)(43)(G) and 1101(a)(43)(U). The
    original NTA charged that, on January 31, 2006, Vaca-
    Tellez had been convicted “for the offense of intent to
    commit the offense of theft” in violation of 720 ILCS 5/19-
    The Certified Statement again did not specify the charge, but
    at that point in the proceedings, the probation violation was
    the only charge pending. The court revoked the probation the
    same day the guilty plea was entered, and sentenced Vaca-Tellez
    to three years’ imprisonment, both strong indicators that Vaca-
    Tellez admitted guilt to violating the conditions of probation
    from his sentence for burglary.
    4                                                No. 07-2397
    1(a). With the agreement of the parties, the IJ amended
    the NTA to state that, on August 6, 2002, Vaca-Tellez
    was convicted of the offense of burglary in violation of
    720 ILCS 5/19-1(a). Vaca-Tellez admitted that he had
    been convicted of burglary but denied that he was
    subject to removal as an aggravated felon. The IJ relied on
    this court’s decision in United States v. Martinez-Garcia,
    268 F.3d 460
     (7th Cir. 2001), in holding that a burglary
    with intent to commit theft under the Illinois statute was
    an aggravated felony because it was an “attempted theft
    offense.” The IJ rejected Vaca-Tellez’s contention that
    his conviction did not qualify as a felony because he
    originally was sentenced only to probation. The IJ noted
    that the Illinois statute allowed the state court judge to re-
    sentence the defendant on the original charge for any
    violation of probation, and the state court had done
    so here, imposing a three-year term of imprisonment. The
    BIA dismissed Vaca-Tellez’s subsequent appeal, agreeing
    with the IJ that the Illinois crime of burglary with intent
    to commit theft was an aggravated felony under Martinez-
    Garcia. The BIA also agreed that Vaca-Tellez’s three-year
    sentence for violating his original sentence of probation
    satisfied the statutory requirement for a sentence in
    excess of one year on the original conviction. Vaca-Tellez
    petitions this court for review.
    In his petition, he contends that the IJ incorrectly con-
    strued his conviction for burglary to an automobile as
    an aggravated felony. He argues that the BIA
    No. 07-2397                                               5
    mischaracterized his conviction as one for attempted
    theft. He also asserts that Martinez-Garcia is distinguish-
    able and not determinative of his claim. The govern-
    ment contends that we lack jurisdiction over Vaca-Tellez’s
    petition because 
    8 U.S.C. § 1252
    (a)(2)(C) deprives this
    court of jurisdiction to review petitions filed by aliens
    who are subject to removal as aggravated felons. We
    begin by addressing our jurisdiction to review the claim.
    Our jurisdiction is limited because the “INA, as amended
    by the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Respon-
    sibility Act of 1996, strips the judiciary of authority to
    review any final order of removal against an alien who
    is removable by reason of having committed an ag-
    gravated felony.” Gattem v. Gonzales, 
    412 F.3d 758
    , 762 (7th
    Cir. 2005). See also 
    8 U.S.C. §§ 1252
    1227(a)(2)(A)(iii). The BIA determined that Vaca-Tellez
    committed an aggravated felony but we nonetheless
    retain the authority to determine our jurisdiction. Eke v.
    512 F.3d 372
    , 378 (7th Cir. 2008); Gattem, 
    412 F.3d at 762
    ; Solorzano-Patlan v. INS, 
    207 F.3d 869
    , 872 (7th
    Cir. 2000). Moreover, the REAL ID Act of 2005 amended
    section 1252(a)(2)(C) of the INA to allow this court to
    review constitutional claims or questions of law. See 
    8 U.S.C. § 1252
    (a)(2)(D); Eke, 
    512 F.3d at 378
     (stating the
    REAL ID Act “put an end to any doubt” that we are
    authorized to consider the question whether DHS cor-
    rectly determined that a petitioner’s convictions were
    aggravated felonies for the purposes of the immigration
    laws). Thus, to the extent that the BIA’s holding turned
    on its construction of the immigration statute at issue, it
    presents a question of law that Congress has given us the
    6                                                No. 07-2397
    power to address. Gattem, 
    412 F.3d at 762
    . See also Yang
    v. INS, 
    109 F.3d 1185
    , 1192 (7th Cir. 1997) (“[w]hen judicial
    review depends on a particular fact or legal conclusion,
    then a court may determine whether that condition ex-
    ists.”). We therefore have jurisdiction to determine
    whether, as a matter of law, Vaca-Tellez is removable as
    an aggravated felon, and in particular whether the
    crime for which he was convicted in Illinois qualifies
    him for that status. Eke, 
    512 F.3d at 378
    ; Gattem, 
    412 F.3d at 762
    . See also Moreno-Cebrero v. Gonzales, 
    485 F.3d 395
    , 398
    (7th Cir. 2007) (where a petition from a person ordered
    removed as an aggravated felon presents a straight-for-
    ward question of law, the court has jurisdiction over
    the petition). Our review of the determination that Vaca-
    Tellez committed an aggravated felony is de novo. Eke,
    512 F.3d at 378
    ; Martinez-Garcia, 
    268 F.3d at 464
    Vaca-Tellez first contends that his removal order is not
    supported by clear and convincing evidence that he is
    subject to removal as an aggravated felon as that term
    is defined by 
    8 U.S.C. §§ 1101
    (a)(43)(G) and (U) (here-
    after “Subsection G” and “Subsection U”). Under Subsec-
    tion G, an aggravated felony consists of “a theft offense
    (including receipt of stolen property) or burglary offense
    for which the term of imprisonment [is] at least one
    year.” Subsection U adds that an attempt or conspiracy
    to commit any of the listed offenses, including a theft
    offense, also qualifies as an aggravated felony. The gov-
    ernment sought to remove Vaca-Tellez as an aggravated
    felon on the theory that his conviction for burglary to a
    motor vehicle with intent to commit a theft therein is an
    attempted theft offense for the purposes of immigration
    No. 07-2397                                            7
    law. We have previously defined the term “theft offense”
    for the purposes of the INA as “requiring the taking of
    property (exercise of control over property), without the
    owner’s consent, with the intent to temporarily or perma-
    nently deprive the owner of the rights and benefits of
    ownership.” Martinez-Garcia, 
    268 F.3d at 465
    . See also
    Hernandez-Mancilla v. INS, 
    246 F.3d 1002
    , 1009 (7th Cir.
    2001). Under Illinois law, a person commits theft when
    he knowingly:
    (1) Obtains or exerts unauthorized control over prop-
    erty of the owner; or
    (2) Obtains by deception control over property of the
    owner; or
    (3) Obtains by threat control over property of the
    owner; or
    (4) Obtains control over stolen property knowing the
    property to have been stolen or under such circum-
    stances as would reasonably induce him to believe
    that the property was stolen; or
    (5) Obtains or exerts control over property in the
    custody of any law enforcement agency which is
    explicitly represented to him by any law enforcement
    officer or any individual acting in behalf of a law
    enforcement agency as being stolen, and
    (A) Intends to deprive the owner permanently of
    the use or benefit of the property; or
    (B) Knowingly uses, conceals or abandons the
    property in such manner as to deprive the
    owner permanently of such use or benefit; or
    8                                               No. 07-2397
    (C) Uses, conceals, or abandons the property
    knowing such use, concealment or abandonment
    probably will deprive the owner permanently
    of such use or benefit.
    720 ILCS 5/16-1. The Illinois statute for theft thus employs
    the same two elements we used to define the generic term
    “theft offense” for immigration purposes: exercise of
    control over property without the owner’s consent; and
    the intent to deprive the owner permanently or tempo-
    rarily of the use and enjoyment of that property. Similarly,
    we have defined “attempt” for the purposes of the INA
    as the intent to commit a crime combined with a sub-
    stantial step towards its commission. Martinez-Garcia, 
    268 F.3d at 465-66
    . Using these formulations of “attempt” and
    “theft,” we concluded in Martinez-Garcia that a defendant
    charged under Illinois law with burglary to a motor vehicle
    with intent to commit the offense of theft therein had
    committed the aggravated felony of an attempted theft
    offense for the purposes of 
    8 U.S.C. § 1326
    8 U.S.C. § 1101
    (a)(43) and U.S.S.G. § 2L1.2(b)(1)(A). 
    268 F.3d at 466
    . That is, the entry into the motor vehicle sufficed as
    a “substantial step” toward the commission of the
    intended theft. Martinez-Garcia had been charged
    under the same Illinois statute at issue here, in virtually
    identical language:
    [T]he defendant, without authority, knowingly entered
    a motor vehicle of Silvens Matthews, a 1979 Chevy
    pick-up, with the intent to commit therein a theft.
    268 F.3d at 462
    . Like Vaca-Tellez, he pled guilty and
    initially was sentenced to probation. And like Vaca-Tellez,
    No. 07-2397                                               9
    he violated the terms of his probation and was sentenced
    to three years’ imprisonment when his probation was
    In support of its claim that Vaca-Tellez is an aggravated
    felon, the government submitted a certified copy of the
    information charging Vaca-Tellez with burglary of a motor
    vehicle with the intent to commit the offense of theft
    therein. The government also provided the IJ with a
    “Certified Statement of Conviction/Disposition” (“Certified
    Statement”) from the Clerk of the Court in which Vaca-
    Tellez was convicted. The Certified Statement begins with
    the filing of the information and tracks the matter through
    the dismissal of a post-conviction petition. The entries on
    the Certified Statement are very brief descriptions of what
    happened on any given day in the case. For example, there
    are more than a dozen entries for August 6, 2002, each
    revealing a small piece of the progress of the case, such as
    “defendant in custody,” “public defender appointed,”
    “plea of not guilty,” followed quickly by “plea of guilty,”
    and “finding of guilty.” Given that there was only one
    charge pending at the time Vaca-Tellez pled guilty, this
    evidence (the information and the Certified Statement
    combined) was sufficient as a matter of law for the IJ to
    conclude that Vaca-Tellez had been convicted of burglary
    to a motor vehicle with the intent to commit a theft
    therein. See 8 U.S.C. § 1229a(c)(3)(B) (listing documents or
    records that constitute proof of a criminal conviction).
    Vaca-Tellez complains that without a transcript of the plea
    hearing, we cannot know what conduct the plea involved.
    That argument is a non-starter, however, because the
    documents demonstrated that, at a minimum, Vaca-Tellez
    had committed the conduct charged in the information.
    10                                              No. 07-2397
    Vaca-Tellez next asserts that the BIA did not distinguish
    between the generic definitions of theft and burglary in
    assessing the nature of his conviction. According to Vaca-
    Tellez, the BIA used the words “burglary” and “theft”
    interchangeably, without conducting a categorical analysis
    of Vaca-Tellez’s offense of conviction. Under Illinois law,
    a “person commits burglary when without authority he
    knowingly enters or without authority remains within a
    building, housetrailer, watercraft, aircraft, motor vehicle
    as defined in The Illinois Vehicle Code, railroad car, or
    any part thereof, with intent to commit therein a felony
    or theft.” 720 ILCS 5/19-1(a). We held in Solarzano-Patlan
    that the Illinois crime of burglary to an automobile with
    intent to commit theft therein is not “burglary” in the
    generic sense contemplated by the immigration laws
    because it does not encompass the unlawful entry into, or
    remaining in, a building or structure. Solorzano-Patlan, 
    207 F.3d at 874
    . See also Hernandez-Mancilla, 
    246 F.3d at 1005
    (noting that Solorzano-Patlan held that a conviction under
    720 ILCS 5/19-1 for burglary of a motor vehicle is not a
    “burglary offense” under § 1101(a)(43)(G) and thus
    cannot be an aggravated felony on that basis). We also
    held that burglary to a motor vehicle was not necessarily
    a “crime of violence” under 
    8 U.S.C. §1101
    (a)(43)(F). The
    INA defines a crime of violence, in relevant part, as an
    “offense that is a felony and that, by its nature, involves a
    substantial risk that physical force against the person or
    property of another may be used in the course of commit-
    ting the offense.” Solorzano-Patlan, 
    207 F.3d at 875
    18 U.S.C. § 16
    (b). Because Illinois defined the crime so broadly
    that it encompasses conduct that does not involve a
    No. 07-2397                                               11
    substantial risk of physical force, we remanded so that
    the IJ could review the charging papers to determine
    whether Solorzano-Patlan’s conduct involved a substan-
    tial risk of physical force.
    There is no similar problem here. Contrary to Vaca-
    Tellez’s argument, the BIA did not treat “burglary” and
    “theft” as interchangeable terms but rather relied on our
    decision in Martinez-Garcia to conclude that the Illinois
    crime of burglary to a motor vehicle with intent to
    commit theft therein meets the generic definition of
    attempted theft offense under the INA. Vaca-Tellez
    complains that he was never charged with, or convicted
    of, attempted theft. It is true that Illinois does not label
    the crime Vaca-Tellez committed an “attempted theft” but
    the labels that individual states apply to crimes are irrele-
    vant to our analysis under federal law. See Taylor v. United
    495 U.S. 575
    , 592 (1990) (finding that the term
    “burglary” in the Career Criminal statute “must have
    some uniform definition independent of the labels em-
    ployed by the various States’ criminal codes.”). Our
    concern is not the labels but whether the elements of the
    crime as defined by state law meet the elements of a
    generic definition of an applicable aggravated felony,
    such as a theft offense. Eke, 
    512 F.3d at 378-79
    ; Martinez-
    268 F.3d at 465
     (in determining the meaning of
    “attempt” under Subsection U, we must apply a generic
    definition of attempt that is unconstrained by the titles,
    definitions, or elements assigned to it by the various
    12                                                  No. 07-2397
    States).3 See also Lopez v. Gonzales, 
    127 S.Ct. 625
    , 633 (2006)
    (holding that a state offense constitutes a “felony punish-
    able under the Controlled Substances Act” only if it
    proscribes conduct punishable as a felony under that
    federal law).
    Vaca-Tellez next argues that the BIA misinterpreted
    the meaning of “attempt” as defined in 
    8 U.S.C. § 1101
    (A)(43)(U). He argues that he was not charged with
    attempted burglary. Of course, the BIA did not find that
    he committed attempted burglary. Rather, the BIA deter-
    mined that the Illinois crime of burglary to a motor
    vehicle with intent to commit a theft therein met the
    elements of a generic attempted theft offense. As we
    noted in Martinez-Garcia, we are bound to apply a generic
    definition of that term, unconstrained by the titles, ele-
    ments and definitions applied to it by the various states.
    268 F.3d at 465
    . We adopted the
    Second Circuit’s generic definition of attempt as (1) the
    intent to commit a crime; and (2) a substantial step towards
    its commission. Martinez-Garcia, 
    268 F.3d at 465-66
    ; Sui v.
    250 F.3d 105
    , 115 (2d Cir. 2001). Vaca-Tellez pled
    Vaca-Tellez also asserts that the “intent to commit theft” was
    simply a statement of the intent needed to demonstrate that he
    did not enter the motor vehicle lawfully; the aim of that part of
    the charge, he alleges, is to exclude lawful purposes and meet
    the requirement of the burglary statute that the entry be
    “without authority.” But that analysis would render part of
    the statute meaningless because the law requires both that the
    entry be “without authority” and that it be “with intent to
    commit therein a felony or theft.”
    No. 07-2397                                              13
    guilty to a charge that he knowingly and without
    authority entered into a car with the intent to commit a
    theft in the car. He satisfied the first part of the attempt
    formulation by admitting he intended to commit a crime
    (theft). He met the terms of the second part by conceding
    that he entered into a motor vehicle without authority,
    which we construed in Martinez-Garcia as a substantial
    step towards the commission of theft. 
    268 F.3d at 466
    . The
    only differences between the conviction for Vaca-Tellez
    and the conviction for Martinez-Garcia were the models
    and owners of the Chevys involved. The charges were
    virtually identical. We see no reason to treat the meaning
    of “attempted theft offense” differently in the immigration
    context than in the sentencing context, and we are there-
    fore bound by the holding of Martinez-Garcia. See United
    States v. Matamoros-Modesta, 
    523 F.3d 260
    , 264-65 (4th Cir.
    2008) (finding that the term “aggravated felony” holds
    the same meaning in the criminal sentencing context as it
    does in the immigration setting); United States v. Figueroa-
    494 F.3d 1211
    , 1216 (9th Cir. 2007) (same).
    We have considered Vaca-Tellez’s remaining arguments
    and find that they are without merit. The petition for
    review is therefore
    D ENIED.